100 Days but the World is Desert..

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today we're going to be surviving in a hardcore minecraft world made of nothing but deserts as far as the eye can see make sure to watch all the way through and let's do this well well well so we're going to play it safe and check out this village first grab some torches a bed bread a lot of wheat please well that's not bad actually i'm gonna just take this chest i can already tell the vibe of a desert world is gonna be a lot different to hardcore ice spikes yes food wheat oh my god we already got seeds another crafting table beetroot oh and let's just get all this hay these poor dead rabbits more wheat and let's get the rest of this hay so we're starting off day one we definitely have a lot more stuff that we did in hardcore ice spikes but i still have no wood which means no cobblestone which means no iron and so on we might have time to hit this temple and we'll set some torches down in here i could just wall this off it looks like it's well well well maybe we'll uh walk this off too and back more torches we should theoretically be safe so do this right okay iron more iron golden apple and looting three i don't even remember that from our original video so we got enough for a pic let's go ahead and get all this tnt and we will ascend from darkness which speaking of this brings me to my second point the other thing that's going to make this hard is just the sheer number of mobs that seem to spawn in the desert oh oh my god how did you get in what well my plan was gonna be to mine man if that had a bit of creeper the odds of that happening twice there's no way i have no call the very least we could get cobblestone and now we can make an axe shovel a hoe and another pick oh my god oh no whoa the sun rises and there it is we are officially one day in an ender pearl is that a melon grow my friend i'm gonna take these no no yes oh iron hi oh oh my god dangerous [Music] really dangerous so eight ingots now i would love to make a shield but see you guys we have no wood i think we're just gonna have to go with old faithful suit up now sun's getting low i think we're gonna have to stay here tonight ladies and gentlemen one enchanted golden apple a bit of gold another golden apple and the greatest part of all three diamonds and piercing two truly not a bad haul you know we gotta do it come on dude so do we just wanna like move in here i can't think of like a better place to live in a desert only world than a desert temple close to water the village not too far from here let's get renovating now that is a little bit more spacious maybe we just do away with these oh no that's not good you can mostly do away with these weird hallways i i don't know hi i'm gonna turn you into stew and hello day two even though it's her third day you you get what's going on because minecraft weirdly starts on day zero so get out oh no that was rude anyway ladies and gentlemen welcome to what is gonna be officially our new home starting off a little bit better than uh the hardcore ice spikes oh we even got a pet spider okay so i mean it's not perfect yet ow but i mean for now it's a place we can survive in and that's what's important i wonder if we can go find another village they're literally everywhere in these deserts oh there's a well maybe someday we'll spritz this up oh and literally like from there we've got a lava pool and another village dude we are gonna make it so far in this first video the rare four high iron more food oh in a book i'm just gonna cover you guys off and you're gonna stay safe in there oh my god the sugar cage i'm feeling that spark man i'm imagining what this world is going to be it's exciting yo check this out a brewing stand now this should be safe right oh but i do like iron whoa huge quarry but sun's going down so let's head home what's up soup no soup oh soup soup soup yes my boy my boy yeah you stay in there soup we're just gonna put water perfect okay we really need to find coal oh my god more iron sure oh yes this is what it's all about oh man i'm getting excited dirt is actually like gonna be pretty rare not like it's just everywhere you know okay well maybe not that rare but it's uncovered on the surface okay so now that we have coal let's get some iron going oh we can also make a leather wow look at the danger out there the leggings oh the helmet and the boots okay that feels a lot better i would like to mine down i'm talking like way down here we are y12 and that's actually exactly what i was looking for okay we're getting lots of iron lapis i'm literally just here for one thing we got flint's still not what i'm here for though this ladies and gentlemen this is what we're here for yes wow kind of ridiculous we didn't find diamonds ladies and gentlemen finally for all these days we have the clock now i'm going to be able to track the days a little bit easier and who knows maybe it'll be helpful for you too also scrap these peasant tools actually the host stays with me the real question is now gonna be how are we gonna like make this house work probably the most aesthetic thing to do would be like one pillar yeah stone cutter yes this is what we're looking for we're gonna make some things a bit of wall and a lot of stairs a little dead horse i've always thought that these little towers were kind of useless i don't know maybe for now we'll leave it like this and then we'll just patch that up yeah pose the ladder would also work though a couple more sticks and while we're out here we may as well get a start on some paper yeah for now i think that'll work quite nicely i'm going to do something risky i'm going to head to the village your first fight oh okay i am here for all the things give me your beds oh my god there's a sheep oh my god ah we're just gonna sleep this no no we're not aha yes we are gonna sleep this one off okay now odds we can get the sheep to come home the sheep's covered with bee oh very hard to tell what's a cactus and what's a creeper thank you for your cooperation i'm gonna put my bed up here fun little triple bed oh i can break more of this oh my god yeah we got so much more space so for now i think storage can go here oh i'm already getting sick of that hey shut up and stuff can go here now this is great and all but how much does a cool house matter if you're not even safe so we're gonna build a wall and china's gonna pay perfect that should keep everything out okay actually yeah this is going to take a little bit you know we no let's just be a little realistic for once just a quick excavation of the pyramids of giza uh i'm having ice spikes flashbacks look it's not much but it's a start beautiful i'm gonna plant some more sugarcane beautiful quick torture talking safety call me gus griswold now there's something else that needs to be done here lava all right well afterwards we're just gonna get in get out quick and clean okay quick oh that's not clean oh man whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh oh my god oh my god i go come on come on come on bro i panic i didn't legit just backed out i okay we'll just go ahead and break this okay let's just travel far away and try that again whoa whoa whoa oh the desert temple oh and another town oh my god ah punch two respiration and a golden apple nothing spectacular hello village we're sheep just gonna pray here we go quick and clean oh my god dude i'm sad because i'm never gonna find wood god oh my god oh my god don't do me like that henry finding wood is literally going to be harder than finding diamonds well at least i can make a bow i think i know the only way we're gonna get wood we're gonna rebuild this here we go we're just gonna run so the plan is to literally just mine ah i'm already on fire we're just gonna go in a straight line until we find wood oh my god i hate lava oh we got our apple on hand yeah no absolutely not absolutely not this has been a dangerous run so far oh yes oh oh my god day eight hello wow let's take all of this no no no no no three stacks wow that was super easy look at all that wood i'm gonna make a gate it looks stupid but it works oh my god you can't make a boat with warp planks oh how am i gonna transport villagers oh don't do it don't jump my melon is ready what if i make it so that this is no longer a village take all the beds oh my god super random forgot i can make a shield so if i just put beds over here will they follow huh they're all congregated they know something is up we only need to save two sun's going down no this is not a village anymore my brothers follow me on the path to righteousness follow me or perish oh my god it's working yes there it is big safety man we will move the village oh we're so close this is your new village yo what if we made the top for villagers is this too small i think for now it'll work yes golem yes yes just go oh my god that's everyone we didn't lose a single lad we did it we did it henry so who wants to get into cartography god i hate these cloudy days in the desert take my paper no no no no no no no no now you're going to level up this probably going to look a little familiar the old sand cartographer trick and really it serves no other purpose than to get a lot of emeralds and experience thank you sir oh hey i think i'm actually gonna make a legit house so maybe we'll start with you no man left behind oh is that a shepherd ah man i'd love to have you come visit but we're all full mad lad hello village i'm gonna tear your houses down all right that should be enough everything is fine i am here for the dirt get an enderman over here yeah we're gonna have to wait for silk touch but that is huge there's the moon there's no moon okay i'm gonna sleep this moonless night off then how is no one burning come on children oh henry some friends hey what soup needs a friend come on yes and stacy all right it's time to mine wow that was so fast not bad at all ah first real diamonds are always the most satisfying this is actually what i was looking for oh so much coal lapis oh my god this is the largest vein i've ever seen this is the most ridiculous vein i have to mine it all for good luck dude this entire thing was ore oh my god dude that's crazy we got 11 diamonds okay it's time to make a villager trading hall something like this okay my friend go to sleep now the lads oh no okay my dudes a little sick of dealing with villagers so i think this is how i'm gonna work this this is uh this is starting to work i think actually i need more villagers i don't know how to put this but i don't need a leather worker take the bread take the bread that i hate villagers so much ah yes yes okay everyone has bread oh a cat let's go get some fish yes no no yes yes oh the cat's gone look you're all set up dude it's it's perfect yeah you don't need sleep right it's just me and you forever last pains nine seasons ah you stupid skeletons don't stand by cactuses here we go hey cats but man oh man do i love villagers i want to switch gears here for just a sec we need some obsidian and that's one enchanting table perfect as well get on breaking and we'll make a diamond sword with sharpness one don't you want to be a a guy you know and you sir it's happening a birch sapling yes i'll take three take all your dye i'll take some lilies i'll take some tulips thank you you're amazing i am not dealing with llamas this game okay leads that's huge but the really big deal birch saplings okay i think i've got everything situated except for this dude our trees are ready oh my god big day how about it yes we have an armorer this is not bad now we can sell some more glass panes and sell some glass panes to you and sell some glass panes to you oh and you can we take those emeralds and we'll uh buy some maps sure hey so we'll repeat the process and we'll be good to go it's that easy it'll be kind of cool if this could just take me down to so let's make it do that now if i just go straight we theoretically should hit our pre-existing mind stairs and the water can go through the sides there we go seems a little dangerous okay okay it works okay and so the water it won't go any further because of the ladder and then i fall and do it nice yeah let's find ourselves some resources like cool yes this is you wouldn't yes plus gold ah our first cave yes oh let's go i'm gonna call that a successful session bro look at this world just teaming with life i'm gonna make another pick and uh yeah efficiency too and i'm breaking beautiful i'm also gonna make a shovel with efficiency too whoa is there a giant hole next to my house anyway it's time to dig yeah that's just fantastic now we take our sand and we take our paints and bam profit a few more pains and a lot more profits then take the profits paper and bam just like that now i'm already tired of using coal we're gonna get some buckets of lava double buckets couple sands there we go it's beautiful and ah yes the chainmail lagging the most useless armor in all of minecraft and whoa look at that diamond armor oh yeah let's just go for it first piece of diamond gear this is actually perfect because i'm doing some landscaping while also being productive two birds one shovel i hate this hole though so i am gonna fill it in beautiful because now we got more glass which is more pains is more profit which is our very own pair of diamond leggings oh and there's the chest plate and helmet now we've gone and got ourselves some more emeralds you sir gonna sell them the diamond helmet and the chest plate ladies and gentlemen as the sun rises on day 23. look at that i am feeling pretty spicy with that in mind it's time to do some exploring i remember this and as i recall there was nothing good in this chest that is correct anyway there's a village and to the left is a temple and there's another temple protection two golden apple another golden apple and some emeralds don't forget tnt whoa cool two golden apples emeralds and gold gold tangled whoa take all this hay i'll be taking this oops all right pigs we need the pigs follow me gentlemen this is gonna be a dangerous mission this was a bad idea big come on come with me lads we're almost there the oasis i'm in benjamin benjamin all right that was good but we must continue oh my god you've got to be kidding me actually maybe we'll just leave those for now we know they're there librarian yes thanks nerd i'm gonna just dig my way right in yeah there we go nothing sharpness four and that's about it can't forget the tnt yes and apples oh diamond horse armor gold and iron and of course tnt gold apple infinity emeralds and tnt perhaps we'll check out this village oh my god there's there's bad people back actually i think we're good apples yeah yeah [Music] i i'm uh head out going for it man ah okay i'm out of here oh oh apple aquafinity and tnt wow it is dark oh it's not nighttime but we have mob spawning dude this might actually be worse than just regular night time what no no no no no oh my god ah no no quickly i'm paling we can't even get a trident so i'm gonna leave that there and i'm out oh it's a block of gold i want it they're fighting they're fighting run apple iron multi shot and bane i'll take multi shot dang it really is starting to look like an oasis we got so many books now got enough food to lost us forever gold a lot of golden apples real apples go one two five six nine little on breaking three efficiency three with i'm breaking three terms three nice oh fortune one guess we could also tackle this glass oh my god the absolute stonks wow look at that need a book which means i need leather i gotta kill some rabbits there's the book there's the fortune oh my god you gotta be kidding me uh fortune two and efficiency okay well whatever we we've gotta fortune one book obviously you can't be mad about that idiot what what oh what this is under my house oh my god wow i've just been sitting on this huh that was like the coolest most awful thing ever now there's clearly enough rock underneath here to keep everything stable because otherwise placing torches would have just made the whole thing crumble down i'm just gonna mark that for now wow the efficiency 3 is phenomenal i mean come on this wants to be a lake oh it's so cool we'll just make infinite water okay i i don't know how this is gonna work how do i feel i give up for now but i will return oh we're one short perfect it's a nice looking aesthetic we got the trees starting to pop up i mean don't get me wrong i do love a good cactus but it just doesn't fit the oasis theme we're going for it looks like life so i think i am going to make a farm remove this layer of sand perfect oh one carrot actually that's a lie i'm impatient four carrots also my pigs hey what's up my dudes i'm really starting to see some life now for pure aesthetics i'm gonna make a watermelon farm yes our glass production has ended let's go get some lava and now production of glass may continue we'll spend my evening procuring sand yeah it is full i feel so productive as we make glass we're gathering sand to make more glass and we're also making this house safer i guess i just really hate having a big hill right next to the back of it shares are going up as always ladies and gentlemen it is that easy let's make our bow better flame and i'm breaking and infinity section two plus protection three we'll also add thorns and protection two to get protection three and lastly we'll add looting to our sword i need a brown mushroom oh my god that is what i needed this will mine our way that actually worked ah now we do not have fire potions so this is gonna be very dangerous a few nether words mushrooms hello oh no oh no oh no this is bad this is bad cannot afford to get lit on fire i think that blaze just saved me oh that was intense whoa oh hello my dude weather wow that's just rude oh god this is risky we're oh man yes yes oh my god i did it okay everything's fine yes 17 is way more than we need the real final challenger well i think that was a success so we're going to take some blaze powder spider eyes and some gun powder we take sugar spider eyes mushrooms we then take our fermented spider eye and the blaze powder there's a potion of weakness and you just add gunpowder beautiful meet my friend there you go hey and you sir look like you can use a splash potion while we're at it how about a golden apple we did it welcome back sir hope you are ready for stunks now let's get some more pigs which is one more bookshelf which gives us level 22. maybe we can hit both of these guys yes beautiful yeah we just patched this up for now and we'll leave them be i also have pink dye i want to dye a sheet pink yes what about blue green oh my god this is so cool hello welcome back and welcome back and welcome back sorry i had to do that guys oh three you legends ah look at all the emeralds wait a second do you have books in here taking these bro i might not even need what i came for wow actually i'll take this two beds falls this stuff but what i'm here for are the cows tom cruise and millie bobby brown you're coming with me come on perfect look at my beautiful sheep here's some wheat and thank you for the baby so what happens when i start breeding like let's do like a pink and a blue a pink ah next up make some more bookshelves there it is level 30. i'm actually gonna make a new sword that way we don't waste our looting three smites well literally smite okay whatever the wheats who wants carrots whoa it's a light green sheep this is so cool this cow will just eat all my weed huh you're gonna be a good cow are you bro bro curse of binding dude if it wasn't for your fortune we would be on very bad terms okay so there's silk touch we just need to get 22 more levels and then we can finally get dirt dude this trading hall is such a mess oh hey all your spruce saplings honestly we're not gonna get blue ice anywhere so i'll take that too giant spruce tree my bread and butter that's another baby don't think i forgot about my man's soup yes little baby bunny for the fam back to the mines honestly i kind of like that we haven't done a lot of mining in this video i'm proud that most of the stuff we've acquired has either been stolen or acquired through slave labor now the prophets may continue now you just level up our mason a little bit there's level 30 and silk touch let's go get ourselves some dirt look at this our dirt wow what a day and home we go look at those pearls and look at that tree most importantly look at this dirt but if we want a lot of dirt i think we're gonna have to go mine it oh this is a lot of dirt actually oh man i thought this was gonna be a bit of a problem but apparently not like they're giving it away bro i'm out here more excited about dirt than diamonds and look at that it's crazy to think we would have just missed this if we weren't looking for dirt oh wow we really don't have enough whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wow oh okay unfortunately i'm always prepared for this ah oh oh oh holy my man's got a swing wow look at this grass we are not going to have enough to reach the water but we can continue at least all right that's all i got time for more dirt [Applause] this is looking better we take the sand and we move it somewhere else it's not enough okay at last that is it an oasis in the desert maybe we'll spice this area up a little bit amazing i never want to shovel a single piece of dirt again and power one bow sure i'll actually take one of those bows and get power four oh then we add those together and that is like pretty much my perfect bow anyway it's now back to the sand collection now who wants glass okay hello like to buy some more armor remove all the enchantments and let's see what we can do protection four with unbreaking protection three with nothing feather falling four fire protection i don't think so anyway that's a pretty big improvement whoa all your tulips and pumpkins and black dye slime shore and all your ice and there we go protection four amazing so protection for protection for protection three and feather falling now we are going to make slow falling and potion of slow falling with four minutes so we're gonna make some more apples and a few more potions i'd also like to get a few ender pearls one two [Music] five eight i should probably eat an apple because i'm an idiot and forgot to bring food and twelve food egg man it just makes everything so easy day 41 we got we got the gear okay yes it may be hardcore but there's no reason to mess around if i was an average minecraft youtuber i would hold out to you guys you know wait till day 49 make it eventful but now we've got more stuff planned so we got to get this out of the way oh it's this way to the stronghold we go giant ravine wow how about a little smite oh my god if he steps on it watch this well we'll never know yeah we we almost just died well let's continue on okay there it is there we are oh i'm an idiot i didn't bring wood fortunately there's wood right here whoa whoa whoa whoa section bane and looting two i'll take it looting three also take i'm breaking take the potion here we go oh that's some damage that's some damage that's some damage oh whoa who's hungry for apples okay i hope this is safe yes oh man it's gonna be close okay let's finish it off with the apple where it all started and there is where it ends ladies and gentlemen whoa oh let's get that xp wow wow wow okay nice well i don't see any point in messing around well well well if it isn't our favorite remote getaway well we'll see if we have enough blocks probably just going to have to break these blocks as i go i hate this all right we got a good chunk of block here if we need it all right now we go for it okay i think we should be all right there we are and our enderman is on me so let's not oh oh my god my shield's broken i have no wood for a new shield head down head down head down surely i can make this throw wow close well well well lol just build and then get hit by a shulker thing and then just fly now for the scary purse what we got mending with protection four that's a hot yes and feather falling no all right let's head over here mending and efficiency four i'm breaking ah that's disappointing okay next one ending boots dang the mending chess play i will also take that pick for now we hit the boats i don't think so oh that was close actually let's go for it beautiful there is the elytra efficiency 5 i will take let's go ahead and drop on down looting three sword i will take ah six diamonds looting three i think i will take that there's our head i'm just gonna jump off here and slowly but surely let's hit this right oh beautiful and we're back they're mad at me oh my god oh my god oh i'm still alive and there we go hey we beat it but the real game is just beginning dragon head and i can't really see it that great but i think it looks nice well our armor took a beating this is a bit of a conspiracy but i swear if we put more books down it'll just be even better all right there's our protection for man if only i could just put these together i also want a shovel if i'm breaking three perfect i think i'll also buy some more armor and protection four just like that okay good chest plate great boots great leggings god tear shovel and a pretty good health make a diamond axe hey that's something you know we've done a lot this episode but i think a great way to finish it out would be to fight the wither first things first potion of strength two now we just need a few skulls hey there pal you disappoint me oh we got an enderman on us oh whoa this bow is crazy oh there we are take out our apple for this i see it i need that yes gust here yes all right there's number one whoa man this is so hard wait did i just get a second one i i'm confused but very happy very very happy yes oh there it is day 48 and we're back we've got our soul sand and our gas tube and there is our potion of regen and lastly potions of swiftness noon day 48 this seems like as good a place as any we go here we go what is it doing what are you doing no what yes okay there we go regen is up yes oh there we go there's the wither okay we're getting there we're getting there come on yes potion of strength big damage big damage yes yes yes quick apple oh come on yes yes big damage oh yeah what's up oh dude every time the adrenaline is just oh that's a good fight but on the bright side we still didn't have to use our enchanted golden apple all right so you guys know what that means in just 50 days our very own beacon how many emerald blocks can we get oh plus okay 53 one diamond and nine gold and seven iron 13 blocks short of a three level pyramid okay the day rise is on 49. big fight all right my dudes why does no one want to sell me things big day guys ah it would seem we've all come to our senses and there we go that should be it you know where we gotta put it is it that simple it is diamond in the middle yeah i think for now i'm probably just gonna go speed man look at that that's sick ladies and gentlemen there you have it 50 days in a desert only world let's work on this trading hall now first of all i think we're going to make this just look generally better take your sandstone uh you know fill in the bottom we're also going to make this two more wide check out all this space oh well this guy's trying to go to bed head right on in here yeah man look at all the cartographers i'm also gonna remove this roof it's just really stupid and i will do slabs i think just fill this out with that i think we have kind of fixed this a little bit let's make some more carpet so yes that is much better you want to be a cartographer too ah nice and so that's everyone wait ah we're missing someone how'd you get out here we go okay now it is time for more potions the fermented spider eye beautiful let's try to convert two at once yes all right sounds like a successful conversion now we gotta do this really quickly so maybe it was a little bold of me to assume we could do four in a night now gonna spend the day getting sand sweet beautiful sand how is it that this guy didn't turn hey welcome back dude one dude one pane of glass you are a madman sir okay four more villagers we can so do this in a night fall right on down there same goes for you oh no not you dumbledore get out of here buddy yes okay just gotta give this man an apple here take that and then i'll see in the morning okay nice that was way more efficient i don't want to go too far so i think tonight i'll just continue getting sand okay nice that's a lot of sand yeah one and two so all these guys give me deals especially this guy i'm gonna need some paper all right my dudes let's get you leveled up dude we got a one you mad man that is fantastic guys let's just let's just make some profits yeah that's a lot of emeralds oh we got a potato let's get a little tater farm going bone meal it up [Music] beautiful while we're at it we better get some harvesting in harvesting in and we can also go ahead and start breeding some more pigs we'll do some cows and of course you can't forget the sheep tremendous now let's get back to sand also need more hoppers furnaces just like so oh no it gets tricky one two three four now we'll just start putting sand in each one yeah that's actually pretty clean and lastly get the fuel source cool one two three and four now we take all our lava and bam this is amazing we take our stuff and we make the profits now we just need to get more buckets it's time to mine and that's exactly what we're looking for hey hey hey ten more buckets okay three more four each nice we got a good level of fuel but we are getting low on sand so it's through the hills i return this is insanity oh my level 50. we're not even through everything wow dude i can't believe this this many emeralds would have taken days in hardcore ice spikes so i guess if we want to keep it up it's back to the sand hills all right we are moving mountains hey red dye oak saplings i would like to buy all of your things thank you nice as always and yeah i'll take kelp and thank you so much we got oak saplings also can we make red sheep whoa that's so cool we need more white sheep so that we can dye the other sheep now let's try for some apples see that's what we really need right now whoa i didn't know you could get that in the desert oh i'm just gonna leave that there oh yes so now we have a source of unlimited apples another one we have more golden apples okay so the next thing i want to do is try to get this guy to be a mending villager so this is literally just gonna be a ton of placing infinity right at the gates crosswalker flame and so yeah we're basically just gonna do this until we get mending which could take all day oh my god that was so quick that only took like ten minutes you absolute legend all right let's lock this in oh ladies and gentlemen mending librarian and fire aspect sure so this diamond helmet is pretty perfect there we go we will buy some more diamond armor and there's thorns that's pretty good then we add mending and beautiful so now we've got full mending protection for armor with unbreaking then we can also add respiration to our diamond helmet now let's sell some glass dang we are getting some deals we can put these two picks together and then add mending is it inappropriate to call this stormbreaker i don't care and so now we just need enough xp to get a better diamond sword and axe we also need to add fortune 3 to this pick okay we need to find some more lava oh there we go now who wants glass and now we can add fortune basically the perfect pickaxe hello lapis now we return to the glass grind wow we are getting a lot of emeralds let's return to the sand hustle more trades and back to the glass and more well that is it for trades today so i think we should go for the double convert on some of these guys try to get as many ones as possible hello there you fool you idiot now take this take this and call me in the morning now i think i will do some tree cutting and there's some apples some gold and there we go now we back to the hustle hello my dudes there it is the ones look at these absolute legends 17 no way bro 14 what you're a madman and seven fourteen oh man i don't like this at all so i think from now on we're gonna have to take them out into the desert to get turned because i think otherwise this is just gonna keep happening there's one stack of emerald block there's two and a half and so you guys know what that means packing this all up we're just gonna move it downstairs where we have all this space and we can put the anvil and grindstone right there so let's bust all this up start filling it in and now we do one more layer oh it's so cool and bam speed and jump is that how that works yeah now we can just get over our walls that's fantastic i'm gonna put this one diamond block right there oh we actually have enough for another one all right this is very cool and we still got a lot of blocks i think maybe we're gonna start the exterior yeah and maybe we'll replace the creeper faces with red i think that looks good other options would be iron or gold nah oh that looks nice those will be gold and someday after i do a lot of mining those can all turn into diamonds i guess all right that's a pretty cool start yeah there's probably no way we're gonna get that many diamonds and it makes sense to put the coolest block as diamond yeah you can start filling this in and we may as well continue this is starting to look kind of cool wait now you're trading 16s what 14 oh my god so yeah definitely had to do something with the panic if i buy it'll lower him 25 are you serious absolutely not we're gonna get ourselves some apples wait now you're six what is happening hey apples okay so we're just gonna make a huge tunnel out okay lot in my dudes you guys can get to know each other no one's freaking out everything's good fantastic one potion apple and see in the morning and then we get one more in yes we go we have a conversion water ocean that should be fun now eight three two eight that's uh i don't love that it's better but other than 14 now that anyone gets spooked one six three three eight five think we're okay hey it's a one hey welcome back dude and there we go he's back to one yeah we're definitely making big improvements on this and that's gonna be another stack let's go up yeah and there we go not bad we might be able to fill this all out wow that looks sick all right i hate to do this but i actually want to go mining oh hey now we just dig our way up and beautiful i guess we're gonna find out if this is even worth it this is going okay but i think i might just go ahead and break it all case two is really too good to pass up hey there buddy how would you like to fall right down in there and give me a zombie villager hey that was so quick and you go you know i'm starting to think maybe it's time we make a wall and really like not even for me so much as for my villagers oh no no no no where what where are you guys even coming from dear god this is the zombie apocalypse i was waiting for enough is enough oh wow that was quick for now i'm just gonna make a pretty simple wall because i really don't feel like i'm ever in danger but my villagers on the other hand are another story one one one one three two one two two and five now we're talking that's 33 blocks of emeralds in a matter of minutes back to the mines that feels better we'll haste two now we can get it going oh there it is there it is the difference just isn't even close i don't want to just go crazy with it this just feels a lot more satisfying hey this works much better all right what have we got oh 16 diamonds not bad oh 20. hey not bad that's gonna be another 17. hey i keep breaking them it's another 14. oh i almost missed that oh that's so cool all right well i am content for now also got seven blocks of diamond so that's gonna be one here and two here and then here and here and there and there hey cool all right so now we can continue the sides oh okay and there we go sweet now as for gold that 11 blocks fill this start to fill this i think i'll keep it symmetrical for now oh there's an apple dude ah we'll do some more glass okay so about 33 emeralds per round or should i say blocks of emerald yeah we could start on this side it's progress oh we got more trades let's try to turn this 11 man oh here comes the crew your thing thank you your services are no longer needed take this potion eat an apple yeah so having a wall is kind of nice how about a little bit more lava oh it's really not enough surely two trips will be enough now how are we doing sir can well ah and the production of glass oh my god we got so much but for whatever reason these guys are 9 and 15 now i think we're just gonna have to take this further out honestly at this point all i've learned is that villager trades make no sense at all but don't get me wrong we're still making profits we got 43 more blocks it's coming along yeah nice wow we are really starting to make progress all right let's go to the nether we're here for gold actually if we're gonna go for gold we may as well go for netherrite too oh that's not very safe wow whoa hello gold here looking good hey you know that is actually a pretty good way to get gold five blocks sales also these guys are now back to okay but they don't make any sense take your stupid potion and your stupid apple i'll talk to you in the morning and you there you go all right i think everything is finally good oh yes nice oh hey orange dye and sand dude our flower field is just growing all right well we just spent the last few days mining it was a long and tedious process but the beacon certainly helped but we got a lot done and we found a lot of diamonds so we're just gonna go ahead and mine them now so in total that's 184 diamonds 111 pieces of gold 224 pieces of iron and a whole lot of redstone in lapis overall i gotta say that was a pretty good haul wow 20 blocks of diamonds actually if i'm being honest i kind of wish i had got more gold we can fill this in and this and we can get a start on this beautiful as for our diamonds that's actually everything uh we'll find a use for this though we've also got our villagers in a much better place sorry to think sleep was exactly what they needed and we've also been working on emeralds two more stacks so we can start filling this in and this back wall here and beautiful so we've actually got pretty much the whole front cover but see now we start getting into the really time-consuming parts gotta start working these walls okay that looks nice nice and a little bit of this that's looking like some progress now i also got a bunch of dirt while i was mining so we're going to start filling the rest of our land in with grass yeah that looks better i'm also going to start filling in the interior all right now this is going to be tricky well that is progress all in a day's work all right i want a better sword chirp is four and then we add that to our unbreaking looting sword and take amending i will name you d we can also probably get a better axe yeah like efficiency four with silk touching unbreaking perfect they'll take a mending and beautiful very cool now let's do something you'll see what this is for and there's a blocks of iron we're just gonna uh yeah and one up here oh we got stuff i'll buy your stuff oh we got magenta oh cool and we got a cayenne cyan kind of thing whoa our sheeps are looking so cool anyway that's not the point the real point is that we are ready to do a raid and i actually know exactly where to find a villager outpost you see in the last episode we did some exploring and i didn't bother showing it because i i wasn't ready to take on a raid in hardcore but now dude look at this man this looks like a man that is ready to take on a raid in her core there it is brick breaker roger i'm going in actually i don't know i don't i don't know how this works i just killed what have they done to you i'm breaking my man's out yeah yeah oh i actually i think i well nice job anyway i think i need to kill them oh there's our guy that's the one right there wow yeah i did it a drip wire hook that's kind of cool crossbow bottle of enchanting that's fun i guess oh hey like i just released the hulk bro yeah oh we're looking for one of them thing hey there it is wow why is the loot so trash in these like no oh there's actually a village oh oh i'm so stupid no oh this is bad oh this is real bad huh i was supposed to go back to my place well i'm in level one probably just do this all on my own now fortunately i secured myself some free time because uh raiders are stupid and they come in waves yeah i just need to break a house sorry kids god i feel like a superhero and this is the avengers or i don't know like i'm gonna need this sorry everyone get inside oh here we go this should be a decent spot to snipe kids i didn't mean kids literally crossbow all charged up here we go about to get real first challenger there it is ah you can't get me ah you're on fire oh man cactus is here yeah maybe it'll run in here we go oh oh this is horrible i am in danger oh it's about to get real oh no no no no back sid here no backs oh where is he taking damage oh there it is there it is there it is oh no yes oh dude that's that's a hole of death right there yes sewed up oh my god instant health potion yes that's huge i know i could have used the enchanted golden apple but this is not our final raid can't be over i don't have hero of the village who's everyone just dead is that it so it turns out if everyone in the village dies parade is a defeat honestly i see this as a huge success i didn't have to fight three more waves of increasing difficulty and we got a totem i no longer have to live my life in fear well quite as much fear speaking of which hey it's fortune 3 and aqua affinity projectile protection and a golden apple and here we have infinity and that's really about it i would really like to find a horse i'm not even sure if it's possible hey it's a village hi guys everyone runs alive here huh weird last place was totally dead well at least there's hay you know maybe i should get bad omen again so i can actually fight the full raid and you know get a bunch of totems where's your captain oh hi you're not captains though have you no captain well i i have no idea what uh what's going on here mate starts uh acquiring some cactuses i'm just thinking maybe there's a way to like make them a barricade or something whoa what's that green in the distance oh wow this must be a pretty cool place that a really nice guy lives here definitely not a conqueror wow it's a half finished emerald temple pretty cool would i have even wanted to do a raid here in this beautiful land hey that puts us over a hundred blocks of tnt and another block of gold okay so we're day 77 man i think if we want to finish this in 100 days we really just got to go get after it yeah we just we got to go hard all right there's 55 more blocks let's see what we can do okay that's actually some pretty good progress now y'all got some trades for me oh my god i have so much glass well i guess we're just gonna sell it whatever rate we're given never thought i'd see the day where i thought i would need more cartographers but apparently this is insanity gosh i don't really know what to do well i guess we just keep going and do what we gotta do you know so for now i think i'm just gonna take some time and acquire emeralds of the day and mine for gold at night [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay and four days later we're back our dudes are back to selling us some pretty good deals not everyone is so generous but that's okay we also managed to find a pretty good amount of gold giving us 12 more blocks of gold make that 13. did i say 13 i meant 14. and so finally we have not one not two not three but ladies and gentlemen oh that's right all four sides are complete oh yeah i also found some ancient debris now i'd also like to go ahead and find some villagers oh my god somehow these guys are still alive hi there it's going to be so dangerous i gotta say this is actually one of the best strategies for transporting villagers well you know except for the 8 million husks that are on us i wish i had a bow that could just like kill everything in one shot there are just so many zombies dear god come on lads maybe just go ahead and blow up nice now we got to move quickly because the sun's coming up come on we're so close yet so far oh ah we didn't make it ah what if i give you this yeah that's right yes sir there's our loom perfect and we now have a shepherd make some quick trades hey take the bread and you take some bread yay come on dude i know you're homesick listen you have a child you can't just get up and leave let's also repair our sugar elytra make some paper and make some fireworks let's go real high up also check out the compound while we're at it and anyway i would like to go for a little adventure i'm super curious to see if we can find a horse first village is looking like a no but hey i may as well take some hay while i'm here and we're off dude i love how plentiful these village worlds are we've got snow horses but this is an unexplored desert temple not a whole lot fortunately there is always tnt that is dangerous block of gold okay looks like nothing but cows here a lot of cows a lot of disappointment not a whole lot now can we do this safely yes ha ha wow another one oh fire aspect i will take that ah not quite and again no horses okay my elytra is almost halfway done oh what's that rip dude okay how much we got left oh we're low uh pigs and now i gotta run home well that is unfortunate also i kind of like that our pigs somehow got out hey grab some bread what you want the bread oh huge bread guys well we did at least get fire aspects and depth strike who cares no time we gotta do the emerald thing even these guys are giving me good deals this looks like a hazard oh well hey more villagers you got some more glass for me i see i just want to thank everyone for a super productive day cause look at all those emeralds also while we're here let's get this dirt back this should be really cool well it's not whatever i might actually let a few cows out just because i think it looks cool to have animals wandering all right that's enough get out of my way i will burn you oh we'll let some sheep oh too maybe they'll cooperate better well maybe that's hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey that's enough ha orange sheep okay i'm gonna start placing some more dirt because there sure is nothing i like more wait what yeah wake up wake up i need more babies take the bread yes tremendous things are coming along ah dude i feel like we're gonna be there pretty soon happy animals life is good dude bro what more could you want well it's uh funny you asked that actually cause i'm definitely still in need of dirt oh whoa hey it's funny how like you just find diamonds when you're not looking for diamonds hang look at all this dirt and tonight i think we're just going to continue to lay down grass oh no just have a giant hole in our wall hey that's my sand all right that's looking better now we just got to finish this oh no oh no they're all going up oh no wow look at all these people who wants bread oh the hearts this is insanity i love it next up we'll go get some more dirt how you got out i have no idea hey but i'm after dirt but there is none so diamonds it is and gold we love gold now this this is the stuff we're looking for hey i love we just keep fighting diamonds wow there's so many 24 total more golds and hey a bit of dirt dude you love to see it okay well that was not a very productive dirt run but another 24 diamonds isn't bad hello wow i don't even know if we can have people breed anymore we might be max but on the bright side our dudes are back to being bros couple bros buying glass selling emeralds uh my dudes up in here top 10 bros you love to see being dudes dude what a session that was oh my goodness i need a librarian and not just any librarian oh hey wow we have almost filled every bed but we haven't filled all this land we'll just spend the rest of the night excavating i need more sugarcane so that i can get more paper so that i can get more cartography tables so that i can get more cartographer so that i can sell my paper so that i can get more emeralds to level up all my cartographers so that i can get more emeralds wait what how did you whatever and of course we can't forget these guys so that i could get more emeralds to level up my cartographers to sell them glass to get more emeralds it's a long grueling cyclical existence and how the heck are you guys getting out what ah that's how and once again we're back to the mines except i think we're gonna finally move our beacon we're just gonna take it over here whoa hey oh my god this must be a zombie spawner hey you niblets wow that's a lot of zombies at the party disc c418 and not much else still cool anyway there we go now we dig up so i think this is the spot just to be safe though we're gonna go three oh hey that's dirt right well one piece of dirt never mind whoa i'm okay whoa there it is hey oh so easy now hit me with that ace two ladies and gentlemen we are back the my game is so strong this episode gold more gold more gold there is our dirt hey coming at number one oh is there anything that looks better than this in minecraft diamond and the gold right underneath a dungeon wow absolute beauty truly the number one spot on things you love to see golds oh my god dude there's more right here and would you look at that and some diamonds well well well more diamonds bro what an absolutely fire mining session oh and there's dirt let's go oh my god dude literally could not have gone better it was a double pocket i gotta leave the potatoes behind all right daytime let's head on back check out this gold oh yeah another egg oh that puts us over 100 diamonds and a couple more stacks now let's continue filling in this area it's progress it's glass o'clock we are just about there oh i completely forgot about excavating this area actually i think i'm gonna bring this wall in a little bit too yeah so this is the line perfect so you could also level these guys up a bit i think we've actually reached max capacity that is we had we got bets on beds on beds on beds on beds on beds how about a little more bread look at this mini dude here you guys take some too for the eighth billionth time we're back to glass but it's not very much today just a few few more beds and let's repair this elytra i just need more wheat well i think that's it for this village this looks promising i'll take these beds too god i need to get on breaking dude the compound is starting to look nice we nail it yes you know i don't know how these two guys have managed to get out but i think i'm just gonna let them live out here just kind of adds to the whole life sort of vibe we're going for ah yeah look it's perfect i'm gonna start dishing some more bread day 90 we're back to the mines looking for a little bit more dirt yes and would y'all look at that and more oh i'm gonna die more dirt i think we can finish this off at least i really hope oh this is gonna be so close one more stack i don't think it's gonna be enough no oh my god i forgot yes ladies and gentlemen we take a quick tour check this out nothing but grass and life oh my god it's so beautiful and we are so close now for being honest we could probably just tear down this wall doesn't really serve much of a purpose other than to keep the animals in yeah that's good enough for now hey get off my lawn iron okay okay now all we need are a few more stacks of emeralds it looks like everyone is giving me deals today one layer left actually we are less than one layer left we have two stacks here and if we do some trading with these guys that puts us at oh my god literally just give me all your emeralds one stack let's just go grab some more sugarcane make some more paper make four more cartographers no don't sleep oh all right well in that case i guess tomorrow it is tomorrow is gonna be the big day i think i'm just gonna sleep with the villagers tonight everyone wants to be a cartographer who wants paper and who wants glass this be it yes ladies and gentlemen here tell you what take a tip we're too short now oh my god yes the god tier cartographer has never stopped selling me once this entire episode i'm gonna give you a tip too and take some food ladies and gentlemen the full stack emerald chest here we go this is so beautiful there's three stacks that makes six 384 more blocks of emerald to hopefully finish the rest of this out you know i gotta say soup and family oh you're you're out already never mind well i was about to free you anyway jerk all right it's one layer to go this disgusting peasant sandstone very nice wow as much as this is gonna be a absolute insanity i think i gotta let everyone free my beautiful sheep go forth and prosper this is an oasis after all we gotta make it look nice and more importantly we gotta have happy life so there it is on day 93 st patrick released all the animals from their vines now we torch it up so yeah i think that is the exterior next we need to finish this section off we're just gonna make it exactly like how it was before but with emerald blocks beautiful and i know what you're thinking this should be a beacon right well no you're actually wrong see this top thing is always open in regular desert pyramids and i actually want to keep it that way see this is always the treasure room in the pyramid and so i think we should keep it true to that so this is our top layer perfect now we just got to fill out the bottom also i bet you've never seen someone make a pyramid like this before i think this is actually going to be able to work let's go get the rest of that pyramid actually while we've got it set up maybe i'll do some mining first i found some diamonds that's not all and now it's time why don't we just take the beacon and move it somewhere else all right yes this is so cool the treasure room has become a beacon wow that looks so sick oh my god okay i think from the outside anyway it looks great but obviously the inside is not quite as pretty so i think we can definitely just remove this floor for now and i mean yeah this instantly looks so much cooler kind of have a bit of a villager problem going on here maybe we'll go ahead and uh buy some more yes now the big thing we got to do is finish up this floor now we have been saving up our gold also have a lot of diamond blocks now i don't know how this happened to be so perfect check this out this pattern uses exactly 12 blocks also we're finally gonna have to take these beds out so about a 16 by 15 square that's 240 blocks and we currently have 183 there's 20 lapis blocks 34 redstone blocks oh and another 21 and another 19. 39 lapis blocks and 55 blocks of redstone plus if we take all this iron that makes it more than enough so we'll go middle diamond of course exterior too maybe next we do a little bit of redstone i like it now a layer of lapis and now we should have enough to fill the rest in with emerald that pig no oh he's stuck all right ladies and gentlemen it's done it's actually finished just drop on down oh god so many villagers we can go ahead and activate this jump boost and speed amazing well that's the aesthetic done but we still got a little bit more to do we haven't been getting all these villagers for nothing oh no just because the pyramid is complete you think we're just done nah you see this is just the beginning we got nine more seasons i don't care about stupid trees nothing but me you guys and cartography well this is it the next part of the process we make a giant bedroom now we take all the beds and we make the largest bedroom ever beautiful wow the real question is how do we get these guys out we'll just dig up whoa that was perfect yeah there you go nicely done lads and now for the tricky part we gotta let all these guys out all falling out so perfectly yes oh it's working look at this everyone's coming yes it's so perfect of course there's always one and you're stuck in the wall go to sleep yeah that's right just gotta let the cartographers out also didn't realize i completely forgot this section oh my god it's day 99 oh no we're gonna be short oh no so sorry to bother you guys on a night like this that's really important and ironically the perfect way to be finishing a hundred days hey guys ladies and gentlemen oh day 99 we are officially complete on the emerald temple wow look at that it looks sick dude i'm honestly so impressed with this and there it is ladies and gentlemen the sunrise on our 100th day dude come on how sick is that wow anyway thank you guys so much for watching you wanna see what we're gonna do next make sure to subscribe to the channel and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: NiftySmith
Views: 2,351,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft lets play, lets play, minecraft but, thesmithplays, nifty, smith, niftysmith, let's play, gameplay, episode one, funny moments, minecraft but its fast, minecraft fast pace, minecraft but its on crack, vanilla minecraft, minecraft on crack, new lets play, lets play series, new minecraft world, funny gaming, tsp, smithplays, playthrough, survival, survival series
Id: DhnXrpaAZqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 41sec (4181 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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