You Scream, You Lose: IRL

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over the past few years I've helped my friends face some of their biggest fears but they didn't see it as help apparently for the past two weeks in an act of Revenge my friends have been working in secret on a plan forcing me to face my biggest fears so for the first time ever I will have absolutely no control over this video during which we'll be using the score counter to keep track of whether I get scared or Not by these various challenges thank you oh was that supposed to be the first part of the video I'm not scared that was horrible so now the only question left is how hard is it to scare the guy responsible for scaring everybody else I guess it's time to find out right now the tables are switched right here bro usually we don't know what's going on and you do what is the game plan right now so you just keep that beautiful little bandana and it's very important that you remain calm at all times yeah don't scream that's the biggest thing I might scream Eric if you scream you will die if I scream and die I probably shouldn't be in the situation are you stressed out right now of course I'm stressed out Eric you stay in the car all right we're about to show you that's what Eric's about to be facing boys that is a over 1 000 pound Kodiak bear so if you're wondering why we told Eric not to scream this is why you want to scream in front of that guy oh my gosh we love you Eric whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that oh my what is that take your blindfold off don't scream Mr rack are you comfortable feeding the bear s are you serious ly I am the king of conquering fears you're gonna have to go way harder than that so yes this is the first bit but this is also the only bit that Eric is actually going to be aware of that he's on camera for the rest of the scares and situations we have planned in this video Eric is not even gonna know it's being filmed bro this is so nice that this is flips tomorrow finally right that's right the boys and I made an agreement that for the next two weeks there are no rules and no limits to what they can do to try to scare me and at first they tried to scare me inside my own relationship what if we hired some hunk off the internet go flirt with Eric's girlfriend while they're on a date so there's this guy Harry jausi it's like well known for just being oddly attractive so I'm gonna hit up Harry Chelsea get him to help us out then we'll have hope Eric's girlfriend in on this of course and she'll bring up Harry Johnson's name like a dinner date or something you remember I kind of connected you with Harry drowzee's stylist yeah and a few days later we convinced hope to take Eric on another date but this time we have an entire restaurant ready now we'll bug the entire place with cameras in a very hot Harry and what we'll do is in the middle of the day we'll have Harry come in up to the table and just start flirting with hope and we'll see what Eric does but on top of that let's do birds with one stone Eric hates stalkers so in the corner of the restaurant we're gonna place a really weird guy that just keeps looking at him throughout the dinner both of these combined have to scare them so that's exactly what we did and two weeks later here we are so here's the plan boys this right here is our TV monitor we have a cameraman right there hidden in the dark we have Eric's location right here oh boys he's close he's basically here oh man dude this is crazy we'll do the regular pancakes now I'm gonna do the steak eggs yeah thank you very much is about to come in and start flirting with hope this is about to be very uncomfortable to watch oh whatever what is this big water jug [Music] she's gorgeous nervously where are you from Florida and when did you move here two years ago hope are you like are you doing anything after this we're just hanging out it's a little date night oh it's a date night yeah dude Erica's not happy what do you do with yourself so I do bride old-fashioned wow [Music] that's epic that's so cool do you model it all no not really like okay you want to get into modeling you don't think she's attractive enough she could do it come on I think she can do whatever she wants man I'm gonna go back there I don't know you guys but like did you go to Instagram yeah okay what is it it's Coke yeah I found him don't let him talk to your girl like that face your fear should I steal my girlfriend no here's how I look at it if I take her on a date and we hook up uh-huh then you shouldn't be with us uh-huh yeah what do you mean well I'm doing you a favor no no no I'll see you next time right yeah yeah oh I feel terrible too what a weirdo dude have you ever met him before yeah he was super cool to me the first time I talked to him I've never seen a human being act like that like a full time all right now we're sending the crazy stalker which is Eric's second figure dude he's definitely looking straight up sandwich he's so sauce dude he's so uncomfortable I'm just like don't feel comfortable here at Offices here we go here he goes here he goes what's up man I was like sitting over there and I I was kind of looking over so you're you're like on YouTube yeah yeah yeah I know what it is just sitting over there yeah yeah I've recognized him that was funny man funny people just like trying to get like a picture yeah for sure [Music] Eric is being very sweet thanks brother all right sorry let me just give it yeah yeah it's all good thanks brother good to meet you um it's just time yeah he's just overstaying his welcome yeah that looks really good it is yeah thank you thanks we're gonna finish it up but I appreciate it yeah yeah yeah yeah this is the weirdest place I've ever been in my life I don't want to be here anymore can I just get a box for this honestly yeah thumbs up it was just weird interaction stuff he's cool but it was just a weird situation yeah thank you if he leaves that means we scared him because if he's scared of the stalker that means they might look okay after we pulled all this off we actually felt kind of bad so we left the restaurant to tell Eric it was a joke even though we didn't find him he found us what are they doing you boys want so after we did the whole stalker thing this dude was actually so scared that he got up and just ran out the back of the restaurant are you okay I just realized that I'm in a video I'm not gonna let this happen I'm just gonna drive back to the house yo hey bud hey what do you think I have never been morning oh wait did you hear that he scared him we got him I literally ran to my car because I thought that dude was gonna come kill us I hate to tell you it's gonna get harder from here maybe odds be ever in your favorites on to the next bit next we thought it would be funny to hit three birds with one stone I'm just killing birds for the first fear I remember this one time Eric told me that he got robbed on a run I remember the look on this guy's face terrifying to recreate this first we get him to leave the house to go to what he thinks is one of beans a stand-up comedy shows and then on the way there right before he arrives at the comedy club we'll plant the robbery we don't stop there there's awesome he hates crowds so once we get into the comedy club he won't even realize we bugged the entire venue with cameras microphones and an entire audience completely comprised of actors hey everybody all right when the signal is given we'll have the house lights turn off they all stand up they look at Eric and they begin vigorously tickling it which for a guy like Eric who hates being touched potentially his worst fear that doesn't scare him I don't know what will we managed to pull the pull thing off without him realizing that we have ever done on this channel do you ever Euro watch the uh scare PewDiePie video we're doing uh like a scare air rack video where I'm like in a video but I don't know that I'm in a video so random stuff is happening at random times really uh [Music] listen I know this looks too good to be true but I promise it is not but you don't have to take it from me [Music] I called the police it was real make it feel really uh like make it feel really um [Music] what is happening right now bro what is happening what is happening bro what's up bro you okay Is that real yeah that was real yeah all right I lied we couldn't tell Eric in the moment whether or not he passed the fear because he didn't even know this was part of the video but if we analyze this footage right here he could have ran away but he did it so as much as I hate to admit it it's a fair Concord for Eric oh you got all that did you were you recording in the car yeah I got his license plate perfect next we walked into the comedy club to have Eric face his next fear and went and talked to the very famous comedian crystalia who was secretly on our team and only there to convince Eric this whole thing was real it feels like I'm in a dream right now dude it was that was the wildest thing I've ever watched with my own eyes how long you been doing stand up like a couple months hey hey [Music] first media that's making his life put your hand together for Sam Thomas I've been pretty lonely lately the other day I was taking a shower and I looked to my ride there was a giant cockroach put a little shampoo on my pinky put it on its head you suck waitress you sell Tomatoes here this is not good not funny Harry Potter Harry Potter you should go up there you should go oh my God what the heck is this bro Eric I know you're in shock right now but Shopify needs you to talk about them you face your fear if you finish talking about our good friend Shopify what else being tickled wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's tickle come on get up here oh my gosh come on I'm just gonna help my past self out here a little bit so you don't listen to screaming things today have been pretty scary but I'm gonna let you in a little secret much more than any of these this is my own failure of never giving YouTube a real shot I started off by having side hustles on Shopify to give this career a shot no I'm actually serious I literally use Shopify to sell hoverboards when I was like 18. and now I partnered with Shopify this video and run all of my businesses on Shopify for anyone regardless of your technical ability and experience to start grow and manage a business social platforms even if you're stuck in the jungle Eric I just want to let you know you can call us off at any point what happens if I give up you didn't face your fear yeah than anyone in the world millions of businesses and over 175 countries if you're ready to face your fears and start your entrepreneurship you can go to era today with a 14 day free trial of Shopify so this is the first time we've ever gone Rogue and made a video basically without your consent how do you think we did oh this is the most bizarre experience of my life I am very impressed now at this point you probably think that the video is over psych I think it's gonna be over just like that and I'm staring we need one final trick up the sleeve a little cherry on top a little a little uh maybe we think about like which bit scared him the most I think it's probably pretty safe to say that the stalker did Scare him more than anything else here's an idea tonight when he's home in his bed I sleep with his girlfriend in his room we take that same stalker dress him up in the identical clothing of Eric's girlfriend throw a ladder up on the house get him upstairs without anyone knowing swap places with hope get the guy in the bed and then what's up guys I'm here right now with air rack can you believe it I'm just like in his actual house I'm wearing a wig right now I'm dressed up like his girlfriend but like he's here oh you guys can leave wait wait which hope do you want to stay here honestly I don't care [Music] thank you
Channel: Airrack
Views: 10,472,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TnzShX1m5aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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