10 Recent MICROTRANSACTIONS Nobody Asked For

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2020 was a year in video games so like any year there's gonna be micro transactions in some games that really piss some players off so today we're gonna talk about 10 or so of the biggest ones starting off at number 10 let's talk assassin's creed valhalla ubisoft snuck in experience boosters a month after launch this really kind of started and made a much bigger splash with assassin's creed odyssey because these games can be a bit grindy some players think they are grindi some players not so much but don't worry because ubisoft will sell you a 50 xp boost for 10 bucks so if you think about it if you want to see the game quicker the game's really 70 dollars instead of 60 dollars if you just don't want to feel bottlenecked by playing or something like that there was a raging debate when it happened with assassin's creed odyssey because it launched with it and the game was incredibly long some people argued that people who don't have much time to play the game can pay a little extra to experience it all but then other people would argue hey you shouldn't have to pay extra to experience it that's weird but the interesting thing is that with assassin's creed valhalla the game didn't launch with a booster it wasn't until a month later that ubisoft then felt comfortable i guess to then put it into the game and avoid the backlash that odyssey had because it didn't really seem like there was much this time but it's still a thing the fact that they would put them in the game after launch is essentially to avoid people like us like game ranks talking smack on those microtransactions in a review or first impressions video activision has done this in the past with a certain crash bandicoot game to kind of get around the criticisms in the review they would then update it post launch a little while later to then add those micro transactions and get that extra cash and that's a bummer fortunately on this case according to a lot of the player base the progression in valhalla doesn't feel as bottlenecked and some people think that the boost just is really not necessary anyway this isn't the worst offense but considering it did make a big splash and cause a bit more of an issue and debate with assassin's creed honestly we figured we'd mention it here now next over at number nine let's talk about marvel's avengers game now we will say that the main campaign the story campaign was fairly good and kind of enjoyable which kind of makes us think that this game was supposed to be a single player game that then ended up being turned into a destiny like games as a service thing for more profit or whatever and it's a shame too because like that loot and that grind unlike some games as a service it's just not fun here anyway fortunately microtransactions don't influence the progression they're all cosmetic only here but there's a lot of them and they're quite expensive so a legendary skin will cost you around 1500 points but the worst defenders are the emotes that cost a thousand points or 10 bucks for an emote that's crazy i know multiplayer games like to charge higher prices for stuff fortnite skins can kind of come at a premium but still this is kind of whack especially because we want to point out that people really didn't appreciate like the numerous exclusive skins for brands that didn't even have anything to do with the avengers or gaming like you could get like a virgin media or a verizon skin for your favorite heroes that stuff can we just can we just not do that anymore please when they put spider-man in the game i really don't want to see him like wearing a home depot t-shirt or instead of his classic blue and red it's like red and yellow mcdonald's colors anyway moving on over to number eight let's talk fifa 21 and all that fifa ultimate team is ea's ultimate money maker with the team packs and all that stuff this not only includes fifa 21 but 19 20. all the fifa's have this stuff just last year fifa 20 generated almost a billion dollars in micro transactions that's a 27 increase over the previous year and that [ __ ] was already insane and that it accounted for almost like 30 percent of all of ea's revenue fifa is a beast and a massive moneymaker and it totally explains why ea is willing to go to court in europe to fight against these things because it's like their main bread and butter honestly with what ea has done with microtransactions in games has moved mountains and we've seen all kinds of things we've seen the belgium case we've seen a lawsuit in france we've seen the uk making arguments and with fifa 21 and ultimate team and all that it just kept going and we want to point it out a lot of people are hooked on that stuff and they will throw extra money at the game we're not going to tell you how to spend your money if that's ultimately how you have fun fine but for a lot of players we don't want to see this stuff now next over at number seven let's talk about gentian impact's gotcha system first of all gentian impact is a free-to-play game it is actually pretty awesome it surprisingly it kind of flew under our radar we haven't talked about it enough but again it is a free-to-play game so you kind of know what you're getting into it's really impressive it feels almost more like a console game but then once you start diving into the systems and stuff it feels kind of blatantly like a mobile game there are a lot of currencies with confusing names gotcha mechanics like loot boxes and other randomized prices with very low rates to get something good you almost kind of need a guide to kind of just figure everything out and really know what's going on it's like made to be intentionally confusing almost like they want to trick you into feeling like you really need to spend some money the engine impact is still positively received by a lot of people because it's not the biggest problem especially in the beginning of the game you really aren't going to feel the need for any of these micro transactions but the game has become a bit notorious for like as time passes and you progress more and more you can feel the pressure for better characters and stuff like that so again it's a free-to-play technically mobile game you kind of knew what you were getting yourself into but there is still a special game in there but still it's got some stuff we didn't like next over at number six we have a situation very similar to the whole fifa ultimate team thing it's nba 2k 2021. now we want to point out some specific issues with the pc version at launch this version seemingly got the most hate for a variety of different issues and some availability issues and just the actual content itself and whether or not it was really even the next gen version it was a lot it was a mess but generally overall the nba 2k games for the past few years have been perceived as just having way too many micro transactions some stuff that at least could be perceived by some players as pay to win and generally it's already an expensive game it's a full price 60 game 2k wants to push 70 for this game next gen and to have all that monetization stuff and to continue to have that is pretty offensive for lack of a better word and yet they've been coming out year after year with similar stuff maybe because a lot of the audience for this type of game is so mainstream that they don't really care about that stuff or pay attention or go online and complain about it but hey it's just a shame to us for even like to talk about this stuff because there was a time not too long ago but basketball games are pretty kick-ass they don't need all this extra bs around it next at number five let's talk destiny 2 and the eververse store in 2022 it's important to note that some people here at game ranks are die hard destiny fans so emotions are kind of all over the place but like so destiny's storefront the eververse is something that players haven't been too happy with for a bit now the eververse was always kind of weird as in really any digital store that sells microtransactions for a while it was something that could kind of go ignored but now it's kind of hard to ignore because it sells a lot of stuff and a lot of that stuff frankly is really cool you can find a ton of stuff in there gun ornaments ghost shells armor sparrow ships it all costs real money some of that stuff though you can get with in-game currency called bright dust of course but some stuff like the new weapon ornaments you can only get with silver the paid currency every week there's a part of the store that changes with stuff you can get with bright dust but the cooler stuff always is going to cost real money and that cool stuff is usually way cooler than the stuff you can earn in game which is a problem each season there's a new set of eververse armor and 9 out of 10 times it's way cooler than the battle pass armor and the new season armor this is unfortunate and it's just something a lot of games do now locking the coolest [ __ ] behind a paywall and with destiny finally adding transmog it makes this an even bigger problem because now every versus insult is armor with stats but as ornaments that you can slap on any piece of armor yes we know that bungie self-publishes now and they could technically probably use the extra money since they're not backed by a major corporation and we're also throwing developers a couple bucks here and there but like we think that the game itself should offer a good amount of cool cosmetics fairly not just the eververse store now over at number four changing gears for a second literally um this one isn't technically necessarily video games but we thought it was kind of funny to mention essentially bmw has went full on micro transaction mode in a way and it's almost like they learned from the video game industry now i want to point out tesla kind of brought this forward to the forefront where you could buy the autopilot software later on as an upgrade right on your interface but bmw's newest software interface with its newest cars is designed to be continuously updated substantially to like add drastic big new features to the car and auto tech people and analysts are predicting that bmw will be planning to charge for access to some of these features it's worth noting that the verge points out that bmw used to charge you for access to apple carplay which is literally just you using your smartphone integration with your car so yeah we just wanted to point it out it was kind of funny this stuff is everywhere it's not just video games now down to number three uh this one's kind of tricky microsoft flight simulator 2020. there are tons of in-game purchases but some of them are user created some of them are developer sided and the game was launched with kind of staggered different versions where you could pay more for a better version of the game that just comes with more stuff but we will say that the base game does launch with tons of aircraft obviously you can fly around the whole world but if you want upgraded airports and cooler planes and certain types of things the game's gonna want you to pay up now this is a game with not really any progression or anything like that it's truly just simulator so it's kind of like you buy into what you want and if you're really hardcore you buy more you're not paying to win anything so to speak so it's not the most offensive thing but if you are new to this you might be kind of blown away when you look about how it works on paper it's up for debate maybe you could be satisfied with the base game we were you know because actually we just want to say that the game itself is really cool now down to number two let's talk pokemon go it always had micro transactions but everyone always seemed pretty okay with them i mean it's a mobile game and they weren't different from many other mobile games but once they brought the mega evolutions into play things got a little weird mega evolutions work the same way they do in the mainline games you know it overpowers your pokemon temporarily and they'll eventually then go back to normal the only thing is that in go it costs mega energy which is only obtainable through raids as well as a one-time quest line and if you play pokemon go you know your raid passes aren't free you get one free raid a day and then it costs one dollar each time and each mega evolution lasts four hours so if you want to consistently mess around with the mega evolution pokemon you're gonna be dropping some money pretty consistently now what sucks most for hardcore pokemon go players out there is that there are temporary rewards attached to this and of course the most hardcore player is gonna want access to those rewards now hopefully niantic changes this up a little bit is able to make it a bit more player friendly i'd say the player base deserves it the hardcore pokemon go people have stuck around for a long time and frankly if you ask me they should get whatever they want and shouldn't be restricted by anything that one isn't so bad but number one this one's crazy uh this is super quick but it's super ridiculous if you want to change the color of your hair in dead or alive 6 like your fighter you have to pay real life money you heard me right real life money to do something that every other game has been letting you do for free since character creation and customization was created dead or alive 6 uses a premium ticket system with each ticket costing a dollar changing the color of your hair costs one ticket meaning it costs a dollar come on man if you're bored of your hair you want to change it pay up yes it's a dollar it's only a dollar but still that could get you a lot of other more valuable things like food especially like if you realize a few hours later you still don't like the color and you want to try another one that's another dollar and this doesn't even unlock the color like you can't switch to that color as many times as you want it's per use which is unreal i can't believe i'm even saying this if you want to switch back to the default color it costs 10 000 in-game currency so if you thought horse armor was absurd back with elder scrolls oblivion you haven't seen anything yet it's only getting crazier but these are some of the big micro transactions from 2020 that bothered people for various reasons air amount 2020 is over so just kind of air out your complaints and grievances in the comments down below now if you enjoyed this video clicking the like button is the best way you can help us out and if you're new consider subscribing maybe hit that notification bell because we put out videos every single day but as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
Channel: gameranx
Views: 375,692
Rating: 4.923151 out of 5
Keywords: microtransactions video games, worst microtransactions video games, assassin's cree valhalla microtransactions, in-game items, in-game mechanics, cosmetic microtransactions, bad in-game items for sale, waste money in video games, video game culture, gamers buying in-game items, gameranx, jake baldino
Id: aXVKfkc1bHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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