10 Things You NEED In Your LIFE NOW!

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i'm going to show you guys 10 things that you need in your life if you don't have one of these 10 things you are literally living your life backwards sideways completely different these items will change everything these are 10 items you need in your life right now you know when you try to high five your friends and it's just not that epic oh hey bro no that's just not try again uh let's try it like a side one no maybe an underhand these aren't epic bro this is boring in order to make it epic you gotta add color to it yeah that's what i'm talking about epic but wait there's more go to www.speakable.com for your merchandise tonight hit me with that the happy hand clapper confetti cannon it's empty yeah i know we already know foot up bro yeah that was epic and that is how you high five high toe you got something on your head [Applause] is cleaning up at home so boring here you can spice everything up with a little bit of chips no one will ever high-five me will you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hide [Applause] [Applause] oh you're awake i think there's glitter in my ear there's definitely glitter in my ear turn it on see if it works [Applause] oh yeah yo how many of these do we have legit too many epic epic epic epic epic [Music] oh wait that is epic epic yo oh dude that's really cool oh click that subscribe button or else you're gonna miss out the best youtube channel on youtube i think we used them all look at it looks like a ufo this is my levitating bluetooth speaker hey hey don't throw that don't throw that that's my speaker okay here you go that's a speak he told me not to throw it but this is the speaker and if that's a speaker gently we thought it was a ball if you gently just place it right in the middle it's supposed to levitate ready what are you trying to do come on dude just put it in the middle that's how magnus it doesn't it doesn't work it's supposed to work the commercial said it what can you try it okay don't throw that ball yeah bro i did it oh whoa what no wait wait it's actually floating wait it like it's not touching on the bottom of it look no give me hold on here here here watch this here ready watch this it was a used q-tip ready look all right i'm gonna take this wire watch this there's nothing you touched it bro as you can see eleven it left you left you don't have the man i love it dude it levitates it's supposed to love it love it if you do it right how do you do that there is nothing under it i'll go all the way around it all right james let's play catch no let's play frisbee that thing was like 200 what we didn't touch it yo is that a snorlax no another thing you really need in life that is a giant snorlax look at it it's a giant snorlax this is a whole bed it's ginormous look at the size of its feet you can literally use this as just a bed that looks really comfy it's gonna hold [Music] i just saw the light flash before my eyes literally because it's a lamp i'm seeing the light flash before my eyes why would you need this product because it's good to sleep with like it's huge look at it dude it's like the big and it's a snorlax because i want a life-size snorlax so you can relax on your s'more exactly let us show you all the features of a snorlax the other thing you can do with your snow relaxing is ride the elevator with them set me up okay bye james another thing you can do with snorlax is throw him in the unspeakable can-am wow yeah all right let's go for a ride don't forget your seatbelt snorlax i don't know if the seat belt's going to fit him just kind of he'll figure it out [Music] i love some good coffee in the morning i love all the coffee in the morning bro is that a cereal ball yeah this was like snack this is my brand new coffee mug that thing is ginormous [Music] i think it needs a little bit more creamer or maybe salt gross and coffee yeah you're not even gonna taste it bro i'm literally drinking like all the coffee we have yeah actually you want some i'll trade you do you want to trade but you could be like mr fantastic it was a good try you know as soon as you're done with that and you clean it i'm going to use it all right all right i'm ready for it i think you can use some more actually no dude i got enough i mean i've already like yeah it's good enough well if you turn it sideways it kind of just disappears no you can still see it yeah you're right come on bro i got to finish my coffee no i still want my mug no you in your coffee you put my your mug in my coffee can i grab it no you cannot grab it okay i'm gonna go enjoy mine dude you broke your mug and my mug oh that's my mug yeah i'm not cleaning it up ruined my coffee and i don't even know how i how i tripped what were you doing i was trying to i don't know i was trying to become a flamingo i blinked to next thing i know something really new it didn't really you just make fun of a flamingo no it didn't really did you just make fun of a flamingo it didn't really you just make fun of a flamingo since james tried to spray me with water the next thing you didn't know you need in your life is a giant nerf gatling gun oh yeah oh is that james ringing the doorbell i didn't know our doorbell actually worked yeah take that take that yeah take that take all that yeah take that what is going on take that and all that take that i'm out of ammo but i'll be back all right so another thing you didn't know you needed is toilet games when you're on the toilet and you've been on for a while you can play toilet slam dunk oh boom look at this we even got a half [Music] court that's not good i'm just gonna flush that one oh it's not flushing i'm just gonna have to slam dunk it and leave the bathroom before the toilet clogs the next thing that you didn't know that you really needed in your life is big meaty claws [Music] [Applause] [Music] someone just ran out of toilet paper let's see if we can eat pizza with the big meaty claws [Music] i call that a success thumbs up subscribe now get that penguin out of here let's see if we can wash our claws oh yeah now we got clean claws look at that beautiful what are you looking at just washing my hands off clean [Music] you ever just get bored and you just want to play golf while using the toilet because i do and it's quite majestic you know i'm a little bit more advanced so i like to go up a little green patch [Music] here all right one more time one more time let's go for a trick shot let's go for a trick shot come on go go go you know i know what's wrong i'm just gonna turn it around here i'm out of toilet paper [Music] oh [Music] yo what did i just run into what is she doing i'm trying to fish while poop bro yo yo yo why are you in the shower why are you watching our next beautiful thing that you need in your life you just broke it is this it is a basketball hoop on your head so you can be shooting them shots all day long you miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take whoa you just hit him with that knowledge wait hold on yo how am i supposed to make yours yo yo he'd be making them shots though yeah yeah yeah don't stop yelling yo can i hit a slam dunk [Applause] yeah yeah okay okay okay you'll be making every shot let's go oh sorry wow i'm sorry it's been a little while what i don't know why i can't make it up all of a sudden i'm stuck the next thing you didn't know you needed right now is a giant piano mat let me explain how this works you step on the key and it plays this turn up your volume so we're gonna attempt to start a band today so let's all try to play a song shall we wait what instrument are you using what instrument i have a flute i am currently using the piano wait wait wait wait wait stop stop this is madness what okay start [Music] you can record everyone listen oh wait that was it yo you want to see something magical show me the magic [Applause] [Music] you did that way wrong hold up this is how you do it i didn't really go that far did i my head hurts roll him up in it oh ready for the championship thumb war yes raise your thumb let me pick the map hmm we'll pick this map oh i hate this map okay fine we'll go to the next map if you're going to be picky about it okay sorry my lightsaber is too strong as you can see we have color coordinated james is wearing green with this green lightsaber and wearing mine i'm going to go this way unspeakable sure with my red orange lightsaber [Music] [Applause] i'm going to disqualify you if you don't chill out start i don't even have to listen [Applause] oh one two oh he's back up he's back up he's back up rko one two three that's round nathan has lost james won [Laughter] the next thing you didn't know that you needed which actually everyone actually needs right now we need ice cream and brownies and this simple invention right here allows you to make your own ice cream brownie sandwiches ice cream sandwiches but they're brownies and you can even make them out of cookies all right so look this is what we got to do james is making the top layer of the ice cream sandwiches so i need you to get all that ice cream so we can make this one strawberry this one chocolate this one's vanilla strawberry a chocolate and two vanilla so we have to lay all the ice cream in there whoa maybe flatten it down here give me another spoon i'll i'll work on this vanilla one over here teamwork makes mark makes the ice cream sandwich brownie no teamwork makes the dream work that's what they normally say dreams never work but teammates i'm gonna make this one out of chocolate vanilla and strawberry so get on my level it's like four flavors going up let's get brownies that's the whole point it [Applause] [Music] that's way too much no it's not you can never have too much ice cream on your ice cream sandwich now once you have everything smoothed out you're gonna lay the top layer on top of the top layer and did you just say top layer on the top layer how do you know that that's the top layer and that's the top layer that could be the bottom layer and that be the top layer or that could be the bottom layer and that be the top layer now for the moment of truth now what you do is we put them together and you just gently press press press what do you do after you press you press you're going to flip it over we're going to press you'll put it on your finger we're going to gently lift that there we go it's a little messy and then we're going to gently lift this you just got to plop them out there you go look at that it's not the cleanest thing in the world but look at that brownie ice cream sandwich give it a taste test oh i can't juggle it i'm gonna take this one this one had the strawberry and the vanilla oh that one's too ugly all right this one looks pretty we actually packed these a little too tight let me give it a try no no no this one's the best one that's like not epic bro dude you didn't even try to give me some throws dude you didn't even go for it [Music] thank you guys for watching this video subscribe otherwise you'll never get an ice cream sandwich
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 11,272,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: gHnM9fpm7j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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