Escaping Out Of A Maximum Security Prison (Prison Life 2)

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in prison for money laundering 74 years oh god oh gosh 74 years old wait Central wait can you hear us hello do you hear me hello okay listen listen you can't arrest me again because I'm already in jail Biffle tell him yeah it is he's already in jail dummy you can't say that to a cop why are you like this I don't know I'm sorry okay listen we're gonna listen to all the rules we're gonna we're gonna do everything we're supposed to do so just leave us alone okay if you don't you get the whack a stick oh gosh did he just punch her he just punched him oh you okay I have lunch you guys behave no don't you go make money stay away from us don't you make money businesses we need to escape there are three things we need can you stop punching each other for two seconds guys first of all if you've ever been to prison hit the like button what I don't what are you gonna drink this I'm not gonna drink my urine guys if you've ever drink in your nope just hit the like button so I show my mouth hit the Subscribe button okay check this out bottom center there's our inventory right top right day one of ten once it becomes night time if we are caught out of our cell we get in trouble top left that's the mini map boys there are three things we need we need wire cutters we need a wrench and we need a self so you can see above my little inventory whenever I run my stamina is going down but if I drink this energy drink I got something stamina for 10 seconds come with me what this is important come with me okay coming with you what does it showing we can spoon stay out of here oh yeah we'll take a spoon no I'm holding a spoon you know he actually want to do this no holding a spoon two boys I have I have bolts this is an illegal item if sigil searches me right now while I'm holding this he can throw me in solitary confinement oh God hide it you can hide it hide it hide it put it put it put it anything I'm gonna put it in wait okay that's yours that's mine where's mine your number no three me here we go yours okay so I can put this up here in the hidden area he can actually check this but if it's down here he doesn't see it so what we have to do if we want to make wire cutters we need bolts matches and duct tape right or we can spoon stop talking about spoons this is my mom right there see her that's my mom um that's where I grew up right yeah I don't think we should all be here we're sleeping we're literally sleeping why are you all in the same cell we get scared yeah we're trying to spoon don't listen to Biffle just ignore it man listen you guys are doing a good job following the rules I appreciate it no one's broken any rules as a reward I won't tease any of you thank you thank you right now thank you oh gosh can I have some privacy I gotta take a dump wow yeah I gotta go make money see you idiots later no stop whenever he makes money he can buy things and use them on us we're good okay boys check this out we can go down here what's on here oh gosh we can dig we'll give this food start digging spoon I got this thing it's for line dance I got it faster I'm going the spoons okay boys we need to get uh hold on keep digging keep digging keep digging better yeah holes I'm going I'm moving okay so boys we need to get a cell phone which means we need a battery an antenna and a circuit board wait what are you trading me battery antenna okay I love you and I wanted diamond yeah cause I was digging oh I'm going to put that in my cell yeah it is illegal now okay of course it's illegal oh enter or coffee that'll give me energy can I walk through this or is this gonna like if you're not holding an illegal item you can see it says green wait so if I'm holding something he sees that turn red you'll become wanted you oh districted area if we walk in here and we get caught look if all what just run just run just run right drink the water well you're bringing it to people you're going to solitary Biffle well I didn't do it do the metal detectors they set him off he's in solitude you're welcome thank you so don't tell him anything about what I have say nothing don't tell him anything okay I wasn't going to until you just why are you wait wait do you have I don't have anything you would I don't have anything I literally don't have anything to inspect you would you you don't have I don't have anything it was in your pocket and I have nowhere that means it wasted one of his searches he has to go use money to buy another one oh okay we saved before like is he gone forever he's gone for a while hurry up hurry up more bolts what okay I'm keeping watch just you do your thing yes get out and get out and get out and get out 20 seconds before the lights out I'm in your room where's Bethel I gotta go if you would have saw me go through this metal detector no it's fine for you okay he's looking for you hey man I'm in jail I'm in jail you can't get me I'm in jail idiot you got in um why are you in mine it's me but I need to craft something I need a craft can you guys help me craft something please go to the ladder and then get out of the ladder and you'll be in your cell which is where I am in hey my man love it okay check this out wait no I wanted to be in your cell okay here's what I'm doing fine I need to give you these Contraband oh gosh why am I holding on I don't want this you need to go put one in your base right go go down the ladder go up the ladder the ladder what's wrong with you I'm at the ladder now go back in your base put one of those in your hidden spot and then give another one to Biffle to put in his hidden spot oh Biffle where are you I mean myself hurry up hurry up hurry up going accept it accept it I just got a battery okay we're all hiding items now okay so I have a battery for a cell phone we need a circuit board which is a copper wire a match and a plastic plate I found a spoon I got a spoon too hey hey officer hey if you got anything to report anything to confess I have a spoon I only have a spoon this is allowed I have a duct tape it's like spooning all right you guys the cells check out ourselves okay man that's fine as that's fine with us yeah that's fine you can check myself no that was wrong with myself yeah I bet it is uh yeah wait what is this why hold on I got a banana for myself he's checking myself oh sorry ow sorry don't leave me leave him behind me okay we're in the library I love oh we can read okay drink this everything's yellow dude I love reading I got another duct tape should I get another duct tape I'm back paper and why not matches I got matches I'm watching the door I'm watching the door okay well this isn't a restricted area we're finding this yeah but I'm scared to yourself get to yourselves can we can we stay in the same cell please Biffle get in here get out of here get in there he's going no no you're going you're going go baby don't baby don't baby don't baby please why do you want to hit us so bad why do you want to be I have a lot I'm working through anyway I gotta go make money okay bye stop it okay uh go down here okay I'm just gonna keep digging I have a spoon as well I can do one okay I got it too anymore crap oh no I'm in six okay hold on let me check the crafting I can make a wrench oh we need that for the uh circuit board we need a plastic plate day four oh gosh okay okay hold on I'm gonna make these wire cutters making wire cutters band I'm gonna put it in the hidden spot oh okay nice all right I got my coffee okay all I have is matches on me so I'm pretty safe yeah matches are clear I got matches too right there yep okay so we have wire cutters now we need to make the phone I already have the battery look at this one we need an antenna and a circuit board okay Zone we have matches does anybody have bolts those two bolts in here look at this look at this one look at this one yeah no look at this one too oh there's already a wrench we don't even need to craft it Hey listen we're just drinking coffee we're cleaning just doing over there uh nothing I was uh eating my um what does that mean Hey listen uh I'll I will literally give you a lot of money if you go away from us oh okay wait what we have five dollars he doesn't know that he's an idiot okay okay I know I know there's metal spoons in here but it's Contraband it is I'm putting in my thingy Biffle stop going to solitary no no listen listen I got him off your Trail no you didn't know you literally didn't we totally it didn't work it just made it works and we have uh wire cutters okay now we need a phone stop [Music] you are a bad person you guys never listen bad man I'm watching all of you especially if you get all the money from Sunday did he give you the money but yeah where's my money I went away I'm sorry follow me wait oh what's up here okay this restricted area he's yeah he just watched us hey hey how's it going was that I was hiding I was hiding in the toilet oh you're going to Solitaire you're going to solitary area you can't do anything we're locked in here we're locked in here we're literally in here I got a metal spoon measured I got a medal soon okay I'm here with you I'm here where are you this way I'm here hi I don't know I'm behind you I'm just thinking before work faster I'm here I'm here you can see I don't need like the clock hey we're in a restricted area but I don't know oh wait what's that dead end what's this Arrow though I don't know it was an arrow [ __ ] it you the heck is this what is what is this what did we find huh oh that's one of the exits with the Green Door you need a gray key to open this door oh are you kidding me okay new plan we either need a gray key or a cell phone at this point if we get one or the other we can leave we're in our certain area by the way we are we need to go back we need we have the antenna we need circuit boards trap outside my door you're a monster wait why why would you do that oh zombie run oh there he goes why would you hit it you're so tough why are you doing this you psycho I'm getting I just lost all of my items voice people how many times are you dump in this toilet nothing we did nothing at least seven ten times oh god oh gosh yeah I'm sorry I'm going to solitary too but you're going to stop why man hi guys yeah this is kind of like a second home to me I would love to open it but I can't hey how long have you been here for oh you lost everything open the door all my stuff except for the stuff in my house thingy okay boys we need to find either a copper wire matches or plastic plate or just find a circuit board straight up you can find that in an office stud where are you we need to go to the office I'm looking I'm in the infirmary I'm literally here's the office here's the offices where I'm coming I'm coming areas by yourself I can keep watching I'm keeping watch don't worry I'm watching I'm watching I'm watching you can watch don't worry I got a metal slingshot what are you doing over here hey man I'm just grabbing a drink from the vending machine see yeah we're just we're just thirsty drinks we can go outside right outside of time this is about to be night time we need to hurry hurry oh no we're not in ourselves and I have a metal slingshot oh come on Dante solitary again that is like a billion times [Laughter] did you just what I didn't do anything what no what was what did you just have in your hands hey man can you take this what's up okay I gotta go make money what's up here okay boys I have a metal slingshot oh my God stop giving me things I just don't want it stop giving me things I have so much Contraband okay after this we need to go straight to the offices we need to find a circuit board or we need to craft one me and me and zud will go to the office um you might want to take Biffle Biffle me and Biffle will go zud go what I'm wanted are you yes okay look for the components to craft a circuit board copper matches on a plastic plate Biffle followers yes sir why don't you drink drink it no copper cover okay copper all right listen just don't go out the door you came in from flashlight flashes the other roll for a few seconds what I don't know what that means I don't know what you're talking about why did you put a banana there I had to jump over it you idiot oh my look at this right here hold on what do we need a battery no we already have that we already got that that was okay we need to play we need to go to the eating area literally just a plate food Hall this way follow me I'm following where are you follow me follow me follow me follow me I got it ready right here trade me I'll walk the door I'm watching the way now I can craft the phone I think can I craft the phone I'll keep a watch hurry up the antenna the battery's at my house boys I need to get back to the to our cell before we get caught go oh he will make it back oh my God oh my God hurry up before I punched under the face why are you gonna punch the spoon who has the wrench it's the second I think I think this back of my thing so we have wire no I have the wrench crap oh why did you just say so why did you just say that stay in here nobody moves nobody okay I'm not moving here's what I'm gonna do I can't move to leave wait I have the wire cutters uh Zod yeah you're in charge of it's night time we're literally hey man and we're trying to sleep here I got top bunk all right go to bed go put that in your hidden spot inside of your little chest beautiful where did you go sir goodbye I'm sorry I I no clips like this stuff I'm back herbs oh no okay this is fine do we need a copper or a metal spoon everything we need I'm getting rid of it so I don't even risk it what I'm what I want to do now this next day before we escape I want to look around for a bunch of energy drinks so we can just take off running and I want to try to beat him down before we leave that's a good idea we need to also find weapons and energy drinks and then we're gonna beat him down and leave the next day here's a wooden stick somebody get this wooden stick all right actually you know what I'll use my hands oh gosh I put a banana right there don't hit that perfect banana another banana all right there's a plane get him no I can't stand up what is this activity I'm a flashback oh gosh little boys who's one out it's worth it come with me people come with me you have the wrench I got it I got it I got it okay uh let's go this way wait is it down we need to find the roof Landing location call a helicopter why did you try leaving me oh hey son hey hey I got back on my own ow stop it stop it call it call it call it I called it I called it don't fall you're illegal no no no no no no helicopter Ian we gotta beat him updated oh goodbye bye people guys don't leave me oh [Music] boys hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,243,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zHwTqpmaKEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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