I Have 100 Days to Beat ARK Annunaki Genesis Reborn!

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foreign ERS being from the underworld has invaded to take over the planet and it's brought its minions to roam this Ark I have to take down all of the wardens and work my way through the mega bosses and eventually the warships on top of it all I only have 100 days to defeat all of these bosses this is Anunnaki Reborn so starting out on the beach is a viking Bay I saw the first glimpse of age reborn in the distance a desert Titan casually Shinning by the starter Zone despite him being there I was mainly focusing on getting all of the starting Tools in that then I made a prime cloth hat which has zero durability then I suddenly got one time okay yeah it was too clean bro come on that was the first death in the mod why did I die so early like Jesus I tried getting back to my body but he was being quite adamant about leaving me alone then I noticed the desert item was moving my way so I just farmed and crafted new tools instead so that guy I killed my first innocent Shin can for its hiding meat so I could have some KFC later oh I didn't stop there though I had to gather more meat to satisfy my bottle my spit one scrawnish shimkin isn't gonna cut it I then started placing down my newfound structure since I plan on living here for now I then ran up to the lake where you can easily Farm some metal and Crystal but I noticed quite a few red health bars floating around those were roaming bosses God so I got my pick out and I started Gathering some metal and Crystal for now man um I had gathered quite a bit and I was gonna go back to base to melt the raw metal but then I got targeted by the desert Titans lightning attack oh no I have the lightning no wait I'm gonna die I don't think I'm gonna die right then I got my stuff back and I ran back to base to melt down the metal we had a ckf mod installed so I built myself a settlers table since I liked the design of it it's very clean after putting down a few foundations I then put down some forges so I could melt the metal I had to gather a bit of wood for the new base build then I made a few foundations that I've just placed out nothing too fancy nothing too fancy I don't know how to build while I was out I ran into jerboa in the wild that can passively produce all sorts of cable in the soul terminal is my face so Fury not doing enough it took me a while to knock out this year boa though and then I timed up an elite dodo as well since it can produce ancient hide and dodo eggs that I would need for making health potions I eventually knocked out your boa and tamed him I named him Joachim day two I moved up my foundations a bit further up the Spire because I didn't feel quite safe down there then I started working on my new base I ran out of resources quite often so I had to run down to the beach to farm some food only to be hit by a server crash it took quite a while for the service to restart but as soon as I log back in I started hearing some reapers on my Beach I tried getting my kith back but the Reapers didn't want to leave me alone the lead Reaper away somehow oh my God even bathing the reaper away was actually quite difficult God damn it why is she running over here all the time I don't understand it I'm out to stamina after that annoying encounter with the Reapers I started bailing in the base again on day three I went for another Crystal metal run since I got the metal tools so I could gather more on my way back towards base I ran into crystal diamond I wanted to tame so I rushed back to my base to make myself for grappling hooks I wouldn't fall off from the back of it but I didn't have any semantic taste or kite in so that was out of the question I was just gonna Jewel it and I noticed that unfortunately I didn't meet the required level to tame it but he took me on a wild ride either way well I do not feel safe up here I took out a few Turtles for their keratins I would be able to make some cementing paste and get to level 65. and then I saw him he was literally on the beach and I just went for him without the grappling hook imagine if it's gonna stop at 99.9 now oh my God I eventually tamed him up and got my first flyer not really what I expected for the first team though bright and early in the morning I grabbed a bit of paint from a beaver dam then I went for cold swim to pick up a few Celica pearls for electronics later then I tamed up another Elite order before heading home I flew into the ice cave to grab a bit of oil and kill off a couple of penguins for their organic polymer so I can make a soul gun and a teleporter back at base I made the fabricator so I could make some Electronics later I crafted an awesome teleporter as well so getting over to the base wouldn't be too much of a nuisance anymore yeah I then flew over to the highlands to look for any sheep to kill for their map them that would help out taming some of these dinos I could not find any shape at all in the highlands so I met up with the keys instead and I trapped up with her for this run she has been enjoying doing these hundred days challenges a lot I went over to the desert area to look for any sheep to kill and then I found one as the surgery for quite a while then back at base I checked my soul terminal and I noticed that the jerboa had produced quite a bit of cable not bad at all I would say in age reborn we have different kind of tracks we can use at our disposal but I found out that the AJ darts were too expensive to make and they almost did the same as improved Rangers so we just went with those almost the whole journey while I was out flying looking for teams I spotted an obsidian jug bug that I tamed up since these bugs are extremely important for making steel ingots in this mod I'll explain it later when I'm gonna make the ingots in this mod it can apparently spawn bosses from other DLCs I heard Rockwell the wrist Rock will they root the hill oh my God he's literally just in the desert thundered up two more Joe boas to speed up the production for Kibble then a teleported back to the base to make a few oil rigs to passively pump oil from the ground I had gathered all of the necessary resources for a cam bench that will be great to use for making narcotics then a bit later I grabbed a bit of honey from beehives then I got attacked by a rock Drake and I run into kitty cat oh I cannot get away from this because I have it say I got back to my body I retrieved my gear and then I continue grabbing a bit more honey but the rock Drake yes couldn't leave me alone though it just couldn't he got you on day eight I was starting to build the greenhouse because the health potion in this mod requires an astronomically large amount of crops and honey then I ran out of crystal for the greenhouse walls so I went to a cave to grab a bit of decent amount of crystal I then made a few layers for the crop plots to max out the production as much as possible on day 9 akiza felt extremely poopy and was asking me to flush the toilet for her multiple times that's kinda weird right nah I was just kidding we were just doing the toilet trick to get an infinite amount of fertilizer since I had no dung beetles yet for the greenhouse at the start of day 10 I had set up a few beer barrels for the gardener because she wouldn't work if she wouldn't be given any beer at all what then I placed down the drunkard Gardener and I basically let her do her job on day 11 I logged in with virus being inside my small little base huh who put them there a bit later I flew out to the desert to chainsaw a couple of dead crabs for some polymer since I wanted to work on getting an industrial Forge eventually a Utahraptor wanted to come and say hello oh my God while I was out flying around looking for teams I came across a golden dodo so I told the kids to help me tame this one because this is a very important team so I grabbed it with my virus Claws and I brought it back to base to not get out the dodo has killed me through the window like we finally take quite a bit of Tran cameras later okay okay so let me explain real quick what these are for the golden dodos are an extremely important team since they can produce two very important things in the soul terminal it will produce instant health potion 100 and golden treats the treats are the very best thing to use to tame dinos with because they only require one and the Dinos in this mod tend to eat pretty slow there was also a silver dollar in the same area but these are not tameable and you can kill it for silver trees it basically works the same as golden Treats but they aren't as effective on my way back to base I saw his unicorn I kind of wanted to tame up so I jumped off my vibrant only to be eaten by a rats oh no no no no no the Raptor's gonna kill me oh my God then I got back to the unicorn and I gave it a kid ball I didn't stick around since it would probably take a while for it to tame up after I flew around for quite a while I finally stumbled upon my first Alpha Allosaurus the alphalosaurus is a mandatory team to get since they were the only ones who weren't aggressive of the alpha tier I flew around for quite a while until I saw a high level one 420 I found one lurking in the desert storm so I tamed it up with the Silver Tree I got from before otherwise this would have taken me half an hour or more to tame now I would only need a female to start a breeding procedure ah taking a break from the exploring I started upgrading my base a bit now because the settlers could basically Break by one bite from any diner out there I continued building my base even at day 15. I then made the age reborn Forge that can make steel ingots at a very fast rate it has now been two days and the unicorn has lost about 700 food even with our super fast raids so this is basically how it is to tame certain dinos in this mod with normal cable so the traits are basically the most important thing here bruh I went out again and I found the 480 level Allosaurus it was not the greatest but not the worst either so I gave it my heart Retreat and I picked her up I came across a majungasaurus as well that has a horn on his head so I knocked it outside your gifted to Kisa since she likes creatures with horns it's beautiful so at the end of the day I started breeding the aloes so I could have an imprinted baby it was finally time to make the steel ingots so let me quickly explain why these are so important in this mod the steel ingots are the age reborn's own ingots that are needed for almost anything including Saddles Summoners and gear and not only that but a few creatures can passively produce ancient hide chitin and Alpha blood which are a few ingredients needed for crafting age reborn stuff so the golden dodo produces one instant healing Elixir 100 and a golden treat the Easter Bunny ancient palt and ancient polymer Alpha dodo ancient blood Elite Turtle ancient hide Elite sandodo ancient Titan obsidian jugbod yeah and the jerboa all types of cable so that's practically it about this mod at the end of day 16 I had made the saddle for the alphalosaurus and then I took it out for a spin and it did some quite impressive damage on day 17 I went out to look for an alpha terracino so we can get our hands on some rare flowers and fiber but know this Alpha creatures are a passive team and some of them will attack you if you're not wearing something called an Alpha's hat I didn't have one on me at that time but I did a shaky method for it though which kinda worked out I had then finally tamed him up and I saw another golden dodo so I grabbed it and brought it back to base then I finally tamed it up and I put it in a soul terminal so we had double the production of golden treats borb on day 18 I went over to the swamp to grab a bit of fiber flowers and mushrooms for the beehives then I flew over to the carnal cave which is now an AB Zone we had installed aberration map extension to Ragnarok to make it a bit more interesting so I grabbed a bit of metal and gems awesome so thanks to the gems I was able to make myself a glider suit so I didn't have to use the grappling hook again yeah all to my death on day 19 I crafted up some healing elixirs which were tremendously expensive to make then we went out to kill a prime Alpha with our aloes and as soon as I jumped off my aloe it got mind controlled by a knock that resulted in me dying okay and I see the noglin akisa did the very same thing good job and not too far away we actually ran into Prime Alpha indominus okay so to get our own Prime Alpha indom we have to drop itself to below 5 HP then it will drop a fertilized egg we can race this only works on females however nothing so far it was now day 20 and it still didn't drop an egg so we figured it might be glitch but then it dropped an egg when we killed it Captain egg afterwards I took the Ethereal to Farmer quite a bit of air since the health elixirs were just too expensive to make [Music] still after farming all those Bears I couldn't make too many Health elixirs because it required a vast amount of honey as well so I traveled out to tame up some queen bees so they can passively produce Harmony in the soul terminal I believe it's faster in the terminal also I forgot to mention it but in this mod you can evolve dinos into other powerful stages but the requirements are quite big and you need every bit of Apex drops out there to evolve them we then took on our first roaming mini boss we eventually killed it and it gave us the trophy and some element the trophy however is used for evolving your own dinopathicus into an alpha then a bit later I found high level Prime flame in Dom that we could race and eventually evolve into an alpha variant now take it there is a lot of Elemental Barons out there but the flame is the only one who can be evolved into an alpha akisa joined to help me out so I could watch over it to see whenever it would drop in it we took your children [Music] on day 21 I was basically looking over the indom evolution choices I just yeah mind blown so if you wanted to actually progress and kill all of the bosses in this mod it was crucial that we get some prime Alpha T-Rex eggs because these ones can be evolved into a legendary Alpha Rex that is the one and only creature that can stand up against the world boss we tried luring it further down the mountains and dropped the sounds with the blade the explosion ability was extremely dangerous and did huge damage to the aloes we tried waiting patiently until it dropped an egg but a case I got sadly killed by the Rex then I finally saw it it finally pooped out an egg so I killed it and unlocked a bunch of engrams including the age reborn egg replicator so I decided to swim down to the mushroom cave to build small outposts to raise all of the babies because I didn't want to risk of losing them to some wild dinos swooping in for some quick snacks this is also one eight thing with this mod all of the drops in this mod is modified already so they will have custom loot in each Beacon I had then finally moved all of the babies to the new area I then went out to tame a few snails so I could have some cementing paste I knocked out also a zombie poison wyvern and I tamed it up since it would be somewhat of an upgrade from my crystal Viber oh my God I took no damage there on day 23 I was basically just letting the Alice smash so I could have some more backups this is the same with the indominus the next morning I logged into the server and some babies had finally grown up to adults so what we should do for this one is we should go and kill everything for this so we can evolve it because if we can evolve it we can breed it with the female over there like yeah the female over here or we can go and look for an alpha female again on day 25 we were curious if you could evolve an alpha car charge so we worked on knocking it out [Music] oh hopefully that's enough [Music] but that was enough oh geez we finally knocked out the car chart by day 26. it took a really long time to get that one marker Jesus that you can't even evolve it there was also a pretty high level female Alpha Rex in the same volcano so we started dealing damage to her the blade is exceptionally good maybe too good in my opinion oh no no we're stuck here now oh no after lots of bites and bleeding the Rex finally dropped the negative that a snake wanted to join ah the snake is trying to take it so every time you kill an alpha Rex you get an esses from it which is used in the recipe to evolve the Rex and unfortunately it didn't come out as a male Rex which we needed to start breeding these no it's a female on day 27 I picked a fight with an alpha Griffin that can kill you off your mouth that is so dumb I hate this a bit later I wanted to try taking on my first Warden boss with the indominus so sending my minions and they did so much bleed damage cheese I eventually killed it and I unlocked the warden shield engram and got a bunch of loot the warden Trophy and element is for summoning warships so that's super important I took on a prime Alpha ghee as well which was pretty easy with my Raptor minions and then I took out an apex T-Rex also I don't know what kind of tear it is but it was gonna use it go Mommy Nails go well since we already had high level female Alpha Rex I took out the low level one since it was practically useless for breeding damage Gap was pretty huge going from the alfalo and indominus to this and it's also like an explosion attack every time it bites so then I went ahead and took out the Ryan Warden boss those Raptor minions are just too good in this mod King Daddy d-mac was the next Target to take down if you guys didn't quite catch it but all of these wardens gives off warden engrams so you practically have to kill specific ones for each engram he's pretty cool there was a Max Level 750 Alpha indominus so me and akisa started damaging it and like before this one had also an issue dropping an egg and then the Giga came in to join the party killing the indomp but luckily we got an egg oh Mike you can asked it I did no that was the giga the alpha indom came out as a female so that means we can breathe these indoms and make a more powerful baby then I tried taking on an El Diablo but the Raptors didn't do anybody damage to it at all so I didn't bother anymore I went for another Warden instead that could take bleed damage I had killed an apex Corner that had its corpse hanging in the sky I dismounted my indom and didn't realize there was a wild Prime Utahraptor in the group anyways the next Warden was next in line the Raptor minions were annihilating the boss and not too far away I took elf Spike the Warner of the jungle that name reminds me of the land before time I remember oh my God I am just getting used to seeing red messages at this point now I would only have formal wardens to defeat which was a mosa Giga and RJ and a crocodile this and towards the end of the day I was going to attend taking out the prime Alpha Griffin to unlock the engram but that was hit by yet another server crash this is unbelievable well it took me a while to get back in but I went on to kill a few indoms and rexes for the trophies and Apex drops and then I continued killing off a few more here and there gig is an inbox the next day we went for another Prime Alpha T-Rex that we LED down to the beach we got it pretty low and interrupt an egg oh there we go they're saying so I put it in a hatchery to incubate it and I went out to kill a dinopathicus and apparently the Rex can summon the minions so I had to look at the controls for it but it was control Q what a bit later we were finding a Savage T-Rex and the minions of salmon you can apparently ride them I'm a minion now I do so much damage but I die did you see how much damage we eventually killed the Savage Rex and unlock Tech transmitter but we couldn't make it quite yet though since we didn't have the tech rep or a generator for it so the alpha Rex we got from before hatched into a male so now we have a pair of them so we could breed them oh my God yay unfreaking believable it happened again the Jeep early server crashed again so I got so pissed off so I turned off for the day what a complete joke on day 34 I was taking on a kitchen the Supreme tiger he didn't drop anything special at all nothing we've been down to the app area to grab a piece of elements over a metal I honestly don't know why we farmed the Elementor we started taking out a few dinos in the desert area we didn't know at this point but the age reborn take dinos can be harvested for a lot of element that you need to warship Summoners all right real gun helmet and leggings not far away we're running to prom the mega doe Durex which are basically for unlocking engrams into making each warship Summoner now we're pumping up them if you see that it took a while to kill him and he could basically destroy my Alpha Rex if I didn't pay attention to my health we also took out an apex Giga which dropped a crap ton of Pawns and Rockets that akisa loves back at base I then made the age of reborn Tech replicator since we saw that it had the island boss spawners in the mod for unlocking Tech ramps so we decided to work towards that the next day I just casually was swimming in the deep ocean with my Rex killing all of the squids for their tentacles what do you think the squids are thinking when they say like a Rex I also grabbed the artifact too since I was down in the trench oh we're gonna I want to kill a few bacillus too since we needed blubber I spot the spooter swimming in the ocean someone to attack it it wasn't too difficult to kill honestly my case I decided to take me to the Labyrinth since she needed some help getting the artifact for the island Summoners in case I kind of led me here because she knows this dungeon inside out [Music] after we complete Labyrinth I went out again and I saw a tech mosa close to the beach that I took out without any issues it was being barbecued by my Alpha Rex it was finally time for us to fight an El Diablo Giga we could stun him with a rexes which shall bow quite a time every boss seems to do some kind of reflection damage too so the minions kept on dying because of that this is crazy nice that was her first Diablo after that I went into the corner cave to grab the cunning for one of our Summoners [Music] so with that artifact acquired we were able to make the Dragon alpha spawner and then we summoned the dragon in he survived only a sliver of his health left but we killed it and unlocked the replicator but we're still missing out on the generator and such so then I went on to work on getting some spiny sales and dairy claws for the megapithicus boss fight I then made the monkey spawner and I summoned him on the beach we unlocked the generator now so now we will be able to make the tech transformation I used to scan for dinos [Music] oh my God at the end of the day I took out an eight reborn Tech Giga so I could get a tremendous amount of element and black bro hey um okay I think we solved the element problem then I went for one of these SC Tech Rexes which gives about the same amount as a giga when I was hunting for a tech track I spotted a mega gorilla so I switched to attacking him and what do you know he can apparently kill you off the mount like what is this what is with these stupid gorillas in this mod like do they have some kind of thing against me I hate them so much the dog's monkeys have given me PTSD on day 42 I gave up fighting that gorilla and I started extending my base a bit since the tech replicator was kinda huge I had started racing my Alpha Rex Army as well just in case I had to go for the quite the metal run because I was constantly running out of metal fingers the next day I took out my next Warden which was take on the warden of this guy I basically kept him stunned so he wouldn't fly away then I went over to the swamp to take out the Croc Warden afterwards then a mega scooter rudely interrupted us and joined in only for it to die goodbye scooter and then towards the end of the day we started fighting our last warden which was warmah Warden up the depths actually I honestly didn't realize but it took us until the very next morning to kill him of constant left clicking after killing the murmur we went back to the Labyrinth and I got unknowingly killed by the gates [Music] nice I'm back at base I started making some basic Tech Karma since it's used for making The Warden Armor The Warden Armor works exactly like a techcomer but the mobility on it felt hella lot smoother and clean next day I went out to farm a bit of metal again since we ran out of Dingus for making the stealing Goods it was a lot easier to farm now with the Warden Armor I had one of these Prime Tech rifle which shoots like an assault rifle it was amazingly good we then fought the mega gorilla and it was extremely laggy for some reason my 4090 couldn't keep up that is so laggy he basically annihilated my Rex armor so it was only up to us to take him down we did kill him but the only thing we got was a few artifacts on day 4 7 I spent a little while farming metal and crystalline because I was constantly running out of it like usual then I made the word in tecpo which is incredibly strong to knock out dinos with a bit later I teamed up the Easter Bunny which can passively produce some stuff I need I'm back at base I made a boss tribute box which is a special taming food for taming boss dinos there was a Max Level goes though directs in the desert that has started lasting with arrows the warden Tec boat was incredible after a bit of chasing the door directs down on day 48 it finally went out no cold well I didn't trade out the door directs on a warden and it does some good bleed on it which was very good on day 49 there was a rocker boss that had spawned in the desert again that we fought and killed to attack Rockwell dude some noodles attack the horn because they can't even think to damage though they can't reach the heart bro it rewarded us with a few more levels to our characters the next day I found a ghost OD of iron that I started blasting with drank arrows to knock out the tech suit was pretty fast and I could out Romney I'll fly it whatever I eventually knocked it out and then we tamed it [Music] I logged in the next morning to my base being cleaned out akisa had robbed me what the hell is this robbery bro she told me that she was working on a base in secrecy and it was finally done to be viewed so here it is [Music] foreign [Music] picked up my Army of T-Rexes so we had a good supply of them ready on standby a bit later we then took on the Builder y'all uh I might have butchered the name but it's a mega though the Byron boss he gave us access to summoning the warship though to Byron at least the day has shifted and we have started attacking the hagelave the Mega Man core these names are so hard to pronounce but suddenly in the midst of battle epigamastix took my teleporter again I had PTSD from that still it took a really long time to kill it because of its damage reduction but we unlocked the next warship Summoner at least now we only have the dragon left to kill to get all of the warship Summoners unlocked on the very next day we went to take out our last Mega which was aldwin the battle music for these fights were amazing but sadly they might contain copyrighted materials so I couldn't include it we eventually killed the dragon but we didn't unlock any warship Summoners so there was something wrong here but there was a robot dragon nearby so we killed that one instead and we got the worship summary are you serious why did this guy come [Music] but yeah the very next day we were finally ready to take on our first warship boss so I made the spoon to spawner then we summoned it in the desert area and we started blasting it with mechanics Jesus this is quite a light show talk about too many lightning effects which kind of hurt my eyes a lot we killed our very first warship and we got the Celesta spawner and core engram which is for crafting our own warship so from now on we have decided to work towards all of the remaining five warship Summoners but we were lacking out on Warden element and trophies so we spent the next few days killing all of the warden bosses we could possibly find [Music] well there goes to cross on the two trophies and I'm still going kill more foreign Warchief [Music] oh my God look at this whole Army we then killed him and got the sephorus core and spawner to make our own doad of Warship very next day it was time to take out the Perdition demand Decor warship which seems to take a while to kill all of the rexes that we previously used for the dodo Byron fight we then ran into problem with our damage now someone back to base to make the celita dino [Music] I came back and then we started seeing some good damage finally then we finally killed it after a while but we got the face to spawner and core from that I didn't actually notice this but apparently all of the warships had the One-Shot ability that can be used to kill lesser creatures it does over a billion dams was that negative I think I saw a negative number there [Music] she made the dodo Viber and worship and it had a really cool looking model not gonna lie oh my God did you see this we tried taking out of warden with the warships but they did like no damage to him so we didn't know what was going on we decided to take on two Spirits in this one it was relatively easy and for the next few days we just killed a lot of tech diners for elements and black pearls foreign [Music] we had to go and farm wardens again because we're relaxing award and Elemental trophies yet again this is one of the few things I don't really like about this mod but you're gonna reach like a point in this mod where you have to spend hours and hours grinding Warden bosses laughs [Music] then it was finally time to kill the third warship boss nail art I basically kept him stunned so he wouldn't fly away but then again we finally killed him without too many issues that me and the case has split up to go and kill wardens again foreign and we're literally still killing more wardens on this day [Music] it was now day 78 and it was time to fight the monkey warship boss [Music] he did some good damage to us and he killed a case of her scooter oh he killed me but yeah eventually we killed him and we got the engrams the next day it was finally time to fight Robyn the worship though directs [Music] it was extremely strong of a boss and it took us an extremely long time to kill him also [Music] here this is what a light show it's about to understand oh no okay I can see that but we finally killed our last remaining warship and unlocked all of the warship engrams so with us killing all of the warships we unlocked engrams for making our own legendary Alpha Rex but making these quartz and Rex tributes wasn't exactly cheap so we were gonna Farm two of each item so we can get the breeding pair of the legendary Alpha Rexes then for the next few days we went out farming all of the requirements I was farming Tech dinos while akisa did the same we killed a craft ton of rexes for the tributes and the most annoying thing to get was the Rex Trophy and essence [Music] so after spending a few days as killing rexes and Rex's on rexins we finally made the last two legendary tributes with the Rex then I evolved my Rex into legendary [Music] oh my god oh Jesus bright as heck I wasn't scared at all was it geez he was gorgeous oh my God look at the health and the next day akisa made hers so all we had to do now was to let them grow up so we could breathe them again together so for the next couple of days I was basically just preparing all of the rexes to grow up for the last boss fight [Music] I then went out to try the legendary Rex out and it was a massive damage boost [Music] we then discovered we had a special ability that did so much damage it was Unreal this is definitely the one and only for beating the last boss damn oops I then decided to make the last remaining warship bosses to try them out since we were just waiting for the rexes to grow up at this point oh my God look at this boy [Music] God so green foreign [Music] nothing see some kind of milk X so the rexes had grown up so all we had to do and I was level them up and then it was time for the final boss it was then time to fight the last boss of this mod so we lined up all of the dinos we were gonna send in for this fight [Music] you ready yes [Music] we're down we're down to half the bosses [Music] [Music] oh nice oh bokito almost died we finally killed the world boss but it came to my attention that during testing we had been using the wrong Affinity the entire time making this whole mod much more harder for us when we did Kill the Boss we got an artifact pack that gave us all of the artifacts from the game all right so I definitely had a good run on this mod and I hope you my viewers enjoyed watching it one quick rant about the model I do wish there was some kind of actual guide on how to properly set up the server with proper affinities and such because that was almost a disaster to find out on the official Discord a couple of other overhauls have suggested settings for difficult levels and I would like to see that on more mods either way my configs will be available to download all you have to do is join my Discord so if you do enjoy watching my content please consider subscribing and liking the video foreign [Music]
Channel: Paper
Views: 236,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7iBaz9qWoVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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