10 Pokémon Inconsistencies EXPLAINED!! #2

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[Music] much like many other video games pokemon is full of wild inconsistencies that leave fans everywhere scratching their heads in absolute confusion we covered some of these a little while ago where i provided explanations for these mind-boggling inconsistencies and you guys really enjoyed it so today we're going to cover some more because there are certainly plenty more of these inconsistencies to be had within pokemon so with that said here are 10 more pokemon inconsistencies explained let's start with a fairly or should i say fairy recent one and a fairy significant one as well the floor just family introduced in generation 6 are pokemon that all center completely around flowers like actual literal flowers yet are pure fairy type pokemon and are not grass type at all many people have wondered why this is ever since these pokemon were first introduced so now i am here to explain to you all why this is once and for all the explanation is rather short and sweet for the first two stages of this family flabebe and floette as these two pokemon simply carry around flowers which aren't attached to them at all if you were to remove the flowers from the pokemon you would simply have a couple of very fairy like creatures so overall it's pretty straightforward when it comes to their evolution floorgis is where it gets somewhat tricky however as it appears much more like an actual plant-based creature even still though the pure fairy type still makes sense as floorgis is based on a nymph which is a very fairy-like creature that is closely associated with nature which explains why floregis would be tied to it as well but not actually the grass type itself additionally the flowers on its body while seeming more like an actual part of the pokemon's body this time around can still be seen as separate and not truly attached to the pokemon because floregis's hair is based on the french poof hairstyle which often uses objects like flowers to decorate the hair which seems to be the case with floorgis so while looking a little more like a part of its body these flowers can also be assumed to be detached just like flabebe and floette which helps to explain the pure fairy type a little better one classic inconsistency that fans like to poke fun at is the predicament involving pokemon that learn fly fly is obviously a move that for a long time took you wherever you wanted to go in any given region with the help of a pokemon that you taught it to the player is shown physically writing on the pokemon itself which is why it's rather puzzling that tiny pokemon like pidgey can learn fly it makes sense that they can learn the move but how in the world are they carrying their trainers from place to place well i think i have a pretty solid answer as i said these pokemon can learn the move fly but that isn't what gives them the ability to literally fly as birds any old pidgey or taylor or whoever can naturally fly outside a battle because that's just what they do so that brings up a question of what is the difference then between regular old flying and the fly hm they seem to be two separate things but what exactly makes them different well the key point of the fly hm is to give your pokemon the ability to carry people around and it's also really worth noting that hms are man-made as well so it seems like fly the move is actually more of an ability like air bending for lack of a better term it's a move that physically allows for the transportation of people regardless of the pokemon's size because they're not flying the regular way like they could anyway without the move they're instead flying in a special airbender-like way that in turn allows them to carry the extra weight the fact that many flying types can learn this move but only a very small handful of pokemon learn it naturally by level up illustrates this distinction even more in my opinion between regular old flying and the move fly and i think it really helps to solidify the idea that more is involved than just picking up their trainer and flapping their wings when you use the move another recent thing that has had fans scratching their heads for literally almost five years wait a minute how has it already been almost five years occurs in pokemon sun and moon in the game we get to see red and blue in alola as they have come to participate in the battle tree and they are significantly older which is really cool but another character that features here as well wally from ruby and sapphire is still his young kid self which yeah is weird especially because we know that the events of ruby and sapphire take place at the same time as the events of red and blue so he should be about the same age as both red and blue themselves so what gives well i think the explanation is both complicated and straightforward at the same time i think this wall-e is actually the wally from the original ruby and sapphire not the one from oraz which means that he's a faller we already have one character from those exact games that is a follower that being annabelle which proves that ultra wormholes have opened up in that version of hoenn which this wall-e could just as easily have fallen into the only issue here is that annabelle has aged as well so if this is true why hasn't wally well this is where it gets complicated because this means that wally must have not only fell through an ultra wormhole that took him to another dimension but took him to another place in time meaning for instance in annabelle's case she fell through a wormhole that took her to the mega timeline version of alola but in her own time while wally went there while also traveling forward in the future as well this is definitely some major speculation though i will admit as we've never had any evidence that time travel is possible while falling through an ultra wormhole but we do know that time travel is possible in the pokemon world thanks to celebi and traveling through not only space but also time is a pair of themes that are not unfamiliar to pokemon at all being the focus of the sinnoh games and as i said we know ultra wormholes have been in non-mega hoenn thanks to annabelle and fowlers also get complete amnesia after traveling through an ultra wormhole which would also explain wally not saying anything about this if it actually happened i know this is very theoretical but it's also one of the biggest pokemon mysteries of the last few years so it naturally would require a bigger explanation one notorious pokemon inconsistency that has been around for about as long as the series itself is an issue concerning the size of the pokemon themselves for instance charizard is a pokemon that appears as a giant fire-breathing dragon capable of carrying anyone on its back with ease without the need for any kind of fly hm either i might add but the pokedex only lists charizard as 5 feet 7 inches tall which is shorter than even most adult male humans in fact even pokemon like mega slowbro are taller than charizard who comes in at a whopping six feet seven inches tall so what's the deal why are pokemon heights all over the place like this well first it's important to note that many pokemon are measured by their length so phalanx for instance at 9 feet 10 inches tall does not actually double charizard in height almost because that is how long it is instead of how tall it is so that helps to sort out a bunch of stuff already however in all other cases it would make sense that the size listed for pokemon is simply their average size rather than their universal one obviously pokemon are not going to be absolutely identical to every other creature of the same species they're not a cookie cutter type of thing and just like living things in our own world they have their own unique size and identity so while there might be some five seven charizards out there there are probably some seven feet ones too if people size is anything to go by anyway and this would be the case for all pokemon it's also worth noting that male versus female is not taken into account for pokemon height and again if they're anything like people the females might be smaller on average than the males which would do even more to make charizard seem smaller than it actually is while larger males might make other pokemon like mega slowbro seem bigger than they actually are this is an idea that i feel like can be pretty well accepted as fact because this inconsistency ultimately comes down to us taking the limited information that the pokedex gives us a little too literally and not really considering all these other factors that would naturally be present something else that people have always poked fun at is the fact that pikachu has lost some weight over the years once a chubby little ball of yellow pikachu has slimmed down more and more over the years to the point where it's become genuinely noticeable and people have started to make jokes about it however while pikachu hasn't maintained the same exact appearance over the years it's not just because game freak wanted their mascot to look fit there's actually an official reason behind the change according to ken sugimori pokemon's longtime art director pikachu was made gradually thinner in order to keep it in line with its appearance in the anime where it was originally made thinner in order to make animating the pokemon a bit easier since pikachu was moving around a lot in a lot of different and dynamic ways compared to what it does in the games so ultimately pikachu was trimmed down for the sake of consistency which is understandable especially with it being pokemon's mascot and all and it's interesting that we do actually have an official explanation for one of the more goofy discrepancies that we've seen over the years so if you've watched this video up until now odds are you like pokemon which is why you will probably enjoy the very kind sponsor of today's video professor silver professor silver is actually a fellow youtuber whose channel is all about the pokemon anime and more specifically he covers the complete history of all of the anime's most iconic pokemon discussing all of their major battles character development and more he uploads every week and his videos are all really well made as well so be sure to give his channel a look with the link in the description and tell him i sent you and tell him thank you for sponsoring the channel i would recommend the jessie's mimikyu video personally but like i said all of his videos are really well made and i'm sure you'll enjoy them next let's talk about one big elephant in the room in this category arceus arceus is the god of the pokemon world and as such many have commented on the irony that god is able to be captured and controlled by 10 year old kids we understand that the idea of the game is to catch them all but come on there's gotta be some limit to that right the fact that we can actually catch the pokemon world's god and add it to our team is a little overboard isn't it well maybe not as much as you might think first it does make sense that a pokeball could catch arceus technically speaking because pokeballs essentially convert pokemon into infinity energy upon catching them and arceus as a pokemon even if it is god would be subject to this as well however it is also very true that as god it could not be caught against its will which means that you're not actually entrapping arceus and forcing it to do your bidding but it is actually choosing to join you which is also more or less true for every pokemon it's also important to note that the only time in the series history where the player has actually had the capability of actually catching arceus themselves came in diamond pearl and platinum in the azure flute event which didn't even get distributed however in those games the fate of the entire universe was at stake thanks to cyrus so it would make sense that arceus would need to intervene here but why let you capture it you might be asking why not just take care of cyrus itself it is god after all it could definitely handle it well i'm glad you asked because as god arceus knows better than any other pokemon that pokemon and people are stronger together this is a proven fact in the pokemon world as you seldom see fully evolved pokemon in the wild and many require explicit care that can only be given by people in order to reach their full potential so arceus is not being caught by you it is choosing to join you as together you will both be making each other that much more powerful and therefore will be prepared to take on a significant threat like cyrus trying to wipe out the universe for instance i think this is a really cool and legitimate explanation personally especially because we've only been able to catch arceus the one time with pokemon legends arceus on the way though we will have to see how that game shakes out and if this idea can hold up after its release going from the elephant in the room to something that has an elephant-like trunk because that's a segway if i've ever heard one we now turn our attention to drowsy drowsy is a pokemon that is known for eating dreams in fact it literally states in the pokedex that it has this ability and yet it cannot learn the move that is literally known as dream eater by level up and is only able to learn it by tm instead something that also applies to its evolution hypno as well so what in the heck is the deal here this has to be some kind of oversight doesn't it well from a development perspective yes that very possibly could be the case but in terms of the pokemon world itself we can actually explain it in a rather simple way and the explanation is actually the same as it was for the arceus point that being that drowsy cannot learn dream eater on its own because it needs a trainer in order to reach its highest potential which is why it learns this move through tm instead i honestly wish they would explore this concept of people and pokemon and their bond a little more in depth than they have to this point with more features similar to that of mega evolution it's a really big point of the series itself but its importance in the world and how it affects things like in this example often go overlooked another inconsistency that we have an official explanation for from an actual developer concerns lugia and why the heck it is not water type despite literally being called the guardian of the sea you may have heard this one before because the explanation has been around for a while but it starts with the fact that lugia and therefore its status as the guardian of the sea was created specifically for the anime with no real intention to put it in the games originally when lugia was eventually included in the games though it obviously had to be integrated into the functionality of the games themselves which is very different from the anime one of these aspects obviously involves giving it an official type and according to shigeki morimoto flying was given to lugia because it has wings but psychic became its other type instead of water because during the time of generation 2 psychic was seen as a very powerful type and thanks to pokemon like mewtwo and mew was even seen as sort of a legendary type so psychic was opted for instead of water to help lugia align more closely with its legendary status similar to the flying pokemon conundrum another weird quirk that fans like to poke fun at is the concept of pokemon breeding i'm sure you've all heard a joke or two about skitty and well lord being able to breed but it is time to explain this weird scenario once and for all and finally put the jokes to bed well okay maybe the jokes can stay because they are pretty funny but as it concerns how weird breeding stuff like this actually happens i think the root of the answer lies in what two mating pokemon actually produce which is an egg the fact that it's an egg that is produced specifically though has to do with arceus which i explain in this really old video right here but it is also one of my best theories ever so feel free to check it out if you want to learn more anyway this can even explain why the daycare people are always talking about how they aren't sure how your pokemon had an egg and where it came from which is also been the subject of a lot of jokes but if they are created by pokemon essentially swapping and combining their infinity energy that would be a rather mystical thing that would be easy even for a daycare person to not understand now as far as how the pokemon blend their infinity energy together to create their baby that's a whole other explanation altogether that i will let you all speculate on but i think this idea does a pretty good job of explaining a lot of those skitty whale lord type quirks within the concept of pokemon breeding finally our final topic of the video concerns type effectiveness while not really an inconsistency per se some of the type match-ups in pokemon can be pretty puzzling as to why they operate the way they do this could honestly be a whole video on its own so i'm not going to explain every single type match up but i am going to cover some of what i believe are the most confusing ones and if you have another explanation or want to touch on a matchup i don't mention feel free to leave it in the comments below anyway one of the more universally confusing type matchups is probably bug being strong against dark it doesn't really make inherent sense like water being strung against fire so it requires some thinking to figure it out the dark type is known as the evil type in japan which is going to be really important to note here because that means it's not really going to have anything to do with actual darkness like you may think anyway with how it is known as the evil type in japan i personally think this matchup has a lot to do with japan's relationship with bugs while it's common in the west to see bugs as gross and creepy japan apparently adore bugs and hold them very highly within their culture heck the creator of pokemon himself satoshi tajiri loved bugs and originally wanted to be an entomologist before he got involved with video games and his bug collecting inspired the pokemon concept itself so it's almost as if bug being strong against dark is like the bugs fighting back against their negative stereotype that they have and showing what they have to offer that is just an idea but i really feel like that's the gist of it which is actually really cool another matchup that strikes me as odd initially is psychic being strong against poison that to me just seems off at first glance but it actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it the poison type revolves around just that poison and poison comes in the form of toxins and germs and things that make us sick well the psychic type revolves around the mind so i believe the match up here is symbolic of knowledge being used in the form of science to attack various diseases and sicknesses by developing cures that doesn't really translate directly into pokemon which is why this matchup might seem kind of abstract but it's as good of an explanation as any in my opinion lastly the other matchup i wanted to talk about that seems the most confusing to me personally is ground being strong against poison that seems even more off than last one and to tell you the truth i'm not even quite sure about the explanation i have so if you all have any ideas again leave a comment below anyway as we have stated the poison type is all about toxins and sickness and whatnot and their power comes from being able to negatively affect that which is living the earth itself in terms of the dirt is not living so poison doesn't really have any inherent power over the ground which would explain it being weak to ground and conversely and probably more importantly why ground is strong against it that is more of a loose explanation though if i'm being completely honest so be sure to leave your thoughts on this topic and any other matchups i didn't mention in the comments below so there you have it if you guys enjoyed be sure to like and subscribe for more and i hope you enjoyed the video with that said i will see you all soon with another one and until then as always i love you all and i will smell you guys [Music] later [Music] you
Channel: HoopsandHipHop
Views: 102,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon inconsistencies, pokemon inconsistencies explained, pokemon facts, pokemon trivia, pokemon theory, pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, pokemon legends arceus, new pokemon snap, pokemon size inconsistencies, pokemon type matchups explained, nintendo, Nintendo Switch, hoopsandhiphop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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