The Liminal TERROR of Early Access Subnautica

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whoa what the heck oh my God that scared me so much if I come up there and it's no longer there I am quitting uninstalling and burning my computer hello my friends and welcome to what might become a series on the channel if you find it interesting I have on several occasions in the past covered Early Access subnotica builds from the earliest axes you can get your hands on to the legendary prototypes that are by some considered lost media now on those videos some of you posted that you'd be interested to see me go through the major updates subnotica had received over the years so we can see how the game came to be what it is now exploring all the creepy and Lial builds that led up to it so that's what we're doing today I've covered the earliest access already and those videos will be linked in the description as well as the I icon in the top right of this video but today we'll be taking a small Jump Ahead in time let me paint you the picture December 16 2014 the game comes out in earliest access and people begin playing it many updates are already in the pipeline and so only a week later Dev updates seven drops adding the graph sphere storage cubes and several other fixes and tweaks to creature AI today we'll be jumping a little under a month ahead from this point to January 16 2015 for Dev update 8 that should bring several interesting elements such as bleeders bone sharks the terraformer and a current generator we'd better go check it out and so here we are subnotica Early Access change set 12012 if that tells you anything so let's take a look at what this is all about now in latest news of course we don't really have anything in options we have the option of language uh which we can switch to wait does this actually work um well what it does is it switches the font to lowercase only English is deserving of all caps apparently now when I click on new game I only have the options of survival of freedom and hardcore so no creative but let's just pick freedom and jump in the loading screen already looks close to final I think it's just a tech that shows up that's going to be different in the late 22nd century humanity is beginning to colonize space before Colony ships arrive habitation vessels are appointed terraforming missions the Aurora was one such vessel during its descent the Aurora was struck by a mysterious energy pulse resulting in catastrophic hell failure a single life pod jettison prior to impact you were in that life pod exciting intro that I believe we've already heard in the earliest access and welcome to the life pod which looks very shiny and honestly looks quite good for how early on this was not as good as the finished version I think the colors there work better I can't interact with anything here I can open storage and I can use the fabricator so let's take a look here very different UI of course it's super intense with the red calcium carbon is there like anything here that I recognize unobtanium which is just hopefully that's easy to obtain oh okay I have a functional PDA modules which are not implemented and bases which are not implemented either so I wonder if at some point you were supposed to be able to like manage multiple bases you can also see that yes this is the January 15 early development build so let's get out of here welcome to the empty Creepy lional World of Early Access subnotica there's the Aurora with a strange smoke like effect on it and here's the the water let's float in the massive Coral Cube was in already that's good pick up quartz all right that's a nice model for the quartz dang and break Limestone okay so they already had these tutorial prompts well actually yeah let's build the let's build a current generator we need a battery and metal and carbon needs three purple mushrooms all right got it how exactly purple mushrooms give you carbon don't ask me okay and now we need metal I'm going to guess that just means metal salvage there is a bunch of fish oh and there we go metal nice I should now have everything to build a current generator I'm so curious what that does I mean like I can imagine but it's more like I'm curious why that exists and current generator okay let's see this I'm I'm holding it now it's a it's a big Cube okay let's see if I can place it right here into the big Coral tube wa well it it wow that worked dang okay like if if I needed to get through fast let's see oh yeah that kind of works the only problem is it's pretty short like this is as far as the current goes it's an interesting concept I wonder if you could use it to like like essentially automate traveling like you set up a chain of these and you just hop in and they kind of push you wherever you need to go I want to get all the way through the tube so here we go swimming in I'm letting go of the keyboard Okay so so far so good it's kind of working oh that's perfect boom I didn't have to touch anything to get down here I don't know how that would really be usable in the main game in theory you could set up a chain of these to get somewhere faster but it just seems like the effort to craft them is a little too intense which might explain why they were scrapped but all right next up on our list I want to go check some areas the first of which I think should be the floating Island I spawned the sea moth I mean I'm kind of in it's not exactly leveled but you know what I'm going to try to speed up the game a little bit okay um that may have been a mistake it wouldn't be a good video without at least one crash so as I was saying um Island look at this I was just making my way toward the island decided to dip under water the first thing I see is this it looks like when you take a slice out of a pie no idea where this goes there's this dotted surface W and there's a bit of lava texture here how why W look at this ah this might be the the ground Reef or I mean what would eventually become the ground Reef which means we should be close to the island if I can Surface oh and we indeed are wo what the heck oh my God that scared me so much do you guys remember the you were never alone story I swear I didn't place this is here if I come up there and it's no longer there I am quitting uninstalling and burning my computer what the heck are you I I get it it's like a size reference I guess but that scared the crap out of me nighttime approach oh I did not need to see that Jesus that's unpleasant that better not leave that area cuz I will just genuinely quit this so hard and when I jumped into this today I thought we were going to have a fun time exploring some old textures and stuff but dang okay did not expect a horror game anyway this is the island very Barren I mean it looks so strange right just that repeating texture empty landscape that one shade of water it all has a very strange vibe to it well I definitely want to check out what's under the island and also since we're kind of towards the edges of the map I want to see if the far lines are out here okay so I'm going to dive straight down from the island oh look at this we're in the ground re and we have the purple cone it's a pretty rare item in the base game I believe the noises here are very creepy I wonder if the Deep ground Reef already exists I just have no idea how I would get there okay I might have an idea this is the flashlight but green but in reality it's the terraformer I can dig stuff away and holy crap this thing digs fast well my idea is I'm going to try to dig down a little bit and see if we can get to the Deep ground Reef I mean it should be right below us okay um unfortunately I don't think there is a deep Grand Reef because I've swam 700 M down uh and gotten nothing but it was a good thought this whole build has such an eerie vibe to it and it's not just because I saw that body over there ooh have we arrived at the farlands it kind of looks like it okay I'm going to try to surface to see if we're at the farlands or if I'm just dreaming there's just this one lonely Obelisk sticking from the wall water nothing else what is happening here what could this be I'm going to try to follow it down see how deep it goes this is giving me whoo that scared the crap out of me this is giving me really bad vibes so this is just like a cube hanging in midair okay I'm going to leave that be whatever it is such a creepy area like what is this what what happens if I go down here is this the void oh my god do you guys hear that uh what is that sound I don't know what that is but I really dislike it holy crap I dislike that so much I I want to check if there is a bottom to the void it it should still be here I believe unless I get eaten or die of a heart attack first oh yeah here we go W oh my God wao now those sounds are absolutely terrifying but welcome guys to the bottom of the Void this is like a proper place yeah in these early versions you could you find a lot of terrain down here and I believe in some of the builds you could even build down here but look at this this is so freaking scary oh my God this is making me so uncomfortable it's like we're on the surface of the freaking moon or something just these massive chasms into nothing and there's something making that creepy noise in the background which I really dislike like imagine I look down there and suddenly just a big eye opens up let's get back to the shallows shall We There are a few more places I want to go check out real quick I want to go see the gun Island I believe some biomes were already improperly like you can see the kelp forest the grassy plateaus they look quite nice and I think also the mushroom forest and the bulb Zone would already be in since those were some of the earliest ones a massive hole where does this go look at this it's just a a random hole that leads down to Lava I wonder if they intended for all of these to be like mini craters to push the idea that we are in in fact on an inactive volcano oh man maybe this is the start of the Mountain Island they just didn't put it in yet I believe you can't get into the Aurora yet I can't explode it either but for the last thing I want to check out is I kind of just want to take the terraformer and start digging down right here and see if we can find something interesting like maybe we manag to clip into you know some biome or whatever and like this thing digs so fast now look realistically I don't think we're going to get anywhere but maybe there is some unfinished stuff that you know is not meant to be accessible or whatever okay it got very dark very quickly I don't think I like that it's strange look at this like if I go to a certain spot here it gets really dark yeah like here we must be like close to a biome somewhere I something started hurting me did you see that look at this I'm just hurting for no reason in this specific spot wao oh hello oh crap I dug into a geyser whoa whoa whoa what where the heck did I end up uh guys did I just get into the freaking backrooms what is this is this supposed to be like the jelly shroom cave this is scary what what on Earth is this place this place is freaking massive oh oh yeah look at this oh this is the jelly shroom cave precursor it's like a couple of random mushrooms in the middle of this creepy just cave system with like no way up to the surface I just randomly dug in here I man now it makes me wonder how many other cave systems like this there are like why are these spaces so freaking scary too W now I'm properly in the back rooms look at this this is just a freaking Cube hallway so uh we call this area the back rooms I think because it's just these endless Cube hallways but this is a big one my God Is This creepy I'm so freaking nervous this unsettles me a lot for some reason well I guess only one course of action from here see if I can dig deeper what goes beyond the back rooms like right now we're digging even below that okay well I've I've gone fairly deep at this point and the lighting hasn't changed at all so I I think we've reached about the end I don't think there's anything below this this is a pretty good spot to end this exploration into this build let me know if you'd be interested to see me explore some other early subnotica build cuz I mean this was definitely a scary EXP experience if you like the video please maybe consider leaving a like commenting or subscribing all those would be very much appreciated and with that I'm going to see you guys a beautiful rest off the day and I'll see you in whatever next video I make bye-bye
Channel: The Last Bacon
Views: 830,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Bacon, Last Bacon, early access, subnautica, subnautica early access, subnautica early access trailer, subnautica part 1, subnautica gameplay, subnautica beta, subnautica earliest build, steam early access, subnautica pdas, subnautica story gameplay, let's play subnautica, subnautica first build, subnautica prototypes, subnautica alpha
Id: RvLsiVBv9cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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