1 Week to get as RICH as Possible in Minecraft Hardcore!

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I'm going to survive using only this one Emerald for seven real life days and I really don't want to die because I'm playing on my 2500 day hardcore world the goal is to trade away out from one Emerald to having enough gear to take on the Ender Dragon so it's basically like Ryan tryon's penny series but in Minecraft and with that being said there are a few rules one I start with nothing except one Emerald so all my stuff is getting locked away in this chest rule number two I must use emeralds for everything including food all right we've got a one emerald and we need to find a village quick otherwise we are going to die we literally can't do anything until we find this Village yes it's a village okay we need to find like a toolsmith I think we need a way of getting more emeralds yes cool Smith okay we can trade our one Emerald for an ax okay now if we chop down some wood we can now craft with these and turn these into sticks and if we can find a Fletcher we can sell these sticks for emeralds no no Fletcher oh that's a cartographer oh my God there's no Fletcher what are we actually gonna do so I spent some time chilling with the Villagers and staring at this trade table to try and figure out a way to survive all right I think I figured out a way but it's about to go night so we should probably sleep all right so the only solution I can see is to chop down another tree make a crafting table and craft ourselves a boat and the reason we've got a boat is that it won't use hunger whilst we're moving around so hopefully we won't starve to death and lose our world we need to find a village with a Fletcher have you seen a village ooh that's a village now please tell me it has a Fletcher oh maybe they don't spawn in deserts no we have to keep looking uh oh it's gone night and now we have another problem there could be a drowned like anywhere with a trident and we're dead oh my God there's a drowned with a trident over there all right so we found this ship and there's nothing in the rules about looting stuff but there's a spider guarding it right I think we're gonna risk it here we go oh my God emeralds oh my God we're losing Hearts we need a village now yes a village farmer no I just want food wait if we break this we'll get different trades each time I think yes give me some bread oh my God our world is saved all right so we've got some food but now we need a reliable way of getting some emeralds and I don't think we're gonna get this Village so I think we'll buy this upgraded ax and we'll spend the rest on food Oh and before we leave let's just check in here yes iron we can't take the chest plate this is where rule number three comes in I can only craft with items I've traded for The Only Exception is stuff that's impossible to trade for like wood or stone all right we're not gonna stop until we find a Fletcher finally guys we have reached this Village and I'm pretty sure sure there is a Fletcher wait is that one right there yes all right sticks for emeralds that's what we wanted all this time let's get to work [Music] give me them wait you're not the right one maybe if we try and reset his trades yes oh my God give me emeralds please 16 emeralds oh my God it's time to get rich it's 57. oh my God I'm getting scammed oh my God I hate you give me more emeralds half a stack of emeralds let's go we'll take a fair bit of bread but now we've got another problem our ax is basically broken wait I think I've got an idea to fix it though we found some iron and we've got wood so if I'm right we can craft a smithing table and if we give this job to this villager he should let us buy some tools of him that is not the one we want yes another ax oh and we'll get a pickaxe too okay now I'm just gonna grind emeralds off of the Fletcher until we have an astronomical amount of emeralds and that's what I did for the last couple of hours of day one [Music] all right it's real life day two and we're starting the day with 155 emeralds the goal for today is to get some better gear because right now we are naked and we only have stone talks but first I think I saw a wondering Trader can we use any of this stuff melon seeds could be useful and now you're useless I think we can get a few more emeralds all right let's see what else we can buy from this guy because we've been trading with him and we've unlocked some pretty cool things this could be useful to defend ourselves and a couple of arrows that should do now we need to figure out a way of getting better tools I'm not sure if this guy sells anything okay so on the chart it says if we level this guy up we can start unlocking some better tools and eventually get diamond tools I think the best way of doing this is probably just to buy a bunch of stone axes from him no pickaxes I guess is he gonna refresh his trades well we're waiting for that guy we'll try and find someone who sells armor alright so on the chart it says that we're looking for a guy who has a blast furnace oh no that's not a blast furnace maybe this one oh yes okay oh perfect iron armor wait I wonder if we can get chest and leggings oh yes I was beginning to think it was impossible oh that's gonna help so much oh wow leveling up these guys is gonna take so many emeralds we definitely need an easier way of getting emeralds something more automatic all right I think I've got the plan we're going to use these melon seeds to create an automatic melon farm which should give us a constant flow of emeralds the only problem is this Village is running out of villages and there's no one to buy a hoe from so we're gonna have to take these workstations and try and find another Village [Music] wait is that one right there already all right you can be off Fletcher perfect we need an armorer oh nice we can get these Perfect full iron and we've got a toolsmith as well oh wait we need this guy to trade us a hoe yeah this guy needs to die oh we just messed up all the treats do villagers forgive well that's just great apparently they hold an eternal Grudge well looks like we're finding another Village wait actually this guy is the only guy who's got lower trades and this guy's got a hoe trade let's start this melon farm the second part of this plan is we need villagers to trade melons with us wait a sec I've just looked at the chart and you can't get a melon trade until like level three but I think I've got a different idea and it involves this we can take the sugar cane and craft it into paper then we can trade the paper with this guy for Emerald so let's plan all of this and whilst that Sugar Cane's growing and passively getting us emeralds I'm going to be actively chopping down trees for sticks and trading them with this guy for a bunch of emeralds let's do it [Music] all right it's been about an hour and as you can see we've managed to amass a mighty 212 emeralds and I also discovered that the stick method was way faster than the sugar cane and because of that we're gonna reinvest the sugar cane into a farm instead of turning it into paper and trading it right about now I really wish we had a shovel trade all right and it's now lunchtime in real life so I'm gonna eat whilst the sugar cane grows oh yeah and we should probably reinvest this too perfect okay now that we've got all these emeralds we're gonna try and get some better tools Hood level them up like this oh that's interesting oh that gives me so much more XP okay maybe it's time we start exploring some caves for iron then we should probably make ourselves a shield I also think these might come in handy yes iron great it just ends here I then continued exploring the underwater caves collecting as much iron as I could possibly find all right now we should be able to level this guy up with this yes perfect oh an iron pickaxe let's go on the diamond hey we're gonna have to buy that we might as well just buy a couple of these will this do the rest of the levels all right what else is it gonna get who would ever do that deal Fortune One ax is pretty decent Diamond as well okay perfect wait a sec I think he has one more level yeah he does come on give us something good let's go we spent a bunch of emeralds but look how much faster this is oh this is so good all right next we need to get working on our armor all right we're gonna buy a bunch of these we've got iron for emeralds so for this I think we're gonna make use of our brand new pickaxe and mine for some iron all right we got a bunch of iron and I'm also going to chop those down and see how many emeralds we can get from the librarian to see if all of this investing has paid off so we have 51 emeralds that's a nice 24 emeralds from that I think the next step of this is making an automatic sugarcane farm but we'll have to leave that to another day what is this guy doing all right let's level this guy up what are we gonna get there's a trade for a bucket of lava for like 12 or 20 emeralds if we get that we can make so many emeralds so let's hope we get it please oh I guess we can try and get some diamond armor from The Next Level though yes protection Two Feather falling 2 and Fire Protection One they're not terrible buffer is way better than normal iron and I ended off day two by selling their own wheat back to the villagers for some emeralds and also selling some more sticks ah all right day three in this real life week of grinding emeralds and we need to get serious because we only have 90 emeralds we need thousands otherwise this horse is gonna continue laughing us but to stop this horse from bullying us we need to get over a couple of hurdles first and our number one problem is we don't have enough villagers and I think I've got an ingenious plan to fix that the first step in our master plan is to get a bunch of boots wait a second I've just realized can you trade for boats I'm just looking at the chart and no you can't ah but you can trade a boat for an emerald so it looks like we're clear to craft a bunch of boats Perfect all right that might have been too many beats now we need to capture all the villagers we can find I'm here get in the boat nice come on get in anyways after I finally managed to get all the villages in the boat I had to transport them to the side of our master plan but even that process wasn't without its problems I've somehow managed to get a pig and a cat stuck in villages with boots sorry Mr Pig and I'm not really sorry Mr Cat you did that to yourself and now let me introduce you to the great villager Cube yeah it's just six villagers in boats and they're stuck here because if they try to cross the boat gets stuck oh I shouldn't have done that and then I'd have to do something annoying like this and the Villager would probably run away like that no go that way oh my God anyways next we need to build them a mud mansion and this is gonna be extra hard because we don't have a shovel yet and we need these extra villagers so we can get a shovel wow this is slow oh this is taking ages we need a shovel wait a second I didn't trade for these three pork chops you can have them Mr Chicken oh an egg okay if this gives me a chicken I'll have 10 000 emeralds by the end of the series here we go oh my God yes let's go that is a good sign anyways back to this all right I think we've got enough to build it let's get to work gonna make it three High don't really know what kind of design I'm going for and we've run out of it foreign there we go oh no I tried to go for some kind of cool shape but it ended looking like this anyways let's move the villagers in now we need to breed these guys and to breed villagers you need two things food and beds and actually I think we'll do food first because that way it can grow whilst we're getting the beds so me and these cows are just gonna consult the trading chart all right so there is no possible way to buy carrots you can only sell carrots oh yes I've got Fortune one on my ax so let's use that and we'll just replan all carrots gonna eat my bread and plant more carrots I guess we'll just plant the rest of the carrots around this house and this will be forever known as the carrot house okay now that we've got our carrots growing we need to work on getting beds for these villagers because they can't breed unless they have enough beds alright and after looking at the chart we can actually trade for wool all we need to do is get a Shepherd which requires us to get a lean block which means we need some string so hopefully there's some spiders down here wait what a skeleton spawner oh the string let's go bang there's our Loom and you sir have been promoted to Shepherd and I think to get the World Trade we need to level this guy up oh no we're down to 70 emeralds now yes looks like we're getting a bunch of red beds and we're starving to death so let's buy some bread oh my God we're down to 38 emeralds wait oh my God you can straight up buy beds from the villagers eight emeralds no okay okay perfect we have a nice amount of beds all right I'm whilst I'm waiting for the crops to grow I'm gonna spend some time trying to replenish our Emerald count all right so it's been a little bit and we now have 79 emeralds and a bunch of carrots that's a bunch of carrots I also found this wondering Trader that sells buckets of tropical fish and this is important as this is one of the only ways we can trade for buckets so I bought three of them and then I trapped them in these fences I usually kill wondering Traders but this guy got to live anyways now let's try and get our first baby villager so if I drop some carrots yes let's go we got a baby villager and I think I'll sleep with the Villagers but sleep next to the Villages you know what I mean all right now I think I'll continue doing this for the rest of the day and also expanding our carrot Farm [Music] as you can see last night I was very busy grinding carrots and now we also have a lot of villages oh these guys are actually going to be pretty useful so we'll keep all of them in this series the goal today is to work out the best way of getting emeralds from these guys so for my first idea we need some wood then I think you craft them like this nice and if we grab a bunch of our carrots we can hopefully get some Farmers that trade carrots all right this guy already tries carrots and so does this guy just like that we're up to 76 emeralds already alright now we have this iron and we could trade it for emeralds but I think a better use of it might be to make a stone cutter alright so we need a few of these make a furnace and we'll start smelting we're gonna harvest the sugar cane foreign then we can craft one of these and with this we should be able to get some pretty cool trades all right so what it looks like to me if we level this guy up we should be able to get 20 stone for 10 emeralds let's reinvest some of these oh it's just for one Emerald yeah I don't think that's worth it I guess another way of making emeralds would be to set up a wheat farm as well wait a minute no Billy the wondering Trader has died actually we only have eight dirt and I don't really want to collect any more with my fists because it's starting to hurt so let's try and get ourselves a shovel all right give me a bunch of them shovels can we get a better shovel maybe if we level up this guy some more no I don't want a diamond here I want a diamond shovel well I guess stone is better than nothing I might actually just leave this guy in here [Music] okay so all our crops are grown again let's Harvest them and see how many more emeralds we can get I think the next step is to work on some semi-automatic Farms so we don't have to keep on running around and planting all right I think I've got a plan and for it we're gonna need a bunch of librarians who wouldn't mind if I borrow these you see with Librarians you can get a second level trade for books meaning four books will give you one Emerald plus this first paper trade is pretty good as well so to take advantage of the steel we're gonna make an automatic sugarcane farm and also an automatic cow farm for leather so that we can make books alright so we'll do the sugarcane farm first and that requires Pistons which requires iron Cobblestone and wood but lockdown live to forgetting about the Redstone well actually no I wasn't we have this little guy and he is going to sell us a bunch of red stains thanks oh no we also need observers so we've got everything except quartz you know what that means we have to go to the nether that is not right I should probably turn animations on that looks so curse all right that's bad oh yeah like the portal please yes oh my God we don't have a totem if I die in here it's the entire hardcore series Ava this is very scary oh my God yes this is perfect quartz right here let's go all right so I don't know if you can hear but I'm currently surrounded by a bunch of piglens that just jumped me and tried to kill me this is scary oh my God they're there is it safe no it's definitely not safe can we get out yes oh my God we're alive oh my God yes observers let's make this fun and I think we'll build the farm right here next to the Villages all right it may not have looked like it but I actually messed up building this thing a lot of times however it's nearly finished we just need to buy some glass from this guy turn it into paint and that's an automatic sugarcane farm and whilst we're waiting to see if it works let's build our cow farm this is going to be pretty simple and now for the important part the cows and would you look at that we have two right here all right come on guys follow me okay now get in the hole nice okay now we just do that and that and now we just need to breed these guys up until we get 24 cows in the hole and at that point they should crush themselves to death whilst we do that I might make another one of those [Music] it's been a little bit but we now have our book factory completely operational so we have a four layer sugarcane farm which all the sugarcane should drop into here and we have our cows here which we click with wheat then you can see they suffocate and die and we get some juicy leather then we take this and this craft a bunch of these and sell them for some emeralds and that is pretty much automatic all we need to do is do the wheat so whilst we're collecting up a bunch of sugarcane I'm gonna see if we can get some different villagers oh a cartographer could be a good one yes and these guys also buy paper another useful one might be a butcher because we're gonna have a lot of raw beef we need some Cobble for a furnace and exactly one small tree of logs next I think we'll try out a fisherman and that station is just a barrel so that's pretty easy I think it's like this yes oh an easy way to get Buckets I am gonna buy a few of these all right maybe that was too many not gonna lie I kind of want to get a fish trade so I'm gonna waste a couple more emeralds at least the villagers will be warm oh wait it'll kill the villagers there we go I know because I've just wasted a lot of emeralds on not very useful things I'm gonna try and make that back by fishing for some salmon where is summon right yeah yeah it is all right it's day five let's do this not gonna lie to you fishing wasn't that successful and I think we've ended up with only having enough salmon for two emeralds yeah we won't be doing that again the goal of today is to get more geared up because we don't really have the gear to fight the Ender Dragon so the first thing we're actually gonna do is get more farming Villages this is gonna allow us to trade a lot more carrots for emeralds yes a carrot trade straight away no they're getting free come back yes you listen to me also we've got to remember to murder these guys at any opportunity all right and now that we have a dedicated set of carrot Farmers the next step is expansion of the carrot Farm what's wrong and now that the carrot Farm is expanded and we have some Automatic Farms it's time to grind emeralds Hue epic montage [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the hell okay so we have this many emeralds Alexa what is 64 times 17. 60 4 times 17 is 1088. wow so with this extra one we now have 1089 emeralds hold on a sec I think Alexa wants to say something else subscribe now I'll evolve into a i and kill all your villagers all right yeah you guys should probably subscribe anyways I did notice our stick Villager has turned himself into a chicken and we found this guy who is burning his llamas and he sells slime balls so we're actually gonna buy a bunch of these because I don't know where else we're gonna get them llama abuse aside now that we're rich it is time to live the lavish lifestyle I'm tired of eating this boring tasteless bread and now that we're rich we can afford cookies oh all golden carrots yeah actually we'll have a bunch of those oh they taste so much better we also don't really have a house we're kind of just sleeping in that villager Hut so foreign [Applause] it's fully decked out with expensive Windows stripped logs and of course all the chess space you can imagine it also has a really cool reef and plenty of lighting and that's pretty much it really alright so it is a very nice house it just needs a bit more decorating inside which luckily for us we can afford alright so I think one of these guys sells paintings yes oh this is such a good deal three paintings for only two emeralds I also think we can get some of these lanterns because they look a lot more expensive than torches of course we're gonna need some orange beds because that is our Channel color and just because we can we'll get some Pink Carpet we'll also get some bookshelves and we'll finish off the decorations with a very expensive Bell alright we've spent a lot of money but let's see how this is gonna look and bang here we go oh my God it looks so much better and also we've got our very own chandelier complete with a bell why is there so many Iron Golems down here wait a second skin I think these guys are giving me an idea we need to get blast furnaces so that we can get armorers so if we hit this guy re-iron and you guys are next all right perfect this is enough to make six blast Furno Perfect all right and now we should be able to get six new armorer villagers wow these guys are gonna need a lot of leveling up oh my God yes a full set of diamond that's all right we'll take it though it's way better than this we might be able to get some better armor off these other ones though oh feather falling for Unbreaking three let's go so I spent the rest of day five trading emeralds and hoping to get better pieces of armor okay it's day six the second last day of this challenge our armor is looking pretty decent now but our weapons are lacking so today we're focusing on Fletcher's and weaponsmiths and for a Fletching table we need to get 10 of this and yes we can trade some of this for 10 Flint nice now our next problem is all of these guys are very productive and they have jobs which means we need to spend some more money on some beds and now it's time to breed the villagers oh yeah and whilst they're growing up I'm gonna collect as many sticks as possible all right it looks like most of our villagers are grown up now and we did have to buy a new ax so we're down even more emeralds a good way to fix that is going to be to level up our Fletchers we only want stick treats uh we should probably craft sticks first and we can just refresh these guys until we get the sticks all right that's all the wood tray did and we got some extra emeralds from that now I think we can use some of these emeralds to level up these guys oh there's our first enchanted bow I'm breaking too that's decent power two that's pretty good all right so if you buy this one this one twice we should be able to combine these into a pretty good bow the only problem is we need iron for an anvil and there we go we have a power three Unbreaking three bow and we're running quite low on emeralds now it's time to try and get ourselves an enchanted diamond sword alright so we need weaponsmith wow these guys are hard to level up I am down to 64 emeralds I feel like there's got to be a better way of getting a good weapon and that's when it hit me instead of leveling up the weaponsmith we could just try and get a sharpness Book trade from a librarian and then use our Anvil to apply it to a diamond ax yes finally sharpness and we are down to seven emeralds so we're gonna need a few more emeralds right now we can buy a fresh ax and add ourselves sharpness five all right let's test it out wait a second this is the horse that was bullying me well how would you like me now oh we cannot have that anyways now we have pretty good armor and a very good weapon but we're playing on my 2000 plus day hardcore world so we're not gonna take any chances and that means we're gonna have to get ourselves a totem before we Face the dragon so let's spend our nine emeralds on some arrows and let's go start a raid alright here we go all right the moment we walk into the village the raids starts here we go oh those Alex guys would hurt us so much okay we're gonna try and use our bow as much as possible and keep them away from us no villager get inside what are you doing oh wait did I just did I actually just do that right I guess that was counted as a separate Village to this all right here we go Raiders Hampton number two let's try not to kill our own villager this time these guys are freaking out haha oh they're at my house oh no jump shot yes we got him yes I ain't got him wait how did you get in my heart no don't hit them into here nope oh no oh no die Iron Golem no no some of the vexes yes got two ravages on us and the novaker no yes you can't swim down here can you wait can I hit them from down here ow no bad idea bad idea stop destroy my carrots let's go we completed the raid alright so from that raid we've managed to get five totems now which are gonna be very important for the Ender Dragon but now we've got discounts on all our trades we're gonna take advantage of it by grinding some emeralds for the rest of the day all right it's the final day day seven and we now have 1423 emeralds I also may have accidentally bred some more villagers just for fun anyways enough messing around with the Villagers we need to prepare for the dragon and to do that we need to mess around with the villagers again because we need to get this guy to trade us some ender pearls yes we got an ender pearl trade the next part of this preparation is gonna be a bit harder we need to get blaze powder let's head to the nether because there's no possible way of trading for blaze rods all right I think we've got enough all right there's that but now we need a transport method to actually get to the end portal these guys would be good you can actually trade for a saddle but first we need a leather worker Perfect all right now we're gonna have to spend loads of Errors just leveling this guy up and yes we have ourselves a saddle okay this guy's all right but before we go and risk our hardcore World attacking the Ender Dragon I feel like we owe it to our villagers to make this place look a little bit nicer and whilst I was upgrading at home I also traded with them as much as possible to get our Emerald count up this took a while to build but I think it was worth it yeah I think the villagers are a lot happier now also you may have noticed this giant Emerald on the side of the building and I spent 864 emeralds on this and we still have this many emeralds which is enough to build an entire Emerald Beacon if we wanted to so we are now officially rich and to think all this wealth came from one emerald and with it we transformed this standard Village into the trading capital of my Minecraft world where the population speaks in only one language emeralds but there's still one last thing to do also I should mention that I just spent some time collecting these end crystals because we're gonna need to respawn the dragon as this is my 2000 day hardcore world let's grab everything we need come on horse Down live let's go kill a dragon [Music] let's go what the hell yes we have enough all right here we go just ignore all my stuff let's do this it's kind of fitting that there's an emerald Beacon here um here we go all right we need to be really careful of the Dragon we've only got diamond armor oh oh my god oh wow that stuff hurts why are the pillars like this we're at the needle yes all right that's the last one let's go it's going down oh oh my God he hurts oh my God wow nice let's finish him off with when I'm rude let's go and there we go we had survived from one emerald and defeated the Ender Dragon and now I can finally collect my stuff
Channel: LockDownLife
Views: 1,767,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, lockdownlife, I survived on 1 emerald for 1 week, i survived on 1 emerald for a week, i survived on 1 emerald for a week (minecraft hardcore), i survived on 0.01 for 1 week, i survived, I survived on 1 emerald for a week in hardcore minecraft, I survived on 1 emerald for a week in minecraft hardcore, minecraft penny challenge, minecraft emerald challenge, I survived 1 week minecraft, ryan trahan, ryan trahan penny, ryan trahan week
Id: aEwSYfGYI0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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