10 Amazing Facts About TheShining

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the shining captivating story about the terrors of the Overlook Hotel which get unleashed when the Torrance family take care of the abandoned hotel for the winter season The Shining started off as a novel written by horror maestro Stephen King after apparently having a supposed real-life ghost encounter while staying at the Stanley Hotel and it was then adapted into the highly praised Stanley Kubrick movie starring Jack Nicholson The Shining tells the frightening story of isolation and the horrific ordeal of a family member becoming a homicidal maniac the years people have tried to analyze this story and dig deep into its layers and try to discover exactly what the shining is all about is it just a simple ghost story or is there much to it the 1980 movie alone has all kinds of bad conspiracies as to just what a Nerf the movies secret meetings are and has been linked to secretly being about Native American genocide to Nazism to even the moon landings being faked even the original book has its ties to being a story about suffering from writer's block as many fan Farris over the years have tried to peel back the layers and to try and discover just what exactly the shining was about sorrow in celebration of the most non straightforward ghost story ever we are going to look into 10 amazing facts about the shining so what do you think Tony do you think we should start the countdown I'm sorry that was just awful just that was just terrible I apologize guys [Music] [Music] number 10 Stephen King got the title from a John Lennon song in Stephen King's original 1977 novel The Shining it tells the story about people of the psychic ability known as shining in which those who have the ability are able to read other people's minds along with seeing the future and the past it is explained that the only people who are able to do this are those who shine but clean has explained that he got the idea of calling this ability of shine or shining from the 1971 John Lennon song Instant Karma which features the lyrics we all shine on [Music] Stephen King with a John Lennon fan how awesome number nine Stephen King hated the movie yeah this is actually a pretty well-known fact but still an amazing facts surrounding the shining that Stephen King did in fact hate the movie with a passion as he has often been very vocal about his displeasure of it on the account of how much Stanley Kubrick changed the story for his live adaptation version Kings original story is much more of a conventional ghost story about a haunted hotel but Kubrick makes many changes to the original source material and cut spits out and adds bits in and creates more mystery and ambiguity over the events that take place at the Overlook and leaves many possible conclusions such as maybe there wasn't even ghosts and that the Jack Torrance character had just gone crazy due to cabin fever the imperious little pigs let me come in not by the air were cheatin tune King apparently wrote an early draft of the movie but Hubert totally neglected his script to work on his own ideas about the shining and despite the fact that the movie has become one of the most celebrated movies of all time with a huge fanbase King is still sticking to his guns about how much he doesn't like the movie and isn't budging with his opinion so much so that King made his own televised version in 1997 which was much more faithful to his book number 8 Jack Torrance reads Playgirl in the movie adaptation of The Shining it's pretty clear from the start that things just don't seem right with the Jack Torrance character and that there are many mysteries surrounding his character but in an almost blink and you'll miss it moment in the movie we see Jack in the hotel lobby reading an issue of Playgirl which is just like playboy only it features naked men instead of naked women of which this tiny detail really opens up many possibilities as to the secret life of Jack Torrance and what is going on with him subconsciously after all why would a suppose that heterosexual married man be flicking through a magazine of naked banner more to the point why does the hotel lobby even have this magazine in the first place number seven in the book room 237 is room 217 anyone who has seen the shining movie knows about room 237 and just how frightening and surreal that room is room 237 has left such an impact in the world of cinema even the 2012 documentary about solving the hidden meanings behind the shining was called room 237 however in the book the terrifying room in question was 217 there are tons and tons of theories as to why for its cinematic version the room became 237 the most popular and interesting theory is that 237 is a measurement of distance between the earth and the moon and that Kubrick was using this scene to show that the moon landings were faked hence the fact that little Danny Torrance has an Apollo 11 jumper and that the carpet kind of looks like the shape of a shuttle launch area oh yeah more on that carpet later but the most logical theory is at the hotel where the exteriors of The Shining was filmed at Timberline Lodge requested that the room number be changed as they were worried that guests would never visit room 217 after watching The Shining and thus 237 was used because the hotel didn't even have a room 237 well no that's just ridiculous I mean what a silly theory I'm totally going with the whole they changed it to room 237 because the moon landings were faked number 6 other actors were considered for the role of Jack Torrance it's hard to imagine anyone else but Jack Nicholson in the role of Jack Torrance as he definitely made it his own thanks to his luring on-screen charisma bizarre mannerisms energy and mania Nicholson created a character whom was both scary and menacing but also captivating and at times could even be funnier and obscurely likable which is a weird thing to say about a character who goes all acts happy and tries to murder his family but when the movie was in production other actors were considered for the role including Robert DeNiro and oddly Harrison Ford yeah that's right Harrison Ford and even more strange than that Robin Williams Wow just imagine Robin Williams being let loose to run homicidal havoc in the Overlook Hotel actually coming to think about it I can only see that happening number five the interior design for the Overlook Hotel is impossible if you have ever watched The Shining and felt unease with in the movies environment and like things just aren't right then that's okay that is what the movie was designed to do as Kubrick subtly made an insane Hotel which literally makes no sense with rooms and corridors which cannot possibly exist and if you try to figure them out you'll see that certain rooms and locations completely overlap with each other not to mention the fact that some of the rooms are way too bigger than what they could actually be many fans have also noticed that not only can the main office and the lobby not exist there is no way it could have a window on the back wall basically Kubrick wanted to make an unnerving environment but wanted to stay away from the traditional haunted house cliches seen in movies at that time but instead to make an atmosphere that's terrifying on a subconscious level hence the fact that throughout the movie furniture seems to move on its own between scenes once again adding nice touches of the terrors of the Overlook Hotel being more psychological then straight up in your face ghoulish number 4 the book had evil hedge monsters there were many elements that were removed from the movie version but the one that everyone seems to talk about and the most mysterious is the hedge carvings of animal creatures seen outside the hotel of which seems to come alive and prey on their victims when their victims don't have their eyes on them in other words imagine the weeping angels from Doctor Who if they weren't statue beings but instead animal hedge trimmings Kubrick found the idea gimmicky and silly and instead changed it to a hedge maze for the movie which definitely adds to the movies feeling of disorientation however in King's 1997 version he did indeed add the hedge animals of doom and from watching it I'm glad it wasn't in the 1980 movie as it would have clashed with the more mysterious tone of the movie still help awesome would it have been it's a doctor visited the Torrance family and told them lots of Blink don't drink don't even blink blink and you're dead number three people have become fanatical about the carpet man what is up with this carpet why is it that this weird carpet design has left such an impact on people to the point where fans of the movie are fanatical about it seriously the carpet itself seems to have it's very own fan base as fans of The Shining just can't get enough of this design why could it be because it's unique or because it's retro or because it's a symbol that everyone associates with the movie this carpet design has made it everywhere from items of clothing to mobile phone covers to shoes doormats beanies and even underwear there are no boundaries as to where this carpet may turn up next it even made its way on the movie poster for room 237 and was even featured in Toy Story one thing is for sure fans of the movie love that carpet and just can't get enough of it and why well I have no idea but the fact that the carpet gets so much love makes an already unique movie even more unique number two the all work and no play had different translations one of the most tension ridden scenes in the shining takes place when a nervous Wendy Torrence takes a look at Jack's typing that he had been engaged in over the months only to discover that Jack has written all and no play makes Jack a dull boy over and over again in what is without a doubt a very creepy scene that he liked it however for the movies release in non-english speaking countries the sentence was changed initially it was translated to the morning has gold in its mouth whatever that means in Germany at read never put off until tomorrow what can be done today in Spain it was no matter how early you get up you can't make the sunrise any sooner and finally in France it was translated to what you have is worth much more than what you will have and it was Kubrick himself who insisted on these changes and chose each country's own version of the sentence as he felt the words communicated the message of the movie could be that we could learn more about the secrets of the shining by taking a closer look at the typewriter seen in the non-english speaking versions hmm number one the remarkable truth about the Acts scene here's Johnny yak scene from the shining is one of the most terrifying and most fascinating scenes from any movie but what's even more fascinating about this scene is the behind the scenes shenanigans which took place in order to create this masterful moment in movie horror for example it took 127 takes until Kubrick was satisfied with the shots yep a whopping 127 that's fact that even made its way into the Guinness World Records the 127 takes left Nicholson exhausted which led him to say he's never going to work with Kubrick again in the original Stephen King novel Jackson tried to attack his family with an axe but with a road mallet but changing it to an axe definitely gives the shining more of a slasher movie field also Jack Nicholson may disturbingly look too Milius swinging an axe around as if he has done it before well that's because he has as Nicholson used his skills from the past as being a volunteer fireman in order to break his way through the doors and also remember the famous here's Johnny lime here's Johnny well that was completely improvised by Nicholson the amount of trivia surrounding the scene it's definitely without a doubt one of the most fascinating things about the shining well that was my list of fascinating facts about the shining I particularly loved the shining movie and like trying to learn his secrets and to try and discover what exactly the movie was about and what it was trying to tell me but that said I kind of don't want to know all the secrets as part of the joy of the shining is trying to learn and discover what it all means and once all the secrets are learned there's nothing left to discover anyway I'm minty and all work and no whiskey makes minty mr. cranky pants yeah here's Johnny [Music]
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 516,952
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Id: Pvwe3Ifdiwo
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Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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