Better than a vision board!

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this is it this is my latest invention my latest grand discovery life-changing and yet so simple i'm about to tell you why a pack of index cards and a binder clip is at least five times more usable than your traditional poster-sized vision board first of all it's cheap and very discreet if you're lugging around a giant poster board with all of your hopes and dreams on it there's a big chance that somebody is going to see it and you might not actually want that to happen instead of plastering images all over your wall or your mirror or trying to use them discreetly inside your closet or something i've seen people do that you could just put them in this guy and throw them in a hiding spot when other people visit your apartment no one's ever gonna see it and you don't have to deal with people judging your goals along with the fact that it's discreet it is also highly portable easy to throw in a bag take with you on a trip wherever you're going you never have to spend a day not thinking about what you're trying to do with your life in addition if we treat this as a flexible living organism it is adaptable to any point in your life let's say these are my core values and i will forever have them in my deck the next section might be something that i'm working out right now and in the future i won't need these i can replace them with the next thing that i'm working on in my experience the goals that i have are forever evolving and yet my core values that i do find it helpful to review on a daily basis are pretty much staying the same from year to year so in this way i don't have to recreate everything i can just evolve it to fit my current situation i don't know about you but this actually reminds me so much of doing multiplication flash cards when i was a kid and i hated them but they worked and they worked because of repetition if i have a big vision board in front of me and all of the images and inspirational quotes and everything are all laid out in one big board it's hard to create any kind of hierarchy while i'm looking at it i don't know where to focus i don't know what to focus on first this centers your focus you read this card and you move on and as you do these day by day it kind of gets burned into your brain [Music] i'm sure you're all wondering what is on these cards uh so i'm gonna flip through them i might not share all of them because some of this is private which is why i don't have a giant vision board up in my apartment i prefer this method but i'll show you what i got the first one says you're reading this right now which shows that you care because sometimes i think to myself well you're not working towards your goals as quickly as you should be and therefore obviously you don't care enough if you're reading this right now is proof that you do care i think that's a good way to start it off and then i do go into next my mission which i've said before on a past video but my mission is to provide an alternative to self-destruction partially just because that's what i need but i think other people could use that as well and i get into it by saying be yourself and share your style have fun in a healthy pursuit of excellence i do want to pursue excellence but i have healthy underlined here because that is the most important aspect of this i have a list next of things i've accomplished before which i will not read because it will sound like i'm bragging but at the bottom of it i have a line that says you can do it again and basically what i'm trying to do here is to remind myself that there are things that i've accomplished that i didn't think that i was going to accomplish and i was able to do it so while i'm looking forward at what i'm trying to accomplish next whenever it feels like i'm never going to be able to accomplish that i can look at this and say well you thought the same thing about these and you've done it so you could do it again if you breathed your last breath today would you be okay with that currently no currently i'm not where i want to be not even close so the answer is no but it's good to think about that on the daily then i get into beliefs i like to review my beliefs to make sure that i'm prioritizing the things that i know to be important belief number one is my ideal will emerge through daily practice might take longer than i want it to but it will if i stick to a practice daily my ideal will emerge as a supplement to that i have a card that just says patience persistence tenacity and i am a pretty patient person pretty patient person but i'm not very patient with myself so that's always something i need to focus on persistence and tenacity i don't have as much of a problem with as i do patients usually belief number two is what would this look like if it was easy this is actually an idea adopted from tim ferriss oftentimes i find that the thing that's getting in the way of me doing something getting something done being productive is me if i ask myself this question what would this look like if it was easy i can then go into that task pretending like it's easy and usually it is it really doesn't need to be that hard just give in stop resisting belief number three is i do feel wealthy fortunate and grateful but that doesn't mean that i feel fulfilled or challenged and that's okay and i've had to remind myself of that a lot especially over the past year i am extremely grateful for where i am i'm extremely fortunate i feel wealthy but at the same time i have this need to progress this want for different things not necessarily more but an exchange of some things that i have now some lifestyle some habits etc and i would like to change that but that doesn't necessarily mean that what i have now is bad spend your time attention and money on future pleasures this isn't always true often times when i'm by myself this is true when i'm with other people i like to be more present and not worrying about the future as much but especially when it comes to something like money spending it on future pleasures such as retiring is something that's good to think about even on a daily basis belief number four is you must think about your actions in terms of reward potential drink water and stretch your hips these are two things that i know i need to do more and i know that if i can do this three times a day if i drink water and stretch my hips three times a day i feel so much better and yet there's a part of me that resists both of these things and it's stupid it's again what would this look like if it was easy but why am i resisting things that i know are going to make me feel better so this is just a reminder to drink water and stretch your hips leafy belief number five is you already are disenchanted you are making progress and you will get there as rapidly as you can again this goes back to feeling like well if you're not doing it fast enough obviously you don't want it enough um but i do and speed of achievement is not guaranteeing the achievement i am making progress i will get there as rapidly as i can but i again i'm not going to let my health suffer for example in order to get there i do have some affirmations which i have titled as the truth i'm not going to show you this one but basically i've written down things that i know to be true about myself so one of those for example is that i'm open-minded that's true i am open-minded and it's a good thing to remind yourself of the qualities that you like in yourself not to focus on these solely but to remind yourself that when you are feeling down when you don't quite think you like yourself very much read some things that you do like about yourself that you do feel truly deep down are the truth and it can help you get back on the right path this next bunch are some photos some reasons why i want what i want a lot of them are just titled why to remind myself of why i'm going to the effort to adapt to adopt new habits to change in general why is it worth it and what i'm aspiring to what i'm trying to do with my life over the next year that's all of these i'm skipping those not sharing those i'm not sure in this one either uh this one is about specifically career stuff and making things this is a list of things that i'm interested in making at some point in the next year so again this is a little bit more short term it's not so far reaching you know lifetime values it's more things that i want to do that are currently on the back burner but can inspire me to kind of get the stuff that i have on the plate right now done so that i can move on and start working on these things these next three slides are me writing down things about my ideal self so if i think of who i want to be in 10 years who is she what does she do is the first card what does she wear is the second card i've been thinking about clothes a lot lately and then what would she own which honestly there's not that much on there surprise surprise the cool thing about this is when i was thinking about what would she do a lot of the things that she would do are things that i do already but it's the way that she would react to those things that's different so for example gets enough sleep really treasures it so right now i do get enough sleep but the treasuring it part is something that i want to adapt i want to be grateful and conscious of the fact that i'm getting enough sleep really love when i wake up and feel well rested oh here's another one treat skin care like it's a sacred ritual so i already have pretty good skin care but treating it like it's a sacred ritual gives it more meaning in terms of self-care so while i'm doing it rather than thinking this is something i have to do i could do the same thing and just change the way i think about it and say this is me taking care of myself that's what my ideal self would do so these are things that i'm working on changing through repetition it's gonna happen what would she wear it's it's very summer inspired because i'm sick of wearing hoodies and what would she own uh there's a couple things on here like owning a house i do not own a house i would like to have a pool table in that said house i would like more coffee paraphernalia such as a mocha pot and such as a chemex but i have no reason to buy a mocha pot in a chemex i could but i have no reason to do that now i think that once i'm living with someone else that would actually be a reason to have something that creates more than one cup of coffee at a time right now i'm perfectly happy with my v60 and then i do have a picture of my dream house which i'm not going to get into but it is very inspiring to me i love the idea of owning a house someday and i have very particular tastes specifically mid-century modern i don't think that's going to surprise anyone because of my nelson clock the last cards are all more daily stuff so i have a card that has daily things on it that i want to make sure that i do so for example i want to go for a walk and listen to an audiobook every day and this is just to remind me that that's something that i value and i think is important so when it comes to that time of day i read these note cards in the morning and i usually walk around noon time when it comes to that time of day i can remember oh yeah my note card says that i should go for a walk so i'm not gonna skip it i have a card that says free time free activities and it's to remind myself that there are plenty of things to do that do not require any money and that make me very happy and then these last four cards are just kind of the next steps in my process for where i want to go with a couple of projects that i'm working on and so these cards i would assume would be switched out probably first out of all of these let me know if you use this method i've only been using it for about a month now but i liked it so far and i'd be interested to hear if you have a different method as well i'm always up for experimenting and trying new things that's all i've got for today so till next time
Channel: Lefie
Views: 527,744
Rating: 4.9600563 out of 5
Keywords: lefie, minimalism, minimalist, leffie, leafie
Id: 3mVpSqBpvBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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