10 Types of Subnautica Players

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now just as with most games when it comes to subnautica everyone has a slightly different way of playing it everyone has a slightly different approach to how they experience the world of planet 4 546b but from all of my time of making content about the game and seeing the comments of the people down under the videos i think there are some trends that can be observed with how some people play the game and so today i will be bringing you the top 10 most common types of players that subnautica has at least according to the comments under my videos but guys before we begin i just want to give a big shout out to thank you for hitting me up with one of their screen bar e reading lamps this thing is a literal godsend as somebody who spends a lot of hours behind their pc every single day by the end of it i can always feel the toll it takes on my eyes and how draining it can be sometimes even causing me headaches and this lamb was specifically designed to help prevent that it comes with a very nice premium build a ton of customizability no glare on the screen and it is just a very nice thing to add to your setup especially if you spend a lot of hours behind the pc every single day which let's face it a ton of us do if you're interested in checking it out the link to it will be down in the description but without any further ado build your bases get your cmos and let's go hey everyone welcome to episode 2 of synoptica today we are back in this very cool area right out here and uh i started building my base here last time and today we're going to be trying to build the um the small submarine i don't remember the name of it but it should really help us get around faster and i think that's so far the biggest problem i'm facing look at this thing i don't think i've ever seen one of these let me scan it grab it don't run away come here i'm curious it has ears hey guys welcome to episode three of a base building this is just a very simple beginning i have started here in the grand reef it's a very small base really nothing grand i plan to make a small base like this in every biome basically and then connect them with one large central base if you're curious about the purpose of all these rooms this is the obvious habitable section this is where i keep all my utilities there in the back i'm not actually sure what's in here i have never been there but this right here actually keep this room flooded so it evens at the equilibrium and then i plan to make like a water filtration system that goes all the way down there and pulls towards the void but like i said guys this is still in the very early stages you know nothing big okay come on it's just a game there's nothing that terrible down there oh what was that i can do this okay let's go oh my god oh that's a big one that's a big one that was definitely hostile oh god oh god just give me the surface i don't want to be here anymore oh this is the worst thing i've ever played oh god i might pass that actually no okay you know what i'm not playing any more of this okay screw this game goodbye you guys i'm not gonna lie i mean i've been at this game for you know is it like three hours now and it's really not that scary like i don't even get why people say it's a scary game i mean i get it it's underwater some things are spooky but just man up jesus okay well this area is a bit spooky i'm sure there's nothing to worry about though like what more could it possibly oh my god i didn't want to play this anymore all right time to make a new setup all right let's get my soundtrack on hey come on [Music] gonna make a fine collection to my other 14 reaper heads in my base oh hello let me see this what are you oh this is a fascinating one so yes i've been studying the biology of these reefs around the safe shallows for about a week now and see as from all the nodes i've gathered it just seems that the table coral should have absolutely no place in this ecosystem right here it is just a predatory life form and it should have died out a long time ago if you look at these unnamed barnacles right here they completely just support my theory because at the hey guys welcome to episode 17 of my hardcore sonata challenge videos today we're trying the subnautica without surfacing challenge so i actually only ever have like 35 seconds here at the start to do all of my things and then i have to replenish here at this brain coral and uh so yeah guys i think this should be a really fun challenge beating somebody on hardcore without any weapons and without surfacing so let's see if we can make it happen but given the overall structure of flora and fauna in this game i believe that it is completely possible that back in the year 1974 the precursors actually interacted with queen elizabeth ii and there is actually substantial evidence for this guys to start this off right at the very beginning you might know of this one thing that grows in the same shallows mostly it's called the acid mushrooms and there's quick flood as well it's all going just just very well it's all just going very smoothly just just nothing's really going wrong hey klein so i need a rupture in this base like the one behind me that's bringing out water if i didn't have that rupture i wouldn't be able to deconstruct these sections because at some point this would stop being flooded and that'd be very bad i'd created my own two technique now also whenever you go through a counter you're gonna get air unless you go through a power button to play the basement outside there's not a flooded basin all right all right hello guys and welcome to another episode of modern subnautica today i have a truly special episode planned for you we only have a few mods running but i think it will really make a difference once we start the game and again guys this is a very simple setup to replicate for yourself if you're ever inclined to do so i left all the links to the mods down in the description so let's go alright press any button to continue oh yeah wow and look at that i mean that is completely changed it's really funny how just a few mods can make such a big difference i mean i can hardly tell that this is actually subnautica i know about you so to start us off on the list of mods that you're going to need for this [Music]
Channel: The Last Bacon
Views: 1,065,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Bacon, Last Bacon, subnautica speedrun, subnautica gameplay, subnautica aurora, subnautica base building, subnautica biggest creature, subnautica cyclops, subnautica creatures, subnautica full release, subnautica game, subnautica types of players, top 10 list, top 10, subnautica top 10, types of players, types of games, types of players subnautica, subnautica type of players, the last bacon subnautica
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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