1 Nerd VS 100 Supermodels

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there's 100 single supermodels standing right over there pretty epic right and my friend Manuel doesn't realize it yet but he's going to be dating all of these women right now he thinks he's being blindfolded for a try not to laugh video all right if you laugh you're disqualified okay I won't but he's about to find out why he's really here right now three two one there's quite a few beautiful ladies right here I mean you're gonna be going on a date today with every single one of them are you nervous at all I'm um so we met recently because you're a subscriber to the channel yeah and I realized something that you're really funny with us but you're horribly awkward with women I I don't know anything okay yeah that's my sense I wouldn't say like awkward I'm just like scared of it so the goal today is to help you get a little bit more comfortable with women and I thought what a better way than rejection therapy right right so we're gonna bring 100 supermodels through here and you're going to reject half of them right now I'm gonna reject the superpowers they all want you so much who can I be right now you have to be yourself no you have to be yourself no Manuel how you feeling buddy I want to like hide but I can't a lot of beautiful females huh yeah yeah a lot of them you're gonna have to reject half of them right now are you ready to do that no all right here we go we're good how are you up I need an answer doc oh yes yes nice I've also done you guys a favor and put their Instagram handles on every single one of their sashes so you're welcome yes yes sir yes yes hi yes dude he literally cannot say no to these girls yes he's just gonna pick the first 15 yes oh my God he cannot say no dude I feel so bad yes remember you have limited options okay I'm sorry I'm sorry how we go I'm sorry no I forgot to say that I gave them all champagne glasses they'll be throwing in your face if you say no I was wondering why they were just holding it yes yes yes yes yes yes soak him oh hi sorry now take this please [Music] oh no I don't know what to say I'm sorry you're like really tall they're very pretty yeah thank you all right there we go congratulations oh I've never felt more humiliated in my life look at me now Manuel's mission in this video is to find his perfect soulmate because at the end of the video whichever one of these models he chooses is going to go on a luxury vacation with him wherever in the world he wants to go all right man well our friends at FaZe have been nice enough to give us this warehouse for the next hour where we're gonna throw a little party for you uh and your yeses oh that's just one of your luck that's it wait yo you have to go go in that way that way okay our goal right now is to funnel all of our Charisma and funny literally beam it through Manuel's face and make these girls think that Manuel is the perfect soulmate uh um have you ever been here you've got a sir confidence I read this book and it said like this was the way to assert confidence so one two three four Andrew Tate um what are you doing don't say entertainment do you read mostly non-fiction or fiction um I don't read that much from being honest yeah he just told him he's illiterate and loves Andrew Tate who told him okay somebody help him he naturally said this say you want to know what I look for in a woman you know what I look for in a woman and then say I'm looking at it I'm staring at her yeah yeah dude Manuel um tell her what you think the most attractive thing about her is I think the most attractive thing about you is your face oh what yeah it's just very symmetrical oh relate with them as much as possible everything they say they do you also do yeah I moved to Taiwan when I was five um like I'm a little bit Taiwanese I feel like oh really oh that's a lie what else are you I'm Cuban original yeah I guess I'm a little bit Dominican as well so tell me please what are you like most of all incense what do I like Maurice wow I was not expecting that question what makes me [ __ ] sometimes begging no no no just kidding no begging what do you mean begging it's like you don't even worry about it what makes you horn are you sure that you want to know this I want to know every day [Music] it's my present too thank you thank you you're gonna tell me you're gonna imagine if it works I get all your phone numbers I'm gonna do a magic trick right here and if it works I'm gonna have to get all of your numbers does that sound like a deal do one where you make the beer disappear I'm gonna grab this drink right now I'm gonna go ahead and drink it all no no make it disappear you just ruined the trick wow he just secured like 15 numbers at the exact same time that's more phone numbers than I've secured in my life after congratulating Manuel and his success I showed him his new party bus but had some unfortunate news for him out of 50 people you just talked to you can choose 25 to get on this bus with you right now and go to the house freaking brutal do you have any favorites right now that's one girl she's Dominican she's really cute we would have like beautiful children there's one with curly hair then I brought Manuel back inside where the girls were anxiously waiting to find out if they'd be moving on and I mean anxiously all right man well everyone you can choose 25 girls right here to join you on the bus it's horrible they're all smoldering at him begging him to choose them follow your heart I'm here I'm right here Sarah yes yeah I'm cool yes you are cool we are very very very honest yeah very uncomfortable yes Cindy yes um Serena yes yes Kathy yes Susie angel yes you did like getting slapped in the face Karina Valentine Nicole Madison yes last one Manuel [Music] Tasha I'm sorry I don't know what to say I am so sorry that I didn't take you to the party bus to the party bus well Manuel and I drove to the next date beans and Tyler interviewed the remaining models to find out a little more on who they are hello what's your name what's your name Susie Alyssa I'm Toria I'm from the Bronx what does it take to handle a woman from the Bronx I think he's got to be more rough when did you realize that you liked Manuel uh I'm here to make connections what would you say like if you saw Manuel on the road you'd be attracted to him off the bat or no I'm Alexis tell me your favorite thing about him I think he's really sweet he seems a little innocent um which I like you're here for Manuel yeah he seems very nice and caring I told him if he got down on one knee I'd say yes wow for the next round Manuel will be getting to know these girls a little bit better and to minimize his awkwardness I brought in a little guest to help him out or maybe I should say a big guest I'm bringing in somebody very special oh and that special someone is the world's biggest model well I wanted her to give you a little bit of advice of how to talk to women before we proceed you have any guesses who it might be Kim Kardashian Kylie Jenner all right you ready Manuel yes let's go and send her in so given that she's the biggest model in the world I figured she was the best person to give oh wow she's tall hi Eric told me that you have problems with women and I have to tell you you shouldn't oh okay even like you are not um tall [Music] this is not going as I played she's just degrading it let's say I'm standing like somewhere on the street you like me how would you approach are you um waiting for the bus as well that's not a good approach no that's not I'm sure you should work yeah I should work on that yeah oh my God I might have gotten the wrong person to give him advice now that Manuel's awkwardness was obviously cured it was time for him to expose himself in his most vulnerable state all right man well you can go and take your blindfold off manual go ahead and look behind you oh wow we've designed this entire presentation about Manuel including all of the most embarrassing things we know about him but hey the girls need to get to know him too right I hope that we made it accurate yeah I know I mean we know him pretty well yeah yeah hello ladies I guess this presentation uh is by me I'm shy but strong small but small but big elaborate okay so you need to tell them to stop interrupting all right guys no more interruptions sorry you have to say it seriously yeah uh no more interruptions or yeah of course my favorite things are thinking puppies and MMA he loves them I have videos of him punching air for hours when I love something it's like a piece of cheese what it's just silent I'm quiet because I'm dangerous like a lion you're dangerous like a lion or a tiger now roar like a lion or her next slide please so here we kind of put together a collage for dream date ideas my dream dates I love cuddles video games Minecraft Minecraft and murder simulator and murder simulator Dungeons and Dragons I'm a level 30 wood elf that dual wields two lightsabers I'm at level 30 elf who like wields lightsabers [Music] the longest relationship I've been in was two weeks this is all actually a true story we want him to feel vulnerable to them next slide cheats yep next slide I still think I bought her in an intimate way [Music] um next slide but I'm open to new love okay girls now that you guys have gotten to know a little bit more about Manuel this is now your opportunity to walk out the front door so if anybody is uninterested and uh dating Manuel you guys can go ahead and stand up and walk out the front door oh not even 10 bucks this is part of the deal he does have to learn rejection so I was expecting 15 people to leave right there Manuel you're doing better than I thought you would I'm very proud of you all right six models just left so I'm gonna have you eliminate nine more people oh oh my God bro can I get some help down here voting no this is all you bro cool you are like a lovely individual your energy is amazing I'm gonna have to say no I'm sorry oh it's kind of like like all day I don't know about discrimination yeah discrimination she's putting off a fight man maybe it's okay we're all gonna do this it's really okay fine oh my gosh dude this is torture for him uh Valentine I'm gonna have to say no sorry it's so hard to watch I think I'm gonna have to say no don't think we even spoke that much no I'm sorry I have to say no no I'm sorry no I thought he liked her you have a number of Instagram like again I would love to get to know all of you yeah sorry what meanwhile girls don't like to hear that you want to talk to other girls I like them one more one more one more oh dude he does not know what to do I'm gonna have to say no no I know I am like Beyonce's right now girls if you're still in the room you have made it to the next round congratulations now things start to get fun so Manuel you're on a blind date right now with 10 beautiful models great because their models Manuel might have ended up choosing somebody who wasn't necessarily for him but looked really pretty so this is to try to help him actually choose the right girl for him Manuel you can ask this panel of models one single question of your choice based on their answers you'll have to eliminate half of these women you have these headphones on because we're using a voice augmenter it sounds like this which is gonna make sure that you have no idea which model you're talking to all right you can take your blindfold off and ask question number one the first question you and I are alone in my bedroom yeah yeah my God what happens next there's gonna be spicy you know how the saying goes like Industries [Music] oh my gosh his face something could happen physical but the connection is not there yet we can play some video games you can teach me I think it's important that things go by slowly and you don't rush into things I'm very emotionally attracted to you and I would like to see it where the physical part goes oh she's embarrassed I'm just gonna have to say though [Music] I'm just gonna say nine five don't say number four number one and number four I'm just gonna have to say number one they did not like that up there that was an awful choice that was the worst Choice ever you have one more elimination you have 30 seconds to make your selection don't say 10 don't say four don't say ten don't say four oh my God [Music] eight oh it's done it's done I am so sorry dude when we pull that blind out and he sees who he's chosen I just want him to be happy all right man well you can go and take those headphones off henchman can you pull the Blind and show Manuel his selections three two one you guys are moving on to the next level congratulations this okay what we're about to do is the most excited I am for anything in this entire video so for this bit I have flown out Manuel's actual family who is going to help him choose which girl is right for him and they are excited to rip these girls to shreds I actually asked them how do you guys intend on helping Manuel narrow down the six contestants left can you clean do you do laundry oh what can you bring to the table for my brother here we go here we go oh my gosh here we go bro I feel like I should not be looking at the screen that is the most beautiful you have a girlfriend I mean God she's hideous hi this is my mom and my sister by the way these girls also have no idea that I flew his family out and what's about to happen right now when was your last relationship oh it was in January good okay okay what do you see in him that she likes yeah that's the good question super spontaneous very very attractive thank you we're both very outgoing adventurous people we both really have aspirations if you dream big Alyssa is our favorite right now she's my favorite anyway she's definitely my favorite what you don't know is if she's just saying this to the parents in order to earn her way into a free vacation I have real possibility speaking of vacation that experience and this experience we're about to watch is both sponsored by Sofi while we're watching this I'm going to tell you guys a little bit about Sofi we're watching Love unfolding you're gonna interrupt this I just felt like it was a good time no you guys know how much I love Sofi but if you're new here sofa is a all-in-one finance app that helps you Bank borrow and invest all in one place kind of like how Manuel is about to date all six girls in one place Manuel is so ungodly and uncomfortable right now [Music] so far what has been your favorite moment speaking of favorites my favorite part about Sofi is the insights tab tell me about it I actually don't know what that is I don't know what that is either so glad you asked making these videos on on flights running around all the time so I need a one-page snapshot that can tell me where I stand what I spend and how I can hit my finance goals and that's where Sofi insights comes in you literally just link all of your accounts even non-sofi ones and this free to use platform which does all the work for you speaking of working this girl is working to impress Manuel right now so do you have any like special skills can you cook I probably can't cook but I'm actually wearing I'm gonna show you guys my page you can see cash Investments what I'm spending money on my upcoming recurring expenses all in one mobile dashboard here being busy like I am and like you are having something like this is a game changer let's see if Toria can change Manuel's game you guys like these transitions I love animals I have two cats I grew up with like chickens and hedgehogs gaming well he likes her like my cats would cuddle with my dogs and like the fairies would cuddle with the cats wow he's saying wow about nothing he just loves this girl they also have this one tab that tracks credit score and it doesn't hurt your credit score at all it actually gives you cash back when your credit score goes up but no user can get ten dollars just for activating credit score monitoring it's literally free money but that's not where sofa giving the mafia money stops but before we do that Tyler you do not like this girl right absolutely not why she said to the both of us that she liked tough guys only and thought that Manuel was soft she's not in the manual at all she's here for the vacation she's here for the vacation speaking of vacation you guys could probably go on vacation with a 25 000 sofas giving away in this video to one of you guys what you can scan the QR code right here on screen or you can go to the link in the description to download sofa and just by doing that you are entered to win 25 000 you can use it for a once in a lifetime vacation maybe Manuel will let you tag along with his romantic vacation you'll have to ask Manuel about that though it's a man Wellness family are now going to deliberate between themselves and then Manuel by himself is gonna have to make a decision on who we want to eliminate here after a 35 year long family discussion a decision was made on which two girls would advance to the final round at the beginning of this day this man couldn't speak to a woman he now has six gorgeous women standing in front of him and he can choose two ladies it has been a journey I feel in a really weird way connected to all of you oh my gosh this is crazy I am like really grateful for all you being here here we go here we go uh do I saying the names go for it um Alyssa we're gonna keep you in that's my favorite oh let's go Alyssa um and Susie they're also in let's go Susie and Alyssa congratulations the other four of you guys thank you so much for being here you are unfortunately eliminated this last level is designed to get them a little bit more intimate oh dude what are you doing with your fingers stop that's weird all right so our goal right now boys is to get Manuel to make some kind of a move we have wingmanned him all day we're literally putting him in an Executive Suite with two beautiful models and I think we have to give him a final push on this bit so like really solidify the new man that he is you know all right man well welcome to the executive suites what is this man here's what's gonna happen guys We're Gonna Leave You in this room for a little while and at the end you're going to have to pick only one of these two girls so I'd encourage you guys to get comfortable this is your only opportunity of today to have some one-on-one FaceTime cool awesome okay now I'm going to be talking directly into Manuel's ear so we can help him out all right um Manuel go ahead and jump on the bed just throw your body on the bed Manuel wow this is crazy man well leave the charge on doing some fun whipped cream stuff oh she's hungry I just noticed I'm being allergic to Strawberry this is crazy do you have any like specific way you peel bananas any strategy what what yeah you do open it like that okay sick oh wow that was really impressive it seems like almost like a competition oh my God oh God I dare you to put whipped cream on Susie's sock and lick it off that's amazing can I take the sock off LOL can I take the sock off LOL sure don't say LOL out loud I I'll just do it oh wow oh my god wow this is wild [Music] wow great we'll play um spin the bottle are you down like consent important no Andrew tape oh my gosh this is about to happen sit down be comfortable don't be awkward let's go ahead and sit down I'm just gonna go ahead and spin the bottle now stop announcing your actions be smooth you're confident this is cool all right this is so cool [Laughter] stop responding to us out loud oh okay [Music] I'm honestly really confused on what's up it's it's you yeah can I kiss you yes with consent oh man should I kiss the ocean yeah be honest with me how was my kiss I felt like it was a little hesitant can you show me how to kiss Better Could you show me how to kiss better um yes it's a step one look at me and the eyes and then you kind of lean in I'll get this oh you go that way Susie's just watching this whole thing happen that's better that was okay cool yeah I'm just like learning the ropes yeah I can teach you more um do you guys want to get back in the bed and play all right okay so I have to choose between both of you guys at the end of this session why should I choose you and then what should I choose to you I'll go first okay I feel like I've gotten to know you in a really short amount of time and I think the more we explore the more I am feeling super attracted to you dude she's so good she is for me I feel like I'm so happy that you know I came today you're a really cool guy I think this has been really fun and I don't regret a second of it and while you have 30 seconds 30 seconds to pick from the little that I do know about both for you I think I'm gonna have to pick come on come on come on [Music] Alyssa and um they're done it's not done Manuel may have finally chosen his true love but I wanted to make sure it was Rock Solid so I asked all of Manuel's friends weeks ago to find out who was real life crush is before this video started we found out it was a girl named giano can we turn this TV on real quick hey how are you this invested in my life this is crazy so Gianna's live right now in the movie room and you have a choice to make you have a luxury vacation on the line and you can either take it with Alyssa here who you've chosen today or you can take it with Gianna your real life Crush [Music] um some sticking would I listen wow amazing it's time to find out if Alyssa was here for the same reason as him or a quick money grab Alyssa would you like to go on vacation with Manuel or would you like the five thousand dollars that I was just going to spend on the vacation at the beginning of the day I [Music] highlighters but I'm gonna go with a vacation congratulations I'm so proud of you where are you guys gonna go on vacation Hawaii Hawaii and just so you guys know this actually worked out here's proof of these two they're actually dating now madly in love how many likes for us to do this for another subscriber out there 500k and he brings you out here that's pretty much I'm leaving Don we're done [Music]
Channel: Airrack
Views: 15,170,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MR7zZ7XEl6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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