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Cute yeah, yeah cute great. Cute Big Mouth strikes again. And again, and again until every last remnant of your energy is completely beat out of you. That's not to say that the show is completely hopeless. There is enjoyment to be had here, but overall it wound up being a tired exercise in lazy writing. Just about everything that annoys me is present in the show it almost seems specifically designed to contain every little thing I am averse to when it comes to animated entertainment. "You know who's funny? The Big Bang Theory" Loud obnoxious characters who scream all the time. (Characters screaming) An American high school setting. Constant breaking of the fourth wall. Oh hi there! thanks for tuning into this YouTube video that you are watching. And you probably already know the other thing that pretty much everyone is in agreement on when it comes to Big Mouth Seeing as Netflix has already renewed the show for a second season I think now would be as good a time as any to point out some of the more egregious hormone monstrous problems. So hopefully we can see an improvement for the second season She's just like a minion. The initial reception to the trailers for this show were largely quite bad because it admittedly did look pretty awful in more ways than one. Everything seems to be going against it until it officially released. Currently big mouth has a perfect 100 from 15 critics on rotten tomatoes or tomatoes doesn't really matter as well as an 80 from 6 critics on Metacritic And no sentence should have the word critic and it so many times. Overall pretty positive you have to admit. Were those people hating on the original trailers just being reactionary? Or is the coverage on the show just too minimal to be conclusive on if it's good or not? (Characters: Why don't you guys get champagne? It's free.) Well I've sat through the show twice as well as more viewing time from editing this video, and I have to say I do not like this show for a myriad of different reasons. I've never covered an entire season of a show before, so for simplicity's sake I've split up my key points into sections. Let's begin with the first one. That's how numbers work. Big Mouth is a simple coming-of-age story. about two or three main characters Dealing with a confusing and complicated mess that is going through puberty while at high school. Our lovely, not totally ugly and disgusting protagonists, are: Nick Andrew Jesse, and I guess J, but he's more of a "Kramer from Seinfeld" type character, who's mostly there just to make you laugh and giggle. Supposedly certain events in the show were based on experiences that some of the voice and writing talent went through when they were kids themselves. Man: "A lot of the stories are based on our childhood and our our friends. Um when we were growing up." There isn't an overarching plot as much as there are mini-stories for each episode that only loosely link together. Such as: How awkward it is getting your first period, Figuring out which way you swing sexually, first relationships and breakups- that kind of thing. Minor seeds are planted in earlier episodes that have consequences in later ones, such as the boys stumbling across the annoying girl Character's mother, who turns out to be cheating on her husband, which comes to a head in a later episode to highlight how "it's not just the kids who are having a difficult time. Some adults have no idea what they're doing either." Unfortunately big mouth just doesn't know when to stop. Almost entirely throwing any ounce of subtlety out the window-- relying mostly on gross-out stories and humour of a suitably juvenile nature. And yes, I do realize that's kind of the point, but the problem for me, is that it simply cannot figure out what kind of audience it wants to appeal to. When I was 13 Coincidentally the same age as the main characters in the show my parents gave me a book called Living with a willy it was effectively the book version of Big Mouth But designed is more of a learning tool to explain and rationalize some of the strange changes and feelings you're gonna Go through as you start going through puberty It was also full of plenty of humor because it's inherently a funny and awkward topic Everyone has their own stories about these kind of experiences So it makes it that much more relatable and humorous because we've all been there well based on my analytics of who watched my videos Most you you'll be there soon Unfortunately outside of the thirteen-year-old kids who are currently going through the same thing as the ones in the show? I don't really know who else this show is for because of how superficial the storytelling is there are no greater themes you have to Take a moment to think about even remotely interesting or new there's nothing that satirical about the setting aside from a couple of examples So simplistic enough for a thirteen-year-old to understand in fact This is the kind of thing I probably would have loved as a 13 year old boy is edgy out there offensive and rude But I've already gone through everything in this show in my real life already, and that was awful enough on its own Why would I want to be reminded of all that horrible? Horrible torture if you're not gonna put a clever spin on it big mouths idea are being clever is having a loud obnoxious monster show up who can make intercourse jokes and be crude I'm sure loads of 13 year-olds absolutely love the hormone monster because it appeals so much to their thirteen-year-old sensibilities But in the end only ends up being a huge missed opportunity a teenagers hormones being personified into a physical Monster for the characters to talk to is honestly brilliant this idea if used properly could be really hilarious and there are some decent scenes where they scratch the surface of what they could do with this but more often than not they just Fall back on the all too safe and predictable crude gross out stuff aside from the old thing. I've mentioned I'm sure a lot of this sounds fine I think the settings are brilliant one if you're wanting to tell awkward stories about growing up But where it all falls apart for me and where my biggest problems lie are all down to the execution And how it's all played out What are the rules When I first saw the trailers with the hormone monster character without even seeing the show I just assumed that this monster was a manifestation In a single character's head the character who is linked with the hormone monster is Andrew It's his hormone monster, so I naturally thought only he could see it only he can interact with it The way you are not real You're just some hormone Monster my brain created and that technically the hormone monster doesn't actually exist or at the very least is only visible to Andrew It's the shows way of personifying the change we all go through and it is a fun Storytelling device to have your hormones be creat you can have dialogue and torment the character however all of my assumptions were wrong Because the hormone monster is not unique to Andrew randomly other people can start interacting with him when it's convenient to the script There's a monster next to you. Hey, what's up Caleb? This goes as far as to include? Conversations where the hormone monster just disappears between cuts he has no presence in any scene because I just don't understand how he works Other characters start referencing the same hormone monster as if he's their hormone monster - do you mean the hormone monster, yeah? Maury and later on in the show nick has to have an interview with the hormone monster to see if he qualifies for Puberty yet, but then at the same time is all this when jesse starts going through changes She gets the hormone monstrous who is a different character, but plays the same role but for women But then to make it even more confusing a character called coach steve who I cannot stand by the way He's just too stupid for me. He has his own hormone monster despite being a fully grown adult surely It'd be a lot more effective and creative if everyone had their own hormone monster That was tailored to their Personality and desires there will be so much potential for humor and he can give the silly cartoon world a sense of internal logic That would ground the ridiculous humor a little bit for a show that's supposed to be linking chronologically and telling a story with characters who are Consistent throughout the series you need rules to organize the chaos and absurdity to stop it from coming across as complete Nonsense that appears to be completely random without a sense of direction or deliberate thought for as absurdist shows like Rickon Bojack horseman of South Park can get the purposeful nature of the absurdity sells you in the world and makes even the most Ridiculous thing just work and feel natural this whole thing is actually a really Difficult concept to describe because to me it seems like an unspoken rule you just automatically right into your material I've never witnessed a show do something like this to quite this extent Thanks for standing in the way a big mouth of Germany to say about big mouth Let's to that kid that kid recognized and that kid acknowledged the monster so everyone can see em man Why is no one doing anything? I just don't understand it's really confusing you can be as crazy and Nonsensical as you like but if you can't be bothered to establish the cause and effect of these wacky strange and confusing Elements then why should I give you the benefit of the doubt and trust you if you don't think I'm intelligent enough to consider this Kind of thing in your show on desperately trying to get into I shouldn't have to do the work to find out how this world works and find it entertaining It's literally your one job And as if that's not bad enough One episode begins with the back story of how the hormone monster was born that of course Being the result of an alien creature coming down to prehistoric earth and having intercourse with the planet itself Meaning that the hormone Monster is an alien like One what a bizarre and unfunny way to ruin and make such a good concept so contrived there are smarter ways to make fun of Scientology honestly if it was just the three hormone monsters who did this I wouldn't really care that much but these preposterous Rules you're just supposed to ignore just keep stacking on top of each other early on in the show It's established that J. Does nasty things to his pillow, okay That's fine, as the kind of gross thing teenagers do make sense, but then a few episodes later It's revealed that this pillow is in fact Pregnant with his human pillow hybrid child I'm pregnant what? Nice, I mean would that even be possible come on don't be naive Jay I told you to use protection But for the entire episode I was waiting for it to be revealed that it was all a dream Or he was high or something But no, there's straight-up an episode where 13 year old boy gets a pillow pregnant They even call back to it in the last episode who are these pillows. We're his family so like That's the thing that can happen in this universe I guess is this one of the stories is based on Nick crawls childhood experiences because this the only way you could make Humping a pillow funny despite that parts of the pillow episode of one of the only episodes I genuinely enjoy because it's just completely absurdist and feels like it has absolutely nothing to do with the premise of the show aside from the horny teenage boys link if the entire show was illogical as this it probably would have been way more entertaining in a How weird can we make this kind of way like on the same level of how South Park have done entire? Episodes about people eating with their butts and pooping from their mouths kind of absurd But the problem is they seem scared to commit to this weirdness so when it shows up is completely Jarring, and doesn't show up again for ages until oh Now some scallops on a plate are talking Okay, and as if that wasn't enough there's a recurring character Who is the ghost of American composer Duke? Ellington randomly in the first episode the dark character says that Ellington died in their house the sounds of Duke Ellington a great african-american American Andrew did you know that Duke Ellington died in this house so for some reason the kids keep going into the attic and asking Him for advice Duke. I wanted your advice, and I guess I still do so as well as the weirdness of the hormone monster It's also established that ghosts are also a normal thing for this world like this ghost Basically fills the same role as the hormone monster, but for Nick instead of Andrew Why didn't they just give Nick his own hormone monster one of the most telling signs of how little the team cared about this making? Any sense is how the kids who are supposed to be 13 mostly sound like fully grown adults. Okay? Can we be excused? Have a really big mouth Thank you. I think Andrew is kind of okay because he's developing a bit faster And that's part of the story and his voice is suitably pathetic for his character So I know your parents aren't going to be home but The Nick sounds like a thirty year old man while you're clearly too busy for me Nick is supposed to be the one who's developing Slowly, and he's tiny that's a big part of the show that he's underdeveloped. Did you shave is that ornamental the boy? Just hasn't hit puberty yet. Is this appropriate CYO. No did they choose to use this voice for him I think there's a reason that every single one of the kids in South Park has a high-pitched baby voice I'm sorry cotton because it sells you on the fact that they actually are Children imagine if Eric Cartman just spoke like Trey Parker's normal talking voice that come across is pretty lazy wouldn't it the character called? Missy is the only one who actually sounds her age But the only child character performance who's fitting and suitable Stands out as being weird because they just didn't bother to do it with anyone else, and that's why we need equal pay 13 year old everything in the gay community Is a thing you don't sound like a 13 year old? Wow and on top of this it doesn't help that so much of the dialogue isn't even attempting to make them sound like children there were just tiny adults are you the Patriarchy wow yeah 13 year old would say that one you starting to see why I don't like this show now none of this kind Of thing should even cross my mind because you're supposed to sell me on your show you're supposed to make this universe Believable in its own way. I'm not even supposed to think about this kind of thing I never even thought something like this could be such a huge problem But big mouth is Invented for me a new warning sign for bad writing and bad world-building and don't just say oh cause it's a cartoon It doesn't matter with every other animated show that I like can do it Why would big mouth get a pass it's just confusing To me and just because it's animated doesn't mean it should be held to a different standard and all of that is really annoying and that's without even mentioning the Big Ugly mouth I cannot believe I've gone this long without talking about how? unbelievably bad the character designers No one looks great. They will look like horrible creatures Don't they max every frame somehow finds a new way to make me feel uncomfortable because of our hideous the designer the characters are I think it's all to do with their creepy gem-like eyes and Overly large foreheads. They're just not pleasing to look at you look horrible I found some rough animatics on YouTube and without the gem eyes and scaling down the foreheads the style actually looks okay But the final look of this show is this clinical flat and lifeless look There's a musical number in the latter half of the show which really highlights, how horrible It looks it's like corpses are singing at you as well as the overall Unattractive look of the show the actual animation is most comparable to Family Guy, and that's not a good thing Visually this stiff pivot style of animation can only really work for me when either the writing is brilliant Or you're creative visually or both This isn't quite the level of the nut shack or anything but they never use the animation for visual humor apart from shock value and the hormone monster being funny and random South Park has shitty simplistic animation But they've managed to make it part of the charm of the show every time the animators break the usual two-dimensional angle It's visually very funny The only time I noticed something visually funny in big mouth were the various shot reverse shots where the main character's lips are so ungodly Swollen that you could actually see them poking out from his fat head even when the cameras behind him and that's more me laughing at the show instead of laughing with it speaking of Part of the appeal of big mouth is the vulgar humor that's what all the critics seem to like about it it's revolutionary that a cartoon does something edgy and Over-the-top with children as the main characters have never seen such a unique and fresh idea before the way this show is written like Living with a willy for half the time Then Nick Kroll funny voice stand up for the other half gives This show a really weird comedic tone if you're aiming for a slightly younger audience of people who are currently going through puberty Why is duke? ellington's ghost a car - I didn't even know who he was and I'm 10 years older than the kids in this show like he died in the 70s Nearly half a century ago. Yeah, I'm sure Duke Ellington is what's all the rage with 13 year olds at the moment? There are so many out-of-touch jokes that only adults would understand They're only reinforced my point about the show having no idea who it wants to appeal to in one episode They have to cut away gags - that simply won't make any sense Unless you know what Seinfeld is Seinfeld ended two decades ago Nearly double the age of your main characters, so why are you referencing it in your Netflix show about puberty? What a strange decision and for every joke that does work I just think to myself yeah That would be funny if South Park didn't already do this years ago and a much funnier and smarter way I keep comparing big mouths to South Park because it just kept reminding me of how much better that show is dealt with all of These themes and ideas already There's not one thing big mouth DOS that any other animated show hasn't already achieved The Simpsons family Guy South Park and Rick and Morty all have kid characters And they all have it beat in every way possible the pacing of the humor also drives me nuts everything's too quick They never let anything sit and fully indulge in the comedy timing is so important when it comes to comedy But when you're taking so little time to give things breathing room it becomes a little overwhelming It's hard to describe but a lot of the time the show just feels off Just wrong like a painting that isn't level something about it. Just isn't right and then of course There's the constant incessant breaking of the fourth wall god. It drives me crazy Monster energy brings out the monster in you That's the show that's the show There you are you home on the elliptical watching this I see you why even bother writing jokes when you can just be self Referential and break the fourth wall for no reason isn't it funny that you guys are watching a youtube video right now isn't it hilarious That I'm telling you that you're watching a youtube video right now god. This is so meta. This is cutting-edge We're breaking new ground with this one multiple characters directly address the audience for funny Funny jokes such as Lalo I bet you're a long Binge watching this because it's on Netflix at all am I right long your binge watching in raid there was this one Joke that really annoy me where they had the gore to take a job at the office another show that hasn't been on for years Saying that the interview like structure is a crutch so what this is gonna be on the office and my family or what you know With you straight to camera testimonials are great for narrative structure They're a crutch, but they cut right to the chase it really helped his story. How is it a crutch? It's just part of the format and structure of that show I'll tell you our crutches the crutch is constantly breaking the fourth wall all the time you damned hacks You can be self-aware and self referential without having your characters grind Everything to a halt and direct the camera like their Ferris Bueller comes across as so lazy to me the last thing I want to touch on is the decision to include musical numbers all the time again much like South Park or even Family Guy's sometimes I have know where the characters will often burst into song about the subject of the episode There's a song in the period episode which is a parody of everybody hurts by re M There's another one about being gay, which is sung by someone who actually does quite good impression of Freddie Mercury from Queen? I Actually kind of liked that one No one's, okay, but there's one at the end that's about life being a mess and that one totally highlights the lack of subtlety in the comedy never share your Feelings or life will kick you in the face Instead of having a song where every character Suddenly just says exactly what the themes of the show are why not actually be I don't know Clever without spelling out every single nuance and leaving me with something to think about I'm genuinely curious to hear from people who like this show to tell me why they like it all the critics say the same nonsense That doesn't mean anything. I don't agree with any of it like is this the first edgy animated comedy you've ever seen you realize there's so much better than this out there right big mouth is a show that only appeals to children or adults with the mind of children I got nothing from this show all the messages and themes of things every adult should already know and the comedy is nothing more than Tired and predictable or already straight. I've been done before in a form that isn't horrible to look at alongside characters Who are actually likable or funny? If you still think you like bigmouth Load up the first episode on Netflix and watch the very first scene if you think it's funny and sharp and great then chances are You're gonna love the entire thing But if you're like me and it makes you feel weird and uncomfortable not because of the subject matter But because the pacing and visual style and characters and writing make you want to be sick You probably just give it a Miss and put on something that doesn't suck Just watch Bojack horseman instead the first episode stinks But after that is great if you're looking for an animated show that's all about Life being a mess that'd be a good one to start with I'm fed up and staring at this ugly show now and I want to end the video So now I'm going to end the video. Thanks for watching. Bye What do you think of the hormone, that's dressage What stop licking the mode You
Channel: I Hate Everything
Views: 5,896,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I HATE EVERYTHING, I hate, everything, hate everything, comedy, satire, IHE
Id: RuOJ6v8L9nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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