7 NEXT LEVEL Life Hacks Viral TikTok Challenges!

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here's the deal i'm giving away 25 switches and 25 playstation 4s and there's only 28 days 14 hours 21 minutes and 27 seconds until this giveaway ends all you guys got to do to enter this giveaway is purchase some merchandise that's it you can buy a shirt a hat a plushie a squishy toy you can even buy a pencil and you'll be entered to win one of these 50 switches for a playstation 4. after you guys buy some merchandise it's going to be shipped to you but in your email your confirmation email is going to have a url that will take you over to the giveaway on how to be entered into it this giveaway is for the us only so go get your merchandise you guys got only a couple days left well like a month but it's coming up it'll be quick in today's video we are recreating some of the most famous tik tok trims i want you guys to watch to the end of this video because we're going to try to create our very own popular tik tok and also i want to give a huge shout out to you guys because we just hit 9 million subscribers and without you guys help none of this would be possible we are so close to 10 million subscribers guys hit that subscribe button because i really want to do a huge giveaway when i hit 10 million but thank you guys so much for all your support over the years and let's hop into today's vlog it is hilarious our next tick tock trend prank is a facetime prank where you basically call your friend and ask why they're not at the airport gabe here is my announcer your flight leaves in four minutes thank you we're going to try preston first we have a very important meeting in la today you ready yeah all right here we go hey what's up hey where are you at man uh on my couch the flight to knoxville you're not the airport yeah we have a meeting at 3 p.m at la at the airport no not at the airport i mean like are you coming to the meeting at 3 p.m in l.a oh shoot i might not make it bro i might not make it dude we've had this meeting planned for like three months listen what what are you talking about what i'm talking about our meeting in l.a yeah we're meeting in l.a you explain explain to me what this meeting is huh it's [Music] i am not the imposter look look we're just this is my announcement tonight leaves in five minutes talking into a cookie jar it smells really good will they let me into the airport without a shirt on because if so no i think you need to you need to get your your bags and luggage and all that i got that i got bags right there see all right all right we're gonna call someone else we'll see you later okay we'll be there in an hour okay see you at the airport all right so we're calling out george aka moosecraft here we go [Music] hopefully he picks up yo what's up bro what's up molly yo where are you at i'm like [Music] yeah we have a we have a recording tomorrow with phase rug oh man did you not get the invite no i think i sent it to you i sent this to you like two or three weeks ago what yeah we're leaving today to film at his house this weekend [Laughter] dude the flight leaves in like 45 minutes [Music] hurry up man like i'm serious like bring your bags or something i'm gonna go away bro all right i'll see you at the airport all right terminal d all right peace did he get his car he got in his car he straight up got in his car that's hilarious well how funny is it gonna be if he texts me like an hour later and be like where are you did a flight leave i'm here oh my gosh what if you kept going oh i know the flight left just get the next one our next trend is we're gonna be making cloud bread i don't know exactly what that is you know like the things that fly in the sky and stuff we're basically making a cloud to get clout all right first i did there all right first thing that says we need three egg whites okay that's one oh wait egg whites yeah the white i need to get rid of the yolk oh here's a trash can right here i think it's too late never too late it's never too late never too late all right removing access yolk okay it's a specimen egg you just poured all the egg white out of there too all right yolk is being disassembled it's very easy slimy so very difficult it's an egg it's like a big booger look at it nice we have been extracted oh you thought i was going to crack it oh come out of here magic whoa why is this taking so long because i don't want to get the yolk out oh so that egg's going to break like the shell and everything's going to go inside wait for it wait for it so it just takes time okay it's like when you blow your nose and there's just a tunnel yeah this is definitely that stop you're gonna make it miss the oh bowl yeah it's just like a big booger put it in the bowl it is in the bowl you got egg and chilling what's next okay we need five tablespoons of this five that's more than five okay you're good good all right and one tablespoon of this there you go that's perfect next mix mix did you say mix or whisk it made absolutely no sense at all that was the point well you know it was a little slimy should we add some um some green food dye yes yes make it colorful how much more than that okay more than that yep that's good that's good preheat the oven to 300 whisk it up so you get something like this a lot a lot more okay how's your slimy booger going look at that [Music] honestly you're doing a really good job yeah until you like drop some snot really weird method but it's working you let the whisk take over i got it we're good we're good all right give me a pan oh okay what about the vanilla egg oh yeah vanilla it's ready to be cooked no no pick that up right now oh no oh no it's okay we can save this we can save this yeah it's leaking on the eggs it's like you're worried about that it's raining it's raining look at it it's raining yeah it smells really good all right i'll put the bowl on top oh yeah right and the egg and it's it's ready for the oven right yes we are ready for oven all right into the oven it's beautiful it's leaking you know what happens how long do we let it sit in there 25 to 30 minutes 25 minutes all right we'll be back right it's been uh 20 it's been 27 minutes oh is it ready it's ready oh there it is it looks so weird it might be a little warm it does look weird it looks like uh it's hot it's not that hot you ever put a marshmallow our clouds higher kind of has that texture to it it's so squishy yo are these how clouds feel we'll never know oh it's like cotton candy should i like rip it apart actually pretty good that's pretty good to make it it's a cloud bro you can't rip a cloud dude the inside is so green try it it's pretty good you're gonna like it yo that's pretty good considering how we made it it's like if you mix bread with a marshmallow yeah honestly like this is like a soggy bready marshmallow dude put that in a bowl of vanilla ice cream yup yo what where'd the bowl go what do you mean with the pan dude i forgot no it's not in there no wait are you sure did it travel leave a like if you want us to make a video explaining our magic tricks i'm going to disappear now i'm going downstairs the next trend on tick tock some of you guys may have seen it basically i'm wearing normal clothes i throw up the shoe it lands on my foot it does something weird and then boom i'm in like a swagged-out outfit let's give it a try film that tick tock put my shoe on ah whoa you put that toe on the back whoa clean it off how expensive are these how expensive are these like 30 bucks on amazon calm down why are you so like because they're mine oh they're yours i take care of myself oh these are kind of fresh bro don't step on the laces bruh all right whoa this man just zipped up his shoe someone tell me how that makes any sense yeah get all that non-existent dirt off my toesy woesies this sand is in this house flip your head around all we do have a beach okay i've never had someone put my shoes on before ooh okay this is about to be the best tick tock ever what is the movement that i did well dripped out in that unspeakable merch what if i step on them because it's a squishy toy i'm excited to see the outcome of this this is gonna be like the best what up tick tock nation okay never mind there's no like voiceovers there get situated here make sure the merch is all open ready [Music] [Applause] i missed isn't that what you're supposed to do i'm supposed to continue my movement that's what i did because i kicked it and then i went like that like that one that was nice look at this new plushie have you guys gotten one what you haven't link in the description there's only so many of them here's the final product of our tick tock and it's not bad okay look it's my first time doing it okay it's not it's not it could be worse it could be way worse yeah yeah posted bro it's you did great yeah you did awesome thanks bro wait hold on wait wait oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah it's like really bad hold on let me like pull up my sleeve a little bit so i can get like a solid clap ready and uh yeah go tick-tock go go to our tick-tock go tick-tock go leave a like i'm gonna post it right now our next tech talk trend we are going to be painting something super cool with a drill check this out some of you guys that may have seen this for those of you guys that haven't seen this it's probably going to blow your mind okay so first i need to pick my colors i'm gonna go with um i'm gonna go with um green i'm gonna go with the uh um uh what do we got under here we got a we got a yellow i like the red i like the red right i'll take the red the green we have a rose i'm going for a bunch of different colors almost looks magenta i'm sure that's not all right wait there's a light gray so dark because magenta is like red ain't it like kind of it's like still pink but like red i'm gonna go for a um we'll go for a white no no no no no no no no no what do you want to make here no that's not um that was orange we have spa green rose scarlet and light gray so pretty much what you're gonna do is you're just gonna put all the paint wherever you want so for this one it's gonna make a line just like that nice looks like a caterpillar yeah i see it for the pink i'm gonna use a little bit more i'm gonna do some there some there actually looks like a butterfly better a little more a little more a little more you have more colors oh what's up watch this not spread potential then i'm going to do some red but i'm going to do the red just on this side what is it now now it looks like a joker face now we got the the light gray blue that i'm gonna do on this side oh yeah that's a nice blue i like that i'm gonna do a little bit more on all the corners there we go it's a little cloudy so it's super random okay that's what it looks like right now and now we're going to spin it and see what it turns into ready thank you [Music] oh it's got to fly off called it all right yo splatter art not bad i thought it was gonna spread more but that looks awesome i like the way it turned out actually not bad not bad let's try another one i was not expecting that that's so cool this is our next creation it kind of looks like a snowman i don't really know he's got a lot of eyebrows and weird hair going on should give that one away we are going to give this one a while we are yeah we're going to give this one away we're all going to sign it and we're gonna give away on instagram so go give us a follow unspeakable it's my instagram let's do it [Music] oh oh oh you saw the yellow kabob [Music] oh but guys we're gonna give this away on instagram let me give it a nice signature we're gonna sign it let's sign it i'm gonna sign it on the back i'll sign it right here you know davinki never signed his stuff on the back well look the whole front is covered in paint there we go we got a signature we got the front follow me on instagram it's just unspeakable that's it and we're gonna give this away to one lucky viewer this next tick tock is going to blow you guys away i'm going to wipe and appear to be something else i got a little smudge you guys haven't seen to click the like button or you haven't clicked the subscribe button yet are you kidding me come on guys it's free click the subscribe button your boy unspeakable is almost at 10 mil okay here we go all you need is a paper towel maybe a rag and obviously a mirror as well and then pretty much yeah throw your hand up and what [Music] yo that was sick if only i could get ready every day like that oh that would be a dream come true oh i just flip the switch [Music] ain't nobody else doing this what what kind of cheese is he cheddar not sharp parmesan is that mixed or uh mexican style 40 gouda 10 cheddar cheese 50 blue cheese in a big round bowl or is it in like a cheese bowl a saucer that's what i was looking for the ufo so what's up with goat cheese all right guys so come here come on come on come on sorry next tick tock okay so they're over there on the couch right now and i have two cups and i'm just going to pour water into it and i'm just going to walk up to them i'm going to be like drink it and they're going to think it's suspicious because i'm recording it i'm also just giving them water when they didn't ask for it let's see all right so we got two cups here normal bottle of water there's nothing wrong with it [Music] all right let's go give them some water how is it different cows can't produce water what you can drink drink it drink what drink the water it's cold what is it here drink it why is it so cold it's just i don't know fresh it's just like vinegar or something it's literally just water i promise there's nothing wrong with it why are you saying that's so suspicious this is just water dude i'm just giving you guys what i got it on my nose get out of my nose thicker guys you'd be you know a little dehydrated it's been a long long day yeah seems fine yeah you actually drank it you actually drink it you shouldn't have drink it you are going to regret every decision you didn't swallow it i'm sorry my aim was bad i was going for him all right your turn wait a minute wait a minute yo i'm about to flex you ready for this yo guess what [Music] oh is this what i get for giving you guys water that's it no i'm not falling for this you did this to me two weeks ago all i did was give you water that's all i did i didn't i didn't do anything bad nothing bad i did not do anything bad yo hey watch out behind you i just fine [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] he's saying please subscribe and go look at our tick tock because we made a bunch of tick tocks for you guys to watch and this is gabe our windex bottle okay so now we're gonna try to create our own tick tock with a tv remote now this is something fun that you guys can do at home with your friends by yourself with your parents with your dog really anything now here's what we want you guys to do i want you guys to make the tick tock just like this you can do it with anything you can wear anything post it on tick tock and i'll also share it on my instagram story if you guys make it let's try to make a new trend ready let's do this are you ready mr krabs who am i are you ready okay so pretty much whenever you're playing whenever he puts out the tv remote and presses the button kind of do like a little oh wait did i i was like looking at the beach [Laughter] [Music] that was trash that was nice i think that's the one this is our next fresh fit looking fresh let's try to do the second scene three two one three two one all right this is our next spit yeah gabe's a donut i'm a pickle and i mean james is a hot dog with hot dog socks please leave a like on this video thank you three two one click three two one click all right this is our last fit of course it's merch you already know let's do it wait till you guys see this video it's gonna be so sick places everyone one places [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] thank you guys for watching this video go check out our tick tocks if you want to see them fully made
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 6,697,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: 80CctDHx740
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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