All Dungeons EXPLAINED in Zelda: Ocarina of Time

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a Zelda game without dungeons is like a monster maze with no maze like sure you've got one hunky netherlander man running a YouTube channel all by himself but without the maze where are the theories where are the analyzes where's the super sweet dungeon Bandit oh hey it's Dawn from Monster maze uh how long have you been standing there exactly a while I mean you called me to come over remember you said and I quote Donnie dude like there's this huge rash on my back that I need did I say that I don't remember saying that at all well you did I even brought some aloe vera well you know no rashes here definitely not ones covering my entire back and growing hair in strange places um hey since you're here why don't you help me cover the dungeon lore of Ocarina of Time dungeons are kind of your thing yeah I guess they are kind of my thing yeah so let's talk Dungeons and never mention rashes again whatever you say man oh and uh by the way spoiler alert obviously the first dungeon we're going to fully explain would be the dadongos cavern located on Death Mountain oh what's that you're wondering where the first dungeon in the game the great Deku Tree is well for the other half of the dungeons make sure you visit the video over on my channel after you're done here there's a ton of lore in these games so splitting it up into two videos is just easier or at least that's what Bandit is scripting me to say right now good job my puppet good job yeah anyway most fans know or can assume correctly that the dongos cavern is the cave from which the famous the Dongo dinosaurs originate I mean it is in the name after all but what's more obscure about the cavern is the history surrounding The Disappearance and reappearance of these fire-breathing lizards but let's talk about what the cave is currently used for first before arriving at speculation station the race of volcano dwellers that most fans of the series are very familiar with would be the boulder-like gorons who in fact made their first appearance in Ocarina of Time these Rock people actually eat rocks which is pretty much their only source of food and nutrition and to take things a step further apparently the only or perhaps best rocks that the gorons could Feast upon for sustenance came from the dongo's cavern because of this it makes sense that the cavern itself would be a heavily mined area with tons of rooms and hallways and levers and buttons and doors and what have you it's also why after the Goron leader darunia refused to give Ganondorf the Goron Ruby the Gerudo king tried to force them into obeying him by blocking the entrance to the cavern with a big rock preventing the gorons from entering and being able to eat food wait a sec don't Goron's you know eat rocks why didn't they just eat the one that Ganondorf placed in the entrance of the don't ask questions that don't have answers Bandit it's easier that way anyway without easy access to the cavern the gorons were apparently on the verge of Extinction yet still they did not give up on the Goron Ruby though so Props to them for sticking to their guns fortunately a 10 year old was able to enter the cavern by blowing up the almighty ceiling rock with a single Bomb Flower and defeating the ancient dinosaurs inside thus re-enabling entrance to the cavern and saving the gorons from their starvation so now for the more speculative side of things and Mr Bandit this one's all you well to start things off we have reason to believe that the big boulder in the entrance of the cavern isn't the only thing Ganondorf did here actually far from it darunia states that quote ancient creatures have infested the dango's cavern this would imply two things one that the ancient creatures are in fact the dongos themselves and that prior to the events happening here dadongo's Cavern was actually clear of these ancient creatures hadn't swai darunia is freaking out about their reappearance while their reappearance isn't explained explicitly we can assume that since Ganondorf also revives another ancient long since deceased lizard dinosaur creature later on in the game named vulvagia also on Death Mountain that the re-emergence of dodongos is also due to ganondorf's Magic in our opinion it was most likely the ancient Goron hero who wielded the Megaton Hammer that was responsible for ridding the volcano of volvagia and all the dangos long ago the biggest of which still has its skeleton visible to this day but that's neither here nor there another feature of the cavern that's harder to explain would be the booby traps located everywhere there are bmo's enemies sitting ready to fry you if you enter their gaze and there are rooms like the razor maze or the one with the giant staircase that needs to literally be blown up to be climbable stuff like this doesn't really fit into the rather innocent mining for food explanation yeah I don't think the gorons would need to booby-trap their Rock food mine when they're the only species in the world that mines rocks for food I guess this one can probably also be chalked up to the work of Ganondorf you know in the case the gorons wisened up and ate their way inside the cavern besides there's also lisofos inside which are always depicted as Servants of the forces of evil so there you have it the history purpose and events surrounding the dongo's cavern explained with a nice little Christmas bow on top moving on the next dungeon we're going to cover would be the Forest Temple and this is a big one that's also been theorized over for a long long time but again let's just start off simple by covering what we know factually about the area in the game it's an entire hit Hidden Fortress or castle that's located deep within the Lost Woods so far into it in fact that I'd imagine most if not all Wayward Adventures who may be searching for it would be eternally lost in the woods before ever even catching a glimpse of the temple doomed to turn into stalfos for the rest of time but for those who know the way to the sacred grove and Beyond and who are able to enter they'll discover that the interior is just as mysterious as the exterior the temple is expansive and very obviously handmade with rooms and rugs and pictures and torches and also ghosts which haunt the place literally none of this is explained even a little bit in the game and the only connections with the outside world that we can see would be the forest Sage icon located above the entrances of the doors and the Phantom Ganon boss which is a pretty clear connection to Ganondorf who obviously plays for the Phantom Ganon inside the temple in order to stop the forest Sage from Awakening the forced Sage being Saria who entered the Forest Temple due to her being able to feel an evil wind blowing out of it must resist making fart joke also there are some giant blocks inside the castle that strangely feature the Gerudo symbol on them but that is literally the end of everything we know about the mysterious castle in the woods at least in game Mr maze let's get theoretical certainly sir a like Bandit mentioned the Forest Temple has been one of the most intriguing and theorized about pieces of Zelda lore since the release of Ocarina of Time over 20 years ago with that said let's try to come up with a safe conclusion that wraps up everything going on here first and foremost what is the purpose of a castle or Fortress which the Forest Temple clearly is given its stone block walls and battlements located on top no matter how you slice it or what real life culture you'd like to derive the answers from a castle is always used for the purpose of living under a nearly impenetrable physical protection hence the sound structures due to the expenses they're going to creating such a Monumental piece of safe housing usually only the very rich and well-off Royal or noble families could even afford to build or live in one and in the Forest Temple the interior of the castle is also rather nice all things considered you can tell it's been abandoned for a while but there's a grand main hall with an elevator outdoor balconies a gazebo a well a garden and many more nice things that were probably there because whoever built this place was well off speaking of the builders though I think it's improbable that the Forest Temple was put here by the royal family of Hyrule simply because there's quite literally no royal family symbolism present anywhere inside the castle except for the boss room which is riddled with the Triforce everywhere on the ground but we'll get back to that the most obvious and likely most accurate answer as to who was responsible for creating this Majestic Castle would be the four post sisters present within and for a bit more proof just look at their clothing or more specifically the clothing of the main purple sister Meg none of the other pose in the game or in the franchise as a whole for that matter have jewelry but mag here does it's a very fancy looking head Jewel like a tiara and historically Tiaras were worn by royalty especially in medieval times so automatically we can come to the conclusion that the castle was built by a rich family and that sad family was most likely the PO sisters now two questions remain who were the poe sisters and what happened to them to turn them into you know pose which are described as hateful lingering Spirits great question sir let's start with that first one I think the symbols of the forest Sage present all over the place in the Forest Temple is very telling as to who the poe sisters were in life and this suggestion may be a bit shocking to believe but just bear with me for a moment and also remember that this is all just my theory and you are more than welcome to as always believe whatever you would choose to I'd like to remind you briefly that there is another entire group of sages that we've never seen in game referred to as the ancient sages of which rauru the sage of light is the last remaining member we can assume based on this information that this likely means that the ancient or original sages were also each attributed to their own respective elements such as forest and water and Shadow and light and that must mean that the sage of the forest had an entirely different identity prior to Syria being awakened as a sage so what if the old sage of the forest lived in this this very Temple I mean Syria even refers to herself as the awakened Sage of the Forest Temple so this would only make sense plus there's a Triforce warping pad located just outside the entrance to the temple which was present before Syria's Awakening and applies very strongly that the temple was the home of an older Sage now how do we connect the poe sisters to the old sage of the Forest Temple you're probably wondering simple the identity of the previous Sage of the forest is the poe sisters or should I say Amy and the identity of the previous Sage of fire is Joelle the previous Sage of water is Beth and the previous Sage of Shadow would be Meg I know that's a tad weird to conceptualize but think about it if the force nipple was built by a richer royal family that has to be the poe sisters and since they built a castle and hid inside that would also make sense if they were sages who needed to be protected from potential threats and if the hidden room underneath the castle that's littered with Triforce emblems all over the platform is some sort of old prayer room where the sages would go to pray to the gods it would also make sense sense that they were each sages of their own Elements which is why they together were the only ones that could open the way to the Triforce prayer room by combining their Flames Each of which were different colors which is also a very key sage-ism the only Sage that would be missing from this picture would be the sage of spirit who was reawakened as naburu in the adult timeline however there are Gerudo blocks located inside the Forest Temple so perhaps the previous Sage of spirit was also a Gerudo who had close ties with the sage sisters in life and provided them with some materials for the castle it also makes sense for the poe sisters to be the sage sisters since they were probably still alive up until Ganondorf cursed the Forest Temple with an evil wind which probably means he entered inside killed the sisters turning him into malicious ghosts and corrupting the prayer room with a phantom copy of himself the biggest piece of evidence against this explanation however would be the Triforce warping pads located in all the other temples such as the fire water Shadow and spirit Temple as well as the Temple of Time also when the new sages are awakened most of them at least imply that they're meant to protect their respective Elemental temples which would suggest that the ancient sages lived in each of these respective places but given the evidence we've been going over regarding their possible former identities as the poe sisters it could be that most of them had retreated into the stronghold I.E the Forest Temple once the hyrulean civil war broke out amongst the other races of Hyrule it would also explain why the sage of spirit likely an old Gerudo would have stayed away as the land of the Gerudo is considered to be outside the borders of Hyrule but we've spent enough time going over the Forest Temple and while this isn't a perfect explanation it does wrap up most if not all of the questions that people have regarding the mysterious Fortress moving on though the next dungeon we're going to cover is the water temple and to be honest I actually kind of sort of completely covered this in my first lore of the video the one covering the bosses of Ocarina of Time actually I kind of covered a lot of this in that video but you know what I said I was gonna do the dungeon video so here we are but anyway if you watched that one you probably know where I'm going with this but if you have haven't allowed me to Briefly summarize basically according to good old kapora gabora aka raru the ancient Sage of light the water temple was built by the Zora to worship the water Spirits I personally believe that the puzzle-like structure is so puzzling in its structure because the completion of the temple is in and of itself a form of worship from the Zora people a journey that would purify the mind and body and speaking of purifying the mind that's also why I think the Dark Link room was created it's a completely hallucinogenic room that's entire purpose is to become a dark reflection of the traveler looking to conquer the temple and for proof of this that I actually didn't mention in the previous video just pay attention to Ling's own reflection in the water as he progresses through the room he starts off with it but once he crosses the tree in the center his reflection is gone and has emerged as Dark Link created by the room who awaits to challenge The Traveler with a fight directly from the depths of their own heart Navi even confirms that Dark Link is none other than link himself so this makes sense obviously Ganondorf had some shenanigans against that play here sticking a weird water sucking but also water producing amoeba known as amorpha inside the temple but that's a topic or rather was a topic for another video for a bit more of an in-depth explanation on the temple ironically feel free to check out the lore of the bosses video on Ocarina of Time last but not least let's talk Spirit Temple and oh boy this is a fun one starting as always with the in-game factual pieces of lore were given the spirit Temple is a well Temple located deep within the desert of the Gerudo across an area so plagued by sandstorms that it's referred to as the haunted Wasteland and it actually is haunted you even have to follow a Pogue to cross this section safely but once you do you're met with the desert Colossus which is a giant depiction of the goddess of the sand which is most likely actually hylia herself but for more information on all the logic and evidence behind that check out Bandit's previous Skyward Sword boss lore video there's also the Triforce warping pad here that would imply a highly a connection as well inside the desert Colossus rests the hidden Spirit Temple which pry prior to the events of the game served as a hideout for naburu and her followers until Ganondorf Rose to power after which it was referred to as The Hideout of Ganondorf and his goons oh and his mothers or mother it's complicated anyway after link is able to solve the problems the temple presents both as a kid and as an adult naburu awakens as the new Sage of spirit and well that just about sums up everything we know for a fact about the dungeon from the game itself so now let's speculate lots of fans believe that the spirit Temple could have become the also very well-known arbiter's grounds dungeon from Twilight Princess especially since the encyclopedia flat out states that the grounds are connected to the spirit temple in those exact words and nothing more actually but as I went over in the Twilight Princess dungeon video there are several reasons to believe that the arbiter's grounds is actually much older than the spirit Temple and that it was built for an entirely different purpose the two locations are connected by both being located within the expansive Gerudo desert and about the appearances of the goddess of the sand but that's about it according to the official Ocarina of Time game guide the spirit Temple was built by the ancestors of the Gerudo and given that the entire thing is built within a giant statue of a goddess I'd wager that it's a pretty safe bet that the spear Temple was always meant to be a place of worship for the sand goddess especially given the fact that there is another giant statue of the same individual located inside and honestly there's not too much more to be said about it I mean in either case whether the sand goddess actually represents hylia or another unknown deity it makes sense that if the arbitus grounds was built as a worship by combat Arena thing the spirit Temple would instead be built as more of a worship through church thing I guess but also in line with the strange appearance of the sand goddess would be the strange appearances of several other symbols present in the dungeon for instance outside the entrance to the temple slash on the bottom of the desert Colossus statue there are serpents depicted eating one another in the 3DS version these serpents are green this is oddly similar to the oroboros-like symbol from tears of the Kingdom's recent trailer and for a whole bunch of reasons that I don't have time to go into in this video could also be used as further proof for the sand god is highly identity thing the other strange symbol would be the flying or winged eyeball symbol located above some of the doorways astute fans will immediately recognize the connection between this depiction and another well-known Zelda villain known as vati a connection could also be Loosely drawn between vati and the sheikah and then between the ancient Chica and the ancient Builders of the spirit Temple but that is so much speculation said in so little time so we'll just end that right now in a nutshell though we know as much about the spear Temple as we don't know but what we do know at least so far seems to point to the simple conclusion of an ancient worship site for an ancient deity built by ancient ancestors of the Gerudo which eventually twin Rover set up camping and started brainwashing other Garuda women fun stuff but there you have it the complete list of all the Dungeons and dungeons oh yeah the complete list of half of the dungeons in Ocarina of Time sir maze any ideas as to where these lore crazed Zelda Fanatics can find the other half of the list well my friend I have just the answer I mean it is a collab operation so it shouldn't be a big mystery where the other half is but for those who don't know me the missing four can be found over on my channel monster maze where I cover everything Zelda and more mostly Zelda but I do have my wacky moments anyway to miss the Bandit I say thank you as always for inviting me over it's always a pleasure working with you and uh yeah I'm just gonna stop talking now goodbye thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video or at least our efforts into making it please consider leaving a like to get it spread around on YouTube and subscribe if you haven't already because we are doing some awesome stuff here at Bandit games and together we can make this channel really something special also the videos will only get more interesting from here so yeah stick around huge thanks as always to my banded crew of which I have some names to announce say hello to Mickey p and Nick L who recently joined up on patreon thank you guys so much I do what I do because of you that's all I've got for this one so be sure to follow me on my socials and I will see you over on Monster maze's Channel this is Bandit of the heading over there peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Bandit
Views: 210,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, ocarina of time, legend of zelda, zelda dungeon, zelda lore, zelda story, zelda theory, masked nintendo bandit, bandit games, monster maze, zeltik, ocarina of time theory, ocarina of time story, ocarina of time 3d, ocarina of time playthrough, ocarina of time guide, ocarina of time review, ocarina of time gameplay, dunegon, forest temple, spirit temple, shadow temple, deku tree, ost, nintendo, switch, breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, release date, oot, totk, botw
Id: YCerY9HHhio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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