10 Zombie Game Concepts That MAKE NO SENSE

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zombie games aren't exactly what I would call realistic but sometimes you're like I don't know hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks 10 zombie game concepts that make no sense number 10 for whatever reason the military can never handle the zombies but a bunch of regular people with no combat experience I can handle the zombies like before the zombie apocalypse these people were like delivery drivers and cheerleaders not exactly hardened troops so to speak and yet the world ain't populated with military vets there's always like a military vet in the group yeah I've seen some [ __ ] man the zombies are pretty bad all of the people I knew they died how come they died and we're alive and you're talking to us and not them weren't they well-trained with assault rifles and various other combat apparatus I on the other hand ran a gas station why are we the ones that are able to fight off the zombies and the military not number 9 you show up to a spooky town or mansion where there's basically zombies everywhere and you know there's zombies everywhere because it's a spooky mansion and there's a zombie thing going on and somebody's like you we need to split up and cover more grow these should be no no we do not need to split up a cover more ground we need to cover his little ground as possible and we need to do it safe otherwise we're gonna end up as a bunch of zombies in different parts of the house and/or town yeah but no nevermind that if two of us were there we could keep an eye on both directions at once going down every hallway but no let's let's not bother doing this in a way that works I don't really want to survive anyway because there's literally no good reason split up why do they split up number eight zombies are attracted to loud noises so obviously weapon of choice automatic guns I don't just want the zombies that are in the room that I'm into know I'm here when I finally do execute my attack I want all the zombies to know where I am and I what that sounds keep echoing as I have to kill I want to just repeatedly poo bum ba-bum ba-bum hey zombies all over the region there's gunfire in this way I am a gun I should know the guy who's shooting me you could probably kill him and eat his brains or whatever you do yeah guns aren't really good at talking but they're also not very good at being quiet irony maybe number seven by the end of the zombie experience the protagonist is just covered in blood usually zombie blood and the zombie blood is usually what carries the zombie disease the thing that makes people turn into zombies and get in that blood into your system is supposedly enough to get you infected with the zombie disease see where I'm going with this almost never does anybody not get injured at all in a big free-for-all fight that zombie games and movies for that matter turn into whether it's a little nit cuz you brushed by something that was sharp or you got pummeled and it split open your head or something once the zombie blood starts flying around wouldn't it infect you I mean let's say you had a paper cut the day before it may have scabbed up but during the course of a big brawl it's gonna probably split open a little bit I know it's a movie but that guy from 28 days later had some blood drop in his eyeball and that was enough number 6 zombies drop ammo and like if it's a cop zombie I get it there might be ammo on a cop well when it's like a little girl zombie you're like hey shouldn't you be dropping like a pocket fan or a umbrella or something she's got a lot of shotgun shells on her too like I killed her and now there's like shotgun shells all over the ground this is weird I mean the zombie apocalypse itself is weird but the fact that little bo-peep here dropped a bunch of shotgun shells I have to turning into a zombie may the zombie apocalypse a lot weirder for me that's all I'm saying oh wait here come your parents and dead dead oh they drop grenade launcher ammo that makes sense number 5 when you're playing one of the games that gives you zombies and waves you're like eh this first round way too easy where's all the zombies around 30 comes around oh this is not even possible why am I doing this [ __ ] man I don't know why I turn this game on I can't beat this and it supposedly goes on forever so like I know I can't beat it like just from a rules standpoint it's not possible to beat but too much no like number for the zombies in every game want to eat your brains and yet when they brandish them chompers they always sink them right into people's necks and you could make the case that they kill first and then they'll eat the brains I get it but it's also not like zombies are experienced hunters only shooting the areas that they won't eat their zombies I would think it doesn't matter to them whether the person is dead or not I would think there's not really steps that they're intending to take they just go walk maybe the damage is more believable if they chew through your arteries in your neck yeah except that's not true your neck is soft and if they puncture it you're almost certainly dead so what I just can't find the thinking that justifies this that's all number three this is one that really bothers me when somebody gets bit they turn instantly into a zombie and need to be put down or give you one last interesting monologue before they beg you to end their life before they turn into one of those things yet throughout the game any time you make a mistake you get bit and you're fine there's actually only a select few games that need you to get any kind of antidote for a zombie bite I mean I get from a gameplay perspective that you're going to need to be able to mess up in the game in order to learn what you need to do but from an internal world logic standpoint player character getting bit and not turning gets the side I number two is selective hearing and what do I mean by that well let's just say like in left for dead you haven't be shooting at some zombies and there's some other zombies in a clearing nearby they don't notice the sound but as soon as you go start up an engine in a car which by the way is significantly quieter than firing a gun they're like what what are you doing and finally number one how come there's always way more zombies than the town population or the amount of people that would logically be in an area like don't get me wrong days gone is gonna be cool as [ __ ] it really is but the population of New York comes at you in like a lumber mill I'm sorry but a radius of like 50 miles wouldn't have that many people in it and this is like a lumber mill in the middle of a forest and oh hey there's every zombie ever now like I said this is a good gameplay element and the game is going to be cool and I don't necessarily have to believe that it's possible because it's a zombie game but yeah the surrounding towns that people lived in that worked at this mill probably not that densely populated I mean that being said do you want a realistic zombie game just because the underlying concepts aren't exactly realistic doesn't mean I care I may want it to be unrealistic after all it is a video game and I am wanting to have some fun couple of bonuses for you one in some games you shoot a zombie in the head and they can continue to still find you how is this zombie finding finally you'd think zombies would just spend all their time eating each other I mean you'd kind of think it'd take care of itself zombies are still made of people but you're one person and you still got a fully functioning brain you're much harder to catch they don't have to know why you're much harder to catch they just have no you're much harder to catch why not go after something that's easier like a zombie you ever seen anything that weird in a zombie game leave a comment if you like this video please click like if you're not subscribed now it'd be a good time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course a subscription as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 2,058,319
Rating: 4.8576002 out of 5
Keywords: dumbest zombies, worst zombies, stupid zombies, every zombie ever, zombie games, funny zombie games, zombie game mechanics, zombie game problems, zombie game design, zombies, gameranx, falcon
Id: tymQSK-UbgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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