The WORST Nen Ability in Hunter X Hunter

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what is the worst nanability in Hunter Hunter I've got my opinions on this but Nan mate Nan is just so subjective one person's worst ability could be another person's dream ability so we've had to work really hard to find the abilities that are not only objectively the bottom of the barrel but are in fact the bottom of the barrel on the bottom of the barrel Tower in the world's worst Barrel Factory the one infested with the Cockroaches and such and you know I think we're starting off pretty strong with the one that gets you pregnant with other people's problems yes that is a real none ability and that is a fantastic description of it this is referring to hina's Nan exorcism which are not so great abilities in general but this is an order of magnitude worse than most as Tina can remove those peskin and curses but depending on how strong said curse is Hina becomes equally as bloated in what I would describe as a pregnant Samana thus you have quite literally become impregnated with someone else's problem because that's the really janky thing about being a net Exorcist once you've taken that curse away the original target has no reason to help you it's your curse now have fun with that I should also say that the other side of the coin has an equally as dirty embossed Queen Elizabeth on it because Nan curses aren't amazing abilities to have either a lot of times nen curses are the most costly abilities a great example would be second Prince Camillus have not a final condition for them to activate their curse is to kill themselves and in that case in that case alone I would rather be pregnant the ability that ikalgo has oh that's a good one and by good I mean bad very bad all of a sudden pregnancies looking pretty good again Living Dead Dolls of course allows our favorite marine life to insert himself into the corpse of a deceased individual and control them as far as manipulation goes I can certainly think of less morbid abilities that accomplish a similar result but it's also an ability that would be completely useless unless you were an octopus or maybe not completely but you'd have to like insert yourself into something massive like an elephant or a whale and I don't know if that's appealing to anyone but not to me no controlling an elephant might be pretty fun they can run surprisingly fast but I don't want to like put myself into the elephant corpse there's a big disconnect with this ability in me fun facts though with calgo is an extremely rare Chimera ant as he is one of the very few who retains memories from both his former human life and his former animal life and from the latter ikalgo carried over his dream of becoming a kairoth of his hirokutis imperator that one he wanted to become that one which is better known as an emperor squid I should have just said Emperor squid but this is far from the only morbid ability we have that corpse disposal post-mortem nenability so this is referring to zombie gun a very recent ability used past tense by Misha a member of the jiyu family and what we see of it is a more powerful version kind of like what a cowgirl does you know taking control of a corpse and then manipulating it to present the illusion that said corpse is alive and zombie girl then goes on to dispose of the body never to be found again very very useful for underworld operations and that is our problem right there I should not be using the word useful at all in this video unless it's to say this ability is not useful which I didn't do but I guess I will say that if you're in a position where zombie girl is useful than that's a pretty gruesome indictment of your life but maybe there's a way to like hack the ability for day-to-day use like say you finished eating some chicken you throw what's left in the bin and then you summon zombie girl to dispose of both the chicken and the rest of the garbage at the same time I mean that doesn't actually work because you have to kill for zombie girl to activate and you also need to be a member of the GU family doesn't exist in reality so you know what uh pretty not so great power bin odds and inability I don't think I'm the type of person to walk up to people I don't know cut their hair and then eat it in front of them this one was definitely the most referenced worst in an ability and I guess as a whole the glob of people watching this video really do not want this power weirdly enough though I think it's the best of the worst Powers we've encountered so far because after consuming the hair Bernard gains biological insight into a Target that we may not even have medical tests to detect if he was a doctor instead of a serial killer then this ability would be invaluable it would make him a millionaire perhaps even tens of millions maybe hundreds and some people have said that it would also be useful to like a detective or Lauren enforcement but the issue is that Bernard can't just eat any old hair off the floor and analyze information because the key restriction is that the hair needs to be cut with and I quote binult's favorite scissors so bringing him into an established crime scene is no good he would need to be there at the time of the crime at which point his ability may be less than useful anyway because he would have seen with his eyes who it was and he probably would have killed murdered them himself let's let's be real yeah remembering that bernalt is almost absurdly powerful were he not injured by biskey he could have killed both gone and kilua the latter of which being a superhuman then using assassin and the former of which also being the back to detective work though I'm not a detective I've never worked in law enforcement but I imagine it's probably not a good idea to eat the evidence I really don't know if a jury would take that development too well well you see your honor detective binault consumed the evidence and his magical powers deduced that the culprit was Clarence [ __ ] waffle all along and even in the hunter hunter world with widespread acceptance of magical powers you would need to be extremely skeptical because what if he's doing something like I don't know lying still I think this is definitely the best worst ability so far and to celebrate his Bernal posing fabulously in the hunter hunter mabugger card game going full JoJo there the surfboard ability that leol stole it seems really situational seems that way because it is it is very situational however consider this the ability was borrowed from an unseen character named gratshan and the ability itself is called imamura although in English it's dubbed as surf sup it's an ability that can only be used on a rainy day so that's pretty bad if you live in places like say Egypt Chile Antarctica other dry places but when it's raining oh my God quite literally because you essentially gain the powers of Poseidon or Neptune depending on if you're a Greek purist or a Roman sympathizer doesn't matter which one you pick you are still a sea god I think it is a bit confusing when watching or reading Hunter Hunter because they all sort of gives the illusion that the water is conjured or even transmuted but that's the reason for the Restriction it can only be used on rainy days because it can only be used to manipulate the rain so it's how it directly correlates to how heavy the rain is but even with a light sprinkle it's pretty damn formidable and one of my favorite exchanges during the slail fight was moral avoiding the whirlpool and saying now it's my turn and then lael's just like you don't get any turns no turns for you all of the turns belong to me lion man I don't know why I like it so much but I do but I'm gonna go ahead and say that this nanability is not only the worst but is in fact one of the most underrated in the entire series parallel future I think I would go insane if I had that ability the anxiety of knowing the future I can't handle it that comment right there coming allegedly from Susan wijicki CEO of YouTube oh I have a letter from her actually from Susan let me get it go a nice special letter from our commenter here Susan we don't know if you can see it down the bottom there there we go look at that good to see you Susan unfortunately we've gone from one of the most underrated net abilities to one of the most overrated now because parallel future is extremely powerful but I don't think that people quite consider the long-term impact of it in the hands of an average person I think this ability could end up being much more of a curse than a benefit just think about how long you spend Doom scrolling on social media because you've developed a habit of always needing to be connected that would 100 happen if you had the ability to look into the future if you're bored you'd always just be hopping in to fill some time and then you'd be even more bored because all you see is you 10 seconds into the future still being bored it's a vicious cycle of boredom but it could also take a much more harmful turn into paranoia I mean if you had a guaranteed window into the future you'd evolve to a point where you'd feel very naked and exposed whenever you are not using that power so I'm gonna come clean here I myself cannot see into the future so as a result I'm pretty alright with going with the flow but if I could I'd probably probably become very addicted and paranoid about checking like say I'm about to cross the road oh no quick let's just have a bit of a parallel future just to check if everything's going to happen safely and I would probably be like that with everything which sounds absurd and no it wouldn't be like that straight from the gecko but with something so powerful I just feel like it's human nature to develop an over-reliance on it and on a certain stage you may even cease to live in the present entirely just always focused on the future until one day all you see is black indicating that you are going to die within the next 10 seconds it just doesn't sound as appealing as most known abilities I mean extremely powerful yes but sort of be careful what you wish for the girl from York knew who has to kiss her Target I don't want to have to kiss a bunch of strangers right so this is instant lover used by Bez which means kiss in French an especially awkward post-pandemic power because people are now less likely to let you randomly kiss them even if you are some sort of gorgeous 2D woman although speaking of if you were anything less than sex on legs of any gender then this ability would be even harder to use without being charged for sexual assault with that said I would still prefer it to pregnancy and inserting myself into a corpse so it's definitely not the worst hakaware only because I am bad at math you know that's the funny thing you don't need to be good at maths because this ability it does all of the mathematizing for you this delighting little creature does all of the calculations and works the Glorious sorcery that is compound interest meanwhile all you need to do is sit there and wait for your opponent to go bankrupt akaware itself is actually a mahjong term for a player whose 0.4 below zero and thus immediately end the game now knuckle does use it with his unexpectedly amazing math skills and he's at the point where he can see how much Aura is invested and then calculate exactly how long it will take for an opponent to go bankrupt which is Handy but you don't need to do that what you really need to do is have a bit of a thwack in the sack and that compound interest carry you to victory so it's not the worst ability in fact it's not a bad ability in fact it's a really good ability but a misunderstood ability Pike do I need to explain more you don't but I will because I am surprised that so few people said this one I mean this is a hot suit that just it makes my butt clench in Phantom Pain Mike's ability is called Deluge demore which makes it sound more like a romantic twist than what it actually is which in reality is more akin to taking a big like really big and very detailed dump in English it's called love shower and it allows Pike to rapidly excrete web from his spider butt and honestly that it could be useful the webs are really powerful and I'm sure it would be handy for many circumstances but I just That's funny though I said but but I just don't want to do that the reason why I really enjoy Pike though is because we don't often get to say this word but Pike's cause of death was exsanguination aka the removal of blood which also happened to karasu and togashi's previous series you Hakusho with that karasu also bearing a weird resemblance to the one-piece karasu which came along much later which is something that I've only just picked up on summer and speaking of none ability to turn myself into jacket so you've got the wrong series here but I know that about 70 of you watching also watch groundline review so you you know what this guy's talking about this is referring to the Joker joking to me a devil fruit whereby the user transforms into a jacket and then must be worn by someone which is really interesting to examine in the context of Hunter Hunter because this really kind of useless power would be shockingly difficult to achieve with nen for all of the crazy wacky crap the Nan can do body manipulation is still extremely rare and costly to pull off and the idea of morphing your body into a jacket would require a seriously powerful known veteran like subhani except she transforms into useful things like motorcycles and planes as opposed to to clothing actually you know it's probably not even body manipulation it's more like body transmutation or maybe even body conjuration because you have to turn into a substance be it metal or fabric anyway it's crazy area and one that we still don't quite know enough about meanwhile there are also some nen abilities that make this video due to the fact that they would be dead weight in reality such as kamagi's gungi skills which won't really help because it's a fictional game grollo skill Hunter was also cited many times and would be pretty rubbish in reality with no other n users then you've also got impossible conditions like Emperor time needing Scarlet eyes or banolanov's battle cantabla needing various bodily holes like more than your standard amount of holes it actually turns out that a massive amount of abilities are just completely dead weight with anyone but their originator which makes stuff like chichu's crossbow slightly more appealing because many people cited this as the worst nanability but hey at least it can be used universally but look I think we found out when a priority early on in this video and we're going to give the award for worst and ability to use to wikalgo's Living Dead Dolls
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 149,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: e4LXJym58SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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