Splitgate MOVEMENT GUIDE To Help You Not Suck (Splitgate School)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to split gate school now you're probably asking yourself what is split kate school well if you're new around here split gate school is a new series i've been doing on the channel recently for those of you who are new to the game split gate that just came out that i've been covering a lot and if you're looking to get started in split gate school and arguably i think this is probably the most important video to watch we just put out a video last week for a beginner portal guide i recommend you go check that out link will be in the description down below but in today's video we're talking about something else movement now no matter what fps game you're playing movement is obviously one of the most important things you can tackle but movement in split gate is no different yes portals are huge and portals are going to play probably the biggest role when it comes to your movement in split gate and getting around the map but what about all that down time between the portal plays what about all that down time when you're not portaling or you you can't portal what you know what then so the goal of today's video is to aim to help you improve all of that downtime and in between movement and little mechanics that you need to master besides the portals so if you're new around here and you've been enjoying split gate as much as i have drop a like on the video because it really helps and consider subscribing with the bell notice on so you don't miss anything in the future but uh other than that let's get into it all right so here we are on the map olympus and i figured this is a good map just to kind of retouch on the first topic that i actually covered in the beginner portal guide again video link will be in the description but i just wanted to briefly introduce this video with it maybe you missed that video and that's the quick idea of portal momentum basically the short end of it is whatever momentum and speed you have going into the portal you will come out of your opposite portal with that same speed of momentum and this is the perfect map to uh demonstrate basically what you can do with that so basically what i'm going to do is i'm going to look to that outer platform right there and place my purple portal i'm also going to look way down at the bottom of the map and place my orange portal also quick tip you don't have to place the portal that late you can do it right before you hit the ground and then you're going to see that we kind of fly over the map have tons of momentum because the falling speed that we went through the portal with but that is a quick refresher on how to use portal momentum and olympus is obviously one of the biggest maps for that another thing in split gate is that you have sprint so obviously while you're moving between your portals and stuff like that this is probably going to be the fastest method to get to your next portal is holding the sprint button and you know if you've ever played any call of duty or any recent halo you probably understand what sprint is and it's it's basically in every shooter nowadays sprint is basically unlimited until you cancel it as you can tell there's no sprint fatigue i i can endlessly keep going with the sprint but just so you know you have that option available to you so do not forget to sprint so now that we covered sprinting which i didn't feel like i had to spend too much time on because i think you guys understand the sprint mechanic for the most part um there's another idea that i like to call bunny hopping well not that i like to call it is called bunny hopping if you've ever been a fan of the older style arena shooters like quake and unreal tournament you've probably at least been exposed to the idea of bunny hopping it doesn't work quite like it did back in those games back in basically quake you could bunny hop and gain a ton of momentum basically side strafing through the air as you were hopping and you would build up a lot of speed if you go back and play quake champions right now it's a perfect example of that i think doom might have had bunny hopping in it as well and while split gate bunny hopping doesn't build you the crazy momentum that it did in those games what it can do is it can kind of help you move around the map a little bit quicker and be able to take angles a little bit sharper and on top of that you're a little bit quieter because you're spending more time floating through the air instead of sprinting with your loud metal boots all over the place and it basically just looks something like this so i'm basically just jumping nothing really you know i'm not getting much extra speed if any but all this is doing is making me a little bit quieter because i'm spending more time in the air now is it the most effective tactic to use all of the time no but i use this a lot when i want to be a little bit quieter entering entering a room sometimes instead of doing this where enemy volume on my footsteps is going to be through the roof when they hear me instead as i'm approaching i kind of do this and i'll just bunny hop a little bit it's just a little tactic you can use in certain situations it's not always going to be practical but uh i see a lot of people using that i see a lot of people under utilizing this so i figured i'd let you know that it does exist and it is something that you can play around with okay so now that we've covered all of the basic movement mechanics let's talk about the thruster packs jet packs booster packs whatever you want to call them the thing that does this you can see the little bar on the center of the left of my screen right there and as soon as that depletes i no longer have thruster pack and it recharges pretty quick but you can only get so high it's very reminiscent to like a black ops 3 style thruster pack which is pretty nice so if you've ever played black ops 3 it'll probably feel relatively familiar to you minus the wall running now thruster packs can be used in a lot of different situations one of the most common is just to kind of gain some extra portal momentum as you're coming out of the portal so as soon as you come out of the portal kind of just slam your thruster pack and now you have a lot more momentum coming out than you would have um another thing is obviously jumping up to little places you wouldn't be able to get to without the thruster pack they don't give you that much height but they give you just enough to kind of reach certain certain platforms and ledges that you wouldn't otherwise be able to get to you know what i mean i wanted to switch gears for a second and switch to the map pantheon to show you another good example of how important and how helpful thruster packs are as you can see there's a top ring in the middle of the map normally in normal modes that'll spawn the rail gun up top which is a very strong power weapon something that you and your team need to keep control over so how do you get up there you can see the portal placements uh or the portal walls up there now if i just place a portal up there and i place one here i run through obviously i'm not gonna have enough momentum unless i jump from somewhere really high almost like something like this and then i might have enough momentum to get up there but you're not always gonna have the height advantage where you'll get that much portal momentum coming out the other side so that's another place where thruster packs come into play now say i'm on the bottom of the map i can place a portal up there yeah sure but i have nowhere to jump and gain any more any more momentum to go through that portal and get up there without the thruster packs well you sprint through and boom it's you know you use one full burst of your thruster packs and you're up here simple as that now another technique with the thruster packs the jet packs the booster packs whatever you refer to them as another technique that i want to introduce you to is something that i call feathering now basically all feathering is is laying off using the entire amount of your fuel with the thruster pack maybe you don't want to send yourself flying through the sky and expose yourself to every single enemy on the map maybe i want to go through this exact same portal and get up top but i don't want to be 10 15 20 feet over the top ring so everybody can shoot at me as i'm flying through the air well if you just kind of gently feather the thruster pack you can maintain a lower altitude and still get to the same place let me show you so we go through and we kind of just gently touch the thruster pack and what that does is it pretty much hides us from everybody on this side of the map yes we're still exposed a little bit on this side but hopefully i've cleared this side by the time i go through that portal but instead of going through the portal and doing this and you know burning through the whole thruster pack now everybody can see more of us are we're more exposed at every single angle we don't have to burn the entire thruster pack fuel and get maximum altitude we can kind of just go through and keep it low and slow and hug the left or hug the right and that's the idea of thruster feathering as i like to call it feathering is also really useful for little jumps like this so you don't have to burn your entire thruster pack as you go through the middle of the map and you can get through as fast as possible because look if we're using the whole thruster pack then what we're hitting this we're kind of fumbling we're wasting time in the middle here little love tap a couple little love taps to the thruster pack get over the get over the gap really clean really effectively really simple and most importantly the fastest and this last part is kind of a bonus tip that i wanted to end the video with it doesn't focus solely on movement but movement is heavily the reason that this is even possible and that is melee damage believe it or not in split gate the faster you are moving the more momentum you have the more velocity you have the harder your melees are going to hit now normally if i walk up to one of these training dummies you're gonna hit one of these guys for like 50 damage and that's pretty much the maximum you can do whether you hit him in the back whether you hit him in the front it's all 50 damage head shot even though i think it should do a little bit more damage right to his face it's 50 damage no matter where you hit them it always kind of gets sucked to the middle of the body too and no i'm not on controller however if you gain a little bit of momentum in melee say from like a thruster pack move melee 93 damage did you see that 93 and you'll get more damage the more momentum you can build up before you hit that guy so let's try to get something even higher right let's put a portal above his head right there let's go through we're gonna thruster pack and we're basically gonna give this guys the people's elbow from the top rope and see what happens 100 damage meaning that you can one-shot melee people if you are able to pull it off and gain enough velocity before you melee them you can one shot people with the melee in this game it's not always the most practical to pull this off but i feel like next to nobody realizes that this is a thing and this is probably one of the best hidden movement quote unquote tips that i can give you all that other stuff is just going to help you traverse the map get away from people more but what about the times where maybe you run out of ammo maybe you have to reload maybe you can outplay somebody with a portal play and kind of come from above them and boom 78 damage which is better than 50. maybe they're already weak that 78 might kill him maybe you can get even higher and jump on an unsuspecting enemy like this a hundred they'd be dead guys that's gonna be it for this next installment of split gate school that is your beginner's movement guide or i guess just an overall movement guide there's really not too much else but let me know if i miss anything when it comes to movement split gate i'd be more than willing to add a version two of this video updated in the future if i missed something that you guys think deserves to be here above all else i just hope today was enough for you to help improve in split gate and help you understand the movement mechanics just that much more and last thing before i go a lot of you have probably tuned into the streams already but if you haven't i want to announce here on youtube that i am in fact partnered with split gate now it's not active yet uh you can try to use it if you want but i don't think it's gonna work but when you're buying things from the item shop you can in fact use code lucci i don't know if it's active quite yet but i know it's coming soon and i'll be sure to keep you guys updated with that so if you want to support me support the game if you buy anything from the item shop or any of the future battle passes once the game's official release is out code lucci in the shop thank you guys for the support on everything split gate related recently it's been a dream come true i hope i catch you one of the streams over at twitch.tv luchi tv soon drop a like if today's video helped you and we'll see in the next one [Applause] you
Channel: LoochyTV
Views: 88,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: splitgate gameplay, splitgate arena warfare, splitgate guide, splitgate tips, splitgate tutorial, splitgate tips and tricks, splitgate: arena warfare, splitgate, splitgate movement, splitgate movement guide, splitgate school, loochytv, loochy, loochytv splitgate, loochy splitgate, splitgate loochy, splitgate loochytv, splitgate tips for beginners, splitgate beginners guide, splitgate gameplay 2021, splitgate beginner guide, how to get better at splitgate
Id: ygCoz6-wuQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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