100 Interesting Bits of Lore in Tears of The Kingdom!

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[INTRO PLAYS] Hey folks! The sheer amount of mindblowing  information in the latest Zelda game,   Tears of The Kingdom is crazy. It’s overwhelming  how many cool bits and pieces of lore there are   to learn. From smaller subtle things such as  engravings on blades to much much deeper bits of   lore such as the history of the depths. Get it,  because they’re literally deep pieces of lore.   Deep, depths. Okay. Throughout my entire adventure  from day one up until now in the present day,   as I continue to play this amazing game I've  been taking note of every bit of lore I've found   interesting, cool or noteworthy and that list has  grown pretty big now so I felt it's time to make   a video. Because you know I guess that's what  I should do as a YouTuber. Now please keep in   mind I do not consider myself an absolute expert  when it comes to Zelda Lore. More just a massive   obsessed fan who loves talking about the games. If  I make a little mistake feel free to correct me,   as well feel free to add on to anything or bring  up bits of lore I haven't in the comments. These   bits of lore can be things that build on what we  already knew, new pieces of lore entirely and even   just little bits and pieces I find really cool.  So let's look at 100 interesting bits of lore   in Tears of The Kingdom. Oh and it goes without  saying that this video will contain both major   and minor spoilers for Tears of The Kingdom.  Watch at your own risk or come back to this   later on. I appreciate ya either way. This video  is great for having something on whilst you work,   clean, cook or study or even just wanna watch  a super long Zelda video. This video has   also taken a fair amount of work and I wouldn't  be a proper YouTuber if I didn't politely ask now   that if you'd like to support my fabulous Zelda  content then subscribing to the channel would be   massively appreciated as well as dropping a wee  like doon below. With all of that out of the way,   get comfy and as always around here be sure to  go and grab yourself a snack or drink and send   them in via Twitter, Instagram or Discord to get  featured right here and let's get into this one. One of the first bits of both new  and returning lore but more so new,   was the appearance the Zonai people take on.  Those first steps down deep below Hyrule Castle   were overwhelming with information and action.  When it got too much Zelda wouldn’t even let me   go back upstairs to the castle. Like come on man,  it's scary down here. It amazed me so much in that   very moment that Nintendo actually developed the  Zonai from the very little we got in Breath of   The Wild to being a major part of this game's  story. This one is obviously hard to miss but   I guess if you’re like me and sometimes speed  through the text you might have actually missed   this in the opening of the game. But I doubt  that and it's a good way to open this video. Not too far after the last discovery,  we find the crusty corpse of Ganondorf.   A cool bit of lore here is how he knows Link  and Zelda’s name right off the bat. The lore   and backstory throughout this game can get  quite confusing and easy to miss certain   details and this was one I didn’t fully  pick up on until later on. King Rauru over   10,000 years ago told Ganondorf in the most  badass fashion to remember the name Link. A   swordsman with the sword that seals the darkness.  For Ganondorf, in the blink of an eye thousands of   years passed just as he said they would, and he  finally meets that swordsman by the name of Link   right here. Knowing his name and recognizing  that the Master Sword is that which is said to   seal the darkness. I love these details in the  conversations during the opening of the game,   it especially hyped me up for what  was in store later on in the game. Another thing I found incredibly cool about  the whole Ganondorf taking a wee break below   Hyrule Castle is that later on in the game you  can actually discover that Hyrule Castle was   originally built with the purpose of imprisoning  and hiding the dark secret that lays deep below.   If you explore Hyrule Castle’s underground tunnels  you can discover a stone with text inscribed   on it that reads “Deep beneath this land, our  mighty first ruler imprisoned the Demon King”  “To ensure the king’s magic would hold, we  erected a castle here to protect this sacred site”  Hyrule Castle's original purpose was to protect  the seal King Rauru placed on Ganondorf. I was   mind blown when I read this for the first time  and it still amazes me that this deep a piece   of lore is insanely easy to miss if you don’t  happen to explore down here and read this text. The Sky Islands are stunning. That’s a fact. But  the lore behind them is honestly quite remarkable.   Have you ever wondered why they are there? We  don’t see them in the memories of Zelda so it’s   not an ancient times thing. At least not at this  stage. Well an interesting bit of lore that you   can easily miss if you don’t return to a certain  location is what you learn from the “Legend of   The Great Sky Island” side quest. There isn’t  anything to prompt you or direct you here when   it becomes available, it’s just by chance if you  happen to return. Here you can take part in a   ceremony and be rewarded with the Zonai Fabric. In  doing this, the construct that takes you through   it all will explain exactly why these Islands are  in the Sky. They explain that they were told that   the hero who will defeat the Demon King will one  day awaken here at this very site, and in order   to keep him safe from the Demon King this site  was raised to the heavens. It’s interesting as   this isn’t explained by Rauru or any of the  main characters, which I honestly thought it   might be. But rather this information is found via  this side quest which is pretty fun I must say. King Rauru is without a doubt a loveable  character in my opinion. He’s the true   father figure of Zelda in my headcanon. Now  a cool bit of lore you might have missed,   especially if you haven’t played some of the  older Zelda games, is that his name is actually   already familiar. The Sage of Light seen in  Ocarina of Time, Rauru is where this name   first appeared in the Zelda Universe. In that game  he appeared as an Owl outwith the Sacred Realm,   and within he appeared as an elderly Hylian  man. Personally I don’t think they are one of   the same. I believe they may hold some form  of connection or bloodline but that’s about   it. Either way it’s a neat bit of lore you might  have missed if you haven’t played Ocarina of Time. Lore can be both serious but also funny. And a  massive, substantial, timeline binding piece of   lore that absolutely blew my mind is that it is  canonical in the Zelda Universe that CHEESE was   considered ahead of its time. Cheese. Even as  a highly lactose intolerant person this had me   pretty hyped. And running to the bathroom. In a  very fun sidequest found in Hateno Village you can   learn that Koyins grandfather hid this recipe  for Hateno Cheese in a bottle. With the words   “Can’t name.. Too early” being mentioned.  This man knew Hyrule was not ready for   his cheese. This is hands down the  best bit of new lore to think about. The Sky Barrier has been a known thing in the  Zelda series for good while now. Most famously   seen in Skyward Sword as a layer of protection  between the Sky Islands of that time and the   dangerous surface. It was broken in small holes  to allow Link to travel down there in that time   and at that time it was the only way to break  through the thick cloud. However in Tears of   The Kingdoms lore we once again see what appears  to be a cloud barrier. A thick layer blocking   the surface from Sky and going back to that  earlier point about why the Sky Islands rose,   this could make sense. However in this timeframe  following Link sending the Master Sword back   in time for Princess Zelda to restore and  strengthen, among many others things. She,   now as the Light Dragon bursts through the sky  barrier of this time. Setting down some new lore   on breaking this famous barrier. I'll admit that  this one is a bit more debatable as to if these   Sky Barriers share the same qualities.  But that is how I've interpreted this. The Emergency Shelter found below the Lookout  Landing is such a cool expansion to the existing   world. We knew this secret chamber did exist in  the timeframe of Breath of The Wild despite not   being reachable in the actual game. The  guards tell us that its purpose was for   quick escapes in case of emergency. Such as  the Calamity. So the cool bit of lore here   is that now knowing this exists, it was very  likely used in some way shape or form during   this horror event. I like finding out cool  details about past events such as this one. The deep lore of the depths, ha get it. Deep lore.  I’m here all night folks. The deep lore of the   depths is crazy. From the bargainer statues to the  abandoned mines. There is a lot of discover down   here and there will be a few bits and pieces of  lore on this list focused on the depths. For this   first one on this list, I had a very big “Ohhhh”  moment when I eventually realized that the depths   is a literal mirror to the surface of Hyrule. For  a while I had a little hunch as wherever there was   water, there was a wall down here. But it took  me a solid 40 hours or so before I actually   realized the depths is an actual mirror.  Wherever there is a mountain on the surface,   there is a drop in the depths. And vice versa.  Water above creates walls below. It's pretty cool. Bouncing off that last point, to extend it,   there isn’t just the mirroring of the map but  also that but the Shrines of Light that are   all directly above the Light Roots even  share names but in reverse. Pretty cool,   right? I think there may be some more lore behind  why this is but that’s a topic for another day. The Switch from Sheikah Tech to Zonai Tech between  Breath of The Wild and Tears of The Kingdom was   very refreshing in my opinion. Functionally it's  similar but different enough in design and lore to   feel right. A cool piece of lore that builds on  the Sheikah Tech from Breath of The Wild is the   explanation as to what happened to it. Or lack  of explanation to be honest. The Divine Beasts,   Towers and Guardians have all been removed but  it isn't explicitly stated why. However there   are hints. The Divine Beasts and Guardian  are fairly self explanatory. They nearly   caused the downfall of Hyrule despite being  regarded as the Kingdoms method of defence.   I'm sure they were destroyed and or buried to  avoid that potentially happening again. A lot   of former Sheikah Shrine sites now have a rough  patch of stone or dirt, presumably meaning they   were buried. And others now have Chasms in place.  It's development on existing lore which is a lot   of interpretation and I do wish it was stated  more explicitly but it's still some cool lore. Before the Upheaval took place, Hyrule  was in a better place than it was post   Breath of The Wild. Rebuilding plans  had begun, people felt more safe and   life was improving. However the tragedy that  struck the Kingdom over 100 years ago has not   been forgotten. Zelda herself actually  went around the Kingdom far and wide,   and left her recognition and thoughts with  those who fell due to the horrible events   which took place in the form of these touching  memorial stones. You can find them across the   Kingdom with a silent princess flower atop them.  They're heartbreaking to read but very touching. The Horned Statue that we first met in Hateno  Village was a very interesting part of Breath   of The Wild. It was essentially an evil Hylia  Statue. A demon trapped within who could swap   your hearts to stamina vessels, and vice  versa. An interesting thing i noted down   and definitely want to discuss in full length  at some point is the fact that the statue has   moved half way across the map. Now being found  below Lookout Landing. The lore of this statue   was already fascinating and now made even  more with the development that it can move. Bargainer Statues are so intriguing.  They hold some sort of connection to   Hylia and Hylia statues. Evident by dialogue  during the Great Plateau Questline but also   due to the fact they all reside directly  below Hylia Statues. Even this one here,   despite the fact there is Hylia Statue on the  surface, but rather in the Sky within the Temple   of Time. This is prime real estate in terms of new  lore. If you've played a decent amount of the game   then you've probably come across at least one. If  not yet, or in case you walked past and missed one   then definitely get yourself down the depths  and discover this truly fascinating new lore. The lore of the giant unmissable Geoglyphs is  unique. We know they originate from Zelda’s   Tears as the Light Dragon. However those tears  landing on the ground didn't just form these   Glyphs. It's a miss-able explanation but Impa  actually tells us about it during the dragon   tears questline. She explains that whilst now  they are fully visible that is because in ancient   times there were some people, the "ancients" who  found what they referred to as Dragon Tears. And   it was those ancient people who marked down the  images. Creating the Geoglyphs. Which is why as   part of the Upheaval they've now appeared again.  For the longest time I just assumed that Zelda’s   tears alone created these markings but I was  wrong. The lore is that the ancients of ancient   time actually made the markings. This would also  mean they must have been able to view or sense   the memories in some sort of way, in order to  create the matching designs. Very interesting. The process of dragonification is a crazy concept  in an already crazy video game universe and this   new insane lore to the series is something I  absolutely love and am here for. I guess it’s   very hard to miss out on this lore unless you  happened to avoid the memories or haven’t fully   done them yet and don’t mind being spoiled  through videos. The chances are you didn’t   miss this one but let’s be honest, it’s way  too cool to leave off a lore focused video. The famous Yiga Hole from Breath of The  Wild is somewhere I instantly wanted to   check out prior to the release of Tears  of The Kingdom. As in the previous game   we knew it had a bottom of some sort, there  was a shrine puzzle in which we had to drop   a Sheikah Orb into. Meaning there was Sheikah  Tech down here. However now in Tears of the   Kingdom the lore developed and it’s now one  of the new chasms as seen across the Kingdom.   Does this mean the shrine puzzle part was  perhaps removed with the Upheaval or is   this just a minor development change? Either  way I found it pretty cool in terms of lore. The dungeons of this game are good. A big  improvement from Breath of The Wilds if you   ask me and a lot of that is thanks to their themes  alone. Not you. One of my favourites is the first   one I took on, the Wind Temple. A fun piece of  a lore which is revealed in dialogue is that   the large Windark that makes up the dungeon was  up until now nothing more than a song for kids.   Tulin even tells us this. A legend to tell  of a flying ship. Now a reality to witness. The Forgetful Templ- wait no that sounds  wrong. The Forgetful, Forgotten Temple. Ah,   I wrote that wrong in the script. The Forgotten  Temple is an extremely interesting place when it   comes to lore. Even in Breath of The Wild it  was heavily theorized about and looked into   in terms of lore. Now in Tears of The Kingdom this  locations lore has developed massively. Behind the   now collapsed Hylia Statue is an open door which  leads to a room we see in Zelda’s Memories. This   is where the ancient sages make their vow  to King Rauru as well as where Rauru kept   the secret stones. In the modern day it also  contains a map of Ancient Hyrule. Evident by   the Duelling Peaks not being split yet. Which  is a separate piece of lore we'll talk about   later on in the video. In here you can actually  see the order in which the Geoglyphs should be   discovered in order to view the memories in  chronological order. You by no means actually   have to come here and take notice of this but  it's definitely worth it if you ask me. I love   that the lore of this location developed like  this. Ah the Forgetful temple, what a place. The Lomei Labyrinths were already fascinating in  Breath of The Wild with their lore and mysteries.   Are they actually of Zonai origin? That was  a big question in the previous game and the   lore surrounding these three landmarks has  expanded massively. We can now explore two   new counterparts to the base Labyrinth. A Sky  counterpart and an underground counterpart. With   further developments in connection to the Zonai  as seen with the dragon rings with the Zonai   hand symbol. I haven’t developed fully into this  one yet but felt it was very much worth noting. The people of Hyrule are the life of this  game. There are returning characters and   brand new ones. Which is extremely interesting  as some of them have definitely only just showed   up sometime between the end of Breath of The  Wild and beginning of Tears of The Kingdom.   They aren’t new because of the upheaval like  a lot of structures and geographical changes.   These newcomers are literally just outsiders  that we didn’t see in Breath of The Wild. Some   are easier to miss than others but to note  my favorites you’ve got Yona, Tauro, Penn,   Josha and many more. It’s not exactly deep lore  but I am curious as to where they all came from.   I’m sure some could be played off as we’re just  never in the same place as them at the same time,   such as Josha. However characters such as Yona  literally have a character description that   mentions she’s from another domain. Meaning there  is more out there. I want to explore wherever Yona   and the others are from but for now it remains  as mysterious lore. Perhaps we'll see it in DLC. The famous Eighth Heroine Statue had been  theorized and speculated about ever since   the release of Breath of The Wild. Focused  on the identity of who this eighth heroine   was. Well in Tears of The Kingdom this lore is  actually explained in full through a long but   very worthwhile sidequest. Rotana of Gerudo  Town can give you this quest and in doing so,   you’ll discover the truth of the mysterious eighth  heroine. He is unnamed however it is revealed   that among the seven vai Gerudo heroines who were  caught in a difficult battle, a voe came to their   aid and helped them out. They tried to praise  him highly enough to be allowed entry to Gerudo   Town but their laws forbade it. Thus they honored  that voe in the form of being the Eighth Heroine   and left a reward in the Statue of the Eighth  Heroine room. We don’t know who that hero is,   but we do know that he is a voe. Could it  be a previous voe with the spirit of the   hero? We can’t say for sure unfortunately but  it's so awesome that they developed this lore. The Spirit within the blade of evil's bane, Fi  lives on. This piece of lore is so relieving as   when we saw that the Master Sword would be going  through it prior to release I was concerned that   this would harm or even kill the spirit within.  Fi. We don’t see them again, as we know Fi   sealed themselves within the blade at the end of  Skyward Sword. However we do see the blade glow   and communicate with Zelda on multiple occasions.  It appears as though Zelda can actually understand   the blade at times, which I guess would make  sense given her Goddess bloodline connections.   This bit of lore made me happy and it really  developed what we saw in Breath of The Wild. A bit of lore surrounding Ganondorf next, in  Ocarina of Time we face off against Twinrova.   A two piece battle against Kotake and Koume, the  surrogate mothers of Ganondorf. Now in Tears of   The Kingdom we see two unique characters always  by Ganondorf's side, slightly different from the   rest. These two are masked and have a skin tone  more similar to Ganondorfs. One wearing a blue   cape, the other red. Just like we saw Kotake and  Koume suit in Ocarina of Time. This could just be   a little reference but my interpretation  of it was a canonical lore implication. The place in which we started Breath of The Wild  has changed a little bit in Tears of The Kingdom.   The Shrines of resurrection is now a hollowed  out cave of what it was not too long ago. This   is of course an effect of the upheaval but what’s  very interesting here lore wise is where the spa   bed Link was relaxing in at the beginning of  Breath of The Wild, there is now a puddle of   water. In the exact same spot. A little nod  to the shrine's previous purpose? Most likely   yes. But that’s not the interesting part. What  is, is what lies deep below all of this in the   depths. The Secret Spring of Revival. And if  you enter its water, it actually heals Link.   Which is normal for hot springs in Zelda games  but is this the source of the specific water   used when the Shrine of Resurrection was being  used on Link? It’s a very curious bit of lore   that is easy to miss if you don’t discover this  location and realize what it’s directly below. The Ancient Zonai Dive ceremonies are one  of my favourite little bits of new lore.   These challenges are how Link acquires  the Glide gear. The lore behind why these   exist is pretty cool too. The constructs  can explain to you that these ceremonies   exist as trials that test courage.  In which marking a Zonai youth coming   of age. Those who succeed are rewarded  with a special outfit, the Glide Gear. Typhlo ruins, formerly considered a very much  “Zonai” set of ruins were a landmark in Breath   of The Wild due it’s mysterious black fog.  However in Tears of The Kingdom that’s cleared   up and you can take on an educating sidequest  here. You need to help the Zonai Research team   to uncover the secrets of these ruins and  the conclusion of this questline teaches   you the origins of Typhlo Ruins. And my sweet  hylia, they are fascinating. We learn that   these ruins were made in honor of King Rauru’s  sacrifice in sealing the Demon King. And that   the ruins were actually built by the people  of Hyrule. These ruins aren’t actually Zonai,   rather they’re Hyrulean. This is of course  because at the time in which Rauru made his   great sacrifice to seal Ganondorf, the Zonai  people were long gone outside of himself and   his sister. So yeah, Hyruleans had to  have built this place. How cool is that? Constructs are lore heavy in a few ways, one of  which we’ll discuss later in the video but for   this point I want to highlight the construct  factory. It can be slightly north and in the   depths from the Zonai Ruins. We visit here  as part of Mineru questline but this place's   existence is significant to the Tears of The  Kingdom lore. This is where many constructs   would have been created. A lone caretaker  construct at the top who still remains after   however long this site has been abandoned  tells Link that duties have been suspended.   However it’s purpose was to oversee the task  of assembly. Also mentioning that shipments   to Dragonhead Island were part of their  operation. It’s sad to see this one lone   construct still here but it all adds to the  new lore of the Zonai and their constructs. The new Blood Moon scene is such an upgrade  from the original. Zelda is now in there   and sounds so cool. Puppet Princess  Zelda’s storyline through this game   is really cool as well. People reporting  odd sightings of the Princess and doing   questionable things. When in reality it was  never actually Zelda. Rather a puppet formed   by Ganondorf and this storyline concludes  at Hyrule Castle as Ganondorf reveals she   was just a puppet. And we get this absolute  baddie smile. This sent shivers down my spin   man. Anyway something really interesting  that happens following this is that future   Blood Moon scenes will now be silent and without  Princess Zelda. Adding to the Puppet Zelda Lore. The history of the Zonai has been put in a bit of  a confusing place with the developments this game   made on them. Previously they were presumed to  have been a barbaric tribe from Faron. However   we learn from Zelda’s memories that the Zonai we  see, definitely are not barbaric. Nor is their   architecture. It’s pristine and fine. However  what we saw in Breath of The Wild felt the   opposite. Even with being a bit old and dirty.  An interesting detail in Zonai architecture can   be seen at the Tobio’s Hollow Chasm. Here we see  the pristine Zonai designs from ancient times,   holding up but with the newer ruined design  on top. This means that the original Zonai   designs were built over, at least by the looks  of it. Question is, was this done by the same   Zonai of Rauru’s Time? Or was there in fact  a barbaric tribe at some point in history who   built over the Zonai ruins? It’s a confusing  one but a cool bit of lore to think about. The Torch. Ah I was both looking forward to  and dreading this one as it always makes me   a bit emotional. When Princess Zelda fell at  the beginning of the game and vanished into   the ancient past, she dropped her torch. When you  decide to come back here, either out of curiosity   or through the story towards the ending, you'll  come back to this very spot and after jumping   down into this hole… you can actually find the  very torch that Princess Zelda dropped at the   beginning. This is definitely one the minor side  of things but it’s a cool attention to detail. Speaking of cool attention to detail in terms  of lore. The grave of King Rhoam in Breath of   The Wild, found atop the Hylia Mountain on the  Great Plateau was a cool discovery. Now in Tears   of the Kingdom we can find that there is now  a Claymore planted next to his grave. This is   really cool and interesting as we saw that he used  this weapon in the Age of Calamity spin off game. Link can canonically now drink booze. Yup. Do  you remember that heavily implied to be alcoholic   beverage from Breath of The Wild, Noble Pursuit?  Well Link can now make his very own and even   learns the recipe from Gerudo Town. It makes  sense as if he was 17 in Breath of The Wild,   he would definitely be over the age of 18 and be  able to drink heavier drinks such as cocktails   now. And don't worry Americans, he's pretty likely  to be over 21 as well now. It's time to party! Gloom is not malice. This is an easy confusion  that even I myself made for a little while.   Whilst appearing similar and acting similar  they are actually different things. Malice is   a mindless gloop. Whether as gloom is a much  more concentrated form of pure evil. I guess   you could consider malice a weaker or diluted  version of gloom. Gloom can make people ill.   It can destroy heart containers and it  can even spawn this horror show. Wether   as Malice isn't that strong but it is sludgy. I  guess. Maybe it was just Ganondorf making slime   I don't know. I found it interesting to learn  the difference anyway once I started playing. The Holy Grail of the Zelda Universe is missing  once again. The Triforce didn't appear in Breath   of The Wild nor Tears of The Kingdom. With  exception to it briefly appearing as Zelda used   her sacred powers. But that wasn't the triforce  itself. Just a sign of it. Maybe, I don't know.   We see old carvings of it across Hyrule but even  then it's not many. Has this relic truly fallen   into Legend or is still out there somewhere?  Or within someone? I guess this bit of lore   is more of a lack there of but it's definitely  interesting to wonder what's going on with it. The Imprisoning War lore in Tears of The Kingdom  is arguably the biggest talking point regarding   lore in this game. It has thrown a bit of a  problem when it comes to the timeline. Now   let me say now, I don’t really care about the  lore being messed up or whatever. I welcome it   and whatever Nintendo want to do with the  game. It isn’t a big deal to me. However,   it is still a big piece of lore that has  been changed up. So prior to this game,   The Imprisoning War took place following  Ocarina of Time and before A Link To The   Past in the downfall timeline. However in  Tears of The Kingdom it now takes place long   before all of that. In an ancient time before  Hyrule was even founded. So what’s the deal   here? Has the imprisoning war lore changed? War  lore, that’s fun to say. Or are there now two   separate imprisoning wars? Or is it something else  entirely? We do not have an answer just yet. But   this is by far one of the most interesting and  confusing new bits of lore this game has added. The existence of the Fire Temple hints at  a lot of lore regarding the Gorons. Off the   bat it has the title of “Lost Gorondia  Rediscovered” meaning this is a former   Goron settlement of sorts deep within Death  Mountain. Which would line up well with past   instalments which also show the insides  of the Mountain to contain settlements or   industrial setups. Both actually. This means  at some point in history, this part of Goron   life was lost and is presumably completely  unknown to the current population of Gorons. The items we can find through the Old Maps  were previously add ons to Breath of The Wild,   not part of the base game. So easy to write  off as not canon. However they are now base   game items. Making them canon, right? Well  it's been debated by fans quite a lot but   I personally believe it does canonize them  into the lore. It works fine in my opinion.   You're essentially finding relics that belonged to  former hero's. It's cool and I like it personally. Fan favorite bird boy- not you… not you. Kass  did not return in Tears of The Kingdom. Nobody   really knows where he went exactly but there are  some brief mentions of him. For example Penn,   our new friendly bird boy- still not  you… actually mentions Kass very briefly.   Referring to a “famous bard” whilst telling  Link that one practiced his craft here. A   location we did infact meet with Kass at  in Breath of The Wild. Kass’s family don’t   tell us about his whereabouts either so  the lore around Kass and what he’s up to   is a bit of a mystery but at the same time  a cool development from the previous game. Zora’s Domain has a lot of water, now  in Tears of The Kingdom being combined   with problematic sludge coming from an Island  high above. This Island is the Water Temple,   which contains the Great Wellspring of  Hyrule and a very cool piece of lore about   this is that all of this water seen here  is said to be the source of all of Zora’s   Domain's water. Pretty straightforward I  suppose but interesting lore regardless. Sages Will are a collectable key  item which can be used to enhance   Link’s sage abilities. There are four for  each upgradable sage. However lore wise,   what exactly are they? Well their description  reads that they are remnants of a former sage’s   resolve. My question for the lore here is did the  sages leave pieces of themselves with intent or   did this happen after they died? I am really  curious to learn more about the lore of the   sages and their respective wills. Could they  perhaps be connected to literal wills? I’m not   sure but the bit of lore about them being the  remnants of former sages is pretty interesting. The existence of the Tunic of the depths and  it’s headpiece and legs piece is curious.   Link can acquire them from the bargainer  statues in exchange for poes. However,   why does this armor exist in the first place?  It adds gloom resistance to Link which in my   mind would imply that at some point in history,  these were created in order to protect against   Gloom. Meaning whenever they were created,  gloom did lurk in the depths at least. It’s   a mysterious one that relays on a bit of an  implication but it’s interesting lore wise to   me. I believe it means they were created  long ago for those exploring the depths   in ancient times. Perhaps when the mines were  active. Perhaps I’m entirely wrong. Who knows. The existence of Zonai Capsules and  parts must mean that way back in the day,   these parts were regularly used by the  Zonai people. I mean why else would they   actually exist. I doubt they were made  just for Link. In terms of the lore,   my mind imagines that back when the Zonai were  thriving they were actually cruising about on   their own builds using these parts. Which would  make a lot of sense as they were said to be a   highly advanced civilization and stuff like this  does scream highly advanced civilization to me. Link’s house, now Zelda's and or potentially  Link and Zelda’s house is a pretty intriguing   bit of developed lore. Previously, this  was Link’s house and that was it. But now   in Tears of The Kingdom it appears as though  Zelda has moved in evident but her photos,   an NPC cleaning literally saying Zelda lives here,  as well as the fact she has a secret room down the   well out back. But do they live together? Well  there is only one pillow on the bed, but Link   can sleep in it which he can only do so in beds he  owns or has permission to. We know Link is Zelda’s   personal knight who does not leave her side so it  would appear as though they do live together. And   a final bit of evidence for those hard anti ZeLink  fans, according to many of you in the comments of   a recent video where I actually talked about this  house, many of you mentioned that in the Japanese   version of the game some text from Zelda’s Diary  translates to “Our House” in regards to the   home. This from the point of view of Princess  Zelda. That’s evidence enough if you ask me,   if true. But I’m sure like a lot of Zelda Lore,  this will be interpreted differently by many. The Dark Skeletons of the Depths caught my  interest pretty recently actually. I’ve been   in and out of the depths as I go and only recently  really came across them and took note. What caught   my eye is that they are all directly below  the locations of the Great Leviathan remains   as seen in Breath of The Wild. At least the ones  that are titled as locations. Is there perhaps a   connection there? It would seem so but as to  what it’s hard to say. The remains found in   the depths appear to be similar but not the exact  same. In size yeah they’re more or less the same   but these dark skeletons seem more like dragon  remains in my opinion. Weather as the surface   skeletons are more leviathan like. I don’t think  there is much behind this but it’s a neat little   bit of depths lore to know. Maybe it was done  just to add to the mirroring of the surface map. A safe assumption but still a cool bit of lore to  know is that Princess Zelda was in the process of   rebuilding Hyrule prior to Upheaval happening. We  can learn this from a few sources. Her character   profile outright says it for starters but also  evidently across the Kingdom. Castle Town had   foundations laid out to rebuild some of the  homes. She talks about it in her diary, as well   as mentions how she was a big part of building  the new school in Hateno Village. Progress was   being made before yet another hot baddy evil man  showed up. I mean I’m not complaining but at the   same time give them a break man. Don’t need to  give me a break, but give Hyrule a break sir. The lore of Tears of The Kingdom goes  deep in many different ways. But what   I didn’t expect is the ways the Yiga Clan  have developed. From disguising as trees,   to trying to master Zonai Builds. But the one  thing that absolutely takes the monster cake,   is the Yiga Cucco. The all-clucking cucco  sidequest has you work for a talking cucco,   just for it to be revealed as a Yiga Member  in disguise. Yiga Lore goes hard for real. Dinnral, Naydra and Farosh are majestic dragons we  first saw in Breath of The Wild and now again in   Tears of The Kingdom. Many theories connecting  these three dragons to the Golden Goddess were   popular. However there is now more lore to add  to the theories that could change or add to them   significantly. We learned through the main  story that gulping a secret stone has major   effects on you. It’s a forbidden act according  to Minuru and what it does is turn one into an   eternal dragon. One would lose themselves  for this and whilst it is forbidden when   Zelda arrives in the past, sometime before that  timeframe likely when the Zonai were a lot more   prominent it was allowed. You can find three  armor sets in the game as well. The Ember,   Frostbite and Thunder armor. All said to once  have been used for ancient ceremonies. All   having a headpiece that resembles the three  dragons seen. Dinnrall, Naydra and Farosh.   It’s highly likely that these three dragons were  once Zonai people who took part in the ancient   ritual. Perhaps they were three key figures in  Zonai culture given their god-like status's as   dragons and their connection to the Hylia Statues.  It’s easy to miss this as you need to put two and   two together. I didn’t realize it at first but  mate when I did, mindblown. I was mind blown. In the dragon tear memory “Fealty” Ganondorf is  seen giving fealty to King Rauru. Swearing his   loyalty and allegiance. Ending the conflict we  previously saw. However this was a false promise   and Zelda instantly recognized this, as well as  Rauru. Infact Rauru was smart here as he thought   it was best to keep his enemy close. Though  was it smart? It cost him greatly. RIP Sonia.   Anyway a cool bit of lore that came to mind after  watching this is that the scene parallels that of   Ganondorf's pledge of allegiance to the King of  Hyrule seen in Ocarina of Time. In an almost one   for one situation. Ganondorf had been a bit  of a trouble maker beforehand and then swore   fealty to the King. Only to stab him in the back  and take over. The parallels in these scenes are   crazy deep and very cool. Even Zelda sensing  the dark intent within Ganondorf is something   she picks up on instantly in both games. This was  definitely done with intent and is really cool. Hey welcome to number 50, congrats on reaching  the halfway point of this video. Here’s a fun   fact about me, to reward your efforts. Many of you  might know that Twilight Princess is my favourite   video game of all time but that extends beyond  just playing and talking about the game. I live,   breathe and even sleep Twilight Princess. That  last point being a bit too literal as a fun fact   about me, I have Twilight Princess bed  sheets. This is where the magic happens. Now the 50th piece of lore on this list.  We can learn that post Breath of The Wild,   Link was actually extremely on the  ball with his Knight duties. You'd   think he'd get some form of a break  but no. As Zelda wrote in her diary,   she said that Links actually been working  a ton. So much that his champions tunic has   been getting really dirty and worn. Which is what  led to her to make a new one and hide it in the   Throne room as a surprise for him. This is such  a cute caring piece of lore that I really love. Beneath the Well of Kakariko Village is a dark  bit of lore. In Ocarina of Time the bottom of   the well led to a secret and eerie place.  Also in the underground of Kakariko Village   lies the Shadow Temple. A torture chamber that  was used by the Royal Family. In Tears of The   Kingdom the well here appears to be a bit of  a reference to this dark past of the village.   Blood splattered on the outside and then the  walls on the inside. All whilst a young child   can be found down here cooking. Not knowing the  dark secrets all around. My mate Triforce Trends   has a brilliant video discussing this topic in  detail if you wanna check that out, link below. The existence of Kiltins brother Koltin raises  an interesting point. We know Kiltin is said   to be Hylian, as he is categorized in the  Creating a Champion book. Presumably his   brother is also Hylian then but what  this makes me wonder lore wise is,   does this mean there is a family who are  Hylian but take on this unique design that   Kiltin and Koltin do? I love their look and  I would assume the look is to do with their   monster obsession. Regardless I found it really  interesting that Kiltin has a brother now. The Spirits that hold pristine weapons as well as  the poes in the depths must share a connection in   my mind. Poes are spirits/souls. These phantom  figures are presumably some form of spirit.   The lore hasn’t been made outright clear about  what exactly these figures are but my personal   thoughts for this lore is that these spirits are  souls that were lost in the calamity. Offering the   weapons they died with during the horror show  that took place over 100 years ago. It’s an   out there guess maybe, but until the lore becomes  clear I am both interested and remain guessing. The Ancient Sages that we see in multiple memories  and post dungeon scenes are interesting. We don’t   know their names but I have an idea. The lore  surrounding them is a bit mysterious but they all   were masks, which if you ask me strongly resemble  the Divine Beasts that were seen in Breath of The   Wild. Now you gotta ask yourself, where did the  Divine Beasts names come from? Vah Ruta, Vah   Rudania, Vah Medoh and Vah Naboris. My guess is  that the lore here is that these ancient sages are   infact called Ruta, Rudania, Medoh and Naboris.  It would fit well lore wise but it is pending   confirmation. Perhaps with a future DLC pack or  just information being shared officially online. Queen Sonai died a tragic death. Stabbed in  the back by Ganondorf in a horrible betrayal   and manipulation. Tears of The Kingdoms  title was never more true whilst watching   this scene. But there is some touching lore  that follows. Queen Sonai’s grave can be   found within the forgotten temple. In that  previously mentioned room behind the Hylia   Statue. We saw Rauru mourning by it in one  of the memories and can still find it in the   present day with a sundelions growing around it.  A truly heartbreaking piece of lore to discover. The connection between blueepees and The Lord  of The Mountain, Satori have been clear since   Breath of The Wild. However they serve a new  and very cool purpose in Tears of The Kingdom   which has some rather cool lore. Blueepees can  be found near caves and if startled they’ll   actually lead Link to the entrance, which is  helpful as some are well hidden. You can also   summon the Lord of The Mountain through the  Cherry Blossoms trees which makes sense as   that’s where we find this magical creature  initially as well. In doing so all nearby   caves will be highlighted for a short period  of time. I don’t think there is an explicitly   stated reason for this but it’s new lore on  these creatures and I found it really cool. The powers Raurus hand possess are insanely  powerful, and Link only gets the more tame side of   that. Ascend, Fuse, Ultrahand and Recall are very  helpful and powerful but in comparison to what   King Rauru was able to do in the past they are  tame. I found it so interesting that with his hand   and presumably some extended form of Zonai magic  that he could actually seal an evil as strong as   Ganondorf with his hand. I mean it’s all that  remains of Rauru when we first find Ganondorf.   Rauru was able to sacrifice his physical form in  order to seal the Demon King and that is amazing. Just like the previous point regarding the  Imprisoning War, the timeline placement of   this game has been heavily discussed online.  However for me personally whilst it hasn’t   been outright stated it feels obvious. Now the  debates are more focused on if this game takes   place in one of the timeline splits due to the  Imprisoning War being brought up once again.   However for me personally I am very much on  board with this game and Breath of The Wild   simply taking place as an inevitable outcome  of all the past games in the Zelda Timeline.   In a sense creating its own new linear  timeline. I imagine this will be the lore   revealed eventually by Nintendo but at the  same time it doesn’t matter all that much,   it takes place a few years down the line  from the others. I’m happy leaving it there. The Zonaite Armour is probably my favorite  in the game. The aztec inspiration is so   cool and the actual feeling of having Zonai  themed armor still feels a little surreal   to me given all of the Zonai speculation  leading up to this game. The lore behind   it is interesting too. It’s description  just reads that it is forged from Zonaite,   which makes sense, however what’s cool  is that in Zelda’s memories we see that   the Hylians of the time she was sent back to  wear this sort of armour. As well as have the   Zonai tattoo designs. Presumably this means  that in lore terms, even back at this point   when the Zonai were just down to Rauru and  Minuru the Hylians embraced Zonai culture. The Great Deku Tree has been a  key figure in Zelda Lore for a   very long time. We've seen multiple  of the character as when one dies,   another sprouts. The Deku Tree seen in Tears of  The Kingdom is still the same one from Breath   of The Wild but when we first meet him he's  actually infested with Gloom. Perhaps a small   nod to him being infected in Ocarina of Time.  Now as to the actual lore point I've got here,   following Link cleaning the Gloom out we actually  discover that the Great Deku Tree is not only the   resting place for the Master Sword but he can  actually live track the Master Sword as if he   is Hyrule's Amazon Prime. I didn't know he was  able to do this and I found this fact really cool. This next lore bit is more of just me  being a simp. The Evil Gerudo Women   under the rule of Ganondorf are, I’m just  gonna say it, they're hot. They’re pretty   hot and I consider this serious lore.  Evil Gerudo Women, thank you Nintendo. Coming back to the Constructs lore, the bigger  piece of lore I alluded to earlier is that they   serve a very similar purpose to the ancient  robots seen in Skyward Sword. Both ancient   machines powered by a form of magic. Both  programmed for specific purposes. Many fans   have started connecting the two and I believe  there could be a big piece of lore here waiting   to be confirmed. Whilst their purposes are  different and their power source is different,   it is possible that they hold some form of  connection in how they were made. They are   very similar. But I don’t think we’ll ever get  to know for sure. It's just very worth noting. Dondons are an interesting case. We saw one  in the reveal trailer for this game being in   development. Being a part of Link and Zelda’s  journey to Ganondorf. However in the final game   that Dondon was cut entirely. However the  Dondons as a whole are in the game. You can   find a sanctuary in the Faron region and funny  enough they have a little connection to Lumious   stone still. If you feed them Luminous stone they  will in time, sh*t out gems. Prime Zelda Lore. On the topic of crappy Zelda lore, the fun  loving Koroks which we can collect have not only   increased but guess what comes with that increase  of seeds to collect. A bigger reward. That’s right   folks, we’re no longer getting Hestu’s Gift again  like we did in Breath of The Wild. We’re getting,   an even bigger pile of sh*t. Yup,   this is prime Zelda Lore. Brilliant  job Nintendo. Thanks for that. The lore behind Zelda and Sonai’s connection is  something I might talk about in its own video   at some point. For now let me highlight why  I find it really interesting. So Sonai says   that she can feel the light power within  Zelda as well as her time power. She also   senses a blood connection. This does make  sense given Rauru and Sonai are the first   rulers of Hyrule and part of the history of the  Royal bloodline in some way. I would really like   to learn more about this and perhaps in a  future video we'll theorize more into this.   There isn't time for it in this video but for  now i'm highlighting it as interesting lore. Mipha of the Zora is a beloved character. In  Breath of The Wild she had her own statue in   the middle of the domain, however this statue  has been moved in Tears of The Kingdom and   I found this decision interesting. It has  been moved to the peak of Ploymus Mountain,   which whilst is cool and now has a lot more to  it, I can’t help but feel it was fine where it   was. There is now a Link and Sidon statue at the  domain to honour their work in Breath of The Wild.   But why couldn’t they have been moved elsewhere?  Perhaps where the Sheikah shrine used to be   or even on Ploymus Mountain. It’s a cool lore  development I guess but I don’t really get it. A big question in terms of lore that fans  have been asking and trying to figure out   is the time between the ending of Breath of The  Wild and beginning of Tears of The Kingdom. The   answer hasn’t been stated anywhere yet but there  obviously has to be a set time in terms of in game   lore. There are characters such as Riju who have  visibly aged from a child in Breath of The Wild   to a teenager to maybe young adult age in Tears  of The Kingdom. Some characters now have kids who   are at least 5+ years old. I would personally put  the time difference at around 5 to 8 years between   the games. It’s a super interesting question  regarding the lore and I would expect it to be   answered at some point. Knowing Nintendo, it'll  be through a random tweet on a random Tuesday. The Master Sword design we saw in the  game's title logo didn’t really happen.   This design made it out as if we’d acquire  a part metal, part energy blade. Truth is,   the lore of the Zonai-ified Master Sword isn’t as  cool as that. It’s still cool and interesting but   what this design actually turned out to be is the  ability to fuse with the Master Sword, which is   a rather interesting bit of lore for the blade  of evil's bane. Part of me thinks maybe a part   energy blade was in mind at some stage and then  later scrapped but I guess we’ll never know. I   am happy with the blades lore we got though. It’s  just a shame we cannot upgrade it as of right now. To fit the number 69 spot let’s talk about some  lore with one of my favorite new characters,   Tauro. He’s… whowh. He’s a lot. He’s hot.  L-let’s just get that out there. An interesting   thing about this guy is that in the lore of  this game, he enjoys and would prefer to be   naked. I am not even kidding, read his dialogue  again. The man literally says stuff like "Trust   me, I understand. If I could run around in  nothing but my unmentionables, I just might."   or "Otherwise, I wouldn't bother  so much with clothing. Better to   feel the breeze on my skin while I work!" His… u-unmentionables. I cannot believe I actually   read that in a Zelda game. Please bring this guy  back in the next game Nintendo. Pretty please. The sun rising and setting has changed in  Tears of The Kingdom. This might not seem   that important but it does raise some questions  in terms of lore. If you go a spot in this game   and observe how the sun rises and sets, then  observe from the exact same spot in Breath of   The Wild you’ll notice that it is completely  different. This has lead some fans to believe   it means Tears of The Kingdom takes place in  a different timeline from Breath of The Wild.   I don’t personally agree with that take but it is  an interesting one. My take on this is that it has   something to do with the Upheaval and the effects  that took on the land in regards to bringing back   stuff from Ancient Times. In those Ancient Times  the cycle of the sun rising and setting very well   could have been entirely different. That’s my  take but this piece of lore in general is pretty   interesting and will most likely be a part of  some future theories of mine and many others. I loved the magic armor in past games. There  have been some cool theories regarding the   various iterations of the armor over the  years and Tears of The Kingdom brought it   back in the form of the Mystic Armour. In this  game it definitely has some cool lore. Firstly   it takes on the design of a blueepee. Secondly  as magic armour goes it stops you from losing   hearts when damaged but at some sort of cost.  In this case it drains rupees instead but what   makes that really interesting is that it might  actually have the magic or powers of blueepess.   As when they are hurt they drop rupees. It  seems like whoever made this armor knew how   to work with whatever abilities the blueepees  have. Could this perhaps go even deeper and be   connected to The Lord of The Mountain? Perhaps  we’ll look into that in it’s own video someday. Returning to the Yiga Lore, the fact that Link  can now pass Yiga Exams to become a qualified   blademaster is crazy cool. Especially when my  first video to ever really gain a lot of views   was about Link Joining Them, and then the sequel  videos I made. That dates back to 2017 when Breath   of The Wild was released and that fact that Yiga  Lore now actually has blademaster exams is so cool   to me. There might need to be a new addition  to my what if link joined the yiga clan saga. The process of upgrading the Master Sword  is one of the coolest new bits of lore this   game brought. Not only is it sent back in time  but Zelda turns into a damn dragon binding the   Master Sword to herself and healing it over  thousands of years for Link to retrieve it   in the present day. This whole section  of lore amazed me and I just love it. The lore of the Duelling Peaks is interesting  as we are told a tale in Breath of The Wild   about how it was split down the middle  by a dragon. This was just a tale tho,   a legend and nothing more. Now in Tears of  The Kingdom this lore has been built on. Not   only can we see on the ancient map of Hyrule  that the peaks are infact just one in ancient   times but also with all of the new dragon lore it  seems even more likely to actually be the case,   that a dragon split this mountain in  half. The Light Dragon perhaps? Oh man,   that would cause some serious timeline time travel  issues in the lore. But I'd secretly love it. Going back to Gloom for a moment,  the terrifying Gloom Spawn is well,   terrifying. Bloody terrifying. A rather  interesting bit of lore about them is   that despite being an enemy sourced from  Ganondorf they don't pick up on the camera   ruin. As in they aren't recognised  as anything like other enemies are. The lore of the Lightening temple is something  I've been trying to figure out ever since I   discovered it. It's my favourite dungeon  in the game by far and it's so cool. I've   seen some interesting takes regarding it but  one I actually think might be onto something   is that it could actually be the Dessert  Pyramid that was an Urban Legend in Ocarina   of Time. Another cool potential bit of lore  is that we create a golden triangle in order   to reveal the temple. Possibly in connection  to the triforce. Whatever the case the lore   here is very interesting going off all the  mysteries surrounding it and found within it. The new enemies that have suddenly just appeared  are in lore terms, here due to Ganondorf. These   are his servants and they are here to do damage.  I just find it cool that there is actual lore to   explain these enemies rather than it just being  "they appeared" or something generic like that. It may have already been known in some  ways but the fact that Goddess statues   can sense each other and their condition  fascinated me. You learn this by talking   to the statues found in the springs and  they can all recognize that the statue in   the Forgotten Temple has fallen. Setting off a  little quest as well. Hylia lore is neat lore. A very cool bit of lore which I found  out about thanks to the amazing Lorulean   Historia is that all gloom weapons  actually have the inscription “Kotake   and Koume” further adding to that  Ganondorf lore earlier discussed. The archaic tunic which was used in more or  less all of this games promotion was for a   while believed to be Link’s new main tunic.  However it’s actually just a non-upgradable   starter set. However the lore behind it  is interesting and much like the Zonaite   armour as previously discussed. We can see  Hylians in the ancient past wear this design.   It likely originates from this timeframe as  well and is described as old fashioned. It   has a very subtle but cool triforce design  as well which could have some serious lore   implications but it’s probably not much more  than a style choice based on the triforce. The dating school that we saw in Gerudo  Town in Breath of The Wild was a really   cool insight to Gerudo culture and life in  this day and age. In Tears of The Kingdom   those classes about meeting and talking to Voe  has evolved and that is really awesome to see. Staying in Gerudo Town, in the Bunker  beneath the town we can discover that   they once again have a jail. I say once again  because in terms of lore the Gerudo were known   for having jail cells and it turns out they  still do. I doubt this is a reference to past   games though and more of just a development  into Gerudo lore in this era of the series. The Horse God Malanya has moved location  just as the Great Fairies have. That in   itself is new but something I found really  interesting is what happens when you sleep   in a Malanya bed at stables. In your sleep  the Horse God will actually speak to Link   and guide him to find where he is. His services  has upgraded a little too as you can boost your   horse's stats by bringing Malayna meals.  A cool lore development if you ask me. A massive piece of lore about Ganondorf is,  who is he? Well he’s the Gan-daddy of course   but what I really mean in terms of the game's  lore is if Ganondorf was down here ever since   the founding era of Hyrule, sealed beneath the  castle the entire time. Then how can the other   appearances of Ganondorf be explained,  if in this new lore he is explained to   have been sealed down here. Well it may seem  problematic at first but I actually heard a   very interesting take online recently that  described it as if Ganondorf is a candle,   but there can be two flames. Could that  be the case and explanation here? Or is   actually just the new lore contradicting the  existing lore? It's interesting regardless. Tarrey Town is back and better than ever. In  Breath of The Wild we helped build this town and   back in the day I made a video about the site in  which we built as before the plans had even begun,   this site had a Goddess Statue. But why? Well  Tears of The Kingdoms lore appears to have   built on that as in the depths below there  is an Abandoned Tarrey mine. Could this be   hinting at the existence of a settlement  here prior to Tarrey Town as we built it   up in Breath of The Wild? I think so as  there needs to be a reason for a goddess   statue just being here all alone prior  to the town as we built it ever existing. Following the final Dragon Tear, we are dropped  back off to the Rist Peninsula. But now surrounded   by Silent Princess flowers. The flower associated  with Princess Zelda who is now the Light Dragon,   this shows us that Zelda is truly still in  there. It’s also a cool detail as Silent   Princess can also be found at the Master Swords  usual resting place by the Great Deku Tree. During the Gerudo Assault memory we see  that the smoking hot Gerudo can actually   summon what appears to be trained Mulduga.  This was mentioned to me recently as this   memory basically confirms that Mulduga are  not evil by nature like bokoblins and other   monsters. But rather they are just territory  creatures which can be dangerous, as you’ll   know if you’ve ever got near one but they are  not actually part of Ganondorf's natural evil   monsters. Even in the scene where we see Ganondorf  summoning the monsters, no Mulduga are there and   it even starts in the Gerudo Desert. The Gerudo  trained them to the sounds of this instrument. Zonaite is a curious material. It does hold a fair  amount of lore but in a variety of small ways.   From the Zonaite Armour to the Zonai Weapons.  All the way to being a currency to build with.   Sure it’s just a game mechanic but as a Zeldatuber  I am required to overthink things at least a few   times a video. It’s a time of ore with some sort  of energy within it. Likely the very same used to   forge Zonai Charges and Crystallized Charges. Does  this make it a fuel of sorts? I believe so, yes. Going off of that earlier point about how the  Master Sword was repaired and strengthened,   the power of recall in general is crazy.  Evidently with how Zelda used it to bring   the Master Sword into the ancient past  and work her magic. The recall we as Link   can use is limited to reversing movement.  However when in the hands of Princess Zelda   and presumably others such as Sonia and Rauru it  can be used in different ways such as bringing an   object physically through time without it  going back to its place after a set time,   like how we can use it. I found the lore behind  recall to be extremely cool and definitely   something that will be considered a big part  of Zelda lore going forward. Speaking of which,   I could see it being used again, in  this way, in some potential future DLC. Bluepee Burrow is a fascinating location  found directly below Satori Mountain. Which   makes sense given we saw the cute creatures  in numbers here. Now adding to the lore of the   mysterious glowing mountain we learn that deep  below is a burrow packed with these creatures.   It’s interesting to see them in the depths and  I'm curious if this is in terms of the lore,   where they come from. It very well could be, which  would be an awesome little addition to their lore. The Pirate Invaders which are actually just  regularly monsters on Pirate Ships can be   found causing issues up and down the shoreline.  Most notably in Lureline Village. This is new   lore in itself but what it makes me wonder is  if this is a new development of the monsters,   such as their hideout on Eventide Island  or if this has something to do with the   Upheaval. Possibly meaning they acted like  this in the ancient past when Ganondorf first   invaded Hyrule. It’s cool to be a part  of the game but I do wonder about that. As mentioned earlier the ancient sages all wear  masks. An interesting secret which could extend   to lore, and does in my eyes is that if you  wear the Divine Helmets found in the game,   of the four main dungeon sages they’ll  then equip the sage masks that we saw their   ancestors wearing. For me, this further  adds to that previous lore speculation   I mentioned in thinking the ancient sages'  names are that of the Divine Beasts names.   This also shows us that in lore terms  there is a connection with these masks. Whilst the Sheikah Tech from Breath  of The Wild is more or less all gone,   there is some new Sheikah Tech surprisingly.  Whatever powers these new towers is done with some   new technology as seen at the Lookout Landing.  This isn’t anything major as I doubt Ganondorf   could manipulate this and destroy the Kingdom  with it but it's a cool little development. Going back to the beginning of the game, Link  and Princess Zelda are investigating the depths   of Hyrule Castle to get to the bottom of where  the gloom is coming from. All of this was based   on the appearance of Gloom entering the surface  and actually affecting people in ways such as   making them ill and weak. Naturally yeah you'd  go and investigate that but something I find   interesting is that even as a Royal, Apparently  Zelda had no idea there was even anything below   the Castle. We can find this out by reading  Purahs diary and honestly it is surprising.   Especially considering the fact the Hyrulean  Royal family have a bit of a record when it   comes to keeping dark secrets from the public. *cough* looking at Shadow Temple aka torture   chamber used during the civil war. Yeah the  Hyrulean Royals are pretty brutal and secretive.   Surely King Rhoam and the Queen knew. I just  find it odd that Zelda didn't. Now I obviously   don't mean that any of them didn't know about  Ganondorf. I'm sure that secret did fall into   legend but there being some form of underground.  It's questionable. But hey it's cool lore. A bit of lore that was in Breath of The  Wild but also returned in Tears of The   Kingdom is this metalwork in the Hyrule  Castle Throne room. I choose to include   this as if you didn’t play the previous  game or just didn’t happen to see this,   it’s worth knowing as whilst being more of an  easter egg. In lore terms it could hold meaning.   This actually shows us the musical notes used for  playing Zelda’s Lullaby back in Ocarina of Time.   That song is kept within the Royal Family and used  for various things in Ocarina of Time, so it makes   sense that it’s been kept within the family  and this is a very cool way of displaying it. Going back to Yiga Lore but on a serious note,  their development really impressed and interested   me. I thought it would be tough to bring them back  and add more to their existing lore and history.   But Nintendo managed to do it with turning the  Yiga into a mostly underground operation. They   have several bases across the depths as well as  Kohga being found a few times for some fun boss   battles involving Zonai Builds. Which is the  lore I find the most interesting. The Yiga in   this game are trying to figure out Zonai Tech to  aid Ganondorf in destroying the world as Kohga   puts it. This is really interesting to me and will  be fun to come back to when working on theories. This next bit of lore might seem a bit obvious  but I suppose not if you haven’t cleared the   thunderstorm surrounding the Thunderhead  Isles. Once the storm is clear you can see   that on the map from above these Islands  actually take the shape of a dragon. With   the head being the same design seen with the  Zonai Emitters and other Zonai Dragon designs. The reward for completing every shrine in  the game is lore heavy. Upon completion   of your final shrine, you’ll be directed to  the Temple of Time for a reward. In there,   you are given the Ancient Hero’s Aspect. A  one piece full outfit which envelops Link   and changes his appearance to the ancient hero.  The outfit description reads “This item is said   to contain the spirit of a hero who once saved  Hyrule. The hero's aura will envelop the wearer."  Though this hero doesn’t appear Hylian as  you’d probably have guessed. Rather green   with red hair and a red tale. But then again it  was never said that the spirit of the hero must   be within a Hylian. Because this hero appears  pretty Zonai. What this new lore also extends   to is the ancient tapestry seen in Breath  of The Wild. So many theories were made on   the identity of this heroic figure seen here.  Questioning why he has red hair and doesn’t   fully resemble Link as we know him. Well that’s  because it clearly isn’t. It's whoever this was.   Is this perhaps a very ancient Link or maybe  a completely different character who just also   had the spirit of the hero. Whatever the case  is, this is some pretty damn interesting lore. We’re almost there folks, the 99th piece of lore  I found facnsinting, no mind blowing, is that   dragonification is in fact reversible. Throughout  the entirety of this adventure and collecting the   memories of Zelda in the ancient past it was  built up so well and insanely emotional that   Zelda’s sacrifice would be irreversible, but  necessary in order to save Hyrule from definite   darkness. In the moment following the defeat  of Dragondorf, the stunning scene of Link,   Rauru and Sonia combining powers in order to  reverse Zelda’s dragonification was incredible.   Normally I would have been thinking, of course  there’s a way for Zelda to return and be safe.   But Tears of The Kingdom really made me feel like  her sacrifice was going to be for good. Obviously   this isn’t easy to miss but what is, is that this  technically means dragonifcation is reversible   in general. Not exclusive to Princess Zelda. At  least that’s fair to assume and something I didn’t   really think about at first. Probably because I  was way too busy trying not to sob on stream as   the main story came to a conclusion. I don’t think  any of us missed it being reversible with Zelda,   but I think the consideration of this being  possible for anyone, say the other three   dragons we know of, has been a bit missed  out on. It’s a very interesting thought. Ah here we are folks. Number 100. Congratulations  to everyone who has endure listening to me for   however long this video has gone on for and before  getting into the last point I just wanna say,   thank you. It means a lot. Now, to end off a  grand video like this, the only appropriate way   to finish off is to say something a little bit  controversial. The final bit of lore that some   of you will disagree with, and some of you will  agree with is that ZeLink, is now canon. Discuss. Thank you so much for watching this video.  It's been really fun to work on this video   as I had been keeping all of these bits  and pieces of lore in mind from the very   beginning. I’ll definitely come back to make  dedicated videos focused on some and make some   fabulous Zelda Theories. For now though, I  need a little rest as this video took a lot   of effort to put together. I’m off to have my  snack or drink, and a sleep. A massive shoutout   goes to my channel supporters as you help to  make these videos possible week in, week out,   all month long 365 days a year! Thanks a ton.  If you’d like to join them and get yourself a   shoutout upon joining, a cool badge next  to your name in my comments sections,   access to exclusive channel emotes, supporting  some fabulous Zelda content and of as well as   your name at the end of every video then consider  becoming a channel member. Thanks for watching,   I hope you all have an amazing day or night  and until the next time I’ve been Hyrule Gamer. [OUTRO PLAYS]
Channel: Hyrule Gamer
Views: 361,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Tears of The Kingdom, Zelda Tears of The Kingdom, Totk, Zelda Totk, Zelda Theory, Mystery, Lore, Analysis, Gameplay, Link, Princess Zelda, Rauru, The Great Sky Island, Ultrahand, Recall, Fuse, Ascend, Master Sword, Discussion, Zeldatube, Zeldatuber, Cave Boys, The Depths, Zonai, Hyrule, Zelda Lore, 100 Zelda Lore, Zelda Facts, Tears of The Kingdom Lore, Totk Lore
Id: IyXxbqqUH54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 30sec (4050 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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