HOW TO POSE People Who Are Not Models

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hello everybody welcome back to my channel today I am joined by Irene Rudnick who visited me here in Bali we are going to be doing some interesting collaborations so make sure to check out her channel today we are in Eden estate here in the booth and we are going to be showing you about how to pose people who aren't necessarily models Irene here every here is very beautiful but she's a photographer she's not a professional model she is also a bit shorter than the average human so we are just going to show you some tips on how to elongate the body and so on so we hope you find this helpful yeah make sure to check out Irene's Instagram and YouTube channel that is amazing and yeah let's get right into it [Music] so at the moment we have Irene standing in the dress it's a pretty nice dress but you know kind of standing straight like that doesn't really do much so what we can do is make you maybe just stick your leg out a tiny bit yeah exactly so usually just try and play with the fabric as much as possible maybe grab the dress if it's possible yes take out the leg exactly and straight away it's a much more interesting shot there we go so it's quite a bit of a different straight away as you saw here she's sticking out her hip a tiny bit which helps kind of exaggerate the waist when you're taking photos for fashion or for swimwear it's always very important to kind of exaggerate the waist showed the curves and so on so it always helps when you kind of you know pose the model this way so usually when you have a model that is you know kind of wearing flat shoes you don't always have girls wearing high heels I think it's always very important to get them to either stand on tiptoes in general or at least have one leg in front of the camera and sticking out the leg in tiptoes because it makes a massive difference another thing when you're sticking out your toe you can always try and push your hip up a tiny bit more and it's just going to make it look a bit longer as well so it's great for people who maybe have like slightly shorter legs and stuff because trade away it makes you look a bit taller another thing that you guys can see is that I'm shooting kind of from low down that's like one of the main tips when I'm shooting with people there might be a tiny but short her I always go for why their length so maybe something like 28 or 35 mil and I usually shoot quite much lower to the ground pointing the camera up rather than just shooting up like I level straight away it makes you look a bit taller it's always a good tip to get the model to also kind of yeah separate her limbs so never never really try and stand two straight so like if you try and just stand like this it just looks super uncomfortable and it looks like the models not really enjoying herself very much so usually what you can do yeah definitely definitely don't do this in any shoes try and get her to open her arms just to kind of separate them from her body she's going to show her waist much more of they're a bit more separate maybe if she has hands on her hips or if she has maybe one arm in front of her leg and the other one on the hips it just kind of opens up the body another tip while talking about the nut squishing your body is making sure that while you're kind of arms and legs are next to your body don't squish it kind of against your body because that makes it look or kind of appear bigger so if we take a photo here with your arms squished here and now pull it away from your body yes straight away it's like your make yourself appear a bit more and so on okay so for another one I feel like it's kind of nice to show off your body a tiny bit so we can kind of create I mean you have a pretty good hourglass shape already but I feel like right now the way you're standing is cool what we can do is usually as I said kind of maybe get rid of the fabric a tiny bit so maybe just stick out your legs but then also stand on your tiptoes and put one leg in front of the other and then push out the hip exactly yeah so this way kind of straight away we're creating this long line with the hips and kind of exaggerating the bum kind of shape here and we're making the waist kind of smaller as well maybe if you raise your hands up as well as you were just now it kind of elongate the body even further so again by shooting wide-angle we can get some really nice kind of longer body shots nice and stick at the hip again yet yeah it's beautiful nice I think in general when you're working with people who are not released modeling or not are not models themselves it's very important to make them feel comfortable so it gives them directions and like you know if you're taking photos and you like something just keep telling them like yeah you know that's great keep doing that because sometimes if you just take photos and you're very quiet the models going to be like what am i doing am i doing it right am i doing wrong so for example like if I take a few photos now and you're not really you know just [Music] okay that's good okay and now yes stick out the leg a tiny bit maybe bring out the skirt a tiny bit that's very nice maybe stick out the leg out a tiny bit more yeah that's lovely that's beautiful yes and on the hip that's really nice beautiful yeah maybe a bit more on the side but less yes perfect and tiny bit higher up on the waist too kind of exaggerated even a bit more yeah that's perfect beautiful yeah so for sitting it's usually nice to get the model to sit when she's not very comfortable standing because it's a bit easier you know it's a bit more comfortable to have something to do with the hands and the legs and so on but sitting like that can be quite boring and it doesn't really do much for the body you know it doesn't really add anything so usually what we are going to do is we're going to bring the legs down a tiny bit yeah so elongate maybe one leg maybe if like one leg yes exactly it's a bit higher than the other we are getting a bit of the leg action as well we're bringing up the skirt as well so it's not just you know kind of and straight away it just adds so much more texture you can be leaning even a tiny bit more yes exactly beautiful and trying to elongate the longer leg or the one that is lower down as much as possible yeah lovely yes that's beautiful and always remember about the tiptoes Irene here is very season 3 cos she poses models herself so she knows it's always it makes such a difference when you have the tiptoes instead of having just like straight feet because it's just like or you know having the flat feet and again working with the lower angles where you can just kind of go down a tiny bit and it just elongates the leg so much more you can also even try and set a tiny bits more sideways on your bum so yes exactly it's gonna push out the hip even a bit more don't bring the leg too much still have it yes exactly so maybe what knows this one up yes exactly beautiful yes and this way you're creating like even more kind of dramatic waistline and so on so actually the way you're sitting but just push your upper body kind of a tiny bit more this way and your legs more this way would that make sense yes exactly perfect yes beautiful that's amazing yes that's really lovely yes and exactly the same as well if we get her to chin up it kind of helps to elongate her body create a neck nice long beautiful neck instead of having a chin down which kind of makes her kind of you know lose her shoulders and her upper body so it's try to keep the body open and elongated as much as possible exactly that's really nice that's really beautiful though is trying to get the subject as comfortable as possible try and make her laugh and try and kind of you know maybe people say jokes and stuff especially if somebody's really uncomfortable in front of the camera can they're trying to relax them and make them feel a bit more comfortable is much nicer and much easier kind of it creates a bit more of a natural photo you know there's nothing worse than like getting somebody to smile and it's like this huge awkward fake smile so if you can crack a joke and make them feel kind of nice you know it always helps to make them bit more comfortable so when you're sitting down and yet try not to have like any crossed arms because it just kind of shortens the body or just makes it a bit more yeah exactly beautiful or even if you want to have maybe one hand on your leg yes exactly that's beautiful that's really nice maybe if you can even try and like lay down so yes perfect and this way again we're kind of elongate in the body and just kind of making it a very nice and lean so for the next point I just want to kind of demonstrate the difference between kind of you know having different facial positions and so on so we are going to start with just like your face neutral and then we're just going to take a photo here just nice and standard okay and now there's this little trick where you can push out your chin and pull it down and this way you create kind of bit more definition as Irene is showing here so just stick your chin out and just down a tiny bit and straight away you get a bit more of that kind of definition and diction and so on another important thing is to just kind of get the model to her face around the time-base many different angles and stuff like you know usually when you talk to people you do move your head quite a bit you don't just like stand straight and so because that would be a bit weird so it's important for the model to just kind of try and get different angles so maybe I move it to the side kind of tilt your head a tiny bit yeah like tilting usually works really nice tilted the other way as well yeah beautiful and try and maybe not be tiny but for a few year exactly and chin down nice I find when you're especially when you're doing chin down it's very important to have a very nice strong eye contact because it's usually kind of makes the frame and it just kind of makes the eyes pop a tiny bit as Irene is demonstrating here imagine I'm your husband exactly so I think the most important thing when posing is the posture that the model has you know it's very easy when the model is kind of scared or like not very comfortable to have her shoulders up maybe kind of you know sticking out her tummy it's very easy to forget about your tummy I'm guilty of it a lot of the time so you always have to make sure that the model stands really kind of strong and tall shoulders down especially because I find when the shoulders are up it always makes the model look so uncomfortable so when you pull it down and maybe even bring the shoulder blades of different a tiny bit so kind of exaggerate the collarbones it always looks much nicer exactly hands down like that are really beautiful you know sucking in the tummy kind of keeping like a strong core just think of it as a Pilates class you want to have a strong core shoulders down everything sucked in you know bum sticking out so sometimes when the model is not really comfortable with posing it's sometimes difficult to just have her it's a stand if you have no options of sitting down and stuff so it's always good to make her maybe lean against things so like for here it's also nice to like play with the tree it makes it feel way more comfortable for her I know personally from my own experience I'm not great at posing so if I can lean against something they will take it so you can kind of beam it exactly like that and straight away is just so much more of a comfortable pose and it just makes you more so much nicer another way to also make the show more interesting is to accessorize we brought a hat with us so we can get a green to put a hat on her head and maybe play around with it maybe just like hold it and stuff it always gives you something to have in your hands so you can even have it on your head like that exactly so you don't have to be leaning against the tree just like kind of having it here exactly beautiful so straightaway we have one hand up and one hand down exactly beautiful you can also maybe be holding it down if you're not comfortable with it on your head just to kind of hear so straight away maybe having like a handbag or something I'm always gonna helps to just have something to play around with that's really beautiful I love that oh that's so pretty nice beautiful also another good tip if you don't have any accessories available and there's nothing else that you can have is to play with your own hair as well or the model play with the hair so kind of you know having the hands up and exactly playing with the hair maybe raise the arm up like that exactly yes beautiful it kind of gives a very very nice vibe to the hair as well because it makes it a bit more kind of tousled looking and so on and it helps kind of relax the model a tiny bit more so it's always a good way to kind of go about it this way as well okay guys that's it for today I hope you enjoyed our tips on posing I hope you enjoyed Irene's demonstrations make sure it's to check out her YouTube channel our Instagram if you're crazy enough you haven't already and yeah if you did like this video make sure to give it a thumbs up to subscribe to my channel and I will see you next time bye bye nice stick to Rossum nice [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Anita Sadowska
Views: 4,428,182
Rating: 4.9491634 out of 5
Keywords: how to take beautiful photos of yourself, how to avoid posing in front of others, how to pose perfectly for photos, how to pose for photos, 7 Posing Techniques for Non-Models, How To Pose For Photos, 10 easy poses for instagram, HOW TO POSE IN PICTURES, 11 Ways to Never Look Bad in a Photo Again, poses for instagram, pose, pose in pictures, how to pose models, look better in pictures, look good in every picture, instagram, how to pose, sorelle amore
Id: cYyny2VMOz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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