Drive-In Service | July 12th | #theEncounter

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praise the Lord everybody come on give God some praise beep your horns if you're watching at home clap your hands open your mouth give God some glory for the Lord he is good and His mercy endure forever the Bible says let everything that hath breath praise ye the Lord if you got breath in your body give God some praise your car has breath it's made from materials that God spoken to the world come on praise the Lord everybody let everything raise them right where you are in your house in your car worship him for the Lord is good and he is absolutely worthy to be praised great is our Lord he is greatly to be praised we thank God for you joining us today for another Drive in worship service our encounter worship experience out here on the back lot of Bethany Baptist Church the transformation church here at the Plaza and we're so glad you can join us if you're watching online please do us a favor and share with somebody let them know that we're on this morning as we celebrate the Lord as we celebrate the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living in spite of it all God is still good so again please do us a favor and share as much as possible come on let's pray father we thank you that you're the king of all the world you're the king of everything you are still in control your kingdom is still relevant your kingdom is still available to us thank you Lord that there is nothing beyond your control there's nothing beyond your reach we give you praise today because we know that you still reign and we know that you still sit on the throne so father we give you praise this morning because of your goodness thank you Lord for the promise that we will see your goodness in the land of the living and now god I pray in Jesus name that you would release your goodness in your mercy that follows us everywhere that we go i frailer for a manifestation of your presence Holy Spirit filled us one more time thank you Lord for what you're doing please I pray that you had blessed the worship bless the word save somebody I prayed that she would reclaim a backslider allow somebody to connect to this house and father we promised we could promise you we're gonna give you all the praise all the glory and all the honor a jesus name we pray amen come on worship God right where you are let's give God some praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah bless is not wonderful name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord everybody come on let's give God some praise for the Lord is good and he is worthy to be praised come on let's praise him just a little longer bless the Lord bless the Lord so honored that you've taken the time to come to be with us today this is the day the Lord has made it is our duty to rejoice because God has placed something in this day for us to be glad about somebody said o magnify the Lord with me [Music] it's better when we do it together hallelujah it's so much better when we do it together praise the Lord everybody come on bless his wonderful name bless his wonderful name o magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord how good and how pleasant it is when brothers and sisters dwell together in unity oh give God praise give him the sacrifice of your lips give him the content of your heart give him the very fiber of your thoughts when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me my soul starts to cry out hallelujah thank the Lord for saving me bless His name so glad you came today just a few things I believe God is gonna hold back the rain until we have been able to share this word with you of course abundant harvest catering is serving food you can order online on your device at go to Bethany comm you can order on your device that go to Bethany dot-com thank you for those that will be watching us online tomorrow of course as we leave the parking lot today we can give God our gifts for those who will be watching this service online on Sunday the giving options will be on the screen I want to invite all of you to join us at 6 o'clock tomorrow night online as we have our first anniversary service this month will mark 30 years of pastoring this great church we are extremely glad so tomorrow night at 6 o'clock apostle Ron carpenter will be our guest so you want to make sure you sign in at about 5:30 for the discussion 6 o'clock we'll begin the worship service with apostle carpenter and then after the service is over we will conclude with an after discussion that we know will bless your life I think that's everything see you next Saturday at noontime should the Lord delay his coming as they used to say back in the day and the weather holds up to praise the Lord let me read some verses of Scripture to you first samuel 25 and then um we'll pray and then we'll have this conversation around this particular word today first samuel 25 we're going down to verse 32 our particular the core of our conversation will include these verses we dropped the backdrop of the story for your hearing last time we were together but today we find ourselves at verse 32 and 1st Samuel 25 if you have that honk and say man Bible reads something like this and David said to Abigail blessed be the Lord God of Israel which sent you this day to meet me very important blessed be the Lord God of Israel which sent you today this day to meet me and blessed be thy advice your wisdom and blessed be you which has kept me this day from coming to shed blood watch the words and from avenging myself with my own hand for in very deed as the Lord God of Israel liveth which has kept me back from hurting you except thou has tasted and come to meet me surely there had not been left unto navel by the morning light any that visit against the wall so David received of her hand that which she had brought him said unto her go up in peace to thine house see I have hearkened to the voice and have accepted thy purse in' power of faith god i bless your name now for another opportunity you've given us to come before you to talk to you for just a few moments about those things that are close to our hearts we love you and we praise you and we adore you we give you all of our worship and all of our praise I want to thank you for being the shield you promised to be I want to thank you that even in times of trouble you've been closer supernaturally than any individual could ever be to us I want to give you glory today because everything you said in your word you have done for us even though times have been challenging you're still God in our lives even though the adversary has tried to rise up you've still proven yourself to be a shield proven yourself to be our Savior and our keeper I give you great grace and glory right now I thank you for the power of your love and power of your spirit I thank you right now that you've shielded us from adversity sickness has not touched us in favor has been surrounding us like a shield I thank you right now that in the very day that we stand right now you've given a reason to rejoice and be glad in it I give you praise honor and glory because when I think about where we've come from think about how good you've been think about how you could have let go of us sometimes but you held us and you kept us and you're keeping us right now I thank you for the individual in the automobile next to me I thank you that they're here right now so the corporate nature of faith can have its power in this meeting today now Lord we know someone is struggling in somewhere of their life right now and collectively right now was the people of faith we unify our faith and our belief in you that there is nothing too hard for God that you're equal to every task greater than every enemy able to solve every problem hey god I fear and I'll release your spirit right now I declare healing over this place I declare victory in your life I speak a breakthrough right now in Jesus name I speak provision I speak protection I speak promise into your life in the name of Jesus I pray right now God in the name of Jesus I release the power of your anointing in this place I praise you right now not for what you're going to do for what you're doing right now God something we need from you now and as we've been saying do what you're famous for Jesus come see about us Jesus do what you're famous for touch us in the name of Jesus do what you're famous for lift us up in your name do what you're famous for touch our bodies our minds and our spirits do what you're famous for Lord he'll set free deliver revive restore give strength do what you're famous for save right now and I thank you thank you for your spirit Holy Ghost now help us we need your mind to understand what you want to say bless this moment making a moment we shall never forget and I thank and praise you in the name of Jesus and the household of faith said amen [Music] bless the Lord power of faith I am still quite amazed at the depth and the power of God's Word as he speaks to us as he unveils yet another important revelation for our lives I am still amazed at how God speaks and how God is so timely in his word we have been talking to you for the past few conversations about your emotions and your faith and I believe what the Holy Spirit is trying to get me to is get us to is how we can slip into another dimension another flow of the Holy Ghost so that our prayer our praise of worship and the promise of God has shifted to another dimension of power that we have never experienced and the Lord laid on my heart last week that we were having a personal relationship with him sometimes but some of us had slipped over into where we were having more of a relationship with his word than with him there is a balance that has to be achieved we must have a fervent relationship with God and because God speaks his word we must have a fervent relationship with his word now when we look at the book of James chapter 5 verse 16 the Bible says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous individual availeth much forgets stuff accomplished that word fervent is a little deeper than the customary in translation it is about an emotion that boils up it is about being passionate about what you're about to do it is about having a feeling about it but it also means that your inner man becomes consistent with the nature of God in other words when fervency happens in our lives we must understand that your mind and the mind of God come into partnership that suddenly I am lifted to another dimension in the spirit because when I'm praying or giving God praise or worshiping God I am slipping out of the limitations of my own humanity and if you will become integrated with the holy divine God who saved me in other words the mind that Christ has given me is suddenly given the ability to start to work in my mind in other words my mind and God's mind if you will start to be integrated there is a synthesis that happens that causes my thinking to be lifted to the dimension of thinking where God dwells so when I read the scripture and Isaiah that his ways are higher than mine when I read the New Testament scripture of God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you asked to think historically we have believed that God is in a dimension of thinking doing a way of showing things that we are restricted from when God is actually asking you and I to join him where his thoughts are join him where his ways are join him where you see the impossible where you are there where the exceedingly abundantly dwell that you become comfortable with the mind and what God has proclaimed in your life so here we go God is not restricting you when he says my ways are higher than yours he is inviting you to allow him to lift your mind so you see things like he sees them speak like he speaks and watches and do what he does somebody shout hallelujah so what God desires what he wants from us Jamie is not just us to observe how he thinks but he wants us to begin to think like he thinks say what he says and therefore do what he does so when I am fervent I am not just passionate but my inner man has drawn closer to God's mind so that there is a stent synthesis there is a likeness between the mind of God watch this and the mind of Christ that's in me if I'm born again so when God says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus he is inviting you not restricting you he's telling us that you have the ability to release the bondage of your life and step in to the mind and the power of Jesus Christ I wish I had help in here so watch how this works so there is a dimension of thinking a dimension of feeling that God has invited you and I not to visit but to dwell in continually Paul gives us some insight in the New Testament when he says I want to know him but I want to know him a little differently than you do I don't want to just know him as my healer I don't want to just know him as my savior but what I want to know him watch this is in the power of his resurrection what does that mean when I have connected with the mind of God in such a way that resurrection power now is mine and resurrection power in your life in my life is not seasonal but I walk continually in the power of the Lord's resurrection y'all don't get it but i'ma tell you something now when I am walking in the power of the Lord's resurrection death cannot stop me the adversary cannot hinder me bad news cannot cause me to be discouraged because I'm not in my own power I'm in the flow of a resurrection power of Jesus Christ so you can beat me but I'm still gonna stand up you can bury me but I'm still going to get back up you can talk about me but I'm still going to move forward because I'm locking in the power of his resurrection in other words nothing no one will be able to hold you down I've got good news for you you've been to your cross now God wants you to walk in victory you've been buried now God wants you to get up and walk in power you've been disadvantaged but in resurrection power you've overcome all of that and now you're ready to step into what the Bible calls the newness of life so there is an expectation we have in God there's an opportunity there's a confidence that we have with God there is a belief that we have with God which tells me that if fervency and my heart are involved in my salvation then that means passion my heart and watch this and my mind are involved with my life with Christ that I am to be passionate about God because of who he is passionate about Jesus based on what he's done passionate about the Holy Ghost based on high is keeping me passionate about the Word of God because God said it to me so my faith is not cold my faith is charged because my mind and the mind of God are getting closer and closer every day he is slipping me into the individual he's created you and I to be somebody shall glory so as my mind begins to connect with the mind of God there ought to be a new independence that you and I feel but also exhibit some of our insecurities must melt away some of our childhood injuries and emotions in our minds can be overcome because now my identity is stronger every day because my mind and God's mind are getting closer every day not here's to me mine to him that we are connecting by faith not just to the power of God but to the way that he thinks and the way that he moves so there is a price that comes along when you begin to walk in your identity with God you must understand that there'll be some changes in your life that some people will not want to take the journey with you and the lack of desire is a revelation of ability human beings have a tendency to say they don't like a thing when they fear a thing the actuality is where those people around you see God taking you is making them fearful of you let me help you with something the unfamiliar causes people to be fearful when they know where God has brought you from and they already have a vision of where God is taking you the first person to notice will not be you the first person to notice will be your adversaries because your adversaries are paying more attention to your progress than you are you need to hear what I'm saying that's why you had problem on the job your co-workers to see where you were going long before you could that's why you've got problems sometimes even in those that love you because they're paying more attention to your progress than you are so sometimes the walk of faith the journey of faith will cost you some friends some relationships may even cost you a position or two but remember this when you stand strong for God and God eliminates something in your life it's because something has already been prepared for you to receive and the transition is simply preparation wildernesses are not designed to destroy you wildernesses are designed to reveal your strengths wilderness are designed to audit your relationships wilden's are designed so you finally know who's really with you and who is against you hallelujah Samana watch how this works so in our text there are two primary characters three actually there's King David there's Abigail and there's a man named Abel then Abel is married to Abigail and to Brik to make this brief they are opposites Nabal and Abigail are opposites he's mean as a rattlesnake and she's as gentle as a dove they are in the same place in the same context david sends a message to Nabal telling able to provide for him and his men navel doesn't understand that the King has been protecting everything he owns but has not sent him a message that he has in speaks of most of what God does for us he does not ask for recognition most of what he does for us he does if you will in secret he's taking care of your house right now but he's not saying anything he's taking care of your children right now but he's not saying anything he loves being in the background taking care of your position at work taking care of your provision he loves providing in secret he expects us to know that God loves doing things if you will pulling the strings behind the scenes and wants us to have enough sense that when we see his provision to be thankful but Nabal watch this Nabal knows who David is even though he tells the servant he doubts that the king has been taking care of him sometimes God will give you a witnessing opportunity and I don't know about you but I've let some witnessing opportunities pass sometimes because I didn't want people to know watch this then I was saved let me talk to you let me talk to you you go on vacation you decide you're gonna lay on the beach you're not going witness because you don't want anybody ask you any questions so you faked being normal amen we purposely what's this get in a dining situation with important people and sometimes don't say our grace because we're worried about what the one who has a promotion in their hand may think if we bow our head in their company that is insane why would I worry about the one who thinks he holds my promotion and not be concerned about embarrassing God by acting like I didn't know him I wish I had help out here today but Nabal gives himself away he says who is David and who is Jesse's son so he knows who he's rejecting and he doesn't realize by rejecting the word he's rejecting the king when he rejects the message he rejects who sent the message we need to be careful when we're listening to sermons and teaching and not get caught up so much that we reject the word and end up rejecting our God I wish I had help in here so Mabel goes off says the heck with David servant runs the Abigail says look your husband didn't messed up for real this time he bout to get hit she says hold up gather all this stuff together run to David with this gift take him this gift and I'm coming right behind you the text says that as she's going David meets her I am that God will bring people of faith into your life to turn you around before you make a major mistake I'm so honored that he thinks enough of you and I to send someone with the word we will listen to Abigail runs to meet David because Abigail has realized the judgment is about to visit her home because David has already made up in his mind now this is important David says I'm going to avenge myself and no one was going to escape my hand so David has slipped out of the spirit into the natural and decided to take things into his own hands I'm talking to you sometimes offense listen to me can feel like inspiration sometimes the emotion that accompanies your offense will feel like you're being inspired where you are being inspired it's just not by god-- offense watch this now being offended can make you feel strong being offended can make you feel right being offended can make you make something small into something large until you create a mountain of opposition where every word every syllable every sentence offends you and you mess around and start operating in your offense and not being led by the spirit I need you to hear me now so Abigail and David meet and the Bible says that she gives the King some advice it means she shares some wisdom with him now what blew my mind about this is that a hat that God sent Abigail David would have messed up his name because he became offended by someone who at that moment pretended not to know who he was this is real important so what has happened to enable is this security we have to be careful that when God blesses us that we don't start feeling independent of God God be careful that when that when we can look and see the vastness of what he's provided that we don't become so blessed that we become entitled till we become ungrateful until we become selfish so selfish that we reject the Lord's word when he asks us for something precious now Nabal feels entitled to what he has because he does not realize the king has been protecting his promise and watch this and I realized that God was not protecting neighbor's house because enable God was protecting neighbor's house because of Abigail there's some environments that you're in that unjoin the favor of God not because of them but because you're still there you need to hear me favor is being enjoyed because of your presence in some places could God Almighty watch how this works so nabel's secure and I've taught you before that one of the dangers of security is curiosity another thing that makes that security can produce watch my words security can produce disloyalty think of the times that you've been disloyal it was never to a stranger if there was someone that had brought something positive into your life Social Security can produce disloyalty because it produces curiosity good God Almighty so security if you're not careful can make you a gambler you'll gamble on what God has provided and watch this in favor of what God has not provided so somebody's taking care of you and you decide to be disloyal to them but to be this Lord to them you've got to be loyal to someone that has done little or nothing for you good God Almighty how do you jump out of an oasis into a wilderness we tend to start to take God for granted because of how good he's been so all of a sudden abigail gets to David and something amazing happens in the text he gives her audience she approaches the throne of grace because she knows who the king is she understands how the kingdom works and she believes in the king she knows who David is she knows how the kingdom works and she believes in the king so she approaches David first watch this because judgment is coming and this woman of God heads off judgment there are some people that are in line that you love to be punished by God that when you get finished with this faith message you will stand in the way of that judgment and what judgment turn into favor watch how this works now so she sends the gift she comes after the IFFT now she doesn't give him anything she gives him what looks like it's appropriate for who she is she comes next she comes worshiping once she gives the gift and gives the worship it gives her permission to speak so she goes boldly to the throne of grace in her time of need cuz right now she needs mercy now watch this she switches her role from intercessor to mediate it when you mediate you put yourself in position to bear the weight of the problem for the one you're mediating for so she tells the King put the sin on my back now only a child of God who knows the King knows how to Kingdom operates and knows what the King will do can say put the sin on my back watch how this works she becomes the mediator so now she becomes qualified to talk to God on nabel's behalf Jesus is our mediator it qualified him to take our sin on his back and talk to God about us so abigail becomes the mediator for her whole house David stops listens says to her I was about to wipe out everything that was connected to Nabal including you so the condemned approaches the judge the condemned approaches the judge knowing about the mercy that David has released before in other words she knows how to change the mind of the king you didn't hear me watch how this works Oh gotta hurry up 34:14 very deed as the Lord God of Israel liveth which has kept me back from hurting you while since if she hadn't gotten in a hurry and came out to meet him nothing would have been left when I got done this blew my mind sometimes we take too long coming to God about a problem but what I saw in the text is once she heard the news she got on the move when you hear the bad news don't ever say you'll pray later drop everything you're doing pray right now go bowling go with haste to the throne of God don't ever hesitate coming to the throne of grace the Bible says verse 35 so David received of her hand he received what she sent him now this is amazing because she becomes identified with the sacrifice she gives him she becomes identified so he received her of her hand he received that she had brought him and says go in peace back to your house and I'm about to finish I've heard your voice and I've accepted your person I've heard your voice I've accepted your person it was the sacrifice of her labor the sacrifice of her will sacrifice of a worship of praise and a prayer it was the sacrifice her voice was this her sacrifice had a voice to the king her sacrifice spoke to the king and he says based on what you've done I've accepted you so I says so Abigail after becoming mediator slips back into intercessor cuz now she's going back to navel to tell neighbour what the King has decided so when Abigail gets home navel has no idea that she has saved his life but also saved everything about him so she gets back to the house and nabel's having a party and the Bible says he got drunk so she gets back he's drunk so she's generally talking to him now I wait until the morning comes but watch favor now when the morning came when neighbor was sober she told him what almost happened to him that's verse 37 and when she told him what almost happened God took him his heart died within him and he became as a stone and a cup of days he passed away then David hears that neighbor is dead and said blessed be the Lord that have pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of neighbour and have kept this servant from evil so David listen to me two people of God was about to take something into his own hand that was already in God's plan when you feel you want to get back at somebody hold yourself back because God says vengeance is mine hold yourself back God is going to take care of it so David says the Lord has returned the wickedness you reap what you sow of Nabal upon his own head and watch this here comes favor and David said and commune with Abigail so girl I need you to switch headquarters come on into the kingdom now watch what Abigail does Abigail could have picked up stakes and gone on and been married to the king but Abigail calls her servants and say y'all going with me don't ever get blessed and think God blesses you for yourself the blessing is released when you carry somebody with you when you bless him with somebody when you bless somebody else with the blessing you received don't you forget share what God is about to give you somebody shout Amen power of faith is that God not only wants to deliver you but there are some people assigned to you that the only way they'll be blessed is if you bring them along it tells me that this next blessing God is going to release will be more than enough for you and more than enough to share God wants to use you as the vessel to which blessing comes but he has to be convinced that he can trust you with overflow many people become depressed and saddened because the overflow they receive they try to keep it all from themselves and the weight of the overflow is too much when you've been designed the blessing in itself the overflow is to be shared your floors to bless somebody else a blessing will become a burden when you and I don't release the overflow that God has given you to take care of someone else many of you taking care of the people's children and many of you taking care of aunts and uncles and grandparents sometimes if you're not careful your attitude gets a little rough about the responsibility but if you look back over your life during the time of stewardship when God has made you stewards of other people's lives when you look back and see the things may have gotten tight every now and then but God has always provided away for you to take care of that assignment what I'm trying to tell you is that the power of your faith the power of wisdom the anointing of the Holy Ghost has equipped you for everything you need to face God has not saved you for you to lose the battle God has saved you for you to win the battles and the wars I need you to understand God has designed every day in your life to be an encouragement to you there is a silver lining in every day that you wake up in that's why the psalmist could say this is the day the Lord has made he'll give me a reason to rejoice and be glad even if the day opens with calamity something in that day will give you pause to give God praise something in the moment will lift up your strength and your spirit come on let's encourage each other and hock in the Lord we're coming through we're coming through we're breaking through coming through crashing through the barriers we're coming through breaking down all the hurdles we're coming through open up Lord hallelujah holly was storming heaven right now hallelujah bless his name perhaps there's someone here who does not know the Lord for themselves and we want to invite you into a relationship with God today we're not saying that you can't continue the life that you're living but we are saying there is another life that God has created you to live that is available to you today and I'm inviting you to allow this word to usher you into a relationship with God so you can know the king know how the king conducts himself and know what the king says so you'll know what to do abigail is a marvelous marvelous illustration of a woman of God a person of God understands the kingdom she's in and has mastered even going to the Lord in hard times even when it looks like judgment has fallen on your house there is no way to lift it the same king that declares it is the one that has to lift it if you're here today and you've never ever given your life to the Lord I want to give you the opportunity right now to say yes to Jesus today you're with us today and you don't know the Lord for yourself you know the look for yourself but you got distracted you walked away from God I want to give you the chance to ask God to come back into my life today if you made that decision today write us on the site let us know your decision if you decide to come back to the Lord today write us on the website at go to Bethany comm let us know you've decided to connect with God connect with come back to his son come back to his house let us know so we can usher you into this process last but not least you love the Lord with us and you realize you know what this is what I've been searching for this is the connection that I need write us right on the site and go to Bethany calm let us know I want to connect here for those that will be watching us around the world our connections Church is in place your right us at connections on the site will get you engaged in our internet congregation get your deeper engagement deeper connection to Bethany the transformation Church don't forget as we leave today tomorrow we have our regular normal services 8 9 10 o'clock as our discussion 11 and 12 and of course this month is our anniversary month 6 o'clock tomorrow night will be our first anniversary service online apostle round carpenter will be our guest we're excited that he's going to share the word with us looking forward to Anna crate time in the Lord now as you're leaving today those are who have ordered food it will be ready for you those of you who are going to give today give your gifts to God some attendants will be on the way out of the parking lot can drop your gifts say hello and keep on going amen amen come on let me pray for you god I bless your name for everything that you've done for us today thank you for this word we now know God we can approach the throne with diligence we can approach it boldly we know that we have to know what to do when we get there someone in our houses someone in our families needs mercy thank you for allowing us to be both intercessors and mediators yes Lord we're interceding for those that don't deserve what we're praying for but that's what the intercession is praising for praying for someone to receive something they don't deserve we're so glad that you always live to make intercession for us we thank you that you allow us to be mediators for those that just don't know any better thank you that you turn to judgment one more time not to give them a pass but give them another chance but Lord if you're going to call them home speak to them first bring them into relationship with you first I thank you right now for what we have experienced today and I bless each individual I bless each automobile I bless the life the family the responsibility attached to your presence today and we give you praise and we give you glory in Jesus name everybody say Amen come on let's thank our camera crew thank our musicians thank our technicians hallelujah thank our guards thank our workers but most of all let's thank God for what he's done today hallelujah see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 646
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: yUZ0S2g1aWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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