10 Unanswered Questions in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

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hi my name's Bandit you might be wondering where the I've been allow me to explain when tears of the Kingdom released I'm sure that all or at least most of you watching right now joined me in no life in this game for the following several weeks I even streamed it a few times so you know huge thanks to those of you who watched me play the game over on Twitch the more I played the game though the more I was made aware of just how many questions about the story and lore of the franchise were answered but also raised or left untouched altogether and in this video I'd like to focus our attention on the several topics that are still left completely unanswered and up to speculation even months after the game's release oh and spoiler alert obviously the first question that everyone had going into the game that still persists after the ending is who and what are the zonai really now tears of the Kingdom did answer a lot of questions regarding the zonai in the first place it confirmed their existence when it was all just speculative theories before and it showed us that they were an ancient highly Advanced people group that descended upon Hyrule from the sky guys above and their Technologies and artifacts such as the secret Stones were so Advanced that the early hylians regarded them as Gods interestingly enough though the zonai we meet in tears of the kingdom are nothing like the more barbaric zonai that we thought we would meet based on speculations from breath of the wild but that's neither here nor there by the time of the games back in time time frame which I will just refer to as the birth of Hyrule time frame since apparently Zelda gets sent back to the beginning of the kingdom of Hyrule there are only two zonai left in the world according to Ganondorf which would be king raru and his sister minaru and that is about all we know about the zonai we still don't know where they actually come from or why they all left the world in the first place or where they went or if they still exist today or how they were able to create these powerful artifacts called The Secret stones that enhance a user's power levels far beyond what they normally are capable of or why they even created these stones in the first place especially since they made them long before Ganondorf revealed his true evil intentions why did they take an interest in hylians at all just to leave them with technology and all powerful secret stones that led to the world being threatened by evil it almost sounds like a retelling of the creation story which is to say the three golden goddesses that created the world and left the omnipotent Triforce behind directly led to all of the good versus evil conflicts to come and furthermore if raru and minoru are around the birth of Hyrule and their zonai people have already come and gone from the world then where were they in Skyward Sword which takes place before the surface of the world is inhabited or did they all arrive after scared sword and then leave before the birth of Hyrule or was the birth of Hyrule before Skyward Sword and the kingdom dissolved by the events of scared sword only to be founded again after Skyward Sword there's just so much we don't know yet but moving on the second question that remains unanswered is what is Ganondorf how is Ganondorf why is Ganondorf chokes aside though why do he do what he do in tears the kingdom why does he threaten the kingdom of Hyrule there's no Triforce to fight over and he didn't even know about the existence of the omnipotent secret Stones until he was already actively attacking the kingdom not to mention he had no idea who or what hylia and Zelda are so what gives without any other insight into his motivations behind betraying King Robert and trying to take over Hyrule it's left to just be a simple Command and Conquer explanation for his actions which if I'm honest feels very Hollow especially since Ganondorf in the past has had such a rich and almost relatable backstory and motivation to his actions one that in a certain light might almost be considered Noble with this being the first canonical appearance of Ganondorf dragmire in the series in over 17 years it leaves a lot to be answered here's hoping that we get more Ganondorf and early Gerudo lore in the inevitable DLC speaking of ganondorf's motivations by the way at number three we've got to ask yet again where is the Triforce seriously though where is it at least in breath of the wild we had that flash of the Triforce symbol when Zelda used her powers which left some people not me but some people satisfied with the speculation that the full Triforce now resides inside of Princess Zelda somehow in tears of the Kingdom though we literally do not have a single mention or even flash of a symbol of the Triforce anywhere I mean unless you consider rauru's weird triangle hand pose that he strikes whenever he uses his powers to be a Triforce reference but even then that is super vague I personally found it rather strange that the Triforce would not be mentioned even back in the birth of Hyrule time frame which is when the Triforce was definitely a thing the Triforce has been the Catalyst for the conflicts and stories of most if not all of the main lines Zelda games so to have its last appearance be 10 years ago in A Link Between Worlds is strange especially when characters like Ganondorf that normally fight over the Triforce are brought back but without this key piece of their normal story arcs but I digress moving on at number four I pose the question of who or what are the other dragons assuming you've beaten the game or that you haven't yet but you're okay with spoilers since you're still watching at this point we find out that in order to transform into a dragon the likes of which look exactly like dinroll farash and nadra you have to consume a zonai secret Stone and the process is irreversible well unless you have the power of plot armor on your side but that's neither here nor there since we never got anything on the three Golden Dragon's origins in breath of the wild it could then theoretically be that they used to be individuals who ingested secret zones just like Zelda and Ganondorf did the question is then who was it that ingested the stones were they Ancient zonai Ancient hylians the golden goddesses themselves there's no way of telling whether this was even the case so it remains unanswered number five who was the ancient hero of the 10 1000 year old Calamity now we finally got some insight into this ancient red-haired hero who wielded the master sword ages ago but again in classic tears of the Kingdom fashion it really just ended up bringing up even more questions once you finish all 152 shrines and tears of the Kingdom which is up from the 120 in breath of the wild you are gifted with the ancient Heroes aspect which literally transforms link into the ancient hero of the Calamity and as you can see it's a zono complete with the snout zonai armor and markings and Link's iconic blue blue eyes the thing is though we've always known that the spirit of the hero reincarnates as a different link from era to era to Vanquish evil alongside hylia's descendant known as Zelda at no point has link ever not been a Hylian but then there's this randomly in the middle of hyrulean History the spirit of the hero was a zonai and let me be clear just because the Calamity of ten thousand years ago was ten thousand years ago does not mean that it was the origin of time or anything even close to that as a reminder it is Canon according to both in-game information and extracurricular information from Masterworks creating a champion that the events of the distant past which is the history pre-dating the 10 000 year old Calamity tells us the story of other Zelda games like Ocarina of Time directly referencing the adventure of the hero of time and Zora Princess Ruto and remember that according to Ganondorf all of the Zone I had left the World by the time of hyrule's birth and King raru's Reign so why and how is one hero somewhere smack dab in the middle of the timeline randomly azonai sounds to me like we need a game detailing the events of the 10 000 year old Calamity more than anything else next at number six we have to ask is malice gloom and if so why are they different and if not how did that switch happen according to the teardrop memories Ganondorf was sealed Away by the power of rauru's swirly green light at the beginning of the kingdom of Hyrule it is then implied that the powerful dark substance known as Gloom leaked out of Ganondorf in the years and ages to come and gave rise to the Calamity ganons we know of from breath of the wild or did it see Calamity Ganon which was said to have originated from underneath Hyrule Castle hint hint was created from a similar substance known as malice which also is the substance responsible for capturing all of the sheikah war machines in breath of the wild the blood moon in breath of the wild is also a phenomenon said to paint the sky red with ganon's malice but in tears of the Kingdom malice is nowhere to be found and the blood moon still happens but now it's Gloom that paints the sky red and Gloom that has created all of ganondorf's monsters even the ones showed to us from way back when in the beginning of the kingdom of Hyrule so originally Ganondorf The Demon King used Gloom but then Ganondorf The Demon King used malice which is very similar but then Ganondorf The Demon King went back to using Gloom again after a little while it's kind of confusing number seven speaking of Gloom though one of the first things we see in the game that's also one of the most shocking images to ever come from The Legend of Zelda as a franchise would be the shattering of the master sword now I'm gonna go on a mini rant and I apologize in advance for doing so but for those who have have been fans of the franchise since before breath of the wild you'll know that the master sword is more than just a really powerful sword it's more than an extremely powerful sword it is the blade of Evil's vein and according to raru not this raru but the original rauru from Ocarina of Time it is a blade which evil cannot even touch we even see it happening in Twilight Princess it is Ultimate in its power and can even kill a Triforce empowered individual such as Ganondorf not this Ganondorf but the ganondor from Twilight Princess who previously had cheated death via the power of the Triforce of power implying that the master sword's sacred ability trumps even that of the Triforce so when we saw that the sword was to be broken in tears of the Kingdom our thoughts and theories ran wild what could possibly exist in the world that could even remotely harm the blade of Evil's Bane turns out it was just Gloom which is a substance that's largely unexplained which when you reclaim the restored Master Sword later in the game is no longer able to shatter the blade now I'm not upset by this just a little disappointed that the sword wasn't broken for I guess a bit more Grandeur of a reason but that's just me ranting rant over the actual unanswered question here is why wasn't the blade able to just have its Gloom recalled out of it if you've been on my channel for a while I predicted that recall would be used to somehow restore the Master Sword to its former glory however I did not know that when used here recall would really just rewind the world around the blade back in time to the birth of Hyrule instead of recalling the blade itself which if it had done for oh a period of 24 hours or so would have actually repaired the blade and removed the effects of Gloom from it a good question I say moving on question number eight is why did rauru begin building shrines of light before ganondorf's attack we can see in the mulguera raid cutscene that there are already shrines of Light present across Hyrule and these shrines are meant to provide a chosen hero with lights of blessing that according to raru are meant to purge evil but prior to Ganondorf revolting against Hyrule here there was no threat to the land did Zelda advise the king to begin building these shrines was there some sort of prophecy that foretold and eventual evil was raru bored we may never know but we can always assume at number nine I have the smaller question of whether or not the old DLC or amiibo items from breath of the wild such as the Majora's Mask or the hero of time tunic or the fierce deity sword are now considered Canon within the world of Tears of the Kingdom which would mean that they are also canon in the world of breath of the wild each of these items are from earlier games that have taken place tens of thousands of years ago and again were only introduced to the world of breath of the Wild's Hyrule by way of DLC or real-life amiibo TAPS in tears of the Kingdom though we have every one of these fourth wall breaking items present in actual locations scattered throughout the depths in various caves across hyrule's surface in game some of which have been placed there by misco the great Bandit so this begs the question are these items Canon and does this mean that the amiibo Taps are all Canon which means that Epona the horse of Legend is Canon or wolfling from Twilight Princess is Canon and if so how in the goddesses Green Earth are each of these Priceless World altering relics located where they are in the present day and if they're not canon does that mean that misco the great Bandit is non-ganon where does that end something tells me that if your name isn't agio Numa you may never know the answer now before we reach the final unanswered question from the game I did have a few honorable mention questions that aren't big enough to Warrant their own place on the list such as is ganondorf's gloomy leaky corpse that's been down there since the birth of Hyrule apparently the reason behind all the evil in the franchise AKA is ganondorf's corpse the literal curse of demise and if so does his actual death at the end of the game mean that the curse is broken and that there is no more evil to come in the future ending the timeline what about why did rauru's hand randomly fall off of Ganondorf at the exact moment that Lincoln Zelda approached it and if it had run out of power then why was it Stone still fully powered when Zelda picked it up oh and finally if Sonia and raru are Zelda's ancestors where is their child since Ganondorf kills Sonia on screen that must mean that their child is Alive and Well somewhere in order for Sonia's bloodline to continue on and Zelda eventually but why is there no mention of a child anywhere in the game even Zelda's mother which has never been present in either game was mentioned several times in breath of the wild but anyway back to the list finally at number 10 we have perhaps the biggest question in all of Tears of the kingdom and that is if Zelda and mineru and the rest of the early sages raised the great Sky Island into the sky in order for the hero to eventually revive they are far above ganondorf's reach does that mean that they raised all of the other Sky Islands as well I mean that would make sense since they all appear Suddenly at the exact moment Zelda travels back in time and are not present in the birth of Hyrule cutscenes but the first question obviously is why did they raise all the other Sky Islands if link was only meant to resurrect on the great sky island and the second question is if these Sky Islands were raised out of the work of Zelda slash minaru and the sages which as a reminder is when only two zonai were left in the world how then did the zonai youth use the diving islands for testing bravery according to a steward construct isn't that contradictory to the fact that the zonai were not present in the world at the point of these islands being raised into the sky meaning there could not have been any zonai youth using them to test their own skills regardless of how many questions are or are not left unanswered after playing this game that has absolutely nothing to do with how amazing it felt to play Tears of the Kingdom I just wanted to specify that since I do really really like the game in case some of you were doubting that since I made this video with that out of the way though what do you think are there even more questions that I didn't think of or have some of these actually been answered and I just missed the explanations let me know in the comments below and thank you so much for watching and listening to my scratchy voice please leave a like if you're excited for videos to return to the channel and subscribe if you haven't already for much more gaming lore to come huge thanks as always to my bandico who make my day every day and are the reason I returned to making videos if you're interested in helping this channel stay alive and grow feel free to check out the many opportunities in the description below well that's all I wrote in this script so I guess this is it follow me in my socials and I'll see you next time this is Bandit signing out peace [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: BanditGames
Views: 31,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, legend of zelda, tears of the kingdom, zelda lore, zelda theory, breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom playthrough, tears of the kingdom theory, tears of the kingdom explained, tears of the kingdom mystery, totk, totk playthrough, totk theory, totk explained, totk mystery, tears of the kingdom cutscenes, tears of the kingdom story, zelda timeline, zelda story, zelda explained, ultrahand, best builds, best moments, sonia, rauru, ganondorf, ganon, final fight, ost, theme
Id: bfKFlC3or3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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