10 Amazing Facts About Halloween2

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Best sequel after the original in my opinion, way more better than the others. Including Halloween 2018

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ReyUnleashed 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

H20 was ok. I just didn’t like the mask

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cydoniaistheorigin 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] Halloween - or as it's commonly referred to Halloween the one in the hospital sees the return of Michael Myers who is more dangerous and brutal than ever as he continues to track down Laurie Strode played again by Jamie Lee Curtis released in 1981 Halloween - picks up right where the first Halloween movie left off we've strayed being taken to a hospital after her nightmarish or deal with the crazed mask serial killer Michael Myers but notice all well when dr. Loomis played once again by Donald Pleasance discovered that Myers is still alive and after strode where Myers tracked strode at the hospital killing off people in his path in all kinds of gruesome ways which leads to the revelation that Michael Myers and Laurie Strode are indeed brother and sister in this splatter field sequel in which if you can't remember the movie then you'll no doubt remember the iconic movie poster featuring the terrifying imagery of a skull jack-o'-lantern hybrid so join me today as we look into this dark sequel as we investigate 10 amazing facts about Halloween - while hoping we don't need to be making any trips to the hospital anytime soon so let's check it out [Music] [Music] number 10 the sequel wasn't meant to happen although Halloween would become one of the most well known slasher movie franchise is up there with the likes of Friday the 13th and a Nightmare on Elm Street and heck is still going on today for all tents and purposes Halloween was never meant to be a franchise or even have a sequel as when John Carpenter and Deborah Hill created the first Halloween movie it was meant to be a self-contained story a standalone tale although the original Halloween appeared to have ended with a cliffhanger with Michael Myers vanishing after being shot by dr. Loomis along with the audience hearing his heavy breathing suggesting that he is indeed alive and well this ending was meant to be more symbolic than it was a cliffhanger it was meant to be a symbol that evil never dies no matter how hard you try to destroy it however Halloween made 70 million dollars making it one of the most successful independent films of all time and thus with great movies comes great responsibility for sequels of which the demand was on to see what happened after we saw Michael Myers walk away at the end of Halloween number 9 original idea for a sequel when carpenter and Hill were conceiving ideas for Halloween - they originally had a story which was not set the same night as the first movie but rather set several years after the first Halloween with Laurie Strode now living in a high-rise apartment giving it a city setting yep Michael Myers now let loose in the city eight years before Jason Voorhees would do the same thing however as the script went further the story evolved and changed until the high-rise building was replaced with a hospital setting and they then decided to set the sequel the exact same night as the first movie yep set the same night despite being filmed three years later of which at that time Jamie Lee Curtis was now rocking a much shorter hair due to which he had to wear a wig to resemble her 1978 appearance which to me just didn't sit right on ahead and did kind of look fake although it was only three years between movies a lot of changed in between 1978 and 1981 as 1978 was all disco and Flair's and 1981 was more I am your father and Reagan there were talks about having Halloween too filmed in 3d but the idea was dropped because it was considered too expensive that and Halloween 2 takes place at night and it was felt that the 3d just would be too difficult to achieve with night scenery number 8 no one was enthusiastic about the sequel despite the fact that returning to the world of Michael Myers and thus big box office numbers may have sounded very tempting apparently Halloween 2 was something of a somber return for all involved according to Tommy Lee Wallace who was a frequent collaborator with John Carpenter who actually worked on the first movie and would go on to direct the infamous Halloween 3 season of the witch the only person who was excited about Halloween 2 was producer Irwin yablans Carpenter was mainly focusing on the fog at the time which he was directing there was even something of a lawsuit as yellen's wanted to produce the fog but the project was handed to producer Robert REM he of embassy Pictures and thus after the lawsuit yablans was granted the rights to produce Halloween sue John Carpenter had no interest in directing Halloween to acting as a writer and producer carpenter wanted Tommy Lee Wallace to direct but he refused so director Rick Rosenthal took to the director's chair Rosenthal was an unknown at the time but would go on to direct future Halloween installment Halloween resurrection and he stated that he wanted Halloween to to feel like the second part of a two-part story despite there being malaise with many of the crew not wanting to return to do another Halloween movie all over again everyone involved did a top-notch job to bring the movie to life including director of photography Dean Conde who returned to the sequel leaving the production of the Spielberg produced poltergeist to film Halloween - instead number seven Universal takeover the first Halloween movie was an independent film made by a company called compass international film however when the sequel came along its seeing what there was interest from big movie studios and thus Universal Pictures agreed to distribute Halloween - meaning the Halloween brand was no longer a rough-around-the-edges independent production but a more commercial one the budget was even bulked up to 2.5 million dollars as opposed to the original movies budget of $325,000 Universal Pictures had an interest with John Carpenter at the time as they also distributed John Carpenter's The Thing the following year in 1982 followed by Prince of Darkness and they live it's been suggested that carpenters relationship with Universal soured somewhat after the disappointing box-office performance of the beggar despite that movie going on to be a masterpiece in addition to that a lot of the co actors in Halloween 2 are actors who have appeared in Universal TV shows or movies like Jeffrey Kramer who played Hendrix in the jaws films who appears in Halloween 2 as a character called Grahame not to mention of course the fact that Halloween 2 also features Lions guests who would go on to star in fan favorite The Last Starfighter and sadly would also go on to star in fellow horror movie sequel Jaws the revenge number 6 boozy script writing in Halloween 2 there is the shock twist revelation that Michael Myers is Laurie Strode 's Bravo well this was never some kind of master plan revelation but rather the results of a creative block and alcohol consumption as the strode character became Maya sister because producer yablans was disappointed with the script originally handed in by carpenter as he felt it was too predictable Carpenter felt like there was nothing left to do with the story as far as he was concerned it had already been done with the original Halloween with nothing left to go forever so in order to create more story he added the sibling concept between petite honest and antagonist Carpenter also claimed the whole brother and sister subplot was the result of too many late nights and cans of beer while dealing with his creative block and would forever go on to call the plot twist silly and foolish carpenter wanted Halloween to to conclude the story arc of Myers and Laurie Strode to which it was then decided to make the following sequels unrelated individual stories like a theatrical version of The Twilight Zone which is how season of the witch happened but after that film it was back to Michael Myers in part 4 where do you like Halloween to or not it's kind of an example of what happens when you force a filmmaker to work on a sequel to which he kind of simply has nothing left to work with as he's already given it his best number-5 a new Michael Myers in the original Halloween Michael Myers was mainly played by stuntman Nick castle but he didn't return for the sequel as he wanted to pursue a career as a film director so the production had to find a new performer to take on the shape of Myers to which fellow stuntman Nick warlock took the part warlock examined how Myers was performed in the first movie particularly the closet scene to prepare himself for how he would perform the part and for the most part II pulls it off pretty convincingly however the exact same mask from the first movie was used and in my opinion it just doesn't sit on his face as good as it did with castle maybe it's just me but I feel like the mask is too small for him and like it's really stretching across his face looking really uncomfortable and like Michael Myers has a really small round head which yeah it's weird but hey that's just a nitpick warlock would return in the third installment where he played an Android in Halloween 3 season of the witch number 4 Michael Myers is a zombie on the Japanese movie poster the theatrical poster for Halloween - is just as iconic as the first movies poster as we see a jack-o'-lantern and human skull hybrid s both haunting and an iconic piece of 1980s horror imagery in general the spooky poster lets you know straight away that you're in for a dark bumpy ride whereas the Japanese poster is something else I mean don't get me wrong it's a great poster and it just doesn't really go with the movie as we have this ominous red glow with Michael Myers head with his mask peeling off revealing what looks like a zombie underneath either that or a tree but I'm gonna go with zombie and the focus on the need or going into the eye on top of the post there is a nice touch it doesn't scream Halloween too though but it's still a great piece of art regardless and it makes me wonder if whoever drew up this poster really thought that Michael Myers was a zombie well I guess that's one way to explain why he keeps getting up after constantly getting shot and destroyed as always I find it lots of fun and very interesting to see another country's interpretation of a movie and when comparing the Halloween to Japanese poster to the US v at Racal poster you can clearly see the two consonants had two very different ideas and interpretations of Halloween soon number three a nearby airport got in the way of filming [Music] a great chunk of Halloween - was filmed at Morningside Hospital in Los Angeles and yes just like the original the story is set in illinois' but was actually made in California but to be fair most of the action takes place in a hospital so theoretically it could have been filmed at any Hospital filming also took place at Pasadena Community Hospital which of course is in Pasadena but this location proved problematic for the production as the hospital is located near an airport to which planes would frequently be arriving and taking off which would get in the way of shooting the movie I mean Michael Myers is a silent killer just imagine him trying to snoop around with loud airplane noises in the background I guess the moral of the story is don't shoot you're quiet suspenseful horror movie next to an airport well that'll be a good start but thankfully they were able to complete all the required filming without getting any of those pesky airplane noises in the background also in the scene where Myers kills one of his victims by dunking her in boiling water also has an interesting story behind it as actress Pamela Susan Shoop said that the water was actually freezing and really dirty and filming that scene Ashleigh led to an ear infection number two keeping up with the slasher crazy Halloween 2 really turns up the gore and makes the franchise something of a splatter fest something the movie got a lot of criticism for gone is the subtlety of the first one now Michael Myers is brutally destroying people for audiences to see all the gruesome details despite popular belief it wasn't director Rick Rosenthal who added the extra lashings of gore but rather Carpenter himself carpenter chose to make it more gory with more nudity to keep up with the slasher genre which had evolved since the first Halloween what would the likes of Friday the 13th there was a fear that Halloween too would be too tame so it had to get with the times the gore was actually added late into the production carpenter saw an early cut of the movie and in his words found it as scary as Quincy which was a medical drama so to make the movie more interesting and to give an edge he added in the extra gore factor director Rosenthal was unhappy with the changes feeling carpenter had ruined the carefully planned pacing that he had created for the film I'm of two minds of the extra gore and violence in Halloween too yes it's a departure from the style of the first movie which didn't need God to be scary but it does give Halloween too an edge and maybe without the hard-hitting scenes it might have been a war fest number one Halloween 2 was the second highest-grossing horror movie of 1981 [Music] despite going on to be seen as a lackluster sequel relying more on gore than intrigue Halloween to still perform very well at the box office making twenty five point five million dollars which made at the second highest-grossing horror movie of 1981 just trailing behind the superb in American wealth in London and 1981 was a big year for horror movies with Halloween - beating the howling Friday the 13th part suit and The Omen 3 however something that always seemed to haunt Halloween - was the increase in violence and blood with the LA Times labeling the movie as quote reprehensible content and Halloween - was even banned in West Germany and Iceland along with the video home release being banned in Norway but despite its detractors there are still those who have a love for this movie I find it a worthy entry in the franchise so that was my look into Halloween - is it as good as the first movie no it isn't but as far as being a product of the slasher craze at the time yeah it's a worthy addition Halloween - is now since been rack on several times we've remakes and sequels that ignore its events so the best way to observe Halloween - is like a parallel dimension a what-if scenario it's perfectly enjoyable and delivers the thrills anyway I'm minty and I think it was wise to start Halloween - awkward the song mr. Sandman despite the fact that critics couldn't understand why the song was being used I think it works cuz it's unintentionally creepy and sets an unnerving atmosphere for Halloween - see ya [Music]
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
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Id: yv3N2ECEP7U
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Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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