How To Kill Any Gleeok & King Gleeok Easy! Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom Tips & Tricks

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I've heard you all aren't a big fan of gliox well in today's video I'm going to be showing you exactly how to take down gliox without any problem to include King glioc themselves now for the easiest method we're just going to be using a shield and we're also going to be dropping a rocket and attaching that rocket to our shield with Fusion we're gonna be doing this a few times throughout this and we're also going to need a decent bow but it doesn't have to be anything amazing if you go to Hyrule Castle there's plenty of bows in there that'll work or really any bow as long as you just have enough arrows you should be perfectly fine the better the bow the less amount of arrows you're going to need to use one more thing that can come in pretty handy is stamina regeneration food but it is by no means necessary needing the stamina food will only be required if you have a very low amount of stamina or an incredibly weak bone because what we need to do is we need to jump up in the air and shoot this gliac in the face many times so we're gonna run towards our gliac but make sure not to use a ton of stamina and once it starts firing at us we're going to launch up with our rocket Shield from here we're going to activate our glider and then what we need to do is take out these heads as quick as possible so we're going to shoot each head one time if I could hit it that would be fantastic try not to be terrible and mislank me each of these heads has a certain amount of health and usually if you use a gibdough bone and really any bow you're going to be able to one shot each head you're gonna note that it's ready to be stunned once it starts flinching like this you can activate your glider and the gliac's gonna fall to the ground from here we just need to beat it in the face to death and we're going to start paying attention after about a couple hits what we're gonna do is we're gonna go into our inventory and we're gonna drop another rocket Shield we're gonna fuse that to our shield and then we're gonna keep beating it until it starts getting up once it gets up we're gonna launch back into the air and we're gonna repeat the exact same process now I'm going to do this without using a gibdough bun because you can see how much health they have now it's usually about two hits per face with a bow this powerful if you have an incredibly weak bow it's probably going to take about three hits and I highly recommend using some kind of fusion material you can see the process here really simple if your weapon breaks just switch to a new one and just keep pounding it to death make sure that you do not forget to fuse onto your Shield that's really important the second this thing starts getting up that we get onto our rocket shield and repeat the same process because we really don't want it flying up into the air or doing anything it also has a wind gust that it can do so the second it starts getting up make sure to use your rocket Shield to fly up into the air and all we need to do is just keep repeating this process I think it's going to take three depending on what kind of weapon you have and also if you're hitting it in the face doing the most amount of damage that you can like I said don't forget because if you forget to jump up it's gonna fly up into the air and it actually has a more powerful attack where it flies really high into the air and we'll do like its final move and you want to avoid that as much as possible if it gets above you use a rocket to shoot it in its face that way it doesn't actually get away from you so there is definitely room for error don't worry if you mess things up too much you can definitely recover if you need to and wham bam thank you ma'am the gliac is down I just run up and collect all of your precious Rewards and I can show you an even easier way to take down gliox now if you want to get really crazy we can use Zone eye devices to take these bad boys out you're gonna need one rocket 15 beam emitters two construct heads a hover Stone and two carts and you can make this lovely creation right here now I do have a full video on how to create this bad boy but I'll go over it really quick here essentially you have a hover stone with two construct heads snapped at a 45 degree angle with the eyes facing down towards the ground you can see the eyes right there and then you have all of the beam emitters attached to these construct heads in the same manner and then you have the cards on the top for a roof so you don't get hit by the Flames now all we need to do is use ultra hand or Auto build to drag this thing out to the third Diamond closest to glioc this is about the area where it's going to aggro and then we're going to Sprint up to it and then use Ascend to quickly get up on top of it once we're inside our machine quickly slap it and we're gonna ride this all the way up until the rocket disappears once the rocket disappears we're gonna jump off and activate our glider you're going to see all the laser beams have activated to destroy glioc we're not going to use any Fusion materials for this we're just going to shoot each head as many times as needed to be able to get that stun and then we just repeat the same process but now we have 15 laser beams helping us out continuously doing damage to glioc which is quite frankly a little bit ridiculous make sure you still have rockets on your Shields to be able to jump up before this thing starts blasting you in the face you can technically start running away from it a little bit or just use your shield and let the laser beams do do their work but it's going to be a lot faster if you actually participate in the damage and it's going to be a lot easier also make sure to keep an eye on your energy charges if you need to just open up your menu and use a large zonai charge and also make sure to keep an eye on your rockets that way you can fuse them to your Shield if you need to but most likely it's going to die really really fast now here's a map of all the gliac locations you can find ice fire and lightning gliox throughout Hyrule but I did promise we would take down a king glioc as well there are three King gliox spread around Hyrule the first of which we're gonna get to by going through the bikado Stone Grove Skyview Tower and then launching over to one of these areas the first of which we're going to get to by going to the Ross bro past Skyview Tower and then launching up and landing on This Island right here we're gonna actually need to use a zonai device to get up to this island that's just Southwest of it you can see it way high up in there in the sky unfortunately you're probably going to need cold weather gear or cold weather food for this I'm particularly fond of the Green Goblin glider for this because it can I'm particularly fond of the Green Goblin glider for this because quite frankly it's just my favorite and I like it and once you start getting closer you're gonna see the king glioc flying around in the air this means we want to start flying up higher above it so that way we can get a bit of an advantage when we engage it as we get closer to the king gliac it's going to aggro us and start flying closer to us what I recommend doing is trying to fly up above it and jumping up and using your glider and not falling to the ground like an idiot like me but if you do you can use your rocket to get right back up and we're gonna repeat the same process as we did with the other gliox if you have a powerful fusion material just shoot it right in its stupid little face and then it's going to fall to the ground once you kill all three of the heads well not really kill the heads but stun them for some reason and then you just hop down and you just beat them to death just like we did before also make sure to keep an eye on their movement because we do want to drop our Rockets to be able to launch back up into the air I was definitely anticipating the king gliox being a little bit more difficult than the regular ones but really the only difference is is they have all three three elements on their body rather than just one everything else they're exactly the same they have no more or less Health than all the other gliox and they are just as easy to kill once you get the hang of it now I'm not gonna lie it's gonna take you a few tries probably to kind of get the timing right and get used to it and also not have all of your weapons breaking while you're fighting it but really it's an easy fight once you understand the mechanics and all you got to do is just repeat this process over and over until they're dead now if you are feeling frisky you can use a zonai device to be able to take these down a little bit faster and it might help you save on some resources and things like that but obviously you're still going to be spending the zonai and the zonai devices to do it the only real difficult thing about these is how quick your weapons break so if you bring enough weapons you're really not going to have a problem and quite frankly just having to shoot each one in the face twice really isn't that bad or even less if you are using Fusion materials so really it just comes down to getting the hang of the mechanics and once you do you can take these down without any kind of worry because once you get past the fear of them quite frankly they just die so unbelievably easy if you are going to use zonai stuff for this definitely make sure to do it like I did because they can actually despawn your Zone eye devices just like Lionel's can so that's just something to keep in mind you can also you don't you also don't need to use physical damage to be able to kill these once they fall to the ground you can keep using your bow as well maybe you have a lot of gibdo Bones and they do a lot of damage so just take down your king glioc and then once you do you're gonna get a nice little scene of this chest opening and inside is a little present open this bad boy up and you're gonna get a stage as well if you give four of these to one of the Goddess statues you can upgrade one of your Sage companions now if you head south you can launch out of the Gerudo Highland Skyview Tower and you can find another gliac area right here and then you've got another one on the south eastern corner right here so ladies and gentlemen that's it hope you all enjoyed the video and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 714,565
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Keywords: tears of the kingdom, zelda tears of the kingdom, totk, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom tips, zelda tears of the kingdom tips, tears of the kingdom guide, totk gleeok, tears of the kingdom gleeok, totk how to kill gleeok, how to kill gleeok totk, how to kill gleeok tears of the kingdom, totk king gleeok, tears of the kingdom king gleeok
Id: lMMaRfrrfyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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