10 Things You Didn't Know About Carrie

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[Music] Karrie 1970s horror classic directed by Brian DePalma based on a novel by Stephen King which tells the story of Carrie White played by [ __ ] Spacek a teenage outcast who frequently suffers at the hands of bullies at her high school while also dealing with her deranged an abusive mum along with teenage isolation however this is only the start of Carrie's problems as Carrie discovers that she also has telekinesis which gets unleashed whenever she gets angrier things start to look up for Carrie when popular guy in school Tommy Ross played by The Greatest American Hero William Katt invites her to be his date for the prom and one pig blood prank later and it turns into the prompt from hell when Carrie fueled with rage unleashes her deadly teenage angst telekinesis with devastating consequences sorry today we are going to go to the Prague to look into ten things that you didn't know about carrier sorry get ready to grab your dates as we flee in terror and check it out [Music] [Music] number ten first even king book and adaptation Stephen King is the modern master of horror who has given us many wonderful creations in the genre such as the Overlook Hotel from The Shining penny wise from it and the captain trips virus from the stand however it all started with carrier which was his introduction into both horror and pop-culture originally King gave up on the project he wrote several pages and felt that it wasn't very good so he abandoned Kari until his wife found the pages and read them and was immediately enthralled and persuaded him to keep going with the story and thus carry his first ever book was published in 1974 and in its first print run had sold 30,000 copies so in 1976 the movie came out which like the book is another famous first as it was the first Stephen King adaptation of which really shot King into popular domain there are several differences between the book and subsequent movie such as in the book Carrie can actually enter people's minds as they can feel her force and emotions and communicate with her telepathically Carrie's rage doesn't start up straightaway after the pig blood incident originally she left the prom gymnasium after being tripped over while walking off the stage with the whole school laughing at her and once she leaves and is outside she decides to return back to the school gym and to teach her high school a lesson and at one stage during the chaotic prom sequence Carrie even takes flight and somewhat flies and when Carrie leaves the prom not only does she destroy the school but the entire town blowing up cars and homes and killing off many innocent bystanders killing a total of 458 people in a case of art imitating life the book even ends with a movie being made about carrier like as if King predicted his works would consist of movie adaptations number 9 Carrie had something of a censorship Karrie is considered one of America's most challenged books and if you don't know what that means I'm going to explain the best that I can a challenged book means that it's a book that has not been flat-out banned per se but one that has had restrictions put on it with it being made not easily accessible along with age restrictions and some bookstores and libraries refusing to stock up on the terrifying tales of Carrie White from 1990 to the year 2000 Carrie was ranked at number 77 of most frequently challenged books in America and one of the most frequently banned books in high schools Wow if in the 70s people were so shocked with Carrie just imagine they still had it misery and Pet Sematary to look forward to but to be fair though Carrie was published in a pre Columbine era where the idea of a high school Massacre would have felt truly horrific and too troubling to comprehend number 8 King was happy with the movie when there was interest brewing to turn Carrie into a movie King sold the rights of his book to United Artists for a measly $2,500 although King has had a love-hate relationships with adaptations of his works where there are some that he loves like Stand By Me and those that he seems to despise like The Shining it seems that Carrie is one of the adaptations that King is perfectly okay with and is very fond of he admits that director Brian De Palma lightened up the tone of his original story but it just works without a doubt the Palmer gave the movie version of Carrie more of a groovy disco flower with um flares along with sideburns big hair checkered shirts groovy music and other hip 1970s tropes in fact Carrie feels so Saturday night feverish it even stars John Travolta in his first movie role so all in all King was quite happy even though his name was misspelled in the trailer damn they got his name wrong I mean who put that trailer together was it me however although King still has a fondness of the Carrie movie in recent years he has said that it has an age to well but dammit I love the whole funky 70s disco thing going on with Carrie so I'm okay with it number seven it was sharing actor auditions with Star Wars Brian De Palma and George Lucas our boys have been very good friends and went to Parma was working in the early production stages of Carrie Lucas was also working on the early production of Star Wars and the troop reductions would often cross to the point where to Parma and Lucas were doing Coe auditions for both of their movies meaning young actors were turning up an auditioning for both Star Wars and Carrie and yes this led to some of the cast of Carrie auditioning for Star Wars and vice-versa in which Amy Irving who played Sue and Carrie audition for Princess Leia and William cat who has mentioned played Tommy Ross auditioned for Luke Skywalker not to mention even a young Kurt Russell turned up an audition to play Han Solo but he didn't end up in either Carrie or Star Wars hmm I'm most disturbed by the lack of Kurt Russell number six several of the cast thought that Carrie was a comedy [Music] it seems that in the early days of filming Carrie there may have been some misunderstanding or miscommunication with the cast as some of the cast members thought that Carrie was indeed going to be a comedy played more for Laughs than Tara's Piper Laurie who played carries disturbing mother Margaret white originally took a satirical proach to the part and played the character more comically until DePalma had to explain that she's meant to be scary not funnier and Nancy Allen who played Chris Carey's biggest bully and the instigator - most of Carrie's troubles fell to her character and John Travolta's Billy character were meant to be more slapstick and comical kind of like The Three Stooges of Carrie oh well in this case two Stooges and it wasn't until watching the final film that Alan realized that her character wasn't some bumbling comical character but rather more of an evil villain but to be fair maybe there was confusion in people mistaking Carrie for a spoof as opposed to a horror a Stephen King wasn't quite a thing yet and a parma did inject some humor into the piece here and there speaking of the cast Mel Gibson would go on to play the love interest to both Carrie White and her mother as in 1979 he starred in a romantic drama called Tim playing a young love interest at a piper Lauria and in 1984 he starred in the river alongside [ __ ] Spacek playing her husband weird huh number five musical these days it's very common for popular movies evolved to now have their own musicals or stage shows of which has happened to many movies including the toxic avenger Betelgeuse and Heather's heck even fellow Stephen King story misery had its own stage show and thus so is carrier however what's fascinating about the Carey musical is that it predates all the other ones and was converted into a stage show in 1988 long before turning movies into musicals was a thing or trendy the music in the show was by Michael Gore who also worked on Fame and pretty-in-pink with lyrics by Dean pitch Ford who also wrote the lyrics for the Footloose song holding out for a hero and the musical was written by Lawrence T Cohen who also worked on the Kerry movie as well as the it and Tommyknockers adaptations carry the musical premiered in the UK with English actress Lindsay Haley in the role of Carrie White and the show would go on to get great praise and won an award for best Broadway debut and would continue to go into production with the latest stage production of the show being in 2015 so if you have ever felt that Carrie was good but just needed some more musical numbers than the musical has you covered number four deleted scene [Music] as mentioned there were certain elements from the book of Kerry that were not featured in the movie and one of them being a scene where giant boulders come out of the sky and destroy Kerry White's home well this scene was actually filmed or rather attempted to be filmed but was subsequently abandoned on the account that the effect just didn't look right at first small stones were dropped on the house but it made it look more like rain than rocks so the production crew built a smaller model of the house and tried to film rocks falling on it at nightfall but the scene was proving to be just too difficult and as the scene was going mourning was increasingly approaching to which it was decided to just scrap the subplot of having giant boulders dropping on Carys Homer so it was decided to just have Carrie's house destroy itself which I actually think works a lot better as as if Carey's despair itself caused it however this has left a tiny anomaly within the film as interior shots of the boulders crashing through the house had already been filmed so in the scene of the destruction of Carrie's house you can actually see boulders crashing through her ceiling whoops but to be fair I didn't even notice this till it was pointed out in a behind-the-scenes documentary number three underrated sequel [Music] when it comes to carry adaptations post 1976 we all know that there was a made-for-tv remake in 2002 and a theatrical remake in 2013 and niibori makers had the impact of Brian De Palma's 1976 original however what many people do forget is that there was actually a theatrical sequel to Carrie called the rage Carrie - which came out in 1999 giving the Carrie saga a late 90s Generation X makeover we were having a scream and American Pie flavor and I got to say it unpopular opinion I actually really like this movie and think it's quite underrated this time the focus is now on a new character called Rachel who also has the same powers and abilities as Carrie which isn't a deviance from the original Carrie book which ends with the realization that there is a little girl who also has telekinesis suggesting that others have Carey's powers maybe rachel is that little girl at the end of the book who knows like Carrie Rachel gets bullied by her peers and Amy Irving returns as Sue Snell who is now a teacher and can sense familiarity between Carrie and Rachel where she learns that rachel is Carey's half-sister and has inherited the same abilities which ends in a brutal showdown where Rachel takes supernatural vengeance on her bullies okay firstly this movie isn't perfect I mean I found it weird when her powers make her tattoo grow all over her body and found it strange that Rachel's bullies / victims tried to fend her off with spear guns it's as if the director was like yeah that Keri movie was great but it seriously needed more spear guns and the movie does have a bit of a made-for-tv film but all in all it's an enjoyable film and just like the original movie seeing the victim take out revenge on her bullies is equally enjoyable number two Carrie uses music from psycho Brian DePalma originally wanted bernard herrmann to compose Carrie Hermann scored several effort Hitchcock movies including psycho however just before Carrie went into production Herman's sadly passed away but despite this de Parma wasn't going to let her man's death get in the way of not using and celebrating his music so frequently for out Carrie the psycho violin sound can be heard particularly when Carrie does something freaky with her powers whenever the famous scary sound is heard it's very brief but you can easily tell us the famous knife tune used from psycho and the famous iconic violin riffs aren't the only reference to psycho and Carrie as the school is called Bates high school named after Norman Bates number one De Palma originally didn't one [ __ ] spacek as Carrie although [ __ ] Spacek totally owned the role of Carrie and brought to life a character who was both tragic and terrifying originally de Parma couldn't envision the young star in the iconic part several actresses auditioned for Carrie including Melanie Griffith and even Amy Irving and PJ souls who were going to play other characters in the movie De Palma gave in an audition Spacek at the request of her husband Jack Fiske who was working on the movie as an art director and after her audition it became clear to all that she was Carrie White so thankfully she was cast Spacek was very devoted to the role as she stayed in character throughout the shoot by keeping to herself and not interacting with anyone and in the final scene where a hand leaps out of the grave that was SpaceX own hand which was used at her insistence and of course her performance led to several Award nominations [Music] Karry is what kicked off Stephen King in the public domain both book wise and adaptation wise yeah the movie has aged and has a 1970s swagger about it but I don't mind that as it gives the movie a certain charm and desirable and nostalgia so if you love the works of Stephen King wherever it be it The Shining or Pet Sematary just remember it all started with a girl in high school called Carrie anyway I'm minty and they're all going to laugh at you apparently see ya [Music] you
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 183,143
Rating: 4.9342976 out of 5
Id: Agsz7EWeeuM
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Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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