10 Products to Help You Find a GHOST Haunting You!

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what's up guys welcome to dough for note before we begin wanted to give a big shout out to purple for sponsoring this segment purple is known for their smart comfort grid and it's really amazing and crazy comfortable the smart comfort grid keeps you cool while you're sleeping and it supports every sleeping position trust me a great mattress is absolutely essential when you wake up after sleeping on a great mattress you feel like an new person when you look at me I know the first thing you think of is wow Tanner is beautiful the reason why is because I'm sleeping on a comfortable mattress at home and I get my email app hours if you guys want to be beautiful like me you gotta do the same all of my lead so you guys know me have a little baby daughter her name is Luna she never sleeps because she just has way too much energy but your boy after running high-price studios all day it needs a lot of sleep because when I get full night's sleep just like Tanner said oh I have so much energy the rest of the day and I can actually keep shooting videos for you guys so make sure you got a purple calm alright to learn more use that link down in the description below the mattress is already set up outside guys it's super easy you just have to unzip it and then it inflates itself though let's go check it out alright guys to test the comfort of the purple mattress we're going to be spinning this wheel why and they're gonna trust fall on either of these two mattresses whichever it lands on so we're gonna have Sam go first oh because and it's looks like she's ready to fall hope you loved let's give it a shot okay it feels great is that it can I take a nap I need a blanket thanks again to purple for sponsoring this segment now on with the rest of the video we're playing with things beyond our power here boys [Music] hello and welcome to dope or no because you know in which we interrupt each other or at least one person does guys today we are looking at ten products that will help you find a ghost that is right a real fake ghost - he's got a problem I don't interrupt him he's got a problem no you interrupt you didn't know we interrupted you - you looked over at us why am I so polarizing a lot of some of you love me some of you hate me why do you not really help attention to give me all your dude do you realize that before people started hitting you they were just doing that to me alright knock off Matthias let's do this oh no I did that I have no idea what this product ranma pod 80db radiation 'i'm antenna paranormal ghost hunting equipment tool paranormal research instrument programmable REM with temperature detection so how much you want to bet that it's just a box with some LEDs on it I'll bet everything I got that you're probably rising Saturday night this is the latest REM pod version for paranormal investigations it was released in May 2017 the REM pod antenna will alert of any EMF electromagnetic fields disturbances manipulations around it indicating spirit activity so here's my question why would a spirit have electromagnetic energy aren't they on a different plane of existence [Music] me being a spirit extraordinaire right that's how they interact with this dimension is they're from another and that's what catches it well any form of interaction having this world through electromagnetic you know you're saying that's what I know see these candles my ghost friend lit that all up what's his name Dave yeah oh yeah so we're gonna see if this will catch Dave okay here we go guys this is it what is it ooh daddy battery a battery down there I can find ghosts with a d-bag this is so we have rm0 REM range and temp zero underneath we have Duracell we can a a TDD power it and we could turn the REM on and off no that's as far as that goes locate on the bottom of the REM pod you will find a slide switch that turns on the REM function let's do that we're actually playing with go straight up yeah this is actually kind of dangerous you'll spook them once the REM pod EMT is turned on go through a quick self diagnostic return so you're kinda gross what is green okay so that means you're a ghost I don't think this is detecting any ghosts can we read a review I started using it on my second investigation and activated as well as other equipment in the room what do they mean means I tried it and it didn't work I'm gonna write this one a hard you know how about a soft dope I say what if we leave it set up for the whole episode and then if we experience some kind of temperature change okay filming and it goes off then well okay the AC kicks on ghosts stop right oh yo go stop it's like game stopper for good it's like Ghostbusters but stop Olympus EVP recorder you must be in live listening it's literally just a reporter ghost you can buy this is actually hilarious there's 15 reviews they read read humble I need to see how they pitch this as a ghost like nothing they did to be honest new model that's easy to use EVP recorder is designed to be plugged directly in your computer for fast file transfer so yeah they're just selling it on a ghost website what accessories for this product speaker for EVP and ghost boxes what does the EVPs or let me know in the comments down below I believe it is pace did you do something was see God ghost just tried to get through into our realm and then failed yeah hello hello hello amen Damon what did you do why it's over there the ghost is Radio City it's Liz she keeps handing his products and it keeps going on no the ghost is sitting on the table that's why this table sucks okay okay this goes I'm sorry ghost we are removing you from the premises I'll let face digital voice recorder ws 8 5 - that's me making it ellipses with my mouth dot dot dot the USB stick pops out like this you ever trying to pull you into that sweet speak fast and furious last night I'm gonna move on cuz I want to hear the story it seems to be a ghost because how does it say does it say it says can't create the system file connect a PC and delete unnecessary file the go-go-go created the ghost is going you from recording it yeah he's like dude you're not allowed anymore why don't you listen to me about my stories it wasn't really are we really gonna film unboxing a voice recorder next product all right ghost hunters equipment were on it oh whoa what is it all the ghost activity in here today so you remember the picture friends that might have been a lot in one of a ghosties what did you just say one of the ghost is dowsing rod copper full-size $19 are you getting cold dowsing water witching or cleaning finding lost people or even spirits for that matter used by ghost hunters and paranormal investigators dowsing rods have been used for thousands of years an amazing success very easy to use with little practice comes with instructions question question answer is this go chopsticks so what you just like clink them together then the ghost comes no you still eat noodles with no it's a water witching you go ping and then it vibrates they're all the bad juju away all right Jewish Jewish okay I made you Jew bad juju Oh liz is gonna explain wait do you have a mic list I will repeat Liz Liz how everyone repeat after Liz is like when you go to play we like for Liz so you hold them gently and they swing you're not repeating after her and they swing and they swing and they point it goes hey let's point with that so why there's so many ghosts in the room or is it just lucky okay so absolutely has nothing to do with how you angle them whatsoever it could never have anything to do with that I'm a ghost how much were these 20 bucks it's a pipe with a rod in it bent this is a kite holding with a welding rod with a rivet and then they sold it to you a rivet Aurora that's scary Michael like a poke an eye out let me try I read this and no infrared thermometer this is on ghost hunters equipment by ghost Agustin wait a ghost is running this website they couldn't use our physical object well ghosts used to be able to so I'm sure they know how to do it I'm sure they know how but they just their hand keeps going through the mouth maybe they have a ghost mouth measure sudden drops in temperature with this infrared thermometer to locate spirit activity an infrared thermometer can be measured to use measured from distance which comes in handy on a paranormal investigation this thermometer features a laser pointer oh I love these things I know that's something that tells you the heat of it yeah exactly you know I mean like you can test the bottom of your laptop to see if it's gonna burn you if you put it on your lap or notebook because no one goes with a laptop technically because it can't learn your lap this is an old fashioned but this is cool I've actually wanted to buy quite a gun one of these for a while yeah careful any unboxes stay still 91 degrees now if I go really close 95 degrees yeah that's me with a ninety eight point nine no 95 okay I'm gonna point this up the air conditioner oh yeah look at that 58 degrees wrong and that cool candle oh the candle yeah yeah 170 190 295 is the hot negative that thing's really cool but I don't think you're gonna find a ghost with it no cuz you saw I'm gonna say job because we had a lot of fun with this actually and we found a ghost in the class they don't for this thing though Laser grid scope I'm not gonna lie this looks like those lights people put on their houses at Christmas and there's a great inside of the picture oh these grids wait is this gonna take the ghost out of the matrix look there's a bunch of grids oh why oh so I'm gonna guess before I said that this creates a light grid so you can see the what is it's nice shadow well if it has a spectral vector you can already see this high-powered laser emits a grid of green dots useful for detecting shadows or general visual disturbances during an investigation so pretty much if you shine this and you see a shadow but there's like nothing to pass the pass the shadow then there's it goes yeah you can add an on or off side clamp yeah just like I said if anything creates a disturbance you'll see it let's go ahead and buy and test it and make sure the only disturbance in the room is a Michael okay so this has a green - oh I need stay away from doing it to the camera the lights whoa whoa it's Christina edgy edgy turn off the lights yo that's so cool I don't like that it changes can we just leave that like set up that looks so cool doesn't that look really cool can someone is is am I talking I don't know just keep saying cool cool so if you turn it wow so it's kinda like a scope it oh oh oh oh okay I'll put some dub using the background oh you can yo that's so cool yeah babe match everybody babe nice so I don't think this has anything to do with ghosts I think the whole point of ghosts is that you can't see them but this is supposed to be exactly so you can't see it but if there's a shadow you see your senior alright guys that's practical use and it has a reason nice product all right we got Mikey sb7 spirit box paranormal research device with go Augustine flashlight my G Capital G capital s oh that's the really hip ghost 17 I was a bit skeptical of this product but I've gotten some crazy results first time I use this I said hello hello then hurt hello back you heard hello back I then said thanks for answering they think I can reply can you hear me people are crazy dude I gotcha gotcha other times I have gotten direct short answers which is crazy one time I asked is anyone with me here and I got a reply Bob and Zak and a different boy it's just your family you know wait so here's my thing I'm actually curious I've never had a ghost interaction never had any spectrum experiences so if you have let me know in the comments down below because I want to believe they're real I don't know about you guys but I just I've never been even close to someone be like oh my god I here we go that's kind of thing never how about you what's that thing it's blue is it lighting up me am i me oh my god Abu Diab ooh da da do di Budda Budda Budda alright so you got the little spirit box here so what are you doing Michael alright you gonna say hello hello hello Anna Bob Sam Tim Tim I thought it was them are you there invader Tim wait am I gonna say 999 on car insurance any voices guys a lot of static and it gets to the anxieties probably just heard the radio and talking to them it isn't listening Yeah right when they were introducing the show and they're like oh I didn't know Ellen was dead ghosts are you in love with me is anyone there are you out there I'm gonna say it's no just a radio that goes really fast okay 2 meter phantom light illumination full spectrum acts Wow yeah phantom light a little bat oh it's just like a light bright but for Gus an all-american combo black k2 meter lights up for para activity this is a legendary month at paranormal research mirror I have not heard of the legend the legend of the Hidden Temple the legend of God the Creator the almighty know what they are real weird ghost Agustin yeah phantom as always it is up to the user to determine whether the readings are showing intelligent patterns moving Wow and of course it's trying to make something like this user area it's your fault if you can't find because you're the problem everybody at the cart look at this this is an extra oh no this is oh this is like a little goodie bag how many goodies are inside of it look at this it's just some screwdriver bits where our screw ghost screw goes it's a smaller than I thought I like the colors though as heavy thick durable where's my light though no no where's the light that agree with the Phantom light it didn't come with that Michael I want it phantom light are you ready yeah let's see the other ghost I think I just press it and then I move around it's like a metal detector but for ghosts oh this side as you can see the ghost left the ghost was bored of Tanners antics I think he's a little bit of several meeting at the Phantom lightning use like ah they're not gonna be able to see me now he's like that's how it's gonna put on a show I'm not getting any readings besides green do I walk around let me walk around even even Dave over here is not being real no Dave is a ghost this does nothing so either it doesn't work alternatively we have no ghost in this room could be either our I'm gonna say it doesn't work we are our ghosts all around us they say they say who's Bay they going says goes Gooch it's the ghosts are saying it you're here I read that an Izzy no nope so green compact portal thumb tells me this isn't gonna be a portal but we're gonna go and give it a look these are made to order please allow two to three weeks before it ships awesome awesome awesome the compact portal is designed to enhance EVPs what does EVPs electromagnetic bull vice-presidents electric bikes president from a spirit box the portal reduces the noise from the sweeping radio signal oh so this is supposed to reduce all the static noise so when we do this portal like we got from the last product you know the thing then we can scan and we can get a better reading you know insane ah it has a reverb unit noise killer unit you know thank God I can do that with these two kids around me and then we got copper antenna coil it has a handle bless the handle if that's a feature you can carry if you think it anywhere you want if you look here here is it's an amplifier this is a Blackstar amplifier it has two guitar pedals on the side that's a noise gate what's the other one and this is space guitar pedal so if you click this you go to space are these are actually two guitar pedals right well yeah there's noise gates still a guitar pedal yeah here's the snobs and this was generally where the guitar would hook up to yeah what are they doing here they've got the input going into they're basically looping it yeah they're literally just looping the guitar pedals in the end so basically what they've done here is the input what's coming out of the amp is literally being looped back to this which is being looped back to this so you have a continuous loop so all you're gonna get is feedback amplified feedback yeah I love feedback oh but there's a cable right here that goes into the noise gate from the spirit box so we are getting input it's just random input first we go into the noise gate so so let me go into the space then we go into the noise gate again no no transfers from here I'm trippin hey it goes to the noise gate it's like a black gate morning okay so it's on Dave the ghost is gonna be working on how to catch himself to that they're saying it doesn't do anything but I'm hearing things we're playing with things beyond our power here boys I'm saying it somebody I'm protecting you all this is creepy but it was funny a little bit spooky yeah I actually had some like very just the the reverb that little scream everybody we bought that a nope nope scope night-vision digital camcorders Oh night vision lord of the dark without being seen but if your ghost you can be seen you know I'm saying well you have a hood if you want to learn didn't I open good not really this camera actually is pretty solid it's good for a paranormal investigation and speedy uploads the night vision surprised me with how well it actually works I think most people that think they're like taking pictures of ghosts or hearing ghosts are just like not even not even light or audio anomalies they're just don't understand how like electronics work with light and audio I think the same thing I like to think of half this stuff is as people misinterpreting how the world yeah at a car dude night vision no this is pretty tight camcorder we got a 1.5 inch preview screen built-in microphone watch videos on direct I talking about that guy's got a 1.5 inch screen yeah yeah just ever seen that's the thing in movies where they're like wearing night vision goggles and then like someone flashes light and I don't know I mean like so here's here's what happens though here's what my assumption of what happens right is that you have two little screens right here and they just go white hmm so it's just like shining some light in your eye but it's only like green it's no like green isn't it no you can have over it'll over expose and white what color is this bro green what I want to get brighter all right let's wait so you got a voice recorder or a video recorder that looks like it's not Cloverfield is it charged yeah it's on oh my gosh that is tiny I told that you're bragging about the same size that's all thank you finally it's only that's about that age and a half topic my finger thing is it there what do you see in this absolute real haven't you got to turn on that oh you are they are on they are on nice you're so blow now it's just Lily over X that's what I'm saying it's just overexposed that's what so someone along the lines is telling in movies was like oh well you know that'd be really great if they were just like ah it was painful but it's not it's just like it's just like shining a flashlight to flashlights in your eyes just do this yeah Tana looks evil holy cow oh my gosh it's wicked evil like nothing from a leprechaun yeah I see this again mister steal your lunch money you look like you just popped out of a cave in Ireland I say that's cool I'm gonna say Joe off to college professional remote what off to college at home lots of HP oh yeah off to college you need this for ghosts to cleanse the auras in your dorm that'll get rid of oh uh maybe it's just your friend getting high in the other room professional smoke spirit ghost removal freak with this house cleansing kit Wow a lot of staged in there no it's a lot of vinegar is that not sage what's that other stuff mostly crystals crystals then yeah they remove the auras looks like a Heisenberg got to that stuff did people believe in crystals I - because they are real I could brew they all really I've had a crystal I've hold crystals before I've hold crystal - by people of old Christmas $5 night pieces for you in your home never needs to be cleansed and protect your home after cleansing what is this just a legal way to sell the drug premium white sage from California sea salt from the Dead Sea why not from the live sea man I'm sorry dude everyone's talking about the Dead Sea but I'm not the lizard ghost live in the Dead Sea no that's where do you Davey Jones locker right all the Pirates dead ghosts dead ghosts why does David dead ghosts ghosts Ed's dead ghost alive I hate the small stage by the way it's actually pronounced saga so yeah anything comes in that kind of packaging is not official start of that put then put the crystals inside of your nostrils look at these these are like the sage selenite this is really cool-looking though all right don't pay attention to my cuticles pay attention to my ugly cool look at that that's weird so what is I supposed to do with this though hello night what's in here that is a pouch the spirit ah that's a little blood oh they're crippled Christmas oh you have to rub these on your forehead that's convincing though yeah I bet all you were like where where I don't see it I don't see the black there you go you can read this really quick if you're interested but I'm not gonna say it here you go you can read this real quick if you're interested but I could care less I'm gonna I'm gonna say it's a dump for what it is cuz it's just a crystal this job I do believe in like staging areas till I put good energy in the air so for that I'll say it's a dough thanks again to purple for sponsoring this video make sure you click that link down in the description below to find out more about Purple's amazing products for joining us check out one of these two videos this one over here is the video specifically for you and this one is I know that's a good one as well so click it and subscribe if you're new here because guess what what we'll be here yeah we will ever be here in this [Applause]
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 2,368,258
Rating: 4.7561316 out of 5
Keywords: ghost sightings, haunted, ghost adventures, investigation, on camera, ghost hunting, family friendly, Hi5 Studios, Hi 5 Studios, Hi5, Matthias, Mathias, unboxing, comedy, unbox, reacting to, top 10, review, team edge, haunted abandoned, ghost sighting, caught on tape, ghost, purple, purple mattress, purple bed, ghost videos, exploring, hidden, secret, trapped, funny, finding, found, caught on camera, ghost caught on camera, ghost hunt, ghosts, supernatural
Id: xIkaLFEqBfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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