When Stars Destroy Their Own Careers

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how often are you in line for the Snow White ride I'm a narcissist watching the rise and fall of a career is a fascinating experience especially if it's one of a Hollywood star it happens over and over again for any number of reasons a celebrity star might come crashing to Earth and rest assured as many people who are there to cheer them on during their rise there will be twice as many there for the fall a life of luxury and riches captured our soal mind decades ago and never let go the Allure of Fame and Fortune is a pervasive force in American culture and by and large Western Society it has changed over time 50 years ago people may have been more inclined to say they wanted to be a movie star now with the world becoming more invasive less people want to become actors but that doesn't mean people don't desire to be famous a recent poll found that 54% of gen Z said they'd like to become an influencer or content creator and 86% expressed interest in earning money through content Creation with fewer people Desiring the Hollywood Lights with each generation it's probably fair to wonder if those who are in the business of making movies right now might be the most narcissistic crop of actors yet what other kind of person would actively seek out a career where exposing every moment of your entire life for attention is the norm in modern times most people are aware that anything they say online is recorded and therefore open to scrutiny and social clout is Paramount whether it's an individual celebrity or the studio in corporations paying their wages if a corporation thinks something an actor in one of their films has said something that would jeopardize public perception of that film let alone the company itself then that actor is a cog in the machine and is a sacrificial lamb a preemptive strike before the public gets to vote with their dollar some actors or we can call them actresses if you want to be old-fashioned and by that I mean like 2016 some actors were fired by their Studios and effectively cancelled for their speech others have been allowed to say whatever they want because it aligns with the corporate ideology and the market has decided their fate I found it interesting to note that no matter how one of these careers stumbled it was often started by their speech and utilizing their platform which they have every right to do but one way a career hits a roadblock seems more fair than another for example I think it's fair to say Rachel zler has had a negative impact on her own career and people are voting with their wallets by not showing up to her films or making Disney reshuffle the release date for the liveaction Snow White the studios paying her haven't fired her for her stirring controversy around their films because what she's saying is in line with company Credo but Melissa Barrera was recently fired from Scream 7 before principal photography began for her comments on the Israel Hamas conflict with Jenna Ortega's exit quick to follow in what's rumored to be quiet solidarity I'm not making a statement on what Rachel said it's just always interesting to me to see how Studios react to political statements by actors starring in films they have hundreds of millions of dollars invested in it's within their rights to get rid of a problem if it's going to affect their bottom line but getting rid of an actor based on political statements isn't Pro bottom line when either way it's going to alienate or at the very least look bad to half of your audience that is assuming a corporation would want as broad of an audience as possible and that includes people of every race gender religion or political affiliation or so the thin veil says so assuming getting rid of someone for the egregious offense of having an opinion is stupid and unhelpful it seems like it's better to not decide what the public thinks but let the public tell you what they think and not just the vocal minority on Twitter or X or whatever Elon the side that votes with their wallets is filled with people who actually show up to the movies the ones who vote with their mouths don't even go to the movies that are pandering to them remember Bros there will be no way to prove anything and it's mere speculation from here on on out but it's hard for me to believe that if the market was allowed to dictate the fate of Scream 7 after Melissa barrera's comments I don't think it's box office would be impacted very much I think it would most likely be brushed off as an actor saying something controversial and there would be another worst person in the universe tomorrow just like there always is but this is a panic button virtue signal flare gun moment from a studio deciding to turn an ember into a volcano and potentially annihilate their newly revived franchise through controversy and an intended need to reboot and retread all over again I'm excited to talk to you about today's sponsor exter known for inventing the first traceable wallet and making 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the link in the description to get up to 45% off at exter's Black Friday sale let's take a look at how some recent careers have fared after considering their controversial or tonf utterances starting with Rachel Ziggler zler is the qu essential gen Z movie star she just started her career but comes off entitled holier than thou and contradictory I know that kind of describes most of Hollywood but everyone has their own brand of that description she's turned into into a walking talking oof machine a conveyor belt of cringe if you will there is definitely a bit of recency bias but I'm hardpressed to think of anyone else who's done as much damage to not just their own career but a film they are starring in with just words other than Rachel zler she started the year with a bomb when the Shazam sequel landed in theaters after it flatlined with audiences she didn't stay quiet and humble about the movie no no she went on the offensive saying she only took her role in the film because of pandemic raging at at the time and her not knowing when she'd get work again nice endorsement Rachel but that was nothing compared to when she became the focal point of criticism surrounding Disney's liveaction Snow White remake see Disney has released nearly two dozen liveaction remakes of its classic animated films because they're out of ideas I mean they're making something for the new generation the movie was already a point of mockery on social media when it leaked that the dwarfs and Snow White had been replaced by a merry band of politically correct fairy tale creatures so as to not offend little people if that wasn't bad enough Rachel zler started to talk she made it clear that she would be serving every modern cultural Progressive platitude in order to Virtue signal her elitism all over anyone's unsuspecting ear canals from being dismissive of the original film and talking about how she didn't even like it to suggesting it was an inferior story requiring a modern update where the prince could be cut for all he matters now and that Snow White would be pursuing every female empowerment cliche imaginable the original cartoon out in 1937 and very evidently so there is a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her yeah weird weird so we didn't do that this time it's really not about the love story at all which is really really wonderful and whether or not she finds love along the way as anybody's guess until 2024 all of Andrew scenes could get cut who knows this sort of thing might have worked six or seven years ago but it seems like no one told Ziggler people don't tend to like virtuous actors who star in bad movies to tell them how things need to be the pr disaster continued it's like she couldn't stop herself at this point Disney had no choice but to push the film's release date back in an attempt to salvage the project kind of like Warner Brothers did with Ezra Miller in The Flash and how'd that work out hi always just knock you out and then you won't have to panic you sure about that you sure about that we'll get to that situation in a bit because zler was saying all the things Disney had been empowering its actors and employees to say for the past several years there was no way Disney was going to fire her but the mockery was palpable and the company found itself trapped in a corner it couldn't have been a more perfect storm of events because the actor strike in Hollywood meant Ziggler would be making headlines again when she came off smug and entitled when discussing actor's compensation I'm going to stand there 18 hours in a dress of an iconic Disney princess I deserve to be paid for every hour that in his onl Ziggler suffered another bomb later this year with The Hunger Games prequel movie an actress starring in Mediocre Films telling everyone what to think it played out exactly how you expect she's issued half-hearted apologies that have also been mocked time is going to tell with Rachel zler but things are not looking good just a year in another person whose career has stumbled over the last several years has been Brie Larson Rachel zegler might have done all this in less than a year but larsson's been around longer and this has been a slow Devolution of a pretty solid actor's career it started after an Oscar wing and being cast as Captain Marvel during the height of the mcu's popularity this was all happening during a time when the me too movement was sweeping the culture so naturally Brie felt a little entitled to say what is some pretty goofy things in hindsight suggesting she doesn't need to hear what straight white men have to say about things that weren't made for them I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn't work for him about a wrinkle in time it wasn't made for him on top of all of this am I saying that I hate white dudes now no I'm not and I'm also saying I don't hate white dudes this was of course in reference to a wrinkle in time which hey is fair to say right except when that sort of thinking comes back and bites you in the ass and you have to have a taste of your own medicine like the Marvel's absolutely bombing this year before that catastrophe Breeze Captain Marvel was a fine representation of her demeanor in interviews entitled in looking bored it wasn't all flushed out yet with the Captain Marvel solo film either so it was just kind of finding our way but it was a good group of people to figure it out with with right guys yeah for all my extra Bri Larson work out like hypothetically would I at some point is that like a personal attack or something or is that a request do you think I should uh yeah I work out a lot thanks for asking it helped Captain Marvel become one of the most disliked characters in the MCU and her own words came back to bite her when she was shifted to co-lead to the sequel of her own billion doar original mocking or pointing out contradictions in Brie larsson's interviews has become loow hanging fruit at this point after years of seeming to dig her heels in an interview from the summer of 2023 saw a deflated bre Larson ask in earnestness if anyone even wanted her back as Captain Marvel when asked if she'd be returning how long will you play Captain Marvel for I don't know I don't know if anyone want me to do it again don't be so modest I don't know I really don't know she's become a co-lead in almost everything now starring in commercials and becoming a cast member in the Fast and Furious franchise Brie Larson is still an incredibly well-known actress and is quite talented but she hasn't produced anything noteworthy in years and that's compounded with her easily mockable dieet tribes years ago now I'm almost rooting for her because she's really good when she wants to be and I don't want to see people fail in my opinion that's the mindset people should generally have toward these things as long as it's not an extremely egregious offense what's the point in constantly punishing someone especially if they're putting out something worth your time that's cancel culture don't do that Melissa barrero was set to reprise her role as Sam Carpenter in Scream 7 after finally Landing a starring role in a major hit film with the 2022 scream soft reboot she had been working in Mexico for years before landing the lead role in the resurrected scream franchise that is until she decided to say what a corporation deemed the wrong thing not the public but a corporation she's this year's Gina corano to summarize there's no second chance or meeting with her it was just an announcement that she was dropped from the project now this reminds me of Disney dropping James gun from Guardians of the Galaxy 3 over some controversial comments it's not exactly one to one but you get my point you'd think at some point Studios would stop doing these things so abruptly but they don't the James gun situation was years ago the barera situation is now and studios are still coming off as impulsive in their decisions there are some other actors who spring to mind when it comes to controversy and impulsive decisions and for various reasons Kevin spacy was dropped by everyone he was associated with professionally when allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced and he was slapped with a lawsuit he was found not guilty earlier this year but his career is in the regardless of what happened in the courtroom in the court of public opinion he's guilty his prior work forever tainted because of the severity of the allegations and we see this happen time and again Jonathan major is also been dropped from multiple projects after he was arrested for allegedly assaulting a woman in New York the highest profile projects out of all the actors talked about in this video belong to Jonathan Majors who is positioned to be Marvel's new big bad as Kang the Conqueror who supposedly more powerful than Thanos I don't know about that he was beaten by ants but I digress the next Avengers movie's subtitle is Kang Dynasty that's how much Disney was trusting this guy and we'll see how it plays out who knows it might be a Kevin space situation or it might be proven 100% true and Disney was right to drop him but only time will tell and of course we have Ezra Miller but that's an insane situation because the offenses are so egregious the controversy is the fact the studio didn't let him go we're not talking speech in words like Ziggler or Barrera we're talking actual assault that was caught on film theft and other things that rhyme with Amy Schumer if anything Miller is an example of how far companies will go to to the ideological line even when hundreds of millions of dollars are on the line Miller was and still is a tornado of controversy but Warner Brothers refused to fire him and tried to distance the film from Ezra Headlines by pushing the film back repeatedly who's to say just how much Miller's actions affected the box office for the flash but it's hard for me to believe what he did isn't a firable offense yet Melissa barrera's statements aren't worth signing her to Scream 7 and is worth scrapping and starting from scratch the Ezra Miller situation exemplifies everything wrong with Hollywood's approach to controversial situations there's an overreaction when there's a potential threat to the ideological spine of the company but one like Warner Brothers did everything and anything it could to avoid accepting accountability and navigated the pr nightmare with a used car salesman mentality assuring people Miller was getting the attention he needed while ignoring actual victims of Miller's activities now aside extreme cases like Millers and more like a situ ation concerning Barrera what's missing from this conversation is something of a bottom line I think quality will triumph over anything quality Will trump controversy results matter over method when it comes to art as long as people aren't actually being harmed the ends justify the means and I don't mean harmed like the Twitter Warrior this statement is harmful to the insert protected Community here kind of harm that's all to say people can be eccentric or say stupid things and make mist mistakes but if they're putting out highquality work the public generally forgives them and people move on we can separate the art from the artist that is if the artist is providing us work worth separating I think when things are at their most balanced the market dictates whether people succeed or fail not corporations being Guided by whatever the way they feel the political wind is blowing people are involved in their own lives and don't have enough of a to give if the star of Scream 7 said something about a topic half the audience just learned existed 6 months prior is the movie good that's what most people are worried about it's when the idiotic comments are in your face and come off smug and insufferable that it starts to become a compounding effect when it's being spoken by someone who's not doing good work oh the actress from Scream 6 said what yeah but she's pretty good in it and I like that movie compared to that actress from Captain Marvel said what her acting's flatter than hirosima in that movie was ass which film sequel between those two has a better chance of success say controversial things just back it up with good work and let the market decide if only movie studios would make things that easy how often are you in line for the Snow White ride I'm a narcissist
Channel: The Movie Cynic
Views: 654,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YUmXFYk2Zos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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