10 Things You Didn't Know About Total Recall

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total recall mind-bending futuristic science fiction action movie released in 1990 directed by paul verhoeven and starring austria's muscle man himself arnold schwarzenegger as douglas quaid a seemingly average joe me that an average joe with bulging muscles who wants more excitement in his life so he goes to a clinic called recall to have fake memory implants inserted into his head where he gets to live a fantasy as a secret agent on mars but lo and behold during the memory implant process a dormant part of quade's mind wakes up where it turns out he actually is an undercover agent whom had done missions on mars and when the recall process triggers the memory wipe quade is now on a deadly game of cat and mouse with government agents trying to kill him where he travels to mars to try and learn about his life as a secret agent and learn of his mission and take on the evil co-hagen a government official on mars who wants to keep the residents of mars impoverished and destroy the martian mutants in this shocking yet brilliant movie that makes you question reality and constantly ask yourself is quaid really a secret agent with dormant memories or is he just living out his secret agent memory implant fantasy catch get ready for a surprise get your ass to mars indeed guys strap in and get a damp tea towel ready to strap onto your head as we look into 10 things that you may not know about total recall get ready it's going to be one hell of a bumpy ride check it out [Laughter] do you think this is the real quaid it is number 10 based on a short story total recall is based on the philip k dick story we can remember it for refu wholesale dick is an acclaimed science fiction author who has written many other famous science fiction stories such as do androids dream of electronic sheep which became blade runner and the minority report which of course became minority report among many other great works i always feel like his books asks important questions about human nature and its evolution with technology and how the technology may compromise our free will well that's how i perceive it anyway there are several differences between dick's original story and the movie including in the movie the main protagonist is called douglas quaid whereas in the story he is called douglas quail in the movie quaid is a construction worker whereas in the story quail has an office job in the movie that transmitted device that douglas has to get out of his head allows fellow agents to communicate telepathically with him in the story but the biggest difference between book and paige is in the original story quaid befriends tiny little aliens when he was a little boy who planned on destroying earth but they didn't because they thought quaid was kind so promised not to attack as long as quaid is still alive yeah that's right philip k dick went into aliens territory to be honest i think the movie was wise to leave that subplot out the whole trip to mars fake implants being a secret agent thing is enough to keep the story interesting we don't need little microscopic psychotic aliens thrown into the mix number nine filming locations originally the movie was going to be filmed in australia of all places but the production movie ended up being taken to mexico city with most of the movie being shot there as filming there would have been cheaper and it wasn't uncommon in movies at this time to be filmed in mexico after all just one year earlier the james bond movie licensed to kill was entirely shot in mexico city however during filming the cast and crew became violently ill according to research i've done it was due to food poisoning the only person who didn't get sick was arnold schwarzenegger as he was living off food that he had sent to him from the u.s but my guess is it's because he was so buff and strong food poisoning was too scared to go near him and during filming director paul verhoeven was near the point of collapse on the account of how ill and dehydrated he was and he had to get an emt on set wow no wonder the movie was so intense it's probably because everyone involved were either puking or had the shits except for any of course number eight cronenberg's mutants visually confronting director david cronenberg was at one stage on board to direct the movie he was helping the production of the movie in its early stages and preparing its visual style and storytelling concept and it was cronenberg's idea to introduce the martian mutants in the story along with the character cueto a hideous mutation whom has grown out of a man's torso whom is both noble and a leader of a mutant resistance without a doubt cronenberg had some pretty interesting and surreal ideas of which were left in the script when the project was shelved however when the project was picked up a few years later it was decided to keep cronenberg's mutant subplot in the story and thus his ideas actually made it to the final film and when you think about it a mutant growing out of someone's stomach and a three booby woman are really cronenbergian number seven rating cuts [Music] without a doubt total recall is one bloody violent movie what with its intense in your face action and eye-bulging scenes however the movie was originally even more violent because hey what do you expect when you have the director of robocop directing your movie and certain cuts had to be made to the movie to avoid it getting an x rating a rating of which always impacted on the movie's box office performance so after cutting out certain graphical and gory imagery the movie managed to get an r rating however a full uncut version with all its x-rated carnage still managed to get released on certain home media editions for all those who loved the blood and guts of total recall but just wanted more number six the soundtrack was composed by a cinematic legend the score to total recall was composed by jerry goldsmith and in my opinion although goldsmith had been scoring movies and tv shows since the 50s his best works came out during the 70s and 80s it seemed that even if goldsmith was scoring a bad movie his music was always top notch and made the movie that bit better whether it's the omen alien star trek the motion picture poltergeist first blood supergirl or gremlins one thing is for sure during that time goldsmith was dishing out masterpiece after masterpiece and i feel like his music really shines in total recall as he provides both a score that is fun exciting and adventurous but also kind of spooky and even unnerving creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and i personally believe that total recall is the last great jerry goldsmith score hey i'm not saying that what he produced in the 90s was bad or anything but to me after total recall it's like he had done the best that he could do and everything else after that just wasn't as memorable but regardless he was a pure genius and legend nonetheless number five international marketing as often with movies i find total recalls overseas posters to be fascinating of course we have the traditional one with a huge close-up of schwarzenegger's head which takes up most of the poster you know just in case you didn't realize he was in the movie and his head is blue for some reason but it's still classic then there is this one from thailand which is honestly beautiful okay it totally misrepresents the movie but just look at this awesome work of art nonetheless i love how sharon stone is sitting at the bottom as if to say hey there big boy how about some action this one is weird and really wants to put an emphasis on the fact that arnie wears a middle-aged woman's head as we see the unraveling in different stages i don't know it's not bad but just looks shortly put together is all then there is this italian one which supposedly was originally drawn up for the us poster but was rejected and once again it's not bad in fact the illustration is once again beautifully drawn it's just annie looks a little too cartoonish and i don't know what is with this weird arm brace thing i mean yeah i know it's the wrist restraint for the implant machine i just don't know why it was the main focus for this poster but then again the movie does revolve around the implant machine as it's the macguffin that sets the chain of events off so yeah i guess it makes sense after all number four comic book adaptation so finally marvel decided to have a break from making a comic book movie out of a popular film and give dc a go as dc released this one-off total recall comic book that was based off the movie so much so it just literally recycles the movie's poster for the comic's cover in fact this cover is really weird as at the bottom it has these signatures confirming that this is a limited edition comic book like as if we thought they would have been lying or something so they just have to prove it to us isn't that weird like imagine if when the death of superman came out the cover featured all the signatures from dc confirming that this is a special event one of comic see strange so despite the lack of creativity on the cover the comic is pretty well illustrated and has annie's likeness and visuals of the movie down to a t however the colors look a bit bland and don't stand out much but nevertheless this is a comic book if given the chance i would add to my collection number three video game it should come as no surprise that total recall got a video game made about it it's the perfect premise for a video game it's about an average joe who turns out to be a kicker secret asian action hero who has an adventure on mars and to top it off the main hero was played by arnold schwarzenegger and naturally considering that nintendo was the game console of the time total recall was released on the nes and the game itself is a beat-em-up side-scroller where just like the movie arnie is buff as hell and completely towers over everyone else and he also seems to have jaundice which is a bit worrying as it recreates scenes from the movie for the gamer to participate in like the x-ray machine scene bottom line is it wasn't a great game it wasn't terrible either it just was number two total recalls long production stalling [Music] talk about being called up in post-production hell believe it or not it took total recall a long time to finally get off the ground and get made it was 1976 when the philip k dick story was first envisioned to being adapted into a movie when writers ronald shustet and dan o'bannon bought the rights to the story in an attempt to get a movie made out of it but nothing came out of it so they went on to work on alien instead during the 80s the dino d laurentis entertainment group had bought the rights to the story and were planning to make a movie with cronenberg on board to direct the delaurantis group wanted the movie to be adventurous and fun to be quote raiders of the lost ark goes to mars but this fell through as cronenberg left the project to work on the fly instead and the delaurentis production company had collapsed in 1989 it seemed that the project was full of failings and near misses and was only picked up when arnold schwarzenegger found the script and was interested in developing it into a film with himself in the lead he hand-picked director paul verhoeven as he was impressed with his work on robocop good choice schwarzenegger further persuaded corolco pitchers to produce the movie whom would also go on to produce his next big movie terminator 2 judgement day and well let's face it the rest was history bonus entry total recall versus the box office total recall was released on the 1st of june 1990 and made over 261 million dollars on a budget that sat somewhere between 50 to 60 million so it was financially successful however it could have been a disaster as the first initial trailer didn't go down too well with test audiences as it didn't really say much about the movie and had no action sequences it just had annie's head floating about the place and wasn't particularly exciting upon watching the first trailer arnold schwarzenegger himself sought out to get a new trailer made a more exciting one where he contacted the powers that bear and the same firm who put the theatrical trailers for the empire strikes back and the terminator were brought on board to put together a new trailer and thus this new improved trailer went down much better with moviegoers total recall opened up at the number one spot knocking the teenage mutant ninja turtles movie off the number one spot pedestal it got relatively good reviews from critics too it was seen as a fun action-packed sci-fi movie which i guess it is and one of my best descriptions of total recall came from entertainment weekly who described it as a violent post-punk version of an indiana jones cliffhanger total recall even won an academy award for best special effects however not everyone was on board some were put off by its use of excessive violence despite this though total recall has gone on to become a fan favorite a movie that most fans of the genre adore and will frequently watch i think that aesthetically it looks like a violent b-movie starring arnie but underneath all that razzle and dazzle actually lies a thought provoking movie with deep psychological themes and that total recall is open to much interpretation and analysis as it asks us the viewer to go on a mind-bending adventure which tests the boundaries of dreams and reality number one actors considered for quaid in the 80s and 90s arnold schwarzenegger was the perfect action man he had the build and the one-liners see at the party richter but he actually wasn't the first choice to play the main hero quade originally jeff bridges was considered for the role along with oddly enough richard dreyfuss then patrick swayze at one stage was runner-up for the part and when david cronenberg was in the director's seat during the pre-production his choice of quaid was william hurt however it's when arnold schwarzenegger discovered the script and insisted on it finally being made into a movie that he landed the role or in this case probably cast himself and it was when schwarzenegger was on board to play the part that it was decided to make his character a construction worker instead of an office worker probably down to explain the characters hercules-like physique as originally in the movie quaid was going to be an office worker just like he was in the original story okay peoples that was my out of this world look into total recall i hope you managed to recall some of the joy and excitement of this movie while watching this video and if you can't recall total recall then you should definitely watch it again anyway you think this is the real minty it is see ya [Music] [Music] yes
Channel: Minty Comedic Arts
Views: 68,038
Rating: 4.9622121 out of 5
Id: foz0_j4UvwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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