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- About a week ago, my younger sister let me know she was gonna start dating for the first time. Being the protective older brother that I am I get to choose who she dates. (Chloe laughs) Do you have any idea what's about to happen? - No. - Stay right there, okay? What she doesn't know is that I've invited 100 of my own subscribers to compete for her love. (garage door opening) (men cheering) - [Airrack] Welcome, welcome, welcome. Chloe, how you feeling? - Amazing. - Every one of these guys has come prepared with a pickup line. You get to swipe right for yes or left for no. And we're gonna start right now. - If I had four quarters to give to the four prettiest girls, you'd have a dollar. - Uh, left. - Oh no, brutal. - Oh, shoot. Hey, do you have a bandaid? 'Cause I'm falling for you. (Chloe laughs) - Left. (man laughs) - [Group] Oh. - Are you a cigarette? Because I wanna get you lit and put your butt in my mouth. - I'm gonna literally punch that man square in the nose. - Left times five. - This is for you. - Whoa, whoa! - Here, that's for you. - Okay, right! - Did you just give that to her? - [Ferret Man] Yeah, it's hers. - Wait, is that another ferret? (all laughing) - You think Airrack is pretty cool and all, but we think your rack is better. - [Group] Oh! - Left! Left! - Hey baby girl, do you wanna come cruising with me in my Mercedes-Benz? - Left, left, left. - Left? - I like to keep it cheesy, so why provolone? We could prov together. - Right. (group cheering) - I like this guy. - Yeah! - How much? - How much? - Yes. - How much? - All right, time's up. Give this man a right or left. - He's so cute, right. (group laughing) - Yes! - Oh! - Oh my God. - My pickup line. If you don't swipe right, all of these people are going in Mr. Wellington's basement. - He has a cigarette. - So interested. You're going right. - Right. - What?! (classical music) - Better swipe right 'cause I'm a nice guy. - Right. (classical music) - You have nice feet. - Left. - Ha! (classical music) - If you were a worm, I would still date you. - Left. - I'm not currently an organ donor, but I will give you my heart. - Right. - Thank you. Jimmy. I'm 'bout to be your brother-in-law. - All right. I hate that. I hate that. All right. So we have 13 guys left and the goal is by the end of today, you're gonna have chosen only one of these guys. - I think I can do it. It's empowering to say no to so many people. - You're a heartless scumbag. (Chloe laughs) Everyone that got a no, you guys can just leave. Yeses. (men cheering) Load up into this bad boy. (men cheering) - So we're sending all those guys to the next stop where they can get a little bit more quality time with Chloe. You didn't know anything coming into today. - Nothing. - I know that you said that you were in the market for love. I have a little date opportunity. - Tell me about it. - I can't tell you anything. But if you were open to being in LA on Saturday... - I could be in LA on Saturday. I'm shocked, but I'm not surprised because you're you. Do you know what I mean? - Yeah. So there's 13 guys left. Do you have any favorites? - What's your name? - I'm Eamon. - What if we just called you Handsome Squidward instead? - That's fine, Patrick. - Oh Sweet Jesus. - Were you surprised when she swiped right on you? - Yeah, 'cause she didn't understand what I was even saying. I was talking to her and she's just like, "You're attractive, go right." - [Airrack] And if you're wondering why this made him so happy, it's because I made all 100 contestants send in audition videos in hopes of being selected out of thousands of others who wanted to be here. So each of them are very serious about winning my sister's love. - My name is Juan. - My name is Javien. - Jimmy Darts. - Vladimir. - I'm gonna be honest. I'm keeping the guy with the face tats to piss you off. - Okay. - Tell me about the choice with the head tats. - This one 'cause I killed two people with five bullets. - [Tyler] Doesn't sound like you're a very good shot. - Yeah. You killed two people with five bullets? - Yes. - What, were you drunk? - And I also like Jack. - Jack, what do you like about Chloe? - Her laugh, dude. She's just genuine, you know? - I think we're at the next stop. Good luck out there. - [Chloe] Thank you. - Our finalists. There they are. (group clapping) So one by one, you guys are gonna get a little opportunity to spend a little extra time and chat with my sister. And then some of you guys will be eliminated. Best of luck. What these boys don't realize is that we're going to try to distract them. One, with a Victoria's Secret model, and two, we set up a fake robbery to see if these guys actually have integrity and they're gonna stop the robbery. - How do you think of this stuff? - I want the best for my sister. And Mack, you're gonna be the robber, right? - I'm gonna rob be you to your core. - Not my social security. (group laughing) - In order to watch this entire thing live... Yeah! - This shit is crazy. - We have the ultimate spy van with a live angle and audio of Chloe right there. So if any of these guys fail either test, they're out. Oh, it's this guy. I hate this guy. Oh, the French guy. - She's very attracted to him. I can tell. - This guy has gotta be playing a character, dude. - [Tyler] Dude, this guy's huge. It's weasel man. - It's the ferret boy. Mullet man is awesome. I like this guy. Jack's just staring into the camera. - I actually like Jack. He seems like the nicest guy. - I like Jack too. - What do you think of the whole experience of being in the hot seat? - It's pretty weird. - It's Eamon. - It's Eamon. - What is your job? What do you do? - Mm, like a hitman, I guess you could say. - I wanna be a creator, actually. - A creator? Okay. - Yeah. - He's smooth. - I basically wake up every morning, turn on a live stream. - Yeah. - And I give a specific person who we're gonna bless. - These guys are acting like such kiss-ups. Supermodel. Supermodel. I think he's gonna look at the girl. Oh! - What the--? She just grabbed my hand. Yo, what the (beep) dude? - I think he's good. - He's turned off by it. - He didn't want to. He didn't like it. - That was the weirdest (beep) that ever happened to me. - [Airrack] Nothing. This is the type of guy I think that will stop the robber. - [Tyler] Oh, that was really good. No, he didn't budge. - [Airrack] Nothing. Awe. (both screaming) He's out. He looked back. - I don't study actually. I do research. I work in the research lab. - Oh, he's a smart guy who works as a research assistant. - But is he a brave guy? Come on. - Really? - I mean-- - Oh! Oh! My purse! My purse! - Oh no. - Oh, he's doing nothing. - [Airrack] Oh no. She's so mad that he failed. (woman screaming) (Airrack and Tyler yelling) Oh! Oh my God. - [Tyler] Holy (beep)! - Oh no, bro! He's getting hit by a real guy. - [Tyler] Oh, it's a real guy. - It's a real guy. - It's a video. It's a video. It's a video. - Where? Where? - I'll show you a picture of me and her. Chill the (beep) out. - [Purse Woman] Oh my God! - [Tyler] He did nothing. He did nothing at all. - Was that real? - You failed. - Well, I knew it was fake. (both laughing) - He's out. (woman screaming) - Fail. Fail. (woman screaming) Nothing. - Nothing. - Get my purse! - Oh, he's disqualified. He's not gonna save the old woman. (woman screaming) - [Purse Woman] Get my purse! - I'm not a snitch. Right? Not my problem. (both yelling) - Fail. - [Both] Fail! - [Airrack] Biggest guys did nothing. Jack, you're out. You're out! Go go go go go! He's going! He's gone. Come on! - [Tyler] Look at that running. (people yelling) - Oh no! He's running, he's running, he's running. - [Tyler] Did he get him? (people laughing, yelling) - [Airrack] Get him. - He did it. He did it. Oh God. - [Airrack] Wow. - I think Chloe likes him the most so far. - I think so too. - Okay. Last question. - Yes. - Why do you like me? Why do you want to go on a date with me? - Well, the first thing I noticed. - Yes, yeah? - Was your smile. - [Both] Oh. - [Tyler] In favor. - [Airrack] Yeah, dude. He's a good looking guy. He seems nice. He wants to be a YouTuber. He's a fan of the channel. - Yeah. - I could help him, maybe. - Maybe. - Maybe not at all. All right. We've got the boys over here. We got the iPad of truth right here, boys. You guys were presented with an opportunity to do the right thing and the footage speaks for itself. So let's go through it. We got our man right here. Oh, he's gone. He's gone. Well done. On to the bus. - [Group] Whoa. - [Airrack] He's on the run. Here he goes. And he's off. He's off. Bro, you're busting it. Old woman getting robbed? Doesn't even care. (group laughing) You're outta here. Sorry buddy. Nothing at all. Nothing at all. It was a pleasure to have you. - Really? Was it a pleasure? - No, not at all. Leo, what's gonna happen right here? You already know what's gonna happen. - I (beep) up! - You (beep) up? Laughs about it. Laughs about it. You're very handsome. I thought you were the guy. Robbery strikes. What does Jack do? (group laughing) All right, you're out. Sorry buddy. He's such a nice guy. What a shame. He's gone, bro. He's gone. He's gone. Tackles him to the ground. - Thank you, thank you. - All right. So bus boys. You guys are good. (group cheering) However. I'm gonna give you one chance to bring one of these schmucks on a romantic date right now. Which one do you wanna save? - Jack. - [Airrack] Jack! (triumphant music) (Jack whooping) He's so happy. The rest of you guys, you're never gonna see my sister again. That's it. That's it. And while the scumbags stayed behind the final five made their way to the next location. - Welcome to the final five, gentlemen. (group cheering) - I'm sure you guys are all really happy that you're here but all of you are still competing to win the final challenge. Mullet Jesus, I'm gonna be honest. - What's up? - I thought there was about zero shot you were gonna make it. - I surprise people often. - Cause I'm a little nervous because I'm about go on the biggest date of my life. I've never had a girlfriend. - How old are you? - I'm 25 years old. - How are you feeling about Chloe? - I really like her. - Are you gonna be sad if you lose this thing? - Yeah, because it's been a while since I've actually been interested in a girl and I'm pretty interested in Chloe. - Well, Jack? - Yeah? - I'm rooting for you. - Thanks, man. - I say that to everybody though. - Okay. So I'm taking you to this restaurant. You can have an opportunity to date all five guys. Five dates, five minutes. - I've already met all of them five times. I'm still nervous. - The goal is to give you a little bit more time, a romantic setting to get to know these guys. Stay right there, okay? Just stay right there. What Chloe doesn't realize is that at the end of the day, she'll be given two roses to give her two favorites and the rest will be ruthlessly eliminated. Boys, I'm gonna be right over there in my magic van. If you guys say anything crazy, I-- again, no problem coming in and committing cold murder in public. Right? - Clear. - Have fun, guys. - Thank you. - As an older brother, this is genuinely a pretty bizarre experience for me. And it's funny. I'm actually feeling nervous. Boys. - [Tyler] Oh, it's Eamon! - [Airrack] Oh, what is he doing? - It's nice to see you again. - It is great to see you. - How are you doing? - I'm good. I'm not as nervous as last time. - I just want to say, I don't want to kiss someone till I marry 'em. - Okay! - I hated Jimmy at the beginning of today. I've come to actually really like him. I don't like this guy. - Dude, he tackled me. I hate this guy. - What Chloe does not know is I'm about to make her admit five childhood secrets to find out if they actually like her or not. - Oh God. - I mean, just the weirdest stuff that I could dig up. Chloe, can you hear me? (bell dinging) I didn't tell you this before but I'm gonna make you admit embarrassing secrets right now. You have to tell Jack right now that you have massive feet. - Some facts about me. - Here we go. - I have like big feet for no reason. - I mean they're huge. - I mean they're huge. (all laughing) - [Mack] Jack's so uncomfortable. - Ask him how he feels about that. - How do you feel about that? - About the big feet? - Yeah. - That's okay. - Yeah? - It's whatever. - Okay. - You have a nice smile. So I'm not worried about that. - Ask him if he likes you. - Do you like me? - Yeah, I think you're awesome. - He's gonna have to prove it by pouring a bottle of water on his head. - I think the best way for you to prove it is honestly, I would like you to put that bottle on your head. (all laughing) - Just like this? Is that enough? - That's perfect. - You have to tell this boy that at 23 years old, you're still scared of the dark and have to jump into your bed at night. - At night, I have to run from the light to my bed and jump onto the bed. - Look at his face. - He has no idea how to react. - I'm just gonna tell you, I think that's adorable. - Okay. - You're gonna lean in for a kiss and then you're gonna jerk your head back and juke him out. - A little nervous, aren't ya? - Maybe a kiss? - You want a kiss? Oh, absolutely. - Oh my God. Jerk your head back. Jerk your head back. Jerk your head back. Jerk your head back. Jerk your head. Oh. - You still want that kiss? - Maybe on the next date. Goodnight. I'll see you soon. That was so brutal. (all laughing) - Chloe, you have to tell him about that thing where you cry when you get angry. - But I need to tell you something. - Yes. - Very important. - Okay. - I get like really upset when I get hungry. - Yeah. And how are you feeling right now? - Cry. - I'm feeling a little bit hungry. - Let's-- Excuse me. - Oh. - He has one minute. He has one minute. - You have one minute. - Oh my God. Dude, he's desperately trying to get her food. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing, dude? - Boys, I got a bet on this game. We gotta watch real quick. It's ending right now. - [Airrack] It's in the second quarter, dude. - I have a bet on DraftKings. I need to see if I'm gonna win this. I don't care about Chloe and these stupid guys. All right? I wanna watch the game. - Let me give it to you guys straight. DraftKings is cooking up something big with Big Game 56. They're giving up to $10 million away in bets, which is insane. - My God. That's a lot of money. - It's a perfect reason to watch this instead of your sister-- - Seriously, flip it back, flip it back. - I'm gonna cry. I'm very upset. - How are we going to do it? How are we going to do it? - [Restaurant Staff] The manager is inside, so.. - Please, please, please! We're working on this! Oh, can I get that? Can I get that? I will pay full. I swear... - [Restaurant Staff] You'll pay full? - [Eamon] Yes, I will. I will. I swear. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop, dude. Seriously stop. - [Tyler] What are you doing? - You don't even know sports. - I don't even know how to use a sport, but I'm still using DraftKings. - If you do place a bet on Sunday, they're getting way up to five $1 million bets. Which again, ridiculous. - That's mental! - For your shot at getting in on the big game, all you have to do is download DraftKings Sportsbook now. Open it up and opt in before two o'clock EST on the day of the big game. Use my code "Airrack" to take advantage of this great offer and get in on all the action with DraftKings Sportsbook. Okay. Turn it back. Seriously. Where's the remote? - Your chicken Cobb salad. (all yelling) - He did it! He pulled it off. - [Mack] How did he do that? - Thank you. - I'm about to bring out all five of the guys. - Eric. Okay. You can only keep two of them. - [Chloe] Hello, gentlemen. I'm so happy to see you all. - Whatever your decision is, you will not break this brotherhood. - These boys are brothers now. All right. These roses can only be given to two of the guys. - Okay. - You have to choose. - So I only have two roses. I have to choose between the five of you and you guys are all so wonderful. - Reject them, Chloe. - So my first choice is Jimmy. - Oh! - Jimmy? - Jimmy! Jimmy's in. Okay. One rose left. - I think the second rose goes to... - Is it Eamon or Jack? Dude, I did not expect Jimmy. - Who's it gonna be? Let's see. - Oh my gosh. This is so tense. - Armand. - Eamon. Eamon? - Eamon. Eamon! - Yes! - Eamon! Jack got rejected! - [Mack] No, look at him! - Yes, yes, yes. (all yelling) - [Airrack] Oh my God. Boys. I'm so sorry. Top five. - Yeah. It felt great. - Pretty good! - You know? - Thanks for being a part of the video. - Oh, totally. It just wasn't meant to be, you know? - I'm such a (beep) kid. I don't understand any of this (beep). I need to like understand romance, bro. I don't get it. - I'm sorry. I did the kiss thing to you. - Oh, dude. I was gonna say, what the (beep) was that? She was like, come over and kiss me. I was like, all right, bet! - This is it. Two dates left. Final location. Let's go. - Let's go. - This is it. We're on the way to the last stop. We started today with one hundred people. You are down to two people with a singular decision to make. Are you planning on kissing one of these guys? - I'm gonna see what happens. - I don't think I can watch that. I was like screaming in the van. It does scare me to send my little sister out into the dating world. But I understand that at some point I will have to let that happen. - Yeah. - And I feel like this is me coping with that reality. - You inviting me... - In the way that I cope with it, which I guess is inviting one hundred of my own subscribers to take you on a-- I don't know. I'm a psychopath. We've got Jimmy. We've got Eamon. You can only pick one. (Chloe sighing) - [Jimmy] I think at the end of the day, it's just gonna come to her taste. You know? - Yeah. Yeah. - Like, we're very different even though we've become friends. We're very charismatic. We're very different. So, I think whatever she actually is interested in is who she's gonna go with. - I really respect this guy. You got good swag. - I respect you as well. - Maybe you guys should just say screw the date and just date each other. - Hello again. - Good to see you. - Oh my gosh. Good to see you. - It's a pleasure. - All right. On this round, I am not going to mess with anything. - So, I have developed a couple of questions and I really want you to be honest. This is really important to be honest on this one. Okay? Are you here for Eric or are you here for me? - Oh. - At first I was here for Eric. - [Chloe] Yeah. - You know, when the doors opened and you saw everyone. I thought you were like very cute. You came across very cute. - Bro, this is crazy to watch. It's like his love triangle. - I think at the point that, when you were in my arms, I was here for you. - Oh, I hate this moment. - Look at Jimmy. He's like-- He's pissed. - And honestly, your brother's just a plus, you know. Just knowing someone in your family is spontaneous, wild like that. - Yeah. Totally. - Um, I just love that. I would love to. - Thank you so much. - Continue getting to know you. And it's just been a blast. - Yes. It has been a blast. - I want Jimmy to win. I'm just gonna say it right now. Jimmy's the man. - I might be team E-man. - I freaking started the day saying I hated him. - Jimmy. I'm about to be your brother-in-law. - All right. I hate that. I love this guy. - So, this is, this is a hard question. I wanna know what you think makes you better than the other one. - Oh no! - Communication. I've learned how much that means to you. - Yeah. - Yeah, I'm excited to dance with that together. - [Chloe] I love that. - Oh baby. All right. So yeah. - Come on Jimmy, bring it home. - You know, like a lot of people they'll date around this and that and bounce around. And I just don't understand that world. Like I just understand commitment. It would be an honor to get to know you more. And this whole thing's been incredible. - You both are here because I think you are exceptional people. We started with a hundred and we ended up with two. And I have one rose. With my brother and several other people watching. - Millions. Yeah. - I've had a little bit of time to make a decision and talk to you guys both more. And I appreciate that. - Oh. This is terrible, this hurts. - But I think I have come to a decision. (dramatic music) And I do choose Eamon. (all yelling) - [Airrack] No! - [Mack] Let's go! - He's gonna try to kiss her. - No. Don't kiss her. - Oh, he's going to, bro. - Don't kiss her. - [Mack] This guy is a terminator. - [Airrack] No. - I shall love you until the end of time! (Chloe laughing) - Okay. - Do I get the kiss? - Yes. - No! No! No! (triumphant music) - [Airrack] All right, all right, all right. - [Eamon] No, no, no, no, no. - Get out of here. Do you have any response to that? - Yeah. I mean, she's an incredible person, right? - Uh-huh. - Like if there's anyone I'd want kiss, she's-- I just spent the whole day with her. - Listen. I have to respect it. Chloe's got a new soulmate. That's the end of the video. Thanks, guys. Okay. This is not, this is actually not happening. Just so you guys know. You're done. No, I'm serious. You're not, you're not being part of it. The video's a joke. - [Mack] You want me to cut? - Yeah. Cut, dude. It's not, it's a joke. - Okay. Okay. (upbeat music)
Channel: Airrack
Views: 14,263,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jGqJm5NSJJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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