I Survived 100 Days as an ENGINEER in a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in Minecraft Hardcore | Forge Labs | Suev

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100 days in a zombie apocalypse as an engineer this 100 day hardcore challenge is a combination of custom mod packs based on forge labs zombie apocalypse suvs and mud flaps zombie engineering and of course my own seasons of the apocalypse it's autumn now and this is the final video in the season of apocalypse series after the nuclear winter parasite mutations and all the time in the nuclear wasteland i've learned a lot about some of the most popular crafting mods in minecraft now we're going to use nuclear craft thermal dynamics buildcraft actual editions modular turrets and a ton of other great mods and i'm going to need each and every one of them because every 10 days a stronger bigger and more powerful wave of zombies will attack my compound each siege adds a new world event or ability to the zombies which means i'll need to hurry and keep my base from being overrun in this massive in-depth action-filled conclusion to a year of apocalypse challenges no time to like a subscribe let's get straight to it day one and so we spawn in a chilly fall forest and the madness begins we start by grabbing some crops to go vegan and then punch a sheep to go meet me then we start our journey through the beautiful autumn world i always prefer to build in an open plain biome and if we can manage to find a few buildings up like those we're going to start by moving right in i enter the building the same way i would enter my own house i break the window first i do want to get some wood and i get to show off the dynamic tree mod these trees are harder to cut down but they fall like realistic trees and they give you all the wood in one big pile and as the sun sets on our very first day i'm really liking the view out front but at the same time i see our very first problem we're really going to need some sugarcane for all of our engineering components and sugarcane does not grow in autumn oh boy it's getting late and that means it's time to make our classic hobbit hole i sleep in the dark because i'm not scared but also please don't shut the door and leave the nightlight on so we start our day by grabbing some of these bright bushes if you've been watching any of my seasons of the apocalypse videos then you know what these are but for those who don't they're pam's harvest craft gardens they drop a mix of special crops which grow in specific seasons and since it is autumn we're going to be collecting the crops that grow in autumn then we get to mine our very first special ore which is copper and remember this is copper before 1.17 we start smelting it because i mean that's that's all i got the buildings in the lost cities maps normally have hidden spawners enough and they can be pretty dangerous i almost die on day two and then close the door behind me because that was dumb and now i decide it's time to get some better gear so i head down and i find my very first iron then i find this new ore wonder what it could be maybe it's some nice nuclear fuel maybe it's better than diamond oh and maybe i need an iron pick to mine it but hey since we don't have iron i guess copper pick is good too don't ask me what i'm doing i don't i've never made a copper pick i mean it looks just as good as iron and nope still sucks so i throw my bed down i'm gonna take an angry nap speaking of making me really angry it turns out copper armor sucks even more in fact it's not even better than leather armor i go into the closest building to clear it out and i decided to take my anger out on the zombie but then his friend comes to take his anger out on me he said you play fortnite dude he's not even worth it trust me i'm trying to clear out all the spawners and all the mobs from this building so i can start putting all my industry in here then while i'm cutting down this tree i decide might be time to make it axe so make a copper axe and a copper sword but it turns out these suck just as bad as stone tools this is not a great start for this autumn apocalypse so then i storm back into the building fighting bravely to clear out the spawners and as a reward nothing cool luckily in a different chest i find a domino's pizza it's worth like a hundred food which yeah that makes sense this guy here wants me to share but little does he know i am more than capable of eating an entire pizza by myself i get so close to dying right here i almost pooped my pants then at one heart i see this spider and i do put my pants i try to heal but pam's harvest craft crops only heal half a heart by themselves so i run around that night looking for thanksgiving dinner you guys all know what thanksgiving is right american holiday folks around eating you know like all the good ones are anyway the next day i know i need to get some better food than just raw turkey so i'm gonna try to get some better tools looking for iron i get into this first cave and i do my part stopping the pandemic by killing this wuhan bat and as a reward i do in fact find the iron today is going to be mostly trying to find some more iron then smelt it up and then make better tools so that i can mine better stuff and make better tools so that i can you guys know how minecraft works also i find this ore lithium which is a nuclear craft war for making strong alloys and armors same with this boron here and this lead and well well look at this uranium ore a mad scientist's favorite oar after a bit of the iron is smelted up i can get some better gear for now i'm just gonna go with vanilla iron armor but soon i'll be upgrading big time and then i spy this little scam holding a diamond like a ninja i attack from the rear and then after chasing it down the water i managed to get my very first diamond i head home loaded with ores but running low on food i'm trying to save all of my autumn crops not eat them yet finally we're gonna get started on our engineering part of this engineering zombie apocalypse and craft our first generator for rf which is redstone flux basically it's electricity ta-da the coal generator is done now it's set down and now it's burning a little coal to make a bit of rf it's still better than a decay generator though my work is interrupted by this guy i think he's asking if i have any games on my phone uh no no thank you please go away you smell like crayons and baby powder i decided to go to sleep to stop the spawn of zombies which do burn up in the daylight for right now day six we get back to work and build a manufacturing which is basic but a super important machine in nuclear craft it's made out of vanilla items so it should be one of the first machines that you build after your generators one of the good perks putting your oars into it will allow you to double your ore production yeah pretty nice in fact it's so nice that i'm going to throw together another one right away now that both the manufacturers are running we are going to be a little low on power but we'll definitely be fixing that problem very soon um nuclear reactor for now i'm going to max out this generator and add yup another manufactory so of course i start doubling my gold so we can attract those gold diggers speaking of which we get our very first hoe while the machines are working i find this little patch of dirt in the courtyard of the buildings and i start making our farm this cow is a little bit jealous of my hoe so i give her some love as well then i start to plant my crops okay ready write all this down so we start by planting beets uh and then something called amerio and then blackberries and huckleberries uh okay next up we got kohlrabi and rutabaga whatever that is and then corn and winter squash which that sounds bad uh sweet potato the tea leaves it's a mess okay i admit it happy it's just a total mess of a farm and what's up with these worms why did they animate the worms so well like out of all the items in this block game why do the worms look like they belong in cyberpunk they look more real than most the mobs in this game whoever made this modpack has some weird gross obsession with worms get some help dude we start day seven and we check our manufactories each ore in a manufactory turns into one crushed ore or dust and then you put them into a regular furnace and boom each dust equals an ingot doubling your oars easy but i'm going to be burning through our coal in the generator and in the furnaces so i'm going to make sure that i always grab all the coal i see when you start out pam's harvest craft you should probably just plant all the crops you can find once you figure out the recipes and what ingredients you're going to need then you can pick what you want to grow from there so that is what i'm doing i'm going to spend today just mining any oars i come across and i'll figure out what they do later the main focus though is in fact uranium and redstone got them still in the mines on day eight and i'm going to skip most the mining if that's okay with you guys like you guys play minecraft you know what mining looks like but hey i'll show you guys this our first real diamonds that we mine so you know i am getting some work done finally by day 9 i have a solid start i think i should be able to work on the industry with what i've collected i start to double my iron which i still can't get over how cool that is and my gold which is super important for all the thermal dynamic mod pack items the good news is i do have a great start on the engineering part of this zombie engineering challenge the bad news is well tomorrow we have to deal with the zombie part at the start of day 10 i asked my mom if i can sleep in for just five more minutes but she says no zombies are coming tonight to eat your face and to be fair she's not wrong so our industry is still too young to really get us anything useful for this fight tonight also we really don't have any food yet so i'm gonna need to have a more basic defense for now i head out to break down some of the stone from a nearby city because i don't really have much time to make some stone myself so here's the plan i don't have total control of all of these buildings yet so the safest area is this forward position right here this hides the entrance to my base and my farm i'm gonna build a small wall around this area with enough room to move around and fight the zombies if they do get in i also really like using these slabs for my defenses because the zombies can't move in them but i can attack out of them this area right here will be the primary strong position for my defenses i'm trying to collect whatever crops i can for food i don't have too much help here and it's kind of a bad thing too because now i don't have too much time to prepare anymore the blood moon has started and this means a wave of zombies three times bigger than a normal knight will attack together in multiple waves as a last minute defense i put some slabs down here in the bottom of the hole so that no zombies can spawn down here and come up from underneath me but is it is it obvious i'm kind of panicking here with the placement at first it does seem quiet too quiet sure enough a huge swarm of them comes up to the walls but what's much worse is that some of the zombies are spawning in the buildings behind me and are actually already inside the walls i've learned from the other zombie apocalypse videos i've made that these slits right here are so good they're actually kind of unfair i can keep on attacking packs of zombies without taking any damage at all now this first pack of zombies is gonna be pretty easy to keep under control but soon the zombies will be able to build and break blocks so this defense is it's just gonna be nothing compared to the horde ew you lost something there guys seriously though it took the entire durability of my sword just to get through most of the zombies i go to get my old stone sword when this guy manages to get in somehow then i can see how they're getting in they're spawning up on the roof of the buildings i'm all the way down to using my stone sword but the first blood moon is almost over and then this happens [Applause] a zombie from behind me pushes me into the swarm and i barely make it out it's a really good thing i ended up rushing my armor but it's a bad thing that i don't have any food to heal i'm running around trying to keep ahead of the horde and trying to just forage for whatever i can eat i break down a little entrance into the wall so i can get back into my base but i don't fill the gap in time and the worst case scenario happens i keep trying to put down blocks but the zombies they're just barely keep advancing and i lose control of the base they've now gotten in in mass and with just a stone sword i don't have a chance to fight this and i really don't have a plan on how i'm going to fight back here but then i see it the zombies are burning look at them they're all burning these zombies are still vulnerable to sunlight and they do burn up in the daytime i've saved my defenses may have fallen and they're definitely gonna need some work but i got lucky this night i held out just long enough to make it through the first siege and there are nine more sieges to come it's gonna get so much worse but now it's day 11 and the first thing i want to work on is my food because number one no matter what kind of defense i have i'm gonna need better food and number two is well because i'm a little fatty so i go out and i grab some clay and this is important it's used for a lot of cooking utensils in pam's harvest craft for example you needed to make a pot and bakeware and a saucepan and a skillet which are some of the good ones by day 12 we also get a mortar and pestle which lets us make cornmeal cornmeal plus water makes a tortillas which has muy delicioso speaking of water i decide to make an infinite water source just inside the compound and speaking of muy delicioso i decide to expand the farm pam's harvest craft needs a decent area for farming and also i want to get as much farmland as i possibly can because did i mention i'm a little fatty now i'm going to focus on corn first and foremost so i have more tortillas also we're going to be adding onions because they are super useful by themselves and then also in a ton of recipes oh and of course uh stinky onions for the stinky captain lucky day 13 and while our industry hasn't really grown too much our farm is really starting to take shape now i know this isn't what everyone came to see but i think it's important to show you all just how hard it is to grow crops in autumn this really does add a whole new level of difficulty to the entire challenge but now i can start looking at the industry and yes i know this is what you really came for the next step in working on it is getting the coal turned into pulverized coal which is then turned into graphite this plus lead makes panels that's a basic component in like all nuclear craft machines including the alloy furnace we connect this to the coal generator but the power output now is just too low for all of these machines things are going to take forever at this rate i decided to stop the ore refinement for now so that all the power can go into making steel in the alloy furnace but that's still going to take some time so instead of just waiting around let's go do a bit of mining i decide for convenience i want to make a mine in the very back of my base and to keep zombies from just coming up behind me i add an iron door this was a smart idea going mining with an almost dead pickaxe this was a dumb idea so the mining trip is cut short i see we do have a little bit of steel crafted up so i decided to put that back in the alloy furnace and i add some boron that we smelted up earlier and while that's working and with a full health pick we're gonna go a diggy diggy diggy again a big focus of our industry is redstone but of course i'm not gonna say no to some diamonds ugh even if it's only two we find a boss spawner and i can't manage to break it in time notice these zombies with the glowing eyes important for later day 15 and we mug this little guy we grab an ender pearl which is important they're kind of rare since endermen don't spawn in this world what does spawn in this world is invisible zombies i didn't mean to add this mod pack by the way i had no idea that the cave zombies would be invisible but yes until they hit you or you hit them they're totally invisible and they're just sneaking around down here at all times i'm not a fan back up on the surface we get our very first pharaoh boron out of the alloy furnace and now we can add this to some lithium back in the alloy furnace and by doing that we get one of the most useful items in nuclear craft tough alloy i love this stuff it's the base component in a nuclear reactor but we are going to need to combine it with magnesium diorate whatever that is basically combine magnesium and boron in the alloy furnace but before we do all of that it's time for a little fiesta because it's taco tuesday and we finally get a good decent amount of tortillas and tea we get some of the parts of the reactor working now we just need to get ourselves a little bit of magnesium on day 16 we once again go all the way down to y11 break our pick right away get a little furious and then we have to head right back upstairs we craft an iron pick because i don't want to do that again and you know i better make two so now i go back into the mine but this time i'm angry mining luckily you find some magnesium right away and it's pink oh it's adorable and then we bravely push on deeper and deeper into this bold new underground world okay i'm gonna be honest with you guys i kind of got lost here for like like a whole day kind of embarrassing but i do bravely find my way back out of the mine and i bravely get some magnesium diorite and please don't tell anybody i got lost down there they won't think i'm cool anymore we finally get our fission controller and it's just in time too we only have three more days until the next big siege hits us so we better rush this nuclear reactor oh that's that sentence doesn't sound very smart anyway here we go we need to make a port for our reactor so that we have a spot where we can plug in our machines and then we need to make our casing which is basically the outer hall of the reactor normally i wouldn't be doing all this work at night but i am running out of time and we're inside the compound so it should be okay the first floor of this building is just a little too small for a reactor so i need to do a bit of remodeling break out the second floor and that does take all night but i am going to take a break because i still need to get some more materials for the reactor one of which is class these two guys ask if they can be interns and help me build my nuclear reactor but i tell them you need brains if you want to be a nuclear physicist and they say well that didn't stop you captain and then i get mad and i stab them first part of the reactor is the reactor cell this is what processes the fuel and produces the heat so i head back to the building and i clear out a spot and we get started i set down the casing so this will be the floor of the reactor and if you guys watch my last 100 days in a nuclear wasteland then you'll have already seen this reactor design before it's a classic three by three by three reactor it's the perfect size for this building and for all of our power needs we set down the controller in front where we can add fuel and a port in the back where we can plug in our machines we start with the reactor cells in the four bottom corners and then i take a little tortilla and tea break it's still day 18 so i'm cutting this pretty close and honestly we might not be able to make the total reactor but what we will need to finish is making an isotope separator this machine helps you enrich your nuclear elements so that you can make nuclear fuels out of them i place it on top of the generator and i start to process my uranium day 19 and now i know i'm not i do need to finish but i can get it partially running if i get some lapis coolers there are a ton of different coolers in nuclear craft each of which cools for a different amount and each of which has different rules for how it has to be activated lapis coolers need to touch a reactor cell and a casing so they're going to be working just fine if we put them down here in the bottom of the reactor and now we should be ready what wait what wait why am i taking damage out oh no oh i think i know what the event on d20 is gonna be oh i'm not gonna like this oh i'm not gonna like this [Music] the good news is we have the parts to start the reactor and give us power the bad news is i have to walk outside to get to the reactor and the rain outside is acid rain so i don't really know what to do right now i think the basic wall should work but i don't know if i'll be able to go outside i'm not just gonna sit around and waste time i'm gonna go down and grab some lava but i do need to think of some kind of plan for the defense tonight i see that the rain stopped and there wasn't even a blood moon tonight now that i have some lava i can do some serious crowd control i get all these zombies in one place then drop the heat literally on top of them too easy okay so i guess that was it for a second event just a little bit of rain i mean i should be happy that was barely a big deal at all in fact now i have some time to work on this reactor i had another port and now i can add some transparent casing which i like because it lets us see inside the reactor i get the whole thing set up then i go down to my isotope separator for some fuel we are making leu 235 fuel which is a basic uranium fuel and it's the fuel that this reactor was designed for on day 21 we add it in and sure enough it's powerful and cool and should help us get started with our nuclear powered industry nothing crazy but a decent start and it's definitely better than those coal generators next we need to connect this reactor to all of our machines and to do this we need red stone flux ducts now for this next part this is something i'm extremely excited about right here this is basically the reason i did this 100 day challenge open module turrets a mod that lets you build progressive and customizable auto turrets around your base for now we are gonna start with just the tier one turret let's just test it out so we got ourselves the disposable item turret and our tier one base let's go ah it's raining again and i think i hear oh no thunder that normally means a storm is coming okay let's hurry this up place down the base on the wall and then on top of that we add the turret the ammo for this is super easy it's just cobblestone but it does need rf to power it so we're gonna run some of the flux ducts cables back to the reactor i plug this cable into the reactor port then run them through this wall right here the storm is really starting to pick up out here i hope it doesn't damage the reactor or my crops for that matter storms can wipe out farms like this so i drop whatever i'm doing and i start to pick up as many crops as i can this way if we do lose the farm we can at least rebuild and replant and it looks like i was just in time too cause the storm has hit this is a strong one it pulls me up over the wall and then it slings me outside of my base and listen i can hear it breaking all the glass in my buildings and now i can see it ripping up blocks just on the other side of my base i then get pinned up against the wall here and i'm telling you guys i can barely move as night falls i managed to get back up inside the compound and i am feeling pretty safe right now i'm thinking that the storm is basically passed and i'm gonna be okay and then i see that tonight is the real event and a blood moon starts to rise now the storm has damaged my base the acid ring slowed me down and the zombies might be able to get it i couldn't finish my defense i run out and i try to connect the turret as fast as i can i managed to plug it in just as zombie starts their attack i turn on the reactor i was hoping we'd have a big hyped moment for the maiden voyage of this bad boy but we have no time for that right now okay let's see this industrial behemoth of a weapon in action i might even need to stand back as the true force of destruction unleashes onto the oh huh i see we're dead okay one damage per shot is not exactly a state-of-the-art defense network more like a nerf brand nerf gun well i i guess we're just gonna need to go back to old school tactics the old sword through the wall trick and of course in no time the zombies are getting over the wall and the horde is starting to mass outside so the rain stops and now i can burn more with my lava again it turns out that uh while our defenses still pretty much revolve around lava buckets in the right places i keep reloading this little turret and gosh darn it if he isn't triding his darnest but i mean hey it does say five kills so i guess that's something look this single tier one turret it just isn't going to stop the bloodman hordes with all due seriousness i kind of knew this but i haven't given up hope we can upgrade and add on more turrets and i think this modpack is still going to be pretty useful but in the meantime i'm going to have to resort to fighting hand to hand and trying to get the zombies to fall into my lava traps day 22 and before we go crazy with the turrets we now have some time to work on powering up our industry we're going to lay out a power cable rig and on it we're going to hook up the manufactories and the alloy furnace and the isotope separator we're also going to add a bunch of storage here and i'm going to fully move all of my industrial components up here and i'm going to make this the new reactor room in the compound the turrets may have been a little bit of a letdown but the true power of nuclear craft and thermal dynamics are about to start to shine speaking of thermal dynamics we're gonna start to make our first thermal dynamic machine a furnace what is happening out here another storm backed back three days in a row on i thought i got off easy with the second event turns out this is even worse than a blood moon luckily this storm passes through pretty quickly it honestly wasn't too bad i fight my way and managed to get back down into the base and i keep right on crafting my redstone furnace like i was before i was so rudely interrupted this furnace works like a normal furnace and it can smelt everything that a normal furnace could but it does it at blast furnace speeds and most importantly it doesn't need coals it uses rf so this means we'll no longer be bottlenecked by our supply of coal oh and also it's better for the environment save the whales blah blah blah speaking of environment the environment of my farm has been totally destroyed by all these storms i do finally place down my furnace and i have to admit it was totally worth all the trouble but now i probably should get onto those repairs on the farm this is actually kind of a good thing because it's getting me to sort of clean house in a way i don't need all these random crops just thrown around now i have a better idea of which crops i need and which ones i kind of don't want and also the alloy furnace has thrown together enough tough alloy to make my tough alloy gear gear which is the same protection and durability as diamond gear that night i am loving my redstone furnace so much that i decided to get a second and now our industry is really starting to produce some tangible rewards here which is a good thing however i realize another big problem autumn doesn't have any crops that can help you produce string that's a really bad thing for us this means we can't make water traps which would have been a really good source of food and more importantly slimes so for now i think i'm gonna have to plan my near future on going vegan for a minute and i start that by turning my surplus onions into garden soup it is an easy and cheap and decent food item not exactly the fried fish i was hoping for but oh well i do manage to cheer myself up though by making this mad lad of an item by making one of each tough alloy tool and combining them you get the spaxl hoe a multi-tool with the same stats as all of the diamond tools wrapped into one tool now without switching between tools i can mine stone and shovel gravel it's super nice and honestly just a really good quality of life type of item the one catch is that it doesn't really excel at pvp it attacks the same way an axe does that's not super great for fighting packs of zombies i'd rather have a sword and just swipe through multiple enemies but hey i can't complain so i now spend an entire day just playing with my new toy oh correction i spend two whole days just getting to play with this cool new item so on day 25 we come back to the workshop loaded with tons of ores all ready to be processed in the manufactories then right into the furnaces with no coal used in the process but we will need to keep the machines powered somehow so we throw some more leu uranium fuel now remember this reactor is only one-third of the way done so it's going to be less efficient with the fuel still at this early point our progression we're maxed out for power on day 26 we head back down into the mines with one big goal in mind yes yes yes sure we want to grab a ton of uranium since everything revolves around that but we didn't find any diamonds which is the core item we need in our next project so maybe we can use our uranium to power a machine to help us with that if you watched my last video you know where i'm going with this it's time for a pressurizer a machine that crushes 64 graphite aka coal into one diamond now that our machines don't use any coal we can spare some and make a little diamond it does take us all night but by day 27 we get our first stack of graphite ready to get crushed harder than a watermelon between a tomboy's thunder thighs and with that we now see the path to our next project the quarry the quarry is the highlight of the modpack buildcraft and honestly it's one of the highlights of this 100 day challenge it's a huge complex machine that has a ton of moving parts literally but it can automate your mining for you and if there's one thing that i love to build it's machines that do all the work for me we finally press our 11th diamond and now we can finish the quarry's central component and with that we finally have one of the most advanced machines in modern minecraft but we can't use it just yet sorry guys i didn't mean to tease you there the quarry takes a lot of auxiliary machines to run and we only have two days until the next events so i really need to spend the next couple of days focusing on beefing up our defenses with some more turrets now i know the tier 1 wasn't super impressive but let's try out a tier 2 incendiary turret that's right we're going to mount a flamethrower onto our walls we can easily plug this beauty in and run the cables along the bottom part of the wall now that part right there that's no problem at all the bigger problem is going to be the ammo so you can't just throw some stone into a turret and hope to burn those zombies to a crisp no no you need blazing clay and blazing clay needs blaze powder now we don't have too much time so we need to go down and grab some good old obsidium and i think i want to place the portal in the compound but let's do it behind the reactor room so it's not in the middle of everything i get pretty lucky within the first few minutes in the nether i find a fortress but we're not so lucky on its position it seems pretty hard to get to and i'm gonna need to bridge over this lava to get over there and yes this is still hardcore in the nether over lava so i'm not saying i'm scared but please hold me tight tell me everything's gonna be okay now i would farm up a ton of blaze rods but we only have one day till the next siege and also it's the nether and also it's hardcore and also didn't you hear me guys please hold me i'm scared i grab some glowstone too because i know i'm gonna need that and then i pop back into the over i decide i still have a bit of time so i put the blaze rods into the manufacturing which gives you double the blaze powder as opposed to just breaking them down by hand and now i start to craft up our napalm we load it up into the first turret but just in case this turret underperforms as well i craft up a tough alloy sword just in case this turret turns out to be amazing i also craft up a second incendiary turret i then place that one at the far end of the compound on the outer wall so let's get our very first glimpse of what this turret can really do these zombies are wiped out easily but remember this is just a normal night now we're gonna get to see how these turrets do in a real blood moon okay so all of our faith is now firmly in these flame turrets we're gonna be spending all of our time loading them up with a ton of blaze clay oh but at the same time i should probably try not to starve yeah that seems like a good idea eat food or die kids that's science the funny thing is even though the materials for blaze clay is blaze powder and redstone the component i'm actually missing is just normal clay and now we craft a little bit of leu fuel and a lot a bit of blaze clay and it's just in time too the third siege is about to start so far no storm or radiation so that's good i had some extra slabs to make it easier for me just to walk around and then i hear it one of my turns just went off look at this the first few zombies go down pretty quickly it looks like the turret only does one damage but it sets them on fire which is the real power behind this turret somehow a few zombies are managing to get behind me i'm pretty sure that they're spawning on the roof and that would be okay until i see one of them just walk straight up and over the wall and then another oh this could be bad okay so i go in and check and see how they did that and another zombie gets behind me and it knocks me off the wall luckily if i stay close to my turrets they do so much damage that i actually stand a fighting chance out here the incendiary turrets are aoe they light a whole pack of zombies on fire and damage them all in one shot this is the perfect zombie fighting weapon then i see how they are really gonna go the zombies with glowing eyes can place blocks and soon they mob it they rush over the walls i need to keep moving and buy my turrets as much time as possible to burn down the zombies and to my surprise even though this is a really dangerous ability for the zombies to have the turrets are absolutely wrecking and if they do manage to get close to me i can usually mop up the stragglers pretty easily this is a really dangerous bouncing gun but things are still going in my favor for now soon i reestablish control of the wall and i start breaking down all the bills they've made so they can't just walk right in but then things start to turn i feel like the zombies are starting to regroup and i can't see any of them being shot or set on fire by the turrets they've run out of ammo already and now i'm forced to retreat i need to run down into my base and a shot from the turret manages to light this group on fire which is good but now i'm on fire too i'm trying to hold them back but this is really getting too close i didn't get to seal the entrance in time and i gotta rush out the back door and the zombies claim the inside of my base now i'm vulnerable i don't know if any zombies are gonna spawn behind me and surround me i need to fight back through my base by killing them through the slits then i get back into the safe side of my door but i'm still kind of in danger here i need to head back to the surface and i see another wave moving over the wall i now throw all of the ammo i have into the middle turret and a little bit into the far turret as well and that does it the tide of battle has swung back into my favor the blood moon is almost over and this is their last desperate push they're all on fire and dying left and right as long as i can keep my health up and i keep swinging them back with my sword we should be able to pull through and make it through another crazy event day 31 and what did we learn kids the flame turrets are pretty awesome so make sure they do not run out of ammo in fact i'm actually going to turn off the flame turrets so they don't just waste their expensive ammo unless it's a blood moon knight now that that's over we have a few days to relax let's start getting back to the more fun stuff i'm now making three combustion engines which is a part of buildcraft i need to take a quick trip to the mines to get a little bit of redstone since i use it all up to make the blazing clay but on day 32 i actually take notice that my rad levels are starting to get a bit dangerous you can see that health bar looking thing in the bottom left corner of my hub that shows my radiation exposure and the higher it gets the more negative health effects i'll get and the reason it's getting so high is because of this the nuclear waste produced from my reactor whoa look at that spike that was dangerous uh do not try this at home that's why i made a machine called the fuel reprocessor to deal with the waste but it's only really a temporary fix i'll definitely need to get some better protection for myself really soon the good news is that the waste gets turned into new elements they can be used for new fuels but more importantly they're less radioactive and harmful to me i also decide that i don't want to touch them by accident so i'm going to make a separate chest and put all the radioactive stuff over here another good way to address this problem is to redesign the reactor to be more efficient so that it needs to use less fuel and make less waste i'm going to start by making more lapis coolers and then i'm going to start by making some glowstone coolers i'm also going to add a copper cooler and some tin coolers for some extra safety we just need a little bit more tough aloe oh okay i seem to be getting sucked right out of my base well i guess we're gonna have another stool whoa this is this is a super powerful storm look how fast i'm going i'm dude i'm just getting ripped into the sky ah i'm so high off the ground i'm almost outside of my render distance this might be an f1 tornado i also see some of the zombies up here have uh joined me and uh well there there goes my farm again this is kind of weird i go so high up that it almost becomes like silent up here it's almost like i'm just straight up in outer space right now kind of peaceful up here now i don't think i'm gonna take fall damage but okay just in case okay scared me there all right i am done with this storm i'm just gonna dig a hole and hide here until this whole thing passes and okay seems calm let's see what the damage is and okay yep everything is gone but hey i learned something that was definitely one of the biggest storms i've ever seen and even then it didn't even scratch my turrets or my cables or my nuclear reactor so that's actually pretty good i then head to bed but i guess i must have slept in because my roommate has to wake me up after murdering him i get right back to work sure things look a bit different now since the storm has ripped everything up but hey that's just another day in a zombie apocalypse now i'm going to break into this nuclear reactor which i'm sure is totally safe and while i start working on it i get trapped inside the reactor by a zombie this is this is just two on the nose right here we add our graphite and then we add our glowstone next to the graphite and then on the top layer we add some more reactor cells in the corners and the lapis in between those the tin goes in the middle of the lapis and the copper in the middle of the glowstone add the last finishing touches and seal it all up and boom a completed nuclear reactor maybe boom wasn't the right word anyway we add our fuel to the reactor and it is now more than double the output and i am more than double the happiness okay so now we can see why gold is so important in buildcraft it makes golden kinesis pipes very important for the quarry and speaking of corey you guys didn't forget about that did you we're going to go place it just outside of the walls and now to power it we bring back those combustion engines from day 31 we place wooden kinesis pipes on the tops of them then connect all of them with the golden pipes perfect but working outside the walls is kind of dangerous at night so we're gonna go to bed day 34 and now it's time to get really industrial come on now you can't say you're an engineer if you don't run some engines well you can there's tons of engineers that don't work with conventional engines look my point is oil boys i grab about 20 buckets full of this sticky goodness and i'm already feeling nice and grimy we need this oil to start powering our engines now just using crude oil like this is well crude but this is just for a start i just want to see what running the quarry really looks like on top of oil for fuel we need some water for cooling so i make an infinite water source out here and i start to fill up each one of the engines don't worry if this looks tedious later we're going to automate this process but for now i just hurry up and fill everyone by hand okay time to see if i did any of this right flip all the switches and yep something's happening oh look at this okay comment section tell me you don't dream of having one of these when you play minecraft i've always dreamt of making some huge machine that does all of my mining for me even if this is just for the cool factor this thing is great this is honestly one of the biggest things i was looking forward to when i was doing this video and i'm glad i learned how to use one okay well i guess i didn't learn enough because i should have learned you're supposed to put a chest next to the quarry so it doesn't just shoot materials all over the place in fact i can tell this one chest is gonna fill up pretty fast so i add another okay first let's grab some of the dirt and we use it for the farm one of the things when you're doing a 100 day challenge is you always want to work as efficiently as you can that's why we're going to be using this quarry in every way we can first we're going to use the dirt and we're going to repair our farm next we're going to be using some thyme and we're going to keep on working on other things while the quarry is gathering us oars and stone always keep your goals lined up now this must be the third time i'm redoing this farm however this farm is actually starting to look a bit more organized with the four corners all having the four crops artichoke tea corn and um where did my onions go okay so the engines will heat up while running until they hit 100 degrees celsius then they will start to burn off the water and if they use up all the water well let's just not find out so far after one day of the quarry we've gotten some basic ores like iron and copper and i can also see that it hit like a building looks like a subway maybe so like i said we're going to be as efficient as possible and even use the cobblestone the cory is collecting the engines are starting to overheat so we're going to let them cool down for a bit luckily they cool down really quickly if you let them rest and hey look the sun is now lower to illustrate the time has passed and the engines are ready to run again tonight oh look down here okay uh i totally meant to do that yeah turns out there is a subway that runs right under my city without even me knowing about it i was hoping i'd find something cool down here like i did back in the nuclear apocalypse video but after being down here for like a whole night i got nothing i just had to run all the way back home okay so now on day 36 the stone has been cooked and the quarry still looks great so while it's working on getting me more stuff i'm gonna be working on using the stone it's getting me i'm gonna make a wraparound defensive wall slash overlook the purpose of this is to make it easy for me to move around the base it's much easier to fight packs of zombies if you keep moving and you don't get backed into a corner also by making it a little bit higher than the ground it will make building up to it a bit weird for the ai of the zombie they're going to be more likely to just build it to the bottom of the wall and then get stuck if zombies can just line up next to your wall then they can just build straight up and get in really easily i also can see now that we're gonna have a good supply of marble too which i could definitely find a use for that i only get about a quarter of the wall done by today though i'm still liking it though also to help with the radiation i'm going to start using thorium based fuels thorium-based fuels are much less radioactive and still make a good amount of power day 37 and i'm going to start to see how i want the details of the walls to look i start with a one block high lip to keep me from falling out because after all it's me i'll fall down into a pack of zombies you know like i always do all this while i'm keeping the engines going and now i'm gonna find a good use for all that marble we're mining i make it into polished marble and i start to replace all that glass that was broken out of the reactor room with a clean looking marble wall this will keep the zombies from just walking right up to me i also want to plug up this building because i know that there are still spawners in it and some of the mobs have been harassing me from inside of it i do the same over here to the brown building next to my farm because i don't want to wait for the glass to break in another store and give the zombies an easy way to sneak in i'm also going to seal up the floors of the courtyard so that no mobs can come up from underneath me like this one for example and again i'm going to work on sealing this whole building off by the way i do read all my comments and i know that a lot of people have been saying that i should build doors in my base and stop mobs from just walking in and you know what you're right so i'm gonna take your advice also to be fair it does make things look kind of nice like a full security doors of a lab kind of idea i like it i saw this little group of people at my front door i think they might be girl scouts selling cookies anyway uh no thank you uh don't want any goodbye okay become dead please i head back into the reactor room which is starting to look awesome now i begin to work on a second floor as well seal it up and torch it up and then i start to finish getting rid of the floor so it can become one big chamber at the start of day 38 i realize i only have two more days until another event so i decide i want to place more torches all over the roofs of my buildings so zombies can't spawn up here they may still be able to spawn inside of the buildings and eventually i will have to address that but for now this is a good start and things are much much more secure all around i then decide to seal up the brown building next to my farm because if they do spawn here they can drop into my farm and sneak up behind me i had some storage in the reactor room and i realize whenever i start building these videos i just start to sound like every other minecraft 100 day video you know i kind of get like and then i did this and then i had it just doesn't have that captain swag you know like oh i just burned a bunch of girl scouts ooh it's taco tuesday fiesta anyway just a random thought there i keep on working on the back side of the wall and i'm hoping i can get this all done by day 40 and have a solid defense on all sides however when i get to this back corner the mobs are still kind of a pain over here they're still 100 spawn there's still 100 spawners in this building and getting close to it is just a pain i kind of just want to avoid this whole area day 39 and i only have one day or so to get more defenses ready but all of my plans are kind of too big to fit into two days like the engines have stopped and they need more oil but i'm not going to go get oil this close to an event also i do want to start working on the next tier of turrets and i do start working on that i need more redstone and by the time i get some the day is over i do manage to get the tier 3 base made but no turret on top of it so i guess we're just gonna have to work with what we've got day 40 and the sun is up i can hear zombies outside that doesn't make sense i decided to change up my defensive tactic instead of getting one better gun i'm actually gonna make a mass of level one guns i head outside and i see something horrible the zombies are now sun proof and they're not dying in the daylight oh no this means that i can't just hold out and wait for the day to come i need to actively kill all the zombies every time there's an attack speaking of attack the day is almost over so i need to try to get as many guns up as i can i managed to get about seven but they have no power and no ammo so these are pretty much going to be a non-factor for the siege tonight in addition to all of this it's raining so my best defense my flame turrets are crippled needless to say all this against me the defenses collapse even faster than they did on day 30. now the rain stops pretty quickly into the siege so at least i have that helping me out but the courtyard is overrun and the turrets can only work so fast but thanks to you guys helping me out in the comments and me listening to you adding all these doors has given me a place i can hide inside of the reactor room and regain my health and i still need to keep moving and i shouldn't hide in there for too long because if i just let them keep coming there'll be hundreds of them at the front door and i'll be stuck so i keep moving around the base i decide now it's time to test out my defense the walkway is thin enough here so the zombies can't swarm behind me and i keep hitting them while stepping back maybe i can hold them off and then once they're all lined up pull the ace out of my sleeve and i set the lava right on the walkway only a few zombies managed to get behind me but if i grab the lava and keep moving i keep this strategy working even though it's dangerous it's effective now i can hear a lot of zombies but just like i planned they're all underneath me and they can't figure out how to build up to me like they would if it was against a normal wall the sun is rising but remember just cause it's day doesn't mean the battle is over this event might be the worst because now even on normal days zombies will be able to spawn and live all day and all night so even though it's well in the day 41 the fighting continues i get a good placement of lava right here and basically the horde is no longer a threat another event another dub i reward myself with a diamond and get another one going i'm also going to work on finishing up the defensive wall since it works so well i want to add these slits so i can see out and also so i can fight any zombies that start to build up the side i want some stairs to keep the movement element in my favor and soon i find a second diamond is red so then we go down and grab some obsidian and by day 42 we could start getting an enchantment library going i do start this day by working on the wall a little bit more i was kind of embarrassed at how unprepared for the last siege i was i mean at the end of the day i just kind of had to fight them by hand not really a very good engineer here but making an enchantment table is still a good idea after all sometimes you just gotta beat some zombies down and how can i complain when i get knockback 2 and sharpness 4. however i am going to complain about the rad level going up and giving me weakness i'm gonna need some rad away before the next event now you guys probably already know this but the first step to get right away production is the melter and the melter needs another bricks so here we go again i grabbed some magma blocks too and some quartz all of which will be important later okay so day 43 back on the over and we finally get that melter we need some more space for all these machines so i extend the cable around the other side of the reactor so do you guys remember at the very beginning of the video i said sugarcane being not able to grow an autumn was going to be a problem well it turns out the main ingredient in radaway is molten sugar but i may be able to use my engineering prowess to find a solution to that problem too so beets do grow an autumn and if you put those inside of a thermal machine called a centrifuge we should be able to get some more sugar first i'll need to figure out how to make an alloy called constant constantine constantan anyway that seems like it won't be too much of a problem it's a nickel and it's copper luckily i have some nickel i didn't know it would be this useful so i decided i just hold on to it just in case it turns out that was a smart move one of the few smart moves i make so we have the centrifuge down we can start laying down some sweet beats while that's running i get the chemical reactor up and running too oh hey look at that the centrifuge automatically loads the sugar into the melter everything's just starting to click now i then add some water to the molten sugar in the chemical reactor and it starts making ethanol ethanol i wonder if you can get drunk well i should probably focus on surviving first but party second next we add a pulverizer which is a machine similar to a nuclear craft manufacturing but it has a few extra outputs that i really like one of which is turning magma blocks into magma cream we can then put magma cream into the centrifuge and we get slime and blaze powder are you kidding me that's too good now i can get a mountain of blaze clay i also slap some efficiency on my spec multi-tool i'm just going to call it a multi-tool i also get a good supply of ethanol and i do not drink it mostly because i have mining fatigue now and i'm worried i might actually die to radiation poisoning if i'm not careful speaking of mining fatigue i do need some more redstone so i painfully need to try to mine some more imagine if i didn't have efficiency 4 this would suck day 45 and i'm just kind of doing busy work it's the first boring day of the playthrough really so on night 45 i do go run out i realized today that even though we found a way to replace the sugar source we still need sugarcane itself for bioplastic there's no way around that so i have to collect some we do get the fluid enricher down so we throw our ethanol and our glowing mushrooms in there we get our last machine which is good because we're cutting this a little bit close the fluid infuser this machine lets us put the radaway fluid into a bioplastic bag now i don't want to keep on running out farther and farther every time i need sugarcane so instead i'm going to go out to find something else finally we see a swamp and in the swamp we see swamp flowers this is what i'm looking for they're an extremely useful part of pam's harvest craft i spend all day here grabbing a few stacks of these things because i cannot stress how important they are the reason they're important is because they can make cyan die and cyan die makes greenhouse gas now i don't know why you need cyan dye to make green house glass i also don't know why it's called a greenhouse when it's made out of clear uncolored glass but fine whatever don't pay attention to me just noticing real things what do i know anyway we do finally get the fluid infuser and now we have some bioplastic we can finally finally start the last step to get a little bit of rat away we add the rat away fluid from the enricher to the infuser and then after all this work and all these machines and all this time here we get one little bag of rad away and i was really starting to get worried there for a second oh and also am i wearing an alex skin that's kind of weird before the next event hits i need to deal with this building next to us i dig through it and i do find the spawners and break them i then start to break down the walls in my heart so that i can learn to accept love into my life but more importantly i break down the walls in this building so i can fit a sugar cane farm i get about halfway done when i realize this is not how a sugarcane form should look and then i redo everything i clear out the roof so the sugarcane can grow taller and i start adding my greenhouse glass exactly five blocks above the sugarcane so it will be able to grow even in all because that's how greenhouses do i then plant my sugarcane but oh oh logan look at this dead i added some lights on top of the glass i don't know maybe that'll help but oh god this looks so bad i hope this grows i then make a dumb amount of cable because i want to run cables all the way around the entire defensive wall to power the turret system i even install it underground here so it looks a little bit nicer like a true professional and i begin the process of running all the cable all the way to the very back of the wall i then strengthen up this part of the wall and i finally seal up this building in the back to keep all these mobs from just bugging me all day i carve a quick trench in the back corner so it'll be a bit harder for zombies to just walk right into my base and then i get all the turrets plugged into the power grid and it starts to look pretty dope now of course there is one thing missing and that's the actual guns for the turrets i get about 20 of these ready to go looks like it's just in time too [Music] i start to get all those guns set up and i focus on getting the corridor finished first so i can retreat through here like i did on day 40. i try to load the guns with marble but no dice they need cobblestone or wood hey speaking of event it's day 50 and these are my last few minutes to get some better defense than i had during the last siege the cory can help us out there too one of the reasons i decided to make so many tier one guns is because with the quarry getting us so much cobble we basically never run out of ammo for them remember we want to try to use every advantage in our favor that we can nothing wasted we get almost everything set up and it's just in time the halfway blood moon is coming and i know this one's gonna be dangerous we make our blazing clay load it in the flame turrets and make sure they're all turned on here we go the first few are already getting started building their way in and over the side some of them are already in i need to keep fighting them and try to keep them from messing up and really getting off the walls in big numbers they don't seem to be any faster or harder to kill i keep breaking down their bills i'm trying to slow their advance until i figure out what the event is wait i think i just saw oh i can't see behind this path but i could have sworn i just saw it there look that wall has a slab missile they broke part of the wall this is honestly what i was worried about i was hoping this wouldn't happen until like day 100 but it's already starting on day 50. not only can they start to break down the walls so i can't hide from them no matter what i do but they can actually start breaking down the industrial blocks too this cable has been ripped out and now the turrets are gonna start to go offline if i'm not careful sure enough one of the glowing eyes has broken into my reactor and if i'm not quick he could start to damage my machines or even break the reactor i'm trying to use lava to the best i can but the turrets are shutting down and they're starting to get over these walls now i need to use the last retreat tactic and run back down the corridor to the left side of the compound the guns are loaded and they should help me out of this the guns and the knock back of my sword are working together perfectly as the sun comes up on day 51 zombies will stop spawning and soon i'll be able to push them back out of the compound i see one more decent sized pack out here but the guns as weak as they might be are actually grinding down this group so again they're really not going to have any big threat and they really have no hope of winning out soon the compound is completely clear of zombies well accept their smell that never goes away i reward myself with an upgrade to my multi-tool and then i crafted this little gem a portable tank which can hold up to eight buckets worth of liquid and it's only one inventory slot i also look into a distillery but with the need for diamonds that'll have to come later for now i'm looking to craft a drill and then i recognize this component dimention crystal i found those when i was getting swamp flowers and i didn't realize it but they're basically the same as a block of diamonds i look through the other parts to make the drill and i start to learn about the modpack actual additions this is the mod pack that has the drill and in order to make the drill we will need to refine some special materials we need a machine called an atomic reconstructor now this machine it's a little bit different than the other machines it works by shooting a laser basically you throw some items in the path of this laser and they will be converted into more powerful items it shoots every two seconds or so and it uses a ton of rf so i put a lever on it to shut it off and save power or at least i i hope it's off now i grab some iron and i flip the switch and [Music] look at that it's actually like i know what i'm doing and now i can make my drill which is cool because a drill is basically a diamond pick that doesn't break down and it only needs to be recharged with one of these energizers and that just takes a little bit of rf but where the drill really starts to get just plain overpowered is when you put in the upgrades the best one of which is the 3x3 mining augment i install it but i'm not done just yet i keep using the atomic reconstructor and upgrade some quartz in different configurations it's a bit complex and a bit weird but tldr i crafted and power more on that later for now i just can't wait any longer i need to test this drill out sure enough it is so much fun this is one of the best tools i've ever had in minecraft it just makes mining so much faster and easier and after spending years strip mining this thing is a literal game changer i love it now if you think the atomic reconstructor was like a weird machine check out the empower it's basically a nuclear-powered sacrificial altar the correct materials are placed on the outer stands and then just look at this this doesn't seem like engineering like this isn't science i feel like we're about to summon a demon or something anyway after cthulhu has been called forth we are now ready we have empowered diamantium crystal and with that we can now augment the drill with fortune just like that honestly i'd sacrifice my first born son for something this amazing but knowing me i'd probably sacrifice my firstborn son for like a bag of doritos or something anywho we also add a speed augment because at this point why not soon we are power mining through diamonds with fortune at blazing speeds life is good oh unless i guess unless you're a firstborn son oh well with diamonds no longer being a big problem for us we can easily craft up this distiller aka a oil refinery we then use the portable tank to grab a bunch of oil and go full tanker trucker and start hauling at this point all of our machines and all of our add-ons are really starting to complement each other and we're making some good progress i add the oil refinery right next to the engines and i start to load them up with some crude oil this will be the last time we need to use crude oil to power the engines because now they're gonna be powering the refinery we throw some oil in there and okay maybe we need to turn on all the engines to get the right amount of power and now there we go the refinery is starting to turn all of the oil into more effective forms of fuel so now let's set up a tank that can hold all the extra oil we're collecting from our oil rolls in no time at all we get our very first gaseous fuel and i'll store some of that in one of these smaller tanks i drop it in and to my surprise we're actually making this new fuel really quickly it's already filled up the refinery i then use the portable tank and i fill it with heavy oil this is the real reason we wanted the refinery this is the good stuff i do add another tank and i move the heavy oil into that because i want to use my portable tank for you know portable things i make fuel all day long and soon i'm ready to try out the new system i'm going to move the quarry over to a new dig site and then i just run some of the golden pipes over to the new site and in no time we've started our next dig i start to add the new fuel to the engines which makes them twice as powerful and therefore it makes the quarry go twice as fast i forget to add a chest to quarry because you know i'm done this zombie then approaches me from osha they're saying something about how i'm not supposed to be running a quarry that just hurls stone through the work site but come on what do they know we are now going to streamline the quarry even more by automating the cooling process we craft up a pump and we craft up some fluid pipes which requires slime for each pipe now that would be a huge problem if i didn't already solve that by stocking up on a ton of slimes it's almost like i'm good at this or something we craft more engines for more power and also one of the engines is going to be dedicated to the pump itself which we've placed in our water source we then run the golden fluid pipes so they are connected to each of the machines and soon all of our machines will automatically get water to them well i mean as soon as i grab a few more fluid pipes but you guys know what i'm saying now unlike the entire state of california our water problems have been solved yay this is a cry for help eh speaking of help we add another three engines to the power grid to help boost the refinery and quarry as well with the better fuel and twice the engines we now have four times the power which is good because the refinery and corey are gonna be sharing power all right let's switch all of these on and see how they run perfect we're now burning through oil and loading all of our engines to the brim with our new fuel in fact i'm gonna need to go back to holland get some more texas tea tonight we load up the refinery and the extra tank and we keep hauling all through the night until the early morning light nothing better than the stink of crude in the morning boys i also make a little cobble bridge to get back and forth from my oil a little bit faster so this is going to be the true test as we plug the quarry back in and see how well the engines running on the new fuel can stay cool and power the refinery too also it's important to see if the refinery is making enough fuel to keep this whole thing running indefinitely sure enough we go a whole day non-stop and things couldn't be better with all this cobble i'm finally loading on my turrets but i'm thinking it might be upgrade time i make a tier 2 base because you can upgrade these and make an add-on called scattershot with this we'll well basically have shotgun turrets now i'm still using tier 1 guns because i can get the ammo for free with the cory i love the flame turrets and the other guns look like they could be pretty cool too but with this many zombies my real weakness is endurance because my turrets almost always run out of ammo in the blood moves by upgrading the tier 1 guns into shotguns i can make them stronger and still last longer also the upgraded base can hold more turrets per base so it's like a double-barreled shotgun that's 6 times the damage with free ammo but don't worry those sexy tier 5 guns they're coming the quarry is also a lot more powerful now too it can finish a dig site in two days which took 20 days before all these upgrades i move it over again and this time i even remember to add the chests i'm really putting both of my brain cells to work today and the quarry flies into action starts digging like crazy i had a hopper and a chest to upgrade the shotgun turret so it'll have plenty of ammo to burn through i'm running some of the oars and stone back from the quarry when i see the shotgun turret in action and this time it does not disappoint even the zombie with armor is no match for one shotgun turret imagine if the whole line of turrets were on day 59 and a lot of my days are spent trying to stockpile some fuel for the engines and grabbing oil to do that now this is a little bit grindy and i know it's not too action-packed but for a minecraft player like me i love this stuff this is the best part of the challenge for me i have to admit i get so in the zone i kind of forget that it's day 59 and another blood moon is coming day 60 and i haven't gotten much work done on the walls in the back side of the base but i've been adding a brutal line of turrets to the front wall and this is technically the weakest area of the base it's where they can easily climb over this tiny wall so i think my efforts should pay off but as soon as i see the blood moons coming i go down and grab some lava just in case back on the surface i immediately notice two things one my turrets are shredding through the first wave of zombies but also each of these zombies are the glowing eye zombies these are the smarter zombies that can build and break and now they don't have any of the villager zombies or those brain-dead zombies to slow them down this could be a real problem i'm using a ton of lock and i'm staying right next to my full force of my turrets and they're still sneaking their way over and under the walls i'm trying to break their builds but in the corner of my eye i see a group has already taken over the empowering courtyard soon there are tons of holes in the first line of defense and i'm quickly retreating i can even see that they're wrecking the cables but as long as i can keep using this retreating corridor strap i should oh no the smart zombies found a way to break up into my walls from under me and now i can't keep them bottlenecked they start to break in from every angle soon i'm surrounded and i even get thrown off my own walls now i'm out in the open my health is low my frames are non-existent and their numbers are insane i run back and i do see the area they break through i can't even get back into my compound because the door is covered in lava not that that matters because there's a huge hole right in the front of my walls they're everywhere now i have no safe spot i just need to keep moving knocking them back the turrets just need a little more time to work down the horde i keep trying to use lava but i can see that some of my industry is starting to take damage and all of this while i'm lagging so hard i can barely move i had to restart my client to see if that would help and it does a little my buildings are swarmed and now they're on fire and my sword is about to break i can't lose this so i go do some quick repairs on it and all of my armor now i keep breaking their builds and repairing my builds and as long as i stay close to my turrets their numbers start to thin my flame turrets are done but just as i had planned the tier one turrets last all through the night their dps is low but it's constant and it's trustworthy and it's a big part of what won today day 61 and that was a wild night the fact that all the zombies are now the smarter zombies makes the other mutations even more dangerous i spent almost all of a61 just repairing refueling and reloading all my defenses i also decide that i want to make sure i don't need to worry about this radiation since i keep collecting more and more nuclear waste i'm going to stockpile some rat away and in order to do that i need to make an area where i can farm some mushrooms so i head under my brown building and i clear out a big enough spot for a full brown mushroom then i stay on here all day power growing and harvesting them add some glowstone throw those growing mushrooms into the enrich here and we should have a good chunk of rad away now also the zombies did do some damage to my industrial components i think they broke some pipes to the quarry and also maybe an engine but nothing beyond repair and also that is 100 a zombie girl in her underwear so yeah i'll be creeping we get the cory up and running and in one night we get everything pretty much full go day 62 and we start by moving the quarry again i'm really glad to see how efficient this thing is now i was kind of thinking it wouldn't be able to clear out that much ground around the base but now i'm thinking we might get a full wrap around these turrets are loaded up again and i'm really glad i decided to go with tier ones but still i'm thinking we could go for something more powerful and now that everything is fixed up it's time to just have some fun i jump down here because why not i do what i want and what i want to do now is go mining with this drill for all the cool stuff being added to my base the big reactors the quarries this drill is just so cool it's still one of the best things but there are plenty of cool things still to come with all that redstone i just mined i make well all the blades clay wait like wait wait wait wait oh like too much way too much amount of blaze clay i go to load up my flame turrets and i still have a ton for backup i move the quarry again because now it's going so fast it's clearing a dig site twice a day i then add a hopper to the chest of the flame turrets and put the clay in there i learned from the last siege that the chess and the hopper is the only way to keep turrets fed throughout an entire blood moon and yes we're gonna keep this bad boy nice and fed why stop there i've been looking into a tier 5 turret that might be perfect for our base but in order to make a tier v turret it's no small task it needs tons of diamond gold redstone cords and glowstone basically a pile of the most rare items in minecraft so we head back down to the mines and we grab that obsidian and a bit of redstone and by day 64 we are ready wait what oh two glowstone really i mean i've got piles of diamond and redstone but two glowstone oh well i guess we're headed back to the nether and yes we're gonna grab way more than just two glowstone so we finally get what we want but in the words of big daddy thanos what did it cost everything we throw this expensive hood ornament on the front of our base so we can show it off to all the neighbors make them jealous but seriously this thing makes this play through a whole new level of fun it's everything i could have hoped for well almost everything i mean i also could hope for a 5x5 drill augment and so after a quick little dabble back into the blood magic again all of our dreams really do come true okay so you already know that we're gonna spend all of tonight testing this out this drill shreds through a wall five by five box all with fortune there's no way you're gonna tell me that this isn't too op honestly like in the 100 days right here i'm done i could just go mining with this thing forever a five by five tunnel is cleared out in like 20 seconds and on top of that our cory is now grabbing redstones and diamonds dude i win this engineering thing may have taken us 67 days but we basically just beat minecraft now i keep on moving the quarry charging the drill and unless i do something stupid i can't lose oh oh wait there's a stupid thing i moved the quarry one block too far and now there's this weird little bridge over the gap so i still managed to mess things up somehow so we're still going out every once in a while getting oil still keeping the quarry running but i feel like i don't need to worry about anything else for right now i think that laser turret is going to be pretty good so i'm free to just do some drilling all right i forgot this tunnel has been cored out oh but look i still have the little bridge ah see so this was all planned out the whole time totally planned i just keep on drilling this is so relaxing and yet it's just so productive i don't know which mod item i like more this playthrough charging the drill is basically free and the speed of the drill is just i mean look at this that night i see the quarry is moving so fast that it's already dropping lead on the ground i also look down at the dig site and i see lava now this would really suck if you were a zom oh now i might have a little plan going on for the defense of day 70. for now i'm just going to move the coin and i'm going to head back in to grab some pipes for it day 69 and what better way to spend the day like this than to get something hot and sticky i craft up another portable tank and fill them both with my lava then i head up to the top of the rim of the dig sites and start to get these things really strong now we all know the best defense for a zombie apocalypse is always going to be lava i knew that on day one but did i just make a base and put lava around it no i waited all the way to day 69 to make my base safe just so i could make my day 69 hot and spicy a true gamer move indeed that night i take a quick look around and i see that this wall lava fall defense is looking pretty awe inspiring and even if we do die tomorrow it'll all have been worth it for the memes [Music] now all that being said let's still try not to die but make sure the reactor still has enough fuel to get it through whatever is coming at us tonight and then i see that some of the zombies have started the attack early and they're digging up from under my base speaking of digging i decide that i really love this massive trench and i don't want to wait for the quarry to go all the way around so i start quickly digging out a channel on the right side of the base i only get a little bit done but still it should keep the zombies from flanking around me i of course had the lava and get ready for whatever the event is gonna be tonight and with the very first zombie i can already tell what the event is the zombies have a crazy boost of movement speed even with all the trenches and traps the zombies are rushing around and getting right to my walls right away but i have two things going for me when i drop this lava it flows all the way to the trench stopping the zombies from moving around as much and the coolest thing i've seen so far or i guess barely saw the laser turret it's melting zombies so fast i can barely hear it firing by the time i go to look outside the zombies are already dead it does six damage a shot and the fire rate is just under three shots a second and with these upgrades making it shoot faster and for less power it's never even close to running out of ammo the zombies are so quick they're getting up the wall but they're still just being melted right where they stand even with the speed boost they can't even get to me day 70 and with all the lava trenches and laser traits this was the easiest siege by far now i will admit that the right flank is still really weak they actually managed to get really far into my base on this side and i have no defenses here no turrets no trench this is where i can get into some trouble the next siege in the morning there is little to no repairs that need to be done in the main entrance though another perk to the laser turret is its range it's so far it can kill small groups of zombies on normal days so that the other shirts don't even need to be turned on or waste any other ammo so that's kind of it then i guess i'm done right well here's the thing i don't know what day 80 or day 90 will bring but i do know that the zombies will almost surely have explosives by day 100 and if we're still weak on that right flank they could blow right into the reactor and power down the whole heart of the compound so we still need to keep the cory digging and continuing the trench on the other side of the base so for the next 30 days we are going to need to find a way to improve the defenses of this side of the base and it turns out there are some unforeseen consequences of not addressing this until now now step one is easy this is a no-brainer we're gonna add to the trench and wrap around to this side of the base as well the good news is the drill lets us cut through large chunks of ground in no time in just one afternoon we've already removed their direct path into the base and then step two i'm going to seal up some of the parts of the building where the mobs are still spawning i kept some of the spawners in this area alive because i wanted to make a spawner xp farm that might be more pain than it's worth at this point finally on knight 72 we finished the defensive wall and it is completely wrapped around the base i light up this building to slow spawns then i seal it up entirely now i'm going to add some more defensive wall over the empowering courtyard where i can put some turrets and just make it easier for me to move around on this side as well i had some turrets and finally connect this side of the base to the main strong point of the base now i really want to make sure that this right side of the base is safe because now that i've added this walkway if zombies do get into this side they'll be able to walk right up behind me with or without explosives so now i add some cables and i'm not a little attrition but i don't think lava is supposed to touch our wires call it a hunch soon i have everything rewired and i add some slabs to make things more accessible everything here is looking pretty good so far i then run my cables all the way around this new part and all the way around the right flank and finally by night we've completed the loop and now the whole base has power running to the perimeter defense after all of this has been laid out i reward myself by performing another sacrifice to odin may i see all of you in valhalla but until we get there we are now gonna have a drill that has a level three speed upgrade we move the cory over again and uh uh i don't know are we gonna run out of pipe come on come ah one short you hate to see that well before we go and fix that i want to see how close i am to getting another laser turret i have a plan i see the thing that's holding me back is gold i've run out i've oh my goodness i've really run out huh is gold like a rare resource or something anyway speaking of gold i go run out to get some liquid gold and by that evening i'm feeling like we have a solid amount of fuel or but well i guess i can't use the fuel if i don't finish the oh those pipes oh no i just remembered those pipes are made out of gold so i need to scrape up some kind of gold maybe a few nuggets here and there it's really just enough to make those pipes that i need now i do manage to get the pipes and connect the quarry but this doesn't really solve our problem we're going to need a ton more gold if we want more laser turrets or if we want to keep moving the quarry or if we want to keep attracting more hose we can't start farming now so the good news is i have an excuse to go mining with my drill a lot more and expand the lava trench the bad news is that gold is rare surprise this little guy here does take a fall and we're gonna go charge our drill now as day 76 starts i see that i still have a lot of area for the cory to dig out so i'm going to need to work on that gold problem in the meantime i start to manually dig a trench much deeper and hope to come across some gold in the process this isn't a perfect plan i know but it's still killing two birds with one stone for mining resources and adding to our defense but no gold this time so i get back up to the top and i go check the quarry after i charge my drill sadly no gold here either and it's time to move the quarry again oh oh okay so we replace it again and i'm praying that we have enough pipes this time so we start to connect them in oh not even close okay maybe we can use our brains to get out of this problem too i go and check to see if there's a replacement for gold kinesis pipes and sure enough i see sandstone pipes they're cheap to make and they can still carry enough power to keep the quarry moving fast and what's better yet is with our manufactories we don't even need to go out at night and farm sand we can just turn cobble into sand we get our first sandstone pipes and i'm pretty sure this should work or else we might need to move our engines back here man that would be a pain at first i'm a bit upset but it turns out you just need to make sure that the gold pipe is touching the quarry then all the other pipes can be sandstone and tada we are back in business no gold needed that helps out a lot but we still need gold for the laser turrets and we really should get some laser turrets if we don't keep upgrading our defenses we might be in trouble for the last couple of events so it looks like we still aren't done mining i spend all day down here and don't find any gold and then that night i see that the quarry is also a no-go on the gold tune this is now three whole days trying to get gold and we haven't found a single ore we might need to take a new approach the good news is the trench is getting put in even if i have to do it by hand early on day 78 i figure it might as well link up the other two trenches and finally by about halfway through the day i have a full trench around the base it's still not super deep but it should be really helpful in the next event and there's only two days away to the next event too why do these events always surprise me so much we move the quarry again and the sandstone pipes make this easy i then burn my hands with splutonium which is fun owl al owl and then i decide i just want to use tbu fuel instead in fact i decide i really want to use tbe fuel so i make these speed upgrades speed upgrades are a lot like steroids for nuclear craft machines they make you faster and stronger but they also give you tiny clumps but seriously in reality they just make your machines use a ton more power but i couldn't find a way to make that a joke so by combining the waste from the uranium fuel and the thorium fuel we can make even stronger fuels for example heu-233 it is much more powerful but i might need to be careful i put the fuel in but inside i probably should wait on it i'm just going to put that away i head back to modding because that's much less likely to result in a nuclear disaster and i give up i can't find gold i am just not going to have any more turrets i moved the quarry again and i guess this poor tree is just as sad as me because it's about to get lasered and i feel your pain bro but seriously i've spent this whole week mining and haven't found any gold i'm not going to be able to get any more laser turrets i just hope that the defenses i added onto the right flank will help me i'm so sad useless i'm dumb i'm just gonna overload this nuclear reactor and kill us all ah no no no no no i'm just kidding you guys uh look on your faces oh maybe i will oh look at me go look at me no nah nah just a prank it's just a prank just to pray you thought this was going to be like a culty thing got him again okay but seriously now i do kind of have an unstable reactor in my house so was it worth the laughs yeah yeah oh well i guess we'll see if this thing blows up [Music] we only have three big events left so we're almost out of the danger remember the next three will be the worst ones yet now this wall is pretty much maxed out and safe but the right flank still needs to be tested i have the wall finished and the trench should add a lot of protection but we never did manage to add the laser turret to this side like we wanted we boot up the quarry and i don't think it'll be able to totally finish the backside trench by today but the good thing is we have a ton of turrets covering the back side and just so you guys really understand where my mind is right now i'm drilling up this diamond and i'm kind of just whatever about it but then when i finally do find this gold on day 80 it's like an answered prayer from god this is perfect what's not perfect is this nuclear reactor [Music] oh wow that's exciting every time do not tell my supervisor about that thank you i start to process the gold right away and once again we have another delayed event this normally means that there is going to be a global event like a storm or an earthquake so even though it's nice that we're going to get an extra day to make this laser turret that's not necessarily good news i add the turret on the far side to help cover the weak flame but i keep it close enough so that it can still provide support over on the main entrance and cover the walkway from the right flanks we get a blood moon and clearly the zombies are a bit tougher and take more hits with the new laser turrets we once again have a fairly easy siege now i'm worried about what's coming on the later days of autumn speaking of the late days of autumn the water is starting to freeze over in places and i don't even need this bridge anymore what i do still need is oil wow look at how badly the zombies get stuck in the oil this might be a nice defensive tool hmm okay today was just another quarry day i need to spend a day every few days to make sure that the engines are full of fuel and then that night i moved the quarry over one more time i think this might be our last big site for the 100 days since the trench in the back is almost done i decided to give the gold digging a break for now i don't understand how some people do it all their lives honestly i'm kind of getting bored of just drilling and hoping for gold i'm gonna try to get a new type of defense one that's a little bit more traditional but still takes advantage of the industry i'm gonna take the diamonds to the reconstructor and then make armor that is even stronger than diamond stronger than another right even i didn't have enough to get a full set so i'm rocking this sweet two-tone look but with all the coal i have lying around and some sexy speed upgrades i can press myself some diamonds in no time but the speed upgrades do take a lot of power so now i play a dangerous game i need to throttle the nuclear reactor up and down to keep it making power but also not so much that it overheats this is the most dangerous thing i've ever done or as it's called in soviet russia a normal tuesday i disconnect the defense grid so that all the power will be focused into the machines and sure enough we managed to get the machines all powered up we keep checking the quarry for gold and we keep drilling but really i'm just focused on getting dimentium gear by day 90. soon we start to crank out a good number of diamonds i think i can get about 10 a day i work all night and i do manage to get a good chunk of diamonds and i run through that nuclear fuel but instead of replacing that crazy fuel i'm just gonna go back to using plain old uranium 235 fuel and not die this day i do manage to find some diamonds too so i combined those with the ones i've already made and i have enough to throw at the reconstructor and boom we now have enough materials for the pants and the shoes and the sexy drip is almost complete i start to make a rock crusher so we can get some beryllium while i do that a storm's coming right overhead now my base is strong and i'm safe so i don't get pulled out this time but i can see that my farm is in trouble so now that the rock crusher is good let's go out and see this damage yeah well can't say i'm surprised i can definitely say i'm sad but not surprised okay so before we worry about that rock crusher or more armor or turrets or nuclear meltdowns i just need to get back to worrying about my farm for the fourth time now this is pretty frustrating but the next thing i see is just straight up tragic the storm has completely ripped up the pipes that connected my quarry and remember all of those were made out of gold this is actually a crippling hit now at this point the quarry has served us well and i could just say it's done and let this all be but something about that feels wrong even if i don't really need it anymore i still don't want to leave it to rot and just have it become a pile of trash i mean at this point i could probably just take all the crops and make enough food to get through the last 14 days but that's not really what i'm about i'm gonna rebuild and repair better than it was before i grab my marble and i set up an indoor grow room and i might as well anyway winter is coming and it's only fitting that we make a place to grow food in the winter all the water sources including the one that cools the engines are freezing too so i'm going to make a small cover over them as well the storms will also wipe out all of your torches and while that's not as bad as ripping up all my industrial infrastructure it's still important to replace them and of course we do replace all the pipes with sandstone and reconnect all of the engines again i even decide to place the piping tight against the wall so it has a bit of a cleaner look cover the water source like i said and run the fluid pipes for cooling i'm not forgetting one step finally we move the quarry to its last dig site and replace the pipes here as well and if all of that isn't enough i'm finally going to get the weather deflector which stops storms from breaking down your blocks if this 100 day challenge has taught me anything it's that it's better to address things head-on completely without taking any shortcuts the last thing i want to do with this reconstructor is to make my final melee record and this one's pretty cool it's an amrotic crystal sword which does the same damage as a diamond sword with sharpness 4 as its base damage but this one doesn't have the enchants on it so what's the point it's the same damage and it doesn't have knockback like my old sword did one more trick up my sleeves and this trick is the lens of disenchanting it's pretty expensive it requires us to empower another seven diamonds and use an enchantment table but check this out when you put it on the reconstructor then place the enchanted item with a book in front of the laser it will take the enchantment off the item and drop it right onto the book with no xp cost i run it once for sharpness 4 and again for the knockback 2. and then i throw those books onto the new sword and boom 12 damage and knockback too but i still want to get a little bit more wild and on day 89 just before the next big siege i'm starting my grand slaughter because i still crave more thanksgiving i also do grab some of the endocyte and i do decide to take some of the turkeys as prisoners of war it takes all day but i bring them back to this far building where my sugarcane is and let them roam free in here the real reason i killed all those turkeys was for feathers so i could make crossbow bolts and a diamond crossbow i don't know what the siege is going to be but i feel pretty ready for whatever's coming over those hills i have only one real weakness that i'm going to try to patch up before the battle tonight if the zombies break my reactor the radiation might become an unforeseen factor so i use the raw crusher to get beryllium i use a diamond to get hard carbon alloy and with the uranium for du panels i quickly craft up heavy radiation shielding but i'm just a bit too late it's time to get to the walls and hold off the next big assault the defenses are working perfectly and a ton of zombies are wiped out before they even get close to the base but they seem faster and stronger i think they hit a bit harder too this blood moon has a whole new level of zombies these are so much tougher and it looks like there's a lot of them honestly this is my overkill side and even then they're punching through once in a while i try to make sure that the other sides of the base are okay the laser and the trench are making the right side look okay for me but the second i look away from the front a zombie slips in the only thing that's keeping me safe is the fact that all of the zombies are funneled into the main entrance where i have my maximum defenses concentrate if the trench was all the way around including this front part they could start building over in any direction but with all the focus on the front the laser turret that was supposed to cover the right side is a little too focused on the front the zombies are starting to mass on the weak flank of the base it's a good thing i made this crossbow at the very last minute and if you look down there you can see that even the zombies that are falling into the trench are still trying to go all the way around and get to the bridge in the front it was a risky gamble to leave them a clear path to the front line but it paid off now the zombies are not trying to build over the gap and instead they're running right into the kill zone as the night goes on there's some stragglers who do manage to find ways in it but the perimeter of defenses are keeping them under control from that the trench covered in lava turned out to be as powerful as i had hoped at the end of all this it turns out that a true engineer can always out think the odds it's not our machines or the brutal weapons that won us today we use the a eye of the zombies to force them rightly one of them it's a bit metal but true engineers work with every tool he or she can and uses them to the best of their abilities and that's how we won another night safely passes and we do manage to get the radiation shield fitted to our chest plate our rads go from one milli to two microphones feels good i did notice that some of the zombies climbed over the quarry to get on the backside so it's time to retire this old friend i get a bit of the artichokes to keep me fed through the challenge and we finally do get some mining done for redstone it's already day 93 and i'm confident we can take on whatever comes at us i've even set up an energizer down here in the trench to help me recharge the drill and to help me mine but it's only so helpful i decide i'm going to add another generator or two so on day 94 we are flying i add the generators and they do help this lets me stay down here and mine and drill for much longer i don't really have any goals right now i still want to find some gold and add a laser charter too but i can't see how the zombies could break through the line after how strong we were in the past few blood moons but just as soon as i start to let my guard down it happens while i'm mining around y11 i'm suddenly engulfed in lava out of nowhere lava spawns right inside the chamber i'm in and i barely get to some gravel and use some water to save myself but this is far from safe i'm now absolutely sure that this lava wasn't here could this mean i need to get back to the surface and see what's happening i go to my base and i'm lucky everything's okay but i craft up another laser turret i'm gonna need even more protection if my fears turn out to be confirmed i managed to get some gold when i was mining but more importantly i actually find a machine that will help solve our gold problems too an induction smelter this thing is what i've been wanting for almost 30 days now check this out i add some broken down pants from a zombie combined it with some sand and look at that three gold ingots from broken pants if i had only known about this from day one oh hey well maybe for 200 days but for now it means that our laser turret production is in business and all i need to do is find some zombies and get in their pants but i do need to admit i kind of forgot how tough these guys are now i'm sort of getting in over my head and luckily i can back off to my base and the turrets can bail me out things do get a little scary here for a second but we do manage to get those pants alright get the gold get the turret and this one will be set far off to the right just above the problem spot so we can focus on it completely and if what i'm thinking is true we may need some wood for tier 1 turrets too so i'm just going to grab no no no no no no this crack in the ground is from an earthquake oh this could be really bad i get the turrets ready we're definitely going to need them i set up the laser as well and the tier ones and now the base has a full perimeter i also add turrets to the front and trust me this is not overkill this is desperate we're gonna need every single gun we have two days left and the fact that we haven't been crushed yet is a good sign i need to tighten up this trench too the laser turret won't be enough trust me i quickly start to add lava on every spot of the inner wall i need to get this finished by today everything looks solid i'm checking for gaps and of course i see one but after i get this i can start on the far side and yes even the back side i just hope this is enough i don't think i've ever made a base this solid and impressive it's huge extremely productive almost totally self-sufficient as an island and of course really well defended and yet i don't think it's gonna be enough just as the sun sets on day 98 i see what is almost certainly our doom this crater was made by a volcano and it's painfully close to our base i can't see the volcano itself though so i turn up my render distance which means this is going to get a little bit laggy and i'm sorry guys okay i don't see very much this time i really need to find where this thing is i see a crack right next to our base this is why the lava flooded into that chamber i was in i set out and i follow the crack to see if i can find the volcano i start moving farther and farther away from her base which is a good thing that means the volcano is probably a few hundred blocks away and it might not hit our base i finally see some craters and these are super far away from us i don't see the volcano itself but now i'm pretty sure that it's going to be out of our range i start to head back home and i get ready for day 100 but as i come back oh no an earthquake right at our base [Music] my worst fears the absolute worst thing that could have happened an earthquake on the last day has ripped through our base defenses the engines out front are shattered and what's worse i see that my base got hit this means the volcano is in range of us most of our turrets have been destroyed even the laser turret is gone and the earthquake is still going i fight through the lag and try to pick up the pieces of my defense i'm gonna try to focus on grabbing the turrets the engines are lost cause luckily i came home just in time before the start of the d-spawn i managed to save some of the components for the defense grid i still need to dig through the rubble but i'm only finding broken pieces the engines not much can be saved from this point the destruction it's just too much honestly this hurts the worst part about making these 100-day challenges so dangerous and thrilling is the heartbreak of watching everything we've built together get wiped out in just a few minutes we get the salvage laser turret down this is gonna be the only thing that makes me think we can really hold out we run all the cables to it and get the power going again for the last time we also managed to get the flame turrets and we saved a lot of ammo for these so these could help speaking of fire and flames i think i can see the source of all of this destruction just as the sun sets i start to head out and see what this thing really looks like i can see that the old bridge we built across the water it's now been pushed up it's become more of a staircase i reach the top and then i see it the caldera but something isn't right here this can't be shooting up projectiles if this hole isn't filled with lava i start heading home because i don't have much time when i see smoke oh no oh no way this is this is crazy guys i know you're not going to believe me when i say this but i swear i did not plan the 100 days to end like this not only did i not think there would be a volcano but now we're gonna get hit by two volcanoes at the end of the playthrough at the top i see that this is in fact where all of the projectiles are coming from so now we're gonna have two active volcanoes raining down on our base after an earthquake has already hit us and the final wave of zombies with tnt is coming at us so here we go first things first i try to break the last bit of land bridge across the front but no good i'm already under attack i retreat back into the base under the cover of my turrets [Applause] i'm sorry guys i hear an explosion then another and then another and i see i'm being bombarded with no time to eat i'm already down to 100. i cannot man the defenses or what's left of them i see that the back of the base has been torn open too by the falling projectiles and as i fight through the lag and backed into my base then i see a tnt block placed right in the heart of the reactor room if i didn't have this radiation protection i don't even want to think about that right now i try to fight back and save what i can't in my base but it's too laggy and it's too dangerous and i need to keep retreating remember this challenge is all about out thinking our problem i'm supposed to be an engineer here so i'll start by leading the zombies down this court because i know that this works we need to take control of the strong point in the frontal base again but first let's eat i'm trying to set down the turrets and it's a challenge but remember the fundamentals i just need to keep on eating we have to try to keep them at a distance and we can use their own attacks against them the damage that they're doing in no man's land with all of these craters and explosions is making it really rough terrain that they cannot get through the laser turret on the far right side is still up and has a little bit of battery power so we can add another laser to it and remember the zombies are in just as much danger as me the tmt will still kill them the volcanoes will kill them i just need to keep moving and keep eating i fall into this hole and just try to breathe think stay calm stay safe i can still hear the turrets firing i can win i will win we've stayed alive this whole playthrough by being smart not brave not tough and that's not going to change now the turrets can do all the fighting for us if we can get the reactor back online we just need to get a little bit of fuel ready they're digging from under us they've kind of got us stuck in a weird spot here until their own tnt works against them and it kills most of them looks like they could have used some brains after all the morning is coming and the zombies are getting deeper into the base in bigger numbers all of the turrets back here are now offline this is it we have to fight through every step of the way we just have to keep going a little more almost there and with this fuel that's it everything's back online and the turrets are just gonna be too strong they'll keep the base oh oh no the base well okay they'll keep me safe just like they have for all 100 days of the zombie apocalypse [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TheCaptainsTV
Views: 760,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft zombie apocalypse, 100 days in minecraft as an engineer, 100 days in minecraft nuclear wasteland, nuclearcraft, 100 days in minecraft in nuclearcraft, minecraft 100 days, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, minecraft hardcore, TheCaptainsTV, The Captains TV, forge labs, 100 days in minecraft hard mode, forge labs 100 days minecraft zombie apocalypse, forge labs 100 days, rlcraft, vr minecraft, 100 days, 100 days hardcore
Id: pugbPO4L-6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 59sec (6899 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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