10 Shocking Times Supervillains Quit

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[Music] this world is a crazy place and it seems to be only getting crazier by the day so please spare a thought then in your hearts for the super villains of the comic book world with the globe in all the turmoil it already is what are they expected to do it's not like they can contribute anymore insanity than what's going on out there it's just hard to be your best chaotic self when the entire of the outside world is already dealing with an oversaturation of excessive chaos look all I'm saying is if I was a megalomaniacal madman with dreams of global domination I'd be feeling pretty down on myself right now in fact I'd probably just give up and quit the whole bad guys stick once and for all and you know what that's exactly what these 10 supervillains did I'm will for culture and here are 10 times supervillains quit 10 dr. octopus settles down spider-man life story spider-man life story is a decade spanning epic with an excellent premise what if spider-man along with everyone else in the Marvel Universe aged in real time the fact that Peter Parker began his crime-fighting career in 1962 but remains in his mid-20s in 2020 is efficient for maintaining a certain status quo but ignores a plethora of intriguing story lines that come with a superhero growing older one idea that life story really focused in on was the fact that as the world changes around them people changed too it's not just a case of giving each character gray hair and wrinkles writer chips sidarsky ensures that everyone gets a complete character arc showing how they're affected by the ups and downs of everyday life inspired by an actual storyline in which Doctor Octopus tried to marry Peter's Aunt May sidarsky decided to give Otto Octavius a brief period of retribution in his life after suffering a heart attack in his 70s Doc Ock realizes that there's more to life than using his big metal tentacles to rob banks and fight spider-man he is reformed into a respectable citizen taking up a job in Reed Richards laboratory and settling down with his newfound love may Parker for a while Pizza and his uncle Otto Eve work alongside each other as lab partners yeah sadly this doesn't last forever the death of Aunt May had a profound effect on Otto and by 2019 he was back to his villainous octopus themed shenanigans nine mr. freeze refuses to escape Arkham Arkham Manor uh ain't it just the way you spend your whole life fighting criminals on the streets only to suddenly finally they've all moved in with you at least that's what happens to Bruce Wayne in the Arkham Manor story arc his own home Wayne Manor is chosen as the new holding ground for inmates of the recently destroyed Arkham Asylum as if that's not bad enough a series of murders forces Batman to go undercover and investigate his old homestead growing a frankly a very impressive mustache and calling himself Jack Shaw he ends up recruiting the incarcerated mr. freeze to help him take down a seemingly Joker eyes version of Clayface in return he sets Mr Freeze free from his cell knowing that he can't compromise his secret identity and the freeze would be relatively easy to capture once again thankfully this isn't a concern once they get outside of the manner freeze just lays down on the ground and begins making snow angels as it turns out he has no intention to leave Arkham at all he's happy to remain locked up for the rest of his life not because he feels he deserves it after the atrocities he'd committed but simply because he has nowhere to go which is weirdly sad but also weirdly quite nice eight the lizard goes back to college the amazing spider-man dr. Curt Connors has been through a lot in life from losing his arm to transforming into a giant lizard to eating his own son in a blind rage if anyone could use a fresh start it's him despite all of the terrible things he's done while in his horrifying lizard form Connors still manages to get himself a job at Empire State University returning to his roots as a science teacher he's learned from his grisly mistakes and takes precautions to ensure that they will never be repeated he implants an inhibitor chip in his neck which is a genius foolproof strategy which has never ever gone wrong before Doctor Octopus which freezes him in his tracks if he ever released to harm another person while in his lizard form you might wonder then why he stays in his lizard form at all especially if he's teaching classes - you know regular non Lizza fide students well let me assure you there's a very simple explanation he recently brought his wife and child yes the one he ate back to life but the resurrection had the unfortunate side effects of making them half lizard in appearance in order to make them feel more comfortable with their scaly new look he remains in lizard mode out of a sense of solidarity it is very clearly the most rational action and I will not hear a damn word to the contrary 7 judge death takes a Mental Health Day Judge Dredd judge death is a judge from an alternate earth who realized that the ultimate crime was being alive and the only sufficient sentence was death after all it is pretty much impossible for anyone to commit a crime when everybody is dead now you can't argue with that logic you could however argue with his methods after he teamed up with his fellow judges fire fear and mortis and killed everyone on the planet hungry for even more justice the four judges hopped dimensions and attempted to do it all over again thanks to a certain judge named Dredd they were defeated and locked up in the one shot the judge who laughs death manages to escape his cell surprisingly though he doesn't go straight to mega city one and begin purging it of all life but instead pops into the prison psychiatrist for a quick therapy session now as it turns out judge death has been having a bit of trouble sleeping something that even the personification of death needs to do apparently dr. Heiser helps him get to the bottom of his problems and as a thank-you he reaches inside her chest and stops her beating hearts yikes 6 Loki becomes a Parisian street hustler Thor if there's two things you can depend on in comics it's that no one ever really dies and Loki will always be trying to take over Asgard and this comic proves both of those facts alongside Norman Osborn's cabal of supervillains known fittingly as the Cabal Loki organized a hostile takeover of his father's Kingdom the Normans methods were a little more violence than Loki's usual tricks the complete and utter destruction of Asgard was not really what the god of mischief had been hoping for and he turned against the cabal to defend his hometown it was too little too late as Loki was brutally murdered by the void the destructive counter force of the century along with anyone who's ever seen one of their favorite comic characters die before Thor knew this wasn't really the end for Loki after removing his name from the book of hell Loki had cheated death and guaranteed himself a never ending line of reincarnations and so Thor went searching for his brother however when he found him he was no longer the chaotic tricks to God that had caused the world so much trouble he was just a young street hustler living in Paris and totally honestly he could have happily spent his entire life hustling along the banks of the Seine unaware of his past if Thor hadn't reminded him of his almighty powers and pond Shawn for being a general nuisance five Joker runs for local government Batman a white knight have you ever wondered what would happen if you used lethal force to pin down a man with a history of mental problems and shove antipsychotic drugs down his throats because Batman knows exactly what happens and he found out the hard way after Batman does exactly this - the Joker something truly unprecedented happens the Joker becomes sane using this newfound sanity to its full advantage Joker starts to live his life as Jack Napier stand-up citizen and anti Batman crusader he manages to convince almost the entirety of Gotham that Batman is the number one danger to their city Napier manages to become a beloved public figure coming alarmingly close to being made councilman he even manages to rekindle his friendship with his old flame Harley Quinn who had also given up on a life of crime years ago for venom destroys himself to create a new universe venom the end if you haven't read Marvel's recent one-shot venom the end do yourself a favor and find a copy although the entire story is told in a single 30 page comic it is one of the most ambitious psychedelic and existentially profound science fiction tales of any medium in recent memory the story spans millions upon trillions of years and shows us a future in which venom is the last remaining hope for bio life in our universe with the rise of artificial intelligence the cosmos is taken over by constantly advancing robots wiping out all biological beings the symbiote known as venom is all that stands in the way of the complete extinction of nature and he's not letting go easy you see venom is not only a symbiote but a living genetic code X he retains a piece of DNA from everyone he has ever bonded to realizing he can never truly save this corpse of a universe as he puts it he ultimately tears himself inside out and creates a brand new universe from the DNA of the old one 3 the hell fib Ian's decide not to breed 2000 AD when the creepy toad-like humanoid monsters known as the hell fib Ian's rise up from the depths of a highly polluted lake they have one thing on their mind breeding you see all of their men are dead and they need some DNA help from the local populace making their way into a nearby village they go on a killing spree viciously murdering everyone they see as competition eventually the hell fib Ian's find their bounty every one of the villages male specimens all crowded into a pub by the fitting name of the Randy old goat there's only one problem all of the villages male specimens are frankly more horrible to look at then the hell fib Ian's you see the once-proud respectable patrons of this rural pub have been slowly mutated by the ravages of time and excessive alcohol the hell fib Ian's are repulsed beyond measure and sadly returned home accepting their fate as the last of their species at least they have higher standards for my ex-girlfriend way oh no he didn't although seriously Cindy if you see this please call me back please I miss you too boomerang moves in with spider-man the amazing spider-man when Peter Parker realizes that Fred boomerang myers is his new roommates it looks like it's going to add to the long list of complications that come with living life as spider-man it's tough enough to hide your secret identity from the people you live with but when one of those people also happens to be a supervillain it's a whole new level of tricky as it turns out pizza has little to no need to be worried because ever since he inadvertently helped take down a Hydra Helicarrier boomerang has been making an effort to be more of an antihero than a straight-up baddie he even tries his best to be a good friend to Peter taking him along to the pop-up with no name a bar patronized exclusively but I spider-man's rogues gallery when boomerang finds that he has a magical treasure map implanted in his memory by a mysterious old man he even teams up with spy I need to go on a mystical artifact treasure hunt it is a beautiful ongoing bromance that I am 100% onboard for one Galactus chickens out Fantastic Four now while he has played the role of supervillain many times Galactus was always intended to be sort of Beyond Good and Evil he doesn't expressly wish to harm any other living beings and he has no desire to rule over the world or the universe he just has a phenomenal appetite one that can only be sated by absorbing the elemental life force of an entire planet he's also as it turns out a massive chicken while the coming of Galactus is one of the most iconic storylines in all of Marvel history it's surprising to remember that it's only three issues long and yet it's known for being one of the Fantastic Four's most epic of victories but maybe it shouldn't be not to take away from the fact that they prevent doomsday but Marvel's first family do so thanks to a very risky Bluff and Galactus --is all-mighty cowardice after the human torch travels through infinity to retrieve the ultimate nullifier a weapon that could destroy an entire universe mr. fantastic simply shows it to the giant alien and basically says hey I'm gonna use this if you don't it's off not only does Galactus tough but he promises to never come back to earth again sometimes that's all it takes to defeat the devourer of worlds confidence a barefaced lie and a weapon you have absolutely no idea how to use and there you have it folks ten times supervillains quits feel free to drop this video a like if you enjoyed it and drop me a follow on Twitter at you sly dog you I'm will for what culture thanks for hanging out and I'll see you next time
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 1,696,431
Rating: 4.8984976 out of 5
Id: 2Ap4jC3QIzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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