100 Days but the Floor is Lava

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i'm going to be surviving the next hundred minecraft days on a single chunk surrounded in lava i'm allowed to leave the chunk and explore but at the risk of falling in and losing our game can't we survive 100 days day one starts now let's get this tree quickly before anything catches fire my god what a rare day we're starting with two different types of trees make a crafting table and a pick oh we got saplings dude this is a nice chunk we got animals pumpkins sugarcane sand and water what more could a steve ask for add some more trees we can start looking for seeds nice these animals are very important i'm gonna go ahead and actually breed these chickens right away now we've got four and we can plant these other two seeds i'd also better take this oh and actually we can just replant it oh and another baby chick and while we wait for some of these things to come along i think we can go ahead and maybe just check out what's down here okay yeah stone that is uh certainly to be expected i'm sure none of you are surprised the other thing i got to be careful if i dig too far down we're just going straight to lava also cool okay we need that make a set of tools and we are on a mission a mission for coal and i can't even grab this stuff because as soon as i do lava will wreck me but it's a great start and now that we have torches don't have to worry about mobs spawning down here actually i cannot go over any further right right oh there's more lava underneath my chunk you know not to be confused with fat lava this is just lava that naturally generated within the chunk nice and so that i spent the night making a staircase and clearing out what would become our second floor all right now that is gonna be day two we got a little bit more sugar cane we do have more wood and another birch i'm also going to go ahead and just try to safetify this a little bit and while this is very sad i'm getting a little bit hungry sorry buddy that'll be one delicious cooked chicken and while we're waiting for everything else i think for now i'm just gonna clear this you know it really is just so much more scarier than the original one chunk in the one chunk you mind too far you hit air and this one you go too far you hit lava anyway that's looking better still rain is good if there's rain that means i can't catch on fire oh perfect that was not what i meant to do but that worked out pretty well i feel confident patching this up knowing we will not run out of lava and hey look at that sweet oh wow that's seven wheat seeds and we'll get one more chicken five more eggs will give us one more chicken i just realized we've lost animals because we definitely had more than this we can lower them down with the wheat we'll go with sheep ha ha a little gray sheep yeah you guys stay down here we'll uh go ahead and cook up another chicken and i think we can start mining down some more oh that's really inconvenient but we do have iron so [Music] rip nice nice nice hey and one more now next up i gotta take advantage of all this coal have you ever seen so much coal and we can use it to get our iron cooking up we have four pieces of iron part of me really wonders whether there is more out here and so i wonder do we go for the buckets get water make it obsidian path out to somewhere i think eventually but for now we've still got a lot to do we've got a lot of stone so i'd like to try for a wall you know like this is fine i guess ah no i'm sorry i just can't help but think that this will feel a lot better if we've got a stone wall around it i don't know it kind of makes more sense no i think if we're gonna make any more significant progression it's gotta be with iron this this is gonna be tricky maybe we'll go ahead and just start a whole other floor let's find some iron oh nice ah no why why is the iron on the edge of the chunk and like nowhere other than on the edge okay please yes well it's not nothing we got to do better than that hey well well well right under our nose this whole time why is there only two oh okay three i think i could work with that we got wheat and a pretty good amount of log as well what shall we do with this iron we're gonna do a bucket and pick next we'll make some chests and we could start storage now sun is almost down so for now we're gonna spend some more time in the mines incredible now we'll finish off by grabbing some copper and that'll be another four almost done now we've got another wheat which means we can get a baby cow now we're gonna see what's beyond the chunk oh yeah ladies and gentlemen that's right oh all right well we'll give this a shot this is really giving me lava super superflat vibes oh no there's no rain on this side that is very bad for these villagers which by the way is literally the only reason i'm going here we can do this oh we have connected what we're here for there's one thing and it is villagers we got any beds yes we do there's another yes okay so sun is going down here's what we need to do get these beds out come on buddy ah there you go two is enough oh oh my god it's going to be fine we even have slimes spawning on this because we're at y80 yeah see check this out it's gonna be no problem at all stay there don't go dying on me how would you guys like to become farmers just kidding i'm actually just trying to get you onto my chunks so that i have villagers on my chunk beautiful oh yeah and so just to reiterate the challenge rules are our build must stay within the confines of this chunk so we can leave but i can't go building my base out there because then that would just be lava super flat and if i couldn't leave it all well that would just be a a regular single chunk with with fire honestly we should probably go back for the rest of the stuff except now we have food just cook steak we can grab some vegetables actually we do want beds oh yeah okay now that that's really big for us overall a very good haul so we're back and now that we have these two villagers i think we need to make them a home that's right buddy you too pal and hey look at that what a perfect spot to put some villagers now i was using these composters just to manipulate their movement i am actually looking for one farmer that's the trade we want right there go ahead lock that in and i mean we already have a ton of bread but food is a valuable resource get these guys some bread and they should eventually make another villager i'm sure you know how this goes by now we'll do the exact same thing for our farm animals and uh yeah chickens too where did this cow come from anyway this tree is actually perfect timing because the next thing we want is a smoker you see this one i'm not messing around you got this you got bread right here yeah sure okay bread's not bad but like have you ever tried rabbit stew i'm talking big big saturation and now i will spend the rest of the day and night finishing up this roof oh the power of the iron pick it feels nice and look at that it's another beautiful morning oh you know what i just realized this guy right here he must have come under as a baby somehow hopped the wall and then he grew up over here there you go buddy the next thing we need to do is figure out a way to keep these villagers down here really sorry pal we need the carpet do we want it to be as simple as that it's certainly not the best but i think for now it'll have to do and while we're doing wall stuff just for now we'll put these animals here we'll take all the chickens as well oh my god hi okay um stay there i am a one-shot kill not yet get this scoundrel back in and now i don't have to worry about stuff getting out and hey look we have a villager i've thought long and hard about this the next thing we want to see this way more tools and with these tools we'll spend the night doing a little mining this is a very slow grind but we've made it around the room so yeah we got a lot more to do seeing as i have flint in my inventory i think it's meant to be our next villager is gonna be a fletcher look at that beautiful trade oh we are so broke now we'll get these guys breaded up really trying to keep up that pressure on the villager game so with that we should really get some more trees going and with these pickaxes i think yeah we gotta take a crack at this and done yeah that wasn't all too bad so i don't have this part of the floor done but uh i'm pretty content and we've also got a bit more wood ah okay let's not stand on saplings gosh that could have been lethal i know finish up with this big tree i'm feeling hopeful here oh it's not gonna be enough i must sacrifice all the wood for a greater good and that greater good will be please please gosh dang it we gotta go through one more level before we can get to iron items so that tells me we need iron i'm still not feeling brave enough i think instead we're gonna head on down to this next floor and hope for the best whoa man i kind of forgot that there were gonna be caves in this what an exciting development whoa oh there's no iron in here they're really not having great luck on iron you know what that's okay you can buy a bow and arrow 16 arrows i think we should be able to safely dispose of this lad excellent oh and there's another one so stick to emerald emerald arrow and oh no oh god i am one shot right now let's make a shield yes no god this angle is so weird i don't like it okay we're never doing that again so that's eight iron we really just can't afford this guy yet so instead i think i'm gonna do the smart safe thing and make an iron chest plate wait yes see what i'm going with here we get an armorer sell them coal and then we have our very own helmet not bad and next we get one more emerald trader for some leggings and look at that incredible now we can start taking our golems safely another one yes and now we can start the process they just keep spawning i keep killing and i think finally will this be it yes we can sell off some more sticks and ladies and gentlemen here we have it the efficiency 2 iron pick honestly what a day finish it off with one more golem and that'll be enough a foolish set of armor you see this guy right here i think it might be possible to make an iron farm we've got the water covered so that a golem is always going to travel into the middle here yeah he's stuck look at that perfect so hopper goes here and chest there next we need signs signs will go around this edge next we get lava golem should go there and then light on fire and then iron uh does the iron go oh okay so we'll go ahead we'll put another hopper here yeah one iron farm and one very leaky floor so now that it's a new day we have a golem but he's trapped in this little area right here maybe we need more water here there we go so iron drops down iron does not drop down okay oh easy fix though so now we should be good so golem spawns perfect and then check that out we have iron truly incredible now i'm just gonna keep working on clearing our areas and sadly part of this means we need to move our water we're looking a little better it's a start in terms of iron golem stuff they are gonna spawn down here but we got nine more iron fortunately there's a very easy solution it's slavin time okay so something like this and so now should be working good which means finally iron tools and leggings nice that'll also be more hoppers which means we should never miss a piece of iron fantastic now i'm gonna break some more blocks i certainly think we could do more here but i've got a bit of a different idea for the rest of this our last one blocks have been very symmetrical with every floor just being like a square and this time i'm kind of looking to do something different that to me it just feels sick interestingly enough we actually have room for just like a little nook in here i don't know maybe this can become a library in time so floor one floor two and floor three and in other news check out all this iron we can sell some off to our tool smith and while we can't afford it we've reached diamond we can also use our emeralds to level up our armor but with a few more emeralds and now one bucket of lava for an emerald that's not a bad offer oh cool off i'm so sorry this guy's not doing well but he still wants lava buckets after that personally i wouldn't be so sure but anyway one more we'll do the level up and we now have access to diamond armor so we can sell iron and that'll give us fire protection diamond boots in a world where everything is lava i'm all for it i think that makes me feel ready enough for us to go on another adventure so this village doesn't really have anything left but there's another one right over here it's not even on fire yet yeah there it is i'll take beds wheat yes oh my god dude it's hay listen hay is for horses and this village is terrible carpets map overall very disappointing at least this has got hay now at least this will give us wheat and i'll take a cauldron or two just for aesthetic purposes well if it means i don't have to look up the crafting recipe i think that's enough exploration villages are lame and home sweet home first order of business is more cows for more leather really the one thing we got out of this was a lot of wheat and if we sell it ladies and gentlemen an efficiency one pickaxe in the diamond variety i'm just gonna clear this out oh what do we have going on in here not much just a little bit of water so this was part of like an underground cave and a chunk but the lava kinda deleted it oh hello lava's gonna delete me [Music] so this feels very different to anything i've ever made before but i like that just gotta clear this top section think this looks great now we need to continue down oh more water whoa oh my god that's lava iron just patch it up we got lapis so much iron we've definitely got this patched up yeah this is rough but it's starting for now i think we're just gonna continue on down [Music] what oh my god dude oh that's so cool it's the coolest most dangerous thing i've ever seen all right just gonna do a quick little restock up top here oh we got slime spawning down here honestly i'm just like so overwhelmed at this place i don't even know what to do like it looks sick but it's a very impractical room i don't know i think i almost want to just like swing the stairs inward so then rather than going up there seeing you kind of like on a really small scaling set of stairs right so just going for that tight staircase keeping it away from the lava whoa man this chunk is corrupt we got one we got two we got three okay not bad well i think that's a pretty good place to finish for now oh and also oh my god that's gonna be an enchanting table uh there it is well it's certainly not finished i know it's going in here so cool that's a lot of iron sweet we've got so much stuff now so that's 22 emeralds we could make a grindstone is it worth it no not really like what good is the sword when there's no enemies because it's always just so bright we need something else sorry we've got books for a bookshelf for a lectern for a librarian a librarian with nothing today unfortunately but more emeralds for diamond legs sell this lad some more lava what an idiot it's free wow this guy really loves projectile protection very cool some pro gamer strats well i'll take a chest plate and with just a few more trades that'll be are you ready yeah yeah it's diamond diamond armor not even good diamond armor but if we keep working on our dude oh man this guy is not going easy piercing luck of the sea impaling projectile protection come on just something remotely usable oh my god that was a full day a full day nothing my dude you're not helping the cause so i really want to make this room look cool but in order to do so i need to go deeper like deep and down oh oh dang this chunk goes hard but they're falling and oh my god does this go hard and i didn't hear it because of this giant wall of lava keeping it you know nice and light in here hope you can see it's cool a bone well this is going to be useful keep mining down because we want deep slate oh my what the map makers have done well okay we got dude like come on what these guys did not just pick a random chunk it's so perfect i don't even want to touch it i'm just gonna keep on right through here so that's enough deep slate we'll head back past the enchanted pond through the drip stone cave up and away from the spawner past the gigantic lava room and up into what's gonna be our secret little enchanting room i guess so here's what i'm thinking polish deep slate i'm polished clear out the floor there's the floor the wall will be slow to install okay so now we just need bookshelves and we'll try again to see what this guy can do for us there it is it's really expensive but there it is oh i wanted bookshelves not paper trades here's what we're gonna do water in there some sugarcane around the edges oh god this is horrible but we are able to get one mending book in the meantime i'm gonna make an anvil pop this bad boy right there the grindstone in here as well and today is a new day a bit more sugarcane i just realized something villages have paper so is the village this way yeah i really just didn't want to believe it but yeah this is literally the village there's not a single building lefts maybe we're gonna have to continue on well we got emeralds but i'm not really seeing what i was looking for fortunately there are a ton of villages in this area but perhaps this will be the village we love emeralds we love bread oh that's big that's big let's go and a lectern well you know what i haven't had a sword this whole game so sure but other than that it would seem as though there is no paper here we're gonna head back this way and there is one more village right over here please over the next day i continued raiding villages until i actually found a blacksmith room with diamonds i then took a very long walk to make it home and started on getting emeralds eventually i had enough to buy three more mending books and that was enough to give myself full mending armor i then spent a day rolling on a librarian until i got protection 4 as a trade and i obviously locked that in and then i realized if we want to be able to get a lot of emeralds well it's time we go to the nether that brings us to right here this is um a little botched is this feasible i don't know okay and yeah why are we going to the nether well we need emeralds to get more emeralds we're going to need better traits and to get better trades well we need blaze rods and that is where we'll find blaze rods but first a new pick we're gonna have to go iron for now we've made it and oh my god okay oh this is scary though um take this one out first that's it actually that's literally it that's all we need if i were a brown mushroom ow well i probably wouldn't be in a crimson forest so i'm just gonna start digging are you kidding me i found two nether fortresses but for a single brown mushroom dude this is like the craziest other fortress i've ever seen and still no brown mushrooms oh no no no oh actually coal and bones that's great and yet i'm still in crimson forest so that looks a little less crimson but i see no mushrooms i think we'll just continue on into our warped forest oh a treat yeah that's a treat actually this is the real treat hey ladies and gentlemen just as we kill oh there it is finally actually just one mushroom i'm never coming back here so i gotta leave with more than just one aha may as well take these two but this is the real prize and so now we just pass through the warp forest through the crimson wasteland up and across the coolest another fortress more crimson forest and home before dark i'm just kidding that took like a day and a half we now have mushrooms one of the key ingredients in the potion of weakness the second is of course blaze powder with the small bit of sand we have for three glass bottles now we've got the mushroom we've got the sugar all we need now is a spider eye i have not encountered a single hostile mob this whole game and that's because everything is just so lit up but let's say theoretically so we just made this a very dark space perhaps theoretically the monster we're looking for could spawn over there now the other question 52 gold it'll be six more golden apples which means we can turn seven zombie villagers we're gonna make a bit of a divide here the villagers we want to turn we'll take over here and these guys could stay over here back that is perfect oh i hear skeletons down here and that's literally it okay we'll just block it off completely and we got to grab that lava see we don't want an iron golem accidentally spawning down here so we just got gotta hope that they'll do their thing well well well if it isn't the wandering trader ice die sand oh that's tough buddy some spruce logs would have been nice but if we go check again yeah oh that's dangerous that's dangerous that's real dangerous let the lava flow well i actually need you tell you what buddy come in here yup there it is okay that is not all the creepers oh the disc it would seem as though there are no spiders what a nightmare hey okay second time is the charm take out the creepers and yes okay this dude's still chilling so there's the eye we get that bruin our golem is stuck there now for the last part of the process so zombie wants to come up i build my way up close this off perfect golem stuck up there i can hear the turn i think that's everyone so now and one two three four five six and it really is that easy so here you go guys back with your pals thank you so much for participating but hey one of you this guy right here he's got the one deal now right this is like the big thing we were looking for so now one iron ingot is one emerald there's the lava i know they've got crazy access to emeralds and so today should be a very good day amazing trades a cheap bookshelf cheap books and cheap protection for oh yeah one more thing see this right here you take one of these trade it with this guy there's an emerald take that emerald one emerald pickaxe i'm talking two emerald axe farewell buddy we've also got access to a sick pumpkin trade so we're gonna grab some dirt water and we can start a pumpkin farm just need infinite water a quick hoe down and ladies and gentlemen it really is that easy we can even bone meal just to get things up and running now we've also got purpose for this space now we're finally moving the animals all of them all at once this is actually incredible okay just uh watch out for that guys yeah look at this i know it's not pretty but it sure is a lot of space all right just stay here for a sec don't go near the wall chickens chickens are gone they must have gone up then we got some chickens i hate chickens so much chickens are easily the worst farm animal you kill them for food they give you feathers it's clogging up the inventory meanwhile sheep and cows beds and item frames just so much better right there cows your time is uh the last of them there we go nice job cows i'm so proud of you we can take the rest of our bone meal we can finish these up yes that is fantastic so pick up a few pumpkins and the farmers also got the stick trade nice so this guy will also buy iron for one and with just a few more trades that'll be two more protection force ladies and gentlemen sometimes it really is uh that easy and with another day of trades buy more bookshelves and we can finally fill this in that actually looks pretty sick with some lanterns in here come on man i just had a realization all your golems do not spawn at night because you know they're they're sleeping well what if we could make it so that not only do they never sleep but that they always spawn iron golems so we grab another zombie and this guy just comes right up into here and now he's trapped oh but do you see that already so the zombie triggered the villagers to spawn one but now it's not continuing because eye level oh okay if it's just chilling up there is that enough it is oh okay now everyone's just awake interesting there's definitely something there but i think we're gonna need some redstone but first i need a name tag oh glass nice that's actually gonna be huge in a little bit there's the name tag now this zombie won't despawn and now we need to head on down gosh this is so cool down we go oh my oh okay diamonds are great and all oh my god oh my god what look game i just need red stone this is gold this is this is good anyway i think we'll just continue on down [Music] well that's not redstone okay okay yeah yeah yeah we're not doing this we're not doing this cool interesting oh and yes oh it's not a lot of redstone though well i'll be back for now i'm just gonna mine dude shut up i don't need any more diamonds but this is ridiculous so there's a little redstone 40 it's probably enough we need to go back to the nether climb way up and grab herself a bit of courts a little more courts and now we should have everything we need the zombie is right under this block now it's here we want that so next we can put cobble there here why don't you boop into that hole now you're stuck in there perfect yup did i let it out yes i did here you go sweet lastly we just cover this with a slab and i think oh i see nothing changed okay i think this is it hit that yes that's perfect thank you nametag so now these guys get freaked out this dude is just a heavy sleeper and so theoretically there it is yeah nice so now when we want we can panic our villagers and get golems to spawn at night also how do i have 37 diamonds there's no way this is real i didn't make this mod and i'm questioning its legality and now at daytime i mean doesn't really matter but just to be a nice overlord now the next thing i want to try is going to need some gold so efficiency one oh this isn't working ah i've never understood what sticky pistons do sticky pistons are for this right like i actually don't know yes haha i am truly now a minecraft novice okay now it's time for more gold but first i'll try my odds with a better pick well it's not fortune but it's pretty good oh that's what we wanted there's a level up there's silk touch so now we can just get the whole ore which makes our life a whole lot easier which means now you just smelt it super easy so the reason i want gold is for an automatic pumpkin farm we'll need more iron for that we'll need rails couple gym hoppers and yeah like probably 23 pistons not enough observers though no worries we can just get a cleric that should be more than enough observers and now that our gold's ready the last part of the puzzle is a powered rail so i've done something like this before but never on a single chunk honestly wondering if maybe we should just start from scratch somewhere lower wait no because there's actually a good chunk of area that is deep here so this is the spot to do it [Music] so we'll just start over so in total we need at least five layers for this to work which means i gotta break one more layer did i mention i'm winging this so collection chests here hoppers go like that and then rails will go over next we need a two-part layer down so we can put redstone torches just like that and then we can seal it off and so powered rails work next powered rails like this something like that's going to have to do next we'll grab some dead golem guts one more hopper it's for a minecart with hopper boom that's our collection system uh the next part is the layer of dirt this is what the pumpkins will grow on the only thing that's slightly fancy about this is uh i need two slabs we place water in each of these making sure the water doesn't pour through onto the rails and so now it's just pumpkin then observer slash piston now this is where we might run into some issues here we go that's perfect the other part we need to nail is the planting of the pumpkins basically how this system works is pumpkin grows observer observes that it changes and the piston smashes it and then it gets picked up by our collection system the thing we're gonna struggle with is how do we get the observer placed that's what we want right and we buy the redstone and boom you know that's that's what we want this might take some time i just realized something is that this is actually slabbed so we're fine yes okay okay sick the slab up there is actually coming in useful because now to place the observer i can do it from here and then the piston is as simple as oh a little bit of dirt so we have unfortunately ran out of pistons and observers to finish this last little section fortunately quartz is just one dimensional teleportation away and redstone and a cleric is a simple buy that puts us at a clean 16 of each i think that's good okay we still got room for the piston and yeah and we'll do our best to make this a quick trip hey and that's exactly what we're looking for this is a really good spot to find wither skeletons but i can't find any wither skeletons there's a regular skeleton and there we are and there we are nice hey nice oh and a little baby diamond and so now with some bone meal you should be able to actually get this started hey wait for it yes i'm just gonna try to bone meal what i can and look at that all that work for two emeralds but in the long term it should yield dividends i think i'm ready for a new project so there's one mistake i think i've made in some of my previous videos beacons are great but i always get them way too late usually in the last 10 days where it doesn't really help us that much so why don't we go for a beacon now where it might actually help us first thing we need is a sword that is actually really cracked i'm gonna buy a second one well smite is good what is that possible i have never seen that before and this is vanilla minecraft maybe it's a 1.19 thing or am i just stupid lucky i think we're just going to go right easily down to this nether fortress now the reason we want this one is because down below is all lava so theoretically we should get really good spawns here as you can see nothing else will spawn in this junk or this chunk and basically this junk so we're gonna start with something i've always wanted excuse me oh i'm sorry anyway something i've always wanted to do which is just basically like break down one of these pillars and done i know it's not like a huge deal but it feels pretty cool i'm sure you're thinking how do i get back up well it's really i mean it's just really that easy you can go f3 and g to check out our chunks remember that's what we're playing on in our overworld so we'll break down this really the only thing i'm worried about with this strategy is that we're not in the right biome but considering that this spot is surrounded by lava we might be okay from here it's pretty easy just fill it in and here we have our first contenders right so that is one perfect chunk i'm gonna do this one as well and that should be good there i don't think we want to go any further here so that's pretty good oh and then this one well that would make it a perfect four okay well is it working probably thank you fire protection thank you protection that was almost slightly scary oh hello hey how are you right so that is good except for that so i would say that's a pretty big area and take out some of these guys and we'll see what happens so that looks like a great spot to set up another one it's just kind of tricky to get to can we well no we can't get to it oh good spawns over here though there's our first head that looks like a lot of brick over there whoa okay rare rare skeletons so i'm just gonna dig my way down into this and we'll get a bunch more this basically just feels like chunk biting yeah look at that over there i think we kind of just have to build across at least they're going to be shooting straight at me very nice gap has been closed and going back over here for a sec is not yielding us the best luck the great spawns just not what we want oh oh okay this is where i die this is where i die we're good we're chilling easy too cracked this is real chaotic we're fine we're thriving everything is fine anyway it is working okay so now we'll check out this side and yeah we'll do the exact same thing so that's one chunk and that's a second not a whole lot going on over here i'm gonna leave i'm gonna grab this sword look at this beautiful incinerator wow take a quick check at this 17 pumpkins not bad and that's pretty much it the other thing i should do before i leave power four nice also this guy sells fire protection i'm gonna get better fire protection whoa i see a lot of skeletons speaking of rude i definitely don't need this in my life in fact i need it so little i'm gonna break it now a little power four nice who's got skulls [Music] apparently no one i don't like that these spawns are so good but it's just always blaze thank god for power four currently said they got 55 wither skeleton kills and one skull on average it should be about one per 19. oh wow all right if we don't get one from this i may just quit please wow insane i can't believe this there's looting three what do you want oh yes that's two we are so behind odds still nothing but spawns seem to be picking up oh yes that was way too much goodbye dude i am gone oh that was too much right so that's three weather skeleton skulls i still need a place to fight it well sorta side note um that's a really good shovel what is going on with this but i'll take it anyway the gear is pretty much good but i do think now we're in a good spot to actually take on the wither next we're gonna get brewing strength swiftness and slow falling because that's right we're doing both and we just need a few ender pearls and that should be good so that should be everything let's go get us some stuff well well well also what an interesting stronghold now a quick build over let's do this and down you will go oh i could do it i know i could but as something never done on this channel before ready here we go okay fair enough fair enough you got it there it is ladies and gentlemen went for the wither skull kill can't blame me for trying but i'm still feeling a little famished ender dragon fights just not enough anymore now why don't we kill a wither maybe sure bit of a greasy strats one might say you know what look at this look at this damage look at this damage look at this damage my man is oh done let's go ladies and gentlemen we're back there's my obsidian there's the glass and this is a beacon let's grab all of this all of this and this will make iron blocks emerald blocks and gold we are gonna head back on down this seems like a good spot for it so first i need to clear this out that's a good start and i think for now that should be enough so our center is here and here and so that's center which means beacon goes there and there's a small beacon so this block right here is our eight by eight spot yeah now we just gotta do this oh oh this is gonna be tricky for now i'm gonna slab yeah it's really gonna run through everything no okay tell you what we're moving it one over now we can just start digging straight down as all minecraft pros do and there it is oh okay so i started out on the wrong tile oh man this walk-up is not fun i'm struggling quite a bit oh my god i've been sitting here like oh dude i i don't know what's wrong like i could see all the way up and down why why isn't it working so um sometimes it really is that simple for now we're gonna take haste also i'm just gonna quickly slab this because we have slime and if there's one thing you should know about me it's that i hate slime dude this chunk is even bigger than our first two and getting through is really frustrating i'm wasting so much time going up these stairs i mean haste yeah that that's pretty nice but we got a ways to go but now that it's sorted we can get our iron farm going again so we need to break this and we re-add our signs now the real fear is that this isn't gonna quite work like it once did see because this is the neutral point so if he comes from over there then sure that that's fine but if he spawns over here and then that should make everything okay our zombie died now the other thing to mention is that we're getting a lot of pumpkins so we really got to get on these traits and now with that the next thing i'd like to do is stairs i think for now we'll just do cobbled stuff and that's going to begin right here all right that's it it might not seem like a lot but trust me when i say this makes our life a lot easier oh man what a ride oh we are getting very close now next up i want to try something i've never done before and it's going to require pistons so i want to make a pressure plate moving door so i do need to change this a little bit uh basically pistons go there i really don't know what i'm doing um well that's closed so if i were to then and let's go yeah sweet oh no i made it is this gonna screw it up well that is very unfortunate oh i think i understand i might have a solution still okay so what if yes yeah i think that's a pretty good start we've obviously still got a lot of redecorating to do before we start that though i need a few more tools so first we want mending so we can grab another pick grab efficiency four wow adding together is expensive we can add them together and mending over the top spending on everything perfect so we actually got some really good books you can upgrade our bow the shovel and a smite five sword this will also give us sharpness four lastly we can do mending on our bow now today we've got more blocks and if we want to head on down oh no i know how we can fix this with speed we are unstoppable and it just so happens that i have four blocks of diamond right here so that will finish our third layer and now we've just got one to go now it's time we take stock of our inventory because finally we could do some redesigning top section is really basic and honestly i like it i feel like it holds a bit of mystery as to what lies below but if we want to get started on something this is a good spot so efficiency 5 haste oh that's nice right we'll get started taking out this obsidian finally now the question is what do we do with this oh i have an idea this wall hasn't even been taken out all the way i'm gonna fill the floor in oh there comes the water honestly we're probably good on sugar cane next i'm gonna take out this odor ring and we will fill it in with smooth stone so nothing crazy just a little bit of a ring but i think it adds a nice touch and i also gotta tackle this i guess this is actually not too bad nothing crazy but it is a storage room after all now this is an area that doesn't need to look nice like sure we could fix it up just a touch so really the first big thing we need to change is our villager hall this is taking way too long cobble deep slate wall deep slate bricks oh perfect timing so we have to keep spawning golems in mind basically this is the idea this goes here and that goes like that like if i crouch but yeah they can't get out perfect okay yeah sure little tedious but i think this is gonna work great okay so everyone's up and we're not quite through this but currently uh certainly looks awful next thing we need to do is ceiling absolutely hate the drippy floor hate this hopper system showing up so all of it i mean you can really just consider it gone yeah that looks better i mean it's hard to like it when the floor still looks this bad but we're getting there okay that is starting to look better aha so finally this can breathe because we don't have to worry about villagers escaping i mean it's not perfect but feels pretty good i think my biggest problem now lies in this stone like everything else looks sick but it's just so meh i'm really not sure if i have the stone brick for it but i'm gonna try except that's tough because we might kill our villagers and i don't know how much i value aesthetics over villagers if i were to do it here i mean it's not bad like yeah lava moves pretty slow man it does look a lot better also if i grab my silk touch pick might be able to reclaim a bit of the stone okay actually a lot of it this is where things get really tricky we have very little room for error oh it's scary i'm sorry stop moving okay that's not as bad except i can't reach oh i'm sorry oh but it's gonna look so good all right we've secured the more important side less concerned about these guys but obviously still concerned that's pretty sick i don't love this in the way but like what are you gonna do about it yeah i would say that is a major improvement oh my god that's a lot of pumpkins oh one farmer can't keep up yeah so i think i need more villagers okay easy i'm guessing yeah easy escape no worries all right so we've got two guys trapped in here we've got the stuff and now it should be that easy hey nice so there's one guy who will buy pumpkins yeah now we've got a great system pumpkins from here it's a very easy sell i should also mention that this is very good timing i'm not sure what i did but golems have just stopped spawning here like literally yeah i've checked everywhere i can't find one i really just do not understand so let's continue first i want to try fixing this floor that feels good and let's keep these stairs only thing are these walls it would be a lot to replace all of them so instead we'll just make it all stone that at least makes things feel a little more organized but how about we take things a step further and even just like fixing this wall here like that just feels a whole lot more cohesive yeah i like how that looks my one problem down here now is uh this roof is just a little halfway finished but that's an easy fix honestly i think i have to do all of it yeah once again i think that really completes it but these poor animals man they they really uh they don't have it very good we do have dirt i've got these two grass blocks now we just need to do some replacing which is tougher than it looks because i just really don't want cows going in here oh we are definitely not there but we can get this growing and go get some more dirt oh that's tough suppose uh not all this dirt is actually being used oh hey oh disappointing very disappointing was really looking for the spruce and at least jungle okay so new wall fire the carpet pop it here and i mean it's a better existence this wall is tough though i am once again replacing it yeah you know what it's kind of bright it's kind of uh vibrant i'm down with it now don't think i've been forgetting about these deals actually i am gonna try something just gonna head straight on down still not there all right we'll just try that don't need to save hours but really just something to uh yeah perfect and then we're basically here we need to get this ready for the final layer there something like that feels better and check this out nice yeah so i got some glass how do we feel about adding some windows dangerous yes do i care not really if it looks good i'm in and i think that looks real good i'm adding tons of windows it's a vibe you can't stop me oh what's that farm animals it's a vibe you can't stop me it's also just like free lighting well looks good to me it's actually just so weird i think we could probably make this a little bit better especially now that breaking blocks is no big deal let me grab my sword we're just gonna take a quick trip this is what we're here for and i mean if it's staring me in the face sure but no i am looking for nether brick and i mean while we're here oh that was easy i mean not really but yeah the odds are there guys let's do it okay look the numbers don't lie our luck is finally turning even just a quick trip home for emeralds back to the nether and now we just pray for some good odds oh sure yeah i'll take your stuff that's six skulls and 147 kills that was still actually overall bad odds but heck yes i don't even need these guys they just really wanted us to have it fortunately i have a solution well my plan was to just mine and that plan's gonna work i'm simply looking for gold this is gold ah all right let's see what we can do here hey that was easy also that was four okay thank you right so that's everything dropped off i must continue my pumpkin sales oh guys guys guys yeah no anyway that's fun uh so what do we think i think full cent will drop on down oh yeah this is it this might be hard to do a second time just gonna make this tunnel a bit longer and boom boom little slurp slurp boom easy dude absolutely phenomenal what a strategy we love to see it there it goes also while i'm here thank you very much don't mind me oh wow okay seems a little dangerous oh man i kinda gotta right oh my me ow is there a boat here's what we're gonna do little miracle lob this is a little more than i want to deal with right now okay now we're here oh and look at that another eat and now we just gotta go through the trials and tribulation of one of these things shulker boxes ab so lutely you know they really do make it so easy for you pretty strong chests if only i actually needed them that's where we need to go oh hey more stuff maybe if i just let this go get up here yeah oh that's a tricky shot if i miss this it's just gonna go down there so we should be fine just line it up beautiful head on down ladies and gentlemen it really do be that easy not that i really need an elytra but you know feels like a check mark i always want to get look how easy that is and there we go so now we're back here we can make another beacon just pop that down that's expected i have it going up here maybe we should just do here because it's kind of already made oh that's right because then it would have to go through this and into a rail so yeah it does have to be here not that this chest is collecting anything currently this there now we got to do some mining whoa what my god now it should just be as easy as filling this in and and that's that's built yeah okay i don't know what i did i think i just did all of this wrong okay this has been surprisingly complicated but there it is yes a little ridiculous okay so speed haste beautiful now you guys want to finish this up oh it's all dark in here so there's still a lot of iron in this area i don't really understand how this could possibly be legit but again it's not my mod so we'll let this cook up we can continue oh oh i don't like that oh okay gonna have to hold off on the pumpkin deals so while we wait for this to cook up i have another plan so this is where we dropped down and you know it it's really great but what about getting up i am lazy so what about some sort of cart system all right so so far okay it's not bad and oh hey nice i guess i'll just go as far as i can which currently takes us to the big lava room but i think i want to finish we're here for gold i've actually been meaning to make a shulker box and in this current moment i actually need it i have way too many blocks we're gonna continue on down get all that gold but uh yeah okay sure okay beautiful not beautiful not beautiful very bad very bad all right i'm just going to continue our way on down this gold is what we're after okay we may as well just mine oh blackstone okay we may as well mine at y12 because it's also got high odds for ancient debris man no stop ah more gold oh just another one well that's sad still gotta be appreciative it's a little slow but oh so oh my goodness so yes i am constantly talking to my editor and that's one of the rare times you guys actually heard me but check that out that was actually pretty easy so we're back that is done that can cook so we've got iron gold and blocks lots of blocks still though that puts us at 81 which if we drop on down i think that's gonna be enough for one of these guys yeah yeah so that'll be haste two oh man oh come on what if six still wouldn't be enough so if we put that in there let's just head on up we got one stack of iron ingots that is seven head on back down that'll be it yes we'll take speed regeneration for a single chunk it's really all you need now i'm not done with this oh that's right we got that that haste too now so we can keep this oh dude lava stop so we're gonna make this section just a little extra cool see what i'm talking here is like disneyland roller coaster cool yeah oh my god dude mining is so easy now oh man keep this going along and then sort of angle it into this rock no no no no we can do better and there we are so we finish here we can drop down here perhaps this will be where we draw the line as it's getting a little complicated just pop some more stairs in yeah that's enough if i go ahead and fall on down now let's ride the roller coaster here we go here we go past that lava up and around i'm on fire it's okay yeah okay it would seem as though being on fire is bad for your health okay so there we go up and around yes there it is now every time we go up we just send that back down and we're good the amazing thing about this world is i feel like this would be day 100. we've actually done so much and we've still got the potential to make this place even better so please subscribe and let's keep it rolling oh yeah i suppose this would be one way to keep it rolling tell you what we've just got so many levels why not try for more like efficiency four sure oh okay efficiency one on the chest plate fire protection on the boots aqua affinity on the helmet an efficiency 5x and one netherright chest plate that's pretty hot now there is one thing i'd like to work on up here and it is in fact another piston so i like how the top of our island is just really unassuming just a small little chunk in a lake of lava and i kind of like to make this sort of like a secret base like those would go there and then that basically oh okay that's a little awkward can you tell that i don't know what i'm doing i think it might just have to be one wide and we're gonna need to trim some of this dirt because i think i need to make this a little higher this would go here on this side i don't know something like there now i need to work out the redstone and this is where i struggle okay so it's that that stone going that way this way so theoretically yeah yeah sick okay again not super crazy but for me i am content no i mean don't get me wrong no one in a pvp world is gonna walk by here and be like oh there's no base here like yeah just two random beacons probably just like naturally generated and yeah like a random pressure plate not suspicious no i i get it but i still think it's pretty cool the only other thing i don't love is just like all this obsidian and i kind of wonder like with haste still pretty slow i don't know this would take a while all right well at the very least i think we could certainly like continue to detach this area i think that's better how do i get back we break these you go this way we break i really better not fall in this is dangerous but that actually looks pretty cool as for this one and yeah i guess that looks marginally better now i'm just gonna slip away ha ha very cool now let's move on so i think this area is really cool and i kind of want to continue its expansion we've got a really good pickaxe now we can really just go crazy the only thing i have to be careful of is well if i do that exactly oh yeah that's super lame we'll just try to avoid the edges or i suppose yeah we could just fill it all in with glass i don't really know what i'm going for here i just want it to look cool i like this at least and sell some more pumpkins buy some more glass so this looks sick i think we should see how far we can push this design keep up the pumpkin sales buy more glass eventually we'll have another librarian and from here we can continue so there that's a little more under control i need to also start working this side of things cool this is gonna look sick another day another set of glass perhaps you want to become a librarian we'll continue just like this there we go we're safe defying this disney ride and another 48 pieces cause you won't sell me glass and that's even better we're really just struggling because we don't have enough glass i got the emeralds well we've got the villager will he take the job yes he will sure buddy buy your bookshelves just promise to sell me glass thank you so so much do a little more tonight cool see this is where this should start getting a little bit faster beautiful this is the kind of glass we've been looking for because that means now we can easily easily fill this in ow you can finish this too not bad at all whoa i still think this has got a lot of room for potential but it's a very good start i don't know the purpose this serves but all i know is it's really cool now i'm gonna start cooking up some more stone and with the stone we've got we'll make some bricks which will become stairs and i'm gonna finally fix these stairs i would say that's pretty good i also really like these little pit stops at cobblestone and that's also going to give us a ton of stone which can obviously become stone brick and while we're talking about brick let's not forget our black stone and with that let's continue well good place to start might be here like how about that and then maybe we fill it in with lava cool i think that looks good maybe we should just break that though also check this out so this should finally be working properly now and yeah feels really good takes us all the way up to boom check that out i think this floor could also do with an upgrade now as for this room i think we got a little more in us yeah i think i like that more honestly i think i might just keep deleting layers plus if we do it with some touch well we could get more stone brick but then again this is a whole heck of a lot faster still the more stone we get the more cool stuff we can build and next step is more glass hey look at us just constant improvements every day we acquire pumpkins sell them off get glass rinse and repeat and honestly that's uh that's pretty much the process i think we're just gonna have this so that it's like a crazy giant staircase going down and look at this we've actually hit like the second point of the cave and while it is a slow grind with this pick we should have more than enough stuff that we can make a really cool staircase okay wow this is coming along you probably get the idea of what's gonna happen next wow truly incredible so i think this is it i think this is tall enough that we can get a really cool effect we've still got a lot of filling in to do but first we need to fill everything in and so now we're gonna move on to the next step wow this is sick so in order to move on to the next step i gotta break most of this that is the staircase that i'm talking about looks great don't get me wrong but our goal is to make an even better one so that is gone we may as well just start with a floor beautiful now this next part is gonna get a little tricky this is basically gonna serve as an outline that we're gonna make a spiral staircase around and up i'll do it with the real stone brick and we may just leave this here so now that we have this right we come down these stairs right and then so we kind of well it's tricky but the idea is that it's gonna spiral around this yeah this is uh gonna be really tricky okay this feels wrong okay i think i might have to do this over again but i'm getting an idea of what we want okay so this time i think we've got it laid out now we just need to essentially fill it in right okay yeah i'm just gonna keep this going okay that's better so yeah now we can go up oh that's nice my biggest problem is that oh i just don't really like that there's no contrast i'm not sure if we have enough deep slate oh i think i might like that yeah slobs will make this look a little less clunky and then basically i want to break all this so that is the basis of this next we need to fill in this side there that yeah oh yeah this is gonna take a sec okay so if we were to take a walk down here i think it would be pretty solid nice yes cool definitely still needs some finishing touches though there that looks so much more clean lastly though i know this needs fixing i've been putting it off but we got one day left let's take the stone brick so here's the area with all of it down wow it looks amazing i know it's not as practical but for the aesthetic i think we should leave it right there guys please subscribe to help us reach a million and ladies and gentlemen peace
Channel: NiftySmith
Views: 2,005,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, minecraft 100 days, new 100 days, 100, 100 days hardcore, minecraft, minecraft lets play, lets play, minecraft but, thesmithplays, nifty, smith, niftysmith, let's play, gameplay, episode one, funny moments, vanilla minecraft, new lets play, lets play series, new minecraft world, funny gaming, tsp, smithplays, playthrough, survival, survival series, lava chunk, 100 days lava, 100 days chunk
Id: lmr8HEV1Q9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 43sec (4003 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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