I Spent 100 Days Fighting Ark Primal Fear

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pick on is an incredibly powerful Cosmic entity that has infested our world he has brought an army of explosive penguin demonic lizard scattering Hellfire everywhere they attack and bees that are able to harness the power of the sun this is Primal Fear I have been given only 100 days to defeat pikon and all his minions and if that wasn't going to be difficult enough there's a variety of challenges that I have to complete along the way the first of which is I need to bring down one of pikon's vanilla bosses by day 25. now this adventure began spawning into a pack of pompies already nibbling at my heels grabbing fiber and berries from butchers as I ran down towards the blue Obelisk making sure to avoid the Primal Tech para as they are incredibly aggressive I eventually got to the boxes which had been washed up on the beach and broke them open giving me a metal Hatchet shield and crossbow with the early tools I placed the foundation fire and storage box killed a dollar with my crossbow to harvest for meat and hide then bought myself a small wooden box to store my toothbrush and came across an apex Dilo so I boilered it and killed her with my crossbow some nice and easy loot using my pick I harvested up some metal and set up a forge to smelt it while I hunted for a turtle for more meat and high in the morning I set up a Smithy to upgrade my stone pick to metal and used it to harvest even more metal I set up a mortar and petal to begin grinding on some narcoberries into narcotics then headed out bowler and hand shooting dodos with my crossbow in hopes of getting something a bowler then shranked out a Pteranodon when I saw a primal Tech para I've already did earlier but I had The High Ground hi how you doing you can't break this one uh I guess The High Ground already Works in movies I had to lead the para away from my corpse then saw giant Moss chops now some of you might remember Chopsticks from the first Primal Fear 100 days so I wanted to give him a Redemption I threw my bowl at the giant Moss chops once I had a new boiler I secured the ankles of the lizard and just used my fortnite skills to build the Trap around it then began to pull the chops with Frank arrows and it finally went down like a sack of potatoes as the day came to an end at the start of day three I poked some dodos with my Narco tip spear so they'd fall asleep then shoved in my berries causing her to become my friend I needed these dodos as if you've never played Primal Fear before allow me just a minute to explain how you Advanced through the creature tears there are eight tiers of creatures for you to tame in order to progress vanilla toxic Alpha Elemental Apex Omega and fabled Celestial and demonic then chaos and spirit if you want to tame the next tear up you need the eggs of the previous tier so I went to dodos in order to begin making toxic kibble there are other ingredients necessary such as crops but that's not as important right now so make sure to watch till the end as we'll be using some interesting tactics in order to beat this mod pack I carried my dodos all the way home where I let them have some sexy time so I could hatch more dotas for more eggs unfortunately males are not as useful I saddled up my Pteranodon and flew off to a cliff where I could gather some Crystal to make a spark loss and some soul balls hatched up another dodo before setting up some crop plots as veggies are another ingredient for Kibble to tame the Primal Fear dinos there are more dodos I was able to tame when I saw my mouse chops was finally fully tamed up so I dismantled the Trap and jumped on my Chopsticks reborn Aldo most trops really are the best early game team for prom Mafia I chose to name her choppity before harvesting a ton of resources I set up my Primal Smithy and headed out on property for more resource harvesting and to get one of every seed for my microphone planted all the crops in my base and cross after my first piece of toxic kibble so I heard it all from choppity and killed an alpha Anki so I could grab the alpha egg but all that did was piss off the brackies I eventually managed to kill them and continued my choppity Killing Spree only to come face to face with a primal tech power rep choppity sacrificed her life so I could live once I got away I was able to kill an alpha dodo before heading Inland we are trained out in Alpha DOTA as well as two toxic girders and I was making my way through the hill only to almost run straight into a Kamikaze dodo I needed some toxic blood for the alpha kibble but it didn't give Amy any I headed back to my two toxic donors where I was able to shove in my kibble in order to tame them and I was able to kill another toxic rotor but still never got any blood setting off again I found another Apex dollar to kill as killing any Apex you can early on is an amazing source of some early game equipment before turning to my toxic parasaur I was able to kill and harvest the blood I needed so I flew home on my parachute made the kibble I needed shoved it into the alpha dodo and it was my friend once they're at home I saw another Elder Moss chops I was able to bowl a trap and trank in the same method as the first one and finally asleep on day six I ran back to base where I grabbed a tame helper which is a magical drug that drains food my veggies I shoved them all into the mice chops taming it up those were much better level allowing me to easily kill and a small variety of Alpha and toxic dinos all along the beach once I got home I had a look at what I needed for Elemental kibble which is the next tier of dinos and Primal Fear Australia prom meet oh hey Bronto thanks for the prom threw it all on the fire to begin cooking it up while I flew off on my Terror towards the snow as I wanted some polymer now usually it's a simple matter of farming some penguins but in Primal Fear the penguins have Rockets strapped to their backs so I landed on an ice block nearby and sniped her with my crossbow blowing it up so I flew in on my Terror to harvest it up and got the heck out of there dropping back towards my base in the morning since my Terror ran out of stamp a true classic my parachute carried me all the way home only to realize I had lost my Terror due to leaving it out of render so I grabbed some Bowlers and billboard threw it at a Max Level Elder ixionus and trapped it in a cage and the Billboards it seemed to be stuck which allowed me to begin poking with my drugstick and tranq arrows and fell asleep after a while but now I needed some fish meat made myself arrived and sailed out into the ocean before diving down to do some sword fishing only to see the Primal tech power who had murdered chocolatier so I shouted it to leave it in into the water and while then the problem Megalodon ate it that solves one problem I guess ran back to the giant seagull and shoved in my meat while it munched down on that I had it off on my chops where I spotted a low Health babbled staraco now fabled's dropped some amazing loot so I saw this as a great opportunity and took it out I got a better crossbow and some armor but nothing too amazing my XD finally tamed in the evening so I was able to ride the giant burb High into the sky to retrieve my Pteranodon with the polymer from the Pteranodon I set up a Seoul terminal to store my teams and generate me eggs trapped up all my dodos to keep them safe and continue generating me eggs and flew off on my girl spotting chaos bees a flying whale and even some wyverns as I went to the dung beetle for fertilizer so I started to kill a tarantula only to get infected by some weird disease so I simply flew off and trapped it up in order to cure it with nothing else alive on the beach I gave the dung beetles some feces and name my girl Charlie I finished taming the poop Beetle trapped in begin my flight home once I got home I spotted one of my twitch Subs stealing a baby dodo corpse as her quantities 100 days on a server that is open to my Patron and twitch sub I also live stream these so make sure to follow me and join the Discord to get notified when I'm streaming after that rather Julia encounter with quickboy I crafted up the elemental kibble I would need and adventured off on Chops seeing what Elementals were nearby there was a fire Griffin that could be a Target until unnoticed the necrotic wyvern was nearby now since I was really early game and didn't have a primal bow or Snapper yet I made up the stuff I would need for a trap flying off back towards a griffin I had seen earlier the necrotic wyvern was now massacring the beach this was a small problem as necrotic wyverns are incredibly powerful and can even ground flies if they hurt you so I was going to need to lead away the Griffin I wanted I'll set up my gateways 4 trap and began to snipe at the Griffin in order to aggro it over it was not interested let's try the terror well that single hit almost killed my Terror after making some alien Studios for my Terror it was full health and time for round three but as traps what was terrible so I picked it up before reboarding it on a flat island in the bay then flew over to aggro the Griffin that parachute just saved my life was a male Alpha daughter that tried to block me on my way home but I simply trained it out and tamed it I chose to try use Charlie masiga in order to trap this fire Griffin as this would be a huge upgrade so the girl doesn't fit out the back I'm going to need a new plan after moving the back gate out a bit so hopefully Charlie can fit in the Griffin can't foreign yeah it missed the Trap after what felt like a dozen attempts it was finally in so I flew back around to trap it inside now is just a matter of tracking it up Arrow after Arrow only to be a few short flying home to make more tanks to find out short of narcoberries but chops made light work of that crafted the arrows I needed and began to fly back only to find the fire Griffin was fully cranked out guess I had enough tanks to begin with after all I just forgot my kibble to flying home and back again I shoved in the kibble my first Elemental I named the Griffin apple pie as was Redeemed by twitch chat and climbed on for my first flight whoa Griffins really are an amazing team to get him Primal Fear with their swoop dealing increased damage making them Absolute Beasts for farming I was still scared of the necrotic wyvern though but it was great to be able to easily kill a fabled tri-clack course now I should be able to easily complete my goal of killing a villain in the Boss by day 25 I just have to find one first though I made myself more Elemental kibble as even though Griffins are amazing they don't lay eggs so I would need more Elementals in order to advance to Apex tier but using apple pie began to scoop and swipe my way through the beaches killing everything I could for Loot and it felt good however I wanted to tame some stronger dinos I was going to need something better than a crossbow so I flew off to farm some dinos clearing out the cause of all the spiders for Kaiten and flew off to the volcano in search of obsidian Phantom in the morning that I was able to land at and harvest up with my pickaxe and flying home with my hall I swoop to attack a dark parrot killing a bunch of like uh oh I didn't kill the dark oh no oh no no no no no no no no that's the thankfully kill on the second attack as that could have been bad oh my setup a primal preserving binstar could make Cherokee faster yet another ingredient for higher tier Kibbles I upgraded to a primal Forge so I could smell things a bit faster and harvested as much metal as possible to fill up the forge next ingredient I would need is sap so taking off an apple pie flew off towards the Redwoods and set up a tree platform or sap Taps on the map there was a desert Titan seen as I have to kill vanilla Boss by day 25 glided down to fight the oversized Golbat oh my God Easy Tech grams there was a forest Titan on the map too which I found and chopped down just as easy as a desert and the rest of the day was then spent killing some fables and flying around starting out on day 14 as Killian more fabled hoping to get a primal compound bow blueprint as the compound bow does over three times as much tall boys number but I got home to find that the necrotic wyvern from earlier was getting close to my face at first I wanted to hide in my Hut but I'm gonna have to deal with that I jumped on apple puff line high up into the sky and seen my opportunity and diving in remember earlier when I said necrotics can ground Flyers yeah it's attacked with Miranda and grip apple pie given the circumstances I checked what I needed for at least a primitive compound bow to see ours only short of cementing paste but something I'd been eating a lot of as seeds to solve that problem the search for an Iguanodon began allowing me to come across an alpha guanodon where I began to trank and taunt Apex defense unit killed it in day 15. I came across an elder meganura now this is a new term to primal fear that I've never had the pleasure of using so I wanted it trapped it in a cage to make it easy for my train carers to put it to sleep shoved in my meat and it became my friend I love it a giant mosquito that you can ride around on it was great the fact that you can shoot off the back of it was just a bonus I named it wish.com tappy since I was basically a tappy horror then sets up some beds as I knew I would be dying more with the sun rise into signal day 16 I set up my fabricator and crafted a minigun took the minigun threw it on a saddle then saddled up the Elder Megan ERA this is gonna be fun now unfortunately the saddle was bugged when I was playing the small it's been fixed now however I was still just a ton of fun flying around just Mass gunning down all the creatures I did find it another Iguanodon and this time it didn't get away as I trained it up even resorting to my Pike in order to knock it out it tamed up so I trapped it up then headed home and use the Iguanodon to convert a ton of berries into seeds so I could make more Primal Fear narcotics except now I was short of rare flowers and mushrooms best place to get those is the swamp a very very dangerous place with giant crabs giant spiders and giant crocodiles I jumped on my chops and began to munch through the swan trees collecting shrooms and to prevent things going badly I wasn't going to outstand my welcome and flew home on my dragonfly it was a spirit bee dropping sands on the nearby Forest you do not want to get too close to that are short of polymatha flew off on my dragon fly towards the Arctic where I had to snipe with my crossbow again in order to clear out the Penguins and the arrows weren't really working so I switched to a pistol instead to take them out and however stood up the polymer needed back at home I broke up the rocks to use to grind Titan to cementing paste as I needed the paste I could craft metal arrows to be dipped in Narcotics for tracking things out for the entirety of the next day I was out hunting with my mega neuro hunting scanning and searching for an elemental attack I need to finally find a caustic archeopteryx so I grabbed my bow and began to crank out the Archer this Mega neuro really is fantastic cleared up all the nearby dinos with my rapid fire minigun Cannon and shoving in my kibble taming up the caustic Elemental it felt good to be able to now get the next tier of eggs so another caustic this Tama megaraptor saw flew over and rip Mega neura that sucks as I had my backup flies on me I was able to bowl a nearby so you go and Pike it down to knock it out grab some fish meat and tamed it up so I was able to fly off back towards the swamp I just had to figure out how to get my stuff back thankfully the Capra was nowhere to be seen so I was able to dive down and grab my stuff so I had to switch to the caustic Mega raft in order to fly home but once I grip home the caustics were straight into the soul terminals begin generating me eggs wanted to tame another Elder Mega neurot so I was running through the forest when I did found a Max Level Elder Moss chops a bow made light work of cranking it up before shoving in my berries and tame helper so I could start munching down waking up on day 20 I received my new task I will have to defeat one of pekon's lieutenants before day 50. what are those you may ask the celestial indominus Emperor or the Demonic Reaper Empress bosses with hundreds of millions of hell so I tear myself an oviraptor to have it boost mic production then continued my trip along searching for the Mega neuron to get to town by a primal Tech Raptor ouch I was able to deal with the Raptor easily enough using my core stick to poop toxic gas clouds onto it recollecting my belongings to end of the day I needed some Apex creatures as that was the next tier up and I spotted an apex Raptor so I landed on the cliff her up damn Spirit breaks I got my stuff back without much issues I just still had to tame that Apex Raptor I did thankfully move further down the cliff away from the spirit rig was able to crank it up before flying home to grab the kibble I needed got back in the morning shoved in the kibble I needed and it was mine I now had all the egg layers I needed in order to save fabled and omegas Fable diners are the Harvesters of Primal Fear while omega's other Army Fighters both of which I was going to be needing in order to progress as I have to get either a Celestia or demonic in order to defeat the lieutenants as I was about to land tame another Apex I got sniped by demonic monkey blinging its poop guess I won't be getting that Apex so I set off in search of a new entertain I finally found another Apex Raptor that I was able to train contain when I spotted a level 156 Elder meganura I knocked it out and shoved in my meat and named it Apache in the morning I was in the process of gathering stones for cementing paste I need to turn around and see the long slow death of drowning respawning at the base of the Manticore was nowhere to be seen it had vanished as fast as it had appeared our place might tap in the garden only to then discover that my gravestone had sunk to the bottom of the ocean in order to retrieve it I made myself a SCUBA tank and some flippers to dive down and retrieve my stuff and flying up to retrieve Apache the rest of the day was then spent harvesting everything I needed to craft a new Mega neuro minigun the very next day I was flying through the highlands on my mega neuro and saw a fabled terror flying around trying to with my compound bow and there was another Terror that knocked out as well now I just had to fly off to fetch the kibble for abdord I needed and flew all the way back it was a pretty long flight but I got back and shoved in the kibble taming up both of the Terrace I saddled up my Apache with the new minigun saddle and it was really just awesome to blast down creatures with a minigun and that's when I spotted there was two demonic thornies on the beach as we know from our previous Primal Fear 100 days these are incredibly powerful I needed Mega dinos next for their eggs so spent the entire team of the day flying all across the map searching for omega's to tame but finding nothing of flying through the redwoods in the afternoon of Day 26 when suddenly I saw a buffoon terror bird one of the new creatures to Primal Fear since I'll be actively trying to only use creatures I haven't tamed before this is exactly what I wanted only to uh miss most of my arrows I had to fly all the way home craft the arrows and I got back and began to snipe the terror bird I just might have gotten a tad too close to it whoops waking up at the base battered and bruised I saddled at the fabled Pteranodon and soared all the way back to the Redwoods I was just going to need a plan to get my stuff back it didn't quite work out okay let's try round three I'm going to need a new flyer I couldn't see any ichthy orders nearby and the fabled terror tried to trap in my mice chops just deleted itself began to explore inwards where I came across an alpha gas bags it fell asleep in the morning of day 28 whether taking a much-needed nap I ran all the way home to grab the kibble I needed and fed it to the bags to make it my friend we sucked in all the air and launched into the sky like a majestic marshmallow through the sky all the way only to almost die to a Celestial ferox as I flew over the snow go go please go I'm really glad that gas bags are tanky just not tanky enough as I tried to blast the terror bird away only forced blast the first respawning again I set up a primal Tech bench but didn't have the resources I needed to craft what I wanted that I jumped on my caustic Mega Raptor to fly yet again back to the Redwoods after I was back at the Redwoods the terror Birds seemed to have moved on for now however I spotted something else there was a Rudolph fell asleep with a single Arrow so I picked up some berries and shoved them into it taming it up now I had a problem though I couldn't shoot off any of the tames I had which means another trip back across the map to my base where I crafted a saddle for Rudolph jumped on his back and went dashing through the sky all the way back and Rudolph is lost very fast it took a few shots to track out the terror bird especially since it decided to try running away Kevin my kibble and we named it Uncle Sam once it was tamed running home to saddle up Uncle Sam three two one whoa a terror bird with rockets and a rocket launcher strapped to it favorite tame ever and that's when I saw it a Max Level Apex Phoenix one of the strongest teams you can get before demonics and celestials I had to tame it I came back on my Rudolph before trying to aggro the Phoenix over to me my aim with the boat sucked so I headed home to grab the stuff I needed for a trap sets it all up in the morning so I could begin trying to lead it into the Trap though it didn't seem interested in following me when I saw an opportunity to track it out second arrow in and I ran out Rudolph sped towards the volcano to harvest the opposite in I needed for more arrows and dashed off to the Apex Phoenix man to track it out before diving into the water to feed it so it didn't drown trapped up Rudolph at home and mounted the Phoenix a very powerful Taman as I melted the nearby brackies rocketing arts and Uncle Sam in the afternoon we're farming the fabled brackies nearby in search of armor and blueprints I still wanted to test out my Phoenix so I got home and switched to it to absolutely Slaughter everything on the beaches swamps and remote islands along the coast I found my first wandering loot boss in the morning of day 31 that I burnt to a crisp to get some blueprints Supernova after Supernova was dropped murdering everything when I saw an origin Leo pleuredon a very scary new origin that has been added to Primal Fear continuing to fly through the desert I came across a pair of Primal Connors using my Apex Phoenix I started to slowly burn them down dropping firewall off the firewall but it just felt slow so I jumped onto Uncle Sam to give her a shot and start started launching Rockets now the damage seems lower but the tick damage just started to shred through these Corners Uncle Sam is insane that is my first set of primals down I still love to use the Apex Phoenix as AOE damage was unparalleled even if it seems that Uncle Sam does more damage it's making my way home when I spotted An Origin Raptor seemed to be stuck in a river now it is roughly five times as much health as the Primal Connors but I wanted to kill it so I landed on the cliff with my Phoenix before jumping on Uncle Sam to begin nuking the Raptor there's just one thing you need to know about Origins if they're Agron to everything aggres onto you rest in peace Uncle Sam you were such a good terror bird miraculously my Phoenix was alive so I led it straight out of there I wanted Revenge using my Apex Phoenix I began to Supernova another power being very careful to prevent it hitting me but it died fairly easily it was day 33 and I really missed Uncle Sam how buffoon Terror Birds using Rudolph I found a Level 174 and began to track it out damn it's got too close I just had to Hope I had dealt enough Tor ports so spawning nearby began to run down the beach but didn't run fast enough I got close to the second attempt however still the same fabled mantis ended my life so I instead spawned at home saddled up a fable Terror to fly across the entire map again only to find I had in fact dealt stuff tall boys the terror bird was asleep when I got there so I shoved in my kibble tamed it up so it was my friend there was also a fable dough that tracked out to help me get the stone I mean duh when I thought that fabled bantas would be super helpful so I agreed it out to a rock to crank it out dive down to feed at the kibble entainment and flew home on the Phoenix I jumped on the Mantis in the morning after I'd straps and pickaxes to its claws and began to smash every Rock and metal node nearby the fabled Mantis as by far one of the best gatherers so I renamed it to lean mantis and after the massive resource Hall I headed out of my Phoenix where I found a Primal Raptor that melted for blood hide and Potions I was flying to the swamp to gather more rare flowers and mushrooms within the ocean I saw there was a lira pluradon on the surface and this Leo wasn't Abyssal Epistles are a new tear of creature and pramofia they're basically the celestials or demonics of the ocean so an opportunity to use my moist chops and get the flowers and shrooms I needed before jumping back onto the Phoenix with not a second too late that brood almost got me The Brood are killed easily enough when I got messaged by one of my twitch-ups whose base had been leveled by a demonic Thorn which I got rid of for them once I had saved them flying on my Phoenix took off towards the snow to burn the Penguins for their organic poly I spent day 37 harvesting even more resources with lean mantis only to yet again need more obsidian and flew off on my Terror back towards the volcano and smashed up all the rocks with lean mantis and flew all the way home all these resources were to make more metal arrows for my compound bow stoning did a little bit more so I jumped on my buffoon terror bird who I had named Auntie Samantha and smashed every single obsidian Gathering thousands of hobbies rocketing home on Auntie Samantha the buffoon Terror Road was just incredibly fast even with her little flappy wings next on the list of requirements was crystal which again Lee Manson came in incredibly clutch for Gathering all the crystal onions in the snow I saw an artifacto now artifactors drop a bunch of artifacts that are used later to summon in bosses and Auntie Samantha just shredded it on my way home there was buffoon Lira plardon waiting outside my base and instantly killed me off my Mount respawning and quickly jumping on my Phoenix to find it was already dead I'm really glad Auntie Samantha was still alive and he did more crystals so rocket jumped up to the cliff straight into a demonic mesa's blaming group and died okay back on my Phoenix and killed the monkey harvested up the crystal only two spots nearby Primal Carno who are promptly merged with Auntie Samantha I killed another artifactor in the morning for some more artifacts I was also just really having fun flying through the sky on my buffoon terrible it was amazing on the entrance to a massive aberration cave that I began to explore even if I did get slightly lost along the way and as I was leaving the cave on my way home I spotted it a level 208 skeletonized Rings the first I had ever seen now the skeletonized bricks is no normal creature it is a combination of demonic and Celestial very daily thankfully I was able to launch away I remembered in the morning that I'd forgotten my Apex Phoenix who I had named Azula as an Ode to my first Primal Fear 100 days so I set up a grind in the afternoon to grind up all the loots I had hoarded up until now as I was hoping to get metal for Primal industrial Forge that I said it's up on day 41 the industrial Forge helps melt a massive Ingot so I could craft myself an upgraded Primal compound bow and in the afternoon I spotted the massive chaos Rock Elemental I'm gonna want one of those once I kill the Guardians the hardest bosses in Primal Fear as the sun was Rising for day 42 I jumped straight into a buffoon Terra Bird's explosions and died yeah I hate teams that can kill you off your mouth all the way back on my fable Tara but Auntie Samantha was able to defend herself and kill the other birds so I was able to fly down and jump back on my own buffoon terror bird that desert was an absolute war zone I continued to search across the entire map before Omega dinos to finally come past the wyvern trench where there was an Omega I tried to train it out only to get killed off my Mount yet again once I got back I was able to grab my stuff but Auntie Samantha was nowhere to be seen she had made her way to the snow with shields biting some dinos curate them so I'll jump back on and then finish tracking the wyvern shoved in my kibble and it was mine first Omega tame now I just needed to give me some eggs with the sunrise in Ira back home to drop off my Omega then headed to the swamp to murder everything in an attempt to get an Omega soccer to spawn then as I was heading towards the desert I saw that origin Leo pluradon again I want too quiet ah well that could have gotten better I managed to recover my things but plenty Samantha man I love that for food terror bird I couldn't mourn for long so I flew off to the highlands where there was an Omega end on that I wanted as an extra egg layer and Doms aren't usually great for eggs but I would take any Omega could to speed up my egg production the next day I crafted up my first batch of basic basketball now boss creatures and promo feel special as they follow their own progression line to begin their progression I was on the search for Boss when I found a dragon that I tranked out and fed my kill but it was a male however there was a female brood nearby who I began to train cut and I cut a little bit greedy after I got back to find The Brood had passed out on the last hit grab my gear then stop by the Redwoods to harvest sap from the tree after I flew home I started crafting up some Primal Tech components except that I ran out of oil so using lean mantis I swam into the ocean and Damned the sharks absolutely sworn me once they're all dead I was able to kill some bacillus for the freedom fluid made up the rest of the Primal Tech components to craft up a terror a personal taming electronic rideable object a little Scout I can fly around on to use for taming this little drone will actually end up being incredibly useful later on I'm immediately put it to use by taking a mating pair of Omega Alloys so I flew home where I threw them into the terminal to begin generating eggs and using the eggs I made my first bits of demonic and Celestial kibble so I headed out on my tarot in search of one to ten I ended up finding a fabled quetzel who I tranked up the sky as I had planned to move my face this quit would make it much easier since fabled's having some insanely High weight shoved in my kibble and it was tamed as I continued to search around the redwoods in order to tame a demonic terror bird I stopped on a cliff nearby only to get killed by a deer let's not talk about it I had to do some hoop jumping but managed to get my stuff back so I continued my search for the terror bird I wanted I found a fabled gas bags instead that I tranked and tamed and just as I wanted to give up and tamed one of the many demonic thorny dragons I had seen I saw it not a terror bird but a demonic Marella tops also one of the new teams for Primal Fear took around 20 hours but it was out to more kibble as it was more expensive than I thought I just had to fly back across the entire map crafted at my base except I was short of crops said something extra crop lots to make the kibble but there was another necrotic wyvern on the beach this is the final straw in the morning I set up a platform saddle on my quits and loaded up everything every last structure was thrown on the quit flying high up into the sky against the barrier to prevent any chance of death then landed in the canyon high up on a pillar after spending some time building up a box with crafting and storages and I have to say I already felt way safer but I would definitely be expanding this over time the new base and new kibble a hop back on my drone to fly and tame my demonic Marilla tops I named him El Diablo and saddled him up the next morning was Ben testing the damage dropping flaming Balls of Fire on everything nearby and almost ran straight into a level 168 demonic terror bird I wanted it using the terror I shot a few tanks into it so it could have a good nap build up my Gates around it to keep it safe and flew back to the new base to retrieve yet more kibble I yet again needed more crops I bought up a greenhouse now seeing as I had lost my Iguanodon so so many days ago I hated out in search of a new one they ended up to end off the day it was day 50 and I had to fight a tier 3 boss today but with the delays of finding an Omega early on I was not ready this was not good if I failed to defeat An Origin they will report back to pick on giving him Untold power that's when I got told of an incredibly powerful Celestial in the highlands as it came into random distance a Celestial Giga it was only level 24 but I knocked it out and killed off all the dinos near bar with El Diablo tamed it and oh boy is this thing gonna be fun I ran into an Argent corner on my way home which El Diablo took down like a piece of cake this was perfect with killing one of pikon's lieutenants I now have to move on to Bringing Down his most powerful troops the Guardians in the morning abandoned origin Raptor that was wrote down just as easily but this is the power of demonics so the entire day was spent running on El Diablo killing and farming every everything I could one of my favorite stages of primal fear but things were going to get much tougher when I have to fight the later bosses I use my quotes also known as magic school bus to carry El Diablo home before flying off to finish taming the terror bird I had lived unconscious and this terror bird is just incredibly explosive dropping wave off the wave of volcanic eruptions it deserved to be named Sam's third reincarnation even the wyvern trench stood no chance as the volcanic explosions just fried everything in the area I'm definitely going to need to start breeding these flaming hot mobile volcanoes there are some chaos bees which didn't even get a chance to attack and this demonic terror bird was so deadly melting a primal brewed in seconds however as strong as Sam's third reincarnation is it didn't save me from a primal Tech Raptor pounding me straight off the tame and killing me just goes to show you should never be arrogant in Primal Fear got back on Sam as I continue my Massacre and you might be asking yourself why why well in promo fear once you start killing Origins that's when it gets a little grindy is you have to fight over 200 Origins dozens of endoms and empresses two Guardians multiple pickons and novas hundreds of celestials and demonics all with the goal of getting to pikon's Revenge but I didn't want to just kill pikon's Revenge I've defeated him before I wanted to fight and kill Skynet a terrifying new tier 5 boss I will also have to face the ascended Celestial Emperor and descended Reaper Empress two new powerful TS6 bosses in order to achieve all this I was going to need an inconceivably large amount of blood and hide so when I saw a fabled terrazino I knew I had to tame it except a Primal Raptor killed it before I got the chance in the morning I set up a secondary platform on my pillow where I placed down my tech replicator so I could make my tech transmitter a device which allows me to see the chords of every Dino on the map and I was using it to find another demonic terror bird cranked it out and tame that brought it back to the base where I threw them out and began to breed them set up a generator to power my aircons then set up a tech Shield just for that extra layer of protection order to fight the reefer empress and indominus Emperor you need to have killed every origin there were a few other shortops to riding on my drone I flew out to an open area where I could summon in the origin kairuku to melt it down I saved one of my twitch Subs bases in the morning who are under attack by some Alpha Reapers and finally settled up my Celestial Giga and those triple Celestial bomb attack was great well it was a terrible level so the stamina was really rough to use so I chose to continue using my demonic Morales tops instead but I'm sure the Giga will come in handy later on day 57 I want to get myself an upgraded saddle for my Terror birds and Morella tops now the way you get better saddles in Primal Fear is you fight wandering loot bosses but not just kill them if you bring their health to below 10 they will enter a rage mode for 30 seconds if they survive that they will rank up so the day was spent ranking up loot bosses for better equipment well I mean what Origins I could find then crafted up my first demonic Reaper Empress token I set up a primal food cooker where I cooked up some fire Dino treats small snacks that reduce how much damage you take from fire attacks Now set up my Army in the morning two highly level demonic terrible providing each other with mate boost I fed them the treats and health potion and summoned in the Demonic Reaper empress about that ah died because I didn't power up the terror bird I was riding I raced back on a backup Terror to get back flapping at Little Wings all the way through the rivers where I was able to get to the empress and killed it I collected up my things and the terror birds that were less hurt than my ego was but hey at least I had a beat I summoned in the table rule version and shot it with an origin Arrow it fell asleep so I was able to tame it and I was going to test it out but I trapped my terror bird as I was attacking killing me instantly a glorious Arc mechanic that I crafted up another Terror these things are pretty useful which I do recommend once I got back with the Summoner I set up even more Terra birds as well as a Celestial Giga fed them all a health potion and power them all up as I summoned in the emperor and we shredded it I cleaned up my Army before flapping my way home on the terror bird but with these two Souls I was able to craft myself a very powerful item I was able to craft a bone meal this is a kibble to tame a skeleton as Tyrannosaurus so using my Terror as able able to fly to where the scally boy was now there's one important feature of the terror it can't take damage so I shot my origin Arrow knocking out the wrecks and shoved in the bone meal to tame it up I made my saddle in the morning threw it on the rakes and this thing is so freaking cool I named it bonasaurus before walking on an absolute Rampage being able to Stomp and strike down everything with electricity although it did sink like a stone I loved this ring it was not only beautiful but incredibly powerful now summoned in my Celestial in them that our origin arrowed only fought to pass out in the water but I shoved in my kibble tamed it up and saddled it the celestial indom is an incredibly powerful support Diner having the ability to launch spines out its back dealing massive AOE damage and grounded any flyered hits heading out in the morning to find the fabled theory I wanted a long range shot the Level 174 knocking a DOT cleared up the area fed the theory some kibble and tamed it up so fabled have an increase to harvest and theories have an increase to harvesting and a fabled theory has doubled increase to harvesting so I used it together several thousand berries wood and thatch flying it all home with the Magic School Bus and with all the new supplies I made up various types of kibble and also replenish my arrow supplies and it was the start of day 62 when I saw a huge suspicious Rock but this was not a rock this was a Celestial Rock Elemental that I began to crank out as it launched a Celestial bomb right at me that with unexpectedly expected I finished drinking it up being sure not to get too close this time except it fell asleep right next to an origin Lira pluradon I try to get my revenge but I was too scared to get close so I shoved in my kibble picked up the Golem and I was going to try kill the Leo with my skeletons Rex but it had 90 damage reduction to non-water tames I just ran away instead where I could fight to Primal dodo Ivan with my Rex and I learned the Lightning's thumb can actually ground Flyers easy kill for the Rex a saddled up my Celestial Rock Golem chose the name Cheeto and started walking through bats in what I could now a damage was not the greatest but that's the thing with celestials they aren't damage dealers they are support and this Golem was incredibly tanky insane amounts of stamina and a massive AOE grounding attack I wanted to breed them so I flew off on my tarot to track out another one this time not getting myself hit up the sky as I knocked it out I was on my way home to grab the kibble I needed when I spotted another buffoon Terror Road I love these things so much I was going to tame it so I could breed them but yeah I got stuck and accidentally killed it got home I crafted myself a primal hot poon gun and this has a special purpose I wanted a buffoon Leo pleuridon blew up to the ocean and dived down in an attempt to track the magical leer blurred on but I lost it the Liu had swarm off to I didn't even know where so I rocketed a home in the morning to check the cords of my transmitter flip back to the ocean and only to find the Leo wasn't in the ocean at all but flying around above it tracked it up shoved in the kibble after a few failed attempts and it was mine I flew down to the ocean to jump on and I just had to name it Charlie a magical Lira blurred on flying through the sky shooting missiles at everything it was magical however I couldn't waste time as even though I had failed my day 50 goal I had a new one I need to defeat one of the Guardians by day 75 a boss that took me multiple days and attempts to kill in my first 100 days so it's only 10 days left I need to get ready so I tamed up the celestial Rock Golem I tranked a little while ago before spending the rest of the day farming what primals I could find to get their Primal blood and souls I name the main demonic terror bird I was using Blaziken and just ran through the highlands hopping skipping and jumping you know I've never liked Terror Birds but a primal fear they're really fun and just amazing summoned in a massive origins in the afternoon to Massacre with Blaziken killing one of every origin like it was nothing sets up an army of demonic Terror birds in the morning to kill off a new demonic Reaper Emperor sword Soul then using the soul I made myself the chaos Guardian Summit this was going to be it I crafted up a bunch of healing pots that would be extremely necessary as I flew out to an area next to the desert I set up a small one by one set up some beds in a soul terminal to store the backup tames before beginning to set up my horde of demonic Terror birds and bonasaurus climbed on bonusaurus then walked down the cliff powered up my Army to summon in the chaos Guardian I immediately grounded it with bonosaurus while the Demonic terror bird started trading through its health I made immediate progress dealing good damage but demonic Terror birds were starting to fall I was dodging every attack I could while my Terror birds were dealing damage but you can only Dodge for so long when the guardian hit one shot and just melted me respawning at the base I jumped on my drone to race back to the wyvern but I'd brought my Reaper Empress as I hopped onto her began trying to bring down the guardian it was infatuated with my Golem's corpse unable to harvest it took the opportunity to grab some more terror Birds but some dark Griffin minions had followed me to the one by one and killed me respawning again I ran all the way back on a fresh Terror Road killed of the minions throughout the terror Birds I had and mounted the reaper Empress to charge him I began to melt the guard in with my Empress Fireball after Fireball were sent to the guardian it kept getting distracted by the Golem's corpse which was perfect for getting Mass damage and it was down to 300 million Health making sure to dodge and weave as its fire blast hit me I would surely die fighting for the entirety of day 69 bleeding all the way into day 17. its Health was getting lower and lower 100 million left a boss that had humiliated me in the first 100 days when suddenly I got stuck in its attack I was going to die if I managed to pump health and stamina potions I was not accepting death here as I finally dealt the final blow killing the chaos Guardian with the defeat of a guardian it's time to begin preparing to defeat pikon going to need something stronger than the empress having lost all my Terror Birds however I ran home on the empress and almost ran straight into another Celestial Golem this one was a male since the others I had all tamed were females I needed to get this so I left the empress on the mountain and flew over on my drone to begin palatina with tranccaras up until hey net dungeon I know right they were grounded Spam The Hulk potion look at that there it is whoops I guess you aren't always safe on a terror drone gollumini needed one more Arrow to knock it out then ran home on the reaper to fetch the kibble I needed I also made myself a chaos orb the item you need to tame a chaos creature and there was a chaos Rock element on the map that I hit with an origin Arrow to crank it out and I was tamed in the morning so I trapped it up crafted a saddle at the base clammed onto the Golem I named him Rocky and he is pretty insane the rock throw drops chaos blobs all along the floor stood no chance to the spirit bee that got pissed at me this is awkward brand new team and instantly killed I made a new chaos orb and Terror collected all my stuff then took off towards a chaos giant Beat hit it with an origin Arrow to knock it out I named it chaos pollen and flew off to begin nuking everything with my chaos blobs I also collected the Golem I had forgotten a few days ago and I spent the morning of day 73 nuking the swamp with my chaos beat just practicing its flight patterns and attacks getting a better idea on how to use it and the maneuverability on this bee is amazing making it extremely powerful so I tranked out another bee that was stuck in a rock and tamed it so it should be able to breed the bees to make sure I had plenty of backups set them up on a platform at home and left them to start breeding it was day 74 when I came across a female Alpha dragon I managed to track out after grounding up with my tarot I did have to go fetch the kibble but that made it disappear by the time I got back thankfully there was another one I was able to tame up as it wanted it to lay me some eggs but it was day 75 and having defeated the chaos Guardian really aren't meant that I had achieved my goal it was time for the final stretch I now have until day 100 to defeat Skynet as well as the descended Reaper Empress ascended indominus Emperor pitcoin's revenge of the Colossus there's so many more bosses I have to kill so I find some artifact on the map then ran the Labyrinth cave for the entire day in order to collect the artifacts but that cave took way too long it was on day 78 when I set up my Celestial Rock Golems to begin breeding as I rarely thought these guys could be insanely strong with a massive grounding AOE attack however I would learn later that the biggest strength is not their attack at all spent the rest of the day using my chaos B to form some Origins and setting up my demonic terror bird Army in preparation of farming some Emperors and empresses but unnoticed on my Dino scanner something very important there was a fabled mega Shalon on the map so I'd say it's a Patek teleport at my base before heading out to the store to sniping the turtle tamed it but that's when the Sharks appeared I teleported home with my remote and flew back on Charlie my lure pluradon killed all the sharks saving my turtle picked it up and zoomed off to tame the next one with the two turtles acquired I was able to fly home launching rockets and things with my Charlie the reason I wanted these fabled Mega Slots is they passively generate rare flowers and mushrooms I need some more Emperor Souls on day 80s so I summoned in another doll able to kill with only minor casualties since I forgot the dino tree and marked the emperor shortly after like it was nothing and I wanted to craft the spirit Summoner but I was short of celestial Souls so I spent a bunch of time hunting every Celestial I could find and even a skeletonized Rex it was kill off to kill off the kill slowly but surely farming the souls I needed and then in the evening made myself the spirit Guardian Summoner I flew off to the desert where I threw out my Celestial Golems as I had a hopes they would keep the guardian grounded while I massacred with my chaos B so with everything ready I summoned in the spirit wive and guardian oh my Golem's got instantly one shot but they were not useless yet as the guardian was stuck aggrid onto them the chaos bee was not dealing enough damage so I jumped onto big girl my demonic Reaper empress and with it being stuck on the Golems began to just melt the guardian's health in literal seconds now to break the fourth wall for a second the Golems have since been changed to be harvestable and the Reaper's damage was fixed but hey not going to complain let's continue on shall we with the two Guardians that I now only have a few bosses left to kill and the one I am most scared of is Skynet I have never fought this boss before I am terrified came across the Level 174 Spirit B who are finally hit with an origin arrow that I decided to name Tiffany I was able to use Tiffany to shred through some origin spinos and day 84 was coming to an end only for me to almost bump straight into an alpha dragon that I thought would be good for eggs so tranked it out and tamed it brought it home where I set them up to breed to have plenty of egg layers and I was then out trying to tame an apex dodorex only for an apex Reaper Queen to show up and try to kill me a Celestial gigas solved that problem real quick spent some time to tame two dark Griffins as one resource you need a lot of in Primal Fear is feathers so I plan to breed the Griffin and kill off the babies in order to farm all the feathers in the morning of day 88 I was killing off all the Omega aloes I had been breeding for the blood and hide something in primal fear that you also need a lot of its artifacts to get the artifacts I wanted to kill the ascended artifacto somebody listen and it was Go Time so began to Nuke it with my spirit be dropping sun off the sun when suddenly I got a bit too close somehow never died instantly and was able to jump back onto my bee and finish off the artifact though but the mass of new artifacts are crafted up an emperor that are promptly murdered with the Sun as well as nuke the large variety of Origins so that I could craft the pick on Summoner it was time to delete this Cosmic entity from this world summoned in pick on the Creator I began to drop the sun off the sun you're going down pick on making sure to use health potions whenever I could dodging and weaving through his reign of cosmic meteors my spirit B was too reliant on single hits so I jumped and switched to my chaos B to continue the fight uh-oh I have to be careful of all those drones oh no no no no no oh that was close let's melt this fish I got him down to half Health continuing my iron floor as I dodged his meteor's Cosmic spit slowly but surely hitting and bringing down millions of Health at a time oh that one hurt okay we're good 50 million healthy and dead let's go pick on dead but wait The World Isn't cleansed don't think that picon is fully dead yet I am going to have to defeat his Revival soon grab the egg that was left behind by picon and I should be able to hatch this up to tame my own giant Cosmic fish the next day I summoned in another demonic Reaper Empress I was able to kill incredibly easily with my own Reaper Empress as I needed her soul to summon in pikon's right hand Nova hopefully that will help me figure out why the world isn't cleansed yet I needed more origin tributes and best way to get that is just summoning dozens of them to be Mass decimated by my spirit bee with the tokens I made myself the Summoner and brought in Nova the Destroyer Staying High up in the air on my bee dropping these Spirits ends on Nova's head it's got massacred and stood no chance with Nova down I was able to collect up her egg and defeaty Nova made me realize piccolon was not the end he had a more powerful form that I'll have to defeat as well as his Colossus gen generals Skynet his personal walking tank with a particular hatred towards flyers and the emperor and Empress rematchers I had a lot more boss fights to go in order to defeat this mod I flew home on my beware throughout Nova and pick on his eggs to begin hatching up as I'd potentially need them for the upcoming battles however I had something more interesting than I wanted a level 180 skeleton eye Tyrannosaur I tranked it out only to get grounded and killed I'm not sure why I didn't use it origin arrow and I flew back on a spirit B in the morning to try and snap the Rex With An Origin Arrow only to be grounded by its lightning so I flew High into the air where I could snipe down in it when I saw an opportunity to fly down and scoop up my stuff and I saw them my arrow had in fact hit and the Rex was now sleeping shoved in my bone and tamed it up the mighty bones was now mine but he was not in his final form yet as I grabbed an infernal transformation potion and fed it to my Rex making it an infernal skeletonized Tyrannosaur a huge increase in power as now my lightning stomp dealt over 34 million damage and that was so I could fight Skynet the mechanical monstrosity what I didn't expect was for it to instantly kill all my breeders back at my base this just got personal Mighty bones was held in strong dealing millions of damage and slowly whitening down the Skynet but the damage was too much a Skynet shredded through bones killing us this is going to be a problem I tried charging it on an army of demonic Terror but it's only for us to get one shot so whistled over my spirit beat but Skynet was able to ground me before the Rockets flew in and killed us I needed a new plan the only thing I could think of was Nova so I threw her out and dropped off my tower to charge in to fight sky in it last after blast Nova began to launch attacks Skynet was continuously sending in supercharged Primal text but they all fell to Nova's might you're going down Skynet Nova was doing it with her ability to dish out corrupted balls of light Skynet finally went down like the tin can he was the toughest of all the tier 5 bosses that's when I saw it defeating Skynet had dropped a blueprint for me to be able to craft my own this was going to be fun I cleared out the remaining supercharged Primal text but the damaged Skynet had done was Unreal so many breeders lost but I did not have time to mourn as I only had six days left before piccon would have regenerated and I think he'll be back much much stronger so to prepare I crafted up the blueprints I got from Skynet giving me my very own mechanical beat able to rain down Rockets around him this should help me take down some of the bosses I have left so I leveled up by mass clearing the Ravine and I chose to name it Megatron from that one movie with the transforming robots I think it was called robot shapeshifters or something I hated out in day 95 in order to summon in the celestial indominus Emperor rematch a much stronger version of the emperor summoning and dozens of ascended Celestial Rock Golem giggers and wrecks biting thrashing and calling and Rockets slowly but surely treading through the health of the end of bite off to fight rocket off the rocket it was an absolute slugfest two incredibly powerful tanks doing whatever they could to hurt the other finally Megatron and I broke through its Health ball killing the indominus six bosses remain and they only get stronger from here now Megatron was a fantastic tank but are once more DPS so hopped on Nova in the morning and summoned in the demotic empress rematch Nova shredded it the knockback damage was way too much for the empress as it got shredded five bosses left one of each element fire caustic electric and Ice I didn't want to fight them with Nova alone I was going to need an army so I summoned in a bunch of Primal Tech giggers the blueprints that I'd crafted from skynet's Minions even one that are supercharged to give it an extra increase in power so I climbed on Nova then summoned in the electric Colossus Zapped ice Colossus melted fire Colossus quenched and finally the caustic Colossus yield I didn't dig this one through but with all four Colossus defeated I received each of the individual medallions and using them was able to create pikon's Revenge Summoner this was it 100 days of Primal Fear had led to this moment but it was time to fight a massive attack infused Behemoth I began to lob my corrupted sons of the giant while my tech giggas began to munch down on its feet it was a truly brutal fight as pick one's Revenge not only deals some insane down but he enclosed your entire Army so if I was not careful I would quickly become overwhelmed attack after attack this was it all the work till now had led to this we were doing it I was winning but I couldn't relate now pick on had to be now once and for all in order to stop all the destruction that has been brought to this world then one final attack brought down the massive Beast Victory thank you for watching And subscribe
Channel: NaturalCauzes
Views: 824,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, Ark survival evolved, modded ark, mega modded ark, ark survival evolved 100 days, omega ark, ark modded, modded ark survival evolved, ark modded 100 days, ark survival evolved ep 1, ark, ark survival, ark survival evolved, ark mmorpg modded, ark 100 days, primal fear, ark primal fear, primal fear 100 days, ark primal fear 100 days
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 36sec (3456 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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