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today is my daughter Mila's 6th birthday so for the next 100 hours we're going to say yes to everything she wishes for with the help of our best friends I got you and by the end of the day we'll see what her biggest request is okay mommy first thing I want to play hide and seek with all of my friends so we're at an abandoned school and we're about to play a game of Extreme Hide and Seek and the winner gets what's ever inside this mystery box right here and these contenders are some of the biggest YouTubers on the platform okay everybody grab a bag you guys have 90 seconds get out of okay okay we have to finding spot I don't know where to go where do we go where do we go ma come here mil follow me okay so right now I have my baby zi in a stroller it's very big so it's going to be hard find a hiding spot hey you can hide any anywhere around campus come on what about under the cabinets yes wait Dad let's go in the classroom I saw this place actually I'm in here um I'm a little scared inside of a science experiment okay okay okay okay oh my gosh this is amazing I think I found my spot this I'm under the roof right now 10 nine I've got a t [Music] this is disgusting I really hope this prize is good three 2 1 and now the game was On's who is in the bushes he's looking in the bushes this is the first place you checked into the woods bro I know they're in the room we try to get the harder ones first but little did NS know everyone was a step ahead there's absolutely no way he'll find me in here okay guys so now it's time to open bag number one thanks re going so whoever's got bag number one hi um I have bag number one I will open it right now tell me what's in it and if you're wondering what bag this is each person picked a random one in the beginning with an item inside making hiding much more difficult what is inside this bag I have a backpack and it's says wear these bells for the rest of the game Rebecca has to wear bells for the rest of the game which is bad if you want to move those are so loud that's not fair just toar the Bell no I can hear the bells I'm wearing the Bells but it doesn't matter cuz I'm still going to wait I hear you had a baby and she went to sleep Rebecca is down Rebecca is we at the best hiding spot it's just is Rebecca the only one out okay so we have one down seven more to go and NS had to find everyone because we have much more requests to go with Rebecca out mil and I wanted to find a new hiding spot okay get my shoes get our shoes let's go somewhere else okay come follow me oh my God be careful and after I found a hiding spot mil had other plans what the bathroom let's go to the bathroom and be fa so okay go run to the bathroom oh what's happening Mimi I need the bathroom oh okay we need a bathroom break I'm so sorry El I have a question do you want to stay with me so we can find them yay so now bag number two who has bag number two show up I'm not going to show you but I got it okay tell me what's in it are you kidding me it's an air tag an Apple Air tag is a device that tracks anyone who's holding on to it andos thank you so much for the water but um why is there an air tag in my backpack oh my goodness oh my goodness not great so his bag got the air tag we made an air tag that is called hide and seek searching for Signal come on come on come on go run where stay put it's telling me where to go I'm coming for you yeah this 5.7 M go ahead go ahead 4.6 M where are you oh come on man mat is down matt is down I actually threw the air tag over there no you oh my God you kidding me I love technology okay guys now we have two down whoever's got bag number three please let me know you're talented life mommy got number three God I hope what's in here is good oh my okay as so can you please tell us what does it say it says put on the sumo suit are you kidding me what is [Music] this a I'm going to wait to see you in that suit but for the rest of you I'm coming he's right there I can hear footsteps I can hear footsteps on the Roof oh who's here I see you oh my God I can see Hudson oh my God he's after Hudson he's after Hudson Sebastian is right there Sebastian look look look where he is look where he is I see you Sebastian it's just no no I no noit no I God this kid oh my God they're right there they're right over there hson is down no all I hear is an is panting but we have to hurry because there's much more to come all right I'll tell you my dad is what in that dumpster your dad you know actually I'm starting to get comfortable in here go get him it's actually the dumpster yeah get I got three Hudson is down they'll never find me and we're about to find Jordan and a dumpster no no no what how did who gave me up who told you son I give you why your son no told me I told you that smells bad look look you didn't tag me you didn't tag me he didn't tag me come quickly quickly quickly quickly oh my god let's go get him I'm out of here how old is [Music] he what happened how did you run he didn't get me I wanted ma to tag him not me he didn't tag me I've got to a good place to hide Jordan got away I repeat Jordan got away this is so scary then Jordan's quick feet led him to a new hiding spot I think these windows are tinted Jordan would be safe until Anis executes his master plan let's resort to the next one bag number four and now it was anak's turn I have to find a new hiding spot in high heels what am I going to do wearing these high heels so now all we have to do is just stand right here and we shall see her walk okay guys here we go I just got found look who's here look who's here look who's here look who's here what do I do oh my God go go let's go they're going that way I'm running no she's running away she's running away up [Music] here guys I'm running I need to find a way to get down wait wait wait we're giving away a lot of cool stuff all you have to do is subscribe to the channel and comment done and we will send you the gift wherever you are around the world oh my God he's right there okay just give up just give up never there we go I'm out she's out wow okay guys can you hear me yes or no I have a proposition the first two to get to the little grass area in the middle gets $500 I'm counting 10 just going to do it n pry good under this four no way three no it's not worth it two wait I changed my mind no one wants $500 there's no one look well I guess we have to look for the man that means the contestants are betting that the prize is better than $500 okay so we have five left bag number five six and seven open starting with bag number five now NS was trying to speed things up but salish's item was not what he expected has to read her card I want her to win guys I am so happy five is my lucky number I got the luckiest wi if another life saor got a double life okay bag number six what's in it okay bag number six says blow this air horn for 10 seconds okay oh my God Sebastian can you please do that here goes nothing mil mil we have to hear it 3 2 [Music] one [Music] Sebastian I swear Sebastian is somewhere here Sebastian's got to be on the group I just heard Hudson trying to give away my location again and Andis had to step it up because we had to complete all of Mila's requests struggling to find Sebastian Andis has to work smarter not harder so this is the office I have security camera something there I hope they let me in hello how you doing hi you mind if I use your security camera please by all means all access oh my God guys everyone and I mean it every single person has to switch their spot now oh no this is not okay so if you're in a room you have to leave the room if you're in a classroom you have to go to another classroom 3 2 1 you got 20 seconds with NIS watching every move there wasn't much time to find a hiding spot come on anyone moving yes okay guys soone trash can you open the door I wish the car let's just change cars let's change cars that counts right smart is anyone moving yeah where top bottom left who's that who's that who's that bottom left bottom left who's that it's Jordan's in my car Jordan's in my car Jordan's in my car in car sh go go go go okay I'll come back to you later you freak A tou I got her wow one down I should have took the $500 you should have taken the $500 who's not it's better than having nothing so I'm just chilling here laying down doing pretty good I have a nice view too where is keep running there he is there he is I got him I got [Music] him you were the hardest patch of the day what my son gave me up man why you give me up oh you're the hardest catcher of the whole day okay who's left two people are left Sebastian saish I'm saish that's it Sebastian I'm going to make you pay now that we've had people hide in trash cans rooftops cabinets and cars we were down to our final two hiding I have a final solution okay guys here's the deal we're all tired specifically NS now run whoever touches my H first wins the gift we're in the green we're in the middle of the green whoever comes first wins oh my God oh my God oh my okay mommy the next thing when when I wake up tomorrow I won 50 of my favorite princesses and the day will start with one princess her favorite has no idea you're here she's sleeping look who's here oh my God an I told you Daddy I told you Anna's here a happy birthday Ma happy birthday happy birthday since today is your birthday I'm going to transform you a princess just like me which dress should be picking I want this one oh it's so pretty which Elsa and at the end of the day we're going to surprise Milo with 50 princesses my oh my God you look so cute you're such a princess I we're driving to my party and so we arrived to our first destination so now there's going to be two more princesses that are going to surprise MAA oh boy this is going to be embarrassing we're barely starting and we had to hurry for what's coming later which other princesses do you like Elsa too ooh Elsa huh where's Elsa well I don't know my birthday happy birthday to you it happy birthday that perfect girl w y are you having a good day so far yeah how many princesses do you want three you want five oh my God look at Mimi hi bab okay next stop is going to be the candy store we're going to have two more princesses from ma Mimi who's [Music] this say hi now you can pick any candy you want and give it to people with the princesses okay I I'll help my gummy bear I'll get one for me and one for you okay to be honest this is getting cuter by the minute and the best thing is we're all getting embarrassed together oh honey this is only five princesses can you imagine how is it going to look like when there's 50 and now mil's going to spread happiness in the form of candy you guys want some candy want the birthday girl do you guys want some candy from the birthday girl [Music] so and everyone loved it so now we're going to go from 5 to 10 princesses are you ready yeah okay how many princesses do you want to see now oh those princess now Mimi how many princesses do we have now 10 so now we're going to go to Pacific Park are you guys ready this is going to be insane everyone's staring at man my God I'm M of princesses this is insane oh my God look at oh my God all 10 princesses are here on the ride look at this wow are you having fun happy birthday Ma happy birthday Ma thank you Dad bye oh my God okay Mimi is this fun yeah oh she said that was the best birthday ever really yeah that's the best birthday ever I'm winning let's see how this is going to go when she sees the 50 now that NS has surprised mil with not only one three five and 10 princesses okay me now we're going to have the big surprise for you are you ready Mila yeah are you ready are we ready all the princesses are here do you see this do you see [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay let's start the parade are you guys ready are you guys ready oh my God okay it's going to get [Applause] ugly we're getting kicked out [Applause] we still had way more crazy things to go okay Mimi you have 50 hours left okayy Mommy now I want to go to the best bee park in the world now it's time to show you what $10,000 gets you at this and then we got this one ofone Mickey Mouse suite for $5,900 a night I'm excited Daddy Let's get the SP started with this so I want to show you guys what $5,900 get you here at this Mickey Mouse pen house I'm going to do the tour okay M's going to do the tour so this is the kitchen okay so this is the kitchen and this is a door and this is the Mickey Mouse phone hello hello H where is he you better answer for $5,900 that's all I'm saying plus a 400t living room look at the Mickey Mouse logo up there this is a huge suite and it also comes with a fully Decked Out Mickey Mouse bedroom dude look how nice this room is and the craziest thing is the bathroom check this out oh wow this whole room is Mickey Mouse inspired look at this even have the Mickey Mouse walls in the shower and daddy look there's a Mickey Mouse hold the tell dude there's a Mickey Mouse thing this is crazy in addition to the Mickey Mouse themed master bedroom an access to a private pool I don't know if this is worth 5,000 for one day and if you guys are wondering if the Disneyland tickets come with this room they actually don't so we have to buy those separately isn't that crazy that's crazy $5,900 that's almost 6 grand and you don't get Disney tickets and before showing you what a $10,000 VIP ticket gets you we change the kids into these outfits oh wow where's Spider-Man ik here right here look who became Elsa princess but coming later is insane and this is what a VIP experience at Disneyland gets you you can skip all the lines oh my gosh I'm scared why are you scared I'm scared that I'm going to get wet you get access to exclusive gourmet restaurants but you still have to pay for it mil Moment of Truth tell me what you think of the food try it is it good yeah this is hard I try I thought like with $10,000 you get to driving a golf car with Mickey around Disneyland but we're just eating regular pasta my plate is actually I think it's good honey how much do you think it's going to cost for all of us I think it's going to come up to like $300 $300 thank you so much appreciate it thank you okay Moment of Truth how much two three how much how much $200 $198 okay listen listen listen that's not bad that's actually not bad I thought it was going to be 300 and finally the real reason why people get VIP exclusive tickets to Disneyland is to get the best viewing spots for the fireworks dude we're literally right in front of the castle that's crazy look where we are and then the castle is right here we're going to cry going to cry we're so excited why are we why are we going to cry why cuz mil it's so emotional yeah these are like Memories We will never forget them kids don't cry from emotion things and I don't because we're kids and kids don't do that yeah not I cry this is the best in my life a we watch the most magical fireworks show [Music] ever I could feel it in my bones there was something going on that checked out oh my I'm just fine I'm going to shine I'm all [Music] right I'm [Music] celebrating my Liberation oh wow a woo what you think and that's what $10,000 gives you at Disneyland and we had to hurry for what's coming later now Mommy I want to spend my whole day in my favorite color pink so first step is an outfit change let's go let's go let's go let's go oh my [Music] goodness W look at our outfit all the way to the look at Mei you know what we forgot we forgot the shoes I have a plan for that this is for me this is for you this is for mommy ready Mimi and we all spray painted our shoes until they were all paint and they came out very pink wow do you like the I like all of them and so we started to put on our new shoes look how pink it is oh my god look and things are only going to get much crazier and it was time for our next pink item Mimi come this is your car look at this that's the car we what we can't even fit in here yeah we can that's for all of us to sit in too little we made a bigger T wow oh my goodness you your pink car oh my God she's so happy this is your [Music] what do you know what car is this that's the ace family car thank you Ace family okay so now we're on our way to a place that's literally all pink Cam are you excited yeah what's upah you like it and just like that we've arrived and we finally got to the paulsmith building which was completely covered in pink and it was one of LA's biggest tourist attractions look maybe how big so the reason we came here is so that we could take a pink picture for memories with this pink Polaroid camera okay look here cheese cheese so that was destination number one and now it's only going to get Pinker from here that was embarrassing we had no idea that was going to be that bad everyone was staring at us like we're psychos we're literally a laughing stock right now look at us and mil can't wait for what's coming soon ma are you hungry yeah I'm hungry and now that mil was hungry we've decided to take her to a pink restaurant okay we're going now Mimi yay yay and when we arrived it was even more pink than we had thought very eye-catching to say the least and now we're at the pinkest restaurant in Los Angeles look at this [Music] place these are regular McDonald's nuggets but these are pink McNuggets are you ready okay you can try it you like it that's insane wow pink fries pink fries and if you're wondering what this is are you ready yeah pink right pink right this is pink mac and cheese oh my goodness M it tastes so good too and we had to hurry because Mila's birthday list was only getting crazier we're going to be staying in the pinkest house in all of LA are you excited are you ready yeah let's go J at this I am very is speechless and the only word to describe this house is it's pink oh my God are you ready yeah let's go inside oh my good we literally found the pinkest house in the world Daddy Daddy they have cupcakes and donuts and drinks oh my God they also have a pink a pink and all that and I didn't even show you the bedroom I have a pink bed what are you doing a pink fan why do they have a pink telephone Bo so now we have to live here yeah yeah look at this what K I'm a cowboy now I wanted to transform me and Noah's room and make it so pretty the problem is my husband thinks that he knows how to design their room better than I can their own mother so to settle this I'm going to be designing my daughter's dream bedroom while my husband designs our sons and at the end of the day after surprising our kids with their dream bedrooms we're going to have our friend Salish come and judge which design is actually better mine or my husband honey I promise you mine is going to be way better H I've seen your style and it sucks first we had to interview the kids to see how they'd like their bedrooms okay okay okay are you ready yes okay mil so I'm going to be decorating your whole room and I'm I want to know what do you want your room to look like I like like a bunk F I want my monk bed to be right over here here oh I want it to be like elant pink would you say pink is your favorite color yes this is going to be really tough when I do it with Noah he's not going to be able to tell me anything so what do you think about a desk like maybe we should put it right over here you know it would be really cool a gumball machine in your room yeah okay thank you for the interview and I promise you you're going to love you okay now it's time for Noah's interview are you ready are ready we're ready okay Noah you can come [Music] now hello okay sit down Noah so I'm going to be making your room today okay okay what do you want in your room ducky what do you want ducky ducky yeah okay I'll get you duckies what what else Spiderman Spiderman okay it's very specific wow that was fast okay what else p a ball pit yeah okay where do you want to put it right here right here yeah okay right here ball pit what what's the color of the room what color blue blue light or dark light blue light blue light blue okay we're going with the light blue do you think I should have a lot of pink in this room no why because only blue why only blue because it's pretty I'm trying to win here the judge is going to come at the end of the day and they're going to pick which room is better so I have to win Noah are you good yeah so are are girls allowed to come to your room or no no not even me no only boys only dad well then you can't come to Mila's room and her room is going to have a gumball machine I come [Music] you I think I have more than enough to plan his room I promise you at the end of the day the judge will take my room okay so we're here at Ikea and we each have 1 hour to complete each room are you ready honey are you ready I'm just born ready okay three 2 one go go go go go let's go let's go let's go let's go come on you know we only have 1 hour what y so are you worried what she's going to do to your room yeah don't worry go here he doesn't even know what he's doing it's so funny this is perfect we get two so look you see the bed that I want for him looks like this look and then the bed is right here it's almost like a tent you know what I mean and I think we should have like something on the wall you see for all his books we put it here I think we should have a little table for him and we also need to get him something like that looks like Spider-Man bro bro I don't know how to draw Spider-Man so I'm trying to do like wallpaper I'm thinking things like n's mind is going to be blown so the Mr YouTuber is going to end up really picking my room because I'm really strategizing here and after we both fully decked out the kids' [Music] bedrooms I don't want to show you guys everything me and Mila got but they're nice right Mimi yeah they're super nice they're super nice honey I'm so confident my room guys it's going to blow you guys away okay we'll see so we're going to go pick up all the things from downstairs and then head home but with a judge on the line we had to step step things up wait I'm going to trip so we just got here from Ikea is here yo Ronan is also here hi Ronan and Alan asal's brother is right there we got the things all upstairs and all that's left now is to put everything together okay so one thing our friends did while we were in Ikea is they actually put up the wallpaper look at this room guys tell me I wasn't on point God okay this is really really nice okay I love it and while the kids waited in a different room mil you can't go look at your room and Noah you can't see the room cuz it's going to be a surprise okay okay you can open your eyes we're not there yet and then both teams started to go at it nice okay okay oh this actually [Music] heavy oh oh oh this F this felt this [Music] okay guys so we're showing you way too much I don't want you guys to see it right now I want you to see the finale is going to be blown away this room is going to look so nice she's going to go crazy when she sees what's in here I got actually something like you won't believe it let's see honey let's see okay Ronan we better get working but after interviewing the kids using our imagination to design the rooms and fully building the bedrooms it was time for the Moment of Truth after 177 hours of assembling now it's time for the Moment of Truth Mimi and Noah will be seeing the rooms for the first time are you guys excited okay Noah are you ready close your eyes now close your eyes close your eyes gent genten okay come on come on come on come on keep your eyes closed okay are you ready yeah one one 2 [Music] 3 and this is his room oh my God hey know what did you see your bed yeah did you see how I got you exactly what you wanted I got per yeah look look look what I got you finally do you like what is this no oh honey look what I put in the walls wow beautiful stuff look at the bean bag let me see come on it's amazing Noah did you see the table Yeah that's what we're going to be studying and look what I also got you look this is Noah's ar oh yeah yeah honestly honeyy I'm pretty impressed like now that that I'm looking at the details it's really nice for those who don't know this is Noah's first actual bedroom he's transitioned from a crib to a bed now a real big which is insane I wanted it to look like a home so he could feel safe at night and he actually sleeps hey Noah are you going to sleep in your own bed or you going to sleep with Mommy and Daddy I got in my bed in your bed hey a did you say thank you Daddy from my beautiful room than you Daddy through my room oh this is nice and everything but I still think my room is going to win so Salish is going to end up picking my room okay guys so you just saw this room let us know in the comments below what would you rate this room okay on to mine okay Mimi are you ready okay momm just going to close my eyes okay all right Mimi are you ready I'm so excited for you to see your room okay Mimi before you see your room what do you think it's going to look like I don't know do you think it's going to be better than Noah or worse I think mine's going to be better better okay are you ready Noah open the room for Me 2 3 oh [Music] my so this is the room look at her oh wow dude you did a good job job wow look at this bunk man unicorn see I listened to everything you said did you notice anything else that I got you in the room what everything she said I wrote down and I made sure it was in this room oh my god do you see the and it's free you don't even need 25 cents look what she got Mimi come check this what Mommy got you look at this it's a surprise oh my God oh my God Daddy this is amazing okay there's one more surprise but I got to close the lights okay are you ready stay facing this way don't look one two [Music] 3 look what she has for her and then it was time for Salish to come judge and see which room was better hi welcome to the anzala house it looks so pretty you like it wait till you see the room okay this is the moment I'm so excited more excited she actually has no clue who made Witch Room like literally she doesn't know who did Witch Room so she going to go on this side okay so you're going to start with Noah's room Noah is it over here right there this one yeah feel free to walk in Honey leave her alone don't sway her okay okay wo this is so cool I have ball pit you have a ball pit that's so cool and then she assessed Noah's room these are really pretty I like those except they don't really I don't know if they really match I mean not trying to be rude so that kind of looks like a mistake and after Salish assessed the last room wao this is so cool all right moment of truth okay okay no hard feelings okay no I have no idea who designer wait but was it hard for you to choose kind of ready drum roll please the room is me and the craziest requests are yet to come 24 hours left now we want the biggest water park in our backyard okay so you guys will stay here with Alan while we go down and prepare the surprise and then we'll surprise you and it's fully done you guys ready we want to show you the progress that we've made so far it's actually great hello hey guys are you ready to throw the biggest party [Applause] ever and these are our friends who will help us set up the party now it's time to start setting up the $5,000 worth of party supplies that NSB look so we have these here we have the water blasters look up all these things here we're going to have like 40 50 people coming in we have all these balls are you getting a cleaning crew at the end of the day so about that my you actually got a con candy machine so what do we have here all the water park stuff with the addition of a 700g dunk a personalized popcorn machine and a 35 ft water St honey one last thing what's that so we have gift bag for every single person that's going to come to the party what yes babe look what's in what's in there there's food there's St boys and honey we going to have all these no don't don't drop them no are you crazy look at the beauty look at this this is not pretty this is this is insanely amazing this looks messy but right off the bat things weren't looking too great okay guys so they just came to me with a problem oh God I knew this was not going to go well what's going on okay so apparently this is not going through how tight is this dude it's not going to fit this supposed to be the biggest thing today this doesn't go in I will lose the vote what do you have a screwdriver if we take the door off we'll be able to fit the slide through where's the toolbox dude we have a problem where is it what are you doing where's the toolbx we have to take down the whole back door wait what do you mean you're going to remove the gate to remove the gate or the big you know the big water slide is not working I came with help Carter so is that what you're looking for yeah we need this okay shouldn't a profession professional do this we are professionals okay here we go I got this yeah wrong screw what are you talking about oh I'm not supposed to take this you just you go do your thing you go set up for the party let me take that's what friends are for but after a grueling 30 minutes work let's go so it worked guys dude this is going to be so big it's actually crazy oh oh my God so this is going to be the biggest slide ever it's going to go so high up I don't want to ruin it for you guys so we're going to get everything ready and come back soon for the reveal we're going to get the kids down then in 2 hours every single neighbor is going to be in this house but I really can't wait for mil's reaction and after everything was done it was time to reveal the water park to the kids hey guys hi finally everybody hold my hand close your eyes eyes Okay close your eyes Noah show me your eyes closed okay yep his eyes are closed slowly they're going to be shocked I'll Hold You Close Your Eyes okay close your eyes you cheater this is so funny oh my God this is crazy when I say 1 2 3 you open okay are you guys ready okay three 2 1 [Music] a oh my Noah are you okay do you want to see what I got you so outside we have the world's largest backyard water park this is the highest 35 ft up and look at the view from here this is crazy oh my God honey isn't that crazy I want to see you guys go down okay we're coming okay Daddy and Noah coming down are you [Music] ready from that look at the pool we have here yeah you can and after all of Mila's friends showed up for the party [Music] W so look what I have here o cold water it's my time go time show time get on your [Music] feet but we still had some really crazy requests now I want you to make me a surprise party with all my favorite YouTubers so now you have to stay with daddy so I can surprise you at the end of the day okay so now I'm at Target and to help find Mila's perfect gift I got her best friend Sal I know mil the best okay so come here let okay let's go okay wait I think I found the perfect gift where a phone I mean it's like about time she's getting pretty old yeah know a phone she's only five I know but she could like text me I mean like I just feel like a phone like it's too much screen time and so you're going to be like a boring parent I want something like educational to get her mind going like Roblox or what is it called I think her mind is going on a phone like this look Roblox Minecraft no no no yeah all the kids like that yeah all the kids are like 17 come on we can find something else come on okay but sish we have to be quick because I still have to set up the birthday party I still have to get the cake I still have to get everything organized don't think okay ooh maybe like a bike a bike o i are you sure she's look have a Frozen bike she loves Elsa and an and it has training wheels I really think this is a good gift just don't you think it's kind of dangerous no she would impress all of her friends look as training wheels because I know you're like a little over protective she has been wanting a bike for so long I just so is that a yes three two I'm going to trust you but yeah here you go I have to go to gymnastics and I'll meet you at the party in like a couple hours bye okay now I got to go bake the cake and then put the whole party okay guys so I just arrived to mil's favorite YouTuber house Mila looks up to her so much and it's Rebecca Z I am so excited to be here show you this is the cake we're going to try to oh my gosh that looks delicious it's a little little complex no I mean all you have to do is like throw on some candy and okay make it I already baked the cake and now we have to stack it and decorate it okay but I seriously only have an hour before I meet the party planner here we go okay all right like what's this white icing okay maybe this is like what you stick it to to stack it oh is it sticky It's Like Glue B it girls SP it yeah maybe like right this kind of looks off no I think it's fine are you sure you just have to add more frosting here and then it evens it out I literally have less than an hour so we got to get going okay well we still have more layers here here stack and this is the last layer uh it looks like it's going to fall no are you sure just stop don't maybe don't spin it as much you know how happy mil's going to be when she knows that you did this cake with me I I hope she's going to be over the moon wait Rebecca let's taste test it what do you think good it look it's good a little hard what's that temperature that it's supposed to be at usually 350 for like 20 minutes though how long did you put it in four I didn't think anything could bake under 30 the vibe of Candyland is like a ton of Colors oh yeah oh that's good this matches my outfit too it really does this cake candy Landy it's kind of going good wait but the photo has way more blue I think we need more blue blue oh look at that look at that okay now it's actually looking a bit closer to the picture let's just add sprinkles and candy and all the stuff you I got you no Rebecca your floors let me get the um yeah the the how do you open this Rebecca I can't do it it's okay they don't mind the wrapper it looks new actually maybe we should add more candy with the wrappers on okay come on we got to go a little quicker because I got to meet with my party planner in literally 10 minutes no no no I'm just adding the cookies if that side is like empty oh my God M's going to love this no no oh stop no I had 10 minutes I was justan it I knew I should not have spin it it's okay okay it's okay oh there yeah yeah that looks better it's good it's good I think I'll just pick up a cake on my way there that might be a good idea I still love you tell Mila happy birthday I'll send her a video it's okay it's the thought that counts so now we're at the final level setting up for Mila's birthday party and I have my event planner sha she's from soal planning but I also got all of Mila's friends okay girls we have the balloon area we have desserts and we have the bounce house so four of you over there four of you over there and four of you over there let's go let's go let's go get the balls get the balls H hurry time so we need to make more progress this is taking too long okay let's go make balloons okay go go go oh my God okay okay we got this come on ne's going to be here any minute guys let's go put it this side over here here come on come on we're really late here's good everybody stop oh we're good we're good Teamwork Makes the Dream work here we are wow but after a full hour of setting up with the help M's [Music] friends finally everything came together and I want to give you guys a rundown of everything oh and we have 5 minutes before NS gets here so we got to be quick so let's go okay so this is little artist party and they're doing cupcake decorations because cupcakes are M's favorite and then after that they're going to be doing slime cuz of course we can't without slime okay and then here we have the the best pizza in La it's a wood fire oven so the pizza fresh and here we have Moonlight mocktails these are going to be the kids favorite drinks because they have all sorts of cool exotic drinks like cotton candy look at this with the addition of a custom ball pit a full-on bounce house and a photo booth Zone and they should be pulling in any second now everybody let's get started come [Applause] on hey MAA what are you excited yeah okay you stop cuz you have to put your blindfold first okay okay here we go can you see now I can't see anything are you sure yeah but the part's right here it's right there okay okay I see him he's pulling up he's pulling up are you ready Mila yeah I'm about to take off my seat belt I can hear my brother I can hear no one I know can you promise you're not seeing anything I can't see anything I can over hear are you ready yes I can feel the grass what can you hear I can feel the grass and I can hear my brother are you ready are you ready 3 2 [Applause] one happy birthday happy birthday you're so beautiful honey wow I see you did a really good job birthday [Music] dear Happy Birthday to [Applause] you good morning Mimi good morning what do we do the next day after your birthday open our gift yeah yay hey Mimi so at the end of the day there's going to be two big gifts one of them is from Mommy and the other one's from your best friend Sailors you have to pick which one is better who do you think is going to have a better gift uh I don't know let's go let's go let's go so all the gifts are downstairs wait wait let me show you oh la wow are you ready Mila hold mommy's hand okay here we go look at this okay M are you ready okay 3 2 1 go that's a lot of gifts I know cuz everyone loves you me before we open them say thank you everyone for all the gifts you got me and add a gift youup yay oh my goodness okay so these two begin gifts I'm going to put them aside because these are the gifts from me and Salish and I want to keep it last okay so we keep them till the end mil who do you think is going to be better mommy or salish's I don't know okay Mimi now you can pick any gift you want from here I'm going to open this you want to open this one okay wait there's a card on here so it says from Auntie Sarah which is my sister to my Hello Kitty M okay come on let's open it all of us open open open open open rip rip it rip it thank you oh wow what's in it okay here ready open oh wow this can be for my school day Hello Kitty scissors I always been telling s that I want new school surprise look at this h a Sarah thank you SAR so much I love you I love you thank you Sarah we all love you hey honey do you think yours going to be better than that yes do you think sish is going to be better than that M do you know what Salish got you I don't know okay next okay don't choose this one for me okay let's see no way choc wo that's huge I eat this is a whole oh my God okay well oh my God okay I can't okay no Mimi no no no no no okay well they ate it okay we can't we didn't even have breakfast yet so good put okay I'm going to go with this one no not this now later okay so it says happy birthday Ma from anise oh anise from The Rock Squad an got her a poppet look you want to open it yeah oh I found another puet wait yes oh now I'm going to have four puppets and now I have another draw oh my goodness thank you so much anise look at this you know what is it it's a bath B smell delicious wow it's a bath bom from Lush smell even the bag if you know MAA you know how much she loves bath bom oh Noah's opening another one slime oh my gosh big slime just what I wanted I have idea how about you give this to Noah because he's your brother and you love him Noah here this one's for you Noah you're so cute I love you come here give give that a big hug come here I'm so proud of you oh my God okay ready no okay here we go a cotton It's a cotton candy machine oh you make your you can make your own that's so cool wow this is actually I want to make one today yeah oh my God all this excitement and you didn't even see salish's gift it's going to be so cool no mine's better okay one more gift okay says love Pa thank you Pa thank you PA oh my God there's a lot more oh my goodness thank you so much guys this is incredible okay so I have an idea how about we open the big ones now oh okay okay it's the Moment of Truth okay MIM so one of them is from Mommy the others from your best friend Salish and you will have to decide which one is better okay come come come come you can't see Mommy okay close your eyes for a second Mommy's going to tell us which one's salish's or which one's yours so this one is salish's gift and this one is mine and I want mil to choose which one she wants to open first come here which one do you want to open first this gift or this gift this one this one okay this is okay go open it oh my God I love this B I always been wanted it baby mommy we can't Rite it you could ride it soon but we still have to assemble it and I got to make sure you have the training wheels on okay okay Mimi okay don't ride it without the training wheel she's so excited she's like speechless Mommy Mommy I'm open that again okay here it is okay gift number two okay this are you excited Mimi yeah are you [Music] ready it's a kitchen look at this so MAA has been asking for a kitchen for way too long ma do you like it yeah okay MAA okay come sit here now sit between them okay so mommy thinks that you're going to like hers more I think you might like saes more but you don't know which one's which right it's too hard to decide I don't know you don't know what I'll have to go with saish but which one is Salish the bike how' you know how' you no she's Mimi how do you know that s got the bike because I always ask Mommy for the kitchen she's so small honey it's okay she's been wanting the bike for how long and we've been saying no you're too young blah blah blah as long as she's happy it doesn't matter a Happy Birthday Mimi I love you oh yeah but now I want some coton candy okay love you family and we'll see you in the next video than you so much bye by
Channel: The Anazala Family
Views: 2,810,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Saying yes, saying yes to my daughter, i said yes, saying yes for 100 hours, i said yes to my daughter, control life, daughter controls life, Jordan Matter, Salish Matter, salish, jordan, anazala, anazala family, daughter, my daughter, family, Brent Rivera, lexi rivera, Challenge, patience, Anazala vlogs, the anazala family, royalty family, Ace Family, mila, reaction, emotional, challanges, 50 hours, hide & seek, last to leave
Id: jezWWWb0Aa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 2sec (3482 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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