10 Spoiler Free Beginner Tips To Make You OP In Tears Of The Kingdom - TOTK Spoiler Free Tips

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tears of the kingdom is officially here and ladies and gentlemen I have to say it might be one of the best games I've played in a very long time most of you have no idea just how much you're in for and how big of a game tears of the Kingdom really is there are just so many new things to learn see and explore in tears of the Kingdom you don't have to worry about any story spoilers in this video and I really wanted my first one in the series to be my top tips and tricks that I've discovered so far that's going to help you become powerful and not waste any time exploring all that this game has to offer you so we're gonna start this off with one of my favorite things that's going to help you become powerful very fast you can now land on the back of dragons for really powerful items dragons can be found going in and out of these chasms and roaming around the map if you launch out of a sky view Tower and land on the back of one you can collect 12 shards across its entire back these shards can then be fused onto weapons or used as arrow tips that are drastically more powerful than your typical Elemental arrows and can come in really Andy in a pinch now just like breath of the wild you can hit the body for a scale you can hit the feet for a claw or you can hit them right in the horn to get a horn and I really recommend getting the horn because it is incredibly powerful when fused to a weapon next I highly recommend keeping an eye out for these cherry blossom trees that you'll see strewn throughout the land this first one is right next to hylia river which is just to the right of one of the first arrows it'll explore in free roam which is called the lookout Landing if you head east to down this road you'll be able to find it right here now you'll notice that around these cherry blossom trees there's going to be a certain type of fruit sometimes you'll also be lucky enough to find like an Endura carrot or another nice type of food you'll notice that if you walk up to the base of the tree there's going to be this little offering tray and if you open up your inventory and go to a fruit that you picked up you can hold it in your hands and then we can drop it right inside of this we're gonna get a little cutscene and something's going to spawn behind us this thing is really pretty but also very handy you're gonna notice that a bunch of Lights start popping up all around you and this will happen at any Point throughout the map when you do this at one of these cherry trees this is actually highlighting caves now caves are really important in tears of the kingdom and not all of them are obvious to see so having these lights popping out of them definitely makes it a lot easier now if these lights ever disappear all you need to do is just re-gift a fruit to that tree and it'll light them all up again this next tip is to save you some time if you're like me you might head to Farren first thing to try and get yourself some hearty durians because let's face it sometimes you get slapped and he gets slapped hard well ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry to say that it seems to be durians have been removed from the game I have wasted hours upon hours searching for durians to only find Mighty bananas everywhere I go but there is a solve for this remember those caves that I showed you how to find really easily well inside of them you'll be able to find hearty truffles you'll be able to find other hearty Foods as well in caves and sometimes you will find more than one and some caves might not have any at all now you might be lucky enough to find a big hearty truffle but if you hold one of these in your hands and cook it in a pot you'll be able to make a hearty mushroom skewer not a nice thing about these hearty mushroom skewers is you get a full recovery of all of your hearts and you get one additional heart a single big hearty Mushroom on the other hand will give you plus four Hearts which is pretty great so there's a super awesome thing in tears of the Kingdom if you suck at shooting like I do notice how we just missed if we use a case eyeball on our Arrow you can actually automatically hit your Targets in the face it's a homing missile to the face it's pretty great you can just aim right above them hit them right in the face I already missed again see but if we whip out a key cyball on there wham bam thank you ma'am we're just gonna hit him every time uh hitting flying targets can be particularly frustrating right so equip a key side ball shoot towards your flying Target it'll lock onto it and hit it right in the balloon knot at night you can find these giant packs of keys just floating around the sky and if you happen to have a fairer Spike that I already showed you how to get you can shoot these massive packs and be able to get tons of the eyes all at once these packs of bats are pretty prevalent around the central Hyrule area and you don't have to use the Pharaoh stuff either you can use shock fruit as well so just wait for them to kind of approach you shoot the shock fruit at them and collect all of your nice eyeballs you should really never have a shortage of these if you're paying attention at night you're gonna run into these gotcha machines really early in the game if you put just one zonai charge in here you're gonna end up just getting one item from the gotcha machine which is a rocket that's that's pretty good but if you go into your inventory and you hold five instead something much better is going to happen it's going to bounce up just like it did before but this time instead of getting one or what you would anticipate as being five you can actually get 12 instead of 5 which is considerably better now let's say you see something a pie that you just don't have enough stamina to get to open up your menu and then go to your zonai devices take out one of these rockets and then go to fuse and we're gonna fuse it to our shield and then what you can do is when you pull out your Shield that rocket is going to activate and you can actually get really high up in the air with these it can definitely really come in a pinch when you need to get up high and fast now this is also a great way to escape combat in a sticky situation you can use it to enter bullet time and take advantage of different situations and it's always great to get high above your enemies and just shoot them in the face maybe you've got a favorite horse but you're scared to use it because your friends might laugh at you for not using the quote unquote best horses in the game well fear not my friend use any horse you want because we have a solution for that now I don't know why I'm staring right into the source's mouth but it's my life now once you've tamed a favorite horse of yours you're going to want to grab an Endura carrot you can get one from that Cherry Tree Blossom location we shared earlier and then you're going to want to head your way to the northeast corner of the map towards the east the call is stable and you're going to want to go through blood Leaf Lake and make your way up here if you provide an Endura carrot to the shrine you're actually going to be able to unlock the horse God now the horse God is different than it was in breath of the wild in breath of the wild you could only revive a dead horse but in tears of the Kingdom you can actually enhance your horses so any horse can have Max stats if you're willing to invest enough time into it and cook various meals for the horse God to be able to enhance each and every one of its stats now I'm going to show you one of the most surprisingly useful things that I've discovered so far and I'm kind of sad that I didn't know it sooner because it probably could have helped a lot if you use your Ultra hand on an object and say you want to get to a certain spot that you just have no other way to get to maybe it's not climbable or something like that you can actually use your Ultra hand to be able to move the object then we can go into the recall ability and we can recall that object and we can jump on it and then this will allow us to actually raise ourselves into the air and be able to get to objects or places that we otherwise would not be able to get to so yeah recall works on objects that you move yourself as well in tears of the Kingdom Shields are no longer just Shields with the power of fusion we can do a lot of really cool things we already showed you the rocket Shield but if we go into our inventory I'm going to show you a couple different things right now I'm going to show you the less cool one than a much cooler one we're gonna take out the shock emitter as an example and then we're going to use Fusion on it so now we have a shield with a shocker on it and if we run up to any Mobs with this thing we can see how it's used so let's go ahead and equip it if we walk up to it we can now electrocute mobs with our Shield so it's like having multiple weapons but what if I told you it could get even cooler let's go ahead and equip another one of our weapons yeah it's the Hylian Shield but now I've got one of those horns from the dragons I've got the frost horn on here right now and what I can do is I can Parry into things and freeze them oh a lot and not only that but it does a lot of damage because it's also classified as a weapon now because it's a bladed object you could do this in breath of the wild but now with Fusion you can really turn any shield into a weapon too and it comes in so unbelievably handy now the last but certainly not least tip I'm going to share today is going to be a lifesaver during your exploration very early in the game you're going to be asked to explore a place called The Depths this is an underground massive cave system that you can explore throughout Hyrule it's literally the size of Hyrule it's insane but what's very interesting about this there are these light towers down here that ignite the entire area and allow you to explore the map without being completely in the dark now the cool thing about this is they correspond directly to a shrine on the surface which means any Shrine that you find on the surface can be found directly below it which will really really really help you be able to navigate not only the depths but if you find any of these lighthouses in the den apps you'll be able to find a shrine directly above it and it might be one you haven't unlocked yet so by exploring both the surface and the depths using this method you'll be able to unlock all the shrines a lot faster now I do really hope you all have a blast playing tears of the kingdom and thank you so much for watching this video we'll have play more content like how to get this wingsuit the Master Sword and the hyrildian shield coming out very soon so keep an eye out on the channel and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 576,299
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Keywords: Legend of Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, Zelda tips, Zelda tricks, Zelda walkthrough, Zelda guide, Zelda combat, Zelda puzzles, Zelda secrets, Zelda gameplay, Zelda strategies, Zelda tactics, Zelda weapons, Zelda items, Nintendo, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, zelda tears of the kingdom, tips, zelda totk tips, totk spoiler free tips, totk, zelda tears of the kingdom tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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