What's Going On With Tears of the Kingdom? - Investigating Hyrule's Changes

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hahaha [Music] [Music] with the release of breath of the wild a brand new Hyrule unlike any we've ever seen before was established along with it this brilliantly sculpted world has entertained millions of people across the globe for many years completing every Shrine climbing all Towers conquering each Divine beast and finally administering some long overdue payback upon Calamity Ganon I really can't emphasize enough how much of a positive impact this game has had on people myself included so when I heard that breath of the wild was going to be getting a direct sequel I imagine that we'd be getting more or less the same experience just with more bells and whistles sure enough we got exactly that and it is no doubt an amazing game however there's just something about tears of the Kingdom that has been bugging me since day one there was an air of unfamiliarity when it came to this Hyrule that I couldn't quite put my finger on I fully explored and familiarized myself with breath of the Wild's Hyrule so much that even the slightest difference stuck out like a sore thumb and tears of the Kingdom I just spent the past month re-exploring every nook and cranny in this sequel sweeping over every major change with a fine-toothed comb and what I found in the end was truly shocking the Hyrule that we find ourselves in and tears of the kingdom is not the same Hyrule we all explored in breath of the wild based on several things I've discovered it just plain can't be or is it I don't even think Nintendo knows the answer to this question and quite frankly I'm not sure if I myself know what's going on with tears of the Kingdom what I'd like to do is present all of my findings and ask you the viewer what you think is going on here maybe once everything has been put on display we might be able to come up with a proper answer together the list of changes made to Hyrule isn't exactly a short one so let's go ahead and get started so we can figure this out [Music] when tears of the kingdom was revealed the first thing that people noticed was the distinct lack of chica technology shrines towers and divine beasts were nowhere to be found it turns out that this wasn't just a simple developer oversight during the trailers in the final game there are indeed zero shrines Towers Divine beasts or even decayed Guardians lying around the most mysterious of them all is the complete disappearance of the shrine of Resurrection but we'll get more into that mess later the most popular Theory going around is that after the events of breath of the wild all sheikah technology was recycled and used to create the new Skyview Towers and tears of the Kingdom which may or may not be the case if you ask me that's an absolutely massive amount of technology to repurpose into only just a few Skyview Towers for the remainder of this video I'll be operating under the assumption that this is what actually happened and at the very least four years have passed between breath of the wild and tears at the Kingdom in order to see if this Theory holds any way 8. so please keep this in mind moving forward as I mentioned before the list of changes in tears of the kingdom is not a short one so let's just go ahead and start at the top and work our way down from there foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] chica shrines and their inner workings are quite mysterious some of them emerge from the ground While others can already be located above ground even before the Calamity several of these shrines were just naturally out in the open what interests me the most is their elevator system do these shrines actually take you to an underground trial room the answer to that is no these shrines are utilizing a type of magic called pocket Dimensions when you descend into one of these elevator shafts halfway through you seamlessly enter a pocket Dimension that contains the tryout room there isn't actually anything buried underground beneath these shrines the reason why I'm bringing this up is because in tears of the Kingdom we're led to believe that these shrines were dismantled their Terminals and teleportation pads were one of the many pieces of ancient chica technology repurposed in pura's new Skyview Towers and tears of the Kingdom the rest of the shrine can realistically be recycled and all evidence of their existence covered up after filling in the 10 to 15-foot hole where the elevator was after four years you probably won't be able to tell that they were ever there for now this Theory seems to be holding up pretty well regarding The Disappearance of shrines but for how long it turns out that this Theory starts to lose credibility very quickly as we move on to the next topic the Chica Towers [Music] oh now chica towers are very different from shrines in the sense that they were originally dormant beneath the Earth the first time you placed your sheikah slate into the terminal of an inactive chica Tower in breath of the wild all of them emerged from the ground across Hyrule at the same time this crucial detail cannot be dismissed it's extremely important that you remember this fact for what I'm about to show you next in tears of the Kingdom I Revisited every single location of every sheikah tower that existed in breath of the wild While most locations showed no signs of there ever being a massive 300 foot tall tower jutting from the earth thankfully there were a few of these locations that offered incredible evidence of something else happening let's take a look at the lanero tower perched on top of a large hill encircled by rib-like bone structures this Tower seems to be in the perfect spot for a nice vantage point if this Tower were to be dismantled or even sink back into the Earth it would logically leave a large hole right the same thing could be said for every Tower but in this single instance it's actually true in tears of the Kingdom there actually is a hole where the tower used to be but now there's something else occupying it a massive fossilized skeleton embedded into the Rock at first you might think that this skull is just another bulkoblin Fort but the bones here as well as the textures are completely unique to any other bone-like structure in the game we can see the vertebrae and rib cage of these colossal remains when we venture into one of the many cave openings on this mountain the skull rests on top as if this giant was buried standing up and up to its neck I'm supposed to believe that a sheikah tower used to exist here how could this be possible an ancient corpse suddenly appeared in the exact same spot and I'm supposed to assume that these towers were recycled or went back underground I don't know about you but it's not looking very likely to me ataino Tower is our next stop and this one isn't as much of a shocker as the last one but it does still raise an eyebrow or two this one is also perched on top of a hill overlooking hiteno Village the Earth has clearly been disrupted from the emergence of this Tower as we can see massive raised Boulders and breakage in the Rocks surrounding it here's if the kingdom seems to have given this hill a pretty big makeover it almost doesn't even look like the same Hill at first glance quite a bit of work has gone into completely restoring this hill and making it seem like nothing ever existed here that's a pretty strange amount of dedication if you ask me but then again four years is a long time so who knows if you're wondering about this new tree that suddenly appeared here don't worry it is just an ever mean moving along we now have our final Tower the Ocala Tower this one is the most blatant piece of evidence that I've found that hints at something far deeper than anything we've ever imagined going on in tears of the Kingdom before we jump straight into it let's examine the Citadel itself first this place was obviously designed to have an interior but tears of the Kingdom likes to think otherwise instead of stone walls hallways and armories we got what seems to be a naturally formed Cavern I was just as upset by this as everyone else was I can imagine when I first saw this a perfectly good opportunity to do something really cool here only to throw another cave at us before you get too upset over this let me remind you of the fact that there is a sheikah tower on top of this place they did come from the ground after all so it would make sense if the interior was utterly destroyed by the emergence of this Tower we can even see dirt and debris pouring out of the entrance in breath of wild however even if monsters carved out the interior and turned it into a base realistically speaking we'd still be able to see some stone work from the walls and flooring right we do get to see a small glimpse of the Interior if we enter a hole at the top though so there's that at the very least shifting our Focus back onto the tower itself we can see that it's surrounded by ruins now take a look at this see anything strange alone building suddenly appears in tears of the Kingdom that wasn't originally there in breath of the wild the condition of this building perfectly matches the State of Decay that the others are seen in so how is this possible in breath of the wild there appears to be Rubble where this building is supposed to be implying that at some point there actually was a building here so am I supposed to believe that someone built this structure in the same exact ruined State as the surrounding buildings after the events in breath of the wild the idea of something like this ever happening is just plain absurd who would do such a thing it's almost as if this isn't even same Hyrule that we all explored in breath of the wild as if something has altered it according to tears of the Kingdom's Hyrule this lone building never collapsed this is truly remarkable evidence that suggests an alternate Hyrule might actually be where we find ourselves in this game if you're still not convinced don't worry I still have plenty of things left to go over so let's keep on going through the list before we move on from Towers completely it's important that I briefly mention pura's Skyview Towers as I have previously stated the common theory currently going around is that Pura with the assistance of Hudson's construction crew recycled most of the ancient chica technology laying around in breath of the wild and repurposed it into her newly built Skyview Towers this Theory actually does hold some weight because if we look closely we'll notice a couple of familiar Parts ripped from some of the old machines for starters we have a teleportation pad from shrines and Towers next we have a terminal that came from shrines and if we pay extra close attention the underside of the platform that launches us into the air is actually the lower armor-plated skirt that came from guardians incredibly obscure detail that only very few people would ever actually notice but it's still really cool that they did this the last piece that was reused happens to be quite mysterious the surface of the launch pad is yet another teleportation Pad but this one was only ever found on Divine beasts a excluding the fifth Divine beast in the DLC since it lacks a teleportation pad there were only four beasts in the base game that contained a single Pad but there are 15 Skyview Towers and tears of the Kingdom each one containing the same exact ad suddenly Pura recovered 11 more of these extremely limited and unique pieces of Technology but from where do we just assume that Ura was able to backwards engineer them and thus be able to create new ones I'm not so sure about that to give her and Hudson's construction crew some credit the rest of the materials used in building these towers are actually 100 original and handcrafted maybe she eventually did figure out how to create more of them but we'll probably never know for sure uh [Music] something that's been bothering me the entire time while discussing these Skyview Towers is the fact that they don't require any ancient energy from a furnace in fact the hetano Tech Lab doesn't require an ancient furnace to be lit anymore for the teleportation pad outside to function the ancient furnaces and torches have just flat out been discarded altogether however there may be a logical explanation for this you see Robbie used to conduct his research at the Aquila ancient Tech Lab with his wife Jaren and his robotic companion named Cherry we can see in breath of the wild that cherry is being directly powered via a cable connection most likely sourced from the ancient furnace burning outside Cherry's main functionality involved turning ancient Parts into weapons and armor to Aid in the retaliation against Calamity Ganon once this threat was vanquished in all ancient chica technology was planned to be recycled the source for ancient Parts would eventually dry up so Robbie decided to make some adjustments to Cherry that would benefit us in a different way since Zelda appointed Simon as the teacher for her new school in heteno what better opportunity to fulfill his role by providing the player with compendium assistance in his stead the entire reason why Robbie even lived in akola in the first place was to remain separated from empa and Pura so that at least one of them would survive in case they were attacked before link woke up 100 years later with Calamity Ganon gone Robbie was able to work together with Pura again but only if he could somehow figure out how to bring Cherry with him he did just spend the past 100 years building the thing so I don't really blame the poor guy for being so attached to his creation the yiga clan was most likely closing in on him so he had to act sooner rather than later he redesigned Cherry to be a much more affordable size and discovered a new means of powering it this method he found out about must have been what allows all currently existing ancient chica technology to still function my guess is that the sheikah Slate was dismantled and given a thorough examination in order to solve this energy issue the sheikah Slate is the only device in the game that was powered perpetually so it makes sense why they'd pick it apart to find out how it just kept on going for as long as it has it also makes sense why it's absent in tears of the kingdom and seemingly replaced by the purapad despite its name Ravi is the actual creator of this device while Pura has been playing it off as if she's the one who came up with it another day another battle between hyrule's rivaling top Geniuses I suppose nothing to see here [Music] there is honestly not very much else to say about the Divine beasts we know at the very least that the teleportation pads found on all of them were harvested so the notion that the rest of them were dismantled or even destroyed is highly possible there is no sign of them being buried again or anything so all we have left is to assume that they were broken down for their materials a bit anti-climactic but it's reasonable enough in my book having giant walking weapons casually standing around ready to be hijacked again probably isn't the best idea anyway [Music] thank you now this is probably one of the most highly discussed and confusing topics about all Shaker technology disappearances [Music] how is it possible for an entire chamber to be picked so completely clean that it seems as if it literally never existed the cavern left in its place maintains the general outline of the rooms that used to be there but now we find out that the Higa Clan has left their Mark in here you could make the assumption that the yiga clan dismantled this room because it was responsible for the resurrection of their sworn enemy link which allowed for the destruction of their lord Calamity Ganon but I'd like to mention something before we all accept this explanation as fact the stalactites that hang from the ceiling here should not be possible if this room did actually exist within the past four years they hang far lower than the ceiling of the Interior from breath of the wild stalactites just plain do not grow anywhere near that quickly the fastest growing stalactites under perfect conditions only grow just under half an inch or 12 millimeters per year it would have taken at least a couple hundred years for these to grow this long without a ceiling ever blocked their path yet more evidence that suggests to us that this is somehow a completely different Hyrule we're exploring very strange and it's only going to get stranger the more we keep going foreign [Music] the biggest displays of ancient chica technology found in breath of the wild is without a doubt the pillars surrounding Hyrule castle built to disperse an army of Guardians these massive pillars have scarred the Earth from their emergence logic would follow that such a scar would be visible once they reseeded back into the ground right well either the citizens of Hyrule are the most bored people on the planet with ridiculous amounts of free time or the gigantic holes where the pillars used to be just magically filled themselves back up with dirt all on their own the Earth Here looks almost completely untouched as if the pillars were Thanos snapped out of existence instead of retracting back underground I'll just consider this yet another instance of weirdness surrounding Vanishing chica Tech there's not much else I can say about it honestly moving into the castle itself we are now in the library within this secret room we come across the exterior of the boss room that we fight Calamity Ganon in which is called the astral observatory in tears of the Kingdom the exterior at first appears to be missing but upon further observation the wall has just been covered up by more layers of debris The Throne Room contains the hole that we fell through in breath of the wild that granted us entry into the astral Observatory but unfortunately for us this hole has now been filled in by yet another extremely bored group of people this time there might be an extremely small sliver of evidence that actually points towards this being true Zelda has made repairs to Link's old Champions tunic and intended on giving it to him as a gift so she hid the clothing inside a Secret Safe in the throne room that only a member of the royal family would know about by lighting the two torches in front of the thrones this safe opens up the fact that Zelda herself came to the throne room at some point probably sparked her interest in commanding someone to fill up the mass of dangerous hole smack dab in the middle of the room it's not too far-fetched that the last remaining member of the royal family would want what's left of her castle to still be standing by the time she's crowned the queen after all [Music] what we have here is quite the conundrum as seen in breath of the wild these labyrinths all have one section that's closed off on the top they are also identical in the fact that they all have level surfaces in the interior tears of the Kingdom on the other hand has decided to give all of them a haircut a magical haircut not only is there a new hole in the top the entire centerpiece in this Labyrinth has been slightly altered there's no way these Lotus lights and pedestals were always there I'll do this game yet another favor and assume that these objects simply materialize out of thin air but how do you explain these missing chunks I examined the floating Rubble above each Labyrinth and could not find any pieces that would have fit into these newly created slots these missing sections just vanished Without a Trace not only that but the surface labyrinth island is now flooded with water the surface has also been Disturbed as several sections have been lowered or raised can I also mention the logs here like what who's responsible for leaving all these logs in here anyway this isn't a gas station bathroom for crying out loud have some respect jeez anyway we can find vegetation growing in some of these pits suggesting that these have been here for a while now and were not created by the supposedly extremely recent upheaval Shifting the flooring or something if you recall there's a basement to this particular Labyrinth we're supposed to be greeted by a dozen laser beams pointed at our forehead the second we enter it but instead we're now being chased by the ass grabber 5000 patent still pending not a single Guardian in sight now someone please explain to me real quick how the citizens of Hyrule even knew about these much less be able to reach them the zonai Expedition crew couldn't reach this area it was sealed off even the entire room itself seems to have been changed are we even sure that this is still the same Labyrinth I've said this already a thousand times but am I seriously supposed to believe that these Guardians disappeared for no reason come on now Nintendo [Music] thank you based on everything that I have presented in this video so far I can't help but think that we are somehow in a different Hyrule but how could this have happened I've got an idea and I'm not the very first one to make this suggestion but I really do think that the beginning of the game in tears of the Kingdom all the way up until Zelda and Lane disappear takes place in the original Hyrule everything we see afterwards is a completely different Hyrule Zelda going back in time most likely altered the flow of events in such a way to slightly manipulate the present day state of Hyrule she did give the purapad to mineru which led to the implementation of teleportation pads in their shrines of light so there's no telling what else she did during her time in the past that changed the future the fact that she even exists in the past could have caused a timeline Paradox thus collapsing the timeline into itself creating a catastrophic event of nearly total annihilation of all versions of the world this could explain how she was able to go back to the present day in tears of the Kingdom if breath of the wild references just about every game and every timeline Branch then history must have funneled into a single point somewhere along the way if this is the case then the catastrophic event caused by Zelda's Paradox took place after the previous games in the series meaning the time period in which we see raru and Sonia's civilization is at the very beginning of the collapsed timeline but it's the second founding of the kingdom of Hyrule and not the first the fact that these god-like beings and the Hylian Priestess are claiming to be the first members of the royal family but have no clue what the master sword is just doesn't make any sense unless history before them was completely wiped clean hylians reverted back to their Roots solely reliant on their gods once again to protect them which is why the ancient hylians seen here have much longer ears than we've ever seen them before three Skyward Sword hylians might have looked identical to the ones we see in tears of the Kingdom's Memories the ancient Gerudo still have their long pointy ears as well proving that this founding of the kingdom of Hyrule did not take place before Minish Cap they only obtained their pointy ears after denouncing their ties with Ganondorf and opening their mind to the goddesses as well as thousands of years of hooking up with hylians and adopting some of their characteristics if we watched the upheaval cut scene closely we can observe an absent Lookout Landing as well as a missing Skyview Tower at lindor's brow paying even closer attention to the dialogue in Lookout Landing we come to find out that link and Zola have been missing for only just a few days hura has had sleepless nights since we disappeared and all of the Skyview Towers along with Lookout Landing weren't built in just a few days how do you explain that if you want to watch more videos surrounding this topic that dive further into the intricacies of the lore I highly suggest that you take a look at these two videos made by my good friends whiz catches lightning and thinking at max volume they're both a great watch and I'd really appreciate it if you gave them some love in the end it all comes down to one question are we still in the same Hyrule or does Zelda just accidentally commit genocide on a cosmic scale oopsie Daisy what are your thoughts on this matter I'm curious to know what you all think so please let me know in the comments below before I go I'd like to thank Florian personally for becoming the First YouTube member on this channel and showing their incredible support So this one's for you I also have an official Discord server now with some great people already in there so go ahead and jump in and have some fun thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed yourself there is much more to come in the future so please subscribe and stick around for another onslaught of zodolor from gossip guys [Music] [Music] hey Luke [Music] thank you
Channel: Gossip Geist
Views: 121,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, legend, of, zelda, Zelda, theory, video, game, video game, nintendo, Nintendo, breath, wild, tears, kingdom, goddess, hylia, mystery, analysis, ganondorf, sage, skyward, sword, zonai, rauru, mineru, three, golden, triforce, pieces, timeline, convergeance, paradox, sheikah, tech, technology, disappear, disappearance, hyrule, lomei, labyrinth, divine, beast, robbie, purah, skyview, tower, lookout, landing, sonia, hylian, gerudo, guardian, akkala, citadel, upheaval, shrine, shrines, slate, castle, astral, observatory, pillars, resurrection, yiga, clan
Id: 9QUCtO_sMbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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