10 Times Supervillains Killed Other Villains

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villains fight heroes it's the bread and butter of marvel dc and several other comic publishers universes however it's equally fair to say that some of the most interesting confrontations in the superhero genre haven't involved heroes at all but actually a villain pitted against another of their fellow rogues i'm ewen this is war culture comics and here are 10 times supervillains killed other villains number 10 ruin kills mr mitchell spitlick rack and ruin it might be unfair to label mr mixel spitlick as a straight-up villain given he's more a mischievous imp in the event of a mythological trickster god or jewels on a bad day but it's equally fair to say that he's caused a lot of grief for superman over the years and has skirted into super villain territory more than once or twice the character's main goal has always been to torment and test the man of steel but kal-el has proven more than capable of outwitting mixie and banishing him back to the fifth dimension by getting him to say his own name backwards over time the pair even came to respect one another becoming friends and during the events of the 2006 storyline rack and ruin an amnesia mix of spitlick was cast in unquestionably sympathetic terms as he struggled to get back home but a villain he once was and during the greg rooker nuncio de philippis christina way and renato guedes comic mixie and supes's friendship came to a tragic end during a fight with ruin a then new villain on the block who was later revealed to be emile hamilton everyone's favorite fifth dimensional imp is impaled by a kryptonite spear meant for superman and effectively dies saving the man of steel's life mixi tries to save himself by saying his own name backwards before vanishing and does later return and count down to infinite crisis but there's no getting away from just how tragic a sacrifice his was number nine joker kills alexander luther infinite crisis i don't know if you know this but the joker is a serial double crosser and one with no proclivity towards preserving human life i know shocker if you tick him off or just happen to be in his path even if you're a henchman as batman 1989's bob unluckily discovered it's a solid chance he's going to kill you just for the hell of it the joker can also be extremely deliberate with his violence however as was the case with 2005's infinite crisis following alexander luther jr's attempts to remake the multiverse into one perfect reality he finds himself cornered by lex luthor and joker from new earth aka the mainstream dc continuity joker scars luther jr with acid and then brains in with the gun all because the alt luthor didn't include him in a scheme in the first place number eight catwoman kills black mask catwoman volume 3 catwoman is another character who left behind the mantello super villain years ago becoming a staunch ally of the bat family along the way but there's no escaping the fact she was once a key member of batman's rogues gallery too and despite selena kyle adopting the less than lethal methods of gotham's vigilantes in recent years she's definitely less reluctant to cross the line the dark knight and his allies didn't touch one of the most famous instances of cattlemen crossing that line came in the third volume of the characters series where her rivalry with black mask aka roman scionis was rekindled cionus and kyle had crossed paths before with the former attempting to reduce catwoman's entire existence to ashes during ed brubaker's stellar run on the character in the early 2000s black mask's reign of terror in gotham's east end was brought to them by cattlemen only force ionis to exact brutal brutal revenge on kyle's loved ones including her sister who he tortured and fed pieces of her dead husband to this bloody back and forth was only going to end one way and in cattleman number 52 by will pfeiffer and pete woods selena shots ionis point blank in the head killing him instantly number 7 zod kills captain boomerang suicide squad 2016. there are a few mainstays of dc suicide squad but one in particular who met a brief demise at the hands of a famous adversary of superman's was captain boomerang during the 2016 suicide squad series written by rob williams and with art from jim lee scott williams and alex sinclair task force x and wittingly uncover a portal to the phantom zone rather than just you know leaving it be boomer approaches the portal and is incinerated instantly by general zod who was lying in weight and while yeah hogness does manage to re-materialize a few issues later due to some classic car book shenanigans this was definitely more the punchier openings to a comic in recent years number six loki kills lafay war the realms event comics tend to justifiably get a bad rap among comic readers their annual encroach into even the more self-contained series and just generally tend to be over-hyped and somewhat vacuous all things that cannot be said however about 2018's world the realms which saw jason aaron russell doutman and matt wilson's mighty thor run come to a phenomenal end with malachith's deadly coalition invading earth thor had to rally his allies from midgard and take down the dark elf once and for all at the same time loki who had been working as a double agent for asgard as a part of malakith's dark council finally betrayed his father laufay whose frost giants were part of the invading forces marching on earth lauthy eats his son asses the grand tradition of gigantic marvel characters it would seem but loki manages to hold himself together inside until eventually daredevil now the coolest god without fear ever and equipped with heimdall's sword hofund threw his weapon into lao faye's mouth allowing loki to cut through his father killing him in the process and yeah loki hasn't been a traditional supervillain for a while now given he makes such a habit out of doing the right thing eventually but that doesn't make those occasions any less gratifying when they arrive number five venom kills sandman dust in the wind okay so this comic actually traumatized me as a young reader it's one of the first ones i actually read more of those little panini collections that we used to get in the uk and yeah seeing sandman die was not a good time all things considered shortly after leaving his days as a hero behind him because marvel is a glutton for the status quo like that sandman took to reforming the sinister six to go after spider-man the stripy t-shirted villain recruited a number of legacy villains for his new look alliance but also brought back an old one in eddie brock's venom venom who had also recently reverted to type after spending much of the 90s as an anti-hero betrayed sandman and the two got into a fight things quickly take a turn for the worse though as brock takes a huge chunk out of sandman's body causing him to destabilize and break down unable to stop himself from dissipating into a nearby storm drain it's a pretty awful death and a tragic end at the time for sandman who eventually winds up as a part of the natural scenery in a nearby beach he does eventually return but not as his old self as the year spent separated from his corporeal form left his mind in tatters number 4 joker kills mr freeze robin 2 joke is wild before batman the animated series reinvented mr freeze and the critically acclaimed heart of ice the character was treated pretty disposably by dc and not without reason first of all the original incarnation lacked the iconic design from the animated series some of the hallmarks of the character were present such as the cryosuit and the transparent helmet but he lacked the ice white skin or the red goggles that have proven synonymous in the years since nor the compelling backstory developed by pauldini in hard advice because freeze was generally so forgettable and just naf at the time even after crisis on infinite earths reordered the publisher's continuity the character was actually murdered by the joker in 1991's robin 2 joker's wild number 1. the clown prince of crime unceremoniously electrocutes freeze with his hand buzzer for attempting to take over his own gang calling him glazier face to add insult to injury one hard advice dropped the following year winning a trough of awards and cementing betas as no ordinary children's cartoon dc moved quickly to integrate the series interpretation of the character into the comics revealing that frieza actually regenerated after being stored in a block of ice number three magneto kills apocalypse age of apocalypse age of apocalypse was one of the biggest x-men events in the 1990s and kicked off when professor x's son legion travelled back in time in a bid to kill magneto only for it to result in the death of his own father and leave no one to stop apocalypse from taking over the planet in the twist however this reality vomits up a new leader of the x-men in a more moderate magneto come the end of the event eric fought apocalypse 1 1 and using all of his powers ripped the ancient tyrants apart killing him in the process number 2 thanos kills galactus thanos wins ok so technically speaking galactus is more a force of nature than an out and out villain but try to own the countless civilizations he's ended that all the same the character is often presented as an antagonist and his interests i.e scanning down the earth because he's hungry and maybe a bit dehydrated usually don't align with those of marvel's heroes one thing that does prove that galactus isn't as bad as others in the galaxy however is the fact he doesn't really get along with thanos the mad titan is one of the most ruthless villains in cosmic marvel history and it's always been the case that the two just do not get on at all without the infinity gauntlet galactus is usually able to beat thanos without exerting himself too heavily however at the height of his powers there are none who can stand in thanos's path as galactus and his herald the cosmic ghost rider unfortunately discovered in 2017 thanos wins seeking to ally himself with earth's heroes in order to take down a rampaging thanos galactus discovered the planet's entire population was already killed with frank castle the then ghost rider the only one left galactus imbued the rider with the power cosmic hoping the two of them could defeat thanos for good but the outcome wasn't exactly optimal thanos unleashes a powerful blast that takes galactus head clean off thereby getting the last word in on a rivalry that had spanned centuries and number one dr doom kills thanos secret wars 2015. jonathan hickman is a blockbuster comic writer and 2015 secret wars represents the conclusion of over a decade's worth of his storytelling in the marvel universe secret wars pulled together hickman's work on fantastic four and the avengers drawing to a close remarks that commenced not merges all available into a place called battle world which he rules over as god emperor doom's new reality comes with the added bonus for him of having no reed richards and susan storm being his wife all in all ultimi has it pretty bad but but but but but but there are still challenges for the omnipotent god emperor certain characters manage to survive the merging of realities and retain their memory of what life was like before and one of them was thanos thanos perhaps naively challenges doom's authority on the battlefield doom offers him a place as one of battle world's barons but the mad titan living up to his name in this instance refuses doom then plunges his hands deep into his chest and rips out thanos's spinal column holding his skull on his hand like a snazzy new bowling ball and imitating mortal kombat in the process thanos would return along with the rest of the marvel universe once reed richards and molecule man restored reality but as far as villain villain executions go this was pretty brutal and those were just 10 occasions where cedar the lens killed the competition what are your favorite villain on villain betrayals let me know in the comments below throw the video a like if you enjoyed it and subscribe so you don't miss another upload i've been ewing catch me on twitter ask you and ruins things and i will see you next time bye
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 246,305
Rating: 4.9282775 out of 5
Id: YS-wF9UgQZ8
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Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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