10 Times Better Man | Men's Series

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praise the lord i'm so glad you've taken the time to join me today i'm excited about this new series focused on men it's called 10 times better we're gonna see today and for the next couple weeks we'll have a conversation around what it takes to be not just a better man but 10 times better than any anyone ever thought you would be pleasing to god favor with god and with men favor with people we're going to look at what the bible says about becoming a better man but not just better but 10 times better so let's start today we're going to go to daniel chapter one and we'll take a look at a few scriptures there and then i want you to keep your bibles open so we can continue this conversation as we cross the lexicon of scripture to uh come to a full meaning of what god means by ten times better for us men you can tell the ladies they can watch invite them to watch with you make sure they go to the site at david g evans 1 on facebook and twitter and youtube and pick up these uh these videos these conversations we're gonna have about being a better man you know a couple years ago i wrote the book called dare to be a man and uh very widely uh received by the public and if you have not gotten it yet i would invite you to purchase dare to be a man by david g evans it's what every man needs to know and what every woman needs to know about a man yeah so it's there to be a man what every woman needs to know about a man so let's take a look at daniel chapter 1 verse 17 as we start our conversation now watch this i don't know if you've seen this before as for these four children god gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom and daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams i'm tempted to stop right there because god gifted them very early in their lives this is important we need to stop right there god gifted them very early in their lives and these four children god gave them at a very young age knowledge and skill in all learning he gave them an acumen he gave them an openness to learning he gave them a gift for learning and wisdom now watch this at an early age so when wisdom is received from god at an early age sometimes you will be con accused of being old before your time or people will say back in the day you've been here before but a lot of times when a child receives wisdom from god it matures them past their peers and they begin to function now in the next dimension of the expected behavior in their lives so your kid under 10 or 12 already acting and thinking like a teenager responsibly the teenager has adult characteristics the young adult characteristics and the young adult has middle adult characteristics so when it starts that early you tend to be viewed as ahead of your curve so what god wants to do is endow every man with wisdom knowledge understanding very early in life now the wonderful thing about jesus is is that if you get saved and you're born again god begins if you're willing to receive it to download his knowledge and his wisdom through his word by the power of the spirit watch this so god can catch you up with where he desires you to be where he needs you to be in this chapter in your life so that you can start to become and make the impact that god has created you to make watch where this goes now so now at the end of the days that the king verse 18 had said he should bring them in so they're being brought in before the king brought them in before nebuchadnezzar and the king commanded them uh and among them all was found none like there was found none like daniel hananiah mishael and azariah therefore they stood before the king watch the word and in all matters of wisdom and understanding in all manners of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them whatever question he asked he found them 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers astrologers that were in his realm 10 times better so one of the things that that um i want to bring out to you immediately that god gives an anointed man so the beginning of this wisdom begins when you and i uh come into relationship with god through jesus christ so we can be born again now why does god know we need to be born again because you know we are our own creation up until the time we meet the creator and he rebirths us we become the fruit of our own decisions our identity is sealed according to the world by the things that we have done so our experiences produce our thought patterns our thought patterns produce the man that we are so god has to rebirth us if you will not that we could start all over again there but god would pick up where we are in life give us a brand new heart brand new way of thinking brand new way of seeing things and suddenly we find ourselves being reborn and reconnected to the will of god for our lives so the bible says that god gave these guys these men knowledge and skill in all learning now additionally daniel had another assignment added to his the bible says he could interpret visions and dreams now you know the difference between a vision and a dream in the bible is just when you have this opening this eye-opening experience with god a dream of course is a vision while you're asleep vision is why your eyes are wide open so so all of them were gifted in knowledge and skill in all learning but daniel had an additional edition of gifts because of the assignment that was in his future he did not yet know he was going to need this gift so god only gives you for the occupying the space that you're in right now but god gives you for the dimension that you will occupy so sometimes you will not uh take a gift as seriously take a talent as seriously take an ability as seriously as you should because it doesn't seem to be applicable in the present space you occupy but god gives us for present and for future so that we are equipped men so we're equipped men for the seasons that are coming our way for the life that's coming towards us so it's real important that we understand this what god is doing right now and what he's done is gift you not just for your present give you talents and gifts not just for your present but for your future and i don't want you to diminish their importance because you don't feel like the gift is able to be applied at this point in your life so what god is doing man is connecting us or uh preparing us for our future now watch this now i want you to turn with me to proverbs chapter three verse five and we're going to take a look at something um proverbs 3 verse 5. i'm going to take a look at something i want to show you about this better man thing so when i get to proverbs 3 and i get down to verse 5 it says something amazingly simple trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding now i want you to think of trust as mature faith man this is extremely important for us trust in the lord with all your heart that means mind will and emotions are led and my emotions are audited by my relationship with god trust in the lord with all your heart lean not to thine own understanding so the natural thing for us men is to rely heavily and primarily on the wisdom we've gained from our own experience but god is saying to you and our brothers that that is not enough that when we lean on our own understanding and don't include the wisdom of god in our decision-making process we're leaning on something that's fallible and if i can be honest with myself my own wisdom has not worked for me more often than i'd like to admit so god says i'm going to give you another wisdom but you have to trust me that my wisdom for you what i say to you is more beneficial to you than the experience that's speaking to you because wisdom for a situation is nothing but knowledge and experience working together to produce a way you conduct yourself so here we go god is saying i need you to trust me trust what i've said trust my leading don't lean on what's natural for us and that is our own understanding so here we are understanding that in order to be led by god we have to be led by a spirit and that means even when my experience kicks in i want to audit my reaction audit my response audit my thought process before wisdom is exercised i want to trust the lord's word more than my experience all right here we go watch how this works now so a better man audits his decisions with wisdom a better man audits his decisions with wisdom that means i can't totally rely on my understanding god does not say that your understanding doesn't have value what he's saying is that before you make a decision check with the word of god check with his wisdom divine wisdom now if we go over to chapter four and we go down to verse seven we see that wisdom watch this there's a kingdom key is the principle thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding that's proverbs 4 7. now watch this so wisdom i don't know if there is a more effective natural tool on earth for day-to-day living than wisdom and god gives us the clue that it just well may be he says wisdom for a man is a kingdom key so my relationship the relationship between wisdom and knowledge which ought to give me understanding now watch how this works if i get the knowledge i don't have the understanding i can't operate in wisdom so i can know a lot but not really understand which means i cannot walk or operate my life in wisdom so understanding is the platform for wisdom wisdom is a mindset and governs a man's activity wisdom is a mindset and governs all of our activity so i'm saying to myself now okay my wisdom hasn't worked what do i do the bible is so clear it says ask god what does that look like go to james chapter one let me show it to you as we lay the foundation for this entire series ten times better okay so we're going to james and i want you to go to chapter one and we're gonna look at a couple things in james all right now watch what happens i'm going to james chapter 1 and i want to read a few things now my brethren count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations now a man that can't be tested is less than he's created to be so he says when i'm wise my perspective on my test changes the word says that i'm to count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations now so so so why am i going to have joy when i know i'm being tested when i am taking a test that god did not intend for me to take it says when i fall into it when when i when i end up in it it's not what i planned probably not what god planned for me but how do i count a little joy because if i have the wisdom of god working and i fall into a test season in my life a test moment in my life i can wisely operate my way through the tests i can exercise the sound mind that jesus gives us all and make my way through the problem i can see the solution even though i'm dealing with the reality of what i'm going through watch this now knowing that the trying of your faith works patience so when testing comes my faith is being tried and why god tries my faith is my endurance in my faith the strength of my faith needs to be increased so when i'm doing this thing and and and my faith gets worked it produces patience or endurance watch what happens but let patients have her perfect work so patience is supposed to produce something that you may be perfect watch this mature and whole entire wanting nothing now watch this so the lack in my life the answer to the question is how do i get rid of this lack in my life in god's plan for every man is wisdom he says if you don't get wisdom don't get endurance you will continue to come up short in great areas of importance in your life now watch this says not any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god that give it to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him here we go so wisdom in a man is the fruit of god's word the fruit of being led by the spirit of god combined with our experience i probably need to say that again so wisdom is the fruit of the word of god in us the fruit of being led by the spirit of god every day of our lives combined with the experience that we're having with god watch this and now the experience that we've had in life this is so important now god is saying you don't want we don't want men we don't want our own wisdom increased what we want is the wisdom of god increased so i want god was where do i get that bishop it's right here in the bible job psalm ecclesiastes proverbs song of solomon and in the new testament the book of james so you've got four five one two three five wisdom books in the old testament specifically for wisdom that's where we need to get the understanding and then the new testament book james then about chronicles talks about the isikarians those men understood the times and knew exactly what to do there it is so if i'm living in a period in history and i don't know what to do from day to day it is not my experience that i'm lacking because life is full of experience it's the wisdom of god that i'm lacking because god's wisdom will not only give us an understanding of the time we're in but also give us a sensitivity to be able to discern the times that are coming our way so not just the present season but a season that you haven't experienced yet sensing what god is doing not based on any emotional thing but based on the wisdom that god teaches us in his word god what god does is he desires a relationship with a man who will be a good steward a good manager of his gifts all right now let's take a look at something a man of wisdom will be brought before great individuals a man of wisdom will be brought before great individuals let's go back to daniel chapter one i need to show it to you so you understand where we're coming from today um daniel chapter one i need you to see this this is beautiful now watch what happens go back to verse 17 we'll start and we'll contextualize this so we know in 17 they were all gifted by god the the the bible is very clear that these gifts they have this knowledge and this wisdom came from god so they don't they don't just have human wisdom they have divine wisdom now what does that look like there is a total integration of their experience and god's experience their wisdom and god's wisdom and they watch this receive a gift of power their wisdom is empowered by god himself why because their wisdom his wisdom becomes their wisdom now watch what happens okay now at the end of the days that the king had said he should bring them in then the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before nebuchadnezzar the bible lets me know that men of wisdom are brought before great people there's nothing worse guys than than your boss calling you in suddenly because he's been thinking about you and a position that you have not been thinking about or he's been thinking about you and the position and you've only been thinking about the position so you're not ready to have a conversation with him we did a series a few years ago called creating a blessing in the workplace and i need you to get this every conversation you have in your place of employment or the place of business and even when you're in um atmospheres where people on the job have congregated together for festivities every conversation you have is an interview every single conversation in a social setting in a corporate setting in a business setting is some type of interview so you have to be prepared at a moment's notice to display the best of who you are part of our series 10 times better is going to deal with some of that so i can't wait to get that part to you but the bible lets me know that the eunuch comes to get them and says the king wants to see you no invitation doesn't give a sense that they had time to really prepare they didn't know what he was going to ask but they're going to rely on their trust in god and the gifts and the talents that they have been given by god watch how this works now so so they become this these people that come before god in wisdom wisdom causes a man to have kingdom perception according to james we were there you don't have to turn back the trials of faith produce patience patience produces maturity a mature whole man ten times better than others and it says that man will lack nothing i need you to hear this that that man will not lack opportunity that man will not lack wisdom he will not lack resources he will not lack power that man will lack nothing ask god for wisdom and he'll give you more of his wisdom but the bible says ask in faith this is really important so so god has already had this james conversation if you will with these young men and here they come in the presence of god now because they've asked god for faith in for wisdom in faith there's no doubt in their heart that when the time comes they will respond from a platform of wisdom and not from their own understanding and he says listen to me men better men ten times better men must be men that don't waver let's talk about that wavering man a wavering man according to the bible is inconsistent i need you to if you don't hear another word i'm saying to you today an inconsistent man breeds insecurity in everyone who is depending upon him inconsistency breeds or produces insecurity so in your home with your immediate family with your mother and father within your social settings in your business settings in your job settings an inconsistent man breeds insecurity in the people that surround him now this is important so say you're in charge of a department and everybody has to wait to see which one of you is going to show up when you come to work is it going to be the guy that speaks god it's real gregarious how you doing he's going to be the guy that comes in and grunts it's going to be a god of yells orders all day or the god is compassionate but firm they don't know who you're going to be some people actually think that's an advantage but what you do is breed an atmosphere of insecurity and people sooner or later want to leave an atmosphere of insecurity if i'm insecure i don't know what you're going to do next i'm looking for a place where there's going to be some peace so you may think because you're in charge that this inconsistency is okay but i'm here to tell you now inconsistency produces insecurity in the people that are around us mark that watch what happens now so the bible says and this amazes me that that when i have to and i ask in faith and the time for testing comes i don't waver in trust in god now so what happens to a man who is wavering when we waver that's a very nice way of saying doubt creeps into our faith doubt creeps in now you need to know how dangerous doubt is faith opens the hand of god so he can reward or give to you doubt causes him to hold on to what he has decided he wants you to have so doubt keeps what you're asking god for in his hand faith causes him to release what's in his hand listen to me now get this very clearly so you've prayed and god has already decided in his promise he wants you to have it and you're wondering why you can't receive it because doubt limits what god can do oh man i feel that doubt will cause god to hesitate concerning a man i hope you're getting this faith causes god to be spontaneous with us doubt causes god to be hesitant with us you've got to get this so doubt opens the heart and the mind and the hand of god doubt causes god to have to reserve his decision concerning us this is an amazing revelation so faith opens his hand doubt closes his hand around what he decided he was going to bless you with now watch what happens so we go to verse 19 and we're almost done and the king communed with him uh oh and the king communed with him watch this now not only did the king oh you need to hear me brothers not only does opportunity want to know your skill set but opportunity wants to know whether they can have relationship with you so it's not enough to be gifted and talented the king who could have had what he wanted took time to commune with them when i was in the street we called it we sat down and broke bread and tried to work out a conflict we're in the church pastor nick has taught us everything happens around the table alters the table tables a table everything happens around the table so now the king the the opportunity requires a communing um i remember when i was in banking and i've been in business off and on since the beginning i remember one of my largest contracts when i had my building maintenance business and i went in to see the guy who was responsible for the contract not knowing that based on my reputation when i worked at the place i went to solicit business from he'd already decided to give me the job now listen to me so so i go in to bid for a contract number one i'm going in thinking is going to be competitive number two i'm not sure i'm going to get it because in this context that i'm telling you i would have been the first minority contractor in the history of the business to actually be a primary contractor own the business so i go in thinking that i'm going to have to give this fabulous presentation on what we can do how we can do it and the conversation starts and the guy who was my boss 10 years before was just trying to see how i was as a man so we're having conversations about everything but the business because he's decided based upon how i work for him my work ethic he wanted to see if i had changed as a person and when he saw that i hadn't changed he spruced small he said something to me that blew my mind he said we're glad you're here you were always worth three good men when you worked for me i know you'll do a good job so we spent about an hour and a half talking and i bet you we couldn't have spent more than 20 minutes talking about the business because people that are in high level positions understand your deal immediately that's why an overview and then are there any questions you have so far is the proper way because high-powered people understand your presentation immediately and then they spend the rest of the interview trying to see if they can work with you trying to discern can i work with this individual yes i know you're talented yes i know you've got experience but can i work with you so that takes um you going into a new situation and deciding what you're not going to do answering questions before you've been asked silly way to interview limit your possibilities i want to give you a clue you're going into a new arena and you're a better man and you're walking in wisdom and someone asks you a question about what your expectations are and you you don't have any expectations because the arena is totally new to you how do i answer what are my expectations when i don't know what what the possibilities are listen to me closely the aunt's expectations are always attached to the possibilities that the speaker presents your expectations are attached to possibilities unless flip this over and do a spiritual thing all things are possible if you believe so now my faith or my expectation is attached to what my possibilities are and jesus says all things are possible to me if i believe man i feel that so now my expectation is attached to my possibilities and god who cannot lie has said all things are possible to you you need to get this because a ten times better guy absolutely believes if i get involved in it it's going to work out in my favor that's what the 10 times better because he's got the wisdom he's got the knowledge and he's got the opportunity and he trusts god so the next time you're called into a meeting i need you to understand that wisdom prepares you for every opportunity the better man is prepared by his experience for an unexpected opportunity this is gonna really work for you all right let's keep going because i wanna i don't wanna keep you too long now let's see what happens so let's see what this better man looks like king commune with them and among them all was found none like daniel hannah and i michael and azariah therefore the therefore stood they before the king they stood before him and the king discovered that i don't have anyone else around like these anointed men of god and in all manners of wisdom they tested them and understanding that the king inquired he was asking them questions watch this in a public setting the whole court sitting there and these guys are answering bang bang bang bang because god has gifted them not just with gifts but gifted them for the moment the better man finds himself gifted for the moments he creates he's created to occupy and what god does moments i've been saying this a lot to a lot of pastors but i'm going to say it to you moments of opportunity are arranged marriages that god has put in place you didn't ask for permission you didn't anticipate the moment god married you to the moment and he only married you to a moment that he's ex he's expressly prepared you to conquer or prosper in all right let's keep going because i got to stop now so what is the better man he is promotable what is the better man he is testable the better man will always have public trials test is about what you know a trial is about who you are verse 20 lets us know that they're tested and tried now you got to understand how this happened he didn't bring him in say i just want to talk to you four guys this stuff happened in front of his court because they were going to either rise or fall listen to me i've said this to you before you may have missed it when opportunity presents itself you don't rise to the occasion you fall to the level of your preparation they didn't rise to the occasion they were prepared for the for the occasion so as they were being asked these questions by the king trying to qualify or disqualify them the king comes out with this statement and says i can't find anybody like these guys why they're promotable they're testable that you can put them on trial and then he says watch this they're tested and tried for what knowledge and character don't you miss this opportunity tests you for knowledge and character if you're up for promotion believe me it is not just your gifting and your talenting your talent your talents well you know you've got all these talents it's not just that it's your character they're looking for and the king the bible says found them ten times better than all others in the kingdom why you know it even before i'm saying it their gift made room for them all right we're gonna close out on this go to proverbs 18 and we'll be done proverbs 18 will be done okay so when you get to 18 i want you to drop down to verse 15 and we will see what god says now this is really important stay with me through here the heart of the prudent getteth knowledge the ear of the wise seeks knowledge the heart of the prudent gets knowledge or pursues it the ear of the wise seeks knowledge the bible says another part of prophets that kings search out a matter watch where this goes a man's gift maketh room for him and brings him before great men you remember when i told you that the gifts you have the talents you've been given sometimes they seem useless because you're comparing your life to other people not understanding that some gifts and talents i have for the for the season that i'm in and god gives me for the seasons that are going to come my way god would not god doesn't want a season to be a wisdom and knowledge surprise he just wants it to be a surprise in time not a not a surprise for preparation or experience but just but a surprise as it relates to time god does not marry you to a moment you're not prepared for pastors listen to me the church is not going to go down during this pandemic because it's not built on us it's built upon him watch where we go down so the gift of the holy ghost will make room for you the gifts of the spirit will make room for you now the greatest gift a better man can give himself is honor you have to choose every moment of the day whether you're going to be an instrument or a vessel of honor or dishonor they are choices that a man makes the better man chooses honor the gift you give yourself the greatest gift is honor it changes your thinking changes your reactions changes what you do changes your friendships changes your pursuits in life the gift that you want to give yourself is honor not men's honor but honor that pleases god your gift will make room for you god has equipped every man with an ability that will make him make him impact the world he dwells in it will make room for you in this world your gifts make you able to do your assignment and your purpose here on earth as a better man a ten times better man your gifts will make a way for you in life so a ten times better man your spirit led seeks the knowledge of god trust god wise every day learns from his experiences patient a man of faith and promotable hope you enjoyed this first installment of 10 times better and i'll see you next time
Channel: Bishop David G. Evans
Views: 198
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ejmFkpo6CiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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