Event Hosting Tutorial For Beginners

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in this short tutorial video i'm going to give you five essential secrets to becoming an event host insider techniques to make you look like an expert [Music] mc [Music] hi it's timothy hyde here from expertmc.com the channel dedicated to helping you become a better mc and if you'd like to to grow an mc business you know i've been getting on stage professionally for over 40 years i've worked all over the world but there's a few things i had to learn the hard way and i really wished way back then when i first started somebody had taken me aside and taught me the five secrets i'm about to share with you tip number five there are two questions you absolutely must ask your client so you can do a great job now when i say client it can mean many things i mean the person who has asked you to be the event host now it could be your boss it could be your headmaster at school it could be the president of an association or a group that you belong to or it could even be a paid assignment but they are your client the two questions are why and what why are you having the event and what are you hoping to achieve from it now it might seem obvious what the event is it could be a gala night a prize giving or an open day but understanding the real reason behind it allows you to do a better job and understanding what your client perceives as a successful event allows you to focus on that you can tweak the things that you say you can frame the message in your opening remarks and you can add better calls to action etc for example what you perceive as a gala night at the end of a conference the client might perceive as a great chance to invite some of his biggest customers into the event and schmooze with them and and develop stronger relationships that might be his point of success an open day at a factory or industrial plant might be more about easing the tensions between the community and that facility about traffic issues and parking issues rather than just what goes on behind the locked doors so always try and find out why are they having the event and what are they hoping to achieve tip number four meet as many audience members as you can before you walk on stage now one technique is to position yourself by the door as they're coming in and say hi to a few there or you can walk around in the fire before the event now there's a few very good reasons to do this one you can direct people to sit closer to the stage which always creates a better atmosphere than having rows of empty seats two you make a few friends before you walk on stage they go oh there's the emcee i met him before or they say oh you should meet the emcee he's got a great purple jacket on and these people can be very helpful if you're having a difficult time on stage perhaps it's quite a noisy audience or very distracting you can seek these people out look at them and they will be watching you i can guarantee it but number three and this is a big one you can mention those people by name in your opening remarks oh i was talking to john and fred and jane over there earlier and they were telling me about some of the interesting things that the company is doing at the moment hell some of the challenges that the company has at the moment now this is a very strong connection with you and to the audience people go oh he's done some homework and you can say this even if you didn't actually talk about those things to those people because they will always assume that you talked about it to somebody else now this is a very powerful technique and don't overlook it tip number three always do a sound check never assume everything is set up and ready to go once again there's three strong reasons for this one it will check that the microphone is on and it's ready to go two it will make you more comfortable using it and three it will allow the sound person to adjust the sound to your voice now we have made a very popular video all about using microphones and the link to that will be coming up there and we will put a link in the description below but always do a sound check tip number two try and meet all the speakers vips and entertainers that you are going to introduce before you bring them on stage now this is not always possible but try three reasons you can check how they would like to be introduced you can check you have their name correct and thirdly and importantly you can check how long they believe they have on stage their stage time compare that to your notes and if there's a problem you can discuss or you can bring in your client at that point keeping people on time is always a challenge we have written a great big article all about it which i'll put a link to in the show notes below and there's a video about it too keeping speakers on time which i'll put a link to up there now before i give you tip number one and it's very important would you please if you've gained any value out of the short video hit the like button below it will really encourage us to make more of these free tutorial videos and it helps you find this one again in the future and speaking of the future why don't you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on future videos so tip number one in our event hosting tutorial for beginners keep it short you don't need to write long-winded openings and introductions you don't need to tell funny stories and you don't need to agonize for days over exactly what to say especially if you're a beginner you've probably seen many expert mcs over the years on stage being an event host totally at ease telling jokes and having rep rt with the audience they've probably been doing it for years on your first attempts keep it short keep it tight and you'll be okay see you on the next video
Channel: Timothy Hyde
Views: 44,048
Rating: 4.9533234 out of 5
Keywords: MC, Event, Event Host, Event Hosting Tutorial, Emcee, Master of Ceremonies, expertmc, expert mc, wedding mc, mc tips, Master of Ceremony Quotes, master of ceremony script, master of ceremony opening remarks, master of ceremonies opening remarks, master of ceremonies script, emcee script, thanking speech for guest speaker, emcee sample script, thanking speech, great opening lines for emcee, mc script tutorial, emcee essentials
Id: bB8yK-jDefA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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