10 Video Games BANNED in ENTIRE Countries

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wellthen take for granted that we can play pretty much any game we want to in the United States hi folks its Falcon and today I'm game ranks 10 games that actually got banned in entire countries at number 10 is devotion now devotion is this really cool stylized war agam that I really enjoy it uses color and a really vibrant but terrifying way it really does a good job now the game itself is set in the 1980s so it's very interesting that they hid in a very anachronistic Easter Egg there is a poster you can interact with that says Winnie the Pooh and Xi Jinping now Xi Jinping is the president of China and people claim that he looks like Winnie the Pooh I don't care whether he does or doesn't personally he does though if you make media that is calling him Winnie the Pooh and even in some cases simply just mentioning we need the Pooh at all and try to disseminate it in China you get banned now I am only describing this I have no idea of this is ban herbal in China however the developers of devotion were not simply mentioning it in providing both names with no further context they're basically saying he looks like we need the Pooh at number 9 call of duty modern warfare was weirdly banned in the Russian PlayStation Store now the only real information we have on it is that Sony decided and when I say decided I am I'm putting quotes around it but you can't see my hands I'll read their statement at the heart of modern warfare is a completely fictional story carefully crafted to please all players Sony decided not to sell the game in the Russian PlayStation Store we look forward to the release of the game digitally for PC and Xbox on October 25th now Sony never looks forward to the release of a game on other consoles that's not how business works I would speculate here that this is the result of political pressure that Sony caved in to which Microsoft and I guess just Activision in general did not steam certainly doesn't act like a regulatory body in various countries or maybe Sonne just loves the Russian people too much more than their money even doesn't that sound silly to me it's obvious they all got some kind of political pressure and Sony responded to it at number 8 is dangan ronpa v3 in South Korea South Korea is often lauded as the amazing beautiful capitalist counterpart to North Korea's 'm well we all know what North Korea is but hey guess what they aren't super in love with free speech either they have a regulatory body called the game rating and Administration Committee which asked to rate all games that are released in the country and when they saw dangan ronpa v3 they were like oh I'll read the law they cited there is a concern for societal disruption due to an amplified portrayal of crime violence sex or etc which in turn would incite criminal behavior or copycat crimes hey did you know that a copycat crime is when a criminal actually commits a crime and somebody else does it because they realize that it's possible anyways there was a murder case that happened around the release of the gam which was very grisly and involve murdering children which the game is kind of about that so I understand the sensitivity however lesson here folks always be critical of the state whether the state supports a communist economy or a capitalist one at number 7 fallout 3 was banned in India way back in 2008 which was cited as having cultural sensitivity issues now fallout 3 contains mutant two-headed cows and the cows share a name with Hindu scholars and creatures I'm talking specifically about Brahmin who are generally some avatar of sacred learning in Hinduism that's of course a very simple definition of it you're welcome to do further research I probably understand this one however as somebody who thinks that it's quite possible for people to make up their own minds on things maybe censoring the game wasn't the best idea or they could have just asked for the cows to be taken out for the India version I don't know because I mean let's just go ahead and say this the Grand Theft Auto series has been released in India without any problems and I promise you I promise you even if it's not specifically offensive in the way that this is it's a much more offensive game than Fallout 3 at number 6 the western version of the PlayStation 4 game judgment a very cool game that I personally enjoyed quite a bit had an actor in it who was arrested for cocaine use he loved the cocaine now here in the United States we don't ban stuff because somebody used cocaine we generally kind of go yeah whatever hope they don't get too tangled up in that and died of an overdose and then we consumed it like the pigs that we are forgetting entirely about the ramifications of cocaine use and I mean the game didn't get banned however they did change the guy in this country which is weird none of us know who that actor is none of us know that he used cocaine none of us would have cared I mean if you needed to change it for Japan sure but we didn't care you kind of made extra work for yourselves Sega but to be fair Sega is also the king of making things difficult on itself so I mean it's kind of to be expected judgements a great game play it at number five Iraq band pub G and unfortunately for a lot of Iraqi kids that was a place where a lot of them actually met up without being monitored by their parents the Iraqi government imposed a ban more or less because the game was popular the reasoning is that it's addictive but like there's a lot of other games you would have to ban if simply being addictive was the problem I guess it's kind of addictive to have friends though which is what a lot of pub G players that were affected by this band ended up saying because apparently life is an Iraqi youth is fairly alienating and difficult to find time space and a place to have friends internet cafes end up being a place where people do that all it basically did was piss off young people they continued to play it continue to use it I mean the Iraqi government has heard of epi right at number four Great Britain banned a sexy dungeon-crawler by the name of Omega labyrinth Z Great Britain has a video game ratings Council very similar to South Korea's there's this called the video standards Council and they refused to give it a rating effectively banning it in the country because you can't sell a game without a rating the country the VSC said this they believe the content in the game would have strong appeal to non adult players which is an issue that would be unacceptable to the majority of UK consumers and more importantly as a potential to be significantly harmful in terms the social and moral development of young people in particular now apparently some of the mechanics of the game are collecting underwear and bras and rubbing women's bodies using touch controls in order to free them from imprisonment which is it's silly sounding let's go ahead and say little sauce but the game itself also got cancelled in the u.s. because the publisher that had signed on was like actually we don't want to bother with it now like I said I'm not really intending to look into the sexual content of a video game but this one apparently has some stuff that's a little bit more objectionable than what I've described here at number three Last of Us part two got banned in a number of countries in the Middle East and there really wasn't any reasons given its kind of just like hey you can't buy this game if you even try now it's speculation it's because there's some LGBTQ content in the game which tend to get banned in several Middle Eastern countries regardless of the level at which they're implemented in the game which I personally don't care about at all now you can buy the original game and the remaster in those countries which is interesting considering that the Left Behind DLC is included in the remaster there's some inconsistencies in there banning processes let's just say and number two Australia is pretty ban happy with games I mean you've probably heard a story about them banning a game at some point but sometimes their bans actually do something to the game for instance when Daisy got banned in Australia they actually managed to get Bohemia Interactive to change the game worldwide in order to unban it which they did one of the primary reasons that Australia banned the game was the inclusion of a a certain plant that is now legal in certain parts of the United States as a healing item this is something that Australia frowns upon but yeah they modified it worldwide because they didn't want to separate the Australian players from the rest of the world and finally at number one way back in 2008 manhunt was not only banned in New Zealand but if you had the game if you possessed the game if someone saw you and reported you as owning a copy of manhunt they would come and arrest you find you for $2000 if you had shown it to anyone under 18 you would be liable for a further fine of $20,000 an imprisonment for up to one year you would have to import the game into the country in order to do this because you had absolutely no way of getting it otherwise they were very serious about this band I mean it's not like a fluffy cuddly nice game or anything but I think we've seen worse stuff at this point New Zealand well that's all for today we've shown you enough of the forbidden knowledge leave us a comment let us know what you think how much you play these games in your country and if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now is a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click Subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter Falcon the hero and we'll see you next time right here on game Winx
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,025,609
Rating: 4.8724489 out of 5
Keywords: video game bans, banned video games, banned ps4 games, banned xbox one games, banned pc games, banned steam games, pubg banned, last of us 2 bannned, gameranx, falcon
Id: _u_U1KKfdvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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