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hallelujah corns to part two of my top tips to be a good virtual online presenter all host whatever you want to call it the fact that we can't meet up physically right now due to Corona and the limiting size on a number of people who can attend events right now it's becoming more and more important to be a good presenter online so in this video I want to share some top tips and tricks of how I approach this and this is based on my experience in the last few weeks now where I've been doing almost 150 live broadcasts online only and I've made all the mistakes but I've learned some lessons in that so I want to share this with you now as I see live streaming becoming more commonplace on specifically Facebook I see a classic error happening all the time and I've made this mistake many times but people don't quite realize when they're going live right so they all just they'll go live and they'll be like and we're live right which is not very sexy it's not very professional if you go live and there's just silence and it's you or the person presenting just staring off into the distance it's like are they live is it gonna happen is there some technical difficulty so just when you go light be ready to go live so when you press that live button you're in present mode get ready build up beforehand I do that by manually clicking live in Facebook I don't let it schedule because there's a delay in Facebook when you go live and from a stick scheduled post when I go in my WebEx Cisco system so I eliminate that risk by going manual override and I start live in Facebook myself to make sure that I always know that when I go live it's 2 seconds and we're live and we're welcoming back everyone so it's as bang straight to the back a hack to that now is to put a share your screen put a slide up and that slide could be the event title or the sponsors or some music or whatever it looks really good and it means that you can even have a countdown to going live so 5 10 15 minutes before the time you're meant to go lie live you actually go live but you just put this slide presentation up basically and then when you want to go live you stop sharing your screen or stop sharing your slides and then you're ready then you're in full control so if you're bringing on people in the call remember that they'll be muted but you need to have a line of conversation whether it's you if you're controlling everything or your support function your producer they should have a line of contact at all times with the people that are meant to be coming on live just in case you have audio issues just in case you need to move the order around make sure that they have a slack window which is what I use slack I invite them all into a channel and I or my producer or support function will help me in and you know that dialogue in that narrative another hack make sure that you introduce people don't let them introduce themselves because if you introduce people you can control how long you take because typically you're doing this in a time frame right and I'm more often than not when you give someone a stage to introduce themselves and talk about their accolades they might well do that for a minutes and then you it's a bit unfair for you to cut them off but at the same time you need to control at all times the script and the direction so don't be afraid to interrupt people but you can eliminate that issue of people's long-winded five-minute introductions if you introduce them yourself so I always have cue cards with big bold letters and names if you are like me I am dyslexic I really struggle with spellings and pronunciations right so what I do is I will either press a their first name or I'll ask them before hey so how do you spell their surname how do I say that and practice a few times before you go live and if you say it wrong just go through it don't apologize too much and just get up sorry forgive me for butchering it and then move on keep the narrative moving keep the flow going think about camera angles if you're lucky enough to have cameras you know I have these these these cameras lying around I'm using one of these right now the Sony a7 mark 3 with a bigger lens and I will prop these up on a tripod plug them into my computer and therefore I can have different camera angles coming from left or right just adds to the dynamic of the presentation it adds the dynamic of the event and it's just quite a nice way to mix things up also think about audio these Rueda mics they are not particularly expensive and they add such better quality audio than your laptop or computer audio so if you're really doing like a high-value high-quality event think about audio support because you can plug these into the computer too and they also even have small little mics which you can clip on your shirt it you know if you something less invasive than this I do this because it kind of looks cool and it's a very good podcasting audio but that's another way to sort of add to the set design add to the professionalism of the presentation you're making when people watch it immediately they'll think oh wow this is a pretty Pro set up they must be doing something right right put the brakes on for a second if you're enjoying this video please hit the like button it really helps the video get promoted higher and helps me build my channel because I want to bring you as much content as I can thank you I get this question a lot which is how many channels can you stream two at once now when you stream to Facebook I won't get into the details but you know you just plug in whether it's through zoom or through WebEx or whatever system you're using it's relatively simple and you can also just go live on a camera on your computer on Facebook no problem but if you're doing a proper event going live to a Facebook page and you're also on a live stream to a YouTube page you need to use a restreaming service now these services are not too difficult and not too expensive but do some research into restreaming services they can make your life easier but also you'll need someone else to support you because when you're live streaming to YouTube and Facebook through a restreaming servers you will need someone who is an admin of the YouTube channel you're trying to stream to to actually allow that stream to go live when it goes live they have to actually click a box so bear that in mind when you're going live that you want you want the one that's going to be managing too much because like I said in the last lecture you know you don't be you know tapping away doing lots of things distracting the audience and creating annoying noise around you so you should try to have a support function whether it's a tea a member of your team who can do all the background work and just less distracting for the audience too another point is that when you invite people into your live stream make sure they're muted before because I've had that experience when you you're live and someone's child jumps on their lap makes a lot of noise a dog a siren outside the window whatever it might be it distracts the audience it adds some extra noise the worst thing is when you hear someone you know with a phone but Bing Bing Bing or something like that or someone slack channels going crazy because you're communicating on that make sure they are muted just because when you're alive and you're talking when you call those people on when they're meant to come and talk then they just unmute himself and the Kayson areas you have to tell them and remind them to unmute themselves so I always prep people before I go live half an hour before we go live if I say have 10 people who are joining me in that stream at that time I'll say hey everyone just bear in mind muted it all the time when you are say you're talking for five minutes and then I have someone else on make sure that they know that they should mute themselves or leave the conversation afterwards now timing of day is super important if you're live-streaming on line on Facebook or YouTube people watch Facebook and tune into Facebook and scroll through that feed all day long but there are certain times a day that they're a lot more likely to watch video content especially live content odds are if you go live at 5 a.m. no one's gonna watch it and you want people to watch that live because you can interact with them going live at the wrong time isn't great and it's not doing the event justice the it's not doing you justice so think about the right time to go live on the event page and what channel think about what people want to watch at what time also don't do just streams and streams of live live events you know break it up throughout the day if you can and make sure you promote it before practice makes perfect right no one's expecting you to go up there on this virtual stage and kill it every single time but the more you do it the more you learn the more you do it the more you see your weaknesses like I speak too quickly sometimes and most of the time I'm probably speaking too quickly now but in my last lecture I made points to say you know I write cue cards to myself by the camera angle and the lens to say slow down that you know take a breath take a pause and but if you don't watch yourself back you'll never know these things right so I often actually watch myself immediately after I do a live broadcast and I'll even ask friends who watched it's family my girlfriend she's been amazing to me thanks darling to give me advice on what they think I should do what I would recommend you do is if you're about to host a session before you do that whether it's a day or a week before depending on how much time you have to prepare go on screen yourself don't just practice in front of a mirror or in front of a partner or a friend in a small audience practice in front of the camera you need to get comfortable with this virtual stage because it's a strange setup you're alone you're looking at a camera there's maybe a light like I have there's maybe some audio supports but you know your setup is different you're not looking at an audience so I feel like often when I look at an audience and I speaking too quickly or I'm speaking too much I'm going down a rabbit hole and not coming to the point I'll realize but when it's just you in front of an audience there's no queues you can't read off anyone so practice makes perfect if you enjoyed this video please like it it really helps the video getting ranked higher and actually subscribe to my channel if you want to see weekly business insights and some funny comedy sketches along the way I promise you that thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Matt C Smith
Views: 2,325
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: onlinevent, how to host an online event, how to be a moderator, how to do livestream, livestream, livestreaming, live broadcasting, event host, event moderator, live stream moderator, how to live stream, host an online event, livestreaming hacks, be a good presenter, be a good moderator, silicon valley, tech, tech event, virtual hosting, virtual host, 10 TIPS TO BECOMING THE BEST ONLINE MODERATOR & HOST, be the best, how to talk to an audience, audience engagement
Id: hxHxN4z5HGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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