Breaking 100 Laws in 24 Hours!

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(dramatic music) - Get in the car, get in the car get in the car, get in the car. Our forefathers created a thing called laws. Now we all follow laws to keep peace, among humankind. But there are dumb laws. For example, Guys, did you know that - You step away from the truck please? - Okay, but did you know that you can't eat fried chicken with a fork it's illegal. It's crazy, right? - Yeah. - Why can't you do that? - Now as you guys know, I like to involve the rest of the mafia and let you guys have a good bit of control over what we do here on this channel. So I had this idea of asking you guys on community, what video you wanted to see us film? Turns out, that was a really bad idea. Kyle Wilson says break 100 laws in one day. Breaking a hundred laws it sets a bad example for you guys. It's not a good look. I don't love the idea of going to jail. So I spent two days scouring the internet, looking through law books to find 100 dumb laws, that we could actually break in good conscience. Like for example, did you know that you cannot jump off of a peer? - Oh my God - That one's maybe not that dumb. I just wanted to foreshadow for you guys today. We have 12 hours to try to break 100 dumb laws. We got Mac, Max, Fidias. They're gonna help me break as many laws as possible. And I've got Hayden, who's going to be our human stopwatch for today and keep us on schedule. I'm only gonna do this video to prove to you guys that you literally have full control over the channel. You wanna suggest more bad video ideas you can text IDEA to this number. I text with you guys every morning and I want to use your ideas for the rest of the year. Don't, no more bad ideas. No more. - All right - All right. So we're here at the Hemecula boys house to start the day. They just got this really nice van. Shane should be somewhere in here. Shane - [Shane] Hey man - Long time no see Dave Is this mail right here? - Yeah. Yeah. - Cool. Cool. - Hear those van keys. Wow. This is sweet man. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. - Cool. - Bye Shane. Good guy. There's a cop over here. How's it going? - [Cop] Good. How are you? - Hey, I got a new dog. Yeah, his name's Doj. - [Cop] Okay. Coin. (runs away) - Can I get a picture with you? You guys good? Is there any laws we can get him to break? - You could get him to wear this mask without a license. - You don't have a mask license. Do you? - No. - Hello? Good morning. - Sir, why you're wearing that? Take that off. - Play on a baseball field with no permit. - (screaming) GOT IT! I GOT IT! - No, no, no, no You guys can't be out here. - (screaming) We're playing baseball. - I know you are. - Heights may not be flown about 10 feet over the ground. - I was a cross country runner. I can run a mile in about 39 seconds. - Yes!!! (screaming in excitement) (gives them kite) - (screaming and waving) BYE!!! - Why'd you give that to him? - That are old people, they are bored - Next one. Don't pick flowers in a park. Yes, sir. - Got 'em baby - Thank you. That's so sweet. - Mack is so sweet. - It's illegal to skip a rock in California park. How many skips you buttoned on? - Five. - That put off the dock. - That was three. Three. - I'm gonna say seven. I got a pretty good rock here. - Two. - You serious? - Fidias bring it on, baby. - I think it's illegal to swim - Oh my God. Hey Boss! Is this deep? - You don't wanna jump in there? - If I knock my head, you are responsible. - I don't think you wanna do that man. - I don't care. (screaming) Erriiiicccc!!!! Say yes!!! - Go for it. (cheering) - Takes everything it goes just over the edge. - (shouting) I love you Airrrrack!!! - Love you too, buddy. - (shouting) Subscribe to the channel!!! We want to reach 5 million before the end of the year!!! - Yeah. I mean, that's a good point. If you're not subscribed, we are trying to get to 5 million subscribers. So hit the subscribe button below for premium content and in subscription box every single week. - (shouting) JUST DO IT! Ahhhh, we broke another law. - I'm doing something illegal again! (screaming in delight) - He's 100% going back to Cypress by the end of this video. - You're not allowed to spit outside your car. No pouring salt on a highway. No driving with a house coat. - Look at you. Rollerblading on a state highway. - Who wants to roller blade boys? - I do! - I feel like I could cross the world. (shouting) Let's go!!! (clapping & cheering) - We're gonna go say 'fire' in a movie theater - Fire. - The slushy's fire. That's all I'm gonna say. - I'm honestly thinking about just leaving the boys in the van and just watching this. Am I just ended? (coughs while laughing) - Are you serious? - That movie was fire dude. - Cussing at a minigolf course. - Alright guys. I think it's only right that I do this one's I got a big mouth. (cusses) - Oh no - You inspire me, Fidias. - Are you kidding this? (everyone laughing) - We're at a library. Apparently, - You can't ride a skateboard inside a public library. - That is not actually very surprising. - Max! - Yes coach. - You wanna tap in? - Tap in. - Is it open? - More skateboarding? (man chasing) - Yo, we gotta get out of here bro. He's calling the cops? - Yeah. - Alright we're outta here. - It's illegal to plant a garden on a street. So... - Sneezing on a city street, throwing a rock on a city street and sleeping on a city street. - Very nice. - There's no part of you that looks at anything like a police office - Sir. You are a pirate? You are not allowed to be here with the pirate flag. Yeah. You, you have to leave immediately because this pirate flag are not legal here. - It is illegal to walk in the sidewalk with ice cream. That's yours. - Whoa.(cheering) - Putting ice cream in your back pocket. - I just broke the law. - Yeah. You can't be telling people to take stuff out of their car. I guess they thought you were a police officer for real. - Due to copyright reasons it is illegal to sting the 'Macarena' in public. (blabbering & singing) - They are doing something illegal. Go away. - It is illegal to sell oranges in the state of California. Question for you guys. Is there any chance in this absolute God forsaken earth you would buy an orange from us for even one penny? - Right? Here's the dollar. It is also illegal to buy raw meat. Is there any chance in this hell fire that we call earth? - Ah. No. I'm okay. - Is there any chance in this horredous planet you would buy this raw meat for me? - Is there any chance on this earth that you would buy this raw meat for me? - Yeah - What are you gonna do with it? - I'm gonna go cook it at home - Okay, great. Thanks man. - It is illegal to cover someone's sunshine. - I got this. - Percussion on the beach. Highly illegal. Swim while eating. - Done. - Next law is it's illegal to do a public performance. - Just follow my lead, okay? - Yes, sir. - Attention to Santa Monica. We're playing one song and one song only. Here we go, baby. - You'll never hear another song from us again. Good night. - Woo. - Straight. You're in. - We met someone randomly behind us in line at Starbucks. And you will not believe who. - This is gonna be a callback. If you were watching the live stream. You actually snuck onto the island. - Has anyone jumped off the pier yet? - No. You tryna to jump off the pier? - I mean probably like from right out here. I'm guessing. - Yeah. If I die right here, dude, that's pretty much it I'm leaving permanently. You know what I mean? Everybody's staring at us. They know it's about to happen. Let's just be low key and just get in. Yep. - Alright guys. - Whenever you're ready. - Three, two got this bro. - Three, two, one. - Bro, that's insane. Like can't they die there? - Everyone is dead. - Let's go baby. - There's another law - Bro. That was so fun. I do hear sirens in the distance. We should probably dip like ASAP. Get in the car, get in the car, get in the car, get in the car. - And they're just. Oh my gosh bro. (everyone cheering) - I thought we were done. It is illegal to buy children. - Hey sir. You seem like you have a lot of kids. Can I buy you one? - No, thanks. - Are you sure? - Yes. - You seem like you don't need them. You want to come with me? That one seem like a 40 bucks. - Happy to break more laws. (everyone cheering) - Ya'll Crazy. - It's illegal to buy a mattress on Sundays. - You reserved a mattress for us to buy. - I did. - Hello I'm here for a mattress and you guys have kids, right? Yeah? - Little older now. But yeah. - How much you want for 'em? You want 50 bucks for 'em? - Very nice above. (everyone clapping and cheering) - I will pee. - Where you gonna go pee? - No, no, no, no, no, no. - Let him pee. - So much urine. - My girlfriend lives right over here. - Oh she does? - You. You're my girlfriend. - I'm your girlfriend? - Yeah. - It's illegal to charge for a house party and I heard they have a house party. So... - You been talking to my girlfriend? - Nah. - Hey. - What? - I heard you had a house party. There's literally balloons right here. You did this? - You have money? - What is happening? - All right come on. - Okay. Alright. - Let's go boys. - House party baby. - I'm gonna Venmo request him for a lot later. - It's against the law for a balloon to fly more than five feet above the ground. - Maybe you have another one. I'ld do the exact same thing. - Aiden, what's the next law buddy? - It's illegal to serenade your girlfriend. - Girlfriend. How we doing? (singing) I heard there was a secret court. - Alright. It is illegal to play bingo in a private setting. It is illegal to gamble in a private setting. - I'm going all in on Fidias. - I'm gonna bet on Max. - We have one more law and it's selling alcohol at a bingo game. - That will be a thousand dollars. - Travis Scott. - You know what I know is guys? The guy that's telling us to break all the laws hasn't broken a single law. - What's the next law. - You can't wear heels that are higher than two inches without a permit. - Detonating a nuclear device within the city limits is a $500 fine. Can we like VFX that or - Do you know who I am? How's that? Is that good? - I think that was pretty good. Yeah. - Ah, cool. - A man can't go outside while wearing a jacket and pants that don't match. - Buddy you're a felon at this point. - It's illegal to strike a man on the front or back. - Hey. - Can you slap me on the back? Slap. (screaming) Ahhhhh!!! - It is illegal to set mouse traps without a hunting license. That's to set mouse trap. (screaming) Ahhhhh!!! - In Los Angeles, it is illegal to keep anything in your garage other than a car. - Well - One may not leave sand in their own driveway. You are not allowed to break more than three dishes per day. - Now keep in mind. We aren't gonna clean this up. - Fidias is gonna clean this up. We are gonna keep breaking laws. There are no slippers allowed to be worn past 10:00 PM. Nice. It is illegal to slurp someone else's soup. - All right. I break the law. - Simi is technically my neighbor because she lives in the room above me. That's her car. - It is illegal to hunt moths under a street lamp. - All right. Street lamp, boys. Where are you at? Oh my gosh. - Alright, let's get outta here. - We gotta go. - That was VFX. It's fine. - I'm just a talented editor. Nominate me for the streamings. I really wanna win a streaming. - Fidias you wanna come right in the trunk with me? (laughing) - How does it feel to be an outlaw? - Ah, good. - Oh, dude, whoa. - It's illegal to stand outside of a police station for any purpose after dark. - You want to go and tell them how many laws you broke today? - Cool. This is why it's illegal to wear slippers after 10:00 PM. You just find these in the ground? - They are nice. - Oh, bro. No. There's the billboard right there. That's our last law. - Well guys, we broke 66 laws. We'll get 'em next time mafia. Shout out to NUW for following head Instagram. I'm falling back one person every week. That's pretty much it. I'm leaving.
Channel: Airrack
Views: 19,161,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airrack, eric decker, airack, air rack, breaking 100 law in 24 hours, I Put A $100000 Bounty On My Head
Id: jVVWMb41kqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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