10 Survival Tips to Save Your Life | PLUS BIG Bonus Trick!

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Love this guy. I just recently discovered him a month or two ago. If you're into camping or bushcraft videos, he has a really cool series where he and his buddy make these tree houses in the middle of nowhere and camp out in them for a few weeks

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/yognautilus 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did this guy win Alone? I know he was on it but I cant recall

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AudioPhoenix 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Frank Gallagher?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HELPISNEEDED4ME 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
there's been so many people this year that have gone missing and died of hypothermia so i have an obligation to you members you subscribers viewers in general to show some safety survival tips in different conditions i'm going to show you a couple of ways that we can start a fire with a dead lighter as well i know these tricks work or i wouldn't be showing them to you hi i'm greg evans and this is ovens rocky mountain bushcraft [Music] here we go starvation is usually not an issue but hypothermia is the number one killer of lost hikers and people stranded in the bush so we got to get back to basics a lot of these people from the research i've done are day hikers because they're not prepared they're not planning on getting lost but when they get lost they get in a situation they don't have a raincoat and they don't have a way of starting a fire and even if it's warm 70 degrees out if the weather changes it starts raining you get wet you don't have a raincoat you can get hypothermia even in the summer when it's warm now i've shown lots of different fire starting methods but you can't rely on a bow drill if it's raining the sandwich bag trick you can't rely on that if it's cloudy there's variables people that are going overnight or for two or three days usually are prepared and that's why it's not as dangerous for that group so number one always take a lighter don't plan that you can start a bow drill fire because you've seen some of my videos or somebody else's videos don't leave home without a lighter most of these people that have died this year in bc and i can't even imagine how many through north america or the world that have died of hypothermia this year just because they didn't have a lighter don't leave home without it for crying out loud this is the kind of thing you're going to look for now it's winter here but um you know rain snow whatever the case may be a dry place is usually under a big tree like this one that's got a lot of needles a lot of branches it'll keep the rain and the snow out now actually fire is easier to start in the winter when it's cold like this than when it's raining but even if it's raining we're going to have dry needles under this tree this is a place let's say that you're injured you can't build a shelter you can lie against the base of a big tree have your fire here and you're going to stay warm and dry it's that simple and these needles as long as we've got a lighter we can start a fire that kind of went out you see they've got some turpentine in them they will burn so man alive just make sure you got a lighter put that out but i'll show you a couple other good shelter spots and mostly i'd like to deal with rain because the people that i know or heard about on the news this year it wasn't really winter conditions it's just the weather changed they didn't plan on getting lost they didn't plan on the weather changing but you can't rely on the weather forecast let's face it nice if the sun would come out shortly so you're in a t-shirt and shorts and it's 70 degrees out but now it starts raining and you don't even have a lighter that is just foolish foolishness uh most these people that i heard about this year would have lived probably days or a week if they had a fire until somebody found them back to basics no bull drills on this one and the the other thing you can do with these dry needles is you can i mean under these big trees you can pile this up for bedding you can warm rocks to put under it like i showed in another video uh fire starting with the sandwich bag video if you haven't checked that go back warm rocks are a good thing but you can make yourself a bed you can have your fire there and you can make something comfortable you can cover yourself with these dry needles um like i say hypothermia it sneaks up on you and i've had it a few times and i've used these tricks to survive so i know what i'm talking about not everybody has the skill set to be able to start a bow drill fire and even if you have the skill set the conditions could be against you i can't get warm i can't move my hands i've got hypothermia don't take a chance with your life for the sake of not bringing a lighter as a backup i'm telling you man now i'd be fine just starting a fire right here stand by this big tree there's lots of firewood in the area that's another thing to look for don't try to find a spot and you've got no firewood you gotta have firewood if your life's on the line now if your life's on the line you're gonna start a bonfire and then maybe people will find you but you have to be careful with that idea you don't want to burn the whole forest down and it's windy and all of a sudden you can't get out of the forest fire but i guarantee you they'll find you maybe a group of trees that's off by itself so it's not a danger to start the whole forest on fire that's the kind of stuff you do in a survival situation this video is about survival not bushcraft there's a difference so now i'm in a spot a little different setup we've got some big overhanging rocks and this is another good spot to look for is where you have some overhanging rocks usually you can find a good spot for a shelter so we're gonna look around here and i'll show you another good spot now look at how good this is big overhang can't even reach and the ground is soft here it's kind of like flower the dirt here under this this is like a very soft shale perfect spot this is what i call a perfect spot this is even better than under the tree because i'm protected from the wind from the rocks and i got a big cove to get in i can have my fire right here and there is firewood around this is ideal absolutely ideal for an overnight shelter in an emergency without having to build a shelter find spots that you don't have to build a shelter in an emergency because that takes energy and effort and sometimes if you're injured you won't be able to build a shelter anyway but if you got a lighter should be able to start a fire this is what i like so now i'm going to show you one of the safest places to be in a survival situation your vehicle got my truck here now let's assume that i get stuck the truck breaks down it's still the safest place than trying to hike 30 40 miles out of the bush you're out of the wind you're out of the rain and hopefully it'll run so you have heat but if not you can heat up as long as you get a fire going you can heat up uh rocks and put in there to keep the cab warm you have to put something down like a flat rock to put the hot rocks on so you don't burn you know the truck down but safest place a lot of people have left their vehicle to try to hike out and ended up dead too so but you you have to remember you gotta make sure people know where you're going when you go on these day hikes if they don't know where to look for you not gonna find you are they you're in a survival situation you see behind me this uh slash pile uh they've logged the hillside behind me piled these logs up this is a good spot to build your fire because when this pile starts burning it's going to burn for a week maybe more maybe a month and not only that but people will see the flame the smoke and maybe come looking for you if they know where to look so survival situations keep these things in mind but if i'm in a survival situation i'm going to burn a pile like this i'm not just going to be going collecting wood i'm going to burn a pile it's going to burn for a month right i'm sure we all know birch bark if you have it in your area with a lighter very simple burns for a long time don't need paper in the bush but maybe you don't have birch bark where you are i'm going to show you behind me i've got this tree with little branches i'm going to show you how to start a fire with that you don't need paper you don't need birch bark i showed you the pine needles earlier they work good you find them at the base of the tree that's a good fire starter as well but make sure you got your branches ready before you attempt to fire these branches this tree is out in the open but even in a rainstorm underneath a big tree the dead branches underneath the branches that come down will be dry so you can do it easily with these little branches too with a lighter as well don't leave home without it so i got my little branches what i usually do is i'll take the branches break them in half now i got them like this break them in half turn it around and then we get this now all we got to do is use our lighter hold it on an angle like this and you'll see you gotta let the lighter burn for a while if i can flick it and you hold it upside down who needs paper just keep the lighter going until this gets going good but i'm using the little ones just little guys starting to get hot in my hand now i'll take this and put it underneath my fire that i've already prepared i got my fire ready to go getting hot in hand now at least i won't get frostbite make sure you get the little dry guys when you bunch them up like that it'll go like crazy you don't need paper and you don't need birch bark you don't even need the pine needles if you do it this way so now you've seen some of the places that you want to find shelter i've shown a couple of ways of starting the fires with a lighter now what i want to do is show you even if your lighter is dead i chose one that just has spark doesn't flame i'm going to show you a couple of ways that we can start a fire with a dead lighter as well long as you have even a dead lighter you can start a fire it's december and we can still find the little pods on the dog bane but these are an important thing you can find even in the winter dog beans a pretty common plant we'll use these seeds to get a fire going then i will show you one other method of starting a fire with a dead lighter these tricks are important they could save your life but don't leave home without a lighter as i keep emphasizing now i've got my dog bane seeds i'm going to collect a little bit of fine dead dry grass and what i really like for a one spark situation is these dead junipers or any dead needles really if the grass catches these will go up and we go from there build our fire up bigger and bigger the dog being seeds when they catch are only going to burn for about half a second they go up instantly but it should be enough to start the grass and then start our dead needles of whatever kind we're using and you'll notice there's been no joking or humor in this video because it's serious fire is number one survival thing to master if your life's on the line you can go without water for a week and usually there's snow this time of year where i am but uh if you get hypothermia you can get it in the summer if it's raining so master fire it's important and i should mention too i'm gonna be using dog bean seeds other seeds work thistle ammoni dryad goats beard all these but what i like about the dog bane which is a common plant is the pods stay dry so even if it's raining the seeds will be dry inside the dog bane pods dead grass a juniper and then we're going to work up with sticks but you know what it's important to know how to start a fire with a dead lighter that just sparks so this is an important part of this video i'm going to make a pocket right here under the tree with these dead needles and this should go almost immediately now if it's windy you need to protect these seeds keep this handy dead later now i i want to scrape the needles away i don't want to have a forest fire but mind you there's snow around me we have fire with a dead lighter important trick so with our second fire we're going to be using just with the spark from the lighter some dead rotted stump now if you go back to some of my other videos this is an important thing to remember dry rotted stump you want with bow drill fires if you go back and watch the solo overnight video where i started the fire with the sandwich bag that's what i got that fire going with so now we're going to take our dry rotted stump now this method is more reliable because anywhere in the world you should be able to find dry rotted stump even if it's at the base of a tree where insects or ants you'll see powder under there that's dry will work the same way now it's more difficult than the dog being seeds or any seeds but you might be out at a time of year when there is no seeds if it's spring there's no dandelions or clematis or any of the wild seeds that ignite right away this is a reliable but a bit more difficult procedure or method i want to grind it into a powder you've seen me use this for bow drills other methods but seeds are preferable you've seen it only took two flecks of the lighter i had that fire instantly we're going to cover the top of this stump and then basically i'm going to use this like a running board for the lighter to try to get the powder started into a coal and then we got something to work with fire is number one in survival and i don't care what anybody says i know i got a lot of survivalists and preppers that watch my channel but i beg to argue with anybody uh if it wasn't for fire i would have been dead six times over by now but i'm still here doing these videos because of fire so what i'm going to do with the dead lighter i'm going to take my dry rotted stump and i'm going to fill it up like this hold it like this and you'll see that we'll actually get flame even though we don't have butane in it still because the fine dust will actually catch on fire inside the lighter and we should get enough flame to actually start some grass on fire crush our uh stump up nice and flying in our fingers when we fill this up the dust will be so fine it's like when they get them fires in the grain elevators just from the dust from the grain i'll try to show you here that this you'll see little puffs of flame even from the dead later some of it will fall out don't worry about that see we got flame there we had a flame see flame my dry grass now like i say that powder is so fine you shake it up i'm just going to put our grass here and hopefully it gets enough flame to start the grass if you don't succeed at first just keep trying i wouldn't see any flame that time i think this grass might not be fine enough this grass is a bit finer if it doesn't blow away some more powder in don't get discouraged if uh these things don't work right off the hop you gotta especially if your life's on the line you can't give up i know these tricks work or i wouldn't be showing them to you it went see i'm not going to start a fire this time but you see just that powder just with spark you get enough flame to get your grass going man alive pay attention to these tricks and always carry a lighter okay i hope you learned something from that i hope one day maybe uh these tricks will save someone's life don't leave home without a lighter stay with your vehicle if it's running you've got a good place carry a blanket in your vehicle and also if you're going on a day hike take a raincoat hopefully these tricks are really helpful to you i will be showing other ones other fire starting methods if you haven't seen the one where i started the fire with the vehicle go back and check that one more fire tricks you know the better off you are in the great outdoors
Channel: Ovens Rocky Mountain Bushcraft
Views: 950,320
Rating: 4.9432893 out of 5
Keywords: survival, rocky mountain, greg alone, ovens alone, greg ovens alone, alone season 3, bush, wood fire, greg ovens rocky mountain bushcraft, greg ovens, bushcraft, canadian, rockies, rocky mountain bushcraft, survival skills, survival tips that could save your life, 10 survival tips, how to survive emergency situations, dead lighter hacks, dead lighter tricks, emergency shelter, survival tips, survival hacks, life hacks, fire starting, hypothermia, dangerous situations, how to
Id: wUpQRIEuaG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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