10 Things You Didn't Know About TombStone

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[Music] in 1993 kurt russell led an all-star cast in the epic action-packed western movie tombstone an intriguing tale set in the 1880s which focuses on the earth brothers wyatt virgil and morgan played by russell sam elliott and bill paxton where they try to settle for a quiet life in tombstone however trouble arises due to the town's local criminal cowboys who are intent on causing as much chaos and turmoil as possible where the earth brothers team up with the dashing card playing hustler doc holliday played by val kilmer where they set out on a quest to rid the town of its dangerous outlaws once and for all which leads to the showdown at ok corral [Music] [Applause] so today we are going to get our cowboy on as we explore 10 things that you didn't know about tombstone so let's saddle up and check it out [Music] [Music] number 10 based on a true story the characters and events in tombstone were in fact based on real people and events that took place in tombstone arizona in the 1880s focusing on historical events such as the 30-second shoot at an okay corral even some of the dialogue we see the characters deliver is based on dialogue that their real-life counterparts had actually spoken for example doc holliday's line of you're a daisy if you do which is taken straight out of a newspaper report of that time however tombstone the movie did take some creative liberties for example the movie focuses on three earp siblings those of course being wyatt virgil and morgan whereas in real life there were actually nine earp siblings but maybe they just weren't interesting enough to add to the movie as one of the earth brothers who doesn't get mentioned was supposedly at home eating a snack when the okay coral shoot took place i suppose it probably wouldn't have been very exciting to show the grand shootout and then to cut back to one of the earps munching away in a kitchen number nine tombstone was part of a 90s western revival western movies have been around for as long as there has been cinema and to many it's one of the most well loved genres of the motion picture art four medium from the john wayne western movies of the 1930s to the spaghetti westerns of the 1960s the genre has proved to be an important chapter in the history of cinema however during the 70s and 80s the western genre started to fade in popularity my guess is probably because it seemed old-fashioned thanks to the new glossy space age of movies that started with star wars however in the early 90s the western genre had a revival thanks to movies like dancers with wolves and unforgiven both popular movies which gave movie audiences a newfound interest in the western genre so tombstone was another movie that was part of the early 90s newfound western movie craze in fact tombstone was released just six months before another white earth-related movie which was conveniently called wyatt earp which saw kevin costner playing the law abiding cowboy gunman spoilers wired up wasn't as successful as tombstone number 8 panic recasting in the early production of tombstone acclaimed actor willem dafoe was cast to play the dashing gunslinger doc holliday however defoe was then removed from the movie because tombstone was being distributed by disney-owned company branavista pitchers and they got cold feet about casting the legendary actor in the role on the account that several years earlier he starred in the controversial martin scorsese movie at the last temptation of christ which would see defoe in the middle of a blasphemy scandal so defoe was let go and instead val kilmer was cast in addition to that movie tough guy mickey rourke was offered to play the villainous role of johnny ringo but he declined the offer so michael bean was cast instead legendary actor robert mitchum was also set to play the part of ike clanton mitchum had even starred in several westerns during the 1950s however shortly before filming mitchum was injured after being thrown from a horse so he had to drop out of the project however instead he became tombstone's narrator so it's nice that he could at least be part of the movie in some capacity and well he also does just so happen to have a very good narration voice number seven ghost director as filming began on tombstone script writer kevin jarrett was hired to be the movie's director in what would be his directional debut jaray had previously co-written rambo first blood part 2 as well as fellow western epic glory however jaray found the workload and pressure that came from directing tombstone to be too much so he was taken off the project apparently the scenes in the movie involving charleston heston were directed by jarrett co-star michael bean was friends with jahre in real life and even considered walking from the project after jahre was removed from the production sylvester stallone stood in and suggested hiring george p cosmartos to be tombstone's director as cosmartis previously worked with stallone directing rambo first blood part 2 and cobra so cosmetics was hired as tombstone's director however in recent years tombstone's main star kurt russell has since claimed that he was the true director of tombstone and that cosmetics only acted as director for the public eye where in fact russell was the true creative force behind tombstone acting as a ghost director supposedly russell made a pact with cosmetics that he wouldn't reveal that he was the real director of tombstone until cosmetics is passing which is how the revelation played out kurt russell's claims of being the true director of tombstone are even backed up by co-star val kilmer who stated that the success of tombstone is all thanks to russell number six kurt russell removed several scenes [Music] so considering kurt russell was stepping up as director he still wanted to have trust from his co-stars and for them not to think that he was just going to mainly focus on himself and his own scenes so to assure everyone that that wasn't the case he actually removed many scenes that mainly focused on his character from the script the original tombstone script was much larger than what we got in the final film russell apparently removed about 20 pages from the original script making the movie less wyatt earp centric and more of an ensemble character story in other words russell kind of removed himself from the movie or at least most of himself in order to be its director and to be fair to his co-stars number 5 val kilmer's dedication to bring doc holliday to life val kilmer seems to be an all in guy when it comes to acting no half in and half out not when it comes to taking on a role as he will literally get under the skin of the character and become them nowhere is this more evident than his memorable and dashing performance as doc holliday kilma was so determined for his portrayal of holiday to be authentic he learned how to do pistol quick draws and apparently he was very fast faster than anyone else on the set so no annoying val kilmer he even did the coin toss across his knuckles himself too kilma decided to make his interpretation of doc holliday to be an aristocratic southern charmer after learning that doc holliday's cousin was margaret mitchell who wrote the book gone with the wind and supposedly based the rhett butler character on doc holliday interestingly enough val kilmer isn't the only actor to play both batman and holiday as 1960s tv batman adam west also played doc holliday in three different tv productions in 1959 number four onset drunkenness tombstone was a tough shoot as filming took place around arizona where the production was often plagued with heat and scorpions whenever i watch the movie i always feel like it looks hot and dry and sweaty however one actor had more of a hazard to worry about other than the arizona sun but also booze lots and lots of booze actor stephen lang played ike clanton the drunken outlaw and considering the character was depicted as constantly being in a drunken stupa lang was actually really drunk the whole time he was on the set in order to make his performance more authentic lang would go on to say that while filming tombstone he never even drank water just to kill her however this proved to be troublesome for lang as tombstone's shoot lasted three to four months which meant three to four months of him being intoxicated after the shoot he went on to film his next movie tall tale and after the first day of filming he was hospitalized for quote having a galaxy of kidney stones which he put down to his excessive drinking for tombstone living on a diet of tequila for four months is quite a commitment for a movie role when you think about it number three musical switcheroo [Music] [Applause] when it comes to the musical score of tombstone originally movie scoring legend jerry goldsmith was going to score the film however goldsmith had to drop out of the project due to scheduling conflicts also that year he scored the vanishing and the dennis the menace movie so clearly he had too much on his plate however goldsmith personally recommended bruce broughton broughton had mainly worked on tv productions having scored for popular tv shows like hawaii five-o and dallas and even the tiny toon adventures as well as movies like harry and the hendersons and the monster squad and his score for tombstone catches the old western sound while also sounding really epic and i think it's a shame that you didn't go on to score more period piece movies but regardless we'll always have his score for tombstone number 2 epic mustaches of the old west [Music] nearly all the cast in tombstone are displaying some pretty epic mustaches heck the movie stars the king of the tash himself sam elliott who i swear was born with that mustache yet when it comes to tombstone there are some very impressive upper lip fuzz going on and what's even more impressive is that all the moustaches were real no stick on ones but real actual growth okay maybe except for one actor co-star michael bean revealed that all the moustaches were real except for actor john tenney who played sheriff john beahen on the account that he had just come into tombstone from another acting job so he couldn't grow out a moustache like everyone else so he had to use a stick on one bean further added that all the guys on the set were really proud of their freshly grown moustaches as a facial hair enthusiast myself i can totally understand this number one tombstone was a christmas release tombstone was released on christmas day 1993 and made 56.5 million dollars on a 25 million dollar budget with it opening up at the third spot in the box office during its second week its ticket sales grew more than its first probably because it was released on christmas which when you think about it is an interesting time to release a western period peace movie it was released one day after the animated batman movie mask of the phantasm which also didn't perform spectacularly at the box office so although tombstone's box office earnings were okay i can't help but wonder if the movie would have fared better if it wasn't released over christmas i also wonder if it was released at this time to avoid being released too closely to the kevin costner wyatt earp movie the movie got pretty good reviews from critics who felt that it was a stylistic modern take on the western genre as well as praises for val kilmer's performance as doc holliday many felt that kilmer and russell steal every scene that they are in however some reviews felt that tombstone was a mess and a hollow movie with the movie's climax feeling anticlimactic as well as the movie generally feeling unsatisfying and unfulfilling however i think that the fact that tombstone has gone on to become a cult movie and a fan favorite of the western genre has proven that tombstone isn't some hollow empty shell of a movie who knows maybe those particular critics didn't like westerns tombstone is a powerful movie that looks great with wonderful scenery and cinematography it's a movie that gave the western genre a slick 90s flair which proved that there is longevity in the genre if done right but above all it's a movie about taking a stand to corruption and evil as well as standing up to bullies and facing off against injustice in all its western glory if you're a fan of historical period piece movies then tombstone is a movie you must watch especially if you like the western genre it packs a punch and is effective with its storytelling along with great performances from its impressive cast so i say definitely check it out anyway i'm minty and remember i'm your huckleberry see ya [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 145,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e6N0tTU9k1o
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Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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