The worst part of Tears of the Kingdom (and how I would fix it)

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hello there everyone I love tears of the kingdom it is now my favorite game of all time even being out breath of the wild and Paper Mario origami King this game is almost perfect with almost every issue from breath of the wild being hammered out including climbing in the rain which still kind of sucks even with the froggy armor tripling the map size even more surface exploration and many more however many new issues have Arisen a lot of it to do with the new story let's get a quick list of my nitpicks shall we like a flashing around the main characters bad voice acting dragons being a pain to farm not enough Ganon no bombs room no harder durian no Cass no Nintendo short shirt link doesn't have a shotgun I can't be a girl grow town has a horny jail dragons are pain in the ass to farm the censor his ass and I can't get laid I mean the worst problem of them all is the sages suck for being the main story objective aside from killing Ganon and finding Zelda the sages have done extremely poorly in my opinion well that's not entirely true the quest to find them are some of the best parts of the game Julian the sonataiba is an adolescent wind-bending bucket of KFC and he is trying to get into a tornado blizzard to stop the giant blizzard over Rito Village after chasing down the little bird we help him retrieve his bow from evil monsters and he learns the valuable lesson of teamwork AKA letting link do all the heavy lifting of being a granged support turret anyway we do Sky parkour for flying trampoline boats and and finally dive through the clouds into the center of the storm the Stormwind Arc this is one of my favorite dungeons the concept of a legendary skyboat and a tornado is awesome we get in open up the center and do a cold dry in the clouds once we defeat him we gain access to the wind Temple of secret Stone we then get a 10 minute long cutscene of Mr Sage explaining them in president one of the most as slowly as possible and same toolin needs to help link the other stages as follows very similar path you meet the sage try to help them with an issue in the region finding Clues to fix said issue having a big fight with something and do another puzzle and find a temple for your nobo you meet him getting people high on drugs you get him you beat him up I fight Mirage yeah and find a temple and beat up gomah hey this is editing me here I forgot to mention I absolutely hate you nobo he is easing my least favorite character in the game I just don't like him especially because he said he says Goro at the end of every sentence he's just like hi there Goro it's just so annoying anyway back to the video for side on you find him on a mountain fixing the sludge fix his slab fight sludge-like find big Zora guy shoot narrow and boom stuff stupid looking Temple finally you can't see [ __ ] in the desert so you find riju and fight off bug zombies you saw the light puzzle fight mama bug zombie and get stoned I mean get the stone well these all fall very similar structures I think it works to establish the main story of the stages and build up your connections with them and to clear all these quests you can go to Hyrule Castle to fight with the Phantom againans where the sages save link from dying what help were you guys five minutes ago I feel like a 5v10 is a lot better than 1v10 then we get to the fifth stage this game is plot twist unless you've been paying attention to the story to make a very long story short and you discover a secret tablet pointing to the Pharaoh and sky in kakariko Village they then play dress up and revealed the Thunderhead Isles they get to Dragon Head Island and find mineral's new head or hit the depths assemble a new body take her to the spirit Temple and kill the robot inside it now that you guys know the story behind the stages I can tell you why these guys suck the abilities it is well known that the abilities of the sages are complete trash aside from two lens children gives you a horizontal gust of wind that Barry pushes you forward and in general isn't that good this is the best Sage abilities by far not looking too good as it inobo is the only other Sage ability that I find remotely useful where it curls up into a ball and you can film that stuff his ability is only good when clearing out these stupid rocks and caves or for mining ore deposits that's it side on is actually useless outside of boss fights which makes me really sad his ability can give link a one-time use Shield that can block anything and if you unleash an attack well The Shield is up you summon a water slice projectile which uses up weapon durability for some reason The Shield would be very good if it weren't for another issue I'll burn up later and a water slice is useless as an attack as it does very little damage and costs durability riju gives you the ability to shoot a lightning Arrow at something as long as it's when the within the lightning Aura which expands the longer it's held out for this ability would be extremely useful if it weren't for the other issue but as it is I find it only good when you're finding large groups of enemies I find it's only good use is when finding large groups of small enemies such as the Goblins or gibdos but Tope has arrows work just as well if not better finally the actual worst one mineral oh boy whether I starves this let down after the giant build up and an amazing Quest where you assemble the giant construct you learn that you get to ride and control the construct this was so awesome having your own personal Mech Until you realize this thing moves that the speed of smell does no damage and has a giant hurt box that makes everything damage you infusing objects to it doesn't do very much only having basic functionality in combat this construct is just too slow to maneuver around enemies and hit them this is worsened by the larger hitbox making you a huge Target that can't move out of the way of anything this should be fine if the construct had good damage output but it doesn't it's kind of like a Smash Bros heavyweight just without the damage output and insane survivability the final biggest issue I have with the sages is activating the abilities to use in the first place you have to walk up to the sage in the middle of combat press a and activate it and we'll do either a large group fighter trying to fight from distance this is extremely inconvenient having to stop what you're doing chase down the stage you want which is really hard when they're all clustered together and moving away from you press a and then use the move this is such an awful decision that could have easily been remedied by replacing the map Rune with a specific Sage wheel that could activate the Sage's ability every press of the room button and maybe the cooldown could be shown just below the Rune symbol on the UI I'd also remove using the ability looking up to the sages since there have been many times I've tried to pick up an item but actually use Tulin instead and blow it off a cliff this was also fixed another big issue the sages getting in the way all the time [Music] as for the abilities themselves I think a lot of them would benefit from being able to use them on the Press of a button maybe Saturn's Water Slice couldn't use durability and universe charge could increase in size to make it better at destroying rocks but I think the only one that would need a decent rework would be mineral above the speed at the cost of more battery and allow fused weapons and small Contraptions be stuck to her I would say you could stick up to like three objects together and attach to one of her hands this would greatly buffer combat potential since that's your main use and it could open up a lot of creative potential for Max I think a construct had with Canon on her back or a really long stick attached to her hand now to initiate I don't see brought up as as often upgrading to Sages in concept the sage upgrades are fine it forces you to explore the sky islands which are sort of underwhelming I like this but my issue isn't how you upgrade them is what the upgrades do just like the Champions abilities in breath of the wild upgrading them does a little to nothing to help you in breath of wild they made the ability to cool down shorter which is fine since modifying the abilities themselves can make them way too op mifa by these new Sage built both these new Sage abilities they could have tweaked what they did other than make them do slightly more damage and make them look weird seriously upgraded mineral looks so much worse than normal mineral I think the cooldowns could have been reduced and each stage could have had something unique in just a few minutes I came with a few possible upgrades two and Gus could go further you know was charged would have a larger radius decide on slash could go further and not cause durability riju could have a faster expanding lightning Zone and mineral could attach multiple objects at once honestly Savage missed potential the upgrade system has and I'm sure adding some significant changes would greatly increase the incentive to find a Sage's Wills a minor nitpick I have is that the Sage's avatars don't look particularly good in my opinion especially in their upgraded state I also wish you fought alongside the real sages a bit more since you only do them one at a time in their respective quests and a little at the end of the game where they serve little to no purpose since game knocks all of them out immediately it'd be cool if they went up to Hyrule castle with you or to send it down gloom's layer with you although the lighter wouldn't work as well with building the tension in this area in conclusion the sages have amazing quests but the sage abilities and the way to use them are poorly done in my opinion I think the abilities were too Niche and way too inconvenient to use in the main setting they're used in combat a sage wheel would greatly improve this and have thought a better upgrade system would further help make the stages feel like a more substantial reward for your effort oh well I think that's it for this video let me know if you enjoyed with a comment a like and subscriber would also be greatly appreciated do you think computer should have been the next stage of spirit well with that said see you guys next time and have a great day
Channel: Luigibro studios
Views: 2,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, legend, nintendo, sages, tears of the kingdom
Id: -Da_9PTKQto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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