100 Days In Rainbow Superflat

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rainbow super flat the world is made up of dozens of layers of progressively rarer blocks on day zero you can dig the dirt below you and each successive day unlocks a new ore beneath it day one is stone two is coal three is iron ten is diamond and so on hardcore it looks like a regular super flat everything seems to be fine go ahead and break things look at that they won we can get ourselves dirt oh and look at that we can break this level too ah but there's the wood and nothing so because it's day zero we can't actually break this but we can break dirt i will return tomorrow what's up crew i want your trees and hey they have food emeralds ugh you love to see it big shout out to these lovely villagers okay so not a whole lot in this village i'll go ahead and make her work bench hit that wooden pick and i'm just gonna destroy this entire house wait did i say destroy i meant uh you know remodel yeah there's stone tools i will claim some more wood wait has anyone noticed zero slimes have spawned i think that has something to do with the preset that we're on i'm just not gonna question it i really like this village though i kind of want to commit to this village i want all my villagers to live maybe we could make a giant fence around this village and this could actually be our home and make sure all these villagers are safe mob still most definitely spawn okay but a job is a job here we go there's my man put in work oh okay that's everyone now i just need to stay alive protect me that's about all we could do for today important thing is every villager survived now for the exciting thing yes check it out okay so we are officially day one and on day one we can break this layer okay and next layer's gonna be stone and well yeah okay oh man this is gonna be a really fun project okay well i'm just gonna go ahead and get a whole bunch of logs okay let's get a start on our fence oh this is gonna be a really big fence [Music] ah yeah the rest of this should be easy perfect [Music] and that's as much as we can do for tonight oh no sir you're not safe run yes got torches let's lay a perimeter and close ourselves off come on okay we're good and now i'm going to chop some more wood oh it's looking like daytime just about and i'm not even mad that i almost died because it is only day two however i am extremely disappointed i'm out here trying to be organized you're messing up my lawn and my furnace no there's some fences let's finish this up you know at this point i feel more like i'm trapping myself inside that i'm keeping the monsters out there we did it i suppose the next smart thing to do would be add torches okay it's actually a pretty good start now back to the hole day two we can now break stone that is something you love to see and hey our next thing is going to be coal yeah look at that next day everything's beautiful wow uh that actually went much better which means we can mine this oh and then iron is next and that should give us more than enough for torches at least for today okay let's return that's actually a pretty good start let's be honest this is getting really boring so i'm just gonna go a little bit crazy and uh hopefully this should be enough for now okay that's uh that's not a bad start this is really quite dangerous the key is never stop moving okay that's uh that's a lot better don't mind me just gonna head back into my little hole now where were we eight minutes later right well that looks pretty good ladies and gentlemen it is a beautiful new day which means we can now get iron coming in at the top 10 things you'll love to see we got gold coming in at day five not quite there yet but we will be oh dude this is so cool it's just such a fun take on the progression of minecraft there it is we have the pick the shovel and the axe fools you have done me so well thank you and goodbye and now we can take the rest of this ladies and gentlemen there is the full iron set and i think we'll spend tonight getting more iron well that looks good to me we've got a lot of iron on the go so let's take a peek at what's going on up here a couple zombies looking to die yeah i can understand that what are those well anyway let's get back to making this a safe space okay that was uh that was more than productive wow okay so next up we have gold and to be completely honest i really don't think there's any use we would have for this at this point ah next up is going to be redstone well at least we did something i mean oh gee i only have 64 gold the rest of the night is is literally just gonna be cool and actually you need a little more wood i'm gonna make a shield maybe we could patch up some of these areas where we got mobs spawning okay so all this open space is is great and all but for now i really don't need it so we're just gonna wall it off and uh sir bounce you can deal with that and now we can finally finish up torchland wow this is actually looking really cool wow outside these walls is just just death waiting for me uh nature is a beautiful thing we're monster free okay we actually did it nice this was a redstone that we never ended up mining sure it's great it's lovely but we don't really have a use for it right now and hey day seven check it out there's our lapis dude this just looks cool wow oh tomorrow it's emerald okay now that is something to get excited about oh no i think i did this wrong this is so hard to keep track of oh supposed to be redstone this floor yeah yeah okay my bad it's okay everything everything is fine it's cool we need the resources oh my god this looks so pretty dude we already have just like way too much stuff maybe we make this a storage room i'm getting some ideas here so like even maybe we just cover this up okay hear me out hear me out and then this is just storage you know something like this boom a lapis chest a redstone chest and you know so on and so on gold chest i don't know sure why not an iron chest i also want to take a bunch of this stone and make some stairs this is just so ridiculous man i love it it's a real complicated mess but we're making it work now i need more wood now day eight i think it's time we can finally let our villagers breathe come on out my dudes and with the freeing of these villagers we also now have access to emeralds oh look at that diamonds are next oh dude that is what you love to see for now though we'll just uh you know collect up some emeralds not a big deal or anything break so the real question is can i do anything with these emeralds you don't have a job you don't have a job you won't buy anything this guy will sell me looting three uh yeah man don't get me wrong i i love the idea of all these beautiful happy villagers in their happy village home but this is gonna eventually have to change for now i would actually like to build my own house for now i think we'll uh we'll just start this with wood doesn't need to be anything too crazy um i think we'll cover this up i don't need two basement doors how where are you coming from dude where is it dark enough anyway seeing as the first item that we acquired was wood i feel like it's appropriate for wood to be our base layer of the house ah i kind of want my house to resemble the other village houses and so that means i need cobblestone dude you're kidding me oh my god all right well this is going for someone who has an unlimited amount of every resource in the game though not as good as i had hoped okay yeah doors huh i think we're gonna need some windows ah you know better much better okay nice little safety staircase okay cool it ain't much but it's a start and an absolute monstrosity at that oh my god it's day 10. ah it's so beautiful so we got one pickaxe shovel axe sword hey there is the gear things you love to see yeah that should give us a little organization up here i just got a great idea this is our basement there let's go get some more beds we have not left the confines of this area yet but there are always more villages to be discovered what's up second village i am a pillager and i'm here to take all your stuff thanks for the bed nerd oh i'll definitely be taking that uh yeah thank you and oh thank you taking these apples oh that bed is mine yeah i'll take that oh you guys are just so generous it's now we will return hope am i really in danger i mean if my keyboard were to stop working right now i would be in quite a bit of danger look at that look at that no one's even running towards me i am fine beautiful so first floor is done oh the other thing i probably should have mentioned is now these are gonna start going by two days i don't think the quartz is gonna be available till day twelve but you know that's fine so let's add another floor now just gotta add some trim hey no stop perfect and uh i guess we can start putting some beds down okay i'm gonna grab some more cobblestone oh my god no this is my fault i accept that however i am still mad okay let's make some walls well well well you guys didn't spawn in lava super flat for now you guys can uh yeah chill in your playpen look who it is well take the pumpkin seeds and i guess your fish sure just finish this up i almost forgot something it's a new day that means not that again we need it but check it out oh okay so i guess we're into like another section now we just did like caves okay now we're on to nether i like that structure i can respect that well that's great and all but i need wood so it's wood we will get hey well well welcome my friends hey a wise decision nah i'm just kidding i'm not evil thank you so much i really do appreciate it and now there's something i've never done before okay this is a little bit trickier let's just fill this in so this is looking a little bit better the real question who's yes you're you're all coming to bed please please yes we got a few takers hey well well well oh oh no all right i'm just gonna just gonna give you a little push there bud yeah there we go well it's a beautiful new day and i think i'd like to spend some time getting resources first of all we now have glowstone and next up is gonna be blackrock okay ah i am here for diamonds i don't know what i'm gonna do with these but i'm glad to have them and i mean realistically we should probably get as many emeralds as we can and the thing we forever need hey who wants bread hey here have some bread all right i'm gonna start dividing these guys up next thing i want is a farmer cleric would also be good and i lied i want another librarian so there's our farmer i will buy all your bread thank you so much here's a tip and we have a butcher who sells us cooked chicken now for the first time ever let's uh let's make this kind of cozy on some end tables i don't know they're on a little bookshelf and uh yeah a little table maybe yeah look it ain't much but i'm no pro with this stuff this is like my first time doing anything like this so i am content yeah yeah a little aesthetic not quite so much over here maybe just a little bit more fixing up god i i hate these chests but i also hate these chests hey i hate all of this maybe if i just break all this wood everything will look better it feels better i'm kind of starting to be convinced that nothing is gonna be perfect i i think it is an improvement so you know now we've got like a working sort of uh i guess you could call it marketplace anyway day 16 we can now mine blackrock yay oh okay well we're getting through the nether anyway now i have a new project first we need to go find some lava hey let's see what we got cauldron sure this is what we're looking for we just do that and this and one more beautiful now rip i will take that i'll take this even though all these things can easily be made we still need more obsidian though fletcher that's something we always need ah i might bring some sheep with me why not right well turns out we have a pretty good answer to why not that's sun okay we did it look at this and let's sleep this one off all right my sheep dude is that is that batman the protector of my village all right sheep we did it congratulations you are uh free to graze i guess and have babies welcome my child and you welcome my child okay fletcher and one enchanting table now it's kind of becoming my goal to just make this like the most awesome village ever uh so we're gonna put a library right here [Music] okay not bad give me your bookshelves more man you know what i i was going for something with this but i think the reality is it's uh it's cobblestone look okay so i don't really know what i'm going for here i think that feels okay and it does give us level 30 enchanting little efficiency four uh i'm breaking three shore a um break three sure with fortune okay random and smite sure break three and protection four and we'll hold off on the rest for now but hey that's a pretty good start just look how fast i can chop wood i'll grab these chickens nice hey there follow me your lordhead savior aha now if i actually just harvest this wheat we can get some cows going as for these other two guys oh buddy you're gonna make a nice frame hey look over there quick and painless oh hey cryptography table don't mind if i do bro batman is just killing it shout out to my man god i really just like hate this storage system and i just don't know what i could do to make it better and hey there's at least two more item frames okay yeah this is uh at the very least a huge step up now if you can believe it i'm gonna mine some emeralds ah this is way better all right let's see what our fletcher can do hunch one you're really gonna do me like that huh cookies there's only one thing i want from this guy and those are golden carrots thank you now don't mind me people just chant their stuff and take whatever we can get protection three protection three and feather wow that is like oh my god dude talk about luck that is some nice armor oh and day 20. what have we got next i actually completely forgot about this nether brick uh oh my god guys oh there it is i just i really don't even know what to say thank you thank you so much wow i am about to get so much more op than i already am bro what could possibly be next i feel like this is like the most op thing we could get uh maybe i spoke too soon the next block down uh block of iron is day 25. okay let's let this cook up make a diamond hoe while we're at it there's our nether right scrap there are ingots you know it's not really traditional but i deem this the smithing place and uh here we go wow oh that's so satisfying oh my god okay day 20 fully enchanted that's right not hacking not hacking by the way now obviously we need to enchant this uh yeah yeah yeah yeah sure that that works oh and uh power three okay so after one day of trying we now have a mending villager and five mending books which means we're gonna need an anvil i mean if that's our library maybe this becomes our anvil room and we can just flip this around perfect landing pick defending axe and armor oh and i can also get a book from this guy and then make some more trades now we just have mending everything while we're at it we'll go looting as well i'm almost thinking it would be cool to rework this house a little bit let's just turn it into one big house yeah okay i think that looks great now maybe we'll uh maybe we'll expand this farm a little bit okay cool it ain't much but it's honest work the next thing i would like to make is an armory for arbor not weapons we're gonna we're gonna extend this out eventually there will be windows all right it's cool it's a little a little boxy better much better now for the next thing i actually need these hey okay there's our armor stands whoa i've never used these before oh that's so cool pigs this is no longer a butchery you're free to go okay so here's my goal i want to get a perfect set of every kind of armor and basically i would consider perfect armor to have four of whatever protection along with mending that's the essential for armor so we've almost got a perfect set of regular protection but i'd also like to do fire protection projectile protection and blast protection wait actually let's just break this apart and we'll just fill that in oh yeah that's gonna be way cleaner so just to give you an idea we'd have like there how cool is that so the first thing we're gonna need three diamond chest plates three diamond leggings three helmets and three pairs of boots now we chill with this guy oh fortune three this isn't exactly an opportunity i could pass down thanks oh my god wow this is this is just broken this is like a hundred emeralds a minute yeah uh not bad oh dude you know i have to try absolutely broken time for another lectern hey now i know uh being a cleric has been tough for you but i promise being a librarian will be more successful will bring your life meaning that you didn't even know could have existed all you have to do is give me some form of protection for mending of course protection for yeah that i will take don't mind me just gonna grab a few more emeralds and you can go ahead and give me protection for thank you so much perfect boots perfect legs almost perfect helmet and a pair of leggings that i am content with now i need some more levels so i'm just gonna spend the night mining all right we got 32 levels and enough emeralds to last a lifetime blast protection pants perfect well i think you know how this process is gonna go get to level 31 test out our enchantments see you level four protection and rinse and repeat mine emerald dump check and chance lost protection four wow yeah then we mine emerald drop enchantment check oh my god that went surprisingly well wow look at that we have full blast protection better get some diamonds while we're at it cause god i just don't have enough already okay so over the last day we really haven't had any more luck i've been seeing a lot of unbreaking but see that's the problem with unbreaking is then you get protection and not fire protection so i think we're just gonna have to try the old fashioned way hey projectile protection uh it's gonna be slow but we will get there so let's break these bookshelves and then i will literally just buy all of these now we gotta do the old ad and add and add to get four trick there's another four brb need more xp four and our final four okay so there's four projectile protection fours i'm gonna just buy bookshelves for the xp and and lanterns i guess because sure there's our leggings helmet chest plates and boots also how could i have forgotten day 26 were well beyond it and ladies and gentlemen check it out iron blocks i have no idea what i'm gonna do with this oh gold that will be useful i have no idea what i'm gonna do with all this iron though okay so i might have gotten a little carried away it's fine because i have an idea whoa that was really cool i mean you're dead but nice one um anyways this is like the middle of town i propose we erect a new monument and i'm not just talking any old monuments oh no ah maybe like say uh 11 blocks yeah 11 blocks wide yeah i don't know something that maybe looks like this and and then maybe has uh stuff on on top of that and maybe that has uh stuff on top of it and gosh i mean who knows maybe then put another layer of uh of stuff on that and there we go one sextuple pyramid beacon now i just need uh 18 18 winter skeleton skulls we'll get back to this as much as i like this building it's kind of in the way um i'm gonna i'm gonna tear it down oh two batman's beautiful much more spacious now i'm just gonna need some gold and some ancient debris and we have netherright and now we have another set of netherride armor so i mean ignore the lack of mending for now but uh come on that's pretty cool we ever need to fight creepers we're golden dude you're a skeleton don't even think about it oh this is actually a good opportunity we'll uh take this off put on the projectile protection set and we can just place it on put our protection set back well here we go it's so fast all right buddy yeah that's all you got okay well that that's a creeper i don't i don't know about i don't know about that that's kind of cool it's like if we have a big mission oh the perfect opportunity has presented itself look they just knew they just they just knew anyway uh i think i'll have a snack kind of kind of hungry so gee stars are stars are pretty nice oh oh what's up all right this is silly it's so perfect all right well that was great i think we gotta try it though how much do i trust blast protection whoa whoa dude i wish i could have said that that was intentional but that was i was purely genuine we are in the badlands right now all right creeper we're just face up on each other half a heart bro what if we want to get cozy oh this is scary wow wanna see the maximum amount of damage you can do we're snuggling three hertz three hertz oh oh oh what was that what was that i am a god god with a lot of holes in his land fantastic okay so now we just need fire protection it is day 30 and you know what that means ladies and gentlemen we have made it to gold this is a little bit ridiculous i'm not gonna lie oh emerald's next well seeing as we've done an iron beacon maybe we should do a gold one too all right that should be enough oh i've got an idea and it's uh some big dreaming we've got emeralds and i have a feeling we're eventually gonna see a diamond block at the very least we we have access to diamonds with fortune three so at least four beacons are pretty on the table what if we just put a beacon in all four corners like let's just say this is the center of town 50 blocks this way and 50 blocks this way would put our beacon right here so i'll make the sextuple beacon for now i wouldn't say it's very likely that we're going to be able to fill all four 24 beacons is a lot of wither skeleton skulls let's uh we'll see what we can do there it's beautiful also a cows all right well uh we'll move this later you know getting gold is not all too hard maybe we could go get some more and uh a little a little upgrading much better i think we'll upgrade our library well that uh wasn't very costly at all maybe we'll do a little bit more i like it i think i might even want to get rid of this i think that looks sort of cool you know what would make it look better how about a little iron to replace that pesky cobblestone yeah let's just replace all of this you know some may say i'm doing this to flex at the end of the day though i just believe that this is going to be a more conducive environment for learning so really i'm doing it for the children wouldn't you agree this is better ugh can't forget the floor now i'll just be able to read in here so much better oh but this ceiling you expect me to read with this this is just disgusting but no worries i've got this under control now just gotta add some windows now this looks pretty good but the final touch put some smooth stone slabs down you know they resemble iron and we'll make an iron door no ah we're so close to a church creeper okay so perfect and then some stone slabs all around all right you know it's not the most traditional but uh it looks awesome by the way uh have you subscribed yet if you won't do it for me at least do it for these baby cows also whoa hey look i got more item frames that's crazy no idea where those came from oh yeah i'm gonna make a clock it's for the sake of our editors all right i think i need an adventure let's go this way show me what you got ah no saddle compass i guess i'll take a cauldron okay now what have you got a bed that's what you've got for me this is what we're here for we're after obsidian and there's a saddle sadly there are no horses oh we got a bustling metropolis over here yes that is going to be a little bit more obsidian i was gonna make four out of ten and onwards absolutely nothing oh this is pain no this is patrick but in reality it's nothing but more pain and would you look at that more pain ah yeah we can make this yes oh hello there lava and sadly no more but it's progress oh there's two oh that's so huge seven eight moment of truth sadness ah no we made it back dang it this is looking like an f in the chat say it with me another f but oh wait no never mind false alarm but there it is my dudes nine and ten and of course this one also has obsidian in it oh we also got another saddle and horses whoa this horse has a lot of health yes ladies gentlemen there it is okay that was a bit more of a grind than i had expected but it was quite literally the only way to get obsidian and just look at this beautiful compound like in all seriousness i just love the look of the giant trading building i think that would be so cool for real minecraft now we can feed our cows in style i've got a really fun idea for this portal we're gonna use nether brick this is something i feel like i never normally get to work with so let's go for it and we can grab a little bit of black stone too oh my god it might so fast oh and i completely forgot we got oh not only do we got emerald blocks but diamond is next literally the most op world okay next up on the block one nether fortress coming right up one fancy nether fortress then some chiseled nether bricks there we go and for now there actually we're just gonna fill this in yeah maybe maybe a bit of brick wall going on it's uh it's a little goofy looking i won't lie but i don't i don't hate it ah shoot i don't have any lava and fletcher's only buys okay so i think we just have to do something like this there i think that's yeah literally so easy well easy for you guys at least let's check it out oh did anyone see that that cliff it looked like i was on let's head on back for now um okay i i can't really say i love that not hating it's just like uh why why why why why are we trying to do what are we trying to do here anyway with that done i got something else i want to do so uh yeah i got a few blocks of emerald and that's a lot of emeralds who wants uh who wants max level you got protection for you got uh lanterns i'll buy a compass hey i'll even buy another clock name tag yes i'll buy them all have 12 name tags bookshelves smash these bookshelves you there i'll take your protection wow i'm already out okay that was kind of disappointing however we got more yes i would love another protection thank you so much you're great and glass and lanterns and uh mending yeah heck yeah wow these librarians have awful trades i will say oh my god another mending oh and fire aspect and we can just add that to her sword and beautiful also take all this glass get some glass panes fill this out big yes dude that's incredible and our armory very cool and with our newfound name tags come here sir i name the elvis oh my god you guys are you ready check it out the 1.17 update just dropped today ah this looks so cool i honestly really like the look of this update of everything coal iron and gold just look incredible but i do like the consistency of the redstone lapis emerald and diamonds by the time you're watching this video it's probably been out for a while because we're we're really behind on contents but regardless it looks cool and the even more exciting thing is we can now mine diamond blocks netherrite blocks are next well i'm going to take some time and do some mining okay i am content okay well we've got our gold pyramid let's go 100 blocks this way and this is where diamond will go okay beautiful it looks like a giant candy pyramid okay so we have the parameters of our diamond beacon established all right let's get ourselves some emeralds oh boy time to make another pyramid okay not perfect but better for now well i think it's finally time we spend the day filling in this dark patch kind of having sigma monsters on my beautiful land all right and look at that just as the sun is going down we are finishing this up mr gorbachev tear down this wall okay we did it everyone is officially safe all right next task i am looking for fire protection oh my god that literally took like one minute four fire protections coming right up now we'll just add fire protection and mending and we just add the netherrite too easy check that out and while we're at it we'll finally add mending to our projectile protection clothing beautiful fantastic and done so with all that said and done we have the projectile protection armor with mending the fire protection with mending and of course the very op blast protection uh am i stupid yeah without mending okay one sec there we go mending protection four set of all four types of armor it's what you love to see you know what i think i've earned myself a rest and the reason i say that ladies and gentlemen is because guess what day 45 you know what that means it's so slow but look at that you know it's like there it is casually there's 27 netherite ingots that's that like uh two or three days of work just right there done well honestly i i i kind of want to i guess like 200 or so wait what what day 50 is is beacon well i think we just had our prayers answered roman thank you so much for this incredible mod and honestly i actually think i have a better plan now we can just wait until day 50 and then literally set a beacon like like anywhere this satisfies the requirements for a four-level beacon so then we'll just mine all the way straight up get haste two and uh it'll be a whole lot faster than than than mining it you know piece by piece like this in the meantime some netherride ingots and uh we've got a few diamonds so i'm actually just gonna work on making our perfect armor even more perfect oops that is a lot more diamond chest plates than i needed i'm just gonna throw this peasant trash-tier garbage over there well seeing as it's the one thing we currently don't have i am just gonna mine for a really long time and get some levels this is also super efficient because we don't even need to lay dorches i love emeralds but uh probably should have been doing this from the start okay wow that was a really fast 30 levels i'm uh i'm gonna just turn all of this into quartz and maybe we'll do something cool with this later well i suppose aqua affinity is not too bad and you know depth strider that's that's something so another right this and this and we put them together for what will someday be our ultimate the right helmet maybe if we rename this wow no it's just really really expensive okay well you guys got the idea of how this goes by now all right very cool ultimate netherright boots r.i.p and back to the mines oh i'm breaking three gosh dang it i think we'll just try for an unbreaking librarian i'm breaking two that works and this way we can just kind of hammer everything together okay we're gonna upgrade our fire protection gear i am out of levels and now i'm not damn beautiful look at that even better gear let's go test this out how much do i trust my armor not not that much but i am i am curious so wow this is not bad at all as long as i have food i'm pretty sure i'm invincible yeah this is fine and burning i am definitely okay i could like i mean theoretically just go for a swim if i really wanted to bro i'm basically a strider you know basically a strider awfully slow i don't love this but now that was actually with our feather falling boots yeah we gotta try the the full deal all right yeah it's uh it's about the same i would say you guys get the idea let's make some more baby chickens they do bring me joy i can't lie while we're at it we can get calville to move along a little bit more you know what i'm saying can get it moving now while we're waiting for day 50 i think i am actually just gonna move this because i want another right beacon in the middle let's let's be realistic guys god i wish i had a beacon to help me tear this beacon down now the iron beacon of course it's inside here okay so right there okay and 50 more this way hey my dude my dude come on in come on in actually this guy has some stuff i will take sugar cane pumpkin seeds lily pads melons uh oak sapling shore and uh sure thank you anyway let's finish this of course i am one short now here's our emerald marker gold marker and iron beacon so now we just have to wait for day 50. so sadly my mic wasn't working for days 49 to 54 but here's a quick montage of what i did [Music] [Music] [Music] you know it really saddens me that uh like two seconds later this man shows up and uh doesn't have the thing we were looking for not mad i'm just disappointed but we do got the acacia sapling the dark oak sapling so maybe we can start just a a fun little forest here why not and over here some dark oak saplings now the next question that needs to be asked what do you do once you have become a god in minecraft the answer to that is uh you build cool stuff so next thing i want to upgrade is going to be our armor room and for that we're going to be needing a lots of netherrite okay so in a little over 10 minutes we've managed to acquire about 150 blocks i think we're gonna need quite a bit more than that though okay so where do we start i guess uh with the trim [Music] okay so i have no idea what i'm doing all right just uh gonna take out this cobblestone and i think we'll just replace this with iron blocks as well fortunately we do still have some iron left perhaps this looks better now filling in the rest of this trim shouldn't be too difficult yes and we can do the same for here and around the edges of this as well sweet well this has got to go so i guess it's for another right blocks now this will become iron and same goes for the bottom okay well you can kind of see where this is heading i like the looks of this and now we just do it again on the other side also look at those cool little trees over there nice i'm actually quite happy with this now the final change maybe we'll just get rid of the ceiling honestly that's a bit of a vibe okay seven more blocks why don't we just do the ultimate flex and also i'm i'm really scared i think i know yeah [Music] now finishing touches dude this is a vibe come on door and beautiful my million dollar armor room oh and day 55 ladies and gentlemen sand and then prismarine okay oh i can't oh wait santa's it's only one layer oh i don't like that okay so basically we just had a troll layer which is rightfully fair after our amazing stretch of 50 days you know what i uh i think i'm good for now so i'm seeing a lot of netherride and iron and and that's great but i mean if we really want to upgrade this town i think we need some diamonds currently we have okay a lot of diamonds actually i honestly think i just want to make a room for weapons like that would be so cool we're gonna go ahead and put this down right here wait i don't even have efficiency on this i'm out here living in the dark ages efficiency for sales okay so efficiency four hit with an upgrade and that's gonna be one quick boy also i'm just gonna add some bookshelves around the area you know just uh help with that ambiance yeah now these diamonds oh oh oh there we go that's gonna be nice yeah i think something like that now back to the iron grinds maybe a little more trim i'm feeling some big glass panes okay now for this back wall we are going to have no window uh i i think it still needs a little bit of work but it's it's not bad for now and so the whole purpose of this room is we can take some item frames like so i don't have anything to put here yet but someday we will so i kind of want to make towers around these beacons so let's start with gold okay hopefully that's enough what up what up something simple man i honestly just like love this as it is already okay little little frame we could even just like fill this all in okay this is uh this is gonna be something maybe yeah maybe something like maybe something like this okay so i don't know what this was really meant to be but i kind of like it ah now from a distance it it does still look a little bit bare we can just make it bigger i think i like that more but we need some trim yeah i think that looks much better iron is up next okay now i think i want each one of these to actually be different so it's gonna go like three three three going in each time so something like this a little ring around the top yeah and i think a little pyramid thing at the top now just a little bit of trimming up here i don't know it's a little basic but i kind of like the simplicity of it face-up chickens egg cows okay next up is emerald so for our next one i'm feeling like a tower sort of pillar vibe you feel me yeah perfect oh dude i love this man i think we should take this a step further let's go all out let's make it a castle yeah all right put some doors in oh dude incredible just phenomenal and last but not least ladies and gentlemen we got diamond so this and for this one we actually are gonna do some digging so we're gonna fill in this floor so like this i don't know i i like it but i feel like it needs a little bit more of something actually i'm okay with this i also kind of want to just like put some few blocks outside randomly it's kind of just like uh i don't know like a weird diamond growth almost if that makes sense so diamonds emerald iron and gold lime die which means oh no is this even gonna be the right color of green ah i mean it's not it's not bad i feel like maybe the dark green would be better but i mean ultimately it's like we now have every color for each beacon so heck yeah so we still have a lot of blocks so let's fix some more structures for this one we're going to replace wood with gold as for the cobblestone with diamonds now next up is this farm and uh i think we're gonna we're gonna let these lats out finally so this time wood is going to be replaced into emerald and cobblestone into diamonds whoa not cool man okay next up oh we have the legitimate library oh my me just gonna tear all this down going iron all right so there's our first story and there's our top floor we even left the books in okay not bad now just got three more ah mistakes were made oh even with five beacons around me and perfect armor that is still scary anyway there's that house done now next up is a concept we've never done before emeralds yeah you know the old diamond and emerald villager house and last but not least uh i'm kind of running low so i think we'll just use everything and and make it a rainbow house gold pillars look i don't even know man a little bit of diamond you know in some emeralds sure more diamonds okay this is actually turning out to be my favorite house we'll do this floor in gold man i love this yeah easily our best house let's just go up real quick and uh yeah dude i i really love our four four corners the only thing that kind of sucks is the one structure i actually made and i truly just do not feel ready to take that on yet man our world is really starting to look great we got some action we got some action nice anyway there's something i completely forgot about next up ladies and gentlemen not only do we have well oh that's that's an easy break but uh oh oh that is huge all right prismarine whatever yeah cool i guess it's neat but with the updates we had this added into our world oh no i broke it i feel bad oh it's it's it's this stuff not yeah okay um this is budding amethyst oh it's so pretty i don't wanna i don't break it so in order to get this we have to let it grow right dude this is so cool and look at that a little a little baby abethest oh oh another one dude i feel like bad to break these maybe we'll just like make some rose so we can get as much surface area as possible oh the ice just melted why is ice the next one anyway but does that mean i can just yeah uh the next one is ice too that's that's unfortunate that would have been a nice little hack anyway you can leave this beef for now and uh come back in a bit i guess okay so i have a really dumb idea kind of just really feeling making this a flex property and so the idea to turn all the grass into emerald has come across my brain okay we're looking at about 160 by 180 space here i did the math it would take us about 11 days to mine all that emerald so let's give it one day and see where that puts us all right well not quite one full day but that's a lot of emeralds we're gonna start things small and build their way out fortunately this shovel is amazing okay and uh now we fill in everything with emeralds so you know it's it's a very small start but you can kind of get an idea of what this may eventually look like actually since it's night time we're gonna start with these paths and they are going to be made out of gold beautiful and like so and i'm out of gold but no worries we can continue on the emeralds also just realized this is a nifty smith house actually it might be wise to start with a perimeter okay cool oh it's my basement hey that's a pretty nice looking yard hey there excellent now let's go get some more gold and let's finish these paths and actually i think we'll also just make one big path around the beacon oh yeah much better oh batman you finally came down well in that case i mean i kind of got it bro what okay so a lot of dirt okay so i am just about out of emerald and now we're not okay next up whatever this area is don't mind me i'm just growing grass excellent oh just gotta hit that trim around the nether portal beautiful and so that pretty much encompasses the entire main area now we'll make some more paths cool wow incredible okay let's dig this up [Music] and fill it in [Music] beautiful there fill this in a little bit better go ahead and patch this all up i think maybe this will actually be the cutoff point and we still have this little section here to fill in okay that's perfect because that is all my emerald that's basically our main compound area covered okay yeah cool i think that's like enough you know we could spend another 10 days getting the emeralds necessary to fill up this entire area but come on we got to keep some grassland for the cows oh i almost forgot we've got these big lads cooking up here oh this is so cool it's really hard to navigate through okay so we have 64. like 100 and a bit oh dude they just look so cool i have an idea yes cool it's at the very least a start i don't know what happened but i can't find my sword but that's not actually the worst thing in the world i actually have an idea but first i need levels i'm breaking three sharpness three and beta arthropods four okay so the idea is to have a really good version of each type of sword we're gonna have to go back to the drawing board here sharpness four with unbreaking literally smite five okay now we can just turn this into emeralds i will take some books smash the books that's gonna be three lootings three mendings oh fire aspect actually we're gonna need a lot of fire aspect so there are our fire aspect twos and we're also gonna need a bunch of unbreakings so i'm breaking fire aspect two mending and looting three for pretty much a perfect smite sword now just add some netherrites and there we go paging all nerds i have a surprise for you that is really easy okay so now we just need to do that two more times good thing i love nether quartz the funny thing is i i really don't i really really don't okay so next up we have bane of arthropods little mending a little fire aspect oh i'm breaking three now my question is is will this be enough like it is right so do we really need bane five when when four always does the trick call me lazy call me crazy but i have consent with black widow's bane as our spider killer now as for our sword we got fire aspect oh mending let's see this is where we're in an awkward position because i do want the sharpness 5. now after a very long mining session we've got the sharpness for prey it's just that and there's knockback of course i mean it it would be a more complete sword but my word is inexpensive you also need looting which is expensive all right there it is now lastly looting is going to cost 37 levels one day later i hate nether quartz so much it cost me everything and was it worth it i really don't think so ah we're done we're done but ladies and gentlemen i mean oh no well anyway say hello to perfection well the another right and there we go this sword is stupid and i hate it dude we gotta we got a thing but uh hey elvis my mans i'm i'm gonna need this i'm so sorry just check it out i can just ride it it's just it's just instantly mine wait they all have very little health i thought that these were like the fastest mounts in the game and i gotta say i am i'm a little disappointed right now uh same with this guy quite slow well regardless it's very cool and actually the other thing we could finally do is uh add some stuff to our wall of cool things cool weapons so there's our smite sword our spider sword and we've got our our perfection sword but i i want that and uh you know cool actually while we're at it let's make an axe shovel and just give it a random enchantment because sure a little bit of netherrites and uh there now we got at least like a little bit more for show also hello okay let's sleep this one off and ladies and gentlemen we now have copper end is next okay that seems a little ominous but regardless for now something you'll love to see i think we'll just uh get a bunch of this baby okay so this is like kind of my first time using copper but i guess it's basically just like every other block it's got a lot of a stairs of stairs and we're basically just gonna just gonna remove all of this and replace it with copper and one more level it it doesn't really like go together but see you guys like the two new big blocks i i gotta go for it right i would really like a floor that plays music feels like so long ago we laid this floor back when we were a young little steve with not a whole lot of wealth my oh my how things have changed oh this is gonna be cool well uh this is a little bit awkward yeah okay let's go ahead and finish this roof off also cool you can already see it's starting to weather actually you know what i think i kind of like the look of cut copper uh yeah yeah that's gonna be more consistent beautiful you see that just absolutely beautiful i mean if we're being honest it's a little ridiculous it's just a boxy flex but it's my boxy flex okay and now we have some doors along with a traveling salesman we have melon seeds jungle saplings and some ice and see you guys we've already got a small little forest growing over here why don't we take our jungle saplings and go boom boom boom wow this sword is good yeah we can even lay down some ferns you know make it look nice and aesthetic beautiful yeah the real question can we do it as we can hey cool oh man it's not a lot but i just i love it oh yeah dude it just adds a great aesthetic and while we're at it let's put some oaks over here there we go and just a bunch of small little fellas i also completely forgot that we planted these dark oak saplings and then we can take our saplings and i think we'll place them right here taking us back to the lava super flat okay so the other thing is we have a ton of courts i think a giant quartz palace would look good somewhere over here gonna have to just remove this little farm thinking like this a little bit of that i'm gonna go for some pillars oh come on definitely gonna be longer and more pillars yeah actually that that feels pretty good feels powerful cool i mean it's probably nothing you've never seen before but i feel good about this okay i've never made anything out of quartz before it's kind of exciting it's simple but cool now we got more amethyst hopefully this is enough update it's still not enough okay so i know i said i wouldn't do this but i really think we could make this world look a lot cooler if we continue to expand with our emerald floor so i'm gonna go mine some emeralds and we'll meet back here in a few days to the power of editing we are back sorry you know we're not going to go crazy but uh just uh we're just going to add a little something all right i like that and we just gotta go around the whole thing then again actually the more i think about it this side is way more covered you might only need to do this area yeah cool we'll take this all the way out and i'm finally gonna remove that there we go now we should probably finish this side ah but see then this this looks off ah but see then we also have this trail we gotta finish after years we can finish this wow amazing all right i just want to see what we're looking at right now get a better view of everything yeah i mean it's quite rectangular and and really it's it's it's not even not even we kind of need to just like go go up this way a bit you know like i'm not looking for perfect symmetry but let's uh let's add a little bit more gosh dang it sweet yeah see that just feels like a little more even to me i think like i said you know i like i like trees i like i like the farmland and i just gotta i just got a few more things i want a path going to every beacon and then we're gonna make sure that every structure is surrounded in at least a little bit of emerald but there's no way to make this knot look a little clunky but i think that is going to be the best we can do and yeah i think that works yeah this one's kind of in a weird spot oh i know what we'll do yeah that makes a lot of sense and then we're going to do the same thing for these structures just make sure everything is at least a little bit surrounded and we'll do the same here and last building and honestly i think we better go around the castle too hey tropical fish lily pads i have an idea oh also uh yeah that's that's that's done also oh my god it's day 88 i am behind myself i am so far behind okay so uh this is an absolute mess okay uh i i hate everything to do with this but yeah we've we've we've made it to end stone for day 85 and after that okay you know um not the most exciting but but sure i wonder though i wonder what's next is this is this like is this like a hint of things to come on the bright side we finally finished our floor okay so we got space right here i want to make an aquarium okay so we have a few fish will this work is it even possible how could i even dream of filling the rest of this up don't understand what i would need to do on the bright side we have a lot of fish so that's cool all right we'll just uh do the old infinite water trick now there is like some sort of technique okay and maybe we'll just be really lazy i mean lazy but innovative okay wow we did it cool you know it ain't much but uh but hey it's ours maybe just have another little small one here no no fish like that yeah okay so this next thing is a little bit petty but i'm kind of sick of these stone stairs so uh we've got some cut copper and let's just go in okay don't mind this yeah and there oh my goodness yes it looks fantastic guys still a bit of a mess down here if i release a preset for this world i might change it so that there's no ice because this is the worst thing ever all right it's a bit of a mess but it's ours and come on how nice does that look ladies and gentlemen we have made it to day 90 and that means we're getting close cake what oh my god i can eat it oh my god i get it i get it because after all these days all these layers it was all just cake and then this looks like an end portal frame okay now we don't have a lot of days left and i think it would be good to make a tower so that we could see all our work now obviously it's got to be a flex tower kind of got nothing built over here it's not going to be anything crazy you know besides the fact that it's made of net the right blocks yeah just gonna be a nice huge dark tower is that good yeah i think that's good but i still think we could do better there yeah just a little something extra now as for getting down i i've got a strategy the water will go all the way down so we'll drop in yeah okay perfect oh but first check out this time lapse sunrise ah so beautiful anyway here we go now we just put some ladders in this bad boy incredible and we do have a pretty good view of everything a little bit slow but that's okay all right okay so i've actually got a bit of an idea here i'm just gonna let these guys beat me up and as we get beaten up let's let's eat cake okay it is an end frame so whoa a few hours later cake this is really slow and done okay i really hope this works zero blaze rods zero ender pearls but hey that's kind of exciting actually because finally take our fire protection gear and our smite five sword oh man we're heading out on an adventure this has been like a creative mode world but i'm excited whoa whoa wait we got a villager okay um hi there enderman thank you hey hey hey oh dude my man's not ready stick attack ah you dum-dum no wait who are you okay and there we go well well well if it isn't by old nemesis here blaze ah hi there oh oh what's that oh i have fire protection and uh okay wow that was uh really easy oh hey oh dude i kid you not that was the first wither skeleton we killed whoa i'm almost tempted to just grind this out now i feel like it's a sign let's go hey [Applause] through the power of editing we'll make that look just as easy as the first one hey here's our soul sans and we're back right why am i so slow why am i so slow why am i so slow oh we made it yeah as expected uh this is not gonna work well i think we've deserved to sleep but now nice so roman did have to install a mod in order to get this thing to work but i'm hoping that this this this is not gonna just bug out oh oh my god oh my god it what it actually works thank you okay be right back we'll take perfection our ac 130 of course our perfect armor with our skeleton skull and some soul sand a block of diamonds just just to flex and uh six six beacons fresh shields ladies and gentlemen let's do this well well well bro look at that oh my god it's too easy it's too easy although probably should eat some food you're done so come on bro ac 130 inbound ac 130 back on the ground oh we gotta go for body shots okay that's different oh never mind never bite oh let's let's do this with the bow let's do this with the bow man come on come on it's too easy you'll love to see it wow so close it's so far away don't mind me thank you very much now let's uh let's take a quick adventure ah what why are there so many what the heck but hey look how easy that was dude that's the kind of energy i'm talking about okay this has been a great series just fun man we're just building having a good time and actually never mind there is no boat but this one does now we really don't need like literally anything in here we have the perfect nether right loop so we're just gonna build our way up into this ship [Music] okay this should be interesting um yeah yeah whoa hi there so good to see you not sure if you've been introduced to my ac 130. yeah there it is oh what up it's gonna head and head back we'll uh we'll make the beacon yeah all right okay we will be back hello world okay so we got some nice ads for a trophy wall love to see that now we need to resummon the ender dragon first of all that was easy now for the hard part we have to time this perfectly now please no oh come on come on no come down come down ah no oh my god is it glitched quick quick quick yes okay that's two looting for the win come to me no come down to me no hey guests yes three is enough there's four obsidian four eyes and there it is cool i've never made end crystals before now we will also need our smite sword i love how this has just become a stairway straight to the end so cool well ladies and gentlemen if you haven't make sure to subscribe leave a like here we go okay so i think it's literally just as easy as as this oh oh oh i'm not ready i'm not ready wait there's no egg i don't know what's happening okay uh uh don't panic don't panic can it spawn with no egg whoa this is so cool whoa whoa ladies and gentlemen let's do this oh okay uh uh get the bow out oh my god look at that hot bar oh my man oh he's distracted he's distracted let's take this opportunity beautiful nice my mans is just going in but not on me so it's fine dude this is crazy oh no oh no yes oh big shot oh this is yes okay that's everything i think it's too risky to go for this with the wither so the next step has to be going for it oh we hit it there it is wait it's literally oh my god it actually just straight up does not want to fight me the problem being is that means i also can't kill it oh oh i may have smoke it's too soon ah oh my god oh my god oh my god okay okay heal okay okay here we go here we go let's get the enderman on him when he comes down the enderman will help me okay here there here it is here it is here it is here it is enderman enderman saving oh no this dragon coming down oh no oh no no no yes there it is there it is oh dude this is gonna be so fast look at that oh my god ladies and gentlemen not just once but we have defeated the ender dragon that is gonna be for a second time there it is nice oh and ladies and gentlemen the dawn of the final day let's go ahead put that there and i know the perfect thing to put right there of course we didn't forget our dragon head bam there it is and so with our final day i got one more thing to do saving this spot for one thing check this out i i think i'm content with that yeah actually the s looks so much bigger large okay that might be the best i'm gonna get so then we just gotta fill it all in yeah it's a lot of level here and then two right across the top and same for this side and a little more black around the edges oh i hope this is good ladies and gentlemen that's actually not too bad only thing is this looks a little messed up so that and oh oh yeah i think that's it i really really do now from up top yeah that is a nifty smith logo and hey that's actually gonna be perfect timing because ladies and gentlemen let's let's watch the sunrise and [Music] there it is day 100 well guys thank you so much for watching i really really hope you enjoyed this one it was just a lot of fun to play please make sure to subscribe leave a like and we'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: NiftySmith
Views: 2,391,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mSfe-RHAj-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 36sec (4476 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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