10 REAL Reasons Behind Annoying Video Game Moments

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for all the unforgettable Moments video games have given us there are likewise just as many frustrating or downright puzzling ones which of course players to wonder just what developers were thinking while inevitably there will be development limitations these can occasionally lead to Strokes of Genius such as Silent Hill 2's fog being used to mask the game's technical issues but not all creative choices were the right call I'm just from what culture and here are the 10 real reasons behind Annoying video game moments number 10. Far Cry 3 vasa's death from the first trailers and images of the third installment of the Far Cry series audiences were instantly captivated with the crazed pirate vast this was all thanks to Michael Mando's Stellar performance which made vast an instant fan favorite given his prominence within the marketing his menacing Charisma and that he was the first villain that protagonist Jason encountered it looked like vast was being set up to be the main antagonist however players in saturation with this character was brought to a crushing end when he was unceremoniously killed love before the Final Act while our dreams of an intense final showdown with vars were cut short we're lucky the character ever appeared at all originally vas wasn't supposed to be as prominent in the game rather he was to be a Mindless but hulking henchman named bull the character as we know him didn't begin to take form until Mando's audition which was so good that the team decided to change his design to fit with the actor's performance thus would go through some more Transformations including another henchman called pyro before the developers nailed down who this character should be however knowing vasa's design Roots doesn't make accepting his fate any easier number 9. GoldenEye 007 a lackluster Port GoldenEye 007 is without exaggeration one of the most fondly remembered titles of the N64 era thanks to complicated licensing issues the likelihood of a re-release of this game were low it's understandable then why there was plenty of excited buzz when GoldenEye made its return on the Xbox and Nintendo which 15 years after its initial release but this was far from the ideal comeback that fans were hoping for especially when it came to the Xbox version alongside the lack of online multiplayer on Microsoft's console the game was locked at the original 30 frames per second and featured some noticeably bad textures and audio issues there was a reason for this though as developers code Mystic clarified on Twitter and it's down to the technical aspects of the emulation itself in short the developers were using the original ROM code for the game which simply wasn't built to run at higher frame rates likewise the switch to higher resolutions and audio quality similarly Drew attention to the game's shortcomings balancing modernization and authenticity is difficult when remastering all the games though trying to remain as authentic to the original as possible this version of the game proved to be inferior to the game that fans remember number eight Dark Souls Lost izalith wasn't finished there are plenty of reasons to be justifiably frustrated with dark pixels there are plenty of points in this game where players will want to reach for the power button but there's one area that makes even the most seasoned Souls play a Grimace at the mere thought of it lost izalith a Chasm filled with numerous Dragon butts and more lava than necessary the sparshness of this location caused fans to speculate that the area was unfinished and they were correct since the game's release developers including Creator hitetaka Miyazaki have spoken in interviews about how this area was rushed in development they simply didn't have the time to do anything else with the level moreover a greater problem arose when it came to designing that area's bus the Bed of Chaos I was so bad that even Miyazaki has come to regret including him according to the director he was unable to pin down exactly what he wanted this boss to be with deadlines fast approaching and frustrations growing amongst the team they had no choice but to include what they had number 7. Crash Bandicoot insane trilogy The High Road originally released back in 1996 crash band with a colorful and challenging platformer that saw the titular marsupial leap and spin their way across a selection of wacky levels the news of a remastered collection that would bring the cherished Trilogy to new consoles was understandably very exciting for fans of the series however it was only a matter of time before players noticed that there was something funny going on with the jumping mechanics in the first game this was especially noticeable during the already notoriously difficult level the high road which saw crash across a precarious Bridge comprised of icy planks wandering enemies and deadly pitfalls overcoming these obstacles now proved a fiendish task that required precision timing and accuracy making an already stressful level even more frustrating it turned out there was a reason for this unexpected difficulty Spike developers vicarious Visions had tweaked the jumping in this game so that it matched the third crash while the goal was to streamline the player's experience across the trilogy the reality was high road simply wasn't built with those tweaks in mind although the developers intentions were good they nevertheless made one of the hardest parts of the PlayStation classic even harder number six Bioshock the final boss fight taking place in the enrapturing underwater city of rapture that's went to ruin by the time the meat protagonist arrives Bioshock is for many reasons one of the greatest games ever made the game begins with the disembodied voice of Atlas on a radio requesting the player's help to rescue their family from here players learn more about what happened to the collapsing Utopia as their Journey takes them further into its depths after mind-blowing Revelations concerning who the protagonist and Atlas are concluding in the game's second act Irish shook takes a turn for the worst at the final hurdle when the time finally comes for the boss fight against Fontaine the encounter is as generic and uninteresting as possible it's a bum note that ended an otherwise spectacular game moreover the developers knew it too the problem was though they didn't know what else to do speaking in an interview view with rolling stone in 2016 Creator Ken Levine explained that the team didn't have much experience making video games and were therefore Unsure how to end it they simply couldn't think of any better ideas and gave us what they had despite this monstrous blunder though Bioshock nevertheless remains a staggeringly good video game number 5. Deus Ex human Revolution badly balanced boss fights that within a dystopian cyberpunk future Deus Ex human Revolution saw players step back into the cybernetically augmented shoes of Adam Jensen as he became swept up in a grand Globe trotting conspiracy while on the hunt for a terrorist organization as with the original game released 10 years prior Human Revolution gave players the tools they needed to approach objectives how they liked this was an ambitious RPG in which player choice took Center Stage however although this title was well received it did have one major issue and that was the boss fights unlike the rest of the game there was no non-lethal option during these counters meaning that stealthy players quickly found themselves struggling against the first boss a bullet sponge named Lawrence Barrett the reason for this blunder was that developers idos Montreal decided to Outsource the boss fights to another Studio grip entertainment because they simply didn't have enough time to create them in-house however grip boss Paul kraszewski later confessed he didn't know much about Deus Ex when he went into the project Unsure how to best balance these fights the team opted for a more action-heavy approach to give players an exhilarating experience thankfully these boss encounters were amended for the director's cut number 4. Spider-Man Mary Jane's stealth missions Insomniac Spider-Man proved to be a high-flighting outing as everyone's favorite web slinging superhero alongside the fantastically fluid traversal and satisfying combat there was likewise a surprising amount of heart at its core for this spectacular PlayStation outing in between the swinging and crime fighting however even this acclaimed gem had its share of issues and one one of the most aggravating was the inclusion of forced stealth sections while playing as Mary Jane Watson as tediously dull as these missions proved to be the developers did mean well by including them in an interview with kind of funny games creative director Brian ingerhard described that there were several reasons why they believed they were a solid idea in addition to slowing the action down to break up the pacing and aim they succeeded in a little too well intoha explained that the team didn't want to see MJ as a damsel in distress again and thought it would be interesting to explore what it would be like playing as someone without superpowers in a world of superheroes while the developers did succeed in their goals the problem was that these sections simply weren't engaging to play there's no place before still sections in modern games number three Mass Effect 3 the ending wasn't always terrible for all the breathtaking highs that the Mass Effect Trilogy took us on iOS Series has nevertheless been forever marred by a cataclysmically anticlimactic ending that took games worth of meaningful choices and heart-wrenching plots and tossed them out the window with the reaper Invasion now underway at the start of Mass Effect 3 Shepard and their crew must do what they can to amass the force as needed for the final showdown the one that's been three games in the making what happens instead though is that Shepard is given a set of options which dictate what ending players get however according to lead writer Drew carperson Mass Effect 3's ending was originally supposed to be entirely different rather than the divisive finale fans got an earlier idea saw the Reapers destroyed alongside the mass relays consequently isolating the various races across the Galaxy this would likewise be the premise for what would have been Mass Effect 4. unfortunately due to a combination of a rushed production and online leaks resulting in developers having to change major plot points only weeks from release the team were forced into streamlining the ending to meet the deadline if circumstances were different Mass effect's ending should have been quite a bit better number two E.T the Extraterrestrial the end of Atari while the other entries on this list account for one specific moment of gaming frustration the Atari 2600 adaptation of ET was so infamously terrible that it wasn't only dubbed the worst game ever made it's recognized as one of the reasons behind the 1980s video game crash as well as atari's eventual Downfall with Spielberg's film becoming a pop culture Juggernaut Atari wanted to capitalize on the film's success and snapped up the license to make the game for an obscene amount of money billberg requested that Atari developer Howard Scott warshaw create the game following warshaw's success with yar's revenge and the Raiders of the Lost Ark tie-in alongside a ridiculous amount of money riding on this game's success warshaw had the insane deadline of just five weeks to complete the game so it could be released in time for the holiday season what he produced in that time however was an indecipherable mess of pitfalls that saw the titular alien search for pieces of a phone own so that he could return home nobody liked it and thousands of cartridges were dumped in the desert had warshaw had a week or two longer the gaming industry could be quite different today number one Metal Gear Solid 5 the phantom pain the missing ending when Metal Gear solidified the phantom pain ended so abruptly eyebrows were raised after fans discovered footage for a cut level titled Mission 52 on a bonus disc that came with the collector's edition more than simply a deleted scene this level would have served as a more satisfying conclusion for the game which tied up loose plot threads though Konami have maintained that this level was nothing more than canceled content that was quote definitely not the ending the significance of this axed Mission suggests otherwise the reality is that the phantom pain alongside Silent Hills was an unfortunate casualty of the Fallout between game director hideo Kojima and publisher Konami while excitement for both kojima's titles were at fever pitch Konami announced in March of 2015 that they would be undergoing a corporate restructuring what this meant was Kojima and Kojima Productions were being buried alongside kojima's name being removed from branding Konami employees were being treated terribly with some developers reportedly demoted to janitorial positions all of this was because Konami Executives wanted to shift their focus from console games to a mobile first approach a ruthless corporate decision which came at the cost of the Publisher's best Dev team and creative mind that's the end of our list but let me know down in that comment section if you can think of any other real reasons behind Annoying video game moments as always I've been Jess from what culture thank you so much for hanging out with me if you like you can come say hi to me on my Twitter account or I'm at Jess McDonald but make sure you stay tuned to us here for plenty more great gaming lists
Channel: WhatCulture Gaming
Views: 131,354
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Id: j9rB8HFPgXI
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Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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