Minecraft Manhunt, But I Did A Fake Speedrun...

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this is Minecraft Manhunt but I faked the speed run as you guys may already know I'm not the greatest speedrunner in the world and Dev always roasts me because of it so today instead of practicing and becoming better I thought it would be a better idea to get a really good speedrunner to fake the Mana for me to do this I got booster to find a really good seed that he can speedrun really fast then I use the mod that can track every single movement he does in the game so that way when I do the Manhunt with Dev I can play back the recording and it looks just like a real player is playing the game so my goal for this Manhunt is basically just to make it so Dev never notices it's not actually me speed running because I'll actually be in spectator the whole time messing with him this video is super hilarious it makes you guys stick around to the end to see if Dev ever figures it out if you guys haven't seen our last video basically we're gonna be releasing merch very soon like in the next couple of weeks so if you guys are interested we have a website set up already the link is in the description so make sure to go sign up if you guys are interested and we'll be keeping you guys updated on all the details now let's get right into the video yo booster what's up hey what the why the am I here here are you ready to prank Dev today oh what okay great all right so guys Lucifer just got the perfect speed running seed ready to speedrun and I got the recording mod set up the one thing we need to do before you start is you need to slash fake name and then make your name mine like this bro no that that's literally what you're telling me though like what here oh four r's oh like that I'm gonna lose my mind so the one problem with this mod is it can only record up to 20 minutes of gameplay so do you think you can speed around this in 20 minutes I'm ready I'm ready okay this needs to go perfectly or else Dev will let's go let's go start a timer start a timer yeah five minutes left uh yeah that's enough oh bro there's no way you just almost died almost fell into lava bro there's no way you're mining a tree with a shovel I am though what are you gonna do about it is a pro speedrunning Strat that I don't know yeah wait booster you gotta you gotta teach me at a speedrun okay I gotta I gotta improve yeah I'm sorry buddy I've seen your manhunts there's nothing bro I'm sorry oh after the wrong thing it's fine I'm still not as helpless as you but I'm not gonna lie this is like pretty slow pace I know I'm so sorry Dev will catch you no that's that's your problem just imagine you're running away from Dev right now no I won't because that's your problem not mine I'm not doing a Manhunt right I know ever again you know but you're literally in one right now no but I'm never being a speedrunner you're speeding right now you technically you're doing a Manhunt right now technically well you want me to quit or are you just gonna no no okay fine this is speed on Speed Run speed exactly okay let's go one minute 30 into another not bad not bad okay this is where I'm gonna learn some new stuff because I don't know how to do bastions you got to teach me okay and you never will bro like okay you go here right uh-huh oh Gold Blocks you gotta get those oh my God chests are right here right wait I can cheat for you watch out there's brutes you can x-ray for you not that you need help with x-raying but what these guys can trade this is expert speed running right here yep no more Bruce no more brutes I lied to you you lied you lied I'm sorry I'm sorry any more pearls how many pearls you have I have still 12 wait that's good oh there's a fire rest potion there's a fire rest potion over here look at this cinematic shot I'm getting okay that was kind of trash I might cut that out where's the Fortress oh there where are we are you faster than me when I'm in spectator because I'm crazy with it bro this is pretty good Pace by the way thank you I have no obsidian no string interesting is this not normal what do you mean you watch out oh no no don't die oh you're good you're good okay now I need to go back to my portal let's go let's go oh my God bro you gotta chill relax relax I I got everything under control holy crap bro I forgot you had fire rest I do this for a living don't worry where's the portal oh oh yeah go up go up go up it's right up there it's right where you're already going you're welcome you okay I got um I also need some obsidian so um let's go back to the Bastion I guess watch out and hoglands [Applause] oh my God I can't punch them because then people are gonna be on me should I cheat should I cheat no yes I'm cheating I don't care devil never know you need to hurry up bro I'm sorry I'm sorry I forgot I forgot I forgot okay die die die die yes okay okay devil never know my God Dev just woke up okay let's hurry so he doesn't suspect anything oh that's obscene so you're going you're going you're going I'm going to the stronghold now okay come on come on come on I don't know oh you're in the lava that's fine oh my God perfect okay wait did I miss oh it's below you it's below you it's below you keep going keep going I'll tell you when to stop it's literally it's literally right below you it's literally below You by like 30 blocks let's go let's go oh my God wait there's the foil room yes two two oh AI I think it's gonna go down now oh you got this you got this okay just hit it just hit it just hit it oh come on come on you got it you got it no Quick Charge three is crazy come on I'm not missing you're missing oh let's go oh my God I think this will work okay okay save the recording save the recording slash a recording stop there we go now I just have to wait till Dev is ready to record and then I could literally just play it back during the minute so I really hope he just doesn't notice the whole time that's gonna be so funny all right well thanks for helping booster okay yo Dad what's up do you like my suit I am a businessman today as you can see bro okay first of all your forehead man I've had anything whoa you can't make fun of my phone no I'm not right I'm sorry it's just staring at me why did you drag me here today why do you think I mean I don't have any idea we're doing a minute uh why can't we ever just beat the game together anymore uh we should do one of those exactly guys any suggestions oh why did I choose to go this way what reason wait this is a platypus okay what that was just like that was just like a bad disc came down by the way Dev booster has been teaching me to speedrun recently so today you're gonna be absolutely just blown out of the water you'll see you'll see no improvement then so no improvement no okay okay first of all he's he's better than you he's someone said he's a professional get over here no bring your webbed feet back to me what do you mean webbed feet oh yeah for for those who don't know guys um since being here lift together now uh he walks by my room almost every day and uh I've come to the conclusion he has the most webbed feet in the world laugh against the hardwood floor okay you would completely agree first of all I don't even have one room portal I don't even have red feet you do have red feet and Webb first of all having web feet would actually be sick because you can swim faster so it's not really a disc but I don't think he's admitting to it I ran out of Sprint yes I knew it I knew it I knew it what do you mean you knew it that was a good portal oh no come here dude so you gonna tell me if this twist is overpowered or not oh there's actually no twist straight Speed Run Normal Man remember how you told me you wanted me to do a normal Manhunt with no twists so you're gonna make me sit here for four hours while you try to beat the game guarantee you we'll be done here in less than 30 minutes who are you lying to in 30 minutes bro different you're right but where is this thing I lost it I lost it oh my God it's bad Deb don't come after me oh yes it's right here I knew it okay let me start let me start it I mean nothing Dart it nothing nothing start what nothing oh wow what a surprise there's no toys there's a Twist in this video oh my God okay here we go at least mute so I don't have to hear this you know all right oh nice little Bruin portal here let me mine this tree with this shovel as as I do you know on my daily here I wish you were up here I wish you were a benevolent person I'm not an elephant bro sorry yeah okay okay this is pretty this is pretty chill so far let me see what else is going on yeah it is Chill so far oh yeah comments for that for those who don't know I am sick again uh prayer for me please thank you yeah prayer for Devin is Stone ax I'm not holding Stone ax actually everyone give your prayers for stev his Stone ax in the cows yo can you stop like that's kind of weird what's weird you just called out what I was doing no what's weird is eating raw meat okay that's weird yo I'd much rather never mind oh my I'm oh wait oh okay what time to um wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how do you know what I'm doing but you went to the nether at the same time I can't see you oh what the f no way this is bad this is bad I didn't realize this could happen no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh this is so bad this is so bad this is so bad come on come on come on yes yes bro what are you doing nothing nothing nothing nothing oh guys I muted um I think I think the brutes doubled in here because of the ones booster interacted with plus the new ones that spawned in oh no wait how many more are there oh this is so bad hold on I can't even see what's happening where am I oh yes oh this is crazy I'm not even I can't even keep up with this okay I think I'm good guys I think I'm good here do you want to do a Xeno transplantation soon what is that yes your portal oh no oh no small talk is over hey here where are you where'd you go where's this Bastion that you got instantly oh it's right here oh no this is bad we have an idea I have an idea is that you that's you wait you see me I don't see you I see you where where I can't see you what come on come on come on oh now blocks are disappearing bro blocks are disappearing blocks just disappear below you bro what like what what just happened to you shut up you know what happened to me obviously no I don't literally I'm in the Bad scene did you see me I saw your name yeah and then I died so then what would I have done what would I have done in that how did you know I was eating raw food in your cows when you went to the nether I don't know like this twist doesn't make sense already okay guys I need to I need to chill out or else Dev is going to figure this out if I keep trolling them I need to be careful here because apparently anything can go wrong [Music] oh my God okay wait where did I go where did I go I mean wait what bro like your language right now is just so like wait there's no no no no no you would trade you didn't trade there's no way you've traded I don't care there's no way you've traded I don't care what the am I tripping out here no I'm alive I'm alive I didn't die right huh right yeah you didn't die in the chat yeah yeah okay so yeah you're at a fortress what the hell is happening no this is crazy bro I don't even know what you're talking about I don't know either but I gotta be careful here I just don't understand how you're already out of Fortress like that's what I don't understand like I said man under 30 minutes this Manhunt is done nah there's something there's like okay the only way that like you're out of this person teaching me I've been taking lessons it doesn't matter you suck you can't get good at any video game do my whole life you sucked at every game oh it's just Geometry Dash goals every game wait why did I throw those out what what's happening are you struggling Dev by the way yeah I'm kind of struggling I'm flying through this well don't worry almost back to your portal again nice arrows bro I'm gonna die can you piss off how do you know what I'm doing and you're at the nether I don't understand you're like a monitor no I just saw you die no I saw you died from a spider so I figured it's night time so you must have arrows in you from a skeleton probably too if you died from a spider bro like I like I refuse to believe you have all the pearls there's no shot wait what bathroom did you even raid was that treasure that was the two-sider flip oh my God it's not called that treasure Bastion [Music] yeah at this point I'll just call it but I can't even see this thing okay well I guess I'm coming into the nether again I'm probably gonna die which is gonna be great no no don't come don't come don't come hey yo here whoa I forgot that happened bro booster needs to teach me some better moves next time oh my God Fortress was right here I forgot to happen too wait you're here you got that lucky uh oh wait what do I do what do I do what do I do guys what do I do bro this this I haven't had like this man that's I'm I'm actually like stressed for once when I'm the hunter with you I'm normally relaxed I don't have to do anything oh my God oh my God oh my God can you stop like talking oh my God oh my God what no that was insane what did you do holy crap oh I see the blocks you place okay wait should I do this then I may as well do this I might die though this is so bad wait are you still even in the Nether um I I am trying to find my way back to this freaking portal but I lost it I'm gonna die hype three hearts and no food I'm out of Sprint [Music] yo Dev you're in the Overworld what do you mean the compass is going this way now oh well yeah I haven't no no no no no no no you don't have all the stuff though you don't you just don't wait what just happened what just happened okay I mean guys I muted um I think I screwed up by deleting that portal because I'm in the freaking like it thinks I'm in the nether but I'm in the Overworld okay wait as long as Dev doesn't notice this should be fine but he's probably gonna see these piglets oh no what the hell is this man okay I'm gonna unmute uh Dev what does it say I'm in the nether or the Overworld Overworld okay why no reason this is trippy that's a rotten flesh and Gold Everywhere hello oh I left some around what why though oh what the hell just happened why is it lagging hello oh why is it lagging oh I'm good no shot no no no you're not at the Fort you're not at the stronghold there's no shot wait is that a piglet There's a Zombie Pigman and I'm so confused what he's just wandering the overall that was a glitch that was a glitch with the compass mod yo just stop talking I I think I know this is can you correct me if I'm wrong if I I think you've been rehearsing the seed for like 10 months and booster's been training why let's go yeah yeah yeah let me say my theory now booster's been training you on this specific C that's what it is and you learn the seed and you just know the seed that's what it is I know it there's no shot what's happening oh no wait okay the the portal didn't work what what the hell how did this even happen my character didn't even go through the portal what are you talking about what the I don't I don't know what's happening there's a dragon and there's powers in the Overworld uh what did you do what is that I glitched I'm so confused and there's ender pearls everywhere what is happening wait where are you I'm in the Overworld of a dragon and Towers everywhere oh hey dude where are you nowhere nowhere nowhere I see you wait you're underground um yeah I'm just getting him underground don't worry oh my God don't worry about me wait it's glitch it's detecting that this is in the end I know I don't know what's happening wait so you're fake too no I'm not I'm not because why would you go underground to hit I don't that's like fake no no no no no no no no get away get away get away you guys get away run I can't kill you why isn't he running yes [Applause] no my character's glitched yes nice let's go boys look at the recording 29 minutes and 50 seconds that you know that doesn't count you can't let's go sit there and say that counts that was so tough oh that didn't even count what's up bro shut up anyways I killed the dragon oh that was so um what do you think of my new speedrunning skills that obviously wasn't you you were dead in the ground how was I dead I was leaning
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 576,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute, redstone, VR
Id: C0-s2Xhf0-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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