100 Days in Hardcore Ark Survival Ascended 😮

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ladies and gentlemen this is my story on how I survived 100 days in the new version of Ark Ark survival ascended and here's what [Music] happened waking up on the beach of the new and upgraded Arc ascendant felt surreal considering the counter's hour spent on the previous Arc version that's going to be amazing just look at this after taking a deep within this fresh world it was time to get down to business I needed to gather essential items for basic tools and weapons required to survive in this somewhat strange yet oddly familiar land crafting this amazing Stone Peck allowed me to increase the resource collection efforts leading to the creation of a hatchet and a spear to protect myself venturing out to grab a quick bite I found myself craving juicy Fried Chicken stranded on an island with no clothes but armed with a spe be I seized the opportunity to make dodo chish Kat yeah at the time I felt the need for a companion on my Adventures or probably just someone or something I could talk to when loneliness struck so I decided to try my luck at taming a nearby Mash chops fortunately I had exactly what it needed managed to tame it and named it Max moving forward I focused on securing some cloth armor for myself and worked on a little Shack for both Max and I to spend the night thankfully with the help of Max I was able to gather a Bast load of resources in no time at all I set up a little thatch Shack for us to chill and cuddle together not forgetting a small fireplace to cook those dodo shees kebabs we had gathered earlier day two started with a little surprise just outside my base I heard the ominous sound of a Raptor I had no idea how to tackle this problem but I knew I had to leave my Shack and craft some boulders to try and trap those little buggers got to do this for us here oh please don't find me oh please don't find me I ventured out to confront the Raptor that had taunted me earlier everything seemed eerily normal until there it is there it is oh freck out of nowhere the Raptor leapt out and started chasing me I Reed my bowler and took a quick shot but it dodged my first attempt luckily I kept my composure and succeeded with the second bowler immobilizing the Raptor I then finish the job with my Spears yeah come on camps come on come on before k out y jeez after that close encounter I equipped myself with a bow and some arrows and head it out to farm dinos for their [Music] hide [Music] oh yeah I also found a buddy for Max a m jobs that I tamed and named Matty anyways back to my previous task with the resources I was collecting I plan to build a raft thinking it was the best way to stay out of Harm's Way and possibly explore new areas safely on day three I continued working on building a small base on the raft this time using wooden structures for the build there was also something new I hadn't seen before on Arc baby dinos apparently you could T them if their parents no longer existed which was a bit of a shame fortunately this trike was alone and it was quite a high level as well all I had to do was imprint on the dyo and feeded some berries as it matured it was that simple and yeah I named this one Tyson then it was back to playing around with my raft build collecting the items I required and also wanted to see if the old EX extension trick would work here on this version sadly it didn't quite do the trick however all was not lost I pressed on using the tools and structures I had to produce This Magnificent thing of beauty yeah not quite the finished raft that I had hoped for I had to cut the raft belt short because um I started hearing weird noises again and then this Beast popped out from the trees I don't know what it was but I knew not to mess with it by day four the trike had fully matured meaning I now had a strong Mount early on in my playthrough if I could only acquire a saddle though to do that I needed to collect more hide so I seized every opportunity that I had to gather the hide I required while on my journey to collect hide I came across a green drop containing some awesome loots High tier hide armor and an upgrade for my bow there was also a tempting Beaver Dam in my path and I just couldn't resist taking a peek at its contents I grabbed all the valuable items I could carry and made a break for it you definitely don't want to stick around when they are Angry Beavers nearby surprisingly this darn Beaver followed me all along the shore and somehow found me miles from its little Dam unfortunately for the beaver I had just picked up a sweet bow which made quick work of getting rid of it hey with that sad end to the creature story I had a few more resources to collect to craft the trikes saddle then I focused on completing the raft base build finally I managed to complete my raft base build and it turned out rather snazzy I had a little Dino pin for my dinos and an area for all my basic necessities I just needed to acquire the crafting stations for that part of the raft of course I had to go out in search of the items required to build these crafting stations I had to farm up some height once more grabbed some wood and and some stones and then cooked up the refining Forge once that was done I needed to farm up the easiest source of metal I could find which meant taking down some of those River Rocks those smooth looking rocks on the shore you don't get a lot of metal but it's enough to get the job done later after refining the raw metal I gathered into metal ingots I went ahead and crafted myself a Smithy crafted some metal tools with the excess metal and well ended the day by collecting more raw metal from the River Rocks that I could find there was also a blue drop that I spotted at night I thought it would have something cool in it turns out it did it it gave me a freaking toilet out of all things just great all righty equipped with a set of metal tools and weapons I set off to tame a flyer one that would help me reach those hard to reach places just over on one of the previously visited Islands I spotted a tandaan i swiftly made my way to it and and tried to trap it with one of my Bowlers after immobilizing the Pteranodon I swapped the bowlers for my crossbow and Tran the buer until it was knocked out thing is I needed to find some prime meat to tame this buddy of mine so I ventured out in search of some prime suspects I decided to go after a Bronto that was in the vicinity together with Tyson I fought toe-to-toe with this Mighty beast and it was by no means a walk in the park to be honest Tyson was struggling to do any sort of damage to the branch because of its Dawn knockback that's when I decided to give the crossbow a go and it was doing really well too I managed to take down the mighty Bronto and grabbed a whole lot of prime meat and some of the other goodies while I had the Pteranodon taming in the background with the prime meat that I had gotten for it I thought I'd go ahead and tame a tacosaurus that happened to be in the area after what felt like I was surfing on the tacosaurus trying to Dame it I eventually got the tame however as I was going back to collect my previous T the Pteranodon and head back to the raft base I was met with a shocking sight the Pteranodon was missing nowhere to be seen but I did spot its back it seemed like some pisky freaking Dino just destroyed the terror I had T day seven started off with me going after a green supply drop that spawns nearby and you won't believe what this freaking Beauty had in it this was the resource that I needed and the reason why I wanted to tamy fly in the first place yep this supply drop had freaking crystals in it and a whole bunch of it too by the way I just had to go and check out the Beaver Dam that was right next to me I mean I kind of took care of those beavers the other day so I guessed that it wasn't going to be that much of a challenge to get what was inside and man that it look pretty juicy inside that Beaver Dam so now with my new and improved super spy gloss I decided to head up to one of the safest Islands on the map herbivore Island it was a slow but fruit full Journey to the land flowing with milk and honey and Plante eating bunnies before thinking about building a Bas on herbivore Island I decided to erect a fence to keep my dinos at Bay and also get some of my dinos working without any hiccups yeah I meant those M chops putting them on wand would do wonders for me and the rest of my crew I began by clearing out an area for where I wanted to build my fence gathered the resources required and from there I began laying out the found ations for my fence buildt then I played around with a few different designs to see what would look cool and sort of fits the look that I was going after which at the time I had no freaking idea lol after completing my awesome new fence build it was back to trying to tame a flyer I had spotted a couple of decently level pteranodons in the area and I thought I'd give it a go and tame some one in particular was quite a good level although this one seemed like it didn't want to land so I waited and waited some more but it just didn't want to land so instead of wasting my time waiting for the Pteranodon to land I went on to tame an anky that I had spotted it was pretty slow so I just began traning it where it stood and knocked it out I scrambled back to base to get it some berries for it to tame up I then gave up on trying to wait for the Pteranodon to land and instead went out looking for others on the opposite Island there I managed to find another decently leveled Pteranodon and without wasting any more time I whooped out my bowler to trap the Terra and knocked it out instantly with my crossbow not being able to find any prime meat on the island I was on I traveled back to Herb Island where I spotted a few baby dinos that would give me exactly what I required later on while I waited for my diners to tame up I spotted a female Pteranodon that happened to land next to me seeing as I needed a mate for my other Terror I went ahead and tamed this one as well well on day 10 back at base I began breeding my pteranodons for spares and try to get the stats from a higher leveled Pteranodon pass down to a breeding pair while that was going on in the background I decided to hunt down a few dinos for their hide collect some raw metal to craft a saddle for my anky and went out for a proper metal run by day 11 I was ready to start hatching my Pteranodon eggs and for that I had to get a couple of standing torches going these would allow me to maintain the optimum temperature for the eggs to hatch however it seems like we were in the midst of a heat wave or something as it was extremely hot and the eggs didn't even need a fire sauce to cook also I didn't realize that I was overheating and losing Health fast I don't remember it being this bad the last time I played on the island all I knew I just had to find a way to cool down or I was going to be cheese kebabs myself so I tried chilling in the shade on my raft thinking that if I could stay stay there without my clothes on I'd be okay but nope that didn't work another idea popped into my head was to chill in the lagoon on heror island and what do you know this one actually worked thankfully as I was starting to freak out since I had no idea what was going on later that day I was finally able to get on my Merry way and started hatching those trodon eggs I coulded breeding my pteranodons on day 12 aiming to pass down the higher level stats to a breeding pair allowing me to start breeding a Tanda down for personal use along with a few backups once I had a birdie that was ready for me I decided to take it out for a little Spin and at the same time try to get it a few additional levels that was the plan unfortunately these pteranodons weren't as good as IID hoped it was barely doing any damage to the other dinos so it was quite impossible to get it the levels that I'd hoped for well I suppose this yellow drop would make up for the fact that my my pteranodons were useless yeah oh yeah day 13 I had a pretty insane idea you see while I was trying to level my Pteranodon previously I spotted an alpha Raptor and I knew that this would give me some juicy levels so I decided to upgrade a part of my rft to Stone tier in order to trap the alpha Raptor and take it down done with the upgrade to my raft I set off to where I had spotted the alpha Raptor Where is the oh look at that look at that oh snap let's go that's a bit scary oh snap oh snap hey there we go get it through here can I sneak a head shot maybe yes let's go son you're going to get knocked out right here [Music] here what did you oh that's my uh freaking uh fire fire I'm scared to get any closer wait let go and land we might who the freak how'd you get out come on buddy there we go couple of hits there oh no look at that almost destroyed fre oh snap I think it is here it comes here it comes yes I'm going just park my uh Peta right here see how you escaped the last time Punk get that head shot shall we this thing is freaking huge let's go let's go oh you freaking get out again there a pain in my butt come here buddy it's so bloody O Let's Go son jeez that was heck yo bro look at this loots oh my goodness considering I was in the area with a part of my raft still functional as a trap and a Caro nearby I decided to try and tame it I led it to my little Trapper raft got it trapped and then proceeded to Tran and knock it out with all the juicy Prim meats that I managed to get from the alpha Raptor I was able to feed the Caro and waited for it to tame up for days 14 to 15 well I decided it was about time to work on a little base for myself here on herbivore Island just something more stable to return to while out was on my Journeys across this land thankfully with the help of myosaurus I was able to gather a ton of stone with its special stomp attack as for the other resources I had some seriously powerful tooth to help me out with that it was all about trying to build a decent sized base that looks pleasing to the eyes yeah good luck with that cams because to be honest I had no idea what to do but I did it anyways I guess these new ARA centered structures were worked on for quite some time because man let me tell you something this tiny little base that I sort of whipped up turned out to be surprisingly really awesome looking I mean everything about it looked amazing and all the structures just fitted together so beautifully I was truly impressed the day began with me pursuing yet another yellow supply drop and boy what I found was truly insane a couple of Juicy ascented Saddles and a few neat B and Bobs my goal for the day was to complete the upgrade of my raft to Stone tier I wanted to get this done as I had a very long journey ahead and having a stone raft would be a good thing I must add that I was finally able to craft myself a full set of FL gear once everything was good to go I set off with Mr stubbles and Peter towards the snow biome yeah this was going to be a really long trip but it had to be done because I needed some special items that were mostly found found in the snow biome later that day I managed to sail to the border of the snow biome however it was quite late and the weather turned out to be pretty bad if I had pressed on towards the snow I probably wouldn't have made it through the night so I did the sensible thing I went to grab some grub with big old Mr stubbles and opted to camp in my r at the border of the snow biome for the night oh man this was one hectic day while I was on my Merry way through the snow biome a freaking leix the S sort of stumbled into my path and it was not a happy camper seeing me cruising along its Highway this thing didn't want me in the area I tried my best to shake it off doing everything I could think of to outrun this Beast face sliver of a moment I actually thought all was well until well this da freaking Beast wrecked my raft and everything in it at this point I was done for and sort of felt like quitting the game but I pressed on and thought quickly on my feet I figured that I just had to try and save as much of the loot that I had as possible and try to stay alive that's when I came up with this brilliant plan I gathered as many resources as I needed from nearby trees and bushes built a couple of that structures to reach my loot a few storage boxes to store my loot until I could figure out what to do with them and built a little thatch Shack with a fireplace to keep me warm for the night well I was out and about with my Pteranodon searching for some penguins as I needed them for the polymer to craft cryopods that would take care of the dino Transportation problem luckily I did manage to get a few of those Penguins here's the cool thing while I was on my way back to the makeshift base I freaking spotted an argentavis one that seems like it was stuck on something it was just so unbelievable and of course course I just had to try and tame the arent tapers it wasn't too difficult either as the Ary was stuck and I had some really good taming gear eventually I did knock it out and it was in a safe spot as well I just needed to somehow get some prime meat the thing is I took out baby penguins earlier and I couldn't Harvest their bodies for some weird reason I thought I'd go back to the spot and give it another girl surprisingly I was freaking able to get the prime meat that I needed when I finally tamed the AJ I flew back to my makeshift base with the A on follow crafted a few cryopods to store the tanadon and Caro then stuffed whatever I could carry that was important into the Argy that I had just chained from there I made the long journey back to her for Island so I made it back to Hero Island in one piece however while I was going about my business around the base the game crashed nothing new with this early version the game had crashed multiple times throughout the playthrough but this time it deactivated the mods I had running this meant that I lost my stosa surus and to top it off the criers weren't releasing my dinos well on the plus side of things I was at base with most of my Loot and a new Argy it was time to K out my base with the crafting stations that I needed since I didn't have a raft anymore I set up some storage boxes for the loot placed down the mortar and Pistol and cooked up some spark powder with with that I was able to craft a Smithy and then finished off the day with a couple of refining forges for smelting metal oh yes not forgetting a preserving bin to keep my Foods sweet and juicy well mainly to preserve the parish bows a bit longer it was an early start to day 20 as I had another long trip but this time I planned on going to far Peak the thing is I had a cool little Lodge in Tavis and losing it would be devastating had to try and find a mate for it so that I could start breeding a few backups Once I arrived at FS Peak I began searching the area for a suitable mate not long after I managed to spot a level 100 male Argy however it was not alone and the area looked quite dangerous so I went in with my arent Davis and tried to clear out the area of all unwanted dinos after clearing out the area and cting the Argy towards me I began the taming process by traning the Argy with my OB Crush bow luckily I had some fancy footwork that simply mesmerized the huge turkey and within a couple of truns I was able to knock it out cold and with the dinos that I fought earlier I was able to farm up some prime meat which I used to feed the big birdie and waited for it to tame up well I guess you guys should have guessed by now right yep for the next two days I focused on breeding my aies this was quite a tedious task as I had to try to get a breeding pair with the best of the stats of aies that I had before attempting to breed one to use and for a few backups plus I had to deal with a whole lot of crashes it was quite frustrating but I pressed on oh yeah I also decided to go for a metal run to try and fill up the forges back back at base all righty I decided to give another cryopod mud a chance considering the Early Access version of AR ascended was missing its cryopods of course I had to Journey to the snow biome once again but this time I had a trusty Ary with me so no more encounters with those darly jigs however getting organic polymer proved to be quite a challenge so onto plan b i farmed as much obsidian as I could all the while Gathering some oil and that were in the area on my way back to Herb Island I stumbled upon an interesting yellow supply drop naturally being the Curious chap I am I couldn't resist having a little lookie and oh boy did I get some amazing spoiled day 24 safely back at base I started working on setting up a fabricator with the resources I collected the previous day once the fabricator was up and running I used the obsidian from the snow biome to cook up some normal polymer with the polymer ready I crafted a couple of new cryopods hoping that this would do the job later that day I decided to venture out in search of a bionic firstly as I had just acquired an ascended saddle for it and secondly I recalled needing a water Dino for one of the underwater artifacts the good news is after some time I managed to spot a high level baryonic and decided to try to tame it I searched for a suitable area to set up a taming pen and then cautiously CED the barion exit to the Trap did we get it yep we did come on buddy in you go and stay please stay Thank you very much after trapping the Barry in the pin I proceeded to Tran and knock it out cold using my op taming gear however to tame this creature I needed to take a dive into the river since it required raw fish meat and that's what I aimed to get with a supply of fish meat in my inventory I swam back to the knocked out bionic fitted the required food and patiently waited for it to tame up now that I had a male Barry onx I set out in search of a female to get its groove on and potentially catch stronger Offspring close to the Redwoods I found a low-level Barry onx suitable for mating with the one I had determined I scouted for a good location to set up my taming pin making sure that the area was clear of all unwanted dinos once satisfied I proceeded to place the taming pin however what I hadn't realized about this particular bionic was its low level making the use of a taming pin unnecessary with a few well-placed shots from my crossbow and TRS I was able to knock the bugger out afterwards all that was left to do was to feed it some fish meat and wait for the tame to complete you fre done with taming the bionics I decided to check out a few supply drops on my way back to base securing some awesome and juicy loot in the process hey yo looking good y'all white drop with a ring on it well just get it it's on our way home see what o nice right oh yes I needed to set up a greenhouse and for that I had a few PR resits firstly I had to replace the theasaurus that I just lost due to the dawn crashes that Dino was excellent at collecting a bunch of stone I just had to find and tame yet another one secondly I needed a dinno that could produce fertilizer or in this case the poop I require to maintain my crops what better choice than the Majestic four-legged snorting loving poop factory yeah the FIA of course I had to tame one I got to sort this out oh snap what did I freaking do but first I need to knock this thing out come on go down puppy go go freaky to sleep go hey that worked great although that was after dealing with a Bronto situation at the base nothing too crazy though let's go buddy we'll take that meat either way it's blooding there we go oh we go afterwards I began working on the greenhouse laying down the foundations to get an idea of what needed to be done lastly I decided to work out some piping trying to figure out how this new watering system works on AR ascended I must say it's really mindboggling that water could mysteriously pass through invisible pipes and just land in water containers like I understand mods but this is supposed to be the real deal I don't know it just seems kind of strange continuing my efforts I focused on constructing the greenhouse placing a few crop plots for the veggies I wanted to grow and attaching Greenhouse structures to see how beneficial they would be for my crops of course I hoped to use the least amount of greenhouse structures as it would mean less farming for resources unfortunately I needed more Greenhouse structures and that meant leaving Herby V Island to farm for more Crystal I had to deal with a few unwanted dinos and continue to gather as much crystals as I could carry also hitting some of those beaver dams for cementing paste because as you may know you can't craft glass structures without a significant amount of cementing base back at base I went straight to work to complete my Greenhouse build it seems like I had to use a lot of glass structures to get the full Greenhouse buff for my crops but I guess it was all worth it in the end so I've been putting off this task for a while now as I didn't want to deal with all the crashes that come with breeding and hatching dinos but I guess the time had come for me to tackle it yeah for the next 2 days I focused on breeding my berries I also had to take care of those pesky bronos that kept falling into my base almost messing up the greenhouse I had just B unfortunately I didn't realize it at the time but I did lose the fiomia in the process at least I got rid of the Bronto though afterwards I went ahead and tamed yet another fiomia that was wandering in and around the base finishing things off with a couple of compost bins then I went on to milk the FIA I just tamed for its poop to use in the compost spins on day it was time to tackle my first ever cave on Arc ascended I must admit I was quite anxious entering the cave as I had no idea what to expect especially in terms of the dino presence however after some time it didn't turn out to be that bad yes they were dinos along the way but I managed to take them out with good old Barry next I went on to tame a d Beetle that was stuck in a rock I came prepared as these creatures required poop to tame quickly and I had a whole lot of poop thanks to the fiomia then rather cautiously and Sly I grabb the artifact and high tailed it out of there the second half of the cave was filled with tons of dinos and I probably would have gotten wrecked if I couldn't make a speedy [Music] [Applause] getaway day 31 I spent this day loot hunting farming up as much loot as I could as I needed to prep up for more of the Island's caves and their artifacts ooh a yellow drop with a ring on it I did hear something crazy so just hoping oh please let me grab this please oh that's what I want wait wait wait wait save this ain't losing this thing look at that brilliant okay no yellow one but I did find a purple one close by this just drops oh KY I might just go for this one cuz it's it's close by so uh and might as well just have a little sneak peek of what it's got I can't remember what these blue thing there's the big one right here big daddy a red drop oh son this isn't that good maybe we can get a couple more cry pods oh there we go I found uh two more yellow drops I can get this one I hope next one is a bit further away oh step son that's what we want looks like we're going to make it we're going to make it come on come on come on come on come on come on I need this oh freak yes let's go during my pursuit to upgrade my flyer to a mountain Griffin I spotted a red supply drop and of course I just had to check it out it wasn't that bad I got some cool loot from it as well I also found something really cool a baby Rex accompanied by its Papa all I had to do to get an easy Rex tame was to take out the daddy Rex and imprints on the baby it was that simple and I freaking bagged a decent level Rex sweet after searching for hours for a mountain Griffin I finally found one and decided to try to free tame it taming without a taming pin oh boy was this just the beginning of all of my problems this we can get it from here n can we get it tail maybe nope where you going to son I'm trying to t you oh snap there it is we might get wrecked there destroy this strategy whoa where you go this is why you freaking use traps oh son I'mma follow it into the sunset oh great stuff no get out of the way yes let's go we got it now come on come on come on cams just don't know when to quit hi hey yo oh my goodness that was great great stuff I'm going try and get it some prime meat here let's tangle [Applause] buddy darn it not wanting to give up on this Griffin I tried once again to tame it and let's just say it was a whole lot easier this time around I knocked it out got it some P Meat and then waited for it to tame up day 33 was mainly a day I set aside for a few resource runs I went on to farm some metal cooked up a few more refining forges to smelt the metal fostter and decided to tempt Fate by farming a whole bunch of crystals that were in close proximity to a freaking gigger so I continued collecting more metal because I needed a whole lot more of this resource my plan was to craft a grinder a piece of Machinery that would put the extra loot I had gathered to good use back at the base I proceeded to farm some raw meat and also decided to raise the Baby Rex I had acquired earlier okie dokie so I decided to take a little break from the farming I was doing and flew towards the snow biome my goal was to start preing for the boss fights and some of the caves and my Dino of choice at the moment was the megatherium would you believe it I freaking spotted a Max Level megatherium not wanting to waste any time I Sly set out to find a good area to place the taming pen I had prepped for this tame from there I went ahead to catch the 150 M etherium into the Trap and man it was like stealing candy from a baby that's how smoothly things went once the dino was in The Taming pen I hopped on the Rex and began the taming process until I was able to knock it out coat like a little baby fur ball all I had to do after that was to get some prime meets for the furball and basically waits for it to tame up finally I was making progress with all the resources I was farming there were just a few more items that I needed and yep metal was one of them so my friends it was off for yet another metal run on day 37 while waiting for the metal to smell I thought it would be best to do something rather than waste the spare time I had once again I flew off towards the snow biome in search of more megatheriums to start breeding with the one I already had after finding a few suitable mates for my megatherium I looked for a spot to place down the Trap I summoned booger te as a bodyguard because things were getting crazy in the area and I didn't want to get caught off guard knowing that I was in good hands I focused on setting up the taming pin as before I lured the meum into the Trap then tranked it until it was knocked out however I decided to take it down because I found a better megatherium that I could tame to be honest the first danu was the wrong one I didn't mean to try to tame that one I actually wanted to tame the second fur ball that I lewed into the taming pin here's the thing though it was not the only Dino I tamed that day oh yeah I managed to find another megatherium and tamed that one too while on my way back to base the previous day I decided to fly past Caro Island to check things out during the exploration I came across a decent level Mountain Griffin flying around and I thought I just have to have it I returned on day 38 prepped with a few structures for a taming pen as there was no way I wanted to go through what happens the last time I tried to tame a griffin I proceeded to place down the taming pen and when I was satisfied with its placement I focused my attention on the Griffin using my Argy I tried to kite the creature into the taming pin and before I knew it I was able to trap the Griffin afterwards I began traning it with my new and improved crossbow made it go to sleep and well that was it I bagged a juicy flyer peeps oh yeah let's not forget the prime meat it needed to be tamed day 39 started off with me going after two red supply drops that gave me some freaking op loot I mean that pump shotgun looked super amazing returning to base I started breeding my megatheriums and Griffins for the next 2 days unfortunately well I was busy breeding my dinos the game freaking crashed again this time it messed up my breeding process meaning that I had to start all over again to deal with the frustrations of crashing I decided to go out and do a meat run with Bo te continuing with the megatherium breeding my goal was to pass the bit stats of the 150 females onto a male aiming for a breeding pair with the best stats fortunately I successfully raised another female megatherium that I could utilize and took get out to gain some levels by messing around with the local dinos oh yeah and I almost forgot to mention that I took down a mama Bronto and managed to NAB one of its babies I know it might sound mean but they're free DIN and they were pretty op too Additionally the D Beetle I had previously tamed was doing a great job I hadn't realized it but this little creature could pick up other Dino's poop and convert it into fertilizer surprisingly it had tons of freaking fertilizer in its inventory with this in mind I decided it was time to start planting some of the crops I needed and get them growing all righty well I still needed just a few more bits and Bobs to get the grinder so while the aums were busy with their thing I opted to go out and farm the last bits of crystals that I required from the volcano yep still risking it for the biscuit as the gigo was still in the area also hitting down those beaver dams again for their oh so juicy cementing paste before moving off towards the snow biome where I intended to gather as much oil as I could I then attempted to go the easy way of obtaining polymer however there were hardly any Penguins spawning in besides I couldn't really harvest the organic polymer from them for some weird reason although that red drop was super juicy anyways I decided to go for Plan B and gather as much obsidian as I required all righty so it's time for us to check out our next cave can't really fit there but we have a solution for that come on pubby go into your little b key let do this hopefully all goes well hiccups we're all good here but we'll just waste them shall we we got the bug buff if you don't want to fall down there oh nice How You Like Me Now son 2K on that bad boy and there's the artifact but we can't really see it awesome grab this and get out of here is that simple oh man day 45 was the day I was finally able to craft the freaking grinder and boy did it work wonders I mean just look at the amount of resources that I managed to grind from the extra loot that I collected over time both the grinder and fabricator were full of resources and it was filled with all the good stuff too so much so that I just needed a bit more of oil to get the industrial Forge which of course I couldn't wait for so I spit off to the snow biome to grab the oil that I required and returned to base where I went ahead to craft the industrial Forge before I could get really serious I decided to start working on a better and bigger base I really wanted to build some type of floating base but first I had to tame a dino that would help me gather the wood I needed the easiest Dino I could find to tame for this task was of course the giant beaver once the beaver was tamed I flew off to the location where I plan to build my floating base the thing is I was going to build it over water so I had to be extra cautious and take out any creatures that would interfere with the belt fortunately Rip Tide was up to the task after clearing the area of all the unwanted dinos I proceeded to farm up the resources that I required to gra the structures needed for the [Music] build by day 47 I had laid down the foundations mapping out the layout of the base that I had in mind I must be honest this base that was in my mind was just a tad bit fuzzy I was struggling to visualize the final build on day 48 things were starting to take shape I know it doesn't look like it but trust me in my mind I could start seeing the bigger picture and to me it looked freaking awesome plus I figured out I just had to place a few Foundations at the bottom of the Lagoon's floor and I'd be able to extend my base which I did a whole lot more as well the next 2 days were all about filling the final bits and bubs to somewhat complete the look of the base I must say that the new structures looked so good it didn't matter what you built it just turned out really amazing after looking at what I've managed to build I got to say that I once again was impressed by what I managed to create this was a belt that I just went with the flow and hoped everything would turned out well to me it's certainly dead and more of course I wasn't done with the entire bolt just yet I had to farm a few more things to get up some glass structures but I wasn't in the mood for that at the moment it would definitely have to wait till I'm in the mood for that kind of stuff it was moving day and I had to transfer everything I needed from the old base to the new one fortunately my Ary had the weight capacity to carry most of the items so I stashed everything in its inventory as for my dinos that's where the grinder came in handy I ground up a few items and used the resources to craft a couple of cry pods with those I transported the dinos I needed to the new base from there it was time to Bid Farewell to this amazing spot on herbivore Island and get ready for our long journey back to a better future all right let's check out our new the next cave so got to put a couple of uh scuber armor on give it a shot our next artifact it looks pretty amazing I just hope I'll survive oh my freaking so no no no I am freaking taking I need to get out of here I am taking oh crap let's get out of here before we die so it turns out I needed two pieces of K good boy yeah it seems like we are going the right way there's a red freaking trap this son we already have so fever so I need to figure out what we need to to get this swamp fever out leech blood maybe can't remember but we'll take everything we got Titanosaurus is extremely difficult to put down get out of here one more luur titanosaur take issue creatures invading personal there we go this is probably because they aggressively feed any and all PL they can find let's get all butts out of here constantly which certainly helps recover health so I needed to craft the list antidote to get rid of my swarm fever the issue was that narcotics were required and with all that was going on coupled with crashes I probably forgot to grab the narcotics from the old base I had to fly over to the herb Island base to grab the narcotics needed to craft the cure for my swamp fever while I was at the old base I decided to strip down the greenhouse structures so I could use them in the new Greenhouse build back at the new base I proceeded to work on building a new Greenhouse for my crops although while ensuring it Blended in with my base and looked aesthetically pleasing on day 54 I continued working on the greenhouse build tackling the two remaining sides of course I found myself low on Resources with my rgy we flew to the volcano once again to gather some crystals then headed back to the base to finish up the job the green house was complete equipped with magic piping and crop plots to get me going day 55 I decided to take my new Griffin out for some supply drop hunting not only did these drops provide me with good loot but they yielded High tier items that I could grind in the grinder a whole bunch of Juicy resources needless to say I was pretty excited about these trips what was truly mesmerizing was finding an ascendant Giga saddle in a purple drop a freaking purple drop peeps I don't even know if that was a thing or not before I could start breeding an army of Boss fighting dinos I needed a space Lodge and secure enough for the breeding process despite my base looking good as it is I didn't think an extension to it would be the right move so I decided to build on land in the front of the base initially I considered using fence foundations because I kind of like that style of build however it quickly became apparent that this wasn't going to work that's when I scrapped that idea and opted for Dino Gates instead I then created a really cool area for my dinos to get their groove on and help me produce those boss fighting babies while I was in the creative Zone I decided to channel those creative juices into my base and give it an awesome fence design though I must say it was quite a pain in the butt to get that snap point I was looking for while out and about with my Griffin I freaking spotted a level 135 rexs and I thought yeah I could use this for something there was a lot of activity in that area that needed to be dealt with that's when I summoned in the mighty Macy and completely annihilated everything in the area except for the rexs once the area was free from All The Unwanted dinos I swapped Macy Gray for a crossbow from the back of my Griffin I began to Tran the Colossal Rex within the space of a couple of Tran arrows I was able to knock out the old guy vared the Prime Meats that I had collected and pretty much bagged a freaking op boss killing machine later that day and for the next few days I focused on breeding my megatheriums for the first boss fight also grabbing some grub for the babies as they eat a freaking ton as they mature the good thing with megatheriums is that they eat berries as well so that was really easy to farm with the food prepped for my megatheriums it was all about looking after the babies and making sure that they grow strong healthy and ready to take on some screeps oh yeah I also did manage to get a beauty a really cool bright red megatherium pretty neat oh boy now that I had a Rex I decided to search for a mate to start beating some killer rexes over at cono Island I found a freaking high-leveled female Rex and you know I just had to have it fortunately I had a Griffin and it made taming dinos really easy I just just sat on the back of my Griffin whipped out my op taming gear and proceeded to Tran the Rex after shooting it with a few Tran arrows I managed to get it to sleep I was on Caro Island so getting ped for it to tame up wasn't a problem either on day 62 I hooked my base up with some electricity I know it took me a mighty long time to do this but somehow it just spped my mind today was the day I cooked up some generators one of them was for the base that came with a refrigerator and a couple of Lights to brighten up the base the other bits and Bobs were for the breeding area so that I could hatch those Dino eggs and actually see what I was doing during the [Music] night it was time to check out the skylord cave and this one proved to be a bit tricky due to a couple of new additions that completely disorientated me I must admit I don't do well in tight spaces that's why I had Riptide with me I did my best to kite the cave drers towards me and Riptide did the rest whenever possible still I faced some trouble finding the way to the artifact after spending a decent amount of time in the cave I eventually stumbled upon a path that looked somewhat familiar it led me to where the ey artifact stood but not without having to deal with a few dases [Applause] first finally I grabbed the artifact of the skylord and made a swft getaway day 64 was dedicated to preparing for future tasks I flew over to the volcano and gathered as much metal as possible back at base I proceeded to gather wood to convert that into charcoal in preparation for making gunpowder on day 65 I embarked on another loot hunting spree with my Griffin aiming to collect as much valuable loot as possible I managed to score some juicy items from the supply drops and then some not desirable ones while I was out and about I decided to look for anata they would come in handy when I had to Cave dive in some of the caves with the harshest temperatures fortunately I located one and attempted to tame it to tame one of these creatures you would have to take down a fish and then feed it to the Arta luckily this Arta only required two fish to join my tribe for the next few days I took out my Army of megatheriums to level them up utilizing some Explorer notes for their experience buff and chopping down on nearby dinos even bagging a baby catosaurus in the process I continued the leveling spree by chomping on more dinos tackling some spinos messing around with the Rex just for the fun of it and taking take care of a herd of bronos just because I needed those [Music] [Music] levels not forgetting to take down those Alpha dinos they were perfect for gaining a ton of levels within the shortest amount of time so I had to get them righty so it's time to do our next cave um I think it's the cleever cave if I'm not mistaken we need this for the brdge mother um I'm wondering if I can fit through the whole cave it looks a bit different of course SC of course it will all you guys get wrecked he these culprits that will take your armor out what the freak is happening here holy smokes we get a quick bites you going crazy there boy um just in case something jump sauce I'm going to put that on and we got the artifact of P that's what we needed okay let's get out of here all righty peeps it's time to try luck with our first boss I'm pretty sure we'll be able to make it I guess uh this best we give it a shot hey I'm going to be hopping on Macy Gray and the rest of our megatheriums will be doing the work I'll be chilling in the back all righty are you guys ready oh snap I'm super hot yo go and attack him or her there we go now we got it now we doing some damage they got to end this boss though cuz uh darn it man cuz I'm uh getting super hot now okay I'm cool they doing okay nothing we need to do I'm not sure if my uh megatheriums will do well against the other bosses here we go almost done good mother ko ko take that you freaking nature you before committing to start breeding my rexes and being rooted to the base for however long that took I decided to venture out to the snow biome to find a UT that I could tame after searching the shores of the snow biome I found a decent level UT that would be suitable while on my Griffin I proceeded to trank the dryon feather the Beast be careful not to get too close as it would have sent my Griffin flying out of control and eventually knocked it out I gathered some Prim meat from the Kos that accompanied it fed it to the UT and waited for it to tame on my way back to base I went ahead and tamed ayro and his baby to help my dinos gain a few more experience points while they chilled at the base all righty it was time to tackle the breeding of my rexes so for the next few days I spent my time doing what needed to be done to get a good pair of rexes for a boss fighting breeding line but here's the thing while busy trying to get what I needed I was so focused on what I was doing that I forgot to save my progress and what happens the gay freak good crashes setting back the progress I had made this meant that I would have to do all of this for a second time however I pushed through and managed to get the rexes with the stats I wanted and hatched a few eggs that I thought I would use on day 78 I ventured to the snow biome yet again this time in search of another U tyranis tomat with the one I already had close to the entrance of the strong artifact cave I found a UT that would make the cut I wasted no time and proceeded to trank the UT from my Griffin however as I was about to send in the finishing shot I got caught in one of the UT's Roars sending my Griffin flying like a headless chicken to No Man's Land the good thing about this situation is that I did manage to put the UT to sleep just as it sets me flying then I summoned booger te to take care of the caros unfortunately some were stuck underwater which I was able to destroy with my crossbow and harvesting the primach from their bodies and then fed the prim to the UT and stayed by its side until I bagged to the tame day 79 I dedicated my time to farming supply drops the purpose behind these farming spre wasn't just for the fun of it I was actually on the lookout for sadle blueprints for my boss fighting dinos unfortunately there were no subtle blueprints that I needed however I did manag to get a whole bunch of other awesome loot that I could use especially the ones that I could grind for more resources with the extra loot I had previously collected I decided to grind them and use the resources to craft a few crafting stations that would help me prepare things more [Music] efficiently needing a few more resources I zipped out to grab them gathered flint and stone to craft spark powder then flew over to the snow biome to collect the oil I required afterwards I crafted an industrial cooker and then the chemistry bench day 81 I focus on preparing for the final boss fight by farming on a much larger scale Gathering an abundance of resources once I had rounded up the collected items I proceeded to craft gunpowder for the ammo required for my overpowered Pam shti I also cooked up some medical brw to replenish my health when needed although the frustrating part was that I could only craft 10 Med brw at a time leaving it on AutoCraft which result in unwanted paint all right so it's time to get uh another freaking uh artifact what the freak was that that's crazy um yeah this is the way I hope oh look at that here's the creatures see how far we could go without uh dying never mind not too far I guess okay so let's go down this way let see if uh we find our way it's freaking crazy man I should have uh did that option where you don't pick up stuff hey there we go here we go we got the buff we're ready to rumble a there we go something that looks familiar I think we're good here I think I know where it is now sweet where I need to go is somewhere up there somewhere up there there we go in here is where we need to go come on ooh ooh hope there's nothing crazy here grab that beautiful okay so whilst I'm at it we're just going to go for the next one cuz uh we don't have a lot of time I can all hear the things creepy coly what we have to do is get down to the very bottom jeez there's a lot of dinos there loads of bats okay looks like we going the f Way yeah okay dude not good just a little heavy it is smaller than can about the same speed effect relative the gigantus all right let's do this quickly remember this is not being so good for me the last time got to be really careful loads of crazy things here all right so I think I assume somewh here there where is the freaking entrance not here all right we found it let's see if we can uh do this got to be careful got to be careful C oh boy did I stick to the walls or at least there's a spot for us to chill here yeah probably am going around in circles I need to find myself a freak that screwed me come on you go you go they don't shock you off your [Music] Mount all right I'm wanting to do this again let's get out of here man for the next underwater cave rumored to be exceptionally challenging I decided not to take any chances and opted to T A baselo as recommended by many I thought I'd grab some easy prime meat from a baby tacosaurus I had spotted and begin my search for a suitable baselo not long after I found a low-level baselo however knowing that I would face highle dinos in the cave I realized this one wouldn't make the cut so I continued my search for a higher leveled baselo a few miles away from the earlier baselo I found a potentially suitable Dino to start taming it I had to first take care of the dinos around it as they would attack me after feeding the [Music] Bassel once the coast was clear I swam up to the baselo and began the taming process by feeding it the prim meat I had here's the thing I didn't know about these dinos took forever between feeding times it felt like an eternity so much so that I thought it might be bugged frustrated I decided to abandon this T and try the lower level baso to see if it was also bugged unfortunately the same thing happened with this one as well however just as I was about to give up I decided to check on the level 90 baso just in case to my surprise it was ready for its next feed and the next one and yeah you guessed it the next one as well until I finally managed to tame the darn thing now that I had sorted my underwater cave problems I needed some time for the baselo to gain a few passive experience points while in the cryopod to make the most of the remaining time I proceeded to breed more of my rexes to complete the second half of my Army at the same time I started breeding my Utes however I managed to obtain a few mutations with my rexes mainly in their HP therefore deciding not to use the first batch of rexes that I had raised and opted for the new and improved babies by day 88 everything was in order and my Rex Army was almost ready to rock and roll all righty so let's move on to our next artifact believe it's the cutting and here they come never mind cams just keep swimming just keep swimming gu's not going to catch me now o MOA fre you're hitting me for hundreds and I got an AED saddle I should have leveled up this guy a little bit more okay like I have to stay in fight we could do this holy smokes this is not good not good at all but uh we have an ascended settle so ish can we get out of here yes we can oh smokes holy smokes I think I went the wrong way but I don't care cuz I need to get away from these guys where did I go oh down under down under oh SM oh holy spokes this is not a good cave oh my goodness let's stay here and fight let's see here we do it we should be able to do it come on you can do it buddy you can't do it do it B Daddy come on you got this you got this come on we did it oh we did it oh grab let's get out of here so with that madness out of the way I spent the the next few days leveling my rexes by taking down just about anything we could find from normal dinos to rare Alpha dinos and so much more all to boost up their stats I also utilized Explorer notes I had left behind to provide an extra push gaining even more Levels by taking down the wild creatures of AR ascended not forgetting to level my UT tyranus as well it's certainly required the levels as it served as one of my main supporting dinos and it needed to be as strong as possible all righty it was up to the hard snow cave to try and obtain the artifact of the strong to be totally honest I was pretty anxious about it knowing that there would be a lot of tough dinos to get through fortunately for me I had some good rexes on hand and double team the cave dinos with that mate boosted buff we just totally destroyed anything and everything that got in the way although getting the other rigs to follow was a bit of a challenge and made me a little scared for what but lies ahead in the tech cave anyways we put up quite a fight making it through hordes and hes of these cave dinos to my surprise things were going along pretty smoothly even when things got a little hectic we stood our ground and chomped our way through the massive waves of dinos thrown at us finally we made our way towards the prize the last artifact that I needed to get the artifact of the strong days 94 and 95 was spent taking on the next two world's bosses the MEAP picus and the Dragon for these fights I chose to use the megatheriums as one half of my Army and the rexes as the other half of course I had my trusty support Dino the UT to help strengthen the attacks of my team the MEAP picus boss was quite an easy fight and we didn't experience any hiccups there as for for the dragon boss now that was a bit of a challenge the terrain didn't help the cause at all and it was a bit difficult to attack the dragon while it was flying unfortunately I somehow lost one of my rexes to the dragon however in the end I did manage to take down both bosses and bagged both their trophies I was getting desperate trying to find any sort of Saddle blueprints for either my rexes or the megatheriums for the last two spare days I had I decided to go for one last Supply drop run checking as many drops as possible in the hopes of finding the elusive saddle blueprints I also checked some of the easier cave loot crates to see if they would help but in the end I was out of luck and out of time it looks like I would have to go in with primitive Saddles day 98 last minut preps were on the go I needed to work on getting more medical bruise while that was cooking in the background I went ahead to craft as much shotgun ammo as I could possibly get and everything else in between was almost time peeps to take on the final boss but first I had to set up my dinos in such a way that they would be able to enter the tiny door leading into the tech cave jeez you know these devs need to rethink this one though anyways what I needed to do was place a dino in front and then whistle the dino behind it to follow continuing the process until the very last Dino this was a crazy task to tackle because the following distance between dinos were all messed up and kind of difficult to get bright after some time I eventually got my dinos ready to enter the cave but for now I just needed to rest and prepare myself mentally for the chaos that I was about to experience oh boy talk about chaos peeps this was by far the most mentally challenging thing I've ever done the crashes I could deal with but this drove me nuts firstly trying to carefully lead my dinos into the cave freak that was like trying to thread a needle my rexes were all over the place doing their own thing I had to try my best to get them in luckily I didn't manage to get all of my rexes in as for my megatherium team well that was an epic fail they sort of just Tangled themselves up making it quite impossible to get them in a line also time was running out for the doors to close and I managed to only take in two of my megatheriums oh my freaking gosh and very and it was about that time to lead my dinos through the tech cave itself now this peeps this is what drove me insane I don't know what the freak was going on but my dinos were just going mental doing a whole lot of strange things like walking around in circles leaving the pack for no reason and getting stuck on every single freaking thing I had to keep readjusting the train and making sure that these dinos were in order yep there were of course some losses along on the way unfortunately these Dar dinos had a mind of their own and just felt like maybe taking a dive in lava to cool off or something I don't know any other reason for them to want to jump in but hey that's their thing then there were tons and tons of tricky bends and turns it was just complete Madness I tell you this time I had no idea what to do because these dinos were so fun Kong literally at this point I was like whatever I just wanted to get to the terminal and really didn't care how many dinos made it or not I just wanted out after this horrendous experience in the tech cave I finally made it to the terminal with six rexes the two big aums the UT ranas and little Bob theat yeah eight fighting dinos things weren't looking so good for us all right well we made it let's see if we could uh defeat this thing I can't believe how freaking crazy it is for these dinos to follow obviously something's not right to them almost ready to get down to the business side of things let's go beeps look at where this nut case is going ready guys this is it this is The Showdown let's go come on [Music] please let's do this that's the guy you need to shoot oh take down all right you guys do your thing I don't know how this is going to go but I hope everything goes well I was going to try and help you guys here there you go whilst those guys are taking care of business keep your eye on that Bella that's all I say where'd he go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait come on everybody follow the McNuggets okay McNuggets you follow me right let's go come on all right all right come on come on come on come on come on come on everybody follow we have to take care of this uh come on come on everybody got Dragon to take care of take him on son you got this you got this I have faith in you all right [Music] nice we're already taking damage um how's our armor doing fine a okay okay Boos just just just start wrecking things yeah y you missed me son come on here's a buff for you have that have some super Juice why don't you are my mega still around I don't see them some of my rexes are really bloody yeah omegas are still around beautiful yeah we can tank we can tank no problem about that come on this guy attack this guy come on dude uh great okay you got me sunny ooh defense units kill what we got you back man where'd you go come on come on come on come on come on let's go let's go let's go hurry up hurry up hurry up get that dude right there come on dudes follow here here here here here this one this one this one take them on son here's some super juice for you guys I don't know how long it can take damage but I do I do know there's a f but we good oh there we go the [Music] fre we did it good job guys good job I love you guys I love you to infinity and beyond you guys okay saved me how did we do this 1 2 3 4 5 five rxes thank you guys you're beautiful let's get out of here come on oh a little moment of silence for our buddy old Pia you guys amazing amazing I love you let's go peace we did it this is freaking amazing six rexes two megatheriums it was a tough one really The [Music] Voice
Channel: Kamz 25
Views: 144,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, 100 days ark Ascended, 100 days ark survival Ascended, ark 100 days, I Survived 100 Days in Ark Ascended, ark survival Ascended hardcore, ark Ascended 100 days The island, Kamz25, 100 days in, Ark Survival Ascended, 100 days Hardcore Ark Survival Ascended, Ark Ascended Hardcore, 100 days The Island, 100 days hardcore ark The Island, ark survival ascended 100 days, 100 days to beat Ark Ascended, 100 days deserted island, ark desert island, ark 100 days deserted island
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 35sec (4895 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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